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List of certified industrial safety experts. Rostekhnadzor achieved its goal. State certification of industrial safety experts received support from professionals



On approval of the Requirements for the formation and maintenance of a register of experts in the field industrial safety

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 09.26.2016, N 0001201609260027).

In pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 509 “On the certification of experts in the field of industrial safety” (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2015, N 23, art. 3313)

I order:

1. Approve in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. The Legal Department (Yu.V.Minchenko) should ensure that the register of experts in the field of industrial safety is posted on the official website of technological and nuclear supervision on the information and telecommunications network Internet.

A.V. Aleshin

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
October 5, 2015,
registration N 39139

Requirements for the formation and maintenance of a register of experts in the field of industrial safety

by order
Federal Environmental Service,
technological and nuclear supervision
"On approval of the Requirements
to the formation and maintenance
register of experts in the field
industrial safety"
dated August 19, 2015 N 326

Requirements for the formation and maintenance of a register of experts in the field of industrial safety

1. These Requirements for the formation and maintenance of a register of experts in the field of industrial safety (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) establish the procedure for the formation and maintenance by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of a register of experts in the field of industrial safety (hereinafter referred to as the register of experts, experts).

2. The basis for entering information about the applicant into the register of experts is the order of Rostechnadzor on the certification of the applicant. Rostechnadzor enters information into the register of experts within 3 working days from the date of the decision to certify the applicant.

3. The following information is entered into the register of experts:

a) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the expert;

b) the area or areas of certification within which the expert can conduct an industrial safety review;

d) expiration date of the qualification certificate;

d) additional information.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on October 7, 2016 by order of Rostechnadzor dated August 30, 2016 N 366.

4. The clause has lost force since October 7, 2016 - order of Rostechnadzor dated August 30, 2016 N 366..

5. Changes to the register of experts are made in case of re-issuance of a qualification certificate within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the expert’s application for re-issuance of a qualification certificate and for making changes to the register of experts.

6. Exclusion of information about individual from the register of experts is carried out within 3 working days from the date of adoption of the relevant decision.

7. The register of experts is maintained in electronic form according to the recommended model in accordance with the appendix to the Requirements.

8. Deleting or editing information entered into the register of experts is not allowed, with the exception of editing entries if technical errors are detected in them.

9. The formation and maintenance of a register of experts is carried out in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information protection.

10. Information contained in the register of experts is posted on the official website of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

Appendix to the Requirements. Register of experts in the field of industrial safety

to Requirements for formation
and maintaining a register of experts
in the field of industrial safety,
approved by order
Federal Environmental Service,
technological and nuclear supervision
dated August 19, 2015 N 326
(As amended as put into effect
from October 7, 2016
by order of Rostechnadzor
dated August 30, 2016 N 366. -
See previous edition)

Register of experts in the field of industrial safety

Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) of the expert

The area or areas of certification within which the expert can conduct an industrial safety review

The expiration date of the qualification is
tion certificate

personal information

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

At the parliamentary hearings of the Federation Council, held on February 4, 2016, State Secretary - Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision A.L. Rybas answered a question regarding industrial safety examination reports signed by uncertified experts.

We are talking about those experts who were previously certified according to the documents of the Unified System of Conformity Assessment of the ADS, and were not certified in accordance with the new “Regulations on the certification of experts in the field of industrial safety”, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2015 No. 509.


“Question: If the Ministry of Justice registered today the Administrative Regulations defining the procedure for certifying experts, does this mean that from the 5th the entry into the Register of expert opinions signed by non-certified experts will stop?

Answer: It doesn’t mean that. Because this will begin when the Administrative Regulations for maintaining the Register of Industrial Safety Expertise Conclusions are approved"

The question was asked based on .

They confused people... If they wanted to indicate the moment when they would stop accepting EPB conclusions drawn up by expert organizations that have not renewed licenses, then why in the same letter do they refer to the Administrative Regulations for the Certification of Experts? In fact, the logical chain in this letter can be traced: there are no certified experts, which means that the licensing requirements for expert organizations are not met, which means there is no possibility to reissue a license, which means that the conclusion issued by such an expert organization cannot be entered into the Register.

Now A.L. Rybas dotted all the i’s. It turns out that Rostechnadzor and its territorial bodies still accept EPB conclusions signed by the so-called “old” experts, but subject to the availability of a reissued license. He will stop doing this after the approval of the Administrative Regulations, or rather the approval of changes to the existing “Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor for the provision of public services for maintaining a register of industrial safety examination conclusions,” approved. by order of Rostechnadzor dated June 23, 2014 No. 260.

The draft text of changes to the Administrative Regulations has been posted for public discussion. The grounds for refusal to enter an industrial safety examination conclusion into the Register will be, inter alia:

"submission, as part of a set of application documents, of an industrial safety examination conclusion signed by an expert (experts) who is not certified by Rostechnadzor in the field of industrial safety to conduct an industrial safety examination on the date of signing by the head of the expert organization of the industrial safety examination conclusion or who is certified by Rostechnadzor in the field of industrial safety, action which does not apply to the examination of industrial safety of a specific facility."

The effective date for these changes is not yet known. All that remains is to wait. As well as recommendations based on the results of 03/24/2016

A meeting of the Council on Industrial Safety Expertise was held at Rostechnadzor. Participants in parliamentary hearings recommended creating such a body under the supervisory agency to consider issues of industrial safety expertise and certification of experts in this field.

This recommendation, like others, has been implemented. “I would like to note the absolutely friendly and constructive position of Rostechnadzor on these issues. We were able to find solutions for all of them with the department,” admits the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on economic policy Sergey Shatirov.

“We are open to cooperation with everyone who is interested in the success of the reform that we are carrying out in accordance with federal law and government decree,” emphasizes Alexander Rybas, State Secretary, Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor. “At the same time, we insist: when improving, it is necessary not to "distort the essence of the reform, do not throw the baby out. Let's work according to the accepted rules, get a result, and based on it we will make assessments."

This seemingly purely professional discussion is directly relevant to everyone living in Russia and concerns life and death - no more and no less. Because it often depends on the competence and integrity of experts whether a man-made disaster will occur in the industrial facility, next to which we live and where we work, or not.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" has already addressed the topic of certification of industrial safety experts ("200 questions to an expert", "RG" 11/10/2015, N 6824 (253). In 2014-2015, the state regained the opportunity to determine how competent the experts who authorize or prohibiting the exploitation of one or another dangerous object from a technical point of view. On December 31, 2014, the President of Russia signed changes to federal law about industrial safety.

The Government of the Russian Federation was ordered to establish a procedure for certifying experts in the field of industrial safety. On May 28, 2015, the Chairman of the Government signed Resolution No. 509, which approved the Regulations on the certification of experts in the field of industrial safety. On July 3, 2015, by order of Rostekhnadzor N 266, changes were made to the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations”.

Last fall, Rostechnadzor began certifying experts.

Prior to this, for a number of years, certificates to experts were issued, or rather, sold by the same organizations that train them. As members of this professional community say, methane in a mine does not explode by itself, it explodes from a spark that occurs in worn-out equipment and old electrical networks.

A competent and honest expert would force the mine owners to fork out money for technical re-equipment. As a rule, the person who buys the certificate can only turn a blind eye to technical malfunctions. At the cost of human lives.

This practice is now coming to an end. From June, it is planned to accept industrial safety examination conclusions only signed by experts certified by Rostechnadzor. Of course, companies that made huge money by selling each certificate (each expert has from three to five) for 60 thousand rubles are trying to torpedo the reform - it actually stops their business. And, involving lobbyists of different levels into the discussion, they periodically dramatize certain moments.

For example, at the very beginning of the certification social media were filled with messages that almost all the questions in the exams were incorrect, with errors. “Give written statements,” Rostekhnadzor urged. It turned out that there were inaccuracies in 16 questions out of 15 thousand. They were promptly eliminated back in December 2015.

Then lobbyists for the old, discredited system began to be indignant: “Two hours is not enough to answer all the questions posed by the computer during the certification.” We carried out an analysis, and it turned out that 97 percent of those being certified have time to read all the questions and in each case choose one of the proposed answers. It’s not always correct, but that’s a completely different matter. By the way, every third person who comes passes the test.

There was a proposal to post all situational tasks on the website. But Rostekhnadzor does not agree to this: the expert must be fully prepared for the exam.

“We don’t regulate the learning process in any way,” comments Alexander Rybas. “Study where you see fit. Or don’t study at all. But come and take exams only at Rostechnadzor.” The state fee for certification is 1,300 rubles. At first, certification was carried out only in Moscow. However, here too the department has met the examinees halfway: starting next week, exams will be held in the regions, in accordance with the published schedule.

In general, participants in parliamentary hearings approved of Rostechnadzor’s work on the implementation new system certification of experts, noted positive changes in the regulatory framework in this area.

Alexander Rybas, State Secretary, Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor:

“At the end of 2014, the law determined that the procedure for certification of experts is established by the government. In May 2015, the government established this procedure by decree. The state service for certification of experts and maintaining the register of experts is carried out by Rostechnadzor. No organizations have the right to issue qualification certificates in the field of industrial safety.” .

How is certification carried out?

The exam consists of three stages. In the first - computer - testing, a soulless machine, using a random number generator, selects questions exclusively in accordance with the field of certification. Questions can be found on the Rostekhnadzor website. Each candidate expert is asked to answer 200 questions, choosing the correct answers from the proposed options. The exam is carried out under the supervision of cameras, the images from which are recorded and broadcast to the responsible employees of Rostechnadzor. It is impossible to help or hinder a person. At the second stage, candidates solve situational problems. At the third stage, those candidates who plan to work in dangerous production facilities 1st and 2nd grades undergo an interview, which is conducted simultaneously by 9 members of the commission.