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To create products for sale. Creating a sales page: step-by-step instructions. General principles of a one-page website

Selling goods online has long become a habit for many. This is very popular and very convenient, because it allows you to save money, make purchases without leaving your home, do business without paying taxes, rent, and so on.

Very important! If suddenly, before studying the lesson, you find that the appearance of your panel is different from what is described in the lesson, do not be alarmed! Just switch the new panel to the old one. How to do it? Here in this one.

Selling something through a website is a good idea, because it involves a minimum of investment and maximum return, which is what every retail enterprise pursues. Selling sites can represent the interests of a small store or a huge production, focus on retail or wholesale buyers, but the fact that the site helps make sales and brings profit to its owners has been verified by experience.

Websites created to sell goods are significantly different from other websites, information resources, forums or presentation projects. Today, many private entrepreneurs, instead of opening stores locally, hiring workers, paying crazy amounts of money for renting premises, simply create online stores and this is really profitable, it works, makes a profit and helps develop their business very successfully.

Features of sales sites

If you decide to create a website that sells something, then most importantly, focus on its specifics, on the products that you plan to sell on this site.

You must provide a description of your store, talk about the goods or services you sell, and emphasize why the client should make a purchase from you, and why your products are better than others.

On selling sites, it is worth indicating the cost of the goods so that the client does not waste his and your time finding out prices, choosing the most optimal methods of payment and delivery of purchased goods, and in this matter you need to focus not only on what and how will be convenient for you, but primarily on convenient options for your clients, so there should be several of them and the most common ones.

It is best to attach high-resolution illustrations to products so that the buyer can see what he will pay money for. If you can take photographs of a product that you have in stock, this will greatly increase the likelihood of its sale, and after the site starts working and you have your first customers, be sure to create a section where they can post their reviews, this will increase the level of trust in you as a seller and clients will turn to your services more often.

Selling sites and their types

Websites focused on selling goods can be different, mainly, the most common are three of these types:

  1. - online store;
  2. - online store showcase;
  3. - online product catalog.

So that you understand the difference between these projects and which one is worth creating for your business, then we will briefly consider the features of each of them.

Online store

It is this type of selling site, such as an online store, that is most widely and successfully used for making any kind of online sales.

This full-fledged website is very convenient, it has everything you need for trading - a catalog with goods and illustrations, a convenient basket in which the client can add products at the time of selection, later compare them and delete them if necessary, a page that allows you to place an order, which can be called from the cart, displaying a system of discounts if any, a very convenient system for managing incoming orders and the store as a whole, simple functionality that allows you to easily add new products, indicate their prices, delete what is out of stock, monitor store traffic and much more .

In an online store, both the client and the owner feel as comfortable as possible. You can stay here for as long as you like, take your time making a purchase, book goods, choose the payment and delivery method. If the owner of an online store properly promotes it and does not let trade take its course, this can promise great success, especially if the store’s website has a beautiful design, a good product catalog, flexible prices, discounts for regular customers and other tempting features that attract customers. .

Online store showcase

Sometimes you can find selling sites that are created in the likeness of a storefront. In fact, such a site is a kind of price list, where the buyer immediately comes across the range of goods being sold.

In this price list, if there are images, they look like small tiles that the user must open himself. Most often, there is no description here, there is only an article number and price. On such sites you won’t find shopping carts and the ability to place an order automatically is also absent, so as a rule, there is a section with contact information and to order a product, the buyer must contact the owner or representative of the site, check the availability of the product and order it by name , code or other characteristics.

Such sites are relevant for selling those goods whose cost is not affordable for everyone. However, they are not as widespread as regular online stores, and in our opinion, they are not as effective, because they require additional effort and time.

Online product catalog

This type of selling site is somewhat similar to the previous one - a showcase, but it makes it possible to show the product in a more detailed form and is therefore more popular.

In such a site, products are presented in the form of a catalog, with sections, for example, if cosmetics are sold, then in the lipsticks section there will be subsections (glosses, lip balms, matte lipsticks, and so on).

The advantage of such a site is that a description can be attached to the products, indicating their main characteristics, color, and cost. If desired, the buyer can search for products in the catalog according to any specific criteria, for example, if it is clothing, then by style, length (mini, midi, maxi) or other parameters.

Let's sum it up

Websites created like an online catalog are as popular as online stores, as they are convenient, can be supplemented with a shopping cart, an automatic ordering system, save time searching for goods and allow the client to examine any item in detail in a comfortable environment. , evaluate it, compare it and, if desired, purchase it.

In any case, if you are planning to start a sales business, create your own sales website. The costs of creating it, even in the worst case, will definitely be worth it, the main thing is not to leave things to chance and pay attention to the design so that the site is original and is the face of your store, which from the first minutes should inspire trust and a desire to continue shopping on it pages. Remember, those who are afraid to take risks have nothing, so expand the boundaries of your business, start selling goods or providing services on the World Wide Web!

Publication date: 03-11-2016 11237

You have decided to start selling online and are thinking about creating a website. There are many on the Tobiz website builder, and with the help of this designer, creating your own website is available to everyone. There are 2 ways to sell goods online.

  • Register on the constructor or log in directly through social media. net.
  • We choose. Today there are already more than 3000 of them on the designer.
  • We change the text, pictures, videos to our own.
  • We save and the site for selling goods is ready.

Method 2. How to create a website to sell goods inexpensively

You can watch the video below about how you can make a good online store of goods in the amount of 200 - 2000. It tells you step by step how to find products from a one-page website.

Let's take a closer look, how to create a product website in Russian.

By choosing a suitable template for your online store and installing it, you will quickly fill the site with your content. Look through all the blocks that are on the page, enter your information there, replace texts and images.

2. To do this, add the “Navigation” block to the page and select its design with an image; this will allow you to beautifully display your product catalog and make it convenient to select different product categories. Upload a thematic image; in this case, it is better to choose an image size of 1000*400 pixels so that the image is narrow and long.

3. Name each navigation block the required product category. Now you need to design site pages for these categories. To do this, you need to create additional versions of the site. Go to the projects window where your main site is located and add versions with appropriate names. Create as many versions as you have selection blocks.

4. Now you need to attach all created versions to the main page. To do this, go to the main site, click on the navigation block and in the left menu in each field, add a link to the site version, selecting it from the pop-up list. Save all data.

5. Next, go in and edit each version of the site one by one, leaving only the necessary blocks here (header/footer, product catalog). We include in the product catalog only those products that belong to this category. In the block header, add an appropriate title. Use the product card to describe your products in detail. Save the site version. Create one page and move on to the next.

Having completed this procedure for all versions and saved them, you will have a full-fledged website for selling goods with different product pages.

To view the final version of your site, go to the main page already in viewing mode.

Technical settings of the site for selling goods

  • Next, enter your email address and confirm it.
  • Set up a domain name.
  • It would also be good to configure the Yandex Metrica functions. This will allow you to see how many visitors are on the site.

And also which blocks they visit the most. This way you can improve your site every time. You can see how to go through all these settings in the attached instructions.

The mobile version of the site will always attract more users, because... Many people use their smartphones to shop for goods. How to create a mobile site for selling goods, for this you just need to set up your tariff and select it for this function. Our website has affordable tariffs, which include mobile versions of sites.

The population of the planet has recently preferred things that are made by hand, the so-called handmade.

This is not particularly surprising, because such products look more original, more attractive and their quality is higher than in any of the boutiques.

There are quite a lot of popular products.

This could be soap, jewelry, cosmetics, dishes, clothes, bags, various bouquets, souvenirs and much more..

When a person does something well with his own hands, the thought probably creeps into him to put it into production and make a profit.

Is it worth doing business in the handmade industry, and what are its disadvantages:

Currently, the market offers many handmade goods, but there are still empty spaces and even niches.

In order to have regular customers, you need to decide which audience to target first.

Finding clients is one of the most time-consuming stages in promoting your business. At this stage, many masters give up and stop believing in the positive outcome of the idea.

But you need to understand - if you offer high-quality things, then there will be customers. You just need to spend some time searching and wait for the results.

How to start a business selling handmade products

Check the demand for your handmade product:

Before starting mass production of products, you need to determine the demand.

You need confidence that people will buy your products, and it is advisable to know the approximate quantity that will be needed at first. If your product is highly specialized, then you should not expect rapid sales growth.

On the Internet you can find out how many people search for certain information per month.

To do this, you will need to use the search engine wordstat.yandex.ru.

Here, enter keywords related to your business and, if desired, a specific region.

As a result, you will receive a report on how many people searched for this information on the Internet during the month.

Pay attention to your competitors: what product they offer, at what prices, is there demand for it?.

Making products and implementing a business idea are two different things.

You need to write a business plan and indicate all your actions in it.

A certain capital is required, which may be needed for expenses and maintenance of a business project.

How to develop a business selling handmade products

It is very important to learn the basics of running a business. Read literature, chat on forums and consult with friends.

Now you need not only to produce products, but also to promote your business.

Maintain accounting, purchase the necessary materials, sell goods, do marketing and other components.

If you need to hire employees to perform any function, then you need to study human resource management.

How to arrange your workplace

You will need a place to work that meets the necessary requirements.

Regardless of the location of the workroom, it must comply with sanitary and fire safety standards.

At the initial stage, it is better to start working at home. This will reduce costs. Consider adequate lighting and ventilation.

This is especially true when working with a variety of chemicals.

Find places where goods are sold

Let's consider several ways to sell products:

Retail Stores

This method is one of the most popular.

Can sell your products in gift shops, specialized shops for craftsmen, or try to accommodate yourself.

Start with small shops and offer them a discount when purchasing over a certain quantity.

You can hand over products for sale. As soon as the store sells your products, it will give you the money. On average, the store makes a markup of about 65% and takes it for itself for the work.

Trade fairs

Local fairs are considered a good way. People come to such exhibitions to buy something they like..

You can organize a stand and offer goods in a fairly small space.

Print business cards and distribute them to interested people. These are future potential buyers.

Online stores

This is probably the main sales channel. Can make your own website or open a page on social networks.

Learn to create something new. Professional photographs required. You can also find buyers from other regions on the Internet.

This expands the sales area and can increase sales. But don’t forget that online business also requires investment, promotion and time.

How to advertise handmade goods

If you offer quality at a high level, then word of mouth will work quite quickly.

How much can you earn selling handmade goods?

Income in this business directly depends on your direct participation. If you do business a few hours a day and use a small set of tools, you can count on an income of 150-200 dollars a month. Selling handmade products is quite a profitable business. You just need to make quality products. This will attract regular customers. Success in this business requires energy, time and imagination.

The payback period for the store is 3-6 months.

How much money do you need to invest to start a business?

In addition to purchasing a cash register (20,000 rubles), you must pay the seller (10,000 rubles). If the product will be sold in a store, you must take into account the cost of renting the premises. Since this is a store with unusual products, such as souvenirs, it is necessary to invest in its decoration. For the successful development of the store, it is necessary to make business cards (3 rubles per piece). We must not forget about Internet advertising. It is necessary to create a store website with product samples and all contacts. Creating and maintaining a website will cost 1,000-1,500 rubles. per month.

Thus, creating a small souvenir shop will cost 70,000 rubles.

Equipment needed to make handmade goods

To produce handmade goods, depending on the type of product, different equipment is needed. For example, to make designer dolls, special molds and additional equipment are required. If the dolls are made of plastic, then you need to have special baking molds. To form the doll frame you will need foil. To strengthen the thin legs and arms, you will need wire.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

OKVED 52.48 - retail trade in souvenirs, folk arts and crafts, objects of worship and religious purposes, funeral supplies.

OKVED 52.42 - retail trade in clothing

OKVED 52.61 - retail trade by order

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business when the sale of handmade products has become the main and stable source of income.

It is necessary to register the subject of doing business: - this is an individual entrepreneur. The prepared documents are submitted to government authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund, Social and Health Insurance Fund.

Tax system

For this type of business, you need to apply a patent taxation system. The tax is calculated based on the actual income received. A tax rate of 6% applies. The main conditions of the patent system are:

  • the number of employees should not exceed 15 people;
  • income for the year should not exceed 60,000,000 rubles.

Permissions to open

To engage in the sale of handmade goods, no special business permit is required.