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Mass effect andromeda walkthrough missing scout. Mass Effect: Andromeda walkthrough. Reunion with Nexus

Prologue: "Hyperion"

Begin Mass Effect: Andromeda walkthrough from watching a spectacular introductory video, after which, waking up after 600 years of sleep, we communicate with Dr. Lexi T "Perrot and an AI named SAM (instead of EDI from). After a collision with an unknown object, we inspect the room, talking with the people in it, if desired, we check how things are going with sister or brother, depending on who you started playing for. You can also use the information wall, after which, opening the door together with Cora, we go to the Hyperion bridge. In the next room, before going further, you need to find out the cause of the failure, we do this using a scanner turning it on by pressing the G button and scanning the power circuit by pressing RMB. After detecting a problem, switch the power relay on the marked console, and then go to the monorail collecting data blocks along the way. Arriving at the bridge, we talk with the captain and Raider Sr. As a result, finding ourselves in the locker room, we inspect the room collecting data blocks, we talk to people and look for our helmet lying nearby. After we find the helmet, we take the weapon and go to the hangar, where after a short conversation we go to the planet.

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On a surface

After a not very successful landing, we set off to look for the remaining members of the squad. Having discovered the wreckage of the ship and aliens next to them, we try to make contact or immediately start shooting, one way or another we will still have to open fire. After shooting a couple of aliens, we talk to another survivor named Fisher. Next, having examined the area, we collect supplies scattered nearby and then set off to look for other team members. We destroy all the enemies along the way, and also carry out tasks “at will”, such as “Find Greer”, “Inspect the crashed ship”, Find the source of the signal flares”, “Inspect the cave”. Also along the way we will come across unknown ruins that are so It’s worth inspecting, inside the ruins you will need to get into a locked room and turn on the generator there, after which we inspect the complex and enter into battle with an unknown robot. As a result, having completed all the tasks, we go in search of the second shuttle, and after we find it, we protect the team from attacking aliens. At the end of the battle, having collected ammunition and additional weapons. Having fought off another attack of aliens, we set off to look for the Pathfinder, and having met him, we follow Ryder Sr., attacking enemy positions. Having penetrated the complex, we take up defense by placing our partners at the indicated point and shoot the attacking aliens until the Pathfinder is engaged in decoding, at the end of the decoding process we help the senior Rider open the gate and watch the next video.

Reunion with Nexus

Using the monorail we will get on board the Nexus, there we are looking for employees by scanning the surroundings, you can also talk to the AI ​​Avina. As a result, having found the builder, we talk with him and with the approaching Tiren Kandros, after which we go to the Nexus command center. Upon arrival, we communicate with Director Tann at the Pioneer headquarters, after which you will need to talk separately with Tann, Cash, Kendros and Addison, generally only conversations and nothing more.

Sabotage at the station

At the request of technician Raj Patil, we are using a scanner to check the marked Nexus systems in search of intentional damage to the system. At two panels you will find wires leading to other relays. Having reached the other relays along the wires, we also scan them and then go along the monorail to another compartment to talk with the “saboteur” Zara Kellus. After the conversation, we find out that someone else is organizing the sabotage. To find out the identity of the saboteur, we go to the command center to check the records of the security systems. Only the third record will not be badly damaged; after it is restored, we scan the Nexus security staff in the control center and on the Hyperion. Having discovered a certain Dale Atkins, we expose him.

First killer

To investigate the murder, first of all we talk with the prison guards in the command center, and then with the accused. Next, you should talk to Kandros and, if you wish, listen to the recording again on the console nearby, after which we talk with a witness named Shaw. The last conversation at the station will be with Director Tann, after which we need to go to Eos and inspect the crime scene. Having arrived at the place and started scanning, we inspect the armor elements, eventually ending up in a nest of karkins. Having destroyed all the monsters, we will find another piece of armor by scanning it and studying it, thus gaining access to data that will prove Nilken’s innocence. We will also be able to listen to the audio recording, after which we will need to talk with Nielken.

From scratch

Having received for use our personal ship called the “Storm”, which is a little reminiscent of the “Normandy”, we set off to surf the expanses of the Andromeda galaxy. Our first task will be on the planet Eos, ultimately we need to clear the atmosphere of radiation, but first we will examine the main structure of “Object 1”. The door to the building will be closed, so we go to look for the access code to the locked buildings, it will be on one of the data blocks in the marked room. Having opened the locked door, we inspect the power control station and then go to another locked building, where we talk on the radio with Clancy Arkvist. Next, we go to start the generators by turning on the first one, scanning the marked power tower and then climbing to its top, where we turn on the generator again. As a result, having turned on both energy towers, we shoot the attacking kett, after which we return to Clancy, talk with whom we approach the console and restore the power.

After the power is restored, we can inspect the previously locked premises, we will also need to find transport, for this we scan the containers scattered around the territory. Having found the required container, we request the advanced station from orbit, after which we can open the container and get the all-terrain vehicle. Using our new vehicle, we set off to check a strange signal coming from an alien device. Having arrived at the place, we try to connect to the device, and after an unsuccessful attempt, we climb onto one of the columns to scan the glyph. Then, returning to the console, we activate the alien device, after which we get acquainted with Peebee and repel the attack of the collectors. Next, we will need to turn on two more alien monoliths, having first scanned two more glyphs on each (on the columns, having scanned them, you can see the wire leading to the glyph).

When you turn on alien devices, you will also have to fight off enemies, and on one of the monoliths, to turn it on, you will need to decipher the Relics code by arranging the glyphs so that there are no identical ones in each of the four cells (as in the screenshot). After turning on the monoliths, we go to the place where the rays converge, there we will meet Peebee again and, together with us, we go down into the dungeon. Having opened the door and jumping down, we begin to examine the Relic storage, finding another console and activating it, we follow the outline located in the walls and floor. As a result, having stumbled upon another “well with variable gravity,” we continue our descent into the depths of the complex. As a result, having stumbled upon a leaking circuit, we repair it by first scanning the leak, after which we continue to move along the circuit. To get through the caves, we raise parts of the floor using relic consoles. Having reached the indicated console, we activate it and then run in the indicated direction to get out of the storage facility. Next, we go to the indicated place to establish an outpost, there we kill all the kett and, after talking with Drak again, we invite him to our team, after which we fly to the Nexus to talk with Tann at the pioneer headquarters.

Secret project

Having discovered the “Fortitude” object in the desert, we inspect it and find a console in one of the rooms, after turning it on, our squad will be attacked by the kett. Having killed all the kett, as well as a monster named Demon, we are looking for the secret project of Object 2, having discovered the next console, turn it on, after which we will need to find two of the three parts. One of the parts will lie on the floor in the same room, the second in the desert near the broken shuttle. As a result, having found all the details, we return to Object 2 and scan the scientific project, completing the task and obtaining scientific data of the Milky Way.

Ray of hope

Continuing the passage of the main plot, we go to the Onaon system, where we will meet with the Kett ship. After a short conversation and subsequent successful escape through the “corruption,” we land on the planet Aya, where we meet aliens of the Angara race. After talking with the local governor named Paaran Shie, we follow her to the Angarsk resistance headquarters. At headquarters, after talking with Efra and Jaal, the latter can eventually be taken into your crew. Next, to continue the task “Ray of Hope” you will need to complete one of the two tasks assigned by the Angaras, namely to visit the planets Havarl and Voeld.

Having finished helping the scientists, we return to the “Storm” and talk with Efra De Tershaav, after which we go to the planet Voeld in the Nol system. Having arrived at the place quickly, before we freeze, we run in the indicated direction along the path illuminated by red lanterns (as in). Having met with the resistance commander, we go to the secret kett facility, where, with the help of SAM, we pass through the protective field. To break in, we find an access point, and having penetrated under the shield, we make our way into the complex through the ventilation, having previously shot the grate. Having destroyed the first detachment of enemies, we talk with the resistance fighters, after which, having decided to split up, we set off to Moshae. Having reached the room with the console, we use it to open the locked door, after which we pass along the corridors in the indicated direction.

As a result, having reached the room closed with a shield, we turn it off using the console, after which we scan the capsules and connect to another console standing in the center of the room. Moving further, we will come across a room where the hangars are turned into ketts, having killed all the enemies, we talk to Jaal and then begin to pursue the Cardinal. Having finally caught up with the enemy in order to defeat him, first of all we shoot at the drone establishing a protective field around the Cardinal. After the protective field is turned off, we try to inflict maximum damage on the enemy before he installs a new defense. Also, in a battle with the Cardinal, you should not get into the energy spheres that he shoots. Having defeated the enemy, we communicate with Moshae, in the conversation we will need to choose to destroy the kett complex or save the captured Angarians. After this, we get out onto the roof and fight off the kett while waiting for evacuation. Returning to Aya, we go with Moshae to the storage facility, after which we communicate with Efra and Moshae at the Resistance headquarters.

Help for Havarla scientists

After landing on the planet, we pass through a group of buildings called Daar Pelaav, there we will need to talk with Kiiran Dals, who will ask us to free the Angara scientists trapped in cryostasis. To complete this task, we go to the nearest monolith, killing all the robots along the way, and hack the relics console. To hack the console, you will need to scan two glyphs that you can find nearby on the monolith. The hack itself, like Eose, is carried out by arranging glyphs in a grid so that they do not repeat in rows, columns or selected forms. After you free the scientists, return with a report to Daar Pelaav to Kiiran Dals.

Cora Harper: Azari's Ark

Having received a letter from Cora Harper and talked with her, we go to Eos, where we will talk about the missing ark of Azari with Hydaria, located at the Prodromos outpost. Next, we go to the planet Voeld to track the Periphone signal there. Having arrived at the place and having driven an all-terrain vehicle to the indicated position, we begin the search for the ship, due to large quantity ice and deposits of some minerals, we will have several signals so we will have to drive through all the marked points. Having reached the desired place and cleared it of kett, we examine the wreckage of the ship in search of the Periphone transceiver, and after you find the device you will have to wait until Cora hacks the communicator.

Heart removal

After completing the “Meeting with the Family” task, we will receive this task, or rather the opportunity to infiltrate the kett base. Having gone to the indicated coordinates, we will find ourselves in a cave leading to the enemy base; by hacking the shield code through the console, we get inside, continuing to move through the cave and destroying enemies. Having climbed to the surface, we climb up the path to the buildings of the kett base. Having entered the premises of the base, we bypass the security system by turning off three Kett generators. After which you will need to destroy the kett security terminal, thus opening the way to the base core in the central tower. As a result, having hacked the next panel, we jump into the opened hatch and clear the next room from the kett. Continuing to move down the corridor we will find ourselves in the hangar, where we will need to destroy three landing platforms. Once on one of the platforms, we find out that the controls are blocked and to bypass the blocking you need to find and activate the terminal. SAM will find several additional terminals in the hangar, our task is to find the one we need while fighting off the Kett attacks. After you destroy all the terminals, all that remains is to eliminate the arriving Prefect and the remaining kett defenders, as well as get to the top of the tower in the Zenith observation room. As a result, having found ourselves in the right place, using the console, we neutralize the kett base and then create an outpost on Voeld in the marked place. And to complete the task “Removing the Heart” we return to Baksil.

Attack on the Kett base

To complete this small task, we scan the security matrix for vulnerabilities. After which we arrange sabotage and gain access to a safe storage facility from which we take out everything that is not nailed down (do not forget to inspect both the upper and lower rooms).

In the dark

After completing the task "Removing the Heart" force field The covering of the excavation site will be disabled and we can check the damaged signal. Having penetrated under the disconnected dome, we descend into the ice cave, where SAM will find a communication device nearby. Our task is to find a device that will be located on a corpse lying in a small dead end on the right side of the cave. After checking the data block, we return to senior intelligence officer Kaas.

Searching for the past

Having descended deeper into the ice cave, we destroy all the kett we meet along the way, after which we will need to free the captured hangars and talk with one of the liberated ones. Next, going to the partition, we scan it and then move away to a safe distance to blow up the wall. After the wall is destroyed, we go into the hall, where we will find a huge computer with ancient AI. After talking with the computer, you will need to decide to let this AI live or destroy it, thus saving one of the liberated hangars.

Missing scientists

We go to the specified coordinates and scan the found debris and bodies, you will also need to read the audio recording. Having finished at the crash site, we set off along the route planned by scientists and, having reached the indicated point, we will find the Architect of Relics. To defeat the Architect, wait until he falls to the ground, then, taking up defense in one of the buildings nearby, we shoot at the enemy’s legs and in his mouth (depending on what is indicated as the target). Also, in the battle with the Architect of Relics, you will periodically need to change your position, moving to other buildings and shooting small Relics. As a result, having damaged three limbs and shot the mouth of a giant robot (destroying the contours of the head and legs), we approach the defeated enemy and connect to him, after which we talk with Priya Blake.

Restoring the World

To complete this task, we will need to activate three monoliths located on this planet. Having traveled to the indicated place, we scan three glyphs, after which we approach the relic console and activate the monolith by placing the missing glyphs, which should not be repeated in rows of columns and selected forms, as shown in the screenshots. Next, we repeat the procedure on two more monoliths, having previously scanned three glyphs on each. After successfully activating the three monoliths, we go to the entrance to the vaults, where we go down the gravity well. Having gone downstairs, we turn on the emergency generator, to do this we activate the console and then remove the lock from the storage, moving from one thermal generator to another so as not to freeze. Having killed all the relics along the way and eventually reached the desired place, we activate the next console, after which we leave the purification zone and exit the storage facility, thus improving the living conditions on another planet.

To be continued...

Job type: Objectives in Elea: Voeld

Required conditions: Aya is open; completed the mission “Meeting with the Resistance”

Starting location: Voeld

How to get a: talk to Khaana about saving Mashal

Talk to Haana

Voeld: Resistance base

The saboteur's hangar was littered with rubble after the destruction of the kett weapons depot.

In the hangar of the Resistance base, you overhear a conversation in which Haana (1) desperately asks for help finding Mashal. Agree to help find her.

Explore the ruins

Leave the base (2) and use the forward station in the Hyara area (3) for fast movement. Get into the Nomad and drive southwest to the nav point (4) , which will lead you to a snowy slope. As you approach, you notice the ruins of an armory, with fires still burning in places.

Scan area

Ruins of a kett weapons depot

You can scan a lot of things in this area, including a destroyed platform (5) , which is most debris in the middle of the ruins and several kett portable heaters (6) . Scan everything and then get to the top of the ruins where the entrance is (7) .

Infiltrate a destroyed weapons depot

Inside the warehouse there are two doors connected by an underground conduit of wires, which you can see using the scanner. The door on the right is blocked. The far door is open.

Search for survivors

You can try to open a locked door; Then listen to the survivors inside. Go to the far room through the second open door.

Restore power supply

Use a scanner to trace where the wires go. The required console is located behind an ice partition, which you can destroy with a weapon. In this small room, hack the console to restore power to the warehouse. This allows you to open a locked door.

Free the survivors

Find the surviving Mashal. Next to her is a captive kett, whom she tortures in order to obtain information about her family. A decision must be made: leave her to torture, or save the kett from suffering by killing him. If you leave her, Haana will be upset that Mashal did not return with you, but the hangar standing nearby will send a rescue team after her, since thanks to you it became known that Mashal survived.

It is necessary to activate the Relic Storage to stop the glaciation of the planet.

Meeting with family

Talk to Niilzh, who rescued the hangar from the Ray of Hope quest.

On Nomad, go to daar Techix and transfer the data to Baksil. She will be in the second building to the right of the main entrance. Agree to help her in the future, and you will unlock the quest “Removing the Heart.”

Heart removal

Stage 1: Explore the kett base

The path to the base is a very winding mountain road. Go to the western peak (not far from the forward base) and take the mountain road and drive all the way through it on the Nomad until you reach the cave. Fight the kett throughout the cave until you reach the energy barrier.

Stage 2: Disable shield at kett base

Wait until they give you the code to remove the barrier and go inside. Take shelter near heating lamps, as the planet's atmosphere is still not friendly.

Stage 3: Disable kett generators

Once you cross the bridge, you will find yourself in the central complex of the base. You won't be able to go any further, as the entrance is protected by a field. Generators are located on different floors of the base, each of which requires time to shut down. So make sure there are no kett nearby.

After turning off the generators, destroy the security terminal. Move on.

Stage 4: Gain access to the database core

Follow the corridor, destroying enemies, until you reach the entrance to the caves. Go down to the core.

Stage 5: Clear the hangar

There are six terminals in the hangar; they all need to be destroyed. You need to activate any one to destroy all the hangars on the base. It is best to use the terminals on the right side.

After this, the Prefect - the main kett at the base - will come out to you. Destroy the kett's sphere first, and then deal with him yourself. Eliminate all kett to move on to the next stage.

Stage 6: Defuse the base

Go to the elevator and go up to Zenit. Interact with the terminal and talk to Baksil. The quest Searching for the Past begins.

Searching for the past

Stage 1: Get rid of the kett

The quest begins after Removing the Heart. Go through the ice caves to the kett base. You will reach a ledge where you can see all the kett. Your best bet is to take advantage and eliminate them all from above.

Stage 2: Rescue the captured hangar

After clearing, free the captured hangars. They will be in the cages below. Then follow the heat lamps and eliminate another group of kett and free more prisoners. Once the cave is clear, talk to the prisoners to learn the next step.

Stage 3: Blow up the partition

The road ahead is blocked by ice, it needs to be blown up. Use the scanner and then plant the bomb. Move to a safe distance.

Now go forward and the quest line will be completed after talking and making a decision.

Meeting with the Resistance

Talk to Jaal on the Tempest after he agrees to join you.

At Voeld's main base, talk to Anjik Do Xil, leader of the resistance. At the exit from the base, talk to the scouts. After this, the quest On the Front Line will begin.

If you have completed Help the scientists of Havarla, then the quest will be called Keep your eyes open. If you came to him using the quest Meeting with the Resistance, then On the Front Line.

Go to Hyara Station and talk to Skeoth. After this, the quest Rescue Scene will begin.

Rescue scene

After the quest On the Front Line, get into the Nomad and go to the northeast.

Your task: to clear the base of the kett and free all the hangar. The prisoners are released next by cutting off the power to the thermal chambers. The consoles are located close to the cameras. When you free everyone, talk to Niilzh to complete the quest line.

Resistance Trap

In the northern part of the map, near the large bridge, follow the smoke. There are kett and angara fighting there, join the battle and help the latter. After the fight, talk to Bennas.

After starting, fight the kett again and the quest is completed.

In the light

In Techix, talk to Rjoek, historian.

Stage 1: Travel to the ruins of Eroesk

The ruins are located in the east of the map, near the foot of the mountain. Inside the ruins, a resistance squad is fighting the kett, help first. There will be two waves, the second will attack from above, from the shuttles. After the fight, talk to Astra

Optional: Oppose Rjoek

Using Astra's information, you can use it against the historian. Just come to talk to him in Techix.

Stage 2: Give the map to Kaas

The scout is in Techix, near the hologram of the planet.

The quest is completed.

Development of Voeld

To complete the quest you must complete:

  • quest Removing the heart
  • quest Search for the past
  • Voeld's prospects 40%
  • Talk to Eska Yevef after completing the two mentioned quests

Then go to the area prepared for the outpost - a gorge in the southwest of the map.


The quest is taken from data blocks at the Resistance base

Go talk to Olisk, at the Techix exit. Find out about the problems and go to the terminal to make a request. After receiving the coordinates, go to the drop point in the north of the map. There, destroy the Roekaar squad, and then search the drop point.

The quest is completed.

Fact or Fiction

Talk with Ari Weszek on Techix.

Travel to the kett operations center on Voeld, which is located by the large frozen lake in the center of the map. There, clear everything of enemies and talk to SAM about further actions.

Scan the console and head to disable the subsystems. The kett are still there, so disable them between firefights.

After disconnecting, go to the southern part of the complex into the opened room. Hack the console.

Return to Veszhek and tell the information received, choosing to tell the truth or distort.

Missing scientists

After constructing the outpost, talk to Priya Blake there. We need to find a group of scientists, but first find out where their expedition was. In the laboratory to the north, scan the hand drill and read the data block.

Head east to the abandoned transport. Scan your surroundings. Select a data block.

You will receive the route along which the brigade moved. Follow the trail that will lead you to a frozen river, an abandoned kett outpost, and the Architect. Under these conditions, fighting the relic is even more difficult if you have not restored the Voeld eco-system. Don't forget to go to the outpost to restore your temperature.

After the battle, return to Piriyya and report on the fate of the group. The quest is completed.

The remains of the Architect can be studied from the Storm in Voeld orbit.

The Missing Scout

In the hangar of the Resistance base, talk to Khaana. Her friend Mashal was buried in debris when a kett warehouse exploded.

Mashal's location is located not far southeast of the base. The ruins are on fire. Scan the surroundings, then go to the entrance to the warehouse. The far door is open, the door to the right is locked, however, both of them are connected by a power supply system, which can be seen in the floor using a scanner. Follow the wires to the console and redirect the power. Go to the opened door and make a choice during the conversation.

Return to Khaana with the news.

The quest is completed.


Talk with Roshwar Lynn at the Resistance base. After it, go to Techix, where in the depths of the courtyard talk to Shoraad.

Now take the Nomad and head to the nav point to the east. Eliminate all the kett there, followed by a conversation.

The quest is completed.