Mixer      06/29/2020

Second conditional mood in English exercises. Conditional sentences - would, should, were. How not to get confused? Structure of conditional sentences type III


Study the following situation:

Sarah wants to call Paul, but she can't because she doesn't know his number. She says:

If I knew his number, I would phone him.
If I knew his number, then I I would call to him.

Sarah says: If I knew his number... . This tells us that she Not knows his number. She imagines a situation in which she would know his number, this unreal situation. A real The situation is that she doesn’t know his number.

Could sometimes it means ‘would be able to’ (could, could), and sometimes ‘was/were able to’ (could, was capable, able):

You could get a better job
if you could use a computer.

(you could get = you would be able to get)
(you could use = you were able to use)

You I wish I could find a better job if I wish I could to use a computer.


1. Put the verb in the correct form.

  1. If I (know) his number, I would phone him.
  2. I (not / buy) that coat if I were you.
  3. I (help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t.
  4. We would need a car if we (live) in the country.
  5. If we had the choice, we (live) in the country.
  6. This soup isn't very good. It (taste) better if it wasn’t so salty.
  7. I wouldn't mind living in England if the weather (be)better.
  8. If I were you, I (not/wait). I (go) now.
  9. You're always tired. If you (not / go) to bed so late every night, you wouldn’t be tired all the time.
  10. I think there are too many cars. If there (not / be) so many cars, there (not / be) so much pollution.

2. Write an if sentence for each situation.

  1. We don’t see you very often because you live so far away.
  2. This book is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it.

  3. We don’t go out very often - we can’t afford it.
  4. I can’t meet you tomorrow - I have to work late.
  5. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch outside.
  6. I don’t want his advice, and that’s why I’m not going to ask for it.

3. Write sentences starting with I wish....

  1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely).
  2. I don’t have a mobile phone (and I need one).
  3. Helen isn't here (and I need to see her)
  4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).
  5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it).
  6. I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to)
  7. I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed).
  8. I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).
  9. I’m not feeling well (and it’s not nice).
Type Subordinate clause (condition) Main offer Example Translation
1 . A real condition relating to the present, future or past tense Present Simple V/Vs Future Simple shall/will + V If I have money, I will buy a car.
If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.
If I have money, I will buy a car.
If the weather is good, we will go for a walk.
2. An unreal or improbable condition relating to the present or future tense Past Simple 2fV
The verb to be will have a plural form
Future-in-the Past Simple would/should/could/might + V If the weather was fine, I went for a walk.
If I were a princess, I would live in a palace.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
If the weather was good, we went for a walk.
If I were a princess, I would live in a palace.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
3. Unreal condition relating to past time Past Perfect had + 3fV Future-in-the Past Perfect would/should/could/might + have + 3fV If I had had money last year, I would have bought a car. If I had money last year, I would have bought a car.

Non-Union conditional sentences

If conditional (subordinate) clauses contain the verbs had, were, could, should, then a non-union connection between the main and subordinate clauses is possible. In this case, these verbs are placed before the subject, the conjunction if is omitted. This word order is called inversion.
The translation of such sentences should begin with the conjunction “if”.
E.g. Had he a dictionary, he could translate the text. – If he had a dictionary, he could translate the text.
Should he come, ask him to wait. – If he comes, ask him to wait.

Conditional sentences. Subjunctive mood after “I wish”

Type I conditional sentences

If I
If I
live in the country
I will live outside the city,
find my book
I'll find my book
I shall
I will
bath every day.
swim every day.
be very glad.
I am glad.

Conditional sentences type II

I wish I were
If I were
If I were
at the camp
a scientist
I should
I would
have a very good time.
had a good time.
invent a time machine.
invented a time machine.

Conditional sentences type III

I wish I had
If I were
If I had
If I were
translated the article yesterday
translated the article.
learned my lesson
learned a lesson
I should have
I would
found out all about this discovery.
would know everything about this discovery.
got a good mark.
I would get a good grade.

Exercise 1.
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. I’ll ask Tom if I see him today.
2. We would go to the party if we had time tomorrow.
3. She would pass her exam next month if she worked harder.
4. She would be happy if she met him at the party next Sunday.
5. We’ll go nowhere tomorrow if it rains.
6. If she knew his phone number, she would call him next week.
7. If J. London had not learned life from his own experience, he could not have written his great works.
8. Had the science of radio not been developed so rapidly, we should not have got such remarkable changes in the technique today.
9. Had he been a young man, he would have taken part in the expedition.
10. If you had applied this method, you would have got better results.

Exercise 2.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1. The trains all (stop) … if it snowed heavily.
2. If you (go out) … in cold weather without a coat, you would catch a cold.
3. If I saw a cheap second-hand car, I (buy) ... it.
4. If you are well and exercised regularly, you (live) … 100 years.
5. You would have had stomach ache if you (eat) … too much of that cake.
6. If it (rain) ... this afternoon, I (take) ... my umbrella.
7. If you did not drive carefully, you (have) … an accident.
8. If you (study) … for a higher qualification, you (get) … a better job next year.
9. If you sent the letter by first class mail, it (get) ... there the following day.
10. If the weather is fine, we (go) for a picnic.

Exercise 3.
Complete the following sentences.
1. I’ll ask him to lend me the money (if I see him).
2. You’ll be late (if you don’t take the bus).
3. Will you help me (if I need your help)?
4. I’d lend you the money (if I had money).
5. If I had her address (I would give it to you).
6. If they had gone by car, (they would have saved time).
7. If my mother won a million pounds, (she would spend it very quickly).
8. If I had more time, (I would read more books).
9. (if I feel good), I’ll be in class tomorrow.
10. He would have come to the party last Sunday (if he had been invited).

Exercise 4.
Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form.
1. If I (to have) this rare book, I should gladly lend it to you.
2. The dish would have been much more tasty if she (to be) a better cook.
3. He never (to phone) you if I hadn’t reminded him to do that.
4. Your brother (to become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.
5. If he (to be) more courageous, he would not be afraid.
6. If the fisherman had been less patient, he (not to catch) so much fish.
7. If you (to put) the ice-cream into the refrigerator, it would not have melted.
8. If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.
9. If you had let me know yesterday, I (to bring) you my book.
10. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.

Exercise 5.
Form conditional sentences.
Ex.g.: The weather is not fine and we won’t go for a walk. “If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.”
1. He is busy and does not come. If…
2. The girl did not study well last year and received bad marks. If…
3. He broke his bicycle and so he did not go to the country. If…
4.He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If…
5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that’s why I did not come to see you. If…
6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that’s why it struck a rock. If…
7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If…
8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If…
9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If...
10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If...

Exercise 6.
Open the brackets using verbs in the appropriate subjunctive form after “I wish”.
1. The unfortunate pupil wishes he (not to forget) to learn the rule.
2. I wish I (to have) a season ticket to the Philharmonic next winter.
3. I wish I (to consult) the teacher when I first felt that mathematics was too difficult for me.
4. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round.
5. I wish I (not to lend) Nick my watch: he has broken it.
6. I wish you (to send) word as soon as you arrive.
7. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day.
8. I wish you (to go) skiing with me yesterday: I had such a good time!
9. I wish I (to know) Spanish.
10. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I could not sleep half the night.

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. If he had not been so short-sighted, he would have recognized me yesterday in the theater.
2. She is healthy. If she had been sick, her brother would have told me about it yesterday.
3. You would know a lot if you read this magazine regularly.
4. If I had known about this earlier, I would not be sitting at home now.
5. If my parents were rich, they would have bought me a car long ago.
6. She is very talented. It would be nice if her parents bought her a piano. If she starts playing now, she will be a distinguished musician.
7. If I knew French, I would have talked to her a long time ago.
8. If I knew German, I would read Goethe in the original.
9. If I lived close, I would come to you more often.
10. If you had not interrupted us yesterday, we would have finished the work on time.

Exercise 8.
Complete the following sentences.
1. You would know English better if...
2. I should have left Moscow yesterday if ...
3. If I were you, ...
4. If I had known that it was going to rain, ...
5. I shall go for a walk, if...
6. I should lend you my textbook if ...
7. If we had bought the tickets, ...
8. If they were here, ...
9. We should be glad if...
10. If he were younger, ...

Exercise 9.
Omit the conjunction in the following conditional sentences by making appropriate changes to the sentence.
Ex.g.: If we had gone there later, we would have seen them. “Had we gone there later, we would have seen them.”
1. If I had time, I should study French.
2. If you should find them, kindly let me know.
3. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.
4. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it.
5. If he were here I should speak to him.
6. If he were in town, he would help us.
7. If he should come, tell him to wait.
8. If I had enough money, I would travel.
9. If I were you, I should go there immediately.
10. If I were in his place, I should refuse.

Listen to the Japanese legend "A Bedtime Story" and put a tick in the

right column. Make sure you know these words.

astonishment -astonishment

Disbelief [,disbi"li:f] -disbelief, bewilderment

toclimb [ claim] - climb, climb

. a clearing ["kliang] -clearing, clearing

Statements: True False

1. "A Bedtime Story" is a morality tale.

2. It is easy to all people of different cultures to understand Japanese morality tales.

3. The old woman was traveling through many big cities.

4. The old woman was looking for a place for the night.

5. Nobody opened the door to let the old woman in.

6. The old woman easily climbed the hill.

7. On the hill she found a clearing and there lay down to the rest.

8. The old woman thanked the people of the village for their refusal to give her a bed for the night.

A Bedtime Story (An Old Japanese Legend)

Many of the Japanese legends fall into the category of morality tales. They often praise some things and criticize others. When these tales come into another culture, they often take on some ironic or unbelievable aspect. American and European children who do not know much of the Japanese culture react to these tales with astonishment and disbelief. "A Bedtime Story" is one of these "unbelievable" tales.

Once upon a time, an old Japanese legend goes as told by Papa, an old woman traveled through many small villages. She was looking for some place where she could spend the night. Each door opened a little in answer to her knock, then closed. She was not able to walk any further. With a lot of difficulty she climbed a hill, found a clearing and there lay down to rest a few moments to catch her breath.

The village town below lay asleep except for a few starlike lights. Suddenly the clouds opened and a full moon came into view over the town. The old woman sat up, turned toward the village town and called out: "Thank you, people of the village. You have been kind to me in refusing me a bed for the night. Now I can see this wonderful sight."

Papa paused. I waited. In the comfort of our home in Seattle overlooking the valley, I shouted: "That"s the end?"

Test Variant-1

1. - ___your homework?

- No, I forgot the hometask.

a) Have you been doing ... b) Have you done ...

2. I____ her for a long time.

a) have known b) have been known

3. My sister English ____for several years but she can't speak it.

a) has learned b) has been learning

On Sunday we went on a day trip to London. It (rain)1 when we (start)2 and a strong wind (blow)3. But when we (arrive)4, the rain already (stop)5 and only little white clouds (fly)6 across the sky. We

(be)7 sure we (have)8 a wonderful day. And we (do)9. We (visit)10 the National Gallery and (feel)11 quite happy. After that we (see)12 a colorful procession (walk)13 along the Mall.

Test Variant-2

1.Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

4. My little brother___ that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

a) has just discovered b) has been just discovering

5. The weather is so gloomy this week. It____ for 3 days already.

And it is still raining this morning.

a) has rained b) has been raining

6. "Who ___on my chair?" asked the Little Bear when he saw

that his favorite chair was broken.

a) has sat b) has been sitting

2.Open the brackets to make the story complete.

Test Variant-3

Choose one of the perfect tenses (present perfect, past perfect or

future perfect) to complete the sentences.

1. - Don"t water the flowers! - I already (water) them. 2. After she (be) on holiday, she felt much better. 3. I (finish) my article by the end of April. 4. Tomorrow I (be) here for a year. 5. After we

(eat) the fish, we began to feel ill. 6. I just (sit) down when Rebecca asked me to dance. 7. The farmer said he (feed) the ducks and was going to feed the cows. 8. My father (mend) my .bike. No I can ride it again. 9. John (make) chicken salad for lunch. I hope you"ll like it. 10. I"m sure Jane (arrive) in Boston by the end of the week.

2.Open the brackets to make the story complete.

At 2 o"clock our group (be)14 in the Tower of London. There we (tell)15 a lot of legends: about the ravens who (live)16 there and about the kings and queens who (live)17 there. It already (become)18 quite hot when we (leave)19 the Tower. So, our teacher (lead)20 us to Hyde Park where we (find)21 some shady place and (watch)22 the ducks (float)23 in the water.

1. If the weather were fine, they ... out of town.

would go
had gone

2. If Tom had enough money, he ... to the USA long ago.

would have gone
have gone
would go

3. If I … their language, I could understand what they were saying.

had known
will know

4. We... win the cup If we keep playing this well.

are winning
could have

5. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you … an electric shock.

will get
would get
would have got
would have been got

6. If I… noticed Nick, I would have stopped him.

would have

7. "Listen to me, Mary! The officer says I cannot go abroad now! I wish I ... the parking fine! I"m so sorry!"

had paid
would pay

8. If I… you, I would apologize to her.

had been
will be

9. If you live in Australia, January ... in the middle of summer.

will be
would be

10. If Jane … this medicine yesterday, she would feel better now.

had taken

11. When we ... to the cinema, we ... popcorn.

will go; will eat
will go; eat
go; would eat
go; eat

12. If the weather... fine, he will go out of town.


13. If it hadn’t been raining yesterday, we… on a trip.

would have gone
have gone
would go
will have gone

14. – If you ... down for a second, I"ll be able to help you. – No, I hate you!

will calm
had calmed

15. If John were playing tonight, we … a better chance of winning.

would have
will have

16. We’ll just go to another restaurant if this one... fully occupied.

will be

17. Had the guests come, I ... the house.

must clean
will clean
would have cleaned
would clean

18. If Rebecca … his phone number before, she would have called him.

have learned
had learned

19. They... let you on the plane unless you have a valid passport.


20. If I … a taxi, I would have been there in time.

had taken
had taken
have taken

21. It will save us time and money if we ... the hotel and flight together.

had booked
will book

22. I … more shopping in this store if things weren't so expensive here.

would do
would do

23. If I knew his address, I ... to him.

would write
will write

24. I'm sure she ... forgive you if you apologize.


25. I need to get to the supermarket very quickly. I wish I...a car!

would drive
could drive
had driven

Passive Voice test online

    1 .

The causes of the financial crisis ____________ in many articles.

    Has been dealt

    Will have been dealt

    Have been dealt

    Were being dealt

2 .

The decline in quality of services __________ by the experts.

    Must have studied

    Must have study

    Must be studied

    Must be studied

3 .

The words ___________ on the sand _______ a stick.

    Was written/by

    Were written/with

    Have been written/by

    Will has been written / with the help of

4 .

No announcement about the test results ___________ so far.

    Has been made

    Have been made

    Was made

    Were made

5 .

At present Jillian _____________ for heart problem.

    Is been treated

    Has being treated

    Was treated

    Is being treated

6 .

    Measures should ____________ to avoid such a problem in the future.


    Be taken

    Have been taken

    To be taken

7 .

How would you feel if you __________ to spend hours in a wheel chair?

    Have been forced

    Are forced

    Were forced

    Will be forced

8 .

A lot of money ___________ from the bank on Monday.

    Has been stolen

    Have been stolen

    Were stolen

    Was stolen

9 .

Your order is guaranteed ___________ within 3 days.

    To deliver

    Will be delivered

    To be delivered

    To will have been delivered

10 .

When did you discover that the child ____________?

    Was kidnapped

    Has been kidnapped

    Had been kidnapped

    Had kidnapped

11 .

The famous actor ___________ for the magazine.

    Will interviewed

    Will be interviewed

    Will interview me

    Was already interviewed

12 .

I don’t know when the goods I’ve ordered _______________ to my place.

    Will be delivered

    Are delivered

    Will have been delivered

    Will be being delivered

13 .

The hotel bill _______________ by my wife early in the morning.

    Was paid

    Will pay

    Will paid

    Was paid

14 .

Many new houses ___________ by next year.

    Will built

    Will build

    Will have been built

    Will be built

15 .

Some antique vases ___________ in the old mansion.

    Were found

    Were find

    Were founded

    Were found

16 .

Unfortunately, the flight _______________.

    Was just delayed

    Had just been delayed

    Is just been delayed

    Has just been delayed

17 .

Our tent __________ in the night by the wind.

    Was blown

    Was blown

    Had been blown

    Had been blown

18 .

I __________ by the Doctor and _________ a prescription.

    Was examined / was given

    Was examined / given

    Was examined / had been given

    Have been examined/was given

19 .

Two soldiers ____________ when the Dean came in.

    Were questioning

    Were being questioned

    Had been being questioned

    Were questioned

20 .

Mike said he _____________ at the next lesson.

    Will be asked

    Would be asked

    Will be being asked

    Would ask

Training tasks Test work V - I

( Passive voice )


1. Sandra... (drive) to work by her husband every day.
2. My car... (repair) at the moment.
3. Are you going to make breakfast? No, it... (make) by my brother.

Exercise 2. Fill in omissions prepositions by or with .


1. My finger was cut... a knife.
2. Mary is being bandaged ... a nurse at the moment.
3. Thebuldingwillbedecorated ... marble.

Task 3. Change the sentence into the passive voice.


1. We should buy a new stove.
2. I water the flowers every day.
3. A postman has delivered an insured letter.


1. The best wine... (produce) in France.
2. We... (find) a corpse in his room.
3. This ancient settlement... (discover) by the famous archaeologist in 1925.

Exercise 5.

1. The room...now.

a) is being cleaned

b) is being clean

a) will open

b) will be opened

a) may not be repaired

b) may not be repaired

4. A thief... yesterday.

a) was caught

b) has been caught

5. My food... by waiter.

a) has been brought

b) has brought

(Conditionals sentences)


N - R If would Susan moved V Tokyo , she would lived near with his sister

    If people... (not buy) guns, the world...(become) safer. (If people didn't buy guns, the world would be a safer place.)

    Tom ... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife ...(cook) at home. (Tom wouldn't eat much "fast food" if his wife cooked at home.)

N - R John Not hit would V automotive accident , If would chose another the road

    We... (not get wet) if you...

    If Mum... (not open) the windows, our room... (not be) full of mosquitoes.(If mom hadn't opened the windows, our room wouldn't be full of mosquitoes.)

    Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night.(Nick wouldn't have been so tired this morning if he had gone to bed early last night.)

3. Match the first part of the conditional sentences (from the first column) with their ending (from the second column). Pay attention to the type of conditional sentence. Translate the resulting sentences.

Nr: 1 – s (We would have baked a cake if we had bought some eggs yesterday.)

1) We would have made a cake a) if he hadn’t shouted at them.

2) If it rains much b) if she loses weight.

3) If I knew English well c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.

4) My kids wouldn’t have cried d) if I were you.

5) I would call him e) I would be an interpreter.

6) She will put this dress on f) the flowers will grow very fast.

4. Translate conditional sentences of all types.

    If I had a vacation now, I would go to Lake Baikal.

    I'll watch this movie if you like it.

    If you had signed the documents yesterday, we would have sent them today.

    If John hadn't lost his phone number, he would have called her.

    Mark would be a healthy man if he didn't smoke.

    If I to the store, I'll buy a new phone.

Training tasks Test work V - II

Task 1. Put the verb in right time in passive voice.

Example: This library ... (build) in 1921. - This library was built in 1921.

1. I can't pay the fare, because my purse ... (steal).
2. This irrigation project ... (finish) tomorrow.
3. Sandra ... (drive) to work by her husband every day.

Exercise 2. Fill in omissions prepositions by or with .

Example: The pie was made... the peaches. - The pie was made with the peaches.

1. This manuscript was written ... unknown author many years ago.
2. Peter was woken up... the storm.
3. My finger was cut... a knife.

Exercise 3. Remake offer V passive pledge .

Example: Kate is writing an essay right now. - An essay is being written by Kate right now.

1. The gangsters killed him yesterday morning.
2. She hasn't made the dinner yet.
3. We
should buy a new stove.
Task 4. Put the verb in brackets in the active or passive voice.

Example: Many women and children... (hurt) in the car accident yesterday. -
Many women and children were hurt in the car accident yesterday.

1. I... (remember) this story forever.
2. These beautiful plants... (grow) by my grandmother.
3. The best wine ... (produce) in France.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. The room...now.

a) is being cleaned

b) is being clean

2. The new shopping center ... soon.

a) will open

b) will be opened

3. My computer... this week.

a) may not be repaired

b) may not be repaired

4. A thief... yesterday.

a) was caught

b) has been caught

5. My food... by waiter.

a) has been brought

b) has brought

(Conditionals sentences)

1. Open the brackets in type II conditional sentences and put the verbs in the correct form .

N - R : If Susan... (move) to Tokyo, she... (live) near her sister. ( If would Susan moved V Tokyo , she would lived near with his sister .) – If Susan moved to Tokyo, she would live near her sister.

    If you … (have) a driving license, you …(get) this job. (If you had a driver's license, you would have gotten this job.)

    My dog ​​… (be) 20 years old today if it …(be) alive. (My dog ​​would have turned 20 today if she were alive.)

    I … (go) to the police if I …(be) you. (I'd call the police if I were you.)

2. Open the brackets in type III conditional sentences and put the verbs in the correct form.

N - R : John... (not have) a car accident if he... (choose) another road. ( John Not hit would V automotive accident , If would chose another the road .) – John wouldn’t have had a car accident if he had chosen another road.

1. I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.(I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known she was ill.)

2.If you … (go) with me to Paris last month, you … (see) the Eifel Tower too.(If you had gone to Paris with me last month, you would have seen the Eiffel Tower too.)

3.We... (not get wet) if you...(take) an umbrella. (We wouldn't get wet if you took an umbrella.)



    If he practices every day, he will become a champion.

    She will help us if we ask.

    If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.

    I won’t talk to you anymore if you insult me.

    If Bob doesn't keep his word, Anna will be angry with him.


    If you had a driving license, you would get this job.

    My dog ​​would be 20 years old today if it were alive.

    I would go to the police if I were you.

    If people didn't buy guns, the world would become safer.

    Tom wouldn’t eat much “fast food” if his wife cooked at home.


    I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known that she was ill.

    If you had gone with me to Paris last month, you would have seen the Eifel Tower too.

    We wouldn't have got wet if you had taken an umbrella.

    If Mum hadn't opened the windows, our room wouldn't have been full of mosquitoes.

    Nick wouldn’t have been so tired this morning if he had gone to bed early last night.


2 – a (If there is a lot of rain, the flowers will grow very quickly.)

3 – e (If I knew English well, I would be a translator.)

4 – a (My children would not have cried if he had not shouted at them.)

5 – d (I would call him if I were you.)

6 – b (She will wear this if she loses weight.)


    If I had a holiday now, I would go to the lake Baikal.

    I will watch this film if you like it.

    If you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them today.

    If John hadn't lost the phone number, he would have called her.

    Mark would be a healthy man if he didn’t smoke.

    If I go shopping, I will buy a new phone

  1. Open the brackets in type I conditional sentences and put the verbs in the correct form.
  1. If he... (practice) every day, he... (become) a champion. (If he trains every day, he will become a champion.)
  2. She... (help) us if we... (ask). (She will help us if we ask.)
  3. If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year. (If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.)
  4. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me. (I won't talk to you anymore if you offend me.)
  5. If Bob... (not keep) his word, Anna... (beangry) withhim. (If Bob doesn't keep his word, Anna will get angry with him.)
  1. Open the brackets in type II conditional sentences and put the verbs in the correct form.
  1. If you... (have) a driving license, you... (get) thisjob. (If you had a driver's license, you would have gotten this job.)
  2. My dog... (be) 20 years old today if it... (be) alive. (My dog ​​would have turned 20 today if she were alive.)
  3. I … (go) to the police if I … (be) you. (I'd call the police if I were you.)
  4. If people... (not buy) guns, the world... (become) safer. (If people didn't buy guns, the world would be a safer place.)
  5. Tom... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife... (cook) athome. (Tom wouldn't eat much "fast food" if his wife cooked at home.)
  1. Open the brackets in type III conditional sentences and put the verbs in the correct form.
  1. I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill. (I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known she was ill.)
  2. If you... (go) with me to Paris last month, you... (see) the Eifel Tower too. (If you had gone to Paris with me last month, you would have seen the Eiffel Tower too.)
  3. We... (not get wet) if you... (take) anumbrella. (We wouldn't get wet if you took an umbrella.)
  4. If Mum... (not open) the windows, our room... (not be) full of mosquitoes. (If mom hadn't opened the windows, our room wouldn't be full of mosquitoes.)
  5. Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night. (Nick wouldn't have been so tired this morning if he had gone to bed early last night.)
  1. Match the first part of the conditional sentences (from the first column) with their ending (from the second column). Pay attention to the type of conditional sentence. Translate the resulting sentences.

1) We would have made a cake a) if he hadn’t shouted at them.

2) If it rains much b) if she loses weight.

3) If I knew English well c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.

4) My kids wouldn’t have cried d) if I were you.

5) I would call him e) I would be an interpreter.

6) She will put this dress on f) the flowers will grow very fast.

  1. Translate conditional sentences of all types.
  1. If I had a vacation now, I would go to Lake Baikal.
  2. I'll watch this movie if you like it.
  3. If you had signed the documents yesterday, we would have sent them today.
  4. If John hadn't lost his phone number, he would have called her.
  5. Mark would be a healthy man if he didn't smoke.
  6. If I go to the store, I will buy a new phone.
  1. Run the test.
  2. If the weather were fine, they... out of town.
  3. would go
  4. had gone
  5. If Tom had enough money, he … to the USA long ago.
  6. would have gone
  7. have gone
  8. would go
  9. If I… their language, I could understand what they were saying.
  10. had known
  11. will know
  12. We... win the cup If we keep playing this well.
  13. are winning
  14. could have
  15. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you … an electric shock.
  16. will get
  17. would get
  18. would have got
  19. would have been got
  20. If I… noticed Nick, I would have stopped him.
  21. would have
  22. “Listen to me, Mary! The officer says I cannot go abroad now! I wish I… the parking fine! I’m so sorry!”
  23. had paid
  24. would pay
  25. If I… you, I would apologize to her.
  26. had been
  27. will be
  28. If you live in Australia, January… in the middle of summer.
  29. will be
  30. would be
  31. If Jane … this medicine yesterday, she would feel better now.
  32. taken
  33. had taken
  34. When we... to the cinema, we... popcorn.
  35. will go; will eat
  36. will go; eat
  37. go; would eat
  38. go; eat
  39. If the weather… fine, he will go out of town.
  40. If it hadn’t been raining yesterday, we… on a trip.
  41. would have gone
  42. have gone
  43. would go
  44. will have gone
  45. – If you... down for a second, I’ll be able to help you. – No, I hate you!
  46. calmed
  47. will calm
  48. had calmed
  49. If John were playing tonight, we … a better chance of winning.
  50. would have
  51. would
  52. will have
  53. We’ll just go to another restaurant if this one… fully occupied.
  54. will be
  55. Had the guests come, I… the house.
  56. must clean
  57. will clean
  58. would have cleaned
  59. would clean
  60. If Rebecca … his phone number before, she would have called him.
  61. have learned
  62. had learned
  63. learned
  64. learn
  65. They … let you on the plane unless you have a valid passport.
  66. won't
  67. If I … a taxi, I would have been there in time.
  68. had taken
  69. had taken
  70. have taken
  71. It will save us time and money if we… the hotel and flight together.
  72. booked
  73. had booked
  74. ill book
  75. I … more shopping in this store if things weren’t so expensive here.
  76. would do
  77. would do
  78. If I knew his address, I … to him.
  79. would write
  80. wrote
  81. will write
  82. write
  83. I’m sure she… forgive you if you apologize.
  84. would
  85. should
  86. I need to get to the supermarket very quickly. I wish I…a car!
  87. would drive
  88. could drive
  89. had driven
  90. drive
  1. If he practices every day, he will become a champion.
  2. She will help us if we ask.
  3. If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.
  4. I won’t talk to you anymore if you insult me.
  5. If Bob doesn't keep his word, Anna will be angry with him.
  1. If you had a driving license, you would get this job.
  2. My dog ​​would be 20 years old today if it was be alive.
  3. I would go to the police if I were you.
  4. If people didn't buy guns, the world would become safer.
  5. Tom wouldn’t eat much “fast food” if his wife cooked at home.
  1. I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known that she was ill.
  2. If you had gone with me to Paris last month, you would have seen the Eifel Tower too.
  3. We wouldn't have got wet if you had taken an umbrella.
  4. If Mum hadn't opened the windows, our room wouldn't have been full of mosquitoes.
  5. Nick wouldn’t have been so tired this morning if he had gone to bed early last night.

2 – a (If there is a lot of rain, the flowers will grow very quickly.)

3 – e (If I knew English well, I would be a translator.)

4 – a (My children would not have cried if he had not shouted at them.)

5 – d (I would call him if I were you.)

6 – b (She will wear this dress if she loses weight.)

  1. If I had a holiday now, I would go to the lake Baikal.
  2. I will watch this film if you like it.
  3. If you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them today.
  4. If John hadn't lost the phone number, he would have called her.
  5. Mark would be a healthy man if he didn’t smoke.
  6. If I go shopping, I will buy a new phone.

1B, 2B, 3D, 4A, 5A, 6B, 7C, 8C, 9A, 10D,

11D, 12B, 13A, 14C, 15A, 16A, 17C, 18B, 19D, 20C,

1. Complete the UE by determining their type by the form of the verb in the first part of the sentences.

For example: If the film is boring we… (leave) at once. (If the film is boring we will leave at once.

She would look much younger if she… (be) slim. (She would look much younger if she were slim.) – She would look much younger if she were slim.

1. If the flight is delayed our guests… (be) late. (If the flight is delayed, our guests will be late.)

2. We would have gone to the beach if the rain... (stop). (We would go to the beach if the rain stopped.)

3. They will miss the train if they... (not run.) (They will miss the train if they don’t run.)

4. If you had given her the letter she … (tear) it to pieces. (If you gave her the letter, she would tear it to pieces.)

5. If Jack moves too slowly he… (not win) the game. (If Jack moves too slowly, he won't win the game.)

6. If I lost my job I… (move) to the country. (If I lost my job, I would move to the countryside.)

7. She would invite our kids if they... (behave) themselves. (She would invite our children if they behaved well.)

8. If Tom were more careful he… (not break) things. (If Tom had been more careful, he wouldn't have broken things.)

9. If she had had a car she... (drive) there. (If she had a car, she would have gotten there.)

10. You wouldn’t have got wet if you… (put on) your mackintosh. (You wouldn't get wet if you wore a raincoat.)

2. Make a list of what little Johnny dreams of using type II conditional sentences. Translate the resulting sentences.

For example: If I had much money I would buy a sports car. (If I had a lot of money, I would buy a sports car.)

If I had much money… …make a strawberry cake.

If I were tall… …buy a sports car.

If I knew French well… …save people.

If I could cook… …play basketball.

If I had a bunch of flowers… …move to Canada.

If I were a fireman… …give it to Alice.

3. Put the verbs from brackets into the required form, paying attention to the type of conditional sentences.

0 type

1. When my sister... (come) to town we... (go) to the cinema together. (When my sister comes to town, we go to the movies together.)

2. If my kids... (run) in the playground they... (become) very thirsty. (If my kids are running around on the playground, they get very thirsty.)

Type I

1. If it... (cost) too much I... (not take) it. (If it costs too much, I won't take it.)

2. She... (be) angry if you... (lose) this photo. (She'll be angry if you lose this photo.)

3. If you... (not eat up) the bread we... (feed) the birds in the garden. (If you don't eat the bread, we'll feed the birds in the garden.)

Type II

1. If I... (have) free time now I... (watch) my favorite film. (If I had free time now, I would watch my favorite movie.)

2. If I… (be) you I… (not eat) fast food. (If I were you, I wouldn't eat fast food.)

3. His job... (be) so hard if he... (not have) a secretary. (His job would be so hard if he didn't have a secretary.)

III type

1. If you... (not smoke) so much you... (not be) in hospital now. (If you hadn't smoked so much, you wouldn't be in the hospital now.)

2. If we... (meet) him yesterday we... (call) you. (If we had met him yesterday, we would have called you.)


1. will be
2. had stopped
3.don't run
4. would have torn
5. won’t win (will not win)
6.would move
8. wouldn't break
9. would have driven
10. had put on

If I were tall I would play basketball. (If I were tall, I would play basketball.)
If I knew French well I would move to Canada. (If I knew French well, I would move to Canada.)
If I could cook I would make a strawberry cake. (If I could cook, I would make strawberry cake.)
If I had a bunch of flowers I would give it to Alice. (If I had a bouquet of flowers, I would give it to Alice.)
If I were a fireman I would save people. (If I were a fireman, I would save people.)

0 type
1. comes – go
2. run – become
Type I
1. costs – will not take (won’t take)
2. will be – lose
3. don’t eat up – will feed
Type II
1. had – would watch
2. were – wouldn’t eat
3. would be – didn’t have
III type
1. hadn’t smoked – wouldn’t have been
2. had met – would have called