In a private house      12/31/2023

Prepare vodka from alcohol. Making vodka from alcohol at home

Making vodka at home is not at all difficult. The quality of the vodka is certainly better than store-bought. In this article you will learn how to prepare vodka at home using water and alcohol, and how to use flavorings.

If you know where you can buy high-quality alcohol, then you can use this recipe and make homemade vodka. The recipe is divided into five important steps.

1. Water. Russian vodka uses only spring water, but if you don't have access to it, then store-bought bottled water will do. You can buy this water at any store. It is important to know that boiled and distilled water cannot be used to prepare vodka. Such water does not dissolve alcohol well and when boiled and distilled, the water loses its beneficial properties.

To prepare vodka, you need to take water that contains virtually no salt. When purchasing water in stores, read the composition, there you will see how many salts it contains. It is very important that the water is as clear as possible; the clearer the water, the softer it is.

2. Alcohol. Medical vodka is also suitable for making homemade vodka. As we know, medical alcohol contains ethyl alcohol diluted with a small amount of water. You can choose any one, they are not too different from each other.

Before you need to use a hydrometer to determine the initial strength. This will require determining the proportions of water.

3. Auxiliary products. Water and alcohol are not all the products needed for vodka. In addition, we need glucose. Glucose can be purchased at the store, or you can prepare it at home. Mix 1 kg of sugar with 1 liter of water. Simmer over low heat and skim off any foam that appears when boiling. When the foam is completely removed, the finished syrup must be removed from the heat.

If you do not like to drink pure vodka, you can enrich its taste with ingredients such as honey, citric acid, lemon or orange juice.

4. Connection. Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can proceed to the connection stage. We decide on the amount of water needed to prepare vodka. The table below will help you determine.

If you decide to make vodka with a strength of 40 degrees, then for this you will need:

  • 100 ml of alcohol with a strength of 90 degrees,
  • 130.8 ml water.

The result is 1 part alcohol to 1.3 parts water. The addition of glucose and flavorings has virtually no effect on the strength of the finished product.

Almost everything is ready!

It is believed that vodka with a strength of 40 degrees is the best option for consumption. Such proportions of diluting vodka up to 40 degrees contribute to the complete dissolution of molecules and all other substances that alcohol contains. It is important to know that if you used 500 ml of alcohol and 500 ml of water, then do not expect that you will get 1 liter of finished drink. During the chemical reaction, part of the liquid will evaporate.

Let's start mixing. First you need to pour water into the prepared container and add glucose and flavorings to taste. Flavorings are added as desired. Remember that you need to add alcohol to water, not water to alcohol. If you first place alcohol in a container and add water to it, it will become cloudy.

After placing the alcohol in the water, mix the resulting liquid thoroughly, it is very good if the container used for mixing is closed. In this case, after closing the container, you need to shake the liquid thoroughly.

5. Purification and filtration. Add 4 tablets of activated carbon to the prepared solution, then shake and let stand for 2 hours at room temperature. After the time has elapsed, use a thick cloth to strain the liquid.

Last step left. Bottles must be filled to the top and closed with a tight lid. It is necessary to completely exclude the supply of oxygen, otherwise you will end up with 40 degree vinegar. If it takes a couple of days, it will taste better. The expiration date depends on what additional ingredients you added. If the vodka is pure, it can be stored for a very long time.

Video: A slightly different option for making vodka from alcohol

Making vodka from medical or ethyl alcohol is quite simple, and with the right approach, the quality of the finished product will be no worse than the factory one. Or even better if high-quality raw materials are used for preparation, and simple rules are followed. In general, for making vodka It is enough to dilute the alcohol with water in the required proportions, but you can additionally use additives and flavorings to improve the properties of the drink.

Make vodka from alcohol at home simple if you have high-quality ethyl alcohol. The manufacturing process is simple and permitted in Russia - neither the creation of vodka mixtures nor the production of moonshine is a violation of the law if the product is made for one’s own needs and not for sale. The recipe for making vodka from alcohol consists of only a few steps.

Stage 1 - purchasing water

Old recipes advise preparing vodka using spring water or water from wells. Naturally, most city residents are unlikely to be comfortable going to an unknown place to search for a spring, so it is enough to use ordinary bottled water, sold in every grocery store.

Important: Do not use boiled water when preparing vodka. Distilled water will not work either - the process of distilling and boiling water kills a number of useful properties in it. In addition, alcohol begins to dissolve less well in it.

The softer and clearer the water, the better the quality of the finished drink. Therefore, in the store, it is advisable to immediately pay attention to the salt content, as well as the visual transparency of the water in the bottle. You should choose water that contains a minimum of salts in its composition.

Stage 2 - purchasing and preparing alcohol

To make the drink safe for health, you should use only ethyl or medical alcohol, and no other. These two liquids are somewhat different at the molecular level: medical alcohol is very close to ethyl alcohol, since it is made from it, but it contains small impurities of water and some other minor differences.

A few notes:

Stage 3 - preparing the remaining ingredients

In addition to the main two liquids in the form of water and alcohol, to independently prepare a pleasant-tasting vodka, you will need glucose.

It’s also easy to do at home:

The syrup does not have to contain only sugar and water. It is possible to add other ingredients to taste - this will significantly affect the taste of the finished product.

What is most often added:

  • lemon or orange juice;
  • citric acid.

Stage 4 - mixing

The most important stage, which can only be started after all the other ingredients of the drink are ready. To calculate the required amount of water, you need to know the initial alcohol strength and the desired strength of the finished drink.

To avoid making mistakes in your calculations, you can use the following tabular data:

The table is very easy to use. For example, the strength of ethyl or medical alcohol is 95%, and there is a desire to make a homemade drink from it with a strength of 40%, which is usual for vodka. The table shows 144.4 - exactly the number of milliliters needed to obtain the ideally desired result. That is, mixing should be done in a ratio of ~1.44.

Important point: When mixing, some of the liquid will be absorbed by chemical reactions. This means that 500 ml of water and 500 ml of alcohol will not make exactly 1 liter of vodka, and you shouldn’t be surprised by this. However, the error is relatively small.

If you use almost pure alcohol (96% alcohol) for a classic vodka recipe, for convenience you can use a simpler calculation: mix 2 liters of water and 250 ml of 96% alcohol with the addition of 40 milliliters of a 40% glucose solution. If you mix exactly the right amount, the result will be a classic 40% vodka with a fairly mild taste.

The mixing process itself is quite simple:

In general, making vodka from alcohol at home using this recipe is complete. But to increase the quality, softness and purity of the product, there is another important step - filtration and purification.

Stage 5 - filtration and purification

To clean prepared vodka several tablets of activated carbon are placed in it (at the rate of 3-4 tablets per liter of liquid) and shaken vigorously. Next, you need to leave the vodka for 2-3 hours at room temperature - this time is enough for the activated carbon to absorb all the excess impurities and clean the composition.

This concludes the question “How to make vodka from alcohol?” opened, but it’s better to wait a little longer before drinking vodka. The homemade drink should be poured into bottles up to the neck and tightly capped. You should make sure that access to air is securely blocked - otherwise the alcohol will evaporate from the bottle. After 2-3 days, the vodka will “rest” and its taste will become good, soft and pleasant.

You need to choose alcohol in a store with the utmost care: the quality of current products often leaves much to be desired.

In addition, not everyone likes the taste of pure vodka: it burns, and it is also bitter. You won't get much pleasure from this drink.

Therefore, let's try to use interesting ones that make it possible to make a strong warming drink to suit your taste.

Some will like the refreshingly aromatic mint, some the sweetish strawberry, and others will be delighted with the orange, the smell of which will remind you of the approaching New Year's feast.

Ideally, homemade alcohol should be prepared and stored in a glass container. Plastic jars are not suitable for these purposes: over time, compounds harmful to health are formed in them.

If you have stainless steel containers, those are also a good option. Do not use aluminum and copper containers if you do not want to harm yourself and those you will treat with homemade vodka.

Choosing alcohol

We take alcohol to make homemade alcohol ethyl or medical(essentially the same thing). According to the degree of purification, ethyl alcohol is divided into classes (the first in the list undergoes maximum purification, then in descending order):

  1. "Alpha".
  2. "Lux".
  3. "Extra".
  4. "Basis".
  5. Highly purified alcohol.

The latter, despite its name, has the worst filtration of the four and contains fusel impurities. There is also first grade alcohol, but it is not used for the production of drinking alcohol.


Water should be taken soft. Pour water into a glass and look at the light: perfect transparency will indicate softness. Tap water (even after filtering) is not recommended, it is harsh.

Most often, experienced distillers advise taking spring water, but it will also work perfectly bottled.

Are supplements needed?

To get an original drink, various herbs, spices or other ingredients are added to a mixture of alcohol and water. Most often this is:

  • orange, lemon, grapefruit juices;
  • pepper;
  • mint.

You can first try making vodka using one of the recipes below, and then experiment by adding any other “seasonings”.

How to make vodka at home?

The preparation process begins with the selection of good alcohol and high-quality water. Then you need mix alcohol and water in the correct proportions. So, to get 40-proof vodka, take 130.8 ml of water and 100 ml of 90-proof alcohol.

  1. Cleansing (in more detail:).
  2. Filtration process (liquid is filtered through a layer of cotton cloth).
  3. Bottling.
  4. Infusion (it is best to infuse for at least 2 days).

Some nuances in the recipes may vary, but in general the process looks something like this. This way, vodka is obtained, which is then “enriched” with spices or other ingredients.

DIY recipes

Test your winemaking skills using any of the options offered.

Strawberry vodka

You will need 200 g of fresh berries, as well as 100 g of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of homemade vodka. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, pour into a glass bottle and place in a dark cabinet.

After a week, filter, then put in the refrigerator for 7 days. The result is a strong alcoholic drink with a distinct strawberry aroma.


Tart gooseberries are perfectly suited for making original homemade vodka - you will see this if you try the following recipe. We take:

  • gooseberries (three-liter jar);
  • moonshine (0.5 l);
  • sugar (300 g).

Mix the ingredients, leave for 5-7 days, filter. We put it in the refrigerator.

Mint vodka

In addition to mint, barberry berries are used here, which give the strong alcohol a unique taste.

Let's prepare the products:

  • mint (several leaves, per 30 g);
  • liter of vodka;
  • barberry - berries (4 tablespoons).

We wash the mint, chop it, and pour it into a glass container. Add mashed barberry to mint leaves.

Fill the mixture with vodka, put it in a cool place and keep it for about 3-4 weeks. Strain through cheesecloth or cotton cloth. For taste, you can add a spoonful of honey or sugar (it will be even better if you boil a thick syrup from sugar and water and combine it with the alcoholic component in this form).

The last stage is bottling and waiting for the vodka to “ripen”. To do this, it must stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


Any ginger drink can boost immunity, and if it also has “degrees”, then drinking it is not only healthy, but also pleasant. All you need is one medium ginger root, a liter or 100 g of honey.

Ginger should be washed and grated (remove the peel before chopping). Add honey to the ginger and pour in vodka. Place in a dark place for 10 days.

Strain using cheesecloth. You can also use cotton wool if you want to make the drink “transparent, like a tear.”

Now the last step remains - bottle it and put it in the refrigerator.

Vodka with jam

You might be surprised: “Can vodka be made from jam?” It turns out that it happens, and the product will not go to waste: for such a drink you can safely use spoiled jam.

If among your supplies there are 6 liters of any jam that no one will eat anymore, put it to work. Add:

  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 30 liters of water;
  • yeast (200 g).

Place the mixture in a warm place and wait 5 days - during this time the fermentation process will take place. Then follows the resulting mash. Filter and store.

Mulberry (from mulberry)

In warm regions, the dark, sweet mulberry grows. Usually it is somehow not taken seriously: it ripens in large quantities and is not in demand among the local population. Meanwhile, from just 400 g of mulberry you can make original vodka.

Wash the mulberries and knead them. Add sugar (300 g) and water (200 ml). Prepare the syrup. When it is cooked, add alcohol (vodka or moonshine) and leave it in a warm room for 3 weeks. Filtering. Place in the refrigerator for a week. Next we taste.


Just a teaspoon of cumin is needed to obtain excellent homemade alcohol. Plus a little alcohol or vodka (0.5 l), half a teaspoon of dill seeds, the same amount of anise seeds, a tablespoon of honey, a couple of clove buds. You can also add a tablespoon of chopped lemon zest.

Mix spices and alcohol in a jar, close it tightly and keep in the room for 10 days.

Strain, squeeze. Add honey (or sugar). Pour into clean bottles and put in the refrigerator. There the strong tincture will stand for a week until it is completely ready. If sediment appears, you need to filter the drink through cheesecloth.

Homemade vodka from dogwood

Take 500 g of dogwood, a liter of vodka and 150 g of granulated sugar.

We chop the dogwood, fill it with alcohol and put it in the closet for 20 days. The first stage of preparation takes place at room temperature. Shake occasionally. Then strain, add sugar, stir and put in a cold place. After a week, strain through cotton wool.

The drink should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - up to 5 years.

Sweet raspberry

List of required products:

  • 250 ml water;
  • liter of vodka;
  • 3 kg of raspberries (you can take more);
  • sugar (250 g).

Pour alcohol over the berries and place them in a room where the temperature is maintained at 20-25 º C for 3 days. Make syrup from sugar and water. Drain the raspberry mixture and syrup into one container.

Place in the refrigerator for a month and then filter. That's it, you can drink raspberry vodka.

Making vodka at home is not difficult. Having high quality initial components, you can count on a very decent product.

Vodka from alcohol is obtained by simply mixing the main and auxiliary components.

The technology of the process consists of a set of ingredients, proportions, sequence and mixing conditions, as well as methods for purifying the resulting vodka.

Let's take a closer look at how homemade vodka is made from alcohol (see also).

Traditional recipes for diluting alcohol suggest using fresh spring water. If you live in a city where there are no sources of such water, you can take regular bottled water for drinking.

You cannot use tap water, distillate or boiled water, since the taste of such water is impaired, and its solution with alcohol is also not good enough. The salt content of water for diluting vodka should be minimal.

The amount of salts is indicated on the labels of retail bottles. In addition to hardness, also pay attention to turbidity - the water for the alcohol solution should be clear.

Alcohol preparation

Ethyl alcohol is the main product for the production of vodka. There are three types of such alcohol that are suitable for our purposes (in descending order):

  • Alpha grade ethyl alcohol. High quality alcohol made from wheat and rye grains or a mixture of them. Deep cleaning, few impurities. Best for making homemade vodka.
  • Ethyl alcohol of the "Lux" brand. Used to make inexpensive vodka. Several stages of cleaning. The wort for distillation is made from different types of grains and their mixtures in various proportions, the potato starch content is no more than 35% (data according to GOST 5962-2013).
  • Alcohol brand "Extra". Made from raw materials with a potato starch content of no more than 60%. Grains and a mixture of them, including grain + potatoes, are also used. In the production of alcohol, it is used to make vodka in the mid-price segment. It should not be used for homemade vodka - its taste is low, and it is not purified deeply enough.

Using a small amount of potassium permanganate solution, you can precipitate some salts from any alcohol. After shaking the contents of the bottle with a solution of potassium permanganate, wait for a sediment to form, and then drain the alcohol. For deep cleaning, you can filter the alcohol through a filter jug.

Auxiliary Ingredients

Additional components are used to make the drink softer, remove taste and unpleasant odor. When producing classic vodka on an industrial scale, a glucose solution is added to a mixture of alcohol and water.

You can prepare a glucose solution for diluting vodka yourself. To do this, mix 1 kg of sugar with 1 liter of water and cook over low heat, periodically skimming the white foam from the surface. The solution can be considered ready when foam stops appearing.

In addition to glucose, a variety of food products can be used in the production of vodka:

  • citrus juices;
  • ginger;
  • red and black pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • horseradish;
  • vinegar;
  • milk, etc.

The number of additional products can be any - everything here depends only on the tastes of the manufacturer.

Connecting components

The most important stage of making vodka. The main thing is to correctly calculate the proportions and accurately measure the volumes of the components.

Vodka strength

Pre-determine the required strength of the drink, i.e. alcohol content. The strength of vodka depends on the amount of water in the solution. Due to the small amount, flavoring additives do not affect the strength. The main rules for diluting alcohol with water:

  • The classic strength of vodka is 40% vol. This strength of the drink is considered the most suitable for consumption.
  • To obtain classic vodka, alcohol and water are mixed in a ratio of 1:1.3, i.e. 1,000 ml of 96% vol. alcohol. mixed with 1,443 ml of water.

When diluting, remember the main rule: alcohol must be added to water, and not vice versa! Only in this case the mixture turns out transparent. After adding alcohol, close the container and mix thoroughly by shaking.

Purification and filtration

Fine purification of vodka is mandatory - only in this case can you count on a high-quality product. Activated carbon is used for cleaning (3-4 tablets per 2,300 ml of solution of water, alcohol and flavoring additives):

  1. Place the tablets in an alcohol solution.
  2. Leave for two to three hours.
  3. Strain the solution through a thick cotton cloth.
  4. Pour clean vodka into bottles to the very top - no air should remain in the bottle.
  5. Close tightly and let stand for two days.

The shelf life of vodka is determined by the shelf life of the components. The classic variety can be stored for a very long time.

Checking the quality of homemade vodka

Several ways to check the quality of the drink you have made:

  • Vodka should smell exceptional. Foreign odors of acetone, etc. are not allowed.
  • Place the bottle of vodka in the freezer at -18-30°C for about an hour. If during this time ice crystals begin to form in the liquid, then the vodka is of low quality and is not recommended to be consumed.
  • Pour some vodka into a spoon and heat it on the gas stove. Light the vodka with a match. Good vodka burns with an even light blue fire, bad vodka does not burn at all or flares up like gasoline.
  • One liter of good quality vodka weighs 953 g without tableware. Having previously determined the weight of the container, pour vodka into it and weigh it, determining the net weight of the prepared alcohol.

Making vodka from alcohol at home is not difficult, and the result mainly depends on the quality of the starting ingredients. The manufacturer remains to carefully determine the ratios of ingredients and follow simple rules of mixing, purification and filtration technology.

Every happy owner of a rectified food product has at least once wondered how best to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. Despite the huge assortment of vodka boutiques, many drink lovers want to make their own exclusive. Moreover, the production of alcohol for personal use is not prohibited by law. Homemade vodka is a product that is obviously of higher quality than purchased vodka, provided that proven raw materials and the correct technology are used.



The basic material for producing vodka is alcohol. The final result primarily depends on its characteristics. To make vodka from alcohol, you can use ethyl food rectified or its medical analogue. They are often equated, but some differences exist:

  • Feedstock. Medical ethanol is produced only from potatoes and grain crops characterized by a high starch content. While food - from almost any agricultural crop;
  • Fortress. Commercially produced food grade ethanol has a strength of 96–96.3°. The strength of the medicinal product may vary and depends on the final purpose of use. The most common strength is 95°, but it can also be found lower, for example, 70°;
  • Cleaning. In terms of the degree of purification, medical alcohol has no equal; there are practically no impurities in it. With regard to the food subspecies, everything again depends on the category.

With a medical product, everything is clear and transparent, just like the product itself. It can differ only in strength. Accordingly, the finished vodka from such raw materials may turn out to be a little more or a little less. Food rectification has an internal classification that is worth familiarizing yourself with.

1. Highly purified alcohol 96.2°

  • Potatoes, sugar beets, black molasses, and grain crops are used. Any proportions;
  • fusel oils 6 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.03%.
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.05%.
  • grain crops and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 60%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • grain crops and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 30%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 5 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • only grain crops are used, mainly rye and wheat;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.003%.

When preparing vodka from home-made alcohol, the values ​​of impurities are not known at all. But there are no questions about the composition.


The second component necessary to dilute alcohol is water. A lot also depends on its good quality. Industrial brands of premium vodka, in addition to degrees and methods of purification, prioritize the use of spring water. This marketing ploy increases customer loyalty and trust.

In a metropolitan area, it is difficult to obtain such a product. Therefore, bottled water from wells is quite suitable. Mandatory rule: you cannot use boiled and distilled water. These processes change the chemical composition of water. Substances and trace elements necessary when mixed with alcohol molecules disappear.

It is worth paying attention to the content of mineral salts. There should be as few of them as possible. We give preference to soft and clear water. Information on salt content and hardness level can be found on the label. Just study several samples and choose the best option.


Glucose is an ingredient that doesn't always get enough attention. And it’s completely in vain. It is glucose that helps eliminate the characteristic alcohol odor that remains even after various cleanings. It really makes the drink soft and drinkable.

You can buy glucose at the pharmacy, but it’s not difficult to make it yourself. To prepare it you will need to mix 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture thoroughly over low heat, skimming off the white foam that appears. As soon as foam stops forming, you can turn off the heat. The result is a kind of sugar syrup familiar to homemade liqueur producers. This is glucose.

Fact or Fiction

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can proceed to mixing alcohol and water. This seemingly simple process has its own subtleties and myths passed on from generation to generation.

It is important to strictly follow the proportions

There are many recipes where the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2 parts ethanol to 3 parts water. To properly dilute alcohol and achieve an accurate strength, it is better to use a special table with ready-made calculations.

Dilution table for 100 ml ethanol with water

° 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
90 6,4
85 13,3 6,6
80 20,9 13,8 6,8
75 29,5 21,8 14,5 7,2
70 39,1 31,0 23,1 15,4 7,6
65 50,1 41,4 33,0 24,7 16,4 8,2
60 67,9 53,7 44,5 35,4 26,5 17,6 8,8
55 78,0 67,8 57,9 48,1 38,3 28,6 19,0 9,5
50 96,0 84,7 73,9 63,0 52,4 41,7 31,3 20,5 10,4
45 117,2 105,3 93,3 81,2 69,5 57,8 46,0 34,5 22,9 11,4
40 144,4 130,8 117,3 104,0 90,8 77,6 64,5 51,4 38,5 25,6
35 178,7 163,3 148,0 132,9 117,8 102,8 87,9 73,1 58,3 43,6
30 224,1 206,2 188,6 171,1 153,6 136,0 118,9 101,7 84,5 67,5
25 278,1 266,1 245,2 224,3 203,5 182,8 162,2 141,7 121,2 100,7
20 382,0 355,8 329,8 304,0 278,3 252,6 227,0 201,4 176,0 150,6
15 540,0 505,3 471,0 436,9 402,8 368,8 334,9 301,1 267,3 233,6

In the first line we find the initial strength of the existing rectification. The first column shows the strength of the already diluted alcohol. At the intersection - the amount of water that needs to be diluted with 0.1 liters of alcohol.

Example: the starting product is 1 liter of rectified ethyl 95°, the desired result is vodka 40°. You will need 1444 ml of water (144.4 ml for every 100 ml of alcohol).

You can't pour water into alcohol - fiction

It is a very common belief that you can only add alcohol to water and never the other way around. This theory is based on a lot of pseudoscientific research about the structure of water and how it breaks down. Ethanol that becomes cloudy after pouring water is often confirmed as confirmation.

This statement does not find a response among professional chemists. From a chemical point of view, there is no difference between water mixed with ethanol and ethanol diluted with water. And the cloudiness of the alcohol solution after adding water is explained by the precipitation of mineral salts. That is why when choosing water it is advised to pay attention to their content.

>And if chemists have no questions, the physical side of the ongoing process has its own peculiarities. When water is poured into a solvent, a thermal reaction occurs, releasing heat. This is due to the different densities of liquids. Mixing something like this can only be flammable if the volumes are very large. Vodka from alcohol at home is usually not made in such quantities as to lead to a significant release of heat. Quite acceptable warming of the aqueous-alcohol solution is observed.

Vodka needs to be kept for at least 2 days, or better yet, kept in the cold for 2 weeks - a fiction

When making homemade alcohol, long-term aging in a cool, dark place is practiced. The goal is to wait for the maximum possible amount of impurities to precipitate. In the case of vodka, 99% of the salts fall out within the first few hours. Further aging only takes time, but usually does not affect the quality level.

Vodka recipe from alcohol

To make your own vodka from alcohol you will need:

  • alcohol 95° - 1 liter;
  • bottled water - 1.444 liters;
  • glucose - 30 ml.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the required amount of ingredients. When using alcohol of a different strength, look at the table and recalculate the amount of water.
  • Mix alcohol with water. The sequence of actions is not important here. But practicing moonshiners recommend diluting water with ethanol, pouring it in a thin stream into pre-measured water.
  • Add glucose to mixed alcohol. Mix and even shake as thoroughly as possible.
  • To make vodka from alcohol purer, we will carry out simple but effective carbon filtration. To do this you will need activated carbon. The brands KAU-A, KAU-SORB, BAU-A, BAU-LV are suitable. The amount of coal needed to clean will depend on the type. Exact information can be found in the instructions for each drug.
  • The coal can be crushed, added to vodka and strained after 2-3 hours. Another way: make a coal column. To do this, take a funnel and alternate layers of crushed coal and cotton or special filter disks. We pass the vodka through this filter several times.

The drink is ready to drink immediately after cooling to the desired temperature. There are no restrictions on shelf life.

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