Mixer      10/05/2023

Self-planting of decorative peppers at home. Rules for caring for a houseplant. Decorative indoor pepper in a pot Do I need to pinch the Aladdin pepper bush?

Fill the pot like this: 2 cm of drainage at the bottom, then a mixture of soil. Of course, I will write that you can make the right soil yourself from peat, sand and humus (or turf soil) in a 1:1:1 ratio, but why? Special land for growing peppers is for sale. Take it, bake it in the oven or place it in the microwave for half a minute. Add vermiculite, about ¼ of the total volume. Fill the pot with this soil. By the way, before filling the soil, place the peel of one banana on the drainage layer. This trick will help feed the plant with potassium for a long time.

Then pour the soil thoroughly with hot water and when it drains, plant the seeds or replant the plant; When planting seeds, do not forget to compact the bottom of the hole.

During the growth of decorative pepper, take care of it: maintain t° = +19-22°C; water when the soil dries 1.5-2 cm deep; feed once every two weeks. At first, before the flowers appear, nitrogen fertilizers are used; during flowering and fruit appearance, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used. Choose fertilizers based on vermicompost. With proper care, the harvest can be harvested every 2.5-3 months.

Decorative hot pepper is a light-loving plant, but like most crops it does not tolerate direct sunlight. A good place for it is on the windowsill of a window facing southwest. If this is not the case, install reflectors made of a mirror or foil, or a special lamp for illumination.

Pepper varieties for growing at home are less demanding on lighting, but at first, while the plant is young, it requires 12 to 14 hours of light, so take care of additional lighting in the autumn-winter period.

If the pepper has finished bearing fruit and dropped its leaves, do not rush to throw it away entirely. Cut the plant to about half its height, remove the pot from the windowsill to a place where t° = +16°C, do not feed, only occasionally spray the soil so that it does not dry out completely. After a while you will see how the decorative pepper will resurrect.

  • And hot ornamental peppers grown on the windowsill require

    • additional shaking - this is necessary for high-quality pollination of flowers;

      pinching over the 5th leaf - this will give more branching, which means more flowering and fruit.

  • Pepper flowers may fall off if the growing conditions are not met:

    • if the temperature is high, above +28°C;

      if the soil is dry, even for a short time;

      if it is very dry in the room (spray the plant with a spray bottle with a mist-like (that is, with very small holes) spray or install a humidifier);

      if there is not enough potassium (feed with ash, 2 tablespoons per liter of water, or liquid potassium humate).

    And one last thing. Give the plant a warm shower by covering the ground with a piece of film that can be tied around the trunk, like a bib. By washing the leaves with water and a weak soap solution, you will thereby protect the entire crop from pests and diseases.

    Pepper on the windowsill will look great not only in the kitchen, but also in the interior of any room. If you have small children, be sure to warn them about the dangers of eating the beautiful fruits. And with the onset of the summer season, decorative hot peppers will decorate any flower garden or flower bed in the garden.

    Author of the article: Love

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    Ornamental pepper is a plant that grows successfully not only in open ground, but also at home. Indoor culture bears fruit and can change the color of the fruit.

    It is a pleasure to watch the development and growth of ornamental peppers.

    Characteristics and description of indoor pepper

    Ornamental pepper is a perennial plant. Growing it from seeds is quite simple. It is important to choose the right planting material and soil. And if you provide the plant with proper care, it will become a decoration for any windowsill. All the beauty of indoor peppers can be seen in the photo. The seeds of the plant can not only be purchased in the store, but also dried, which are left over from previous fruits.

    Planting and caring for the plant

    To get fruits in early autumn, planting should be done in February or March. How the plant will grow and develop depends on the variety. In total, the culture has more than a dozen varieties. All varieties are thermophilic and love air temperatures from 18 to 5 degrees. Caring for indoor peppers at home also includes selecting the correct soil composition. It is preferable to grow the crop in chernozem, sandy loam and medium loamy fertile soils.

    Watering the plant is carried out per 1 m2 of soil. You will need 10-12 liters of water. Before flowering, the plant needs to be watered once a week. During flowering, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, increasing the dose of water to 12-14 liters. The water temperature should be at least 25 degrees. Stop watering 14 days before harvest.

    Stimulating flowering and fruiting

    Shaking the pot with soil helps stimulate the number of ovaries on the pepper. Indoor hot peppers love sunlight - this enhances flowering. And the irrigation system allows the ornamental plant to actively bear fruit, which is confirmed by photos of flowering crops.

    Caring for miniature peppers in winter

    In winter, the plant especially needs sunlight, moderate watering and loosening of the soil. Therefore, it is extremely important to place the crop exactly where there will be a lot of light, a temperature comfortable for the plant and soil fertilized with minerals and components necessary for development.

    Growing peppers at home

    To get a high-quality harvest at home, you need to plant the seeds in soil with humus. The first shoots that appear after 15 days will need to be pinched. It is necessary to pinch decorative peppers when the eighth leaf appears on it. But this can also be done when there are already five or even nine leaves. The dive is carried out 30 days after landing. Watering should be plentiful, and the soil needs to be constantly loosened. Indoor hot peppers grown at home like to be watered with warm water.

    How to replant peppers in a pot

    In order to transplant the pepper into a pot, you need to wait until the third or fourth leaf appears. You should take a clay pot with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. It is imperative to place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

    Do peppers need fertilizing?

    Fertilizing indoor crops is necessary. It needs to start in mid-January. If the pepper is transplanted indoors from open ground, then in the fall it needs feeding, but in winter, in this case, feeding should be stopped.

    Is it necessary to pollinate peppers at home?

    Domestic varieties do not require special pollination. For better pollination, you need to shake the pot with soil.

    Pepper varieties for planting on the windowsill

    • confetti - peppercorns of yellow, red and purple colors;
    • lilac cone – purple peppercorns;
    • goldfinger - yellow and orange peppercorns;
    • bishop's crown - red exotic fruits;
    • Queen of Spades - miniature pointed peppers of yellow, red and purple color on one bush;
    • Indian summer - peppercorns are white when ripe, red when fully ripe;
    • Rowanberry – yellow and purple peppers.

    Edible red varieties

    Small indoor miracle

    The little miracle is a Dutch variety. In addition to the fact that the plant actively bears fruit, it is also compact, which allows it to fit beautifully into the home interior. This variety is excellent for use in cooking, for making tinctures that treat radiculitis, rheumatism and lower back pain.

    Medusa or gorgon pepper

    This crop is decorative and is also suitable for planting in open ground. The jellyfish variety is edible. The height of the plant is no more than 30 centimeters. The fruits have a long and curved shape. The color of the fruit is bright. The fruits can be used as food for canning or in the preparation of salads and soups.


    The height of the Ogonyok variety reaches 1 meter. The bush has a compact volume and actively bears fruit. The culture is unpretentious. Of all the varieties, Ogonyok shows the best results in terms of fruiting and durability.


    The variety can bear fruit for 7 years. The crop yield is up to 1 kg. It has a height of about 25 cm. As the fruit ripens, it changes color from green to purple and red. The fruits are suitable for eating. Aladdin bush pepper is a valuable variety, as evidenced by reviews from gardeners who receive a large harvest.


    Phoenix is ​​a mid-early variety with a spherical bush. The fruits change color from green to red. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent. Growing peppers is easy. You need to monitor watering, feeding, humidity and temperature.


    It is a low-growing crop. The culture has a special look. This is due to the fact that the fruits are large and they look quite original.

    Explosion Amber

    This variety is distinguished by its original bush. The leaves are purple in color, so they stand out on the windowsill. The ripe fruit is red. The fruit has a medium pungency.


    A not very common variety that has a bell shape. The color of the fruit is red. The yield is up to 1.5 kg per bush. The pulp has a sweet-sharp taste.


    The culture is compact. The fruit changes color several times as the fruit ripens. The taste of pepper is moderately hot.

    Decorative filius blue

    The variety has fruits ranging from purple to red. Filius fruits are curved. They last quite a long time. The plant does not like dry air. The fruits are used in cooking to give dishes an original taste.


    It has red oblong fruits located at the ends. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent.


    The variety has a spreading bush. The variety received its name because of its elegant growth. Fruits with a burning taste. The variety is suitable for growing in pots as well as in open ground.

    Multi-colored varieties of decorative peppers


    The fruits are brightly colored and diamond-shaped. The pepper is quite hot, and the heat is in the core.

    Queen of Spades

    This variety is considered mid-season. It has friendly flowering. The fruits are used as spicy seasonings for dishes.

    Inedible varieties of ornamental peppers


    The pepper is formed by a bush whose height reaches 35 centimeters. Decorative fruits remain on the bush for two months. The fruits are not edible.


    This is a variety with fruits that cannot be eaten. The fruit pods have a beautiful yellow color.

    Indian summer

    Peppers come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. This variety is considered unpretentious and shade-tolerant.


    The bushes of this crop are up to 60 centimeters high. The fruits are no more than 2 centimeters in diameter. The color of the peppers is fiery red. Great for meat dishes. This variety is great for growing in pots.

    Bush bonfire

    The bush of this pepper variety is decorative, unpretentious and compact. According to gardeners, the pepper produces a decent harvest. The taste of the vegetable is quite pungent.

    Black Pearl

    The leaves of this variety are purple. The fruits ripen black, but over time change color to red. The plant requires minimal care and can be planted in a sunny location.


    This pepper variety is mid-season. You can grow it at home, on open terraces, on the balcony. The plant is unpretentious, shade-tolerant.

    Shrubby the whole sky is in the stars

    This pepper variety is very beautiful. The plant spreads its bushes and is lush. The fruits can have different colors. This variety can be used in cooking.


    Dragon pepper is a bush pepper. It is ideal for growing in a pot. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped. This variety can be used as a seasoning for dishes. Gardeners give good reviews. The plant is unpretentious and tolerates heat well.

    Decorative (hot) pepper on the windowsill

    Let's talk about how to grow hot ornamental peppers at home, and also about how to properly care for peppers, so that it pleases not only your eyes, but also your stomach, because decorative peppers can also be used as a seasoning when preparing various dishes.

    Decorative pepper the plant is not new, but does not lose its popularity from year to year. Every housewife loves her kitchen and indoor flowers, very often she wants to combine it all and make everything look beautiful and harmonious. And decorating the kitchen with decorative pepper is exactly what you need; it simply fits perfectly into the kitchen interior, regardless of the design.

    Such a plant on a kitchen windowsill or table can serve not only as a decoration, but it can also be used as a seasoning. Having become familiar with the rules for growing ornamental peppers, you will get a very beautiful and useful plant, and this activity will not be difficult for you.

    Description of the species

    Decorative pepper, despite its name, is not a pepper at all. This plant belongs to the nightshade family, it belongs to the same group as tomatoes or potatoes.

    The fruits of decorative (hot) peppers come in various colors and shapes

    It grows in the form of a shrub or small tree. Decorative peppers reach a height of 20 to 60 cm. Their crown is very branched. The foliage is dark green with pointed ends. Pepper blooms with single flowers, but some varieties have inflorescences.

    The fruits of the plant come in various shapes, they are oblong with sharp ends, oval, round and even flattened. The highlight of decorative peppers is the fact that at the same time the plant can have flowers, unripe fruits and fully ripened peppercorns.

    Planting decorative peppers

    Ornamental peppers are planted mainly by planting seeds followed by growing seedlings. It is less commonly grown from cuttings. We'll look at both methods so you can choose the one you like best.

    Growing ornamental peppers from cuttings

    Growing peppers from cuttings The process is troublesome and therefore not particularly popular. In order to grow decorative peppers from cuttings, you need to cut off a side branch from an adult plant.

    Growing hot peppers from cuttings

    Next, take a container for germination, a regular plastic glass will do, fill it first with drainage, then with soil for seedlings, which can be purchased at a specialty store. Simply stick a cut twig into a filled glass, pour plenty of water, but not cold, the water should be at room temperature.

    Place it in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It takes quite a long time for a cutting to take root and often this does not happen at all, so it is necessary to germinate several cuttings at once. Pruning and germination of cuttings is carried out only in spring and summer.

    You can first put a sprig of pepper in a glass of water and wait until it produces a root, and then plant it in the soil. Planting is carried out as with normal replanting of pepper seedlings.

    Growing ornamental peppers from seeds

    For propagation by seeds, of course, you need seeds; they can be purchased at a specialized store or simply collected from already ripened peppers on your bush or the bush of your friends.

    If you remove seeds from ripe peppers, do so only with gloves, because peppers are hot and can cause skin burns or irritation. After removing the seeds, let them dry a little. If you have already prepared or purchased seeds, first put them on a soft natural cloth that absorbs water well, wrap the seed in a cloth and moisten it with water at room temperature, put it on a saucer and place it in a warm place. Let the seeds sit like this for a couple of days, make sure that the fabric is constantly damp; after a couple of days, sprouts will emerge from the seeds and they will be ready for planting.

    When sprouts have already appeared and the seeds can be planted, it is best to take peat cups for planting, because pepper is a plant that does not like transplanting and tolerates it painfully. In a glass, pour a little drainage on the bottom, then fill the glass with soil for seedlings, place the seed on top of the ground and sprinkle it with just a little soil, you need to pour a maximum of 5 mm of soil on top.

    Place the cups with seeds in a warm and bright place. Water the ground with water at room temperature, it is better to do this using a sprayer for spraying plants; if you just water the ground, you may accidentally push the seed deeper into the ground and it will be more difficult for it to sprout.

    Water the soil as it dries; there is no need to water it, otherwise the seed may rot. If you carry out germination in winter, it would be better to create a greenhouse for the pepper; this can be done simply by covering it with a plastic cup. You can germinate seedlings at any time of the year.

    Decorative hot pepper seeds

    When the seedlings have grown or the cuttings have already taken root. The time has come to plant in a pot, it is often recommended to plant immediately in a large pot, but this is a mistake, if the pot is large and the plant is small, the soil that is not occupied by roots will turn sour from unnecessary watering and various bacteria will begin to multiply in it, which can destroy the plant .

    The pot for planting must be filled with drainage; the soil must be well-drained; it is best to purchase special soil for growing peppers and tomatoes. It is best to start by planting it in a small pot; transplanting from a container for seedlings occurs by transferring it, namely, you need to take the plant so that the trunk is between your fingers and turn it upside down so that all the contents neatly fall out of the pot along with the soil and the roots are not damaged .

    Before the pepper finishes growing, it will have to be replanted more than once; replanting should always be done by transshipment. Replanting should be done only when there is already a need for it for the plant that needs to be replanted, you will understand by looking at the bottom of the pot, if the roots are already coming out through the holes, this means that the pepper is already cramped and needs to be replanted.

    Growing and caring for ornamental peppers

    Place for growing decorative peppers

    Place where your decorative pepper will stand You should choose a light one, but in no case should it stand in direct sunlight.

    Decorative (hot) pepper fits perfectly into the interior

    If you place it in a place that receives constant direct sunlight, its leaves may begin to dry out, and the pepper may begin to drop leaves and even fruit.

    Constant shade is just as harmful to pepper as sun rays; in the shade it can wither and never bloom, and even if it does bloom, the color will be completely empty. Choose a place for him where there will be just light. This plant feels great if you simply place it on a kitchen shelf or refrigerator; even on top of a cabinet it will be quite comfortable, it will grow well there and bear fruit.

    Watering decorative peppers

    Decorative peppers need to be watered regularly and sparingly.. Do not overwater it under any circumstances, otherwise you can cause root rot and the plant will certainly die. It also does not like drying out; if it dries out, its leaves will begin to wither and flowers and fruits will fall off. Water the decorative peppers as they dry. It needs spraying just as much as watering; it needs moisture not only for the roots. Leaves, flowers and fruits also need to be moistened; they must be sprayed at least once every 2-3 days.

    Pollination of ornamental pepper

    Ornamental peppers do not require artificial pollination., but if you want to help your plant produce more fruits, you can simply shake the bush occasionally; you can pollinate the flowers using a very ordinary small brush.

    Fertilizer for decorative peppers

    It is necessary to fertilize decorative peppers starting from March and until the end of September, once a month. It must be fertilized with special fertilizers intended for nightshades. You can purchase such fertilizers at any specialized store.

    Trimming decorative peppers

    Decorative pruning pepper carried out at the end of summer or in autumn, it is carried out exclusively when formation is necessary; it does not need constant pruning; it should be pruned only if you want to form a beautiful shrub. Only side branches that you consider too long are pruned; the main trunk is never pruned, as this can destroy the plant.

    Flowering, growth and fruiting of ornamental peppers

    Decorative peppers begin to bloom a month after planting., but these flowers are usually empty and do not bear fruit.

    The first fruiting flowers usually appear in summer or early autumn. Before this, the pepper may simply shed an empty color, there is nothing wrong with that.

    There is no need to stimulate the growth of the plant; it will grow as needed without any stimulation. There is also no need to pinch ornamental peppers to grow; they will grow on their own and to the required size, depending on their variety.

    Decorative peppers will begin to bear fruit within the first 6 months after planting. It bears fruit almost constantly. As soon as the fruits fall or break off, the color for fruit ovary very quickly appears in this place.

    Caring for decorative peppers in winter

    Caring for decorative peppers in winter it is necessary depending on its variety. If you have an annual plant, then in winter you will need to collect the fruits and germinate a new plant. If you have a perennial variety, then caring for it in winter will not change at all; it will need to be constantly watered and sprayed, just like in summer.

    Collection of ornamental pepper fruits

    If you plan to use ornamental peppers in the kitchen, you will need to harvest them regularly. Peppercorns must be picked at a time when they are not yet fully ripe; at this time they are the most delicious and aromatic.

    The pepper that you will eat should not reach its final color, it should be slightly greenish.

    If you want to collect the fruits in order to extract the seeds for planting a new plant, you need to wait until the peppercorns are completely ripe, or better yet, until they become overripe and become a little limp; after picking, let the fruit sit for a little longer until it begins to dry out. As soon as you see that the peppercorn has dried out and has already shriveled, tear the pulp and remove the seeds, do not forget that this must be done exclusively with gloves. Seeds must be stored in a dry and dark place.

    Problems and diseases of ornamental pepper

    If you do not create the growing conditions correctly, you may encounter some problems and diseases. Let's look at knowing the enemy by sight, so to speak.

    Root rot– it can occur if you water your pepper too hard. If there is too much moisture in the soil, the root system will begin to rot, and the plant, despite the large amount of moisture, will wither and then die completely.

    Aphids and spider mites– you will encounter them if your ornamental pepper is in a too hot place, which is very rarely and poorly ventilated and has dry air. During hot periods, it is recommended to place the pepper lower if it is on top and to ventilate the room more often.

    If the bottom layer of foliage has acquired a purple tint– your pepper lacks phosphorus and needs phosphorus fertilizer.

    The plant became lighter and brittle- this means that it lacks nitrogen in the soil and needs to be added.

    If the leaves suddenly start to fall– if you are faced with such a problem, then most likely your pepper simply does not have enough light. Change the location of the plant to a more illuminated one and the problem will solve itself.

    If you have small children in your home, keep your pepper as high as possible, because kids are very curious and will certainly want to try the bright and beautiful fruit. But the spicy taste is not the most dangerous thing; if it comes into contact with the skin, pepper juice can cause skin burns and irritation. The same thing can happen if juice gets into the eyes if the baby rubs his eyes after crushing the pepper in his hands.

    If you want to take decorative peppers outside in the summer, then follow all the same rules there as in the house. After you move the plant into the house at the end of summer, the pepper begins to hurt, this is how adaptation takes place, place an additional light source next to it, this will make it easier for the plant to adapt to the conditions of the room.

    Growing ornamental peppers is not a troublesome task, because the pepper itself is not particularly demanding, which makes it just an ideal plant for the kitchen. Grow such a beautiful plant at home and enjoy its aesthetic side and spicy taste all year round.

    Great( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

    Among perennial crops grown on windowsills, decorative peppers are especially popular. With proper care at home, continuous fruiting is observed for 3-5 years. To ensure that the hot spice is always at hand, you need to become more familiar with the cultivation features.

    Popular types

    It is effective to grow peppers at home in compact sizes, up to 50 cm in height. There are varieties of indoor plants, also called Capsicum, whose height does not exceed 20 cm - these are dwarf varieties with numerous bright fruits and a fairly long wave-like ripening. Peppers growing on small green bushes are not only a spectacular decoration for any windowsill, but also an excellent piquant seasoning. There are many types of ornamental peppers, differing in fruit shape, size, leaf mass, duration of the fruiting period, and color from green to purple.


    In most cases, plants dry out after harvesting, which explains their name. But there are exceptions - these are certain varieties that, at home, are capable of bearing fruit for several years in a row. Annuals are distinguished by their short stature, compactness, their height is 30-55 cm. Depending on the varietal characteristics, the fruits can have different shapes and colors.

    Most often, California miracle, Atlant, Orange miracle, Kakadu, Habanero, Bogatyr, Anastasia are grown on windowsills. Phoenix, Redskin, Cherry Bomb, Tepin, and Siberian Prince have positive reviews.


    This type of perennial plant is grown on window sills, balconies, and loggias. Shrub pepper is a good solution in choosing an indoor crop; it stands out for its qualitative and quantitative fruiting (5-6 years), its height is within 15-45 cm.

    The crown of the plant is quite dense, the fruits are small in size, their number reaches up to 50 pieces. Among the famous small-fruited varieties are the Queen of Spades, Carmen, Ogonyok, Bride, and Salute. Bush pepper is also known as cayenne pepper.


    This variety of homemade pepper fully lives up to its name; its fruits are distinguished by a flattened shape, rather than the usual cone-shaped one, somewhat similar to squash. The Bishop's Crown pepper variety is attractive due to its unusual shape, but its productivity indicators are average, up to 20 fruits from one bush.

    Often found in indoor conditions are Lemon Lollipop and White Crystal, which have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side. They have high yields. They are sweet and not spicy in taste. Tall plants grow up to 80 cm and are best placed on the floor.


    This is a less common type of indoor pepper, its height does not exceed 50 cm. The compact bush is distinguished by its ovoid foliage, their color is light green, the surface is slightly wrinkled. The flowers attract attention with their white color, there is a greenish tint.

    Peppers may differ in shape; there are specimens in the form of a flashlight. Chinese pepper is valued for its pungency and heat. Its only drawback is its relatively slow growth. Santa Lucia, Devil's Yellow, and Devil's Tongue are popular.


    This variety is also called fluffy pepper; due to its tallness (3-4 m), it is most often planted in open areas. At home, some of its types are suitable, in particular, Rokoto. It grows only up to 1 m in height. The plant is covered with dense pubescence (shoots, flowers, leaves).

    The flowers can be single or paired and have an unusual purple color. Short peppers grow dark red, orange, brown or black. The fruits are quite spicy in taste.

    Is it possible to eat decorative peppers?

    Indoor decorative pepper not only decorates the room, it also brings benefits. This spicy vegetable, when used regularly, can:

    • improve the condition of the central nervous system;
    • normalize the hematopoietic function of the body;
    • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • enhance brain activity;
    • reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, renal failure;
    • provoke the release of happiness hormones;
    • effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms both on internal and external tissues of the body.

    But in order not to cause undesirable manifestations for the body, it should be consumed in moderate doses, otherwise you can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the digestive system, increase the load on the heart, and increase blood pressure.

    The best varieties for indoor growing

    Due to their high taste characteristics and yield indicators, the following varieties are especially popular:

    1. This indoor plant is a mid-early crop; harvesting occurs 115-120 days after planting. The bush is distinguished by medium growth vigor and branchiness. The size of the pods is quite large, their weight reaches 45 g. They grow in a rich red color and have a burning taste.
    2. Aladdin. The ornamental crop is characterized as medium-sized, its height is no more than 50 cm. The variety is in demand because of its ultra-earliness, it bears fruit abundantly and for a long time. Small peppers are distinguished by their cone-shaped shape, pronounced aroma and pungency. As they ripen, their color changes; when they reach technical ripeness, the skin becomes red.
    3. The compact plant reaches only 31 cm in height. The flowers are purple, self-pollinating. Black fruits turn red when they reach technical ripeness. Black pearl pepper does not require large containers; flower pots with a volume of 1.5-3 liters will suffice.
    4. This Dutch variety of hot pepper has won consumer recognition for its abundant fruiting. The productivity is high, even despite the low growth of the bush, height 20-30 cm.
    5. This indoor pepper is famous for its productivity and undemandingness to growing conditions. The early-ripening crop pleases with its hanging red fruits, their length is up to 5 cm. The height of the bush does not exceed 45 cm, there are not so many leaves. The fruits have a sharp taste and are actively used for preparing assorted dishes, marinades, and as a spice.
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    Necessary agrotechnical conditions

    When growing peppers in a pot, certain recommendations should be followed to maintain its decorative qualities and productivity. Only an integrated approach will allow you to obtain a strong and promising plant.

    Choosing a place in the apartment

    The best option for placing an ornamental plant would be a fairly sunny location. To increase the length of daylight, it is recommended to grow hot peppers on the windowsill of a south or east window. The leaves of the plant are acutely sensitive to direct sunlight, so in summer they need to be darkened.

    To develop immunity, a pot of hot pepper is taken out to the balcony at night to artificially cause contrasting temperatures. It is good for the plant to change its location every 2-3 years or replant it to stimulate growth and development. If this condition is not met, the ability to bear fruit will cease after 5 years.


    A prerequisite for obtaining a rich harvest is a sufficient amount of sunlight. To fully satisfy the needs of indoor hot pepper, you need to place the pot on a windowsill with a southern, western or southwestern orientation. Considering the light-loving nature of the crop in spring and autumn, it should receive up to 3-4 hours of sunlight. You should not exceed these time limits, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause burns on the leaf plates.

    When there is a shortage of sunlight, hot peppers are provided with an additional source of lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps.

    Temperature and humidity

    Heat-loving indoor pepper grows and develops effectively at room temperatures of up to 25 degrees - in spring and summer. As for winter, the temperature should be within 10-12 degrees. Air humidity is of particular importance for decorative piquant crops. In case of increased dryness, the plant will shed its leaves, and its fruits will have a wrinkled surface. In winter, regular leaf spraying will be useful for hot peppers on the windowsill.

    Preparatory work

    When growing hot peppers at home, it is important to choose the soil, container and seed preparation wisely.

    How to get planting material

    To grow hot peppers, it is better to choose seeds taken from dried fruits. Alternatively, they can be purchased at specialized retail outlets or in online stores, which offer planting material for ornamental and exotic crops. If you sow it in February-March, you can count on a harvest in September-October. To successfully grow on a windowsill, you should choose the right seed material and carry out its pre-sowing preparation.

    Pre-planting seed treatment

    The choice of seeds should be focused on self-pollinating varieties; if you use other varieties, pollination will have to be done manually, which is not always convenient and effective. To speed up the germination process, purchased or collected seeds need to be kept in a container of water for several days. But they are first treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, kept for 30 minutes. Wood ash is used as a natural growth stimulant; it is added to water for soaking seeds.

    Soil and container for planting

    The pots are filled either with ready-made seedling substrate, which is sold in specialized retail outlets, or with nutritious soil prepared independently from leaf soil (2 parts), peat (1 part), river sand (1 part), coconut fiber (1 part) and perlite ( 1 part). To avoid negative consequences for plantings in the form of the development of various kinds of diseases, the soil mixture is disinfected with fungicidal preparations such as Previkur. A 1% solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for these purposes.

    To plant seeds in the ground, you will need separate 200 ml containers. To transplant an adult bush, it is better to take pots with a volume of over 3 liters.

    Technology of sowing seedlings

    To achieve good results, you need to know how to properly plant hot pepper from seeds at home.

    When to sow

    When cultivating at home, it is very important to adhere to the timing of planting seed material. Sowing the piquant crop in containers or other containers is allowed throughout the year, as long as the temperature in the room is maintained in the range of 20-25 degrees. Varieties with early or very early ripening are sown from April to mid-May, and plants with medium or late ripening - from the last days of February to the first days of May.

    Depth and pattern of seed placement

    The prepared seed material is planted either in a common container (2-3 cm between seedlings) with further picking, or separately, using peat cups. When growing indoor pepper, you need to know that it does not tolerate transferring it into a deeper container; its growth processes can slow down significantly. It is more efficient to immediately sow in pots with a volume of 3 liters. The depth of seeding should not exceed 1.5-2 cm. Germinated specimens should be used extremely carefully, with the root pointing downwards.

    Seedling care

    To grow a healthy and strong plant, you need to properly care for it.

    First shoots

    In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they need to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, cover the containers with plastic wrap and place them in a warm and bright place. The recommended room temperature should be at least 24 degrees. When shoots appear, the covering material is removed. You can expect sprouts from fresh seeds in 10-14 days. If old copies are used, then this process will take 2-3 weeks. Growing seedlings will find a comfortable temperature within 18-20 degrees.

    Picking to a permanent place

    Sprouts can be replanted at the stage when they have two pairs of true leaves. Ornamental plants are transferred from small pots with a volume of 200-300 ml into large containers filled with fertile soil. It is important that after the manipulations the pepper is at the same level as it grew before.

    If you dig deep into the ground, then due to the lack of the ability to form additional roots, the spicy plant will die.

    Features of growing on a window

    Caring for decorative peppers involves timely application of nutrients, hydration, and bush formation.

    Watering and fertilizing regime

    In spring and summer, the soil is moistened as it dries. The water should be at room temperature and standing (1 day). In drought conditions, the plant sheds leaves and flowers, so watering is done regularly, but in moderate doses. In hot weather, leaf spraying 2-3 times a day is effective.

    The lack of nutrients in the soil can be determined by its external condition. If there is not enough phosphorus, the lower leaves turn purple. Nitrogen deficiency is detected by the light color of the leaf mass. Feed hot peppers once every 2 weeks. Nitrogen compounds are used for leaf treatments, and phosphorus-potassium compounds are used for bush treatments. Care at home must be of high quality, otherwise the fruits will be small and not sharp.

    Diseases and pests of indoor species

    The spicy perennial most often suffers from an attack by spider mites. This harmful insect appears on plants in conditions of high humidity in the air. Mealyworm attacks bushes if there is no disinfectant treatment of the soil before planting. If you overdo it with watering, then there is a high probability of developing dangerous diseases on the plantings - late blight, root rot. If lesions of different colors are detected on leaf plates, they should be treated with copper-containing preparations. A clear manifestation of root rot is the wilting of the bush. To save it, the soil is replaced with new one.

    Bush formation

    When cultivating pepper at home on the windowsill, you need to periodically prune it; thanks to this procedure, the productivity of the ornamental crop significantly increases, a beautiful crown is formed and growth processes are enhanced. At the first fruiting, each side shoot is pinched. Since hot peppers tolerate shortening quite painlessly, from time to time it will benefit from pruning half the length of each branch.

    Flowering period and subtleties of pollination

    It is more convenient to grow self-pollinating varieties indoors. If you want to increase the amount of harvest, you should lightly shake the plant at the flowering stage or go over all the flowers with a soft brush. To stimulate the appearance of new ovaries, carry out abundant watering.

    It happens that the buds of hot peppers fall off. The reason for dropping flowers may be non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. It is necessary to properly organize irrigation, feed the plant and control the air temperature in the room.


    The fruits of indoor hot peppers are collected as they ripen; here you need to focus on the varietal characteristics of each specific species. There are varieties (Jalapeño) that, when they reach their technical maturity, lose their pungency. Therefore, they are picked earlier, while still unripe. If you plan to collect seed material, the peppers must be fully ripe and red, orange or yellow in color. After being picked from the bush, these specimens should dry out for 2-3 days.

    Hot pepper, as a perennial plant, has its own characteristics. To achieve a high-quality harvest, correct agricultural practices must be followed.

    Housewives always try to rationally design their kitchen space. This also applies to indoor plants located in this room.

    It is advisable to choose one that is both beautiful and necessary.

    The best option for the kitchen is decorative pepper. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, especially when the fruits appear. These same fruits are used in cooking as a very hot seasoning.

    In addition, in winter it will serve as a pleasant reminder of the warm green summer.

    Botanical description

    The plant, which is commonly called “pepper,” does not belong to the pepper family. This culture belongs to the nightshade family and has the second name “capsicum”.

    The culture is widespread on all continents. Can grow in open ground and in a flower pot indoors.

    Decorative indoor pepper- a plant that can grow and bear fruit in an apartment for up to 4-5 years. Propagated by seeds and. Height - 20-55 cm. Branched crown. The leaves are sharp, long or elongated, oval, ovate. Color varies from light to dark green. It can bloom singly or in bunches; the flowers are often white.

    Did you know? Capsicum means "bag" in Latin. Apparently, peppers are named after the shape of the fruit.

    The fruits can have different colors: yellow, orange, red, purple. Moreover, different colors of fruits can occur even if they appeared on the same plant, depending on ripening. Also, peppers are different in shape (with a sharp or blunt end, spherical, oval) and size (small, medium, large - maximum 5 cm). It all depends on the variety.

    Flowering and fruiting are not separated in time. There can be flowers, unripe fruits, and ripe peppers on the bush at the same time. The bush bears fruit, as a rule, very abundantly.

    The alkaloid capsaicin gives the fruits bitterness, pungency and spiciness.

    Important! The stems and leaves of ornamental peppers are poisonous.

    Popular types

    There are many types of homemade decorative peppers. They differ in crown, leaves, color and shape of fruits, fruiting time, care features, etc.


    Annuals varieties are also called indoor paprika, vegetable pepper, sweet pepper (although some varieties are quite hot). They differ in that after shedding or picking the fruits, the plant may dry out. Not all yearlings face such a fate. In indoor conditions, some species can bear fruit for more than one year.
    The bushes are low, compact, 35-55 cm high. The fruits are varied in shape and color depending on the variety.

    Common varieties:

    • "Tepin";
    • "Redskin";
    • "Siberian Prince";
    • "Cherry Bomb";
    • "Golden Baby" and others.


    Shrubs varieties are very well suited for indoor conditions: window sill, loggia, balcony, etc. These are perennial plants. They grow successfully and bear fruit for 5-6 years.

    The variety is interesting in shape, but its yield is average. You can only collect about 20 peppercorns in an apartment. “Lemon Lollipop” and “White Crystal” are grown more often; they are traditionally productive.
    The taste of pepper is sweetish, there is very little heat in it.

    This is a fairly tall species. It grows up to 80 cm, so it is often placed in an apartment not on a windowsill, but on the floor on a loggia or balcony.


    Chinese variety is less common. This plant is up to 50 cm high, like other species. Its leaves are ovate, light green, slightly wrinkled. The flowers are white with a greenish tint.

    The fruits are varied in shape, sometimes even taking the shape of a lantern. Chinese pepper probably has the hottest and hottest fruits.

    The disadvantage is that this species has relatively slow growth.
    Common varieties:

    • "Santa Lucia";
    • "The Devil's Tongue"
    • "Devil's Yellow"


    Pepper pubescent(or fluffy) is grown more in open ground because it is very tall (up to 3-4 m). Only certain varieties are suitable for growing in an apartment, for example, “Rokoto” (it is not so tall).

    In this species, the entire bush is densely covered with pubescence. And not only stems and leaves, but even flowers.

    It has a pungent taste and is consumed raw.

    Best conditions for pepper

    Regarding the capriciousness and unpretentiousness of pepper and caring for it at home, the opinions of lovers of ornamental fruit plants are divided. Some believe that caring for the crop is not difficult, others note that the plant is capricious and difficult to care for.

    Important! During the flowering period, peppers need to be shaken periodically to increase yield.

    Let's take a closer look at the conditions of detention and features of care.

    Humidity and temperature

    House pepper is a heat-loving plant. It will grow well in spring and summer at temperatures around 25°C. In winter, the temperature should be lower: 15-18°C will be normal for him. In addition, it loves differences in night and day temperatures, so in summer it is better to keep it on a loggia or balcony.
    Air humidity is required to be moderate. Pepper loves to swim (more on that later).


    When caring for decorative peppers in a pot, it is imperative to monitor the lighting. For good development and fruiting, the plant should be placed on a southern, southwestern or western windowsill.

    The culture is very photophilous; in spring and autumn it needs up to 3-4 hours of open sunlight. Just not more than 4 hours, otherwise burns may appear on the fruits and leaves. In summer you need to shade it, because the sun is very active. If the lighting is not enough, then you need to use artificial lighting.

    If there is a lack of lighting, the bush is sparse and has few leaves; in addition, there will not be a good harvest.

    Growing substrate

    For cultivation, light neutral soil is used. You can buy it ready-made in a specialized store, or you can make the mixture yourself.

    For pepper, a mixture of turf soil, leaf humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 is suitable.

    Did you know? In botany, capsicum fruits are defined as berries.

    Planting seeds and cuttings

    Most often the plant is grown from seeds, but cuttings are also possible.

    Growing from seeds

    To grow peppers from seeds, you need to purchase seeds, prepare a container and soil, plant the seeds, wait for them to sprout and provide them with proper care.

    Peppers should be planted in February.

    There are two approaches to growing peppers from seeds. They differ in that one uses a seedless and non-transplanting method, while the second uses growing seedlings and subsequent transplanting.

    1st method:

    1. Indoor peppers are not grown as seedlings and are not transplanted from one pot to another as they grow. You immediately need to select a container in which the adult plant will grow. Its volume should be 4-6 liters.
    2. Before planting the seeds, fill the pot with soil, ensuring good drainage.
    3. Soak the seeds for 1 hour in water and place in a damp cloth for a day.
    4. Plant the seeds and cover them with 2-4 mm of soil. Moisten the soil well with a spray bottle and cover with film until germination.
    5. Be sure to place the pot in a warm place. After germination, with the appearance of four leaves, pinch to form a crown.

    2nd method:

    1. Prepare a small container, about 200 ml, for planting seeds.
    2. Make drainage and pour earthen mixture into the pot. After placing the prepared seeds, cover them with soil to a depth of 2-4 mm.
    3. To prepare the seeds, they must be soaked in water for 1 hour and left in damp gauze for one day.
    4. Moisten the soil well, cover with cling film and place in a warm place for germination.
    5. Pepper shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.
    6. With the appearance of two pairs of leaves, the pepper requires replanting, picking and pinching.
    7. The container for further cultivation should be about 4-6 liters, with good drainage.
    8. A sprout with a large earthen lump is planted into it by transshipment and watered abundantly.
    9. The top is pinched.

    More often they choose the second method, but, as practice has shown, the first is no worse.

    Whatever method of seed germination - 1st or 2nd - you choose, then caring for the pepper is the same.

    How to propagate a plant from cuttings

    Peppers can be propagated by cuttings in spring and summer. To do this, cut off the side shoots and place them in a container with a sand-earth mixture for rooting.

    Water generously at first, then as the soil dries.

    The container must have good drainage. This is necessary both for the cutting and for the rooted plant, because it will continue to grow here. There is no need to replant a rooted cutting.

    In order for the cutting to take root faster, it must be pinched.

    Cultivation care

    Caring for the “Ogonyok” pepper that grows on your windowsill is special.

    Before this, we did not mention the Ogonyok variety. But the fact is that ordinary housewives call any variety of indoor decorative pepper that way.

    How to water

    Peppers should be watered generously in spring and summer as the soil dries out. In addition, be sure to “bathe” the plant, spraying it 1-2 times a week, on hot days - every other day.

    Watering should be done with water at room temperature.

    Important! Plants placed on window sills with radiators under them need more frequent watering.