In a private house      10/26/2023

Four types of indoor shade-loving and unpretentious plants. Unpretentious shade-loving indoor plants: names and photos Pest-resistant indoor plants

This plant, familiar to many from childhood, is considered more useful than decorative. But in vain: in addition to the familiar tree-like aloe, there are several dozen more species of this plant, some of which look very interesting. Aloe tolerates both direct sunlight and insufficient lighting, dry air and high humidity, temperature changes and infrequent watering. In winter, it is enough to water the plant once a month, and in summer - once a week.

If you want aloe not only to feel good, but to feel good, replant it every two years in soil for succulents, do not expose it to the scorching sun and water it when the soil in the pot dries out.

Another ornamental medicinal plant that can survive the carelessness of its owner. Kalanchoe does not like strong humidity, so if you forget to water it, it will not be offended by you. Also, nothing will happen to this plant if the room temperature drops to +5 °C. Kalanchoe loves light, but it is still better not to expose it to the afternoon sun. There is no need to spray it either.

3. Echeveria (echeveria)

Like all succulents, echeveria does not need special care. It is enough to plant it in soil for succulents and water it occasionally (in summer, once a week is enough, in spring and autumn - once a month, and in winter, you can generally water it 1-2 times). Echeveria will be happy with any room temperature above +5 °C.

4. Howea Forstera (kentia)

This palm tree is amazingly unpretentious. She doesn’t care about life in a dark corner of the room and dry air. You need to water the howea more often in the summer months, preventing the soil in the pot from drying out, and in winter - less often, when the soil begins to dry out. To keep the plant feeling good, you can spray it from time to time or wash the leaves with warm water in the shower.

This plant also does not need anything special, except dim lighting, spraying and regular watering. It is also not recommended to leave it in the cold for a long time. Ideally, the temperature in the room where the syngonium grows should not fall below +17 °C. But since in residential premises it usually does not fall lower, you should like the syngonium.

This is a very unusual plant whose leaves resemble peas. The ragwort accumulates moisture in them, so it needs to be watered quite rarely. Plant the groundsel in soil for succulents, and place the pot in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. However, lack of light, like dry air and cool room temperature, will not kill it.

Loach, which loves plenty of watering and spraying, is ideal for beginning gardeners. It is almost impossible to destroy it: in unfavorable conditions, the epipremnum will shed its leaves and grow poorly, but as soon as access to water and light is restored, it will instantly resurrect.

This is a nice compact plant with striped leaves, reminiscent of the color. In other types of peperomia (and there are more than a thousand of them), the shape and color of the leaves are different, so you can choose exactly the one you like. All that peperomia needs is room temperature, diffused light or partial shade, and moderate watering when the soil in the pot begins to dry out. Like other plants, it is watered less often in winter than in summer. It is also advisable to spray peperomia in the summer months.

This funny little succulent with a predatory color is very hardy and unpretentious. He is accustomed to droughts, so he will not notice if you forget to water him. In winter, you can practically not water it at all - this should be done only if the leaves begin to lose their elasticity. Haworthia loves bright, diffused light, but it is still not worth exposing it to the scorching sun. But the coolness does not threaten her.

The best place for chlorophytum is on the window - it loves bright, non-burning sunlight. But even if you deprive him of this joy and push him into a dark corner, with regular watering he will survive there. In summer you can water chlorophytum once every three days, and in winter - less often and little by little. He doesn't need more.

Gasteria is a shade-tolerant plant, but diffused light will not hurt it. At the same time, gasteria has nothing against dry air and temperature drops to +6 °C. This plant needs to be watered when the soil in the pot dries out. In winter, one or two waterings per month are enough. Gasteria loves fresh air, but without drafts.

12. Graptopetalum paraguayan (stone rose)

This is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, which nevertheless survives at low temperatures above zero. It needs to be watered rarely, and in winter you don’t need to water it at all.

13. Crassula (money tree)

Whether this plant really promotes the growth of its host is unknown to science, but it certainly enlivens the interior of even the most unlucky gardeners. It is enough just to water it once a week in summer and once a month in winter, wipe the leaves from dust and ventilate the room from time to time. Crassula loves sunlight, but on especially hot days it is better not to let it fry in the sun for a long time - the leaves may burn.

14. Sedum Morgana

Another plant with an unusual appearance that will surely appeal to succulent lovers. Morgan's sedum takes root well on windowsills and loves fresh air. It should be watered very sparingly, as the thick leaves accumulate moisture. The humidity in the room is not particularly important. The main thing is not to poke your fingers into the plant, as its leaves easily break off and nothing grows in their place.

Our grandmothers loved this plant not only for its bright flowers, but also for its amazing unpretentiousness. Geranium tolerates cold weather, bright sunlight, dry air and lack of transplants. Geranium does not need to be sprayed, but it is advisable to water it frequently and abundantly.

This is a hanging plant that is best planted in a hanging pot. It grows quickly, tolerates temperature changes and infrequent watering, and is tolerant of direct sunlight and lack of lighting. Ceropegia should be planted in a cactus substrate with mandatory drainage at the bottom of the pot.

It is recommended to keep the ficus where it receives a sufficient amount of diffused light. However, even in the shade he feels quite well. Ficus loves warmth, but cool room temperature does not threaten it. As for watering, keep an eye on the soil in the pot: as soon as the top layer dries, you can water it. As a rule, once a week is enough. To keep the leaves shiny, wipe them with a damp sponge a couple of times a month.

18. Araucaria variegated (Norfolk pine)


This plant is ideal for those who dream of having a Christmas tree at home. Unlike other conifers, araucaria takes root at home. Ideally, it should be kept in a cool room and exposed to fresh air in the summer. Araucaria loves bright light, but also tolerates shade. It needs to be watered regularly, and in winter the soil in the pot should have time to dry out between waterings. If the room is hot or dry, spray the tree with water.

This cute tree will not cause you much trouble if you provide it with diffused light, a temperature of at least +14 °C, protection from direct sunlight and moist soil. To do this, water the plant 1–2 times a week in summer and 1–2 times every two weeks in winter. And to make your myrsine completely comfortable, spray it and sometimes take it out into the shade and into the fresh air.


This colorful plant loves light and fresh air, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is recommended to keep the tolmia in a room with humid air and regularly water it with a small amount of water, preventing the soil in the pot from drying out. There is no need to spray it, and no other care is required.


Website together, Forbeswoman will tell you how to properly care for indoor plants in winter.

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Miniature roses look great both in a group and solo. The optimal temperature for keeping them is +20-25 °C, but they will feel great at +10-15 °C, so in winter they can well please with flowers. For roses, it is best to have a window sill on the sunny side - they love light, and the winter sun is unlikely to harm the delicate leaves and petals. Water the plant regularly and monitor air humidity - then there will be no problems with the formation of buds and flowering.


  • Azalea


Azalea, or rhododendron, like a miniature rose, were originally garden flowers, but today they are actively used in interiors. The main danger for this flower in the house is central heating, which dries out the air. Therefore, an insulated balcony is ideal for azaleas. In winter, the plant feels great at a temperature of +12-14 °C and can bud and bloom. At the same time, flowering in cool weather lasts longer, since the petals are not damaged by heat and active sun.

Another plus is that azalea feels quite good in partial shade and prefers diffused light, so it is suitable for northern and eastern windows.

  • Cyclamen


Cyclamen is a true lover of the cold. The ideal temperature for it ranges from +10-15 °C, and increasing it shortens the flowering period and weakens the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately place the purchased greenhouse flower on the coldest windowsill in the house, and gradually adapt it to the conditions of the apartment.

  • Kalanchoe

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Soviet housewives planted Kalanchoe as a medicinal flower, however, the then popular species was not a flowering one. Today, almost all garden stores sell under this name exactly the decorative flowering species - Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The succulent is completely undemanding in care, easily tolerates dry soil, and if an adult plant dies for some reason, it can be easily restored even from a small branch.


Kalanchoe blooms just in winter, and at this time it is very important to provide the plant with a cool temperature. The formation of flower stalks occurs best at +12-16 °C, but even if the temperature drops to +5-6 °C, the plant will not be damaged. Therefore, this flower is ideal for winter landscaping of glazed balconies - here, under diffused light and in the coolness, it feels best.

  • Orchid dendrobium nobile

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One of the most popular types of orchids, dendrobium nobile, also loves cool weather, and feels great in winter at temperatures of +12-18 °C. Moreover, to lay buds, it needs a cold and dry period, and even with differences in day and night temperatures of approximately +6-7 °C. The easiest way to ensure such conditions is on a glazed balcony - at night it will be quite cool here (+5-10 °C is considered optimal), and during the day the temperature will rise due to solar heat.

For many thousands of years, people have been decorating their homes. One of the ways to create coziness and beauty in your home is to grow indoor flowers.. This article will talk about plants that do not require a lot of sunlight.

Many plants need a lot of light for good development and abundant flowering. But There are indoor flowers that feel great in the shade and do not require special care. It is enough just to create the necessary light conditions for them and systematically water them. What flowers don't like a lot of light? This group of plants includes:

The exquisite fern is a temperate tropical crop. It is characterized by a thin creeping root, which is covered with matte brownish scales. The plant is decorated with alternating strongly dissected leaves, colored green with a bluish tint. The rounded sori and sporangia are covered with a brownish false veil and are located along the veins at the bottom of the leaf.

Adiantum care:

  • penumbra adherent, so windows on the north or east side are suitable for him;
  • the optimal temperature in summer should be 21̊ C, and in winter – within 15-20̊ C, but the plant can withstand temperatures down to 10̊ C;
  • constant watering and maintaining the substrate moist throughout the year;
  • feeding in summer using liquid fertilizer for domestic crops;
  • pruning old and damaged leaves.

Replant in the spring, as needed. It reproduces in spring by dividing the bush or by spores.

Aucuba, which belongs to the Dogwood family, is called the golden tree. Evergreen bush up to 1.5 m high, does not like a lot of sunlight. Reddish flowers gathered in a bunch and leathery leaves with golden spots attract attention. They give the culture originality and resemblance to gold. The fruits of the plant have a variety of colors and are similar in appearance to dogwood berries.

Basic rules of care:

  • providing diffused light, since aucuba is a shade-loving plant;
  • organization of optimal temperature conditions: in summer 21-24 ̊ C, and in cold seasons - temperature readings should not be lower than 10 ̊ C;
  • constant watering, which will promote active growth;
  • feeding from March to October every ten days with a complex of mineral fertilizers;
  • cutting and pinching to form a beautiful crown.

Young plants should be replanted every spring, and mature plants once every three years. It is important to carefully remove soil from the roots during the process, since they are very fragile and break easily.

Propagated vegetatively at home using cuttings.

Due to its exotic appearance it serves as a decorative decoration. The flower reaches two meters in height. The trunk is flexible and the foliage is dense. Long but narrow leaves spread out from the trunk in a rosette.

The plant requires:

  • penumbra, because it does not withstand direct rays of the sun;
  • abundant watering in summer, and moderate - in winter;
  • permanent spraying leaves;
  • periodic taking a warm shower for washing away dust;
  • fertilization from April to August every ten days with special complex nutritional elements.

It needs to be replanted in the spring every two years. Propagated by apical cuttings or pieces of stem.

Plant of the Marantaceae family. Presented in the form of a low bush, which is valued for the beauty of its iridescent leaves.. Flower buds are pink, white or light yellow and are located on flower arrows. Duration of flowering from early spring to late summer.

Creating comfortable conditions:

  • location in partial shade, the ideal option is to move the arrowroot to the back of the room, where it will feel great;
  • optimal temperature in summer 21-25̊ C, in winter – no less than 18̊ C;
  • watering depending on the condition of the soil, using soft water at room temperature;
  • spraying regardless of the time of year;
  • feeding during active growth a set of fertilizers for ornamental plants.

In the spring, you need to replant arrowroot older than three years of age every two years. It propagates in two ways: by dividing the bush during transplantation and by cuttings.

Liana of the Araceae family. A shrub with thick climbing stems and hanging aerial roots. The leaves are large, dissected, with closed holes.

For a flower to develop normally it is necessary:

  • install in a lit, dark place from direct sunlight;
  • create the ideal temperature in summer - 25°C, in winter - 16-18°C;
  • water when dry the top layer of soil composition, using softened water;
  • spray systematically and wipe, freeing from dust;
  • fertilize from March to September once every 14 days with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Young plants should be replanted annually, and those older than three years – once every two years. Propagated by shoots, cuttings, and sometimes seeds.

Perennial rhizomatous flower of the Araceae family. Attractive are the long oblong leaves on petioles that widen at the base.. The foliage is colored rich green. The stem is absent, the rhizome is short. Inflorescences in the form of a yellow cob and a snow-white blanket of cream or pink tones are decorated.

The plant prefers:

  • diffuse light without direct sunlight, grows well in partial shade;
  • temperature in summer is about 22-23̊ C, and in winter - not lower than 16̊ C;
  • good watering, which should be reduced in winter, preventing the soil from drying out;
  • spraying in hot periods so that moisture does not get on the flowers;
  • feeding during the period of active growth and at the time of flowering using low concentration mineral fertilizer.

It should be replanted in the spring, when the root system fills the container. Propagated both by cuttings and by dividing the rhizome.

Herbaceous perennial with rosettes of dense leathery leaves from 10 cm to 1 m long, which extend directly from thick creeping roots. Small white-green flowers are collected in a long raceme.

Secrets of care:

  • put anywhere, since it can grow in both light partial shade and full shade;
  • create temperature within 18-25̊ C;
  • water moderately, preventing the soil from completely drying out and moisture from entering the center of the sockets;
  • feed during the growing season once every three weeks, using mineral fertilizer for cacti or home crops.

Replant when the root system fills the entire width of the pot. This happens once every three years. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and leaf cuttings.

These versatile plants will decorate any room interior. and will give it comfort and sophistication, as well as give the joy of communication with nature.

In flower shops, customers are often asked to choose unpretentious indoor plants that require a minimum of care and provide maximum pleasure. Some have already had a sad experience with dried flowers, while others are just about to decorate their home or office and already feel responsible. Sellers are sure to find suitable specimens of persistent plants that are able to bloom even in insufficient lighting, irregular watering and the absence of mineral fertilizing. We suggest you go through the list.

1. Geranium

This plant is planted in the house and in front gardens; it feels comfortable everywhere. Among the diverse varieties of geraniums there are light-loving and shade-loving, drought-resistant. At home, she feels great at room temperature and bright light. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it needs to be watered regularly, focusing on the moisture content of the earthen clod. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced, since the plant is usually dormant.

2. Tolmia Menzies

This easy-to-grow plant will delight you with its unusual ability - the appearance of young leaves next to the adult leaf. In order for the Menzies tolmia to please for a long time, it is necessary to provide it with an ambient temperature within 15–18 degrees, and keep it away from heating systems in winter. Regular watering is needed: in the summer twice a week, in the winter - once every two weeks. Tolerates bright diffused light and partial shade well.

3. Howea Forstera (kentia)

Despite the fact that the subtropical palm was brought from the coast of Australia, it has taken root well in our apartments and has become one of the most shade-tolerant plants. She will be quite happy with the northern and northeastern sides. Tolerates dry air and significant temperature drops well. Therefore, it can often be found in offices. You need to water moderately, focusing on the condition of the top layer of soil - whether it has dried out or not. The plant will signal a lack or excess of moisture in the pot by the appearance of the leaves - large brown spots may appear on them. Healthy leaves love to shower.

4. Syngonium

The graceful shape of the leaf and the unusual color of the syngonium attract the attention of flower growers, who also love this plant for its simple and easy care. The plant tolerates partial shade and diffused light well, but in winter it is better to keep it close to natural light so that the leaves retain their color saturation. Loves humidified air and a temperature of about 20 degrees. If you wipe the leaves with a soft sponge in the heat, the syngonium will be grateful for such a gift.

5. Peperomia silver

Looking at the fancy leaves of this plant, you just want to smile - how similar they are to a watermelon! If you start silver peperomia at home, you are guaranteed a good mood. Especially if you provide her with more or less suitable care: bright diffused light or partial shade, a temperature within 20 degrees, moderate humidity and moderate watering based on the condition of the soil, especially in winter.

6. Chlorophytum crested

A good option for use in hanging flowerpots. Easy to care for, resistant to diseases, tolerant of temperature changes. Irregular watering will not affect its condition. For chlorophytum, you do not need to worry about saturated soil and abundant fertilizer, a large pot and bright light. All this is enough in moderation and with a reasonable approach. Will be grateful for frequent spraying in the summer.

7. Gasteria

The plant got its name from the tube-shaped compaction in the lower part of the perianth, which in Latin sounds like “gasltron”, and is translated as “pot-bellied vessel”. To fill this vessel, it is not necessary to water the flower abundantly; it is enough to keep the soil moist. In winter, you can water once or twice a month. But she would like more light, although she does not like direct sunlight. Then it's better to go into the shade. Doesn't like drafts, but won't refuse ventilation.

8. Ficus rubber

Only in our latitudes is ficus considered a decorative houseplant, but in its homeland in the tropics it is a tree from which rubber is extracted. But family ties are strong, so the plant loves warmth and a lot of light, preferably diffused. Does not like drafts and waterlogging of the soil. It will be grateful for spraying in rooms with dry air and wiping the leaves with a damp sponge.

9. Araucaria variegata (Norfolk pine)

Do you want to have a Christmas tree in your home? Buy araucaria. The evergreen plant is very easy to care for. It can grow in the coolest room, and in summer - in the partial shade of an open balcony. If the air is dry, then it would be good to take care of spraying and regularly moistening the soil. It is better to water and spray with soft water at room temperature.

10. Mirsina

Modest care requirements are a distinctive feature of this indoor tree. You just need to place it in a bright room, but not in direct sunlight, and also provide it with watering and spraying. The soil should be breathable; you can select it yourself from equal parts of garden soil, humus, sand, or buy a ready-made mixture.

11. Crassula (money tree)

Apparently, the shiny, fleshy leaves of the plant evoke an association with coins, which is why the second name for the crassula is firmly established - money tree. But even if you don’t get hung up on this, the simplest care will keep the plant blooming and the greens juicy. It is important not to overdo it with watering and not to replant the flower often and into a large pot. It is necessary to fertilize only in the summer with special fertilizers. He loves diffused sunlight - this is due to his African roots.

12. Ceropegia Vuda

Even if you have not watered the plant regularly and never fed it, it will still please you with flowering in early summer. This is the only reason why you can love Wood's ceropegia. She also feels good in conditions of high and low temperatures, on southern and northern sides. The only point that should be taken into account for a hanging plant is to hang the pot higher, as growth can be fast and lush.

13. Aloe

Tree aloe is the most common and most familiar representative of the genus of succulent plants. Most often, it is bred for medicinal purposes because of its fleshy leaves, the contents of which are used both in folk and traditional medicine. This plant is able to survive in extreme climatic conditions, which is why it has survived to this day. This means it will survive your departure.

There are about 500 species of aloe in nature, and there are very beautiful specimens, so don’t be lazy to look for the one you like best. So that the money for a flower does not end up being wasted, still try to pay attention to it. Care is simple: in summer you need to water the plant once a week, in winter - once a month, you can focus on dry soil in a pot. Replanting in special soil for succulents is enough once every two years. The flower tolerates shade better than the scorching rays of the sun.

14. Kalanchoe

The parade of unpretentious succulent plants will continue with Kalanchoe, which is also known for its medicinal and decorative properties. Of the two hundred species growing in tropical zones, several dozen fall into the category of our indoor plants. You are guaranteed to be able to choose your Kalanchoe and make friends with it, even if you pay minimal attention to it. The plant will better withstand drought in its pot than a flood at your mercy. Feels good in a cool room and does not like to be under the scorching sun, although it prefers light.

15. Echeveria (echeveria)

This flower from the genus of succulents is also called “stone rose” due to its external similarity. The plant is easy to grow as it does not require special conditions. You can use clay-sandy soil, if you have one in your area, or buy a special mixture for succulents. It does not like water to stagnate in the pot, so even in summer it is better to reduce watering if the soil is still wet. In winter, you can completely avoid watering for a month. With sufficient light, expect flowering in spring or early fall.

16 . Godson Rowley

Due to the unusual shape of the leaves, this succulent was called “strings of pearls”. Their thick skin was formed in the process of adaptation to the harsh conditions of arid Africa. This means it will survive in your conditions. For a beginning florist, ragwort is just a godsend. You can not water it for a long time, put it on the shady side or on the sunny side, dry the air in the room or overcool it. He will silently endure all experiments, reacting to them only with the size of pea-sized leaves and more elongated weakened stems.

17. Sedum Morgana

The following plant with unusual hanging stems may become your favorite not so much because of its appearance, but because of its unpretentiousness. For its root system, you can take small pots; the soil is usual for succulents, which include sedum. Loves the sun, as it comes from warm countries. It is important not to overdo it with watering to prevent rotting of the root system. Be careful when watering or moving the plant to avoid snagging the fragile leaves. If they fall off, new ones will not grow in their place, and “bald spots” will remain.

18. Haworthia striped

The bright attractive appearance of a small succulent makes it a favorite of everyone who has at least once encountered it on a windowsill or in the far corner of a room. Haworthia loves fresh air, so the ideal location for her is a shaded balcony. Or find an opportunity to ventilate the room where the flower is located more often. Watering can be minimal, as for most succulents. The reference point is soil moisture and air temperature. Avoid getting water on the plant rosette so as not to cause rotting.

Another “experimental field” for beginning flower growers. It is persistent and loyal to tests from its owners; it will express its attitude towards unsuccessful methods of care only by dropping its leaves. But, if the situation with watering, spraying, and lighting improves, it is ready to release new leaves and curl further around the room, as befits a vine. Epipremnum feels ideal in the kitchen - here it is warm and humid.

One of the few plants that can easily withstand direct sunlight and at the same time is able to grow on the shady side, for example, the western side. In summer he is comfortable even in hot weather, but in winter it is better to leave him alone and move him to a cool place. It could even be an insulated balcony. Watering is moderate with settled water at room temperature.

This is only a small part of the plants that can survive your negligence in caring for them and will delight you with green leaves and even flowers. But it’s still better if you take the time to examine them, notice new shoots, rejoice at their persistence and thank them by feeding them with special fertilizers.

Indoor plants that require virtually no care.

Agree, nothing decorates the interior of your home better than bright flowers in cute little pots. These home plants not only delight the eye with a riot of colors, but also bring benefits by absorbing harmful substances from synthetic furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains and other parts of your interior.

Some house plants have medicinal properties and have been indispensable in many families. But sometimes caring for indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge, and not everyone can handle it.

If you are a beginner gardener, are often on the go, or housework takes a lot of time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care, but can decorate your home no worse than expensive and exotic ones.

1. Aloe or agave

Perhaps the most popular indoor plant of our mothers and grandmothers, primarily due to its medicinal properties. Everyone knows its ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And aloe juice perfectly helps with a runny nose. All types of this plant are typical succulents, great lovers of sunlight. They do not like frequent watering and are great for those who have to spend most of their time outside the home. A sunny place in the house is selected for them, on a windowsill or on sunny verandas, and in summer aloe can be taken out into the open air. You should not try to create artificial lighting for them with fluorescent lamps in winter. This leads to the plant stretching and losing its appearance. It is better to keep it in a cool, bright place and water it once a month. Excessive watering can cause plant roots to rot. In summer, aloe is watered only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried.

This is a fairly unpretentious indoor plant, which is not difficult to grow even for beginners who like indoor floriculture. Chlorophytum can be classified as both sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. It feels best in a bright or slightly dark place. The bright color of the variegated forms is slightly lost in the shadows. This plant easily tolerates direct sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleans the room of harmful gases.

There are several types of this indoor plant. Two of them are very easy to care for. These are Dracaena marginata and Dracaena draco. They tolerate shade and do not require frequent watering and spraying. In modern homes and offices, dracaenas serve as decorative decorations due to their exotic appearance.

If you can’t grow an orchid or an orange tree, and all your attempts end in complete failure, don’t be discouraged! Start with Sansevieria. This very beautiful indoor plant of the Agave family can be classified as “indestructible”. It tolerates shade and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. It also protects against the accumulation of harmful substances released by linoleum and synthetics. In bright sun, sansevieria can even bloom, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and low temperatures. It is not necessary to repot it, but when it grows too many roots, the pot itself may crack. It is better to purchase two flowers at once, because in itself this is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

If you want prosperity and abundance to come to your home, and good luck to accompany all your endeavors, buy a home plant called Crassula, popularly known as the money tree. It does not bloom, but it grows to enormous sizes, has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green hue, does not require special care, but does not like waterlogging and dark corners. Will decorate the interior of any home or office.

6. Abutilon (indoor maple)

Another unpretentious, but very effective indoor plant. Its large flowers are bell-shaped and come in different colors: white, pink, yellow, red, and the leaves are similar to maple. Hence the name. Abutilone tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and a pot with this plant can be placed on the windowsill or at some distance from it. They need to be watered a little - otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: you just need to enrich the soil with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants once every three weeks. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly humidifies the air.

The second name of this plant is Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful cup flowers. Different varieties of this plant have different flower colors. Most often these are red flowers, but there are also white, pink, and even speckled ones. Hibiscus blooms all year round, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in your apartment. This flower loves light and should be kept on the windowsill. It also needs to be watered and fed regularly in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

If there is not a lot of light in your house, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely unsuitable, feel free to plant Fatsia japonica. This is a shade-tolerant and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful leaves, similar to chestnut leaves. It feels great even near a central heating radiator and at the same time humidifies the air in the room well and promotes healthy sleep.

These are very unusual indoor plants. In appearance, they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to Spartan living conditions: they grow on stones, and in winter they do not require watering at all. Very different in shape and color, these “living stones” will be an excellent decoration for your room, and in the spring they will delight you with unusual flowers.

Geranium attracts attention with its bright flowering, which can also be safely classified as an unpretentious houseplant. Geranium is rightfully considered a symbol of home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the 17th century. Nowadays, numerous varieties of flowers amaze the imagination with their variety of colors and shapes. And if you don’t have enough time to care for it more carefully, the geranium will still bloom, but not as profusely.

11. Kalanchoe

This houseplant, like aloe, has long been known as a medicinal plant that does not require any care. Recently, many beautiful flowering Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared. You can rarely water the plant. This is a shade-tolerant flower that can easily withstand sudden temperature changes, blooms for a long time and grows slowly, which is why it does not need frequent replanting.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise your friends and relatives with flowering indoor plants, buy a cactus or create an entire collection. It doesn't take much time, and caring for it is quite simple. There are many types of cacti that develop well and bloom stably on windowsills every year. The most resistant species of these plants turned out to be medium-sized and spherical. Cactus flowers have a variety of shades. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will decorate any room.

The ficus family has a very wide variety of representatives. Among them there are completely unpretentious ones that do not require special care: rubber ficus, ficus lyre-shaped. They successfully neutralize harmful impurities in the air and have special energy, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort. Most of them fit perfectly into any interior style.

A very popular houseplant due to its flower, which looks like a white calla lily. It blooms periodically without any intervention on our part. Spathiphyllum is shade-tolerant, does not require special care, and does not like excessive soil moisture (the roots may rot). In addition to its beautiful appearance, spathiphyllum perfectly moisturizes the air.

A very beautiful flowering plant, as if specially created for dark places indoors. Begonia does not like bright light. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant. They all bloom profusely and have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonia tolerates heat and coolness equally well. But they need high air humidity. You should not spray the leaves, as they love direct contact with water. To prevent the roots from drying out, the begonia needs to be watered regularly.