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Remaining days of employees' annual leave. Summary report on employee leave balances (1C ZUP2.5) Report on upcoming leaves 1s

This article discusses the process of updating information about vacation balances in the program in the event that employees have used their vacations since the moment they were hired, but these facts are not properly reflected in the program. The first part discusses the mechanism for calculating the vacation balance, starting from the date the employee was hired, if balances were not entered. The second part discusses the process of entering vacation balances from previous years and calculating balances for current date taking into account the entered balances. The third part discusses the reflection of the fact of using vacation in the current working year.

Vacation balances are opened from the Desktop, “Personnel Accounting” tab, “Vacation Balances” button

Let's consider the vacation balances of the employee "Shorin Viktor Andreevich", the date of hire is 06/01/2009, the working year is from 06/01 to 05/31, the current vacation balance is 173 days:

The vacation balance is not stored anywhere in the program, but is calculated at the moment this form is opened.

The data for calculating the vacation balance for an employee is:

1. Number of vacation days per year

2. Data for manual editing of vacation balances from previous years

3. Date the employee was hired

4. Current date (or the date specified in the “Date of remaining vacation dates”)

The principle for calculating balances for a selected employee is displayed in the “Vacation balances of previous years” section and changes depending on the entered data.

Part 1. Calculation of the balance of vacations, starting from the date the employee was hired.

In our example, for the Shorin employee, we see a balance of 173 days and the principle for calculating the balance is to calculate starting from the date of reception. This means that the program has determined the number of vacation days per year (28 days, by default), the number of months worked (from 06/01/2009 to the current date (07/23/2015) = 6 years and 2 months = 74 months; a month is considered worked if 12 working days were worked in it) and calculated the balance using the formula:

Vacation Balance = Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12

For the Shorin employee, the balance was 172.6666666666667. This number is always rounded up to 173.

The number of vacation days per year is determined in the employee’s position card, or is set individually for the employee in “Vacation balances” using the “Change the number of vacation days per year” button

In this part, we found out how the vacation balance is calculated, starting from the date of admission. Now let's look at entering vacation balances.

Part 2. Entering vacation balances.

The form for entering balances opens from “Vacation balances” by clicking the “Edit vacation balance” button

In the tooltip we see that when the balances are entered, the program will calculate the balances for all working years following the last working year for which the balances are filled in.

There are 2 ways to enter balances: simple and detailed.

This method is used if the vacation has been completely spent in earlier periods than the current working year. Those. Only the balance on the last day of the last working year is entered (in our example with Shorin, this will be 05/31/2015).

Let's assume the balance is 14 days. Then the date and number of days are indicated on the form, then the “Ok” button. There is no need to click the “Calculate” button (if you clicked it, you will have to enter the balances again).

As a result, a new line appears in “Vacation balances from previous years”:

And the current balance also changes: now it is 19 days. This number is obtained as a result of the following calculation:

Balance = Number of Days + Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12;

Number of Days is the number of balances we entered as of 05/31/2015.

Months worked - starting from the date of entering balances to the current date (for us - from 05/31/2015 to 07/23/2015).

The number of Vacation Days per Year is specified for the position or for the employee (for us it is 28 days).

Our remainder is 18.66666666666667. On the form it is rounded to 19.

Let's consider a detailed method for entering balances.

This method is used if vacation is not fully spent in earlier periods than the current working year. Those. The balance is entered for each working year.

Let’s assume that our employee “Shorin” has not taken all of his vacation since the start of work, namely: for each working year, 23 out of 28 vacation days have been used. Those. the balance at the end of each year is 5 days. Let's fill out the form:

As a result of these actions, the program summarizes the balances of previous years and calculates the current balance using the formula:

Balance = Sum of Balances of Past Years + Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12;

In our case, the remainder is 5+5+5+5+5+5+28*2/12 = 34.66666666666667, rounded to 35.

So, in this part we looked at simple and detailed ways to enter vacation balances. In the example under consideration, from the end of the last working year (05/31/2015) until the current date (07/23/2015), the employee did not go on vacation. If this event took place in your company, then this fact must be reflected in the program.

Part 3. Reflection of the fact of use of vacation in the current working year.

But we recommend not using the “Adjustment of register entries” document to reflect vacation for the current working year, but using regular vacation. Check in the accounting settings how actual vacations are written off. This can be either a personnel order “Leave of the organization” or a settlement document “Accrual of vacation”:

In our example, balances are reduced by personnel orders.

Let’s assume that a Shorin employee has already gone on vacation for 14 days this year (from 05/31/2015 to the current date (07/23/2015)), but this is not reflected in the program in any way. Those. vacation balances should have a balance of not 35, but 21 days.

To do this, create a document “Leave of the organization” from the menu “Human Resources” - “Vacation”. Fill in as shown in the picture.

After completing the document, we look at the vacation balances:

This turns out to be 21 days, which corresponds to the actual vacation balance as of the current date, taking into account the balances of previous years and the vacation used in the current working year.

Any employer is obliged to provide its employees with annual paid leave. Its size is 28 calendar days. In some situations, the duration may be increased due to additional vacations. They can be appointed, for example, due to a special territorial location, harmfulness, intensity of work, etc.

A vacation schedule is drawn up for each calendar year. Both the employer and the employee are obliged to comply with it. If an employee is not given earned leave for more than two years, the company may be fined. The annual leave itself (basic) is granted for the time actually worked.

In this article we will look at instructions for viewing vacation balances in 1C 3.1 ZUP 8.3, entering them and what affects them. It is very important to correctly reflect this kind of data in the program. Otherwise, confusion and problems with the labor inspectorate may arise.

It often happens when an organization “switches over” to 1C already in the process of its activities. The employees were hired a long time ago. They are entitled to leave, and someone could already take them off.

Often, when switching to ZUP 3.1, records were already previously kept in some information system and the data is not difficult to transfer. But, still, there are cases when vacation balances need to be entered manually. To do this, in 1C ZUP the document “Entering vacation balances” is used.

In our case, Marat Savelyevich Volkov, who is an employee of the Kron-Ts company, has the right to leave in the amount of 28 calendar days. days. The actual balances of vacations, taking into account those provided, are indicated in the lower tabular part of the document.

Reflection of vacations in the program

Now let's consider the situation when vacation accounting is done directly in the program. To register leave for an employee, use the documents of the same name from the “Personnel” section.

When reflecting a vacation program, it is often necessary to analyze previous periods. To do this, you can use a special report by clicking on the hyperlink “How did the employee use vacation?”

This report allows you to see not only the periods of previously used vacations, but also the number of accumulated days.

Where to see vacation balances in 1C ZUP: how many vacation days are left

In the “Personnel” section there is a special subsection “Personnel reports”. In it you can find reports on vacation balances (full and short). Their difference lies only in the interface, sections and the amount of output data.

Let's form full version report on vacation balances for S.V. Bazhova, as an employee of Kron-Ts at the end of October 2017. The figure below shows the report that was generated before the vacation was added to the program from December 23 to 29.

The report shows that taking into account additional leave for intensive work and responsibility, the balance is 29.16 days.

Now let’s add S.V. Bazhova’s vacation to the program and spend it. Having reformatted the report, we see that the main and, as a result, the total vacation balance has decreased by exactly 7 days. This is exactly the period from October 23 to October 29, 2017, which was introduced into the program.

As you can see, timely entry of reliable information into the program greatly simplifies the life of HR employees. There is no need to make complex calculations, since the program can do it itself.

Adjusting vacation balances directly from the report:
1. Can display vacation balances on a date.
2. Able to display average earnings data (creates a fictitious “Vacation Accrual” document with an appropriate comment).
3. The main thing is that it allows you to quickly adjust vacation balances for any date, as well as delete adjustments directly from the report!

The report will work in the configuration of ZUP 2.5 and UPP 1.2 (1.3). It may not work in the old ones, because... The general modules for calculating vacation balances have changed.

The report was created for convenient entry of employee leave balances, which are quite difficult to enter using a standard mechanism. The standard mechanism allows you to enter balances at the end of the employees' working year, while my report does this for any date and in an easier form.

I warn you that the report does not take into account the shift in the working year in cases of maternity leave or personal leave of more than 14 days. It was created to simplify the adjustment of balances already calculated on the date.

To display calculated data (the "Calculation of average" checkbox), you must have the rights of a calculator; everything except the average earnings works under the rights of a personnel officer. For the calculated data, a fictitious document “Vacation Accrual” is created in the system with the comment “Document for calculating vacation compensation”, which, after calculation, remains in the system for the next time.

The report has been refined many times to take into account the many nuances of setting up holidays in the program.

Reasons to buy

If you have more than 30 employees and the balances in 1C do not match those calculated by you, you are too lazy to calculate the balances at the end of the working year for each employee and enter them for each employee separately. This usually happens after data transfer or when vacation balances were not kept in 1C, but you want to get rid of Excel. The mechanism was developed and tested in large organizations (more than 2000 employees each).


The report will work in the configuration of ZUP 2.5 and the latest releases. It may not work in the old ones, because... The general modules for calculating vacation balances have changed.

The report was created for convenient entry of employee leave balances, which are quite difficult to enter using a standard mechanism. The standard mechanism allows you to enter balances at the end of the employees' working year, while my report does this for any date and in an easier form. I warn you that the report does not take into account the shift in the working year in cases of maternity leave or personal leave of more than 14 days. It was created to simplify the adjustment of balances already calculated on the date.

To use the calculation functionality, you must have calculator rights. In this case, check the “Calculation of average” checkbox and receive calculated data from the fictitious “Vacation accrual” document calculated for this date.

Article 114 of Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reads: “Employees are provided with annual leave while maintaining their place of work (position) and average earnings”. Accordingly, in any organization there is a need to record and store data about the periods employees are on annual leave.HR employees, and in small organizations and , you need to store data about vacation periods somewhere and calculate the remaining days of unused vacation.

In most cases, paper or spreadsheets are used to store this data. This is good in small organizations, but what if there are a lot of employees?

Also, employees may be entitled to additional days of annual leave provided for in Articles 116 -119 of Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which also need to be taken into account and stored.

How to avoid manual calculations and automate this process? Using what software products? Next, we will show the implementation of this task using the software product “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”.

We will introduce you to the mechanism for storing data on vacations and calculating the balances of vacation days, implemented in this program. This mechanism has been supplemented and improved in recent releases of the program. It is easy to use, visual and easy to understand even for a user unfamiliar with the programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8 line.

The user will only need to make some settings to account for the days of actual vacation time. That is, make a choice of what type of documents will be used to register the fact of vacation. In the vacation program of regulated accounting, they can be registered either by Personnel documents (i.e., the document “Vacation of the organization”), or by Payment documents (i.e., the document “Accrual of vacation to employees of the organization”).

It should be noted that in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 software it is possible to register the fact of vacation compensation in cash. This is done through the document “Accrual of vacation to employees of the organization” in the “Vacation compensation” section. Such a document registers these paid days as days off. If the company practices monetary compensation for vacations, then when setting up accounting parameters, you need to set the “By settlement documents” checkbox.

Therefore, before starting work in the program, you need to take into account all the factors and decide what type of documents will be used to register the fact of vacation and make the appropriate setting in the accounting settings. It is better not to change this setting after you start keeping records in the program.

Setting up accounting parameters. Personnel accounting

The user is also given the opportunity to configure the rounding of vacation days upon dismissal.

Round off vacation days upon dismissal

DO NOT round up vacation days upon dismissal

What needs to be done to start accounting for annual leave in a programme? Data on all types of vacations used in the program, both for regulated and management accounting, are stored in the directory "Types of annual leave". The main annual leave is already configured in the program, and the user can create other types of leave himself.

Types of annual leave

What to do if the company has a position for which more long vacation (Article 116 - 119 Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)? Is this situation provided for in the program? Yes, the user can for a specific position, indicate the number of vacation days.

Setting the number of vacation days for a specific position

The following situation: an organization has an employee who has the number of vacation days per year differs from other employees. And this problem can be solved.

Through "Vacation Remains", you can specify the number of vacation days for an employee.

Setting the number of vacation days for a specific employee

As mentioned earlier, to calculate the main annual paid leave, certain settings have already been made in the database: a type of annual leave and a predefined type of calculation have been created "Payment of vacation by calendar days".

Vacation pay by calendar day

How to store data additional annual leave? Same as the main one, but you just need to make some settings.

To calculate the remaining days for additional annual leave, you must first create "Type of annual leave".

Type of annual leave

The number of vacation days per year can be specified for all employees of the enterprise, individually for the employee through the form "Vacation Remains", or are specified for the position through the directory "Organization positions".

The remaining days of additional annual leave are stored and calculated in the same way as the main leave.

To calculate additional annual paid leave, you need to create and configure a calculation type plan whose type of time according to the classifier is specified "Additional leave" and indicate the type of annual leave.

Payment for additional vacation

Registration of additional leave is carried out with a personnel document "Organization holidays" and payment document “Accrual of vacation to employees of the organization” In chapter "Additional leave".

How can I get data on the remaining vacation days? To view the remaining vacation days, you can use "Vacation report".

Of course, the question arises, what to do when switching to “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” from other programs? If data was transferred from the program "1C: Salaries and HR 7.7", then the vacation data will be transferred automatically. In other cases, data on the remaining vacation days must be entered manually into the form "Vacation Remains" by button "Edit vacation balance".

Transferring vacation data

So, we see that the mechanism implemented in the program "1C: Salary and HR Management 8", will serve as an excellent assistant in calculating unused vacation days.

The length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave does not include: - time the employee is absent from work without good reason, including due to his removal from work in cases provided for in Art. 76 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; — time of parental leave until the child reaches the legal age. In length of service, giving the right to annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions labor, only the time actually worked under appropriate conditions is included. We see what exists whole line periods that must be deducted from the length of service giving the right to annual basic leave.

Summary report on employee leave balances (1s zup2.5)

Question: – A new employee has come to us. Should I fit it into the schedule? – The new employee must be entered in a separate appendix to the vacation schedule. In this case, you can use the same form as for the main document. Please note that it is mandatory to complete the application only for those employees who were hired in the first half of the year.

After all, employees registered for work later, according to general rule will be entitled to leave only after six months. This means that you will add them to your vacation schedule for the next year. How to fill out an order For a vacation order, there is a standard unified form No. T-6.

This document is prepared in the personnel service (and if there is none, then in the accounting department) based on either the employee’s application or the vacation schedule and after notifying the employee about the start of the vacation. The employee must be familiarized with the order and signed.

What should the HR manager do at the end of the year?

To monitor the number, conditions and remuneration of workers, Rosstat Order No. 580 dated September 24, 2014 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the number, conditions and remuneration of workers, activities in the field of education, science, innovation and information technology” ( as amended on September 25, 2015) several forms were approved: 1. Information on the number and wages of employees (Form No. 1-T). This report must reflect the name of the type of economic activity, the average number of employees, the salary fund of external part-time workers and payroll employees, as well as payments accrued to them.

The deadline for submitting the report is January 20 after the reporting period. 2. Information on the number and wages of employees (form No. P-4).

How to plan vacations in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8?

People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR 04/30/1930 N 169 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), which, by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are applied to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Clause 17 of the Rules also talks about postponing or extending leave in the event of an employee’s incapacity, and clause 18, detailing the procedure for extending or postponing leave, establishes the following principles: if the reasons preventing the employee from going on leave occurred before it began, then a new period of leave is determined by agreement between the employer and the employee. If these reasons occur while the employee is on vacation, then the period for returning from vacation is automatically extended by the corresponding number of days, and the employee is obliged to immediately notify the employer about this.

Report on vacation balances

It is also worth compiling a report on the work of the HR department for the year. Most often, management requires such a report. But even if the organization is small and there are no formal reporting requirements, we still recommend doing this.

Why not show the department's work in the best possible light? So, you can specify how much:

  • personnel operations (dismissal, hiring, vacations, business trips, disciplinary actions, etc.) were done;
  • LNA has been drawn up or finalized;
  • workers have been selected (if the selection function is available);
  • labor conflicts prevented;
  • workers trained, etc.

More than original understanding of vacant positions by officials. - Approx. scientific editor. Appendices No. 17 and 4 respectively. For more information about the design of the organization’s archive, see: Zhizherina Yu. Yu.
I.O. employee, Department of Vacation Leave Start and end dates Number of days Basis 1 05/14/2009 67 Evtyushenkovich Igor Leonidovich, advertising department Educational 05/17/2009 05/31/2009 15 Help - call N 22 from 05/10/2009; application from 05/12/20 09 2 05/19/2009 69 Ivanovilo Sergey Ivanovich, AO Annual 20.05. 200917.06.2009 28 Vacation schedule 3 22.05.2009 70 Lapochkina Marina Aleksandrovna, office Without salary 23.05.200925.05.2009 3 Statement dated 20.05.2009 4 01.06.2009 75 Ivica Eugene, marketing department Annual 06/02/200906/30/2009 28 Schedule of releases Bibliography 1. Mitrofanova V.V. Personal card T-2. Recommendations for filling out [Electronic resource. National Personnel Center]. URL: http://www. nkc. ru/ru/employers/info/54.html.

Date of access: 07/15/2010. 2. Zhuravleva I.V., Anokhina A.A. All about registration of a personal card f. T-2 [Electronic resource “It’s time to go to work”]. URL: http://poranarabotu.


On the contrary, if an employee takes the unused balance of last year’s vacation, and immediately after it asks for part of the vacation for the current year, then an additional line can be added to section A of the order. You can also include the line “Date of return to work” in the order. The fact is that due to holidays, the number of vacation days may be 28, but in fact the employee will have 29 rest days.

This can cause confusion. For example, an employee’s vacation is 28 calendar days starting from June 2. During the vacation period there is one holiday - June 12. But such days are not included in the number of vacation days (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
And you don't need to pay for them. But the employee must go to work a day later - on Tuesday, July 1. How to fill out a settlement note So, you have a vacation order in your hands. So, it’s time to calculate the amount of vacation pay.

Personnel report with types of leave

MANDATORY: APPROVED THE PLAN AND ORDER FOR MILITARY REGISTRATION FOR THE NEW YEAR End of the year - good point to begin maintaining military records, if the employer has not kept them up to this point. If the employer maintains military records, the order appointing the person responsible for its maintenance and the work plan should be updated by the end of December. Documents must be prepared exactly according to the forms given in Methodical recommendations on maintaining military records in organizations approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2008, otherwise the military registration and enlistment office may return them for revision.

The order must indicate the full name and position of the person responsible for maintaining military records and his deputy. Each document must have a place for the military commissar’s approval visa. The order and plan are signed by the officials specified in the form.

Good afternoon. You are right, this report is based on data from the “Earned Vacation Rights” register and requires its unambiguous completion. If the data in it is not complete, it must be calculated. The fact that all employees are calculated according to the established report selection is an absolute mistake.
As for the picture you attached, it does not seem to be erroneous. The employee was hired, if I understand correctly, on 01/22/14. Accordingly, after he has worked for half the month, he begins to accrue 2.33 due days (from 02/04/14).
The exception is the last month of the first year - since, according to clause 28 of the Rules on regular and additional leaves, an employee who has worked for the employer for at least 11 months is entitled to the full annual rate.
Although the law does not establish such an obligation, many personnel services this is not neglected - after all, it is easier to make any corrections immediately than after a long time. In addition, the results of the HR audit will help improve the business process in the HR department next year. You should be especially careful when conducting a personnel audit if there is information about inspections by government agencies in the coming year.


Whether or not to formalize a personnel audit depends on the employer. For example, you can formalize its implementation by an order for the organization or an order for the department. What documents should you check first? Of course, those that the labor inspectorate pays attention to first of all, for example: 1.

Local regulations (hereinafter - LNA):
  • Internal labor regulations (part 4 of article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Regulations on remuneration (Art.

Before submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office, do not forget to update your reservation certificate with the local authorities. MANDATORY: PREPARATE DOCUMENTS FOR ARCHIVE STORAGE Do not forget about the need to prepare for submitting documents to the archive. As a rule, this should be done after the end of the office year, that is, in January, but already in December you can determine which documents will need to be submitted to the archive.

The main regulatory act regulating the procedure for processing documents in the archive is the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund Russian Federation and other archival documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules; Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 526).