Well      12/26/2023

Fried tortilla. How to make homemade tortillas. Tortilla with pork in a slow cooker

The Mexican flatbread or tortilla is an indispensable dish in Latin American menus, where it is used as an alternative to bread and the main component of many dishes: tacos, quesadillas, burritos, fajitas and enchiladas. Products are baked from wheat or corn flour, obtaining different, but always worthy results.

Mexican corn tortillas

Tortilla dough made from corn flour is always mixed with the addition of wheat, which gives it the missing plasticity and softness. Products in this design will acquire the desired taste, but will not fall apart when rolled out and baked. The specified amount of ingredients is enough for 6 cakes.


  • corn flour – 1 cup;
  • wheat flour – ½ cup;
  • water – ½ cup;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Mix two types of flour with salt.
  2. Pour in warm water and oil, knead the dough, and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Portions of dough are rolled out between two layers of film.
  4. Mexican corn tortilla is baked quickly: literally 1.5-2 minutes in a heated frying pan, and the product is ready.

Wheat tortilla

DIY Mexican tortilla can only be made from wheat flour. This recipe uses butter, which creates the effect of a sandy texture of the products. However, if desired, it can be replaced with a vegetable one - the result will be different, but no less worthy and tasty.


  • wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • butter – 50 g.


  1. Grind flour with salt and butter until crumbly.
  2. Add warm water and knead a soft dough.
  3. After half an hour, divide the lump into parts, roll each thinly, placing the portions between two pieces of film.
  4. Brown the products in a dry frying pan.

What to wrap in a Mexican tortilla?

Dishes with Mexican tortillas can be very diverse in composition, taste and nutritional value. Products made from corn or wheat flour are complemented with fillings of vegetables, meat, cheese, herbs, mushrooms and spices. When choosing a suitable recipe, you should rely on your preferences and the availability of products.

  1. Mexican flatbread is delicious on its own or when served with all sorts of sauces, goulash or butter.
  2. Using the product as a base, adding sauce, cheese, and other ingredients and putting it in the oven or microwave for a few minutes, you can get a delicious pizza.
  3. The flatbread is often supplemented with a non-liquid filling, optionally supplementing the components with sauce.

Pizza on Mexican flatbread

Tortilla pizza is prepared in minutes and can be served for dinner or for a quick snack. With pre-prepared tortillas and a few other ingredients on hand, creating a satisfying meal is easy. The composition of the delicacy proposed below can be varied at your discretion.


  • flatbread – 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce – 20 g;
  • onion – ½ pcs.;
  • mozzarella – 50 g;
  • ham – 50 g;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • Italian herbs and oil.


  1. Place the flatbread on a baking sheet and brush with sauce.
  2. Place slices of onion, mozzarella and ham on top, sprinkle with herbs and then cheese.
  3. Next, the Mexican tortilla with filling is placed in the oven for 5 minutes, preheated to 180 degrees.

Mexican flatbread with cheese

Considering all kinds of recipes with Mexican flatbread, the appetizer with cheese attracts special attention. Its simple, quick design, excellent balance of nutritional properties and calories, as well as the excellent taste characteristics of the resulting Mexican delicacy are captivating.


  • flatbreads – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • any greens – 1 handful;
  • oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • pepper.


  1. Place one flat cake on the frying pan and put it on the fire.
  2. Sprinkle the product with cheese, lay out the greens and sprinkle with cheese shavings again.
  3. Cover the composition with a second cake and press well with a spatula.
  4. After it is browned on one side, turn it over to the other, fry it, and when serving, pepper it and sprinkle it with oil.

Mexican flatbread with chicken

Tasty and filling, it is somewhat reminiscent of shawarma, but comes in a slightly different composition. To prepare the appetizer, fresh Mexican tortillas are first baked using corn or wheat flour, and then the filling components are prepared: chicken is fried and vegetables are chopped.


  • flatbreads – 4 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • beans – 200 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • chili ketchup – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley – 4 sprigs;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.


  1. Fry the chopped fillet, adding salt, pepper and seasoning to taste.
  2. At the end of frying, add garlic and heat for a minute.
  3. Separately, fry the peppers, add beans without juice, add rosy chicken and ketchup, and heat for 2 minutes.
  4. Place the filling and cheese in the center of the flatbread and roll it up into an envelope.
  5. The Mexican tortilla is served with the filling still hot.

Mexican flatbread with ham and cheese

The delicious Mexican tortilla, prepared with a filling of smoked ham and hard cheese, also has a considerable audience of loyal admirers. The win-win combination of components will not leave anyone indifferent, and capricious picky eaters can replace any of the components with the most preferable one.


  • flatbreads – 4 pcs.;
  • ham – 4 slices;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • Mexican canned peppers - to taste;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • cilantro or parsley - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil.


  1. Place ham and peppers on the flatbread around the perimeter, sprinkle with herbs and cheese.
  2. Fold the product in half, press it and place it on a heated frying pan.
  3. After the tortilla with ham and cheese is browned on both sides, serve it to the table.

Mexican tortillas with minced meat

Or tacos, decorated with the addition of all kinds of vegetables, herbs and hot sauce. Often the filling composition is supplemented with grated cheese or other components not specified in this recipe are included to suit your taste. The filling can be based on chopped beef, pork or chicken.


  • flatbreads – 4 pcs.;
  • minced meat – 200 g;
  • sweet and hot peppers – ½ pcs.;
  • onion and tomato – ½ pcs.;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • sugar and grape vinegar - to taste;
  • oil, salt, pepper, tomato sauce.


  1. Fry the minced meat, season the chopped onion with vinegar and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Add chopped peppers and tomatoes to the meat and simmer until the moisture evaporates.
  3. Squeeze the onion, add sugar, salt, and herbs.
  4. Place a couple of spoons of fry, greens with onions, a little sauce on the flatbread and fold it in half.

Rolls in Mexican tortilla

Everyone knows how to quickly prepare it, twisted in the form of a roll. Something similar is prepared from Mexican tortillas, supplemented with cream cheese and mayonnaise, fresh vegetables, ham, fish or sausages. Each time the result will be different, but always worthy and impressive.


  • flatbreads – 4 pcs.;
  • ham or meat – 250 g;
  • sweet and hot peppers - 1 pc.;
  • cream cheese or sauce – 150 g;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • lettuce leaves - to taste.


  1. The flatbreads are heated in the microwave and coated with cheese or sauce.
  2. Lay out the salad, chopped ham and pepper, roll the product into a roll, and let it soak in the film.
  3. Cut the rolls into portions and warm the tortilla rolls in the microwave before serving.

Mexican Flatbread Pie

Mexican tortilla is often used to decorate pies. Nourishing, nutritious, surprisingly spicy and aromatic is an appetizing variation of the delicacy with a multi-ingredient filling of chicken and ham, to which vegetables, hot peppers, cheese, herbs and seasonings are added.

A tortilla is a thin flatbread that you can wrap whatever you want inside. I really like them, because ready-made tortillas can be purchased at any store (they are inexpensive), wrap meat and vegetables inside, and a delicious, and most importantly, quick lunch or dinner is ready. Nothing complicated. And, by the way, I highly recommend preparing this dish for children who do not eat well; they will definitely like it. There are different fillings for tortillas at home, but today I will show you just one of the options, try, experiment, add your favorite products...

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables

We will need:

  • tortillas;
  • chicken breast;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • broccoli (fresh or frozen);
  • favorite sauce (I use regular ketchup);
  • salt, spices to taste.

Homemade tortilla recipe with chicken

  1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces (it is advisable to cut it as small as possible).

Or you can cook the breast and then shred it.

As you can see, you can wrap it inside and add any vegetables, sauces, meat - whatever you like most? can fit in this flatbread and become your favorite dish for lunch or dinner. Bon appetit!

Mexican tortilla made from corn or wheat flour - great for breakfast! Choose filling options to suit every taste!

Many people probably have an idea of ​​what a Mexican tortilla looks like. Cornmeal tortillas, or wheat flour tortillas, are often used in place of bread and also serve as a base for other dishes.

You can prepare tortilla yourself, especially since the process is very simple, and the set of products for it is minimal. The original tortilla recipe calls for corn flour, but wheat flour can be substituted.

  • Wheat flour - 240 g
  • Water – 125 ml
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to make wheat tortillas: Sift the required amount of flour into a bowl.

With clean hands, rub the butter into the flour until crumbly.

Add salt and, for variety, ground nutmeg to the resulting flour crumbs.

Pour in the stated amount of water.

Mix the dough for Mexican tortillas. Let's put it in a warm place for half an hour to let it rest.

Time's up, let's continue. Divide the dough ball into parts. This amount of dough yields about 8 pieces. We make small koloboks out of them.

Roll each bun into a thin cake (thickness no more than 2 mm).

Now you need to heat the pan well. Please note that we do not lubricate it. Place one flat cake at a time on a hot frying pan. Bake the tortillas on each side for 1.5-2 minutes.

You can put grated cheese and herbs into the finished flatbreads. It makes a great snack dish.

Wheat tortillas are ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Spanish tortilla with potatoes and mushrooms

Spanish tortilla is an omelette with potatoes and onions. But often other products are added to the main ingredients. This tortilla has bacon and mushrooms as toppings. Due to the ease of preparation and available ingredients, tortillas are very convenient to cook for breakfast.

  • Boiled potatoes (in their jacket) 360 gr.
  • Chicken egg 6 pcs.
  • Champignons 250 gr.
  • Bacon 80 gr.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • Onion 50 gr.k 4a
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

Wash and dry the champignons. Cut into small slices.

Cut the onion and bacon into small cubes.

Peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and cut them into slices.

Fry bacon and onions in hot oil.

Add mushrooms and potatoes, add salt and mix well. Fry for 10 minutes.

Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk. Salt and pepper them.

Pour the eggs into the frying pan. Cook the tortilla over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Once the tortilla is fried on the bottom, turn it over using a plate and fry the other side.

Finely chop the herbs and sprinkle with them before serving. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Mexican Tortilla Flatbread

The classic Mexican tortilla is a round thin flatbread made from corn or wheat flour. Can be served with main dishes (like bread) or act as a base for filling.

Although corn flour is less popular in our cuisine than wheat flour, it is quite accessible and is often found on store shelves, especially in large supermarkets. It has a pleasant yellow color, making the finished cakes “sunny”, attractive and appetizing. In addition, products prepared with corn flour are especially light, crumbly, do not go stale longer and retain their taste.

  • corn flour - 170 g;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • water - 120 ml

Sift two types of flour into a work bowl (wheat is added to make working with the dough easier - with it the cakes are more elastic when rolled out, crumble less and do not fall apart).

Dissolve salt in warm water. Add refined oil and pour the liquid into the flour mixture.

Let's start kneading by hand. You don’t need to knead this dough for a long time; it’s enough to achieve homogeneity and smoothness, to get a soft and elastic ball of flour. If necessary, adjust the amount of flour or water - if the dough turns out watery and very sticky, add flour in small portions and knead to the desired consistency. If, on the contrary, the mass comes out very dry, crumbly and does not gather into one lump, add water (but always in small portions, just a little at a time, so as not to overdo it).

Wrapping it in cling film or covering it with a towel, leave the flour ball alone for half an hour (at room temperature) - after the “rest” the dough will become even more pliable and “obedient” to work with. After the specified time, divide the mass into 6 identical koloboks.

Let's start rolling out the cakes. It is most convenient to do this between two sheets of parchment paper so that the dough does not stick to the surface and does not crumble. Place a flour bun on one sheet and cover with a second sheet. Flatten the ball with your palm into a round cake, and then roll it out with a rolling pin as thin as possible, but do not allow the dough to tear.

We will cook the flatbreads in a dry frying pan without adding oil. The products dry very quickly (about a minute on each side), so you can immediately roll out all the pieces before starting the frying process. So, place the flatbread on a hot surface and cook over medium heat until bubbles appear on the surface of the dough and a spotty crust appears on the bottom. The thinner the flatbreads are rolled out, the shorter the frying time.

Turn over and finish baking the second side (as a rule, it browns faster than the first). It is very important not to over-dry the tortillas in the pan, otherwise they will turn out hard and will break when folding the filling.

Remove the browned corn tortilla from the pan. Cover with a towel to maintain softness and flexibility. We do the same with the rest of the blanks. If a quesadilla or other dish based on Mexican tortillas will not be prepared immediately, but the next day, store the products in a bag or dry, tightly closed container. The classic corn tortilla is ready!

Recipe 4, step by step: wheat tortilla

Tortilla is a thin flatbread made from corn or wheat flour, eaten mainly in Mexico, Central America and the USA. In Mexico, stuffed tortilla is one of the national dishes. Tortilla is the basis for many dishes (mainly Mexican cuisine), for example, enchiladas, burritos, fajitas, tacos, quesadillas, where various fillings are wrapped in the tortilla, which can be either salty or sweet.

Tortillas prepared at home are much tastier than store-bought ones, and besides, you yourself control what is included in their composition, you can adjust the thickness and diameter of the tortillas. I will do wheat tortillas. The recipe is very simple and straightforward, it’s even surprising how it turns out such delicious flatbreads.

  • flour 320 g
  • butter 50 g
  • salt ½ teaspoon
  • water 170-200 ml

First mix the butter with flour and salt. There is no need to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance; we need it cold. To mix the ingredients, it is convenient to use a food processor or chopper to quickly combine the ingredients, but you can simply cut the butter into small cubes with a knife or grate it. So, mix and rub with your hands until crumbly.

The result is a mixture that resembles fine crumbs.

Next you need to add warm water (about 60°C). Since the quality of flour is very different, it is necessary to approach this stage carefully; the amount of water can vary from 170 to 200 ml. Start with a small amount and add more water if necessary. It took me 170 ml of water. At the beginning it will seem that there is not enough flour, since the dough sticks to your hands, but if you knead it for 5-7 minutes, the dough will become soft, elastic and will not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add a little flour.

Now we need to divide the dough into equal pieces - future tortillas. I was cooking the tortillas in a 24cm diameter pan (the diameter of the flat bottom, not the edges that usually measure the diameter of a pan), so I divided the dough into 7 balls. If you can use a larger diameter, then reduce the number of balls to 6 or even 5. Cover them with a towel or better with cling film and let them “rest” for 10-15 minutes at room temperature so that the dough becomes soft and easy to roll out.

Roll out each ball very thinly with a rolling pin to the required diameter on a floured surface, trying to maintain a round shape.

Carefully transfer the rolled out flatbread to a well-heated frying pan without oil. Fry over high heat.

When the tortilla becomes opaque and begins to bubble, turn it over to the other side. It took me about 30-40 seconds to fry each side.

Place the tortillas fried on both sides in a beautiful stack on a plate. Ready-made tortillas can be consumed immediately (they are delicious even without filling and this is quite surprising!), or can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in film and reheated as needed.

Recipe 5: Tortilla with mushroom filling

  • wheat flatbread - 5 pcs.;
  • sausages - 4 pcs.;
  • oyster mushrooms - 500 gr.;
  • Dutch cheese - 150 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 80 gr.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • dill and parsley - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste

I wash and chop the oyster mushrooms by hand.

I put the cauldron on the stove, add vegetable oil and pour in the mushrooms.

While the mushrooms are roasting,

I peel, wash the onion and cut it into half rings.

I add the onion to the cauldron with the mushrooms and fry.

I cut the sausages as in the photo.

I add them to the cauldron and fry them.

Salt and pepper to taste.

The filling is ready. I rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

I put a flatbread on the table

and put it hot on it! stuffing,

sprinkle grated cheese on top,

I add greens.

I quickly roll up the flatbread so that the cheese has time to melt and secure it with a toothpick, as in the photo.

The dish is ready. The appearance and taste turned out excellent, the dish is worthy of treating guests.

Recipe 6: tortilla with minced meat and beans (with photo)

Tortilla is a Mexican flatbread that will help diversify and brighten up your menu. The flatbreads are especially tasty when filled with meat, fruits, and vegetables. I suggest making tortillas with ground meat, beans and fresh vegetables. Very juicy, tasty and satisfying. Be sure to prepare this dish. Rest assured, both you and your loved ones will really like it.

  • Flatbread (Tortilla) - 6 pcs.
  • Minced meat - 500 g
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Soy sauce (TM Kikkoman) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Red hot pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Cucumber (long-fruited) - 1 pc.
  • Corn (canned) - ½ can.
  • Tomato (large) - 1 pc.
  • Green onion - 1 bunch.
  • Ketchup (spicy) - to taste
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Canned beans - 1 jar.
  • Lettuce leaves / Lettuce - 1 bunch.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, add the onion and fry it over medium heat until transparent.

Then add the minced meat, kneading it in the pan with a wooden spatula. And fry until done. I have homemade minced meat (pork + beef).

Transfer the minced meat into a deep bowl, add 1-2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Be guided by your taste, since the salinity of different types of sauce is different. I used Kikkoman soy sauce, 1 tbsp was enough for me. l. Mix the meat and sauce well.

Add red hot pepper. A tortilla with filling must be spicy. Mix. I love it spicy, so I pepper it with all my heart.

Place the canned beans in a sieve and pour over boiled water (not hot!). Add to the minced meat and mix well. The meat filling is ready.

Let's prepare the vegetable filling. Cut the cucumber into small cubes.

Add ½ can of canned corn, approximately 220-250 grams.

Finely chop the green onions and add to the corn.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add to the vegetables and mix well. The vegetable filling is ready. You can add other ingredients: avocado, cheese, bell pepper.

To this day, tortillas are very popular. They are used throughout Mexico as bread, often serving as a fork and spoon for eating meat and scooping sauce, for example for chili con carne. They are also filled with all sorts of fillings and become the basis for such world-famous dishes as enchiladas, tacos, burritos, and quesadillas. Dried tortillas are often served as chips, as a side dish or to thicken soups. In modern cooking, there are several options for how to prepare tortillas, and I present to your attention one of the classic tortilla recipes.

For preparation, I use corn flour and a little wheat flour for better plasticity of the dough when rolling. I add butter so that the baked goods do not harden so quickly. However, you can easily use vegetable oil (4 tbsp), especially during fasting or due to your dietary needs. The main thing to remember is that corn tortillas quickly become brittle and crispy, so it is better to eat them piping hot, as the Mexicans do, or store them in a tightly wrapped plastic bag. In general, the preparation is not at all difficult, proceed as described in the recipe with the photo, and you will certainly succeed!

Cooking time: 15 minutes / Number of servings 8


  • corn flour 2.5 cups
  • wheat flour 0.5 cups
  • cold water 1–1.5 cups
  • butter 50 g
  • salt 1 tsp. without top

Note: 1 glass = 200 ml


    In a deep bowl I combined wheat and corn flour. Added salt and a piece of butter, softened to room temperature. Using a knife, finely chop the butter, thus combining it with the flour. If you don't feel comfortable working in a bowl, you can knead the dough on a board.

    Gradually added cold raw water and mixed the dough with a spoon. At first it clumped, turning into crumbly crumbs.

    But as soon as the full amount of water was added, it became elastic. You can regulate the amount of liquid yourself - the dough should be pliable and soft, not clogged, and not stick to your hands at all. This time I used exactly 1 glass of water. Cover the dough ball with a napkin and let it rest for 30 minutes.

    Then I divided it into 8 parts the size of a chicken egg.

    I poured it into cakes and rolled each one out to fit the size of the pan. It is most convenient to roll out the dough between two pieces of cling film sprinkled with flour, then it will not stick at all to either the work surface or the rolling pin.

    The result was thin cakes approximately 2 mm thick.

    Fry it in a dry frying pan. First, on one side for a couple of minutes, until characteristic bubbles appear on the surface.

    And then baked the other side for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown.

As they cooked, I stacked the hot tortillas and covered them with a damp towel to prevent them from drying out. For longer storage, you can put them in a bag and then reheat them in the microwave as needed. Best served with Mexican dishes and hot sauces.

Tortilla is a thin flatbread. It can completely replace bread, but it's so boring! It is much more interesting to use the flatbread for different fillings. Unique envelopes and rolls look interesting, are tasty, and help diversify the diet. They can be prepared with a variety of fillings. There are a lot of interesting hearty options, as well as dietary dishes. What should we wrap the tortilla with?

Tortilla with filling - general principles of preparation

Cooking tortillas can be compared to shawarma. Whatever they add to them! But the taste will be a little different. The flatbreads themselves are often made from corn flour; sometimes it is mixed with a wheat product, which is not prohibited. You can make tortillas at home, but it’s easier and faster to buy them at the store.

What products can be used for filling:

· chicken, meat;

· corn, beans;

· different types of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs;

· fish, seafood;

· eggs, cheese, dairy products.

Often various sauces based on sour cream, mayonnaise or just ketchup are added to the tortilla. The flatbread can be folded in different ways: make small envelopes, simply fold it in half or roll it into a roll, fold it into triangles like pancakes. The choice depends on the filling used and its quantity.

Hot tortilla with filling: recipe with chicken and cheese

One of the most satisfying and delicious tortilla fillings. This amount of food makes two large servings. Here the cakes are not rolled, but simply folded in half. The secret of adding greens to a hot dish has also been revealed.


· 2 flatbreads;

· 300 g chicken;

· 1 tomato;

· 2 spoons of ketchup;

· 1 red onion;

· 1 pepper;

· 130 g cheese;

· 1 bunch of lettuce;

· spices to taste;

· 1-2 tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method

1. You can simply fry the chicken fillet in a frying pan, but cover it at the end so that it is cooked through. Or throw it into boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Then we take it out and cut it into slices.

2. If there is no ketchup, then you can use other sauces. Grease half of the tortilla without touching the edge. Sprinkle lightly with grated cheese, just a little for strength. Arrange the chicken pieces.

3. Thinly slice the salad onion. Or take a simple onion. Slice and pour boiling water for a minute to remove the bitterness. Lightly sprinkle the onion with cheese.

4. Cut the tomatoes into circles, sprinkle with cheese, lay out the pieces of pepper, and cover with the free side of the Mexican tortilla.

5. Transfer the tortilla to a heated frying pan with a spoonful of oil. Fry on one side, then on the other. The cheese will melt a little, holding the layers of filling together. It is important to carefully turn over so that nothing spills out.

6. As soon as the cake is browned, carefully remove it. Transfer to flat plates. Open the pepper and tomato side, put in a few lettuce leaves, and serve.

Spicy tortilla with filling: recipe with cheese and garlic

A tortilla recipe filled with the classic combination of cheese and garlic, but it’s important to add something else to it. Otherwise, there will be little filling and it will not please you with its juiciness.


· 2 flatbreads;

· 100 g hard cheese;

· 50 g processed cheese;

· 2-4 cloves of garlic;

· 1 bell pepper;

· 1-2 spoons of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. Grind the cheese using any available method and mix with processed cheese. Chop the garlic and add.

2. Eggs need to be boiled in advance, cooled in cold water, peeled and chopped. Combine them with cheese.

3. Free the bell pepper from the seeds, first cut lengthwise into strips. Then finely into cubes. Pour into the total mass, stir and season with mayonnaise. You can use sour cream instead so that it is not so fatty (or harmful). Add salt and pepper to taste. It's better to try it, as the cheese contains them.

4. Now it’s time to fill the tortillas. Divide the filling approximately in half. Spread it in a thick layer. Stepping back from the edges, level it and roll it into tubes.

5. You can eat tortilla right away as a cold snack. Or put it on the grill and warm the flatbread slightly. We try not to overcook, otherwise the filling may leak.

Filled tortilla: recipe with chicken and beans

The original recipe uses boiled beans. If you want to soak it and cook it, then you can do it. But the easiest way is to use canned beans (white, red). The only point is that if there is a sticky or not very tasty marinade, the product needs to be rinsed. You can simply pour it into a colander and rinse.


· chicken fillet;

· 150 g beans;

· large tomato;

· large onion head;

· 25 ml of oil;

· 2 flatbreads;

· spices.

Cooking method

1. Cut the onion into cubes, place in heated oil, and fry for a minute.

2. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and send to the poultry. Fry for about five minutes. During this time the bird will be almost ready.

3. Grate the tomato and discard the skin. Or we just use tomato sauce, puree, or any ketchup. Place in a frying pan with poultry and onions. Simmer everything together until the excess liquid is gone.

4. Add beans and heat together. Salt and pepper the filling to taste. Mix well, you can add some greens.

5. Spread the hearty filling while the filling is hot, roll the flatbread into a tube or simply fold it in half. We'll try it immediately.

Filled tortilla: recipe with tomatoes and corn

A vegetarian version of a filled tortilla that can be eaten warm or cold. Use canned corn from a can; be sure to drain the liquid.


· 0.5 cans of corn;

· 3 tomatoes;

· 200 g zucchini;

· 1 small onion;

· salt pepper;

· 3 tablespoons of oil;

· greens to taste.

Cooking method

1. Chop the onion, pour it into a frying pan, fry for a minute, add the zucchini cut into small cubes. You can use zucchini. Fry with onions until soft. But under no circumstances cover it, let the juices from the vegetables evaporate.

2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, cut them, add them to the zucchini. We continue to evaporate the juices, you should get a thick tomato stew.

3. As soon as the mixture is ready, add salt and pepper, mix, add canned corn. After a few seconds, turn off the stove.

4. Place the filling on the tortillas. Roll up, eat immediately or cool slightly.

Filled tortilla: recipe with fish and cheese

To prepare this tortilla you need red lightly salted fish. You will also need any soft cheese for the filling, choose to your taste.


· 0.15 kg salmon;

· 0.18 kg of soft cheese;

· 2 flatbreads;

· 2 large lettuce leaves;

· 1 tomato.

Cooking method

1. Grease the flatbreads with cheese; all the product should be gone. And immediately put a large leaf of lettuce on it. But you can put a few small pieces.

2. Slice the red fish thinly. Scatter over the entire flatbread.

3. Thinly slice the tomato and place it on the fish. You can sprinkle it with herbs.

4. Roll the cakes into rolls and let stand for 10 minutes. Then use a sharp knife to cut it diagonally in the middle. Place 2 rolls on each serving and serve.

Diet tortilla with filling: recipe with Chinese cabbage

Tortillas are dietary flatbreads, since they do not contain yeast, and they themselves are thin, unsweetened, akin to pita bread. You can prepare wonderful dietary dishes based on this product.


· 7 sheets of Chinese cabbage;

· 50 g yogurt;

· 80 g pickled cheese;

· 1 pepper;

· 0.5 tsp. mustard;

· 5-7 olives;

· 1 tomato.

Cooking method

1. Let the egg boil. Then peel and cut. You can just pour it into a frying pan and fry the pancake, cut it into strips, it will be even faster.

2. Chop Chinese cabbage and all other vegetables into a bowl. Add olives, cut in half.

3. Mix yogurt and mustard, add salt and pepper, pour into the cabbage and stir to reduce the volume.

4. Cut the cheese into cubes or strips. Add to cabbage. We also introduce eggs, boiled or fried in an omelette. Add greens according to your taste and desire.

5. Fill the tortillas and consume immediately or within two hours. It is not advisable to store such a dish for a long time, as the vegetables will leak.

Russian tortilla with filling: recipe with potatoes and saury

It is not necessary to put any delicacies into Mexican tortillas. Russian potatoes are also great for filling, especially in combination with saury. You can take other canned, lightly salted and even fried fish. But we make sure that there are no seeds in it.


· 2 tortillas;

· 1 can of saury;

· 2 potatoes;

· 1 onion; vinegar, spices;

· 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

· 1 fresh cucumber.

Cooking method

1. Potatoes for tortillas need to be boiled in their skins, peeled and be sure to grate, but only into large strips.

2. While the potatoes are cooking, chop the onions, add water and vinegar, and let them marinate. We make an acidic solution, about a spoonful of essence per glass of liquid.

3. Grease the flatbread with mayonnaise, apply a layer of potatoes, and lay out the fish, broken into small pieces, on it.

4. Drain the vinegar from the onion and sprinkle it on top of the fish.

5. Slice or grate the cucumber and place it on the fish. Roll the tortilla into a roll.

6. Place the package on the grill and quickly fry the flatbread.

· Wet flatbreads are not very tasty, so you should not add a lot of sauce to the filling, and it is better to lightly squeeze very juicy products or keep them in a strainer.

· If the tortilla is being prepared for guests, there is no need to add a lot of hot spices or use spicy sauces. It’s better to serve them separately so that each person can add more if necessary.