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How to make a cold fire. How to create fire on your hand

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Cold fire is also sometimes called artificial fire, which does not have combustible elements and consists of a simulator machine with a blower for a special fluttering fabric, which is painted in bright “fiery” colors and is illuminated from below for greater realism.

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Excerpt characterizing Cold Fire

The captain looked at Pierre. He had the habit of stopping in the middle of a conversation and looking intently with laughing, affectionate eyes.
- Eh bien, si vous ne m"aviez pas dit que vous etes Russe, j"aurai parie que vous etes Parisien. Vous avez ce je ne sais, quoi, ce... [Well, if you hadn’t told me that you were Russian, I would have bet that you were a Parisian. There is something about you, this...] - and, having said this compliment, he again looked silently.
“J"ai ete a Paris, j"y ai passe des annees, [I was in Paris, I spent whole years there," said Pierre.
– Oh ca se voit bien. Paris!.. Un homme qui ne connait pas Paris, est un sauvage. Un Parisien, ca se sent a deux lieux. Paris, s"est Talma, la Duschenois, Potier, la Sorbonne, les boulevards," and noticing that the conclusion was weaker than the previous one, he hastily added: “Il n"y a qu"un Paris au monde. Vous avez ete a Paris et vous etes reste Busse. Eh bien, je ne vous en estime pas moins. [Oh, it's obvious. Paris!.. A man who does not know Paris is a savage. You can recognize a Parisian two miles away. Paris is Talma, Duchesnois, Potier, The Sorbonne, the boulevards... There is only one Paris in the whole world. You were in Paris and remained Russian. Well, I respect you no less for that.]
Under the influence of the wine he drank and after days spent in solitude with his gloomy thoughts, Pierre experienced involuntary pleasure in conversation with this cheerful and good-natured man.
– Pour en revenir a vos dames, on les dit bien belles. Quelle fichue idee d"aller s"enterrer dans les steppes, quand l"armee francaise est a Moscou. Quelle chance elles ont manque celles la. Vos moujiks c"est autre chose, mais voua autres gens civilises vous devriez nous connaitre mieux que ca . Nous avons pris Vienne, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Varsovie, toutes les capitales du monde... On nous craint, mais on nous aime. Nous sommes bons a connaitre. Et puis l "Empereur! [But let's return to your ladies: they say that they are very beautiful. What a stupid idea to go and bury yourself in the steppe when the French army is in Moscow! They missed a wonderful opportunity. Your men, I understand, but you are people educated - should have known us better than this. We took Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Warsaw, all the capitals of the world. They fear us, but they love us. It doesn’t hurt to know us better. And then the emperor ...] - he began, but Pierre interrupted him.

Many of us have repeatedly seen on various shows how daredevils hold a blazing flame in their hands. Often, in films, the skill of computer graphics is used as such fire, but in real life you can surprise the audience with the dance of fire on your palms. Cold Fire- that’s what this miracle is called. Cold fire is a term used in chemical science to describe low-temperature fire.

Cooking fire at home

To surprise your friends with the ability to hold fire in your hands, it is enough to have several simple ingredients and a little skill. The main components necessary to create a cold fire are alcohol, boric acid (dry), sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. To prepare the solution necessary for a cold fire, you need to take a medium-sized cup and pour alcohol into it (about one tablespoon). Add a tablespoon of dry alcohol to alcohol boric acid and no more than one drop of acid (sulfuric or hydrochloric). You need to be very careful, as this is a fairly complex job. hazardous substances. Do not add more sulfuric acid for a bright combustion, this can be very dangerous to life. The ingredients mixed in the cup must be heated. The fastest and safe way- for a couple. A few minutes are enough for the mixture to warm up and be ready for use. Test the resulting mixture with your finger; if it is not very hot, it means it can still be used.

It is not recommended to pour and burn the mixture directly on your palms. This can only be done if you already have experience in handling cold fire. Take woolen threads and wind them into a small ball, which will be set on fire in your palms.

Precautionary measures

Despite the innocuous name of cold fire, it is still fire, and precautions must be taken with it. As soon as the ball of thread has been soaked with the prepared solution and set on fire, the combustion process of boric acid occurs, which will last several minutes. After the boric acid has burned out, the alcohol will begin to burn, and it will no longer be so cold. Before conducting experiments with cold fire, it is recommended to remove the hair from your hands, since, without experience, it is difficult to control the moment when boric acid stops burning and the burning of alcohol begins, which can catch the hair on your hands, which will leave a rather bad smell. To quickly put out a fire, just cover it with your palm and, without access to oxygen, it will go out very quickly.

Surely every person has seen how in the movies or the circus people hold flames on their hands, or even juggle or throw them. And if they can be created using computer graphics, then in the circus it looks like a real miracle. In fact, this phenomenon has a completely scientific explanation and is called “cold fire” by chemists. If you wish, you can surprise guests at the holiday with a spectacle by making it yourself.

Let's define it in terms

By non-burning flame, chemistry means a chain reaction of oxidation in which a glow is observed. So if you strictly follow the terminology, cold is not. It is used to create very spectacular special effects and some types of fireworks. Capable of producing a cold flame whole line esters and acids, both organic and inorganic. The most commonly used is the ethyl derivative of boric acid.

Often, cold fire also means a visual “trick” in which the combustion process as such is absent. It is usually used not for tricks, but for design purposes.

The most effective way to make a cold fire at home

If we consider the most famous option for creating a flame that does not burn, then it will require quite accessible ingredients. Take a spoonful of alcohol (medical or chemically pure, used for analysis). It is mixed with an equal volume of boric acid powder. It, like alcohol, can be bought at any pharmacy. A drop of concentrated strong acid - hydrochloric or sulfuric - is dropped into the solution. For the uninformed: this one is filled into batteries, so getting it out is also not a problem. The vessel with the workpiece heats up. The fastest and safest way to do this is in a primitive water bath. When the mixture becomes noticeably warm, but not yet hot, you can begin to perform the trick.

If you have never made cold fire before, you should not set it on fire directly on your palm - if you do not have the skill, you will get injured. It is better to roll it up, soak it in the composition and only then set it on fire. The match (lighter) should not touch the ball of thread.

Caution is paramount!

The fire remains cold only as long as the ether formed by the reagents burns. When it runs out, ethyl alcohol will take over directly - but its combustion temperature is quite high. In addition, do not forget that the acid involved in creating the flame is a dangerous substance. So you should take precautions:

  1. Do not increase the dose of acid under any circumstances. Firstly, an explosive mixture may result. Secondly, you can get a chemical burn by placing the ball on your palm.
  2. Make sure that there is no hair or edge of clothing near the ball being lit. An inexperienced magician may not catch the moment of ignition of alcohol, and the mentioned things are easily flammable.
  3. Keep a small, non-flammable container nearby to cover and extinguish the cold fire when it gets hot. Or show focus over kitchen sink to quickly throw it into it.

After a certain amount of training, when you learn to control temperature changes to such an extent that you do not get burned, you can light a non-burning flame directly in the palm of your hand.

A safer option

You can make a cold fire in another way, although it will look less impressive, since the flame from it has a familiar color, not greenish. Take a small piece of cotton fabric, roll it into a ball and wrap it (or better yet, stitch it) with thread so that it does not unravel. Low-temperature fuel, for example, isopropanol, is poured into a shallow bowl. You can take the so-called one, but here you need to be careful: these liquids have different combustion temperatures, and you can run into quite noticeable ones. The fabric ball is dipped in fuel, wrung out and set on fire. The lump will warm your hand, but if you roll it over your palm and between your fingers, you will only feel a pleasant warmth. And if you lubricate the place where the ball is placed with cream, you can keep it in one place. The only safety measure is not to touch the top of the flame - this is a guaranteed burn.

Short flame

There are other methods for making cold fire with your own hands, mostly based on the dexterity of a magician and small tricks. The easiest two options are:

Simulated flame

It remains to consider the cold fireplace fire. At home, not having the opportunity to lay out a real fireplace, many romantics do just that. A fan is placed in a box (you can even use cardboard) so that the air flow from it is directed upward. LEDs and optical filters for red, blue and yellow color. There are mirrors on the sides inside. Triangles are cut from fabric and glued to the box. The system is plugged into sockets - and a cold flame creates comfort in the room.

Cold Fire

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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The experience looks especially impressive in a dark room.

After reading the description, I was quite skeptical about it. The first thing that raised serious doubts was that carbon tetrachloride (carbon tetrachloride, carbon tetrachloride) can be successfully used to extinguish fires, since its heavy vapors block air access to flammable substances. The only thing that prevents the mass use of carbon tetrachloride for these purposes is the formation of toxic phosgene.

In other words, doubts arose that a mixture of almost equal quantities of CCl 4 and CS 2 would burn. There was no carbon disulfide at hand, but the idea arose to use cyclohexane instead.

A mixture of 5 ml of carbon tetrachloride and 5 ml of cyclohexane was prepared. When ignited, the mixture caught fire, but then went out. As a rule, the combustion lasted several seconds.

A mixture of 6 ml CCl 4 and 4 ml C 6 H 12 ignited when ignited, but after a short flash the combustion stopped.

A mixture of 7 ml CCl 4 and 3 ml C 6 H 12 did not burn, but it was possible to set it on fire by soaking cotton wool with this mixture.

For the experiments, the first mixture was chosen: 5 ml of carbon tetrachloride and 5 ml of cyclohexane, i.e. CCl 4: C 6 H 12 (1: 1).

The palm is moistened with water. This is not necessary for protection against high temperature(wet skin, on the contrary, conducts heat much better than dry skin), but so that the mixture is not absorbed into the skin.

After this, hold the palm horizontally, pour 1-2 ml of the mixture into it and set it on fire. A yellow, smoky flame will flare up. The flame does not cause any inconvenience for about 2-3 seconds, then goes out on its own. Pure cyclohexane would burn much longer and would seriously burn your hand. But in the case of a mixture of CCl 4 - C 6 H 12, cyclohexane vapors burn, and carbon tetrachloride vapors accumulate and block air access.

If the combustion does not stop after a few seconds, the flame will burn. It is extinguished by quickly clenching your hand into a fist. Try to flammable mixture did not get on the lower (outer) part of the hand. If the mixture burns under your palm, the flame will burn strongly. If necessary, before lighting, shake off excess mixture onto the floor by turning the palm over.

But why doesn't fire cause burns? Combustion occurs not on the surface of the palm, but above it, so the flame does not heat the hand much. The presence of carbon tetrachloride certainly lowers the temperature of the flame, but this is not its main role: CCl 4 vapors cut off the flame from the skin and quickly extinguish it. There can be no talk of any “cooling due to rapid evaporation,” as Leonard A. Ford claimed.

The experimenter’s task: have time to demonstrate the flame to the audience, but not have time to get burned. Fire is never cold.

Always have a wet towel ready to cover your hand if the fire gets out of control. Of course, there should be a person nearby who can protect the experimenter in case of unforeseen situations.

Please note that the mixture must be ignited immediately after applying it to the palm, otherwise it may not ignite. Lighters often fail from contact with the mixture and its vapors, so you need to take care of a more reliable source of flame, otherwise such a small thing can ruin the experiment.

When the mixture burns, a lot of soot is formed, and phosgene COCl 2 can also be formed. Organochlorine compounds (carbon tetrachloride and cyclohexane chlorination products) are toxic to humans and animals, in particular, they destroy the liver. The experiment should be carried out in a large, well-ventilated room or in the fresh air.

As a result of burning the mixture, an odor similar to the smell of burnt polyvinyl chloride (PVC) spreads. PVC is used to insulate electrical wires, so neighbors may think that the wiring is on fire (this is what happened during the filming of the experiments).

After several experiments, the hand smelled of organochlorines for about a day (despite all attempts to wash it - even using alkali). Therefore, it is unacceptable to get carried away with such experiments, and most importantly, they should not be carried out regularly.

Now let's return to the experiment described at the beginning of the section. Since a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and cyclohexane in a ratio of 5:5 burned, there is no doubt that a similar mixture of carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulfide (4:6) will also ignite. Moreover, due to the high volatility of carbon disulfide, the likelihood of getting a burn is much less than with cyclohexane. However, carbon disulfide is very poisonous: pouring carbon disulfide on your hand can easily result in poisoning, so this experiment should not be repeated