Water pipes      01/07/2021

Ecology slogans. Slogan why we need to protect the environment. School environmental teams. Slogans of Andrey Vezentsev

1st place - Rimma Vezentseva
2nd place - Maria Litvinova
3rd place - Yulia Birsan

Incentive awards were received by:
Nikolay Ryadinsky
Maria Rudavina
Elena Luneva
Alina Selyukova
Dmitry Melnikov
Andrey Vezentsev
Congratulations to the winners!

But the slogans... well, we made a selection of the best)

Slogans of Elena Simonova

Let's spend time not on vodka, but collect garbage for recycling!

It’s beautiful in words, but oaks, birches, and aspens are dying.

Nature cannot be saved in a day!

At least forget about the loaf, but don’t litter it and put it away!

Pure thoughts are the best helper!

Slogans of Zhanneta Alexandrovna Kholodova

Where it is clean, the soul rejoices!

Clean water saves, dirty water kills!

There will be no birth from dirty nature!

He is a fool who is happy with dirt!

A river begins with a blue stream, but a landfill begins with a piece of paper

If you can't help but litter, do it at home!

The hardest thing in the fight for cleanliness is not littering yourself.

You wash your car by a river or lake, and then drink this water when it comes into the taps!

If you “sow” your bag of garbage, you will reap the dump under your windows!

Too weak to carry the trash to the bin?

Don't have the accuracy to throw trash into the trash can?

If you want to relax in a clean place, clean up after yourself!

Worried about Russia? Start by cleaning up your street!

To combat litter, all you need is one thing: don’t litter.

Lyceum No. 10 Belgorod
student of 5th grade Nikolay Ryadinsky

City of happiness -
White City ,
There is always peace in him.
In the vastness of all Russia
Distinguished by its cleanliness!

Our dear Russia,
You are the best for us.
In her crown Belgorod
Shines like a diamond.

1. Order in thoughts opens up perspective...

2. It’s not important that it’s “white and fluffy”! The main thing is that you are honest!
The main thing is that it is clean!

3. He who thinks purely, acts honestly!

4. “Speaks transparently” does not mean “thinks clearly”!

5. A bad head is empty, but a smart head is clean!

Luneva Elena

A clean future is in a clean present!

Fomicheva Alexandra

We must, we must clean the city! In the mornings and evenings! And the unclean cities
shame and disgrace!

Deforestation -
a common occurrence.
Think about it
about the future of another generation!

Kruglova D.Yu.

It's easier to live in a clean world.

Garbage has its place - it's in the trash can.

Slogans of Olga Vasilievna Mironenko

Your duty as a citizen, you know,
Don't allow litter on the street!

Don't walk like a chicken
If there is trash on the street!

Remove trash from the streets
And heaven will come on Earth!

Purity tells us: “The path to salvation is open!”

We will throw waste into nature, income will come to zero!!!

"Cleanliness will save the world" -
This is our slogan
Cleanliness is our idol.

Joy to all and praise, If the water is clean!

You don't joke with nature,
Take care of clean water!

Clean your house
Your street, city,
You will immediately feel
How proud and young you are!

Selyukova Alina

The health of the soul is in its purity.

We take care of our health - we live in a clean city.

If we keep the city clean, we will prolong the lives of our children.

Clean house, clean street, clean city - they live here
clean people.

Slogans of Maria Litvinova:

Why plant a monument? Plant a tree!

Respectable people are good brooms

On clean asphalt - and a more pleasant face

Dangerous dirt. Don't join.

Clean up after yourself. Don't let the river dry up.

It's not nature's fault. The man himself came.

Clean air: and breathe even in Yiddish

The sky without smoke is your safety cushion

Leave the car: walk the horse

Not a fleeting vision, but a city of PURE beauty

1. A bunch of banal waste is the work of moral monsters.
2. Our clean water is happy for clean, bright people.
3. Rested nature is again ready for a clean birth...
4. Are you returning from the forest? Leave the garbage without weight.
5. Don’t harm your native nature, you’re not a redneck, you seem reasonable.
6. Cleanliness - goodbye germs...
7. You came, is everything clean? How - when you leave, leave everything the same...
8. Don’t wash dirty linen in public - take care of the environment.
9. Don’t litter,... litter
10. A clean and green meadow should only be seen by the plow.

Slogans of Andrey Vezentsev:

Take care of nature - recycle waste!

You can't catch a goldfish in poisoned water!

Green up your life!

In hell the chimneys smoke, but in heaven the trees bloom!

Love yourself as a part of nature.

You are part of this world. Best or worst?

Purify your thoughts - the Earth needs helpers.

Nature created you, but what have you done for it?

You have no privileges over nature.

Clear water reflects the best.

Give the Earth a chance!

Look at yourself through the eyes of nature.

Make a decision in favor of nature.

It is up to you to cleanse nature of garbage.

Slogans of Vezentseva Rimma:

Heal the Earth with love.

Plant a tree - breathe with the planet.

Do not spoil the music of nature with notes of destruction.

The ant does not love nature - he simply lives in it. Follow his example!

A clean forest is the conscience of a tourist.

The dirty soul of “Fary” cannot be washed away.

You can't fly from a garbage dump into space.

The whole world is in a drop of clean water. And in the sea of ​​waste are all human vices.

Clean sky, earth and water will always be the most valuable.

Make the planet cleaner - start with yourself.

DMITRY Melnikov:

The planet sighs and groans -
and you are personally responsible for this!
YOU burdened her with labor,
but she is our common home!
You extracted countless benefits from it,
But is she really not dear to you?!

And the air will become cleaner
People will die less often.
When will we start cleaning up after ourselves all the time?

How long will all our people be dumb?
Regarding environmental problems?!

Money rules our world! We use them to buy gold, apartments...
And who, tell me in response, is responsible for what our children breathe?

Additional education teacher
for visual arts H.B. Yakovleva:

1. The world is not perfect - make it better!

2. Take care of what takes care of you.

3. Leave the water tasting good
The air is easy to breathe,
And the grass is clean to the touch.

4. Think about the future - remember the present.

5. Does the EARTH need
Your footprint on the earth?

6. Play according to the laws of purity and you will not lose!

7. The cure for dirt is its amputation.

8. Make the planet happy
Water with healthy color!

9. Infinite life code -
Clean planet all year round.

10. Decide desert or flowers?
Only you stand behind the future!

Slogan of Yulia Birsan:
Belgorod is our home, let it be clean and comfortable!

The topic of ecology is very popular today. From television screens we are told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, from the pages of newspapers and magazines articles on similar topics flow like a river. Environmental groups are created in children's summer camps, and thematic events about ecology are held in schools and other educational institutions. It’s not so easy to come up with an environmental motto, chant, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

About the environment

An ecological motto about the environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of natural resources. Examples of such mottos could be the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love it and don’t destroy it in vain!
  • We take care of nature - we take care of our homeland.
  • Let everyone who loves nature be happy and cheerful!
  • We help nature, protect it, and protect our home from sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it too. Let your soul and heart sing from the magical beauty!
  • We must take care of the planet, because there is no other like it!
  • Whoever takes care of nature lives in harmony with himself!
  • We will go into fire and into water with those who protect nature!

Ecological slogans about the environment should call for specific actions:

  • Pick up trash after yourself and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep the environment clean the same way you keep the parquet floors clean in your own home.
  • A clean environment is the key to the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Don't let the gutter turn into an ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror often and watch your reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Environmental slogans, chants and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Reservoirs are subject to pollution only due to human actions, so environmental slogans and mottos about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without a root.
  • Water gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be “on the wave” in life, treat water with care.
  • Spending - no, saving - yes! Make sure no water drips from the tap!
  • Let both brother and sister protect water from childhood!
  • There is a nice saying: “In life, water is the main thing!” For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that people can be healthy!
  • It has no price, it is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us the strength of life, the radiance of our eyes and clarity of thought.
  • Water has no smell or color. But without it a person can neither live nor enjoy bright colors nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about air will help draw attention to the acute problem.

  • Everyone around us needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone monitor the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking around under a hood of smoke, breathing and smoking are incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that money cannot buy.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but very necessary for life.
  • It can fly on the ground and drive clouds across the sky, pacify the heat with its coolness and amuse the children. Let the breeze be clean, then it will only be for future use.
  • Let's allow the air to be clean and its sweet aroma to beckon us. May we all breathe beautifully and have a wonderful life in the world!

About the earth

Earth is one of the main natural resources of humanity. Environmental slogans about keeping the soil clean should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy and not contaminated bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Pick up a battery from the ground, and you will give both of them new life.
  • Remember! A man is what he eats. If you don’t want to be poisoned from the inside, take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a trash container speaks of much more patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because true love for the motherland begins with love for the native land.

About flora and fauna

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, but they often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth as we are. A motto on an environmental theme can attract attention and make everyone think about whether they are doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • The river is quiet and calm, not a fish in sight. They fish there excessively, these people are poachers. You take care of nature, save it from enemies
  • Doesn't it seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Don’t let the Red Book turn into an endless multi-volume book, where all the plants and animals on the planet are listed.
  • Anyone who believes that people who dress in faux fur do not have enough money for natural fur does not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over your waste paper and give the trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up your muscles!
  • Hooligan, drop the slingshot and don't shoot at the birds! Better take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, don’t touch the bird: neither the crow nor the tit. Be not an enemy to them, but a friend, let them live around!
  • If you cut down one tree, plant a dozen!
  • Take care of the animals, because we are not their enemies. Be bossy for them, but not at all dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a person will become lonely!

Instead of a conclusion

A person who has not learned to love nature throughout his life probably does not know how to love at all. Only nature itself can teach you to truly love. Let the following lines sound like an environmental motto:

Nature has no immunity.

They kill birds with a crossbow,

They ruin, destroy nests,

They pollute the air in the starry sky.

This list can go on for a long time.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, life will become much easier!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

And the main environmental motto for all times is: “Live in such a way that the next generations can say with pride for their ancestors their heartfelt thanks for the cleanliness of the environment!”

PAGE IN WORK _no data on schools No. 3, 7, 12, 18 - no name, 33, 42, 73.
1. Ecological squad "Young ecologists"(MBOU “Secondary school No. 1”). Motto: We are the ecologists of the planet, We are the defenders of the Earth, Let the trees always grow, Let the gardens always bloom."
2. Ecological squad "Children of Ecology"(MBOU “Secondary school No. 2”). Motto: We have chosen the road and are walking confidently. We are environmentalists, there are many of us and we will save the planet!”
3. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 3”
4. Municipal autonomous non-standard educational institution"Lyceum No. 4"
5. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 7”
6.Ecological squad "Ladybugs"(MBOU “Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 8”)
7. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Gymnasium No. 12”
8. Ecological squad: "Friends of Nature"(MBOU “Basic secondary school No. 15”). Motto: “In our careful hands the globe is beautiful! Nature created us all and everyone here is important!”
9. Ecological squad "..."(MBNOU “Gymnasium No. 18”). Motto: “We will protect our planet Everywhere, at every step, All together and each individual!”
10.Ecological squad "Friends of Nature"(“MBOU “Basic comprehensive school No. 19”) Motto: “Come on, friends, in any weather Let us take care of our native nature!”
11. Ecological team "Nature around us"(MBOU “Secondary school No. 20 named after V.M. Elsukov”). Motto: “Take care of your planet, because there is no other planet in the world!” Motto (city) Help us build a New City, a garden city. The Glorious City of Ecograd is not dangerous for nature."
12. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 33”
13.Ecological squad "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"(MBOU “Secondary School No. 37”. Motto: Petals fly around the world - Greetings to the environment. Let their bright light sparkle, Let’s make our city clean!”
14. Ecological team "Green Team"(MBOU “Secondary school No. 38 named after S.V. Kaygorodov”).
15. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 42”
16. Municipal budgetary educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 73”
17. Ecological team "Ecogroup"(“Comprehensive boarding school of basic general education with a sports profile”). Motto: “We protect nature, we save all living things. What the 21st century will be like for the planet depends on you, too.”

The topic of ecology is very popular today. From television screens we are told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, from the pages of newspapers and magazines articles on similar topics flow like a river. Environmental groups are created in children's summer camps, in schools and other educational institutions Thematic events about ecology are held. It’s not so easy to come up with an environmental motto, chant, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

About the environment

An ecological motto about the environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of natural resources. Examples of such mottos could be the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love it and don’t destroy it in vain!
  • We take care of nature - we take care of our homeland.
  • Let everyone who loves nature be happy and cheerful!
  • We help nature, protect it, and protect our home from sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it too. Let your soul and heart sing from the magical beauty!
  • We must take care of the planet, because there is no other like it!
  • Whoever takes care of nature lives in harmony with himself!
  • We will go into fire and into water with those who protect nature!

Ecological slogans about the environment should call for specific actions:

  • Pick up trash after yourself and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep the environment clean the same way you keep the parquet floors clean in your own home.
  • A clean environment is the key to the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Don't let the gutter turn into an ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror often and watch your reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Environmental slogans, chants and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Reservoirs are subject to pollution only due to human actions, so environmental slogans and mottos about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without a root.
  • Water gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be “on the wave” in life, treat water with care.
  • Spending - no, saving - yes! Make sure no water drips from the tap!
  • Let both brother and sister protect water from childhood!
  • There is a nice saying: “In life, water is the main thing!” For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that people can be healthy!
  • She has no price, she is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us the strength of life, the radiance of our eyes and clarity of thought.
  • Water has no smell or color. But without it, a person will not be able to live, nor enjoy the bright colors of nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about air will help draw attention to the acute problem.

  • Everyone around us needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone monitor the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking around under a hood of smoke, breathing and smoking are incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that money cannot buy.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but very necessary for life.
  • It can fly on the ground and drive clouds across the sky, pacify the heat with its coolness and amuse the children. Let the breeze be clean, then it will only be for future use.
  • Let's allow the air to be clean and its sweet aroma to beckon us. May we all breathe beautifully and have a wonderful life in the world!

About the earth

Earth is one of the main natural resources of humanity. Environmental slogans about keeping the soil clean should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy and not contaminated bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Pick up a battery from the ground, and you will give both of them new life.
  • Remember! A man is what he eats. If you don’t want to be poisoned from the inside, take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a trash container speaks of much more patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because real love to the homeland begins with love for the native land.

About flora and fauna

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, but they often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth as we are. A motto on an environmental theme can attract attention and make everyone think about whether they are doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • The river is quiet and calm, not a fish in sight. They fish there excessively, these people are poachers. You take care of nature, save it from enemies
  • Doesn't it seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Don’t let the Red Book turn into an endless multi-volume book, where all the plants and animals on the planet are listed.
  • Anyone who believes that people who dress in faux fur do not have enough money for natural fur does not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over your waste paper and give the trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up your muscles!
  • Hooligan, drop the slingshot and don't shoot at the birds! Better take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, don’t touch the bird: neither the crow nor the tit. Be not an enemy to them, but a friend, let them live around!
  • If you cut down one tree, plant a dozen!
  • Take care of the animals, because we are not their enemies. Be bossy for them, but not at all dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a person will become lonely!

Instead of a conclusion

A person who has not learned to love nature throughout his life probably does not know how to love at all. Only nature itself can teach you to truly love. Let the following lines sound like an environmental motto:

Nature has no immunity.

They kill birds with a crossbow,

They ruin, destroy nests,

They pollute the air in the starry sky.

This list can go on for a long time.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, life will become much easier!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

And the main environmental motto for all times is: “Live in such a way that the next generations can say with pride for their ancestors their heartfelt thanks for the cleanliness of the environment!”

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The topic of ecology is very popular today. From television screens we are told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, from the pages of newspapers and magazines articles on similar topics flow like a river. Environmental groups are created in children's summer camps, and thematic events about ecology are held in schools and other educational institutions. It’s not so easy to come up with an environmental motto, chant, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

About the environment

An ecological motto about the environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of natural resources. Examples of such mottos could be the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love it and don’t destroy it in vain!
  • We take care of nature - we take care of our homeland.
  • Let everyone who loves nature be happy and cheerful!
  • We help nature, protect it, and protect our home from sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it too. Let your soul and heart sing from the magical beauty!
  • We must take care of the planet, because there is no other like it!
  • Whoever takes care of nature lives in harmony with himself!
  • We will go into fire and into water with those who protect nature!

Ecological slogans about the environment should call for specific actions:

  • Pick up trash after yourself and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep the environment clean the same way you keep the parquet floors clean in your own home.
  • A clean environment is the key to the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Don't let the gutter turn into an ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror often and watch your reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Environmental slogans, chants and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Reservoirs are subject to pollution only due to human actions, so environmental slogans and mottos about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without a root.
  • Water gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be “on the wave” in life, treat water with care.
  • Spending - no, saving - yes! Make sure no water drips from the tap!
  • Let both brother and sister protect water from childhood!
  • There is a nice saying: “In life, water is the main thing!” For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that people can be healthy!
  • It has no price, it is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us the strength of life, the radiance of our eyes and clarity of thought.
  • Water has no smell or color. But without it, a person will not be able to live, nor enjoy the bright colors of nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about air will help draw attention to the acute problem.

  • Everyone around us needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone monitor the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking around under a hood of smoke, breathing and smoking are incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that money cannot buy.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but very necessary for life.
  • It can fly on the ground and drive clouds across the sky, pacify the heat with its coolness and amuse the children. Let the breeze be clean, then it will only be for future use.
  • Let's allow the air to be clean and its sweet aroma to beckon us. May we all breathe beautifully and have a wonderful life in the world!

About the earth

Earth is one of the main natural resources of humanity. Environmental slogans about keeping the soil clean should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy and not contaminated bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Pick up a battery from the ground, and you will give both of them new life.
  • Remember! A man is what he eats. If you don’t want to be poisoned from the inside, take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a trash container speaks of much more patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because true love for the motherland begins with love for the native land.

About flora and fauna

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, but they often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth as we are. A motto on an environmental theme can attract attention and make everyone think about whether they are doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • The river is quiet and calm, not a fish in sight. They fish there excessively, these people are poachers. You take care of nature, save it from enemies
  • Doesn't it seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Don’t let the Red Book turn into an endless multi-volume book, where all the plants and animals on the planet are listed.
  • Anyone who believes that people who dress in faux fur do not have enough money for natural fur does not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over your waste paper and give the trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up your muscles!
  • Hooligan, drop the slingshot and don't shoot at the birds! Better take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, don’t touch the bird: neither the crow nor the tit. Be not an enemy to them, but a friend, let them live around!
  • If you cut down one tree, plant a dozen!
  • Take care of the animals, because we are not their enemies. Be bossy for them, but not at all dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a person will become lonely!

Instead of a conclusion

A person who has not learned to love nature throughout his life probably does not know how to love at all. Only nature itself can teach you to truly love. Let the following lines sound like an environmental motto:

Nature has no immunity.

They kill birds with a crossbow,

They ruin, destroy nests,

They pollute the air in the starry sky.

This list can go on for a long time.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, life will become much easier!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

And the main environmental motto for all times is: “Live in such a way that the next generations can say with pride for their ancestors their heartfelt thanks for the cleanliness of the environment!”

The topic of ecology is very popular today. From television screens we are told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, from the pages of newspapers and magazines articles on similar topics flow like a river. Environmental groups are created in children's summer camps, and thematic events about ecology are held in schools and other educational institutions. It’s not so easy to come up with an environmental motto, chant, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

About the environment

An ecological motto about the environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of natural resources. Examples of such mottos could be the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love it and don’t destroy it in vain!
  • We take care of nature - we take care of our homeland.
  • Let everyone who loves nature be happy and cheerful!
  • We help nature, protect it, and protect our home from sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it too. Let your soul and heart sing from the magical beauty!
  • We must take care of the planet, because there is no other like it!
  • Whoever takes care of nature lives in harmony with himself!
  • We will go into fire and into water with those who protect nature!

Ecological slogans about the environment should call for specific actions:

  • Pick up trash after yourself and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep the environment clean the same way you keep the parquet floors clean in your own home.
  • A clean environment is the key to the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Don't let the gutter turn into an ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror often and watch your reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Environmental slogans, chants and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Reservoirs are subject to pollution only due to human actions, so environmental slogans and mottos about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without a root.
  • Water gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be “on the wave” in life, treat water with care.
  • Spending - no, saving - yes! Make sure no water drips from the tap!
  • Let both brother and sister protect water from childhood!
  • There is a nice saying: “In life, water is the main thing!” For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that people can be healthy!
  • It has no price, it is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us the strength of life, the radiance of our eyes and clarity of thought.
  • Water has no smell or color. But without it, a person will not be able to live, nor enjoy the bright colors of nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

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About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about air will help draw attention to the acute problem.

  • Everyone around us needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone monitor the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking around under a hood of smoke, breathing and smoking are incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that money cannot buy.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but very necessary for life.
  • It can fly on the ground and drive clouds across the sky, pacify the heat with its coolness and amuse the children. Let the breeze be clean, then it will only be for future use.
  • Let's allow the air to be clean and its sweet aroma to beckon us. May we all breathe beautifully and have a wonderful life in the world!

About the earth

Earth is one of the main natural resources of humanity. Environmental slogans about keeping the soil clean should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy and not contaminated bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Pick up a battery from the ground, and you will give both of them new life.
  • Remember! A person is what he eats. If you don’t want to be poisoned from the inside, take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a trash container speaks of much more patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because true love for the motherland begins with love for the native land.

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About flora and fauna

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, but they often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth as we are. A motto on an environmental theme can attract attention and make everyone think about whether they are doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • The river is quiet and calm, not a fish in sight. They fish there excessively, these people are poachers. You take care of nature, save it from enemies
  • Doesn't it seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Don’t let the Red Book turn into an endless multi-volume book, where all the plants and animals on the planet are listed.
  • Anyone who believes that people who dress in faux fur do not have enough money for natural fur does not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over your waste paper and give the trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up your muscles!
  • Hooligan, drop the slingshot and don't shoot at the birds! Better take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, don’t touch the bird: neither the crow nor the tit. Be not an enemy to them, but a friend, let them live around!
  • If you cut down one tree, plant a dozen!
  • Take care of the animals, because we are not their enemies. Be bossy for them, but not at all dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a person will become lonely!