Mixer      10/22/2023

How to draw a glass vase and other glass objects. How to draw a vase with flowers: step-by-step master classes How to draw a vase with a pencil

Meander(Greek: μαίανδρος) is a popular ornament that has come down to our time from Ancient Greece. The basis of a classic meander is a continuous line broken at a right angle. However, there are also more complex types of meanders, which form solar symbols, bending at different angles, and even rounded. We will look at them in this article and present diagrams that will help you understand the drawing of Greek ornaments.


The word “meander” itself comes from the name of the Great Menderes River (from Turkish menderes - “bend, bend”), located in the western part of Asia Minor. In ancient times, the river was called Meander, and it is notable for the fact that its bed has a large number of bends.

However, the ancient Greeks would not have been ancient Greeks if they had not found a good myth for this case :)

Leaving aside the complex family connections, this is the story. An ancient prophecy said that from the marriage of Zeus with the goddess Thetis, a son was to be born who would gain unprecedented power and overthrow his father. But it so happened that King Pileas, a mere mortal, fell in love with this beautiful sea nymph. The gods decided that they would give him Thetis as his wife if he could keep her in the fight and thereby win. Pileas waylaid the goddess in the grotto, rushed at her and grabbed her with his powerful arms using a cunning grip. The nymph turned into a lioness or a snake, but Pileas did not let her go, he won and she became his wife.

The Archaeological Museum of Berlin houses an ancient vessel found during excavations, on which a meander is clearly visible in the form of the grasping hands of a Greek hero around the body of a goddess:

Symbolism, application and types of ornament

In Greece, meanders decorated architectural structures, clay vessels and bowls, clothing items and other household items. This popular Greek ornament, with the transitions of one element to another, symbolizes eternity, the endless flow of life, and the change of generations.

The simplest meander is a single, endless ribbon bending at right angles.

Double meander is a complicated type of ornament. In the pattern formed from double meanders, there is an interweaving of the swastika, the symbol of the sun. This is a reflection of the connection between the human and divine principles, the influence of supernatural forces on the course of life.

Sometimes the ornament becomes even more complicated when other decorative elements appear between the meander lines: rectangles or squares.

At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, ancient Greek patterns and ornaments gained great popularity in Western Europe and had a great influence on the development of classicism. In modern times, the stable geometric design of the meander also evokes thoughts of the classics. This ornament is very popular in interiors, especially as an edging and decorative border.

Meanders can also be found as interesting design solutions for pieces of furniture.

Fashion has not avoided the use of Greek ornaments: in jewelry, clothing and shoes you can often find familiar weaving of ribbons.

Schemes for drawing meanders

1-7. The simplest forms. The basis of a true meander is a change in direction. The line turns first inward and then outward. But in the most primitive types of meander, they still have open lines, the shape of “hooks”.

8-13. Also types of “false” meanders, since they only lead in one direction.

14-16. Examples of true meanders with closed convolutions.

17-18. True meanders of closed type.

At first glance at this Greek ornament, it seems that everything is very simple. However, when trying to draw several elements in a row without proper preparation, you can easily get confused. Let's consider a separate element of a simple meander.

1. Draw a right angle formed by two lines of equal length.
2. We go down. The next line forming a right angle in length is 2/3 of the previous line.
3. The next three lines leading the meander inward are again related to the previous one as two to three.
4. The line leading the pattern outward corresponds to the length of the line in step 2.
5. The last line that completes the element is equal in length to the line in point 1.
6. Then repeat the element the required number of times!

Try using antique ornaments in your creativity! Whether it's drawing or painting, repeating elements can highlight the edges of a piece and give the piece a classic, rugged look. Start with simple patterns, then try to make the decor more complex.

Good luck in your creativity!

Speaking about how people like to complicate everything around them, I remembered vases. This is a thing that has one purpose, but has thousands of different shapes, types, consistencies, and all this to the point that one vase can be sold for millions of dollars, and it will be made by some master in the basement of China during the Ding era. What adds to its price is the fact that it is simply very old, and so fragile, it barely stays intact, and a child running past will certainly break it. Now I will show you how to draw a vase with a pencil. No one can break it. A vase is a physical manifestation of a container for water and other liquids. Theoretically, it was designed for one action - to store brutally plucked and dead flowers, but with cultural development it acquired value as decor for places where you can’t poke anything else. It is best to place the vase where it is easy to break; this is the know-how that any respectable designer brings to his style. As a species, the vase would have died out long ago since the reign of the Freemasons, but archaeologists came into the picture. Due to low salaries and low social status, laboratories in Tajikistan developed a theory that any thing dug out of the ground and that is more than a hundred years old is very expensive and valuable. Other ways to use a vase:

  • Can be used as a piggy bank for that part of the salary that was not drunk or technically taken by the wife;
  • Sounds good when smashed on someone's head;
  • By putting an ordinary vase through a time machine, you will make it ancient and sell it on the black market for a lot of money;
  • Under the vase you can hide a big red button to destroy the world;
  • Place a bouquet of flowers in it and draw;

Now it's time to start learning.

How to draw a vase with a pencil step by step

Step one.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
Try to depict other things, for example.

A vase is the simplest object. which you can learn to draw on your own or with your children. In the future, you can easily add various flowers or fruits to the vase and thereby make an original and unusual gift made with your own hands.


It's never too late to learn something new, especially if you have small children. With them, every mother and father learns to draw, sculpt, build houses and play with toys again. It is drawing that helps bring the baby closer to his parents, because how warm and gentle the atmosphere is in your child’s attempts to learn to draw basic objects with your help.

In the future, for every holiday you will receive bright and memorable drawings of landscapes, bouquets of flowers, and various vases of flowers. Probably the most common design is a vase, which can be drawn empty or with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in it. Anyone can draw a vase step by step; all you need to do is feel the proportions a little.

In this article, we will look at the main features of vases drawn in pencil and define the main types of vases for drawing. Here are examples of instructions on how to draw a vase step by step for beginners in different designs.

How to draw a vase. Definition of a vase, its main shapes and types

Before we begin to explain how to draw a vase for beginners, it is worthwhile to dwell a little on the definition of the concept of a vase.

By and large, a vase is a cylinder - a three-dimensional geometric figure, so when drawing a vase, always remember what underlies this object. The question may immediately arise: how to draw a vase that is tall, low, wide, or inclined, presenting only a cylinder in front of you. Everything is very simple, the cylinder is the basis, however, by changing certain proportions, reducing or enlarging a specific side of the cylinder, we can achieve the shape we need.

The vase is a beautiful and fragile vessel, which in the distant past was used only for various liquids. In the modern world, the use of vases has become much more extensive. It is used as a decorative element, as a stand for bouquets, for storing fruits and sweets. This item has a very ancient and rich history. Vases were already widely used in Ancient Greece and Ancient China. It is their vases that today are considered the greatest objects of art and history.

How to draw a vase. Types and shapes of vases

  • If you want to understand how to draw a vase with a pencil, you need to know that this object can be of completely different shapes and materials. And all this, of course, must be reflected in the drawing.
  • Vases can be voluminous, with a more convex lower part and handles on the sides. Such vases are similar to ancient Greek ones. When drawing, they can be decorated with intricate patterns.
  • Simple and laconic vases of smooth shape without handles.
  • Glass vases of an oblong cylindrical shape with a slightly narrowed neck. It is ideal to draw such a vase with one rose flower.
  • Modern vases come in the most unusual and strange shapes. These can include completely straight cubic vases, narrow cylindrical ones, slightly convex in the central part, vases with asymmetrical sides, triangular and round vases.
  • Such a wide variety of shapes and types of vases will help you understand, for example, how to draw a glass vase or how to draw a vase of flowers for beginners.

Features of step-by-step drawing of a vase

  • Drawing a vase step by step is a completely simple process that only requires you to have a sense of proportion.
  • You can start drawing vases with the simplest shapes. It can be a strictly straight vase in the shape of a long cylinder or a prism.
  • For beginners, you should start learning how to draw a vase using a regular pencil, a sheet of white paper and an eraser.
  • The initial stage of drawing is to learn to draw the vase itself, and only then you can depict a more complex composition, for example, draw a vase with a bouquet of flowers.
  • As already noted, it is best to start drawing a vase with a simple pencil. This is suitable for teaching children who are still afraid to make a quick and clear stroke.
  • In the future, you can try to paint the vase with paints, which will allow you to get a brighter picture.
  • Beginning artists do not need to choose some complex shapes and try to draw a vase with all the shadows and transitions. At this stage, you can get by with elementary forms with simple lines, without volume.
  • In order to clearly understand how to draw a vase with flowers, fruits, large bouquets, it is important to see a real object in front of you. Place your favorite vase in front of you and try to draw it. Then you can add one flower, for example a tulip, and complicate your design. By strictly following each step, you can quickly and easily learn how to draw a vase.

How to draw a vase with a pencil step by step for beginners

Before you start drawing, place several sheets of white paper in front of you, since not everything always works out the first time. Also take a well-sharpened hard pencil; you can also buy softer pencils for creating shadows. Be sure to equip yourself with an eraser that will help you and your child feel more confident.

Here is an example of several options for drawing a vase step by step with a detailed description.

How to draw a simple vase - instructions

  • Place a sheet of paper in front of you, pick up a pencil and draw the initial markings according to which we will draw the vase. The marking is a straight vertical line in the center of the sheet, which is intersected by three horizontal lines indicating the top, middle and bottom of the vase. Make the top line of medium length, the bottom line short, and the center line the longest. More details on how to draw markings are shown in Figure 1.
  • At the next stage, you need to use a ruler to connect the previously drawn marking lines. Connect the upper and central horizontal lines with a diagonal, and connect the central and lower lines using straight lines that form something like a trapezoid. Do not put too much pressure on the pencil, these lines are just the basis; in the future they will need to be erased with an eraser.
  • Next, using the sketchy lines drawn, we need to give our vase real shape. This is done using smooth and light lines, and you should also not press hard on the pencil, since these lines are not yet final. It is necessary to draw the neck of the vase, a smooth bend of the entire neck, then round the base.

  • At the next stage, we will proceed to more specific drawing of the outlines of the vase. Using a sharp pencil, carefully draw a smooth line, connecting all parts of the vase. Both sides of the vase should end up symmetrical. The central part will be the widest and most convex, while it is important to make the neck narrow.
  • Next, use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and strokes, and with a softer pencil you can try to make shadows on the walls of the vase. The part of the vase on which the light falls will be lighter, the rest can be shaded a little. The further the part of the vase is from the light, the darker it should be.
  • At the last stage, you can show your imagination and come up with an interesting pattern for the vase. Then take colored pencils or paints and color your vase.

How to draw a vase with flowers step by step

How to draw a simple vase was described above, now you can try to draw a glass vase with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Flowers can be very different. At the initial stage, give preference to the simplest ones. You can draw a fresh spring bouquet of daffodils and tulips. Having learned to draw such an unusual vase of flowers, in the future your child will certainly give you something similar for a holiday.

  • Take a clean sheet of white paper and a well-sharpened pencil. In this case, at the initial stage it is best to arm yourself with a hard pencil; a softer one will be used to create shadows and shade lines. In the center of the sheet, draw a marking for the future vase. You need to draw a vertical line, this can be done by hand or using a ruler. On both sides of this line, mark with small strokes the top of the vase, its central part and the bottom. Keep in mind that the central part will be the most convex. Then connect all the strokes with slightly curved lines, which will give your vase volume. Next, sketch out the general outline of the vase a little schematically.

  • Erase all the extra lines and start drawing the flowers of our spring bouquet. At the beginning, draw circles a little chaotically - here we will draw the heads of our flowers. Next, draw the core of each flower in the form of a wavy line connected into a circle.

  • At the next stage, you can start drawing the gerbera petals. First, just draw ordinary strokes as long as petals. Then connect every two lines into one petal. You need to draw a lot of petals, since gerberas have very lush inflorescences. Petals are drawn in layers, overlapping one on one. It is not necessary to draw every line here. Draw petals for all flowers in this way.

  • Next, start drawing the flower stems. Since our vase is glass, the entire length of the stems will be visible. You should not clearly draw the lines of the stems; make sloppy strokes, so they will look more natural. In the bouquet itself you can draw several unopened flower buds. At the same time, make sure that the proportions of the vase and flowers are maintained.

  • At the last stage, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary lines and strokes. Then take a softer pencil and trace the outline of the vase. The inner area of ​​the vase should be lightly shaded, observing the location of the shadows. The place where the light falls needs to be made lighter. Our vase is ready; if you wish, you can color it with paints or colored pencils. Together with gerberas you can draw any other flowers.

How to draw a vase with tulips - instructions

Tulips are one of the very first spring flowers. These are the ones that children most often give to their mothers on March 8th; they are drawn on all kinds of postcards and drawings. Here is an option on how to draw a vase with tulips for beginners. Even children can master this technique.

  • First of all, draw the shape of a small cylinder. The height of the cylinder is not high; we will draw a rather simple version of the vase. Next, from the cylinder we draw straight lines diverging to the sides. In this way we will outline the contours of our future bouquet of tulips. For a schematic drawing, it is best to use a simple pencil.
  • Next, we give the vase a specific shape. We reduce the lower part and make slightly beveled edges at the base. Pay attention to the neck of the vase, making it slightly wider.
  • At the next stage, let's start drawing tulips. First of all, you need to depict them schematically. To do this, draw stems of approximately equal length. There are 7 colors, so you need to draw the same number of small ovals, which we will later transform into tulips.
  • Next, you can start drawing the tulip petals. To do this, divide the upper part of the ovals into petals with pointed edges. It is best to draw slightly blossoming tulips, so the bouquet will look fresher and more natural.
  • In addition to the flowers, you need to draw leaves. Tulips have oblong leaves with a pointed edge, slightly bending at the tip.

  • We continue to draw tulip buds in varying degrees of openness. Don't be afraid to add a lot of leaves. This will make your bouquet look even more beautiful. The outer leaves can be depicted hanging slightly over the edge of the vase.
  • At the last stage, use an eraser to erase all unnecessary lines and use a softer pencil to outline the outline of the vase and tulips.
  • If desired, the vase with tulips can be painted.

How to draw a vase with a rose - instructions

  • Having trained your hand in drawing vases in the previous descriptions, you can easily draw a vase with roses. The simplest way is to depict a narrow and fragile vase with one rose.

  • To draw such a rose, there are a huge number of step-by-step lessons on the Internet. You just need to learn how to draw all the petals and the rose as a whole, but in this version you draw a vase in an elementary way. Here is an example of a step-by-step image of a rose with closed petals.

How to draw a vase with willow - instructions

Another option for drawing a vase is to depict it not with a bouquet of flowers, but with several willow branches. It is the willow that is considered the first herald of spring; its cats are depicted on all spring cards. In addition, the willow is one of the symbols of Easter. Let's try to draw a vase with willow branches step by step and you will get a great gift for the spring holiday.

  • We will draw a very small vase with a slightly round shape. To do this, draw a small vertical line in the central part of the sheet of paper, then measure two horizontal lines from it at the top and bottom. Parallel to the center line, draw slightly rounded lines, which will then become the walls of the vase. From the top of the vase, draw diverging lines at an angle. Thus, we mark the location of the willow branches.
  • Next, we draw the specific outlines of the vase. The central part should be wider and convex, which gradually narrows towards the neck and base.
  • Using a simple pencil, draw willow branches. To do this, simply draw two lines that taper at the very top, and additionally draw small branches. You need to draw enough willow branches to maintain proportions.
  • At the next stage, you can start drawing white and fluffy pussy willow cats. This is a very simple stage, since each cat has the shape of a small oval, which must be drawn along the entire length of the willow branch.
  • Draw a couple of willow branches with blossoming cats near the vase. This will give your drawing volume and subject matter.
  • At the last stage, erase all the extra lines with an eraser and draw several Easter eggs on the table near the willow branches.
  • If desired, the drawing can be colored and made into a beautiful greeting card.

How to draw a bowl of fruit with a pencil - instructions

The vase is used not only for flowers and willows; deep and wide vases are often used to store fruit.

  • A bowl of fruit is very easy to draw. You don't need to think anymore about how to draw for kids, because with this description you will not only draw a beautiful fruit bowl, but also learn the name of some fruits.
  • Schematically draw a semicircular vase with the contours of pears and apples inside. The fruit is only partially visible, so you only need to draw the halves. In addition, there is no need to draw the inside of the vase, it will be hidden by the fruit.
  • Fruits can also be drawn on the table near the vase. This will give your drawing volume.
  • Take a softer pencil and outline the contours of the vase well and draw out the apples and pears more clearly. Next, you need to erase all the extra lines and give the objects shadows.
  • Our fruit bowl is ready.

How to paint a vase with watercolors - instructions

  • After you have mastered the technique of drawing a vase with a simple pencil, you can start painting with paints, or more precisely, watercolors.
  • Schematically depict a round vase, as well as tulip stems with small ovals instead of inflorescences.
  • After this, carefully draw in the leaves with an oblong, slightly pointed shape.

  • Draw beautiful polka dots on the vase and draw flower buds and leaves more clearly.
  • Then take watercolor paints and gradually begin to color each element of your drawing.

Photos of painted vases

After looking at all the listed step-by-step instructions for drawing a vase in different versions, you and your child can quickly and easily draw your own masterpieces.

16 But I

Probably every art school student can remember a lesson in drawing a vase. It is painted both with and without fresh flowers inside. The fact is that a vase is an excellent teaching example for learning symmetry and perspective, and, of course, adding volume to a flat image.

Today we will try to draw a vase. We will do this, as always, in stages. To make it more interesting for you, place the flower in a vase. The design looks more beautiful if you give the vase different patterns, so it will look richer. When you have already learned how to draw simple vases, you should try to take on more complex options.

1. Let's do the initial markings

It would seem that the vase looks simple in the drawing, but drawing it is not so easy, because you need an excellent eye, you need to understand the complex rules of symmetry, study the proportions of the drawing, and learn how to add volume to an object using shadows. To make our task easier, I came up with a simplified scheme that will help the vase become symmetrical, that is, the correct shape.

Let's start our work by drawing the main lines, so we mark our drawing. In other words, you should make horizontal lines. We use them to denote two boundaries, first the upper and then the lower. As you complete the task, identify the wider part of the border.

Now let's take the image of the neck and draw lines symbolizing the hole. We make these lines from the support of the bottom line. Try to draw the lines symmetrically with respect to the line that divides the vase in half.

2. Draw boundary lines

It's time to work on the height of our vase, so let's take a ruler in our hands. Let's draw the same lines that are shown in my drawing. I advise you not to press the pencil too hard, because we will have to erase these lines. You should get the correct outline of the vase.

At the previous stage we drew the outlines of the vase, and now you have to sketch out its approximate shape. You will probably correct this outline a little, so draw it lightly, do not press the pencil on the paper. It should be taken into account that later we will have to draw the flowers and “put” them in the vase, but now we are drawing the neck. Even though the flowers will fill the neckline, we should draw it completely. Then we draw the base of our vase.

4. We clarify the contours of the entire drawing

Next, we have to clarify the main contours of our picture, so we’ll take care of the neck, and then the main shape of the vase. You should think about the pattern, because with it the vase will be more beautiful. You can come up with a pattern yourself, and if you like my pattern, please draw it. So, you have decided on the pattern, and now you need to outline its main contours with a pencil. It is on these that you will have to draw the ornament in the future.

We are moving to the almost final stage and must create volume for our vase. As always, we calculate which side is lighter. Now take a soft pencil and start creating shadows. In this case, it will not be difficult to depict shadows, the main thing is to follow my recommendation accurately. We shade the shadow side according to the principle: the further away the light source, the “thicker” we depict the shadow. The illuminated side remains without shadows.

Drawing a vase may seem simple, but it helps you learn to convey shape, volume, perspective, and symmetry. Try drawing a vase with flowers and fruits!

Many novice artists often practice drawing vases, because such a drawing helps convey shape, volume, perspective, symmetry, create chiaroscuro, that is, practice the most necessary and important skills for further drawing. In addition, vases fit perfectly into still lifes, so the acquired skill will not be wasted.

How to draw a vase with a pencil step by step for beginners?


  1. You need to start by marking the future drawing using vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical line is needed to determine the height and symmetry of the vase. The horizontal lines will define the top and bottom of the vase, as well as the extension on it.
  2. Next, draw the contours of the vase using straight lines.
    When drawing lines, the pencil does not need to be pressed; these are temporary lines that will then be erased.
  3. The contours will serve as limiters, within which the vase is given the desired shape using smooth lines. The convexity of the vase will be given by curved smooth lines extending beyond the contour.
  4. Now you need to pay attention to the bottom and neck of the vase. You need to draw the neck and bottom with smooth lines that also go beyond the contours.

Overlaying shadow

In order for the drawing to have a three-dimensional appearance, you need to apply a shadow, that is, shade with a pencil those places that are far from the light. The more part of the vase is removed from the light, the thicker the shading of the design should be.
For beginners, you can take a vase or other vessel as a model and see how the shadow from a light source falls on it.

VIDEO: How to draw a vase?

How to draw a vase for a child?

A child may not yet have as well developed spatial imagination as an adult, so teaching him to draw a vase is, again, better by making markings and outlining the contours. You need to start drawing step by step:

  • draw a vertical line, the axis from which the sides of the vase will be drawn
  • draw horizontal lines indicating the bottom, neck and widest part of the vase
  • Using light lines, without pressing the pencil, give the outline of the vase, drawing symmetrical lines on both sides of the vertical line - the axis
  • draw ovals for the bottom and neck of the vase
  • adjust the symmetry of the lines on both sides of the vase relative to the axis
  • darken the darkened areas with shading or a thicker layer of paint and leave the areas where the light falls lighter

How to draw a vase with flowers step by step? Drawing - flowers in a vase

To draw a vase of flowers, you need to simultaneously outline the contours of both the vase and the flowers in it.

  1. Draw a vertical line-axis.
  2. Draw horizontal lines in the place where the bottom, top and expanding part of the vase are supposed to be.
  3. Make symmetrical contours of the vase and an oval for the bottom.
  4. You don’t have to draw the neck of the vase, but draw a circle above its intended location, inside which the flowers will be placed.
  5. As you know, flowers and bouquets are different, so you need to decide which flowers will be drawn in the vase. Perhaps they will be the same, perhaps different, and even in a composition with fern and grass. Therefore, you need to determine how many and what kind of flowers will be in the vase, and make appropriate sketches.
  6. The easiest way to learn to draw daisies or similar flowers with petals. Inside the circle outlined for the bouquet, place the daisies at different heights relative to the neck of the vase.
  7. Make chiaroscuro to give the drawing volume.

VIDEO: How to draw a VASE WITH FLOWERS with a simple pencil?

How to draw a bowl of fruit?

First of all, you need to think about what shape the fruit bowl can be. It can be either a simple, semicircular shape, or a vase on a leg.

  1. In any case, first you need to draw a semicircle going down from the straight line of the horizontal axis of the future vase.
  2. Then, below the straight line, draw a concave line to represent the top of the vase.
  3. At the bottom of the vase you need to draw something like a bottom, even if you are supposed to draw it on the leg. The vase should be stable, with the center of gravity in the middle.
Fruit bowl in pencil: step 1. Fruit bowl in pencil: step 2. Fruit bowl in pencil: step 3.

Now you can start sketching the fruit. As a rule, those of them that are placed in a vase have:

  • round shape (apples, oranges, grapes)
  • extended (bananas)
  • or diamond-shaped (plums)

It is advisable to think about the arrangement of fruits in the vase so that they do not hang from its edges, perhaps so that they are located as fruits of the same variety in one place, or all the fruits interspersed.
When drawing fruit in a vase, you should take into account that only part of the fruit should be visible, since the other part may be in a recess in the vase.

VIDEO: Still life with vase and fruit