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Horoscope for November from Pavel Globa. The stars foretell good fortune for many zodiac signs in November. What does the horoscope portend for Leo in November?

Pavel Globa is a leading specialist in the field of astronomical forecasts in the CIS. His advice will help you succeed in love and business. November 2017 promises good luck for many Zodiac Signs.

Every Zodiac Sign has an important mission. Every person has a true purpose in life, which perhaps many have not yet realized. In November, most likely, you will be able to uncover this secret or get closer to it. In any case, it is better not to give up. Everything that happens in November is important. Down to the very last detail. In everything you will need to look for the secret signs that the Universe sends you.


Aries will be protected from troubles and illnesses by their self-confidence. You can make a huge leap forward in the next 30 days - you just need not to extinguish this flame of desire and ambition within yourself. You can destroy tiny problems with your positivity, but if something serious happens, then you will need heavy artillery in the form of the support of a loved one or friend. Don't forget that you are not alone in this world.

A moderately strong and positive Pluto in Capricorn for you will help you find a common language with anyone and ask for help so that you don’t end up owing anything to anyone. It is very important to remember the person who will support you, so that you can repay him in kind. You will not be asked for this out of respect and in view of education, but there is no need to wait - help those who will help you. You can make a promise if you want, that will do too.


This will be a good time to recharge your emotions and energy. It would be a good idea to find or charge your talisman stone, if you have one. Whatever happens, whatever happens, don’t blame fate. You now need to focus not on solving problems, but on preparing for their speedy solution in December. November is suitable for planning and setting goals.

By the way, about tasks: they must be feasible. This will be especially relevant in the period from November 16 to 23, when the Moon will be either weak or completely devoid of strength. On other days, at the beginning and at the end of the month, the strength of the Earth's satellite will be great. You need to be active at such a time. Particularly good days for any business are November 4, 5, 8, 9, 26-28. The Moon will be in Taurus, Cancer and Pisces respectively. In the middle of the month it is better to be realistic, because there will be little or no support from the Moon.


A lack of bias towards themselves and others will help Geminis change their lives for the better in November. You are capable people with a huge range of useful qualities in all areas. Your strength lies in your charisma, but you are lazy, which is not so easy to overcome. Mercury, your patron in November, will be strong only until the 4th inclusive. These days will be the most productive. Then he will move from Scorpio to the constellation Sagittarius and will completely lose his strength. For the rest of the month you will have to deal with fears and problems on your own.

Do not reject the help of other people, because independence is not a huge plus, but simply a character trait. Now you need to not be afraid of appearing weak. This is where human strength lies - in honesty with oneself and with others. Remain yourself, but do not give yourself a reason to go into the world of illusions.


The best talisman of the watery Zodiac Signs in November is desires and ambitions. Their power can be unbridled, but you need to channel it in the right direction. Choose one most important area of ​​your life and follow the path of improvement all month, from beginning to end. Venus, the patron of emotions and secret desires, will be on your side. Until the 6th inclusive, she will be strong in the Sign of Libra, and then she will suddenly lose all her power due to the transition to Scorpio.

For almost the entire month you will not be able to receive the support of this relevant planet. You will find yourself in neutral waters, at a crossroads. You will need to decide where and how to go next. Save your energy to plan things for the future. Don't throw all your resources at something that isn't particularly relevant. Be extremely careful and careful, especially with money.

a lion

Success in November for Leo will be a very compressed and narrow concept. The fact is that stable, but very dangerous Saturn in Sagittarius in November will be relevant for you. This is a bad alignment because you don't have time to think, and Saturn slows down your thoughts. Relax and think about something pleasant. If you come face to face with a complex and ambiguous situation, then you can trust your intuition, because logic will not save you. Use your sixth sense as little as possible.

Be true to your principles, but do not strive to dominate in all areas. You simply won’t have any helpers now, because everyone is busy with their own affairs, everyone has their own problems. Do things around the house, take a break from work, from financial troubles. Save money, because serious losses are possible at the end of November.


Avoid selfish Zodiac Signs in November. You may be taken advantage of, which will greatly upset you. Revenge will not fix the matter now, so you will find yourself in a hopeless situation. The difficulty of choice will be obvious, because you will need to decide which path to move on - the shortest and dangerous one, or the difficult one, but devoid of dangers.

Strong Neptune in Pisces will force you to follow all the rules of the game. It can be especially difficult in the area of ​​finance, because money loves arrogant people, and Virgos for the most part are not like that. Of course, if you force yourself to change your principles, then dark times may come, because Neptune is the guardian of the law, but it depends on your luck. You don't have much luck, so it's not worth taking risks now.


The absence of envy and other negative emotions will help you attract money and love into your home in November. The Sun will remain in the Sign of Scorpio until November 20, so its powers will be zero. This will be a good time because the Sun will not be able to resist your desires. But from the 21st it will become strong in Sagittarius. Here you will have to think about how to maintain composure and the desire to move forward.

This month will teach you a lot. Something will have to be sacrificed, something will have to be gained. You will be able to comprehend some truths that you had never even thought about before. The universe is not on your side in November, but you can learn a lesson from this too. In love, you should not neglect the rules and common sense. In money, at work and in business, it is better to adhere to the previously adopted strategy. Don't stray from the path that is familiar and familiar to you.


Scorpios will need to activate all their internal resources in November. Since your patron, Mars, will be deprived of his powers due to his stay in Libra, it is better for you to build up your energy gradually. Don't throw all your strength into battle at once. Reconnaissance the situation, then carefully move forward. Only after this go on the offensive. Try to look only forward, without looking back at past mistakes. Prophetic dreams will help you see the future.

If everything suddenly goes awry, then know that it is only your merit, no one else’s. Only you will be responsible for your failures and mistakes. Don't look for someone to blame, because people will understand your plans and then turn against you. If you want to be on the safe side, just ask for help from colleagues, friends, acquaintances and loved ones. The main thing now is to be honest. In love, this will also greatly help you succeed.


Sagittarius will be helped in November by Jupiter, the patron of thoughts and desires. This planet will remain in the Sign of Scorpio for the entire month. The moderate energy of Jupiter will help you tune in to the right mood, gain self-confidence and simply become stronger. This is your month, your time, which is filled with opportunities. In love, you only need a little confidence and the desire to find your soul mate. If you are already in a relationship, then to take it to a higher level, you can resort to the help of your eloquence. Watch your thoughts - they control your health and luck.

You will also succeed in money and at work. The main thing is not to miss the chance. All goals will be achieved, you just need to try a little, overcome yourself and your laziness. Do not think that everything can be resolved on its own - your participation is simply mandatory in everything.


Uranus takes the initiative into its own hands. Success in love awaits those of you who can get out of the captivity of your fears. The same can be said about work. You think too much about what isn't there. In November it is better not to think, but to act. A little bit of recklessness will help you succeed in everything. This will be a very, very productive month for you. Take advantage of every opportunity to become richer, better, kinder, smarter and happier.

Life can give you a pleasant gift if you want to change something about yourself. This time is great for introspection and working on yourself. You can change your environment, go on vacation or visit for a week. The main thing for you now is to get rid of loneliness. The time has come to find love, friendship, and improve relationships with loved ones.


Jupiter takes the initiative into its own hands, so Aquarius will have a hard time in November. Air Signs of the Zodiac, especially Aquarius, get rich very quickly, but find trouble just as quickly. This suggests that you cannot control yourself and do not always know how to use your energy correctly. Planning will help eliminate this unpleasant feature of your character.

This will be a great time for routine work, but not for negotiations, not for big expenses. In love, it is better to follow rather than lead. You may later be accused of being irresponsible, so let your loved one make important decisions. It will lift you up in his or her eyes if you give up the throne of the relationship to him or her. A little attention to detail won't hurt in November either.


Uranus will be active in November, maintaining its moderate strength. His energy will be creative for you, so you should just get rid of all fears and show the world who you really are. Get rid of old things, unnecessary connections. Relationships that have outlived their usefulness need to be interrupted this November, because they are dragging you down.

Pavel Globa is a leading expert in the field of astronomical forecasts in the CIS. His recommendations according to each zodiac sign help people achieve success or simply motivate them in love, personal affairs and career. The present month of November 2017 promises good luck for most Zodiac Signs.

Each zodiac sign is endowed with its own goal, mission. And every person has a main goal in life, towards which he is rapidly moving. In November, the stars say that the Zodiac Signs will be able to get one step closer to their goal. Be that as it may, we must not give up. In November 2017, all events are important. What previously seemed insignificant to you will have its own weight in November. This month you will need to look for the signs of Fate that the Universe directs.


Aries this month needs to be self-confident in order to protect themselves from troubles and illnesses. In the next 30 days you will be able to make a big leap forward. Destroy the tiny setbacks that come your way with your unwavering optimism and positivity.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


This month is a time for Taurus to recharge emotionally and energetically. Whatever happens to you, do not blame Fate, because now you need to focus not on solving problems, but on preparing for their resolution in December. November will be a prosperous period for planning and setting goals for the near future. But it is important that the tasks are feasible, otherwise nothing may work out.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth: Gemini

In November, the stars advise Gemini not to become attached to themselves or to others. You are quite skillful people who possess a huge range of useful qualities in all areas.

Your main problem this month is laziness. Strive to overcome it, which will not be so easy. The stars advise you not to reject the help of outsiders, because independence is not always good. Now do not be afraid to appear weak, for this is the main strength of a person.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


This month Cancers will be at the top of their ambitions. Your indomitable strength must be channeled in a free direction. Don’t get scattered about the little things, but choose one most important area of ​​life and follow the path of improvement.

The stars warn Cancers to be especially careful and careful, especially with money.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:

a lion

Leos in November need to be patient, as the planets have become in a not entirely favorable position for Leo. You just need to relax and think positive thoughts. This month, try not to trust your intuition. But if Fate brings you face to face with a difficult situation, then you should listen to your intuition, because logic will not help you here.

The stars recommend that you be true to your principles, but do not strive to prevail in all areas. Give yourself a break from work and relax at home. The financial situation this month leaves much to be desired, try to save money.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


In November, Virgos need to avoid selfish Zodiac Signs. Because you can be manipulated and this will greatly upset you. Revenge will be inappropriate here, so you will find yourself in a hopeless situation.

Virgos, as the stars show, don’t have much luck this month, so you shouldn’t take risks.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


The stars recommend that Libra give up negative emotions and envy in November. This refusal will help attract money to the house. This month will be very significant for you. Be prepared to make some sacrifices. You will be able to learn some truths that you had not thought about before. But here you will need to think about maintaining composure and moving on. Be careful.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


In November you will need to activate all internal resources. But don’t throw all your strength into battle at once. Take care of them and use them wisely. The stars advise you to look only forward and not look back at past mistakes.

Prophetic dreams will tell you the right path. And if everything doesn’t go as planned, then know that this is only your fault. Don't look for someone to blame, because people will be angry with you.

The main thing for you now is honesty. First of all, before yourself. In love, this sincerity will help you greatly succeed.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


Sagittarius is destined for good luck in November. You can’t hide from it, this is the month to realize your potential. Be more confident in love. If you are already in a relationship, then your ability to speak beautifully and smoothly will help you reach a new level. The stars warn: watch your thoughts, they rule your health and luck. Don't let problems take their course. Your role in resolving them is very important.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


This month the stars advise Capricorns to get out of the captivity of fear. The same can be said about work. Don't burden yourself with problems that don't exist. In November, the stars recommend that you not talk, but act. This is exactly the case when a small amount of recklessness will help you succeed in many ways. It's time to improve relationships with family and friends, and also find love.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


This month you need to contain your expenses and properly manage your inner strength. Plan all your actions. November is a great time for you for ordinary, routine work, but not for important negotiations and big expenses. This month, allow your loved one to make important decisions for himself. It also doesn't hurt to pay attention to detail.

Horoscope for November 2017 by Pavel Globa by zodiac sign and year of birth:


In November, the stars advise Pisces to get rid of unnecessary things, thoughts, and connections. It is also better to end relationships that have outlived their usefulness, because then they will drag you down.

This month you need to calmly accept criticism, if any. Don't criticize anyone back, don't be nervous. To change your life for the better, strengthen your position and devote yourself as much as possible to establishing the trust of others.

Work: Many Aries will feel like workhorses in November. There is a lot of organizational work ahead, as well as transactions related to real estate, construction or renovation work.

Love: The month will strengthen the relationship of lovers, there will be a desire to legitimize the union or simply try to live together. In already established families, serious conflicts are possible.

Health: Low energy levels can cause weak immunity. Beware of autumn colds. Aries women now have an increased likelihood of pregnancy.


Work: In the first half of November, business support will be provided by new partners with high financial potential; you can count on profitable agreements and contracts (including foreign ones).

Love: A good month for creating love connections. The stars have prepared a romantic adventure for single Taurus, which will most likely happen on the road, in another city or even country. A good period to strengthen family values.

Health: November will fill you with health, irrepressible energy and attractiveness. Now you are capable of moving mountains.


Job: Perhaps a promotion, a new job or even starting your own business. The accumulated experience, knowledge and development of professional talents will allow Gemini to lay a strong foundation for success.

Love: November will be filled with an aura of love. Use this time to stabilize family relationships. The last month of autumn is the last chance to return an old love or save a falling apart family.

Health: Stop putting off taking care of your health until later! This “later” may not come if you don’t seriously take care of your chronic illnesses now.


Work: There will be a comfortable calm in your work life. Everything is calm, but nothing outstanding will happen at work. Only representatives of creative professions will have new prospects.

Love: November will bring you intense love experiences. It may seem to you that this bright, dizzying novel is your destiny. Be careful! It's entirely possible that this is just a fling. You are being used.

Health: Now your health depends entirely on your ability to pull yourself together.


Work: The stars are favorable to those Leos who have outlined a bold business goal and are determined to achieve it. November is your month! You have been waiting for this period for a long time. Don't miss your unique chance!

Love: Qualitative changes are planned in family relationships, which will begin now and, perhaps, will stretch right up to the beginning of next year. Construction, moving or planning a wedding are pleasant family chores.

Health: You are overcome by the desire to go into hibernation. You can afford it, but remember your diet, otherwise by spring you will look like a bear.


Love: You will be ready to put an end to a relationship that you thought was never-ending. Admit it, they have begun to destroy both you and your partner. Let go easily. The stars are preparing new love for you!

Health: Against the backdrop of favorable changes and bright prospects, you become more energetic, healthier and even younger.


Work: You will be able to prove yourself in an assigned area of ​​work or in a new position, which will increase your authority, but you will also have more envious people. The reason for this may also be the increased income from a successful transaction.

Love: For many Libras, November will be the final point. For some - in unpromising relationships, and for others - in quarrels and family squabbles. In any case, the long-awaited harmony will come.

Health: If there are no chronic health problems, relax. You don’t have to worry about new diseases; they will bypass you.


Work: A lot of work, plans and responsibilities await you in November. But you'll like it. You will be able to realize yourself and take your successes to a new level. This will also affect the increase in profits.

Love: Love will swirl you around like autumn leaves. And you will be spinning, sometimes flying up, sometimes falling down. Not a simple relationship. They will exhaust you considerably, but they will also fill you up no less.

Health: The body's reserves are not unlimited. Take care of yourself, even if it seems to you that your health is indestructible.


Work: Now in work you better be a follower. Learn more, learn from experience, improve your own skills. Soon you will need it for promotion.

Love: Your adventurous nature haunts you, and you won’t get bored in love with him. And now the stars have seen in your horoscope that in November you will get caught up in a love triangle. Think three times!

Health: You are unlikely to complain about your health, but you cannot call it strong either. Excess may be to blame. Know your limits!


Work: You can count on success at work if you take the time to make the right connections. In the first half of November, many successful and influential people will concentrate around you. Take advantage of it!

Love: Appreciate what you have. You need to work on any relationship: build new ones, develop existing ones. You will always have time to destroy it. Now the stars are calling you to create.

Health: Relax! Stop any important activities and do nothing. The body needs to recharge in order to gain new strength.


Work: Keep your mouth shut! Your brilliant ideas may become the property of your competitors. But no matter what happens, old friends who have helped you more than once will lend their reliable shoulder.

Love: Having plunged headlong into work, you may even forget what love is. But the romantic past will remind you of itself. An old love may resurface, or a friendship may develop into a romance.

Health: Your head takes you into unimaginable projects that require strength and energy. Take breaks, go for walks. This is a necessity now!


Work: Stop investing in what is not yours. Stop entertaining yourself with the illusion that if others can do it, then you can do it too. Of course, not weak! But redirect the intention. Your success is in a different direction!

Love: Don't rush things! The feeling that has surged (or maybe is just emerging) is very fragile. It will get stronger, just give it time. Let events develop without pressure.

Health: Your health problems are in the past, but just don’t forget that prevention is better than cure.

Horoscope from a popular expert in the field of astrology - Pavel Globa. Using his recommendations, everyone can succeed in their endeavors, love relationships and careers. In November 2017, almost all Zodiac Signs will experience changes and luck.

Each of us has our own mission and goal in life. However, not everyone can solve this mystery. November 2017 will help everyone get closer to realizing their purpose. This month everything should be given importance. After all, the Universe itself will begin to send you signs and tips.

Aries expects great progress in professional and financial affairs. Self-confidence will protect them from troubles and illnesses. The main thing is to maintain positivity. If major problems stand in your way, enlist the support of a close friend or significant other. But don't forget those who will help you. Subsequently, they will also need your assistance. It is better to devote the end of the month to learning and improving professional skills.

For Taurus, the onset of November will bring an excellent opportunity to replenish their emotional and energy resources. This month is good for making plans and tasks for the near future. For Taurus who are in a relationship, November will be truly sweet. This period is also very favorable for those who are looking for a soul mate. At the end of the month you should be extremely careful, as there is a high probability of accidents.

In November, the stars recommend that Gemini try to reveal their talents. The first days of the month will be the most productive. Try to overcome your laziness and fears, and do things that you have been putting off for a long time. Use your charisma more, don't try to seem strong. People will certainly appreciate it and want to support you. Real Mexican passions await the twins in their love affairs.

In November, Cancers will have to rely only on their own strength. Therefore, you should not be scattered about solving many problems. It is better to choose one most important area and devote all your ambitions to improving it. During this period, you will have to make many important decisions that can dramatically change the further course of events in your life. This month will bring new love interests into the lives of Cancers. Those who are already in a couple can expect positive changes in their relationship.

Not the easiest times will come for Leo in November. They will be required to make quick decisions. You shouldn’t rely on the support of loved ones now. If you are waiting for new cash receipts in November, your expectations are in vain. Moreover, at the end of the month there is a high probability of significant financial losses. Despite the very unstable situation, Leo's personal life will bring joy and harmony.

In November, Virgos will have to endure difficult relationships with others and financial difficulties. However, despite the troubles, Virgo will conquer with her enthusiasm. During this period, you should not make risky decisions and change your life principles. If you are already married, a second honeymoon awaits you. Single Virgos are destined for new long-term relationships.

Libras should avoid negative feelings in November. Don't lose your composure and envy other people's successes. A month of insights awaits you, so focus on your own life and making the right decisions to stay on track. It is possible to make large profits in the financial field. As for love affairs, you will have to go through several tense situations in November.

For Scorpios, in November there begins a period of full inclusion of all their strength and vital resources. However, you should act carefully and slowly. There is no need to engage in soul-searching and analysis of past mistakes. Look forward with confidence and trust your intuition. In November, the road to promising acquaintances is open for you, both in business and in the personal sphere.

Sagittarius faces a period of new opportunities in November. Don't lose confidence in yourself, gain strength and use your personal charm to achieve what you want. Success for Sagittarius is destined for money and love, as well as in the professional field. The main thing is to add a little enthusiasm to your goals.

Less thinking and more action is the strategy for Capricorns for November. You need to get out of the captivity of your own complexes and fears. Then the stars will bring you good luck. Add recklessness and adventurism to the realities of your life. Don’t forget about self-development, but don’t isolate yourself either. This time is perfect for building relationships with loved ones.

For Aquarius, November provides an opportunity to show themselves in professional activities. Therefore, it is worth being active, the Komandir website reports. Promotion in your career will bring not only the satisfaction of personal ambitions, but also an improvement in your financial condition. However, work will have to be preferred to love adventures. A pleasant surprise awaits those in a relationship.

In November, Pisces need to get rid of the burden of the past. Feel free to clear your space of unnecessary things and hateful connections. Preoccupation with financial matters will bring good results this month. But do not get involved in dubious enterprises. Risk and reckless actions are not about November 2017.

protection from troubles and diseases will provide them self confidence. You can make a huge leap forward in the next 30 days- you just need not to extinguish this flame of desire and ambition within yourself. You can destroy tiny problems with your positivity, but if something serious happens, then you will need heavy artillery in the form of the support of a loved one or friend. Don't forget that you are not alone in this world.

A moderately strong and positive Pluto in Capricorn for you will help you find a common language with anyone and ask for help so that you don’t end up owing anything to anyone. It is very important to remember the person who will support you, so that you can repay him in kind. You will not be asked for this out of respect and in view of education, but there is no need to wait - help those who will help you. You can make a promise if you want, that will do too.

This will be a good time to recharge your emotions and energy. It would be a good idea to find or charge your talisman stone, if you have one. Whatever happens, whatever happens, don’t blame fate. to you now we need to focus not on solving problems, but on preparing for their speedy solution in December. November is suitable for planning and setting goals.

By the way, about tasks: they must be feasible. This will be especially relevant in the period from November 16 to 23, when the Moon will be either weak or completely devoid of strength. On other days, at the beginning and at the end of the month, the strength of the Earth's satellite will be great. You need to be active at such a time. Especially good days for any business - November 4, 5, 8, 9, 26-28. The Moon will be in Taurus, Cancer and Pisces respectively. In the middle of the month it is better to be realistic, because there will be little or no support from the Moon.

A lack of bias towards yourself and others will help you change your life for the better in November. You are capable people with a huge range of useful qualities in all areas. Your strength lies in your charisma, but you are lazy, which is not so easy to overcome. Mercury, your patron in November, will be strong only until the 4th inclusive. These days will be the most productive. Then he will move from Scorpio to the constellation Sagittarius and will completely lose his strength. Rest of the month you will have to deal with fears and problems on your own.

Don't reject other people's help, because independence is not a huge plus, but just a character trait. Now you need to not be afraid of appearing weak. This is where human strength lies - in honesty with oneself and with others. Remain yourself, but do not give yourself a reason to go into the world of illusions.

The best talisman of the watery Zodiac Signs in November is desires and ambitions. Their power can be unbridled, but you need to channel it in the right direction. Choose one most important area of ​​your life and follow the path of improvement all month, from beginning to end. Venus, the patron of emotions and secret desires, will be on your side. Until the 6th inclusive, she will be strong in the Sign of Libra, and then she will suddenly lose all her power due to the transition to Scorpio.

For almost the entire month you will not be able to receive the support of this relevant planet. You will find yourself in neutral waters, at a crossroads . You will need to decide where and how to go next. Save your energy to plan things for the future. Don't throw all your resources at something that isn't particularly relevant. Be extremely careful and careful, especially with money.

Success in November is a very condensed and narrow concept. The fact is that stable, but very dangerous Saturn in Sagittarius in November will be relevant for you. This is a bad alignment because you don't have time to think, and Saturn slows down your thoughts. Relax and think about something pleasant. If you come face to face with a complex and ambiguous situation, then you can trust your intuition, because logic will not save you.

Be true to your principles, but do not strive to dominate in all areas. You simply won’t have any helpers now., because everyone is busy with their own affairs, everyone has their own problems. Do things around the house, take a break from work, from financial troubles. Save money, because serious losses are possible at the end of November.

Avoid selfish Zodiac Signs in November. You may be taken advantage of, which will greatly upset you. Revenge will not fix the matter now, so you will find yourself in a hopeless situation. The difficulty of choice will be obvious, because you will need to decide which path to move on - the shortest and dangerous one, or the difficult one, but devoid of dangers.

Strong Neptune in Pisces will force you to follow all the rules of the game. Especially It can be difficult in finance, because money loves arrogant people, and Virgos for the most part are not like that. Of course, if you force yourself to change your principles, then dark times may come, because Neptune is the guardian of the law, but it depends on your luck. You don't have much luck, so it's not worth taking risks now.

The absence of envy and other negative emotions will help you attract money and love into your home in November. The Sun will remain in the Sign of Scorpio until November 20, so its powers will be zero. This will be a good time because the Sun will not be able to resist your desires. But from the 21st it will become strong in Sagittarius. Here you will have to think about how to maintain composure and the desire to move forward.

This month will teach you a lot. Something will have to be sacrificed, something will have to be gained. You will be able to comprehend some truths that you had never even thought about before. The universe is not on your side in November, however, you can learn a certain lesson from this. In love, you should not neglect the rules and common sense. In money, at work and in business, it is better to adhere to the previously adopted strategy. Don't stray from the path that is familiar and familiar to you.

Scorpios you will need to activate all your internal resources in November. Since your patron, Mars, will be deprived of his powers due to his stay in Libra, it is better for you to build up your energy gradually. Don't throw all your strength into battle at once. Reconnaissance the situation, then carefully move forward. Only after this go on the offensive. Try to look only forward, without looking back at past mistakes. Prophetic dreams will help you see the future.

If everything suddenly goes awry, then know that it is only your fault, draw more. Only you will be responsible for your failures and mistakes. Don't look for someone to blame, because people will understand your plans and then turn against you. If you want to be on the safe side, just ask for help from colleagues, friends, acquaintances and loved ones . The main thing now is to be honest. In love, this will also greatly help you succeed.

Sagittarius will be helped in November by Jupiter, the patron of thoughts and desires. This planet will remain in the Sign of Scorpio for the entire month. The moderate energy of Jupiter will help you tune in to the right mood, gain self-confidence and simply become stronger. This is your month, your time, which is filled with opportunities. In love, you only need a little confidence and the desire to find your soul mate. If you are already in a relationship, then to take it to a higher level, you can resort to the help of your eloquence. Watch your thoughts - they control your health and luck.

You will also succeed in money and at work. The main thing is not to miss the chance. All goals will be achieved, you just need to try a little, overcome yourself and your laziness. Do not think that everything can be resolved on its own - your participation is simply mandatory in everything.

Uranus takes the initiative into its own hands. Success in love awaits those of you who can get out of the captivity of your fears. The same can be said about work. You think too much about what isn't there. In November it is better not to think, but to act. A little bit of recklessness will help you succeed in everything. It will be very a very productive month for you. Take advantage of every opportunity to become richer, better, kinder, smarter and happier.

Life can give you a pleasant gift if you want to change something about yourself. This time is great for introspection and working on yourself. You can change your environment, go on vacation or visit for a week. The main thing for you now is to get rid of loneliness. The time has come to find love, friendship, and improve relationships with loved ones.

Jupiter takes the initiative into its own hands, so Aquarius it's going to be hard In November. Air Signs of the Zodiac, especially Aquarius, get rich very quickly, but find trouble just as quickly. This suggests that you cannot control yourself and do not always know how to use your energy correctly. Planning will help eliminate this unpleasant feature of your character.

This will be a great time for routine work, but not for negotiations, not for big expenses. In love, it is better to follow rather than lead. You may later be accused of irresponsibility, so let your loved one make important decisions. It will lift you up in his or her eyes if you give up the throne of the relationship to him or her. A little attention to detail won't hurt in November either.

Uranus will be active in November, maintaining its moderate strength. His energy will be creative for you, so you should just get rid of all fears and show the world who you really are. AND get rid of old things, unnecessary connections. Relationships that have outlived their usefulness need to be interrupted this November, because they are dragging you down.

Uranus will also help you succeed in financial matters.. Success will most often accompany Pisces who occupy leadership positions. If your work involves gaining the trust of others, then good luck will smile on you in November. Try to accept criticism correctly, without nerves. Try not to criticize anyone yourself. For life to change for the better, you will need to strengthen your position and devote all your efforts to winning the trust of others.