Well      04/10/2019

Handgum slime at home with your own hands. Making slime from very simple ingredients

If your child is tired of playing with his old toys and asks for a new one, you don’t have to immediately run to the store to please your baby. After all, there is a great toy that will keep him busy and help him develop his motor skills. Such a toy is slime - it is a jelly-like substance that can entertain both you and your child, and most importantly, you can make slime with your own hands at home from various materials. There are a huge number of ways to make it, and in this article we will tell you 10 ideas on how you can make slime with your own hands from scrap materials at home.

Slime without sodium tetraborate with detergent

If you don’t have time to run to the pharmacy, but you need to make a slime right now, then this manufacturing option is suitable for you. This option slime by appearance and to the touch it is as similar as possible to the purchased one. But since such a slime contains detergent, you should wash your hands after use.

You will need:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Mixing container
  • Hand cream
  • Dye


  1. First, mix dishwashing detergent and baking soda in a 1:2 ratio. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add hand cream and mix. The amount of glue must be determined during the mixing process.
  3. And add dye.
  4. When all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mass should have a slightly liquid consistency.
  5. Place our not-quite-ready slime in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  6. After the time has passed, take out the slime.

Nail polish slime

Another version of slime, which is made from ingredients that every housewife has. It turns out to be bright in color and the shade practically does not change during the preparation of the slime. Let's see how to make such a bright and simple slime with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Colored nail polish
  • PVA glue
  • Mixing container
  • Sodium tetraborate


  1. First, we connect two components: glue and nail polish. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add water room temperature in the proportion of 1 part glue and 1 part water. Mix.
  3. Now you need to gradually add sodium tetraborate, stirring our mixture. We do not add immediately in order to see what consistency we get, softer or harder.
  4. When you mix everything thoroughly, you will see that the slime itself forms into one mass. The slime is ready!

Slime made from titanium glue

The simplest slime can be made from ordinary titanium glue and water. It turns out plastic, but looks like a dense viscous mass. It is good to use for very young children, since its density does not allow it to tear under the slightest load. Now let's see how to make the simplest slime.

You will need:

  • Glue "Titan"
  • Paints
  • Mixing container


  1. Pour glue into a container and mix with dye.
  2. Now add water to the mass in a ratio of approximately 1:1.
  3. Stir the solution until our slime stops sticking to your hands.
  4. Lizun is ready!
  5. For clear example you can watch the video instructions.

Edible slime made from Nutella

If you want to please your child, it’s not just original toy, then you can make an edible slime. It is made from regular Nutella and marshmallows. But to do it you need a lot of patience. So, let's get started.

You will need:

  • Nutella paste
  • Marshmallow marshmallow
  • Mixing container


  1. Calculate your portion by calculating the ingredients. For 1 tablespoon of Nutella you need 2 marshmallows.
  2. We need to melt the marshmallows in the microwave, stirring, you will get a mass similar to shaving cream or foam.
  3. Now mix the marshmallows with Nutella, mix thoroughly. It will take a long time to stir, but the result will please you. And the main thing is that such a toy can be eaten.

How to make edible slime

Another option for edible slime is to make it from mamba or frutela chewing candies. This slime is not durable, as it hardens when it cools. But you can eat it and it has a pleasant aroma.

You will need:

  • Frutela or mamba candies
  • Powdered sugar
  • Water bath


  1. Remove all the candy from the packaging.
  2. Place in a container and place in a water bath. Melt all the candies while stirring.
  3. When the mixture has cooled slightly, transfer it to a container in which you previously poured powdered sugar.
  4. Roll the mixture in powder until our slime stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Now you can give your child our edible toy.

Video on how to make slime from frutela

Jumping slime

If you want to make not just a slime, but also a jumper. This slime is very interesting to play with, and the ingredients included in it are found in almost every home. Let's see Full description with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Silicate glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Dye
  • Glitter


  1. Pour glue and a little dye and glitter into the container.
  2. Next, add sodium tetraborate and mix thoroughly until our mass thickens.
  3. Now you can try your slime.

Transparent slime

If you don't have any dyes on hand, or you just want to make transparent slime, then this recipe is for you. It can be made very simply and quickly, so let's start making slime with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Silicate glue 125 ml.
  • Water 250 ml.
  • Sodium tetraborate


  1. Pour glue and water into a bowl and mix thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve sodium tetraborate in 125 ml. water and pour into the mixture with glue.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until the mass curdles and a slime forms.
  4. Now you can give it to your child or play with this entertaining toy yourself.

Magnetic slime

If you need an unusual slime, then you can make it magnetic. To do this you will need regular iron filings and a magnet. So let's get started with the process of making our slime.

You will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Boric acid
  • Iron filings
  • Magnet


  1. Mix glue, boric acid and iron filings.
  2. Stir for a long time until the consistency becomes similar to slime.
  3. Now you can play with this slime using a magnet.

Slime without sodium tetraborate

I would like to offer you another option for making slime without the use of sodium tetraborate. This recipe uses only 3 ingredients, and one of them is ordinary dye. Let's see how to make slime with your own hands.

In 1997, a cartoon called “Ghostbusters” appeared. One of the cartoon characters was a ghost called Lizun. It was green in color and could fly through walls and leave behind a sticky green liquid.
He became a popular character and this played into the hands of the American company Matell. Since 1976, this company began producing toys that resembled this character.

Little viewers really liked the green ghost and sales of this toy skyrocketed.

While playing with slime, fine motor skills, vestibular apparatus and motor activity develop. And it has long been known that fine motor skills are associated with the child’s nervous system, attention, vision, memory and perception.

Children need to be told that when playing with slime, they should not throw it at painted walls. water-based paint. And also on those surfaces that cannot be washed, as it leaves a greasy residue.

How to make slime from sodium tetraborate (Borax) and glue with your own hands

Made from borax, it is the same as the one sold in stores.


Stages of production of toys from borax and glue:

Slime prepared according to this recipe should not be taken into the mouth. It must be stored in a closed jar.

How to make slime from starch and glue with your own hands.


  • PVA glue;
  • small plastic bag;
  • liquid starch;
  • food coloring.

If you don't have food coloring, you can replace it with natural or simple gouache.

It is better to buy new PVA glue and it should be white.

Stages of making a toy from starch and glue:

If the toy is very sticky, it means you used a lot of glue or not enough starch. Rework it a little by adjusting the amount of glue or starch.

If the slime turns out hard or crumbly, it means that an excessive amount of starch was used.

The toy prepared according to this recipe should be stored in a closed jar and its shelf life will be about a week. Also remember not to put it in your mouth and wash your hands after playing with it.

How to make slime from water and soda with your own hands


  • soda;
  • water;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • dyes as desired.

Stages of making a toy from water and soda:

How to make slime from shampoo with your own hands.

This is one of the easiest ways to make slime. Every time after playing it needs to be put in the refrigerator. It should not be put in your mouth and you should wash your hands after playing with it.


  • shower gel or dishwashing liquid.

Stages of making a toy from shampoo:

DIY slime made from washing powder.

To make slime according to this recipe, we will need to take not ordinary dry washing powder, liquid.


  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • liquid washing powder;
  • latex gloves.

Stages of making a toy from liquid washing powder:

A toy prepared in this way should be stored in a closed jar. If it changes its appearance, you can put it in the refrigerator.

How to make slime from flour with your own hands

To make a slime that is relatively safe for children. You can use a recipe that contains flour. And replace food colors with natural ones.


  • flour;
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • dyes;
  • apron.

Stages of making a toy from flour:

How to make magnetic slime with your own hands

Using this recipe you can make a magnetic slime that will glow in the dark.

We will need:

  • water;
  • borax;
  • iron oxide;
  • glue;
  • Neodymium magnets;
  • phosphorus paint.

Stages of making magnetic slime:

Now your magnetic slime is ready. If you bring a magnet closer to it, it will be drawn to it.

If you can't make slime

It happens that it doesn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted. It may depend on the quality, ingredients you use to make it. Because of this, the proportions indicated in the methods described above may be incorrect. Therefore, you need to try to find the right proportions when producing this toy.
The correct slime comes out of the container as a single mass. It may be patchy in some places, but after you knead it in your hands for two minutes, it will become stringy, relatively sticky and uniform.

If it sticks a lot to your fingers, you need to make an effort to clean your hands. In this case, it may help to add liquid starch or just water to liquefy the slime. It depends on the recipe you made it from.

And if, on the contrary, it does not stick to your hands at all, but simply slides off them. This means that there is a lot of liquid in it. To fix this, you need to remove excess liquid and add a little glue, flour or borax solution. The ingredients added depend on the method of preparing the slime. After adding the required material You need to mix this mixture well.

Lizun is an unusual children's toy that develops hand motor skills and imagination. However, purchased foreign ones are very toxic, so creating such a toy at home from safe components will not only save money, but also an interesting pastime with your child.

The simplest slime recipe consists of 100 grams. plasticine, a package of edible gelatin and 100 ml of water.

Soak cold water V metal utensils gelatin, leaving to stand for an hour. Then heat to a boil, then remove from heat. Soften the plasticine with your hands and mix it in a plastic bowl with 50 ml of water. Pour gelatin into this and stir until you get a viscous mass, which it is advisable to put in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

As soon as it hardens, the toy is ready.

Recipe with sodium tetraborate

This method is the fastest and cheapest, but starch slime is fragile and will only last a day or two.

From soda

Mix in plastic dishes 50 gr. , a quarter of a glass warm water and dye, mix the substance well. Separately mix water and baking soda (a tablespoon), then add this solution to the adhesive mixture.

Mix, form a ball and enjoy playing with the finished treasure.

From soap or detergent

Take detergent or liquid soap, Titan glue and. Mix the soap and glue in a 2:3 ratio, then add food coloring and stir the mixture thoroughly again. Place it in a plastic bag and carefully knead it with your hands to remove lumps of glue.

You can play with the slime right away.

How to make liquid and transparent slime?

Transparent liquid slime is a little more difficult to make than its thicker and more colorful counterpart.

To create it you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol – 100 g;
  • plastic dishes;
  • – 25 gr.;
  • stir stick.

All you need to do is pour alcohol into a bowl, stir, add sodium tetraborate and stir quickly until the mixture resembles the desired slime. Preparation takes about 10 minutes (you need to stir for a long time and painstakingly), but you can do it right away.

Step-by-step recipe - video from YouTube:

  1. You can decorate the slime by additionally adding sparkles and mother of pearl or fluorescent paints so that it glows in the dark. To have a pleasant smell, add your favorite essential oil during preparation.
  2. The child will be interested in touching the toy if you use foam balls, which can be found in any craft or hardware store.
  3. Didn't find a convenient stirring stick? This can be done with your hands, but be sure to wear latex gloves.
  4. remember, that

Caring mothers are often concerned with the question of how to make a Lizun toy, which would contain only useful components, and not sodium tetraborate or glue, as in the store-bought version. Fortunately, there are many recipes for creating fun at home with a variety of ingredients. Made with love, performance specifications homemade toy is by no means worse than store-bought, and the mother can be sure that Lizun will not harm the baby.

Children simply love to play with Slime - this is useful for fine motor skills easy to make toy at home

What is "Lizun"?

The original name of Lizun is Slime. The toy was created by Mattel in 1976. The game acquired its modern name in the 90s. last century after the appearance of the cartoon “Ghostbusters”. One of his characters, the ghost Lizun, was very reminiscent of Slime: he was green and easily penetrated walls, leaving greenish sticky mucus on the surface.

Exactly like Slime - a soft jelly-like substance that easily changes shape, but does not melt in your hands. It can become hard and elastic when subjected to sudden or strong impact, sticking to the ceiling or running down the wall, leaving an unsightly mark. If desired, the toy can be given any shape, and at the end of the fun it can easily be placed in a jar and when proper storage does not lose its properties for a long time.

Psychologists consider the Lizun toy a wonderful anti-stress. It helps to relax the baby, engage his imagination, and raise him with a well-developed imagination. Moreover, Slime develops motor skills well and motor activity, strengthening nervous system, attention, vision, memory.

How to prepare “Lizuna” yourself at home?

There are many easy recipes describing how to make Lizun. When choosing a method, first of all, you need to pay attention to whether the product will be safe for the baby if he decides to taste the toy.

It often happens that a toy at home does not turn out the way it was intended, even if the proportions and execution technique are strictly observed. The reason for this is the quality of the products that were used to make homemade Lizun. In this case, you need to gradually select the correct proportions.

After production, the toy is taken out of the dish in one mass. If it is not uniform, you need to knead the Lizun with your hands for a few minutes. If the Slime is too sticky, it needs to be thinned by increasing the water content. If the mass does not stick to your hands at all and slides off, you should lightly dry it by pouring flour, borax or glue into the mass and mixing well again.

From shampoo, shower gel or liquid soap

You can quickly create a Lizun yourself by combining equal amounts of shower gel (can be replaced with liquid soap) with shampoo. Then place it in the refrigerator for a while (optimally overnight), after which you just have to wait until the mass thickens. To make the toy transparent, preference should be given to chemicals without granules! Slime made from shower gel is stored in the refrigerator in a closed jar. This toy “lives” for about a month.

From shampoo, starch and water

Without much effort, you can create a Lizun from starch (200 g), shampoo and water (100 ml each). Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator for twelve hours, after which the toy is ready. When the game is over, Slime must be placed in a closed jar and placed back in the refrigerator. Shelf life is a month.

From baking soda

You can simply make Lizun for your child from baking soda and dish detergent. There are no exact proportions, since different brands of drugs have their own consistency. To create a toy, you need to pour a little water into the detergent to liquefy it. Then put a little soda and stir as shown in the photo. If the consistency is too thick, dilute with water.

There is another way to make slime from soda, which involves the use of stationery PVA. For this purpose, you need to mix warm water with glue (50 ml each) until smooth. Then pour in the paint and mix well again. After this, dissolve 50 g of soda in 1 tbsp. l. water and begin to slowly pour into the mixture. Let it harden. The product will last about 3-4 days.

From flour

This absolutely safe fun for children is made from flour. For this purpose, 2 tbsp. flour must be sifted through a sieve, pour first cold water and then hot, but not boiling water (50 ml each).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Add a few drops of food coloring, optional sugar or salt for taste.

You need to stir until the dough becomes a uniform color. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours, remove and knead with your hands.

Made from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

If you want to create a toy at home that is as close as possible to a store-bought one, you need to take:

  • Paint (any food coloring).
  • PVA – 60 g.
  • Borax or sodium tetraborate (Borax) - sold at the pharmacy. If you take a solution, one jar is enough. If powder, then 1 tbsp. l. must be dissolved in 0.5 tbsp. liquids.
  • Water - ¼ tbsp.

The water needs to be slightly warmed up and gradually begin to pour in PVA (the more glue, the more springy the Lizun will be). Mix water and glue until smooth, add food coloring. If you purchased Borax in powder, then it must be diluted with water (15 g per 30 ml) until smooth - without lumps.

Next you need to mix all the components together. If the masses stick to your hands too much, you need to add more Borax. Pour the resulting mass into a bag and begin to knead with your hands. After some time, the toy will be ready.

Made from liquid starch and PVA

Borax can be replaced with liquid starch (sold in hardware stores):

  • Pour 100 g of product into a bowl, pour in 200 g of glue (the amount depends on the consistency you want to get);
  • To add color, you can drop a little dye;
  • stir until you get a homogeneous mass of the desired consistency;
  • leave in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Sparkling Slime

To make Glitter Slime you will need:

  • glitter glue (100 ml);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tsp. Boers;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water.

Mix Borax in a glass of water. Pour a packet of glitter stationery glue into another container.

Add a tablespoon of water (15 ml) to the glue and mix well - this will make the mass more flexible and pliable. Next, add Borax solution to the mixture, mix the Lizun to the desired consistency.

Magnetic Slime

For Slime to glow and be attracted to a magnet, you will need:

  • sodium tetraborate powder (Borax);
  • water;
  • PVA – 30 g;
  • iron oxide;
  • neodymium magnets;
  • paint with phosphorus (optional).

The cooking process is simple:

  • stir 0.5 tsp. sodium tetraborate in a glass of water;
  • in another bowl, prepare a mixture of PVA and 0.5 tbsp. water, after which you can pour in paint with phosphorus;
  • Combine the two mixtures very slowly and carefully until a homogeneous mass appears.

We make a “pancake” from the finished Lizun, sprinkle iron oxide on top and knead well until the color and condition are uniform.

To create Slime from Borax without glue, you need to stock up on water, paint, and polyvinyl alcohol in the form of a powdered substance. Rubbing alcohol or vodka are not suitable here:

  1. Dilute polyvinyl alcohol with water and cook over low heat for 45 minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Then turn off the gas and leave to cool.
  2. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Borax in a glass of water, then strain and carefully pour into alcohol, keeping the proportions 1:3.
  3. Stir and add dye. The toy is ready.

From toothpaste

The question often arises of how to make slime from toothpaste. For this purpose, you need to squeeze 20 ml of toothpaste into a bowl, pour the same amount liquid soap, knock down a homogeneous mass, to which gradually add 5 tsp. flour. First, mix the toothpaste mixture with a spoon, then with your fingers. At the end of the work, lightly wet the Slime with water and knead it with your fingers.

Toothpaste slime is very affordable, because the “ingredient” for the toy is available in every home

Made from plasticine, gelatin and water

The question often arises of how to make Lizun from plasticine. The method involves the use of:

  • gelatin – 50 g;
  • plasticine – 100 g;
  • water.

Pour 200 ml gelatin cold water, leave for an hour, then put in a water bath. After boiling, immediately turn off the gas. Soften the plasticine with your hands and mix with 50 ml of warm water. Pour the swollen gelatin into the plasticine substance and stir until a viscous elastic mixture is obtained. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

The toy can be made into absolutely any color; it is important to know the baby’s color preferences.

From shaving foam

You can make your own slime using shaving foam. In this case, the toy will be soft and airy. This is where shaving foam, glue, acrylic paint, boric acid, liquid soap.

To prepare the toy, you need to pour 125 mg of thick, high-quality glue into a bowl, add green pigment and knead until a thick, dark mass is obtained. To make it lighter, you can release shaving foam into the mass (without sparing). After mixing, the mass will acquire the consistency of a sweet cream.

The next step is preparing the thickener. For this purpose, you need to pour 15 g into a separate container. boric acid, a little water, a couple of drops of detergent. Mix, add to the colored mass made from glue and stir.

From hand cream

You can make a plastic toy yourself from hand cream and perfume. This recipe is unusual and may not work out, but if you want, you can try it.

You need to squeeze the thick cream into a jar, add dye and mix. Then add a couple of drops of perfume and continue stirring. When the mass thickens, knead with your hands.

Slime has a specific consistency, so it must be properly cared for and stored. To prevent the plastic toy from drying out, it should be stored in a jar with a well-closing lid. For the same reason, caring for jelly-like products involves protecting them from sunlight and heating devices.

It must be kept in mind that Slime should not come into contact with the pile. If lint sticks to the slime, it will lose its structure and smoothness.

Slime is a viscous, jelly-like toy that has the properties of a Newtonian fluid. In a calm state, the slime spreads, but is easily collected, and with a sharp impact it becomes denser and breaks on impact. Many people have fallen in love with this pleasant-to-touch thing since childhood. After kneading it in your hands for a while, a person calms down and relieves nervous tension. Slime is an excellent anti-stress toy. On store shelves you can find slimes of the most varied shades. We suggest you make your own slime at home by choosing any of the options offered.

How to make slime at home from dishwashing liquid and soda

  • Pour dishwashing detergent into any container. The size of the future slime will depend on its quantity; the more we pour, the larger the toy will be.
  • The role of the dye will be played by ordinary gouache paint. Add the color you like to the dish with detergent and mix.
  • Add soda to the mixture, achieving the desired thickness. If necessary, dilute the slime with water. Stir all ingredients to the desired consistency. Soda slime is ready!

How to make slime at home from PVA glue and borax

  • We take any container, except the dishes from which we eat, and pour PVA glue into it.
  • Add dye to the glue.
  • Pour a solution of borax (sodium tetrabonate) into the mixture in portions, a little at a time. It is sold at any pharmacy. You can take either liquid or powder.
  • Mix all the ingredients, watch the thickness.
  • Transfer the slime into a plastic bag and knead well until elastic. Ready!

How to make slime from shampoo at home

  • In the selected container, mix shampoo and detergent in equal proportions.
  • Add dye and mix.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator overnight or several hours to harden. Slime is ready to use!

How to make slime at home from water and flour

This slime is non-toxic and absolutely safe for children.

  • Pour two cups of sifted flour into a container.
  • Add a little cold to the flour and hot water in equal proportions. Pour in a little at a time so that the slime does not turn out too liquid.
  • Add dye.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • To allow the mixture to harden, place it in the refrigerator for several hours.

All of the options shown for making slimes at home are very simple and the ingredients are readily available. Making a slime toy is a fun pastime for children who will happily experiment with colors and manufacturing options. Try all the recipes and create your perfect slime!