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Is it difficult to build a house yourself? Do-it-yourself house without construction experience. How and what is the best way to insulate a house

Building your own home is not an easy task, and it’s not for lack of significant savings. This is an objective reason.

Many people are stopped by the fact that they do not know where to start building a house on their site. The variety of types of work, costs, documents, time, the risk of making a mistake and its possible consequences are scary. Our goal is to provide information on how to step by step complete all stages of building a private house with your own hands. And the final decision is yours.

Individual housing construction - what is it?

Decoding the abbreviation individual housing construction- This is individual housing construction. Individual housing construction involves the construction of a residential building on a privately owned plot of land.

Individual housing construction objects are: residential building, extension, superstructure, garage and other permanent buildings. Those. those buildings the construction of which requires permission from local authorities and, in some cases, the consent of neighbors.

Land plot is a territory that has clearly defined boundaries. At the same time, the surface layer of the earth is also considered private property. The depth of the layer is not prescribed at the legislative level. But it is worth remembering that when you are going to dig a well, you are acting within the framework of your interests. If you plan to drill an artesian well, then you are encroaching on state property, which means that its drilling must be agreed upon and documented.

Plot for building a house

To start construction, you need to have a certain budget and land. If there is no plot, and the budget allows, you can buy it.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a site to build a house:

  • personal interests. First of all, set the direction for the search. Perhaps there are memories associated with a certain place, or you want a plot near the water, or in the forest, etc.;
  • location. More in demand are plots located within the city or at a distance of 10-15 km from it;
  • plot dimensions. Affect the scale of construction. In construction, the proportion is 1:10. That is, on a plot of 6 acres it would be appropriate to build a house of 60 square meters. Whether or not to follow this recommendation is up to the owner of the plot, but in the event of a sale it significantly increases the liquidity of the property;
  • availability of infrastructure. Even if complete privacy is planned, it is desirable that there be several more buildings located on the development territory, a medical center, a store, a school, etc. This is especially important if the house is intended for a family with children and is planned for year-round living;
  • proximity to transport. It is important for car owners to evaluate the quality of access roads and the presence/condition of asphalt pavement. So as not to end up in a situation where, in order to get home, you need to change your car to another one with a higher ground clearance. For those who do not have a car, proximity to public transport is desirable;
  • availability of communications. Is it possible to connect to central heating, water supply, sewerage. Are power lines connected to the site? Owners of plots in newly created satellite villages often face this situation;
  • state of ecology in the area. It may turn out that living here is fraught with negative consequences (proximity to hazardous production);
  • soil type. The choice of foundation and the possibility of constructing a well depend on it. In practice, it may turn out that this soil is generally not suitable for the construction of heavy objects. That is, it is possible to put a summer house or a small dacha on it, but to build a two-story house with an attic is unrealistic.
  • market value of the plot. It is determined by all parameters together. The final price will depend on the owners of the site and your ability to bargain reasonably.

Advice. Having decided on a site, do not be lazy to check the legal purity of the documents and the compliance of the actual dimensions of the site with the dimensions indicated in the cadastral passport. You may be sold territory that actually belongs to someone else.

The situation with the site can develop according to two scenarios:

Firstly, permanent buildings may already be located on the site. A fairly common situation is the acquisition of a plot of land with an already built house. Now we are talking not about its restoration, but about demolition. The advantage of such a site is that the main communications are connected to it. In this case, in addition to the above parameters, you need to check the legality of communications.

Secondly, the site may not be developed. We will pay attention to this option.

Where to start building a house on an empty lot?

1. Decide on the style of the plot/house

The appearance of the building, its location, the choice of material, etc. will depend on the design.

The size of the house depends on the number of people permanently living in it. The house can be made into several floors, thus it is possible to obtain sufficient space, but not at the expense of developing the site.

Note. If you plan to dig a well, you need to immediately call the experts who will tell you where the water is. Perhaps the only place on the site where the aquifer is close to the surface will be exactly the place where it was planned to place the house. By the way, in this case, you need to talk with your neighbors and find out what quality the water is in the area.

Independent construction of a country house will be easier, since there is no need, for example, for heating.

2. When to start building a house?

It is better to start construction work as soon as it gets warmer - i.e. in early spring. There will be six months of good weather at your disposal. In practice, the best time to start construction is late spring. More precisely, the period when the night temperature does not drop below +5°C. At this time of year, not only will the snow melt, but also the water will leave, interfering with digging a pit or making a foundation. In addition, in warm weather, labor productivity is much higher.

Note. You should not expect to complete the construction of a house in one season. According to standards, only the foundation must survive for 1 year. And, for example, the construction of a brick house differs in time from the construction of a frame house. So, conservation of unfinished construction is inevitable (with the exception of prefabricated houses).

3. What material should the house be built from?

The choice will be influenced by: the period of operation of the house (for permanent residence or only in the summer), budget, environmental requirements, fashion, the ability to complete the work quickly with the involvement of specialists or with your own hands. Let's consider several options:

  • . A common material for construction. The undoubted advantage of a brick house is its time-tested service life;
  • . In terms of price/quality ratio, foam concrete occupies an advantageous position. A foam block made of durable cellular concrete, due to air bubbles, has good thermal conductivity and low weight;
  • . This material is durable, lightweight, has high thermal conductivity and breathability, and is easy to process. Construction with aerated concrete does not impose any special requirements on the construction of the foundation;
  • . It is practiced less frequently due to the high cost of the material. Arbolite blocks are a type of lightweight concrete, consisting of a mixture of cement and crushed wood (chips). Characterized by low water absorption and high thermal insulation properties;
  • frame or modular construction. A special feature is the availability of modular designs. They are cheaper, and the work is completed in a short time. This structure is lightweight and therefore does not require significant foundation costs;
  • construction of a wooden house. In terms of cost and manufacturability of work, it belongs to the category of luxury construction:

Do not forget that any building material has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be eliminated.

What to build a permanent home from?

A brief comparative description of materials for building a cottage in the table (approximate prices for 2016-2017). Which one is better is up to you to decide.

Material Arbolit Frame construction Beam/log
Cost, rub/m3 from 000 From 000 sq.m. area From 8 000
Construction period 4-6 months 1-2 months 3-4 months
Construction start time End of spring all-season The beginning of spring
Advantages - speed;
- reliability;
- thermal conductivity.
- speed;
- no shrinkage;
- light weight.
- speed;
- environmental friendliness;
- no need for finishing.
Flaws - price;
- need for finishing;
- presence of counterfeit.
- price;
- additional finishing;
- risk of fire;
- low noise insulation.
- shrinkage is possible;
- drying of wood;
- the need to attract specialists.

4. Who will build the house?

The solution to this issue involves choosing from three options:

The work is entrusted to the general contractor

This is a company that undertakes to deliver a turnkey project. The set of services includes everything from site assessment and project development to finishing work. Searching and delivering material is also their responsibility. The general contractor may involve subcontractors. But he must invest within the agreed time frame and budget.

The work is done entirely by hand

It is worth mentioning that it is almost impossible for one person to build a house. This implies the involvement of assistants from among friends and relatives, at least one of whom knows the procedure for performing work of a certain type. This option allows you to save up to 20% on the cost of materials (often contractors include their interest in the cost of the purchased material), as well as up to 100% on the cost of work. In addition, full control over the construction process is exercised.

Disadvantages of the do-it-yourself approach:

  • increase in construction period;
  • lack of knowledge and experience in performing this or that type of work;
  • difficulties in obtaining design and permitting documentation;
  • responsibility for the result of construction.

Some are done in-house and some are done by subcontractors.

The most common and realistic way. In this case, the owner performs independently that part of the work that he is able to do, and specialists are brought in for the remaining tasks. At the same time, the customer, being on the construction site, can quickly assess the quality of work.

But this approach is fraught with disadvantages:

  • searching for highly specialized companies takes a lot of time, and the cost of their services is higher. As a rule, they turn to handicraftsmen (shabashniks), but there is no confidence in the quality of the work;
  • complete control over the progress of work. If the owner unknowingly missed some point in the construction, no one will point out the mistake. Hired people do their part of the work and leave;
  • violation of deadlines. There may be some part of the work that was not completed on time. Because of this, the construction of a cottage with your own hands will have to be suspended, which is fraught with additional payments and loss of time;
  • shared responsibility. When a marriage occurs, it is difficult to find the culprit. For example, tilers will blame the mason or plasterer for crooked walls, or the floor was poured incorrectly. And there are many such examples.

Note. Users advise hiring craftsmen who will do the next stage of work and evaluate the work of the previous ones. This way they take responsibility for their part of the work.

5. Budget for building a house

After all of the above, it makes sense to reconsider the construction budget.

What increases construction costs:

  • individually developed project;
  • complex structure configuration;
  • the presence of balconies, basements, winter garden, garage, swimming pool, sauna, etc.;
  • a significant number of rooms;
  • broken roof;
  • use of unreasonably expensive materials in construction.

What reduces the cost (what to save on):

  • ready-made standard project;
  • simple form of structure;
  • refusal of the second floor in favor of the attic (subjective);
  • the presence of a significant number of windows;
  • reduction of partitions;
  • reasonable choice of foundation type;
  • reasonable thickness of external and internal walls;
  • choosing a roof configuration that allows rational use of lumber and minimizing waste of roofing material.

Cost ratio for building a house

Work cycle Contents of the cycle % of total costs
Preparatory - preparation of documents;
- search for contractors;
- purchase or development of a project.
Null - digging a pit;
- pouring the foundation.
15-35 (depending on the type of foundation)
Elementary civil works:
- construction of walls;
- installation of rafter system and roofing;
- conservation of unfinished buildings if necessary.
35-50 (depending on the number of partitions, roof configuration and cost of roofing material)
Final - filling window and door openings. 5-15 (depending on number, area, material)
Engineering work - laying of intra-house communications and their connection to central networks;
- installation of electrical wiring;
- plumbing work;
- heating and insulation.

At this point the planning stage is over, it’s time to move on to direct action.

The beginning of work on a site with dilapidated buildings includes the demolition of old buildings and clearing of debris from the area. The demolition of the building must be reported to the local BTI and a document must be obtained confirming the exclusion of the demolished house from the federal register.

If the house was connected to communications, you need to coordinate their disconnection before demolition with the relevant services, for example, the gas service. It's easier when the site is empty.

In this case, the sequence of work can be presented step by step:

Step 1 - Private house project

As already mentioned, there can be three ways to acquire projects.

Firstly, buy a ready-made project. The cost of a house project depends on its complexity and uniqueness. The price starts from 3,000 rubles.

Secondly, contact an architect. The cost of developing an individual project starts from 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, carrying out the project and author’s control over its implementation in practice is paid additionally.

Third, develop the project yourself. How to develop a house project yourself without sufficient knowledge? Based on the example provided below.

Frame house - advantages.

About the advantages of a frame house and its analogues -.

Building a frame house with your own hands.

One of the main advantages of a house is the ability to build it with your own hands and even without construction experience. I have seen with my own eyes dozens of houses that were built exactly this way and to this day, safe and sound, delight their owners.

So building a frame house with your own hands is a very real, doable task for a person who devotes a couple of months to studying frame technology, buys a house project (projects cost from 10 to 50 thousand depending on the size of the house), buys at least the minimum necessary (screwdriver, circular saw, hammer), and most importantly, he is ready to work with his own hands.

If you decide to build a frame house with your own hands, then start with.

How and what is the best way to insulate a house

I do ecowool insulation and for a reason. I wouldn't insulate my house if I wasn't confident in it. So I recommend it.

The cost of building a frame house with your own hands

I chose a frame house because it can be built inexpensively. But as it turned out later, it’s not that inexpensive if everything is done using technology. The cost of a frame directly depends on the technologies chosen for its construction. So anyway, inexpensive or not, let's figure it out.

Yes, indeed, you can save money on it, because... the house is light. A foundation using TISE pile technology will cost you less than 50 thousand rubles if you do it yourself.

"Box" at home.
What does its cost consist of (we calculate for a house of 85 sq.m. according to my example):
1. Wood: 170 thousand (natural humidity)
2. Insulation: 110 thousand
3. Films for the house (windproof, vapor barrier, adhesive tape): 25 thousand
4. Siding (facade and overhangs): 80 thousand
5. Flexible tiles: 145 thousand (metal tiles: 115 thousand) with gutters and OSB
6. GKL: 50 thousand
6. Windows and doors: 150 thousand
7. Plywood on the floor: 50 thousand

Total: Foundation + “Box”= 795 thousand rubles. These are prices of materials, labor is not taken into account, i.e. you do everything with your own hands. Thus the price per sq.m. “boxes” of a one-story frame house with an area of ​​85 sq.m. it comes out to about 8-9 thousand rubles. And apartments are 60-150 thousand rubles per sq.m. Compare.

There is the widest range of prices here. I included gas and communications expenses: 500 thousand rubles. Without gas 350 thousand. But the amount could be 700 thousand. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to make a house that is too small, because... communications are more expensive than the “box”.

Interior decoration.
Laminate/linoleum/parquet on the floor, wallpaper or painting on the walls, tiles in the bathroom - it’s all up to your taste and wallet.

It will be extremely difficult to build a frame house with your own hands without modern construction tools. I spent 120 thousand rubles on the instrument and this is not the limit. Expect to spend at least 50 thousand rubles on tools.

Plus pawn 100 thousand for small expenses: fastening, delivery, fence, sand, etc. things.

It turns out that for 85 sq.m. at home with your own hands the cost is 795+500+120+100= 1.5 million rubles with small items + interior decoration + furniture. 17 thousand per sq.m. without finishing. Is it expensive? I think no. But is it cheap? Decide for yourself.


How long does it take to build a house with your own hands?

It is possible to build a house with your own hands. But the question is time, and it depends on the degree of your skill and the number of people at your construction site. Keep in mind that one person will take much longer to build a house than two people. Two is the minimum comfortable number of people on a frame construction site. Plus, for the physically difficult stages of construction (raising walls, overhead joists, dragging rafters onto the roof, unloading lumber, etc.) it is better to hire a couple more hardy people.

The average time to build a small frame house by one person is 40 days. If there are three of us, we can build the frame of the house in two weeks. But this is about the “box”. And with the roof, windows and doors, and facade covered, add another month or even two. In general, you can get a normal finished house six months after the start of construction, if you do not build on weekends and evenings, of course, but fully devote a decent part of your time to construction.


Advantages of a frame house.

A frame house is the “warmest” construction technology; it is cheaper to heat (its 150 mm walls have the same thermal resistance as 2 meters of a brick wall). It is quickly built, it can be erected under a roof in a month. At the same time, it is strong enough to last 50 years without major repairs and centuries with major repairs. A frame house is one of the easiest to build with your own hands, as well as the most budget-friendly. Due to its low mass, such a house does not need an expensive foundation. It is well resistant to fire, because it uses non-flammable insulation, the interior is finished with non-combustible gypsum plasterboard, and the outside is often non-combustible siding.

How much insulation should be placed in the floor of the house? 150 mm? 200 mm?

Question floor insulation solved quite simply. Usually 200 mm of mineral wool or polystyrene foam is placed in the floor (so it makes sense to make 200x50 joists). You can also additionally add 50 mm of insulation in a 50 mm thick sheathing perpendicular to the joists to close the cold bridges (this is especially true with a columnar foundation and an uncovered base). Moreover, the lathing can go either on top of the floor joist (then it is better to make it 100x40, since the load-bearing capacity of a 50 mm sheathing is questionable, but 100x40 can be placed in increments of 400 mm), and from below the joist (then you can make 50 ×40). Thus, 200-300 mm of insulation in the floor is the optimal amount, unless, of course, you live in the south, but then you are unlikely to be so concerned about the issue of insulation.
It is better to put 300-400 mm of insulation in the ceiling, because... Warmly going upstairs. In walls 150-200 mm.

Is it possible to build a frame house alone?

Yes. Indeed, it is possible to build a house alone. There are already 20 topics on the forumhouse that describe the difficult but successful process of building a frame frame alone. I must admit that this is very inconvenient and building with two people is 4-5 times faster, because... I constantly have to invent all sorts of methods to support the second end of the boards and learn to work with two hands as if they were four.

What insulation should I use?

There are not many insulation options:
mineral wool
glass wool
blown polyurethane foam (polyurethane foam)

sawdust or straw (rarely).

Do you need fire protection jumpers in the walls of the house?

According to the standards, horizontal lintels in walls are only needed if the walls are higher than 3 meters. Some, however, install them to support the insulation (if it is soft glass wool) and for joining OSB-3 to them, which is not at all necessary.

Should the posts be level above the joists?

No, the racks should not stand above the joists, and the floor joists, in turn, should not stand above the frame racks (unless, of course, there is a second frame or crossbar above the wall). This arrangement of the racks in relation to the floor joists is optional.

Correct pies for the ceiling and walls of a frame house


Do you need a project to build a house yourself?

I think it is needed. Although you can build without it. But then you need to be prepared for constantly emerging difficulties. Even with experience, it is not always possible to calculate all the dimensions of all saws and cutouts on a piece of paper during a construction project. With the project you can also save money and not overpay for material purchased “with a reserve”, since you will have an accurate list of lumber.


Stages of building a house: step-by-step instructions

Questions often arise about planning construction stages, purchasing materials and managing workers. I decided to cover all these topics through detailed text instructions on all stages of building a house in order

And of course, contact me if you need to select a team to build a house.

The construction of structures on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Construction is carried out on the basis of an approved project and permits issued by the relevant government agencies. But some types of structures can be erected without approval. Is it possible to build a house without a building permit? What consequences will arise for the owner of an illegal, unregistered building? How to legitimize self-construction voluntarily or through the courts? What will a building permit give the owner and when is it not required? You will find the answer to these questions in this article.

When is it not necessary to obtain a building permit?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the land plot. The possibility of constructing structures of a certain type depends on its category.

IMPORTANT! A plot of land can not only be owned, but also rented.

Then the type of structure being built is determined: an individual residential or country house, a utility, technical or auxiliary structure, capital or non-capital.

Having clarified these two parameters, we open the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Article 51, which legally establishes a list of structures for the construction of which permits are not required. Here's what you can build without a building permit:

  1. Construction of a residential house, bathhouse, barn, garage, workshop, storage facilities in summer cottages and garden plots.
  2. If the land is privately owned or legally used, the construction of technical premises for non-commercial use is allowed: garage, warehouse, barn and others.
  3. Major repairs and reconstruction of structures related to capital fund objects up to complete redevelopment. This applies to both individual development projects and multi-apartment residential buildings and industrial and commercial buildings.
  4. Construction of auxiliary structures on commercial sites. For example, a separate house for a watch, a checkpoint, an observation deck, etc. Provided that the purpose of this building is related to the main structure, and its transfer to another part of the land plot will not allow it to perform its assigned functions.

The concept of " dacha amnesty". The meaning of this legislative initiative is the ability to register the right to ownership of a private residential building, obtain a technical passport of the object and register it without obtaining permission to put the structure into operation. For such permission, a package of documents is required, which includes a construction permit. This The relaxation is enshrined in Federal Law No. 191, latest edition dated February 28, 2018 and is valid until March 1, 2020.

Consequences of illegal development

What happens if you build a house without a building permit and relevant technical documentation is stated in Article 9.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Of the most common consequences, the following should be mentioned:

  • Fine 2-5 thousand rubles. for citizens;
  • 30-50 thousand rubles. for officials;
  • 20-50 thousand rubles. with an individual business entity;
  • 500-1000 thousand rubles. from legal entities.

In the last two cases, it is possible to suspend the organization’s activities for up to 3 months (90 days).

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 396), the following liability may arise for the use of unregistered real estate:

  • if the structure has not been registered for less than 10 years from the date of taking ownership of the land plot, then tax is paid for 3 years and a fine of 20% of the accrued amount;
  • if 10 years or more, the tax is paid for the entire period of use in double amount.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 222), if an object is recognized by the court as an unauthorized construction, it can be demolished at the expense of the owner.

IMPORTANT! If previously the decision to demolish unauthorized buildings was made infrequently, then since 2016, the demolition of illegally built real estate, especially commercial real estate, has become widespread.

Without a building permit, a house cannot be put into operation, that is, it is impossible to obtain property rights and register it with the cadastral register. Accordingly, the following actions cannot be performed with real estate:

  • sell, bequeath, get a loan against it;
  • connect to the main engineering networks: water supply, sewerage, gas supply, electricity;
  • register at your place of residence and obtain a residence permit.

How to legalize illegal construction?

There are a number of cases when the owner of a land plot who carried out illegal construction can obtain ownership of the illegally constructed object.

Obtaining ownership rights voluntarily

The main action, without which recognition of property rights is impossible, is the independent registration of the structure. This happens in the following order:

  1. A technical plan of the site is ordered from a cadastral engineer who has a valid qualification certificate.
  2. State duty is paid.
  3. An application with an attached technical plan is submitted to the multifunctional center for the provision of government and utility services (MFC).

The decision is made within 12 working days. In case of a positive decision, the owner of the land plot is recognized with ownership rights and the corresponding documents are issued. In case of refusal, the applicant has the right to demand recognition of ownership in court.

Obtaining property rights in court

To legalize the construction through the court, it is necessary to file a claim, the basis for which is a written refusal of the MFC and/or GPZU. Also in the claim it is necessary to indicate the owner of the land plot (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate) and provide a cadastral plan for the structure, a technical passport of the object, a copy of the construction company's contract, or, in extreme cases, a copy of receipts for construction materials. An assessment of the cost of the structure is ordered (the report is attached to the claim) to determine the state duty that must be paid before filing the claim.

In case of a positive court decision, ownership of the construction project is registered. To do this, the following documents are submitted to the MFC:

  1. Receipt for payment of the state registration fee.
  2. Copy of the passport.
  3. A court decision recognizing ownership of a structure. Mandatory with a note indicating that the decision has entered into legal force.
  4. Technical passport of the building.
  5. Application from the owner to the MFC.

Representatives of the MFC are required to register the structure within 12 working days.