Water pipes      11/20/2023

What documents are needed to conduct electricity to the site. Connecting electricity to a site without buildings. Established requirements for correct electrification

The decision to supply electricity to a private house using an underground cable instead of overhead lines has a number of advantages:

  • Underground input does not spoil the architectural design and completeness of the style. Often this is the main reason when choosing a connection method for luxury mansions and cottages;
  • the underground cable is not susceptible to destructive weather influences;
  • fire safety of underground input - if a short circuit occurs in the ground and an arc occurs, then the likelihood that people or property will be harmed is very low;
  • underground wiring is protected from vandalism and wire theft, which is important if the house is left unattended for a long time.
underground cable laying

General principles

Underground cable laying may be the only absolutely safe a method of connecting a building to the network if it is necessary to supply electricity to a wooden house, which is an object of increased fire danger.

When connecting a wooden building using an air inlet, the most dangerous area is a section of the inlet cable laid along a wall made of flammable material. Due to shrinkage, shifting, and swelling of wooden structures, the insulation of wires can be damaged, resulting in a short circuit and the occurrence of an arc that sets the house on fire.

Various methods of protecting wires do not provide the same security as a cable laid underground.

Cable entry into the building through corrugation

Higher cost of underground input.
To make a decision, it is necessary to take into account the additional costs associated with underground input:

  • Higher price of underground cable of the appropriate cross-section compared to overhead line wires;
  • Costs of building materials and structures required for underground installation.
  • Cost of earthworks;
  • The need to spend time and money to obtain the appropriate permits for excavation work.

Vulnerabilities of underground input cable

Although the underground supply of electricity to a house is much safer compared to overhead wires, it cannot be considered completely invulnerable.

Soil movements (swelling, subsidence, horizontal shift) associated with deep tectonic processes, soil freezing and groundwater flow can damage the underground cable. It is also necessary to take into account the pressure of the root system of large trees.

Corrugated cable

The influence of microorganisms, insects and rodents cannot be discounted. In addition, a protected underground cable is subject to aging and corrosion processes, the course of which will depend on a combination of various conditions - the chemical composition of the soil, its saturation with water, the influence of living organisms, the influence of thermal fluctuations and vibrations.

And of course, underground input can suffer from various accidents associated with human factor and man-made incidents.

Obtaining permits for underground input

Having made the final decision, it will be necessary to make an energy supply project. Technical documentation must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, therefore the development of drawings and plans should be carried out by specialists from the relevant organizations.

They must also determine the brand of cable and calculate the cross-section of its current-carrying conductors. If we were talking about connecting an extension to the home electrical network using underground electrical wiring on a private plot, where there are guaranteed to be no communications, then the red tape with paperwork could have been avoided.

But you cannot do without the appropriate permission when introducing electricity into a wooden house, or into any other building where a connection to a common power line is required.

To obtain an energy supply project, it is necessary to fulfill a number of technical conditions, among which it will be necessary to obtain permission for excavation work, which must be approved by the services responsible for various communications and facilities -

  • power lines, communication systems,
  • gas pipelines,
  • water pipes,
  • sewer pipes,
  • heating mains,
  • roads,
  • green spaces,
  • buildings and constructions.

Thus, the site is traced - if there are various communications in the immediate vicinity of the proposed cable laying, then it will be necessary to invite the persons responsible for them to coordinate the location of the trench and control the work being carried out.

Cable product compliance

To bring electricity into the house, only cables designed for underground installation should be used. Since wires and insulation are under pressure from soil masses, a special braiding is provided for this type of cable product - armor.

The first letter “B” in the marking indicates that copper conductors coated with PVC insulation are used. If the letter “A” comes first, then the cable conductors are aluminum.

Cable VBBShv

In the VBBShV cable, armoring is carried out using a profiled steel tape (combination of the letters “BB” in the marking), which is wound in a spiral onto the inner layer of insulation, thereby preventing damage to the internal cores from sharp objects in the soil.

Cable VKBShv

The VKBShv cable has armor in the form of a combination of intertwined steel wire (letter “K”) and a metal strip with an anti-corrosion coating (letter “B”).

Table of cables of different sections and permissible pressure on them

In the VBBShv cable, the armor consists of two steel strips that mutually overlap the joints. The letter combination “Shv” indicates that the external protection against moisture penetration is made in the form of a polyvinyl chloride hose. Next comes the number of current-carrying wires and the cross-section of the wires.

Cable VBBShv

Before laying, it is necessary to check the insulation between the current-carrying conductors and the armor with a megger. This procedure is repeated twice: for the cable laid in the trench, and after backfilling it.

Cable management protection

The cables described above are laid in waves, without tension, in a trench 90 cm deep (necessarily below the freezing point of the soil) on a layer of bulk sand, 15-20 cm thick.

Under normal conditions, additional protection is not required, and the laid cable is covered with another layer of sand, 20-30 cm high. Then warning tape is laid on it, after which the trench is completely covered with earth, compacted.

Since the earth will shrink, it is necessary to make a small mound above the trench. If it is necessary to lay a cable under a road or site, then for additional protection use a reinforced concrete or metal pipe, protected from corrosion, with a diameter two to three times the thickness of the cable.

cable tape

If the soil is not dense enough and is subject to shifts, or is saturated with groundwater, then for additional protection it is necessary to make a protective tray from moisture-resistant bricks or concrete blocks. The top of the tray is covered with concrete slabs.

If the soil is very unstable, or maximum reliability of the input is required, then a monolithic cable channel is made of reinforced concrete, covered with reinforced slabs.

Cable entry through the foundation

Cable outputs

The cable coming out of the ground for connection to the pole must be protected to a height of 2 m by a metal pipe curved at the base.

The bending radius must be at least twenty times the diameter of the cable sheath. In a similar way, input protection is provided when exiting near a wall, and when passing through it.

Laying cable through the wall of a building

To introduce electricity through the foundation, it is necessary to punch a hole in it several times larger than the diameter of the cable.

cable sealing with foam concrete

A thick-walled metal pipe is inserted into this hole so that its ends protrude 10-15 cm on both sides. Care must be taken that the edges of the pipe walls do not damage the cable sheath. After laying the cable, the pipe cavity is sealed using a fire-resistant, easily dismantled material (glass wool, foam concrete).


Cables that are not intended for this purpose should not be used to bring electricity into the house.

There are double-walled corrugated pipes made of low-pressure polyvinyl chloride into which unprotected wires and cable products can be laid.

But, given the high requirements for introducing a branch from a power line into a house, only armored cables of the brands described above can be used for underground installation.

It is impossible to lay the cable underground in a metal pipe along its entire length - when it is filled with groundwater, if frost occurs, the resulting ice will damage the cable.

Also, the expansion of ice will damage the metal pipe, which in the future will lead to deformation of the walls, and further damage to the cable armor due to torn edges.

When the soil moves, the pipe joints will shift, thereby damaging the shell. Welded seams may crack due to tension; moreover, after welding, it will be impossible to protect the inner walls of the pipe from corrosion, which will cause layers of rust to form there, which can damage the insulation.

How to connect electricity to a house, cottage or plot (how to join the electrical grid) or “electricity online”.

All those who decided to build a private residential building in the city or in the country are faced with the problem of connecting the newly built house to the power grid. Almost all home owners have encountered this problem: it is unclear where to go and what needs to be done, how much electricity costs, and also who connects it.

In this article, we offer instructions for connecting a newly built residential building to the electrical grid and connecting the electricity.

So, what actions does the owner of a house or cottage need to perform in order to connect electricity to the house?

First, we suggest considering the issue of connecting to electrical networks. private residential building, whose owner is not member gardening non-profit partnership(SNT or DNT).

1. You need to contact the network organization (whose organization owns the power lines), whose electrical networks are located at the shortest distance from the boundaries of your site.

2. A list of documents must be submitted to this network organization:

  • application for technological connection (an example of an application is given in the section "Consumer's Handbook");
  • a plan for the location of your power receiving devices (a draft power supply diagram - you can order the simplest and most inexpensive project from any organization). It is worth noting that not all network organizations require a power supply project, so the need for its preparation must be clarified when submitting an application for technological connection;
  • copies of documents that confirm ownership of the house and land;
  • power of attorney for the representative, if the application for connection to the electrical networks is submitted by the representative.

Requirements from the network organization to provide any other documents - illegal.

3. After this, the network organization will issue technical conditions that must be fulfilled by the consumer within the boundaries of his site. The validity period of the technical conditions for the applicant cannot be less than 2 years.

4. At his site, the consumer carries out the work provided for by the technical conditions independently. All work up to the consumer site (construction of power lines, etc.) is performed by the network organization!!!

5. After the consumer and the network organization have fulfilled the technical conditions, representatives of the network organization carry out an inspection and actual connection to the power grid.

6. Cost of technological connection (amount of payment for technological connection). If the distance from the boundaries of the consumer’s property to the nearest electrical networks of the network organization is less than 300 m for the city and less than 500 m for the village, then the cost of connecting electricity to the house (the price of connecting to the electrical networks) cannot be above 550 rubles for 15 kW connected capacity - or no more than 550 rubles per connection. (power can be calculated using data on the consumption of electrical appliances, which is posted on the portal pages). If the distance is greater than specified, then the cost of connecting to electrical networks is calculated on the basis of the tariff, which is established by the local executive authority in the field of state regulation of tariffs (Regional Tariff Service or Regional Energy Commission).

7. The period of connection to electrical networks should not exceed:

  • 6 months if the electrical networks of the network organization are located more than 300 m from the border of the applicant’s property (for a city) or 500 m for a village
  • 1 year if the electrical networks of the network organization are located further than the above distance.

8. After completing the procedure for technological connection (connection to electrical networks), the network organization draws up and transfers to the consumer an act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of the parties and the operational responsibilities of the parties and an act of technological connection. All these documents are issued for free.

Now we propose to consider the case when it is necessary connect electricity to the dacha.

If you are a member of a horticultural non-profit partnership and the members of the horticultural partnership at the general meeting decided that the members of SNT express a desire for “dacha electricity” to exist in SNT, i.e. make a decision to connect SNT to electricity, then the authorized representative from SNT, in the interests of SNT members, carries out the following actions:

1. Submits the following documents for technological connection to electrical networks to the network company:

  • application for connection to electrical networks;
  • plan - diagram of the location of energy receiving devices of SNT members
  • copies of documents that confirm ownership of houses and plots of SNT members;
  • a copy of the decision of the general meeting of SNT members on the decision made to conclude an agreement on technological connection with the grid organization;
  • a copy of the SNT charter.

2. After this, the network organization will issue within 30 days draft technological connection agreement, technical conditions that must be fulfilled by the consumer within the boundaries of his site. The validity period of the technical conditions for the applicant cannot be less than 2 years.

3. If all the terms of the technological connection agreement comply with the norms of current legislation, then the chairman of the SNT signs it within 30 days and returns one copy to the network organization. If the contract does not comply with the norms, then it is necessary to send a reasoned refusal to sign it to the network organization, the network organization within 5 days must correct the comments.

4. After signing the agreement, SNT carries out the implementation of technical conditions (construction at the expense of SNT members on its territory of power lines, transformer substation, etc.), and the network company organizes implementation to the borders of SNT.

5. How much does it cost to connect electricity to SNT. The tariff for technological connection for SNT is no more than 550 rubles for connecting one section, provided that each member needs to connect no more than 15 kW. However, for each member of the SNT, the cost of connecting to the power grid will be increased by the amount of the cost of building a power line within the SNT (the network company is not obliged to build it).

6. The period of technological connection should be no more than:

  • 6 months, if the total connected power of all members of the SNT is no more than 100 kW and the distance from the borders of the SNT to the objects of the network organization does not exceed 300 m for the city and 500 m for the countryside;
  • no more than 1 year, if the above conditions are not met and the total connected power does not exceed 750 kVA;
  • no more than 2 years if the total connected power exceeds 750 kVA. In this case, the investment program of the network organization may provide for other deadlines for completing the technological connection, but not more than 4 years.

7. After completing the procedure for technological connection (connection to electrical networks), the network organization draws up and transfers to the consumer an act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of the parties and the operational responsibilities of the parties and an act of technological connection. All these documents are issued for free.

If the SNT members at the general meeting of the SNT members do not make a decision on connecting dachas to the power grid or a compromise cannot be reached between the SNT members on the issues of connection and the cost of building a power line within the SNT, then the dacha owner can connect electricity to the dacha independently. In this case, he must act in accordance with the procedure described above, as for cases of connecting electricity to the house.

So, this article provides a list of necessary actions, as well as information about the payment for electricity, methods of connecting to electricity for consumers who want to connect their house, cottage, plot to electricity, i.e. carry out activities that some people incorrectly call “connecting to electricity” or “installing electricity”.

Often, already at the initial stage of construction of a private house, summer house or country cottage, the developer has to solve such an issue as supplying electricity to the site. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite lengthy. Moreover, the bulk of the time is not occupied by the technical part (i.e. directly connecting electricity to the house). The consideration by the relevant authorities of documents giving the right to connect to existing power lines may take several months.

There are special companies that deal with this type of paperwork. For a fee, their specialists will go through all the bureaucratic red tape and provide the client with a ready-made permit to conduct electricity to the site (commissioned house). However, in order to save money, the developer or owner of the finished housing construction may well do the paperwork themselves.

Where to begin?

The first thing you need to do is find out the location of your local electrical utility. You can get its address from your neighbors or by typing the appropriate request on the Internet. Then you can begin to create a package of documents.

What kind of papers are needed to obtain permission to connect electricity to a plot or a finished private house? The list includes:

  • application for connection to electrical networks
  • a list of energy-consuming equipment (for the site where construction is underway) or the main energy-consuming household appliances (for a house that has already been commissioned)
  • copies of documents on ownership of the plot, house
  • site plan
  • a plan for the placement of the power line pole closest to the site (it can be drawn up using the map available on the official website of Rosreestr)
  • a copy of your passport (this will be required to draw up an agreement for connecting electricity)

The application for electricity supply to the house must be filled out in two copies. One copy (with the signature of the employee who accepted the documents) remains with the applicant.

When will the lights be turned on?

There is a period specified by law within which the power grid organization is obliged to consider the accepted application and make an appropriate decision - 30 days. After its expiration, a letter with two copies of the contract and technical conditions for connecting the site/house to the power supply line is sent to the applicant’s home address.

The technical conditions reflect data such as:

  • permissible power consumption of electricity
  • type of electrical network (three- or single-phase)
  • voltage consumption ( 380v or 220v)

The contract stipulates the period during which the electrical district is obliged to supply electricity to the house. Typically the company specifies a period of up to six months. But in practice, everything can happen much faster. If the nearest pole is located in close proximity to the site, usually all the necessary work is completed within a month or two (there are even cases when it takes up to ten days to connect).

The work may be significantly delayed if the wires need to be pulled to a private house from a long distance. It will take at least several months:

  • search for a contractor
  • public auction
  • technical measures for the construction of a new power line

If we take into account weather factors (no one will install poles in winter), then even in the most favorable scenario, the wait can last more than six months.

What are the restrictions for connecting electricity to private housing construction?

According to existing rules, connecting electricity to a site is absolutely impossible if there is not at least a temporary building there to install a meter for metering electricity consumption. Moreover, even if this condition is met, such a connection is still considered temporary. As a rule, owners of plots in gardening partnerships act in a similar way. To do this, they just need to reach an agreement with the leadership of the gardening society.

Bringing light to a private home is a much more difficult task. The first thing you need to start with is calculating the required power consumption.

Any private consumer is guaranteed connection 15 kW, but in practice this value does not always suit the owners of private houses. To be able to receive more electricity, you need to send a special request to the district energy commission to receive special technical conditions.

If the available capacity in the area is limited, then the commission's decision is unlikely to be positive. It is useless to challenge the conclusion - it is final. Therefore, before purchasing a site for development, it is worth first finding out whether there are opportunities in the given territory to connect increased power to private households. For a person intending to install energy-intensive equipment in his yard (for example, a powerful electric boiler for heating a greenhouse) this is a prerequisite.

What are the dangers of unauthorized connection to power grids?

Unauthorized powering of any object from a power line (regardless of its type and purpose) is illegal and entails penalties. After the intruder is disconnected from the power supply system, subsequent connection will be very difficult for him.

You shouldn’t really trust companies that promise to legalize unauthorized connections without any problems. It's better to do everything according to the rules. Yes, this will take more time, but in the future you won’t have to worry about your home being left without electricity.

Without the ability or desire to independently run through the authorities to draw up the necessary documents, you can hire an outside specialist. He will do everything professionally. Having some experience and good knowledge of current legislation allows such people to cope with the task in the shortest possible time.

Today, services for preparing documents for connecting a house or plot to the electrical network can be ordered in almost any city in Russia. Their cost is quite affordable. At least, the costs of this cost item cannot be compared with the size of fines for the illegal use of electricity.

It’s easier when you purchase a plot to which the main communications have already been supplied and connected. The situation is more complicated when you have to make the connection yourself. This is especially true for the power supply network. It must be summed up first. This is due not only to the possibility of carrying out construction work, but also to basic everyday needs. What is necessary to comply with the procedure for connecting the site to electricity? The answer will be given below.


It is with planning that you should begin all your actions to achieve results. The first step is to find out where exactly the construction site is located. If we are talking about the city limits or an area located close to the city, then there will not be any special problems. It will be more difficult to connect to SNT if power lines have not yet been installed in the partnership. If it comes to the first option, then it is necessary to decide on two organizations that are the main ones in the chain of connection and delivery of electricity. They are:

  • network company;
  • energy sales

The first organization resolves all issues related to power lines. She carries out their maintenance, issues technical specifications that will be required for a particular site and carries out direct connection and commissioning of the equipment. The role of the second organization in this chain is accounting and provision of invoices for payment for energy used. During the connection process, an agreement is also concluded with this authority, which specifies the conditions for the provision of services. In addition to these factors, it is necessary to find out which specific division owns the lines that are located near the site. There are two ways to do this. One of them is to inspect the label on the nearest transformer. Another option is to call the helpline.

Required documents

The list of documents required to submit an application is relatively small. The main ones are documents for ownership of the land where electricity will be supplied. If there is already a building that will be put into operation, then documents for it will also be required. To draw up technical specifications, a site plan will be required. A passport is also provided for personal identification. The application is written in the prescribed form according to the sample. At the same time, the user should know that without objective reasons, a network organization cannot refuse to accept an application in accordance with the adopted law, which guarantees the right of every citizen to freely connect to communications. This is the resolution as amended 334 of April 2009.

When submitting an application, it is better to prepare it in two copies. One of them is transferred to the relevant service, and a copy will serve as an insurance document, which remains with the applicant. This copy is marked with the registration number and date of receipt. On the one hand, this will be a reminder of when it is necessary to contact the company to obtain the necessary documents. On the other hand, if the contractor does nothing to connect the site within thirty days, then it will be possible to appeal his actions. A copy of the application will be a serious argument in resolving the dispute.

Documentation analysis

If the process of preparing for connection is successful, then within a month the applicant will receive a package of documents. It will consist of a contract and technical conditions that the applicant must fulfill before direct connection. It is not always appropriate to agree with all points given in the technical specifications. To understand which of them are not legal, you need to carefully analyze each point. It is compared with Decree 861, which was issued in December 2004. A standard connection is considered to be a line supply, the consumption of which by one private household will not exceed 15 kW. In this case, the network company does not have the right to insist on the need to complete the power supply project.

The network company has responsibilities for the construction of power lines at its own expense, which it is obliged to fulfill by law. To do this, you need to know exactly at what distance from the site the nearest points with power lines are located. If they are three hundred meters away in the city and half a kilometer in the countryside, then the network company undertakes to eliminate this distance by installing poles and laying the line on its own. By law, the process should not last more than six months. It is the responsibility of the applicant to carry out the supply from the installed pole directly to the site. There are also certain conditions. If the distance still exceeds 25 meters, then the company must install additional support to reduce it to the required value.

If each of the points is spelled out correctly and no violations are identified, you can proceed directly to the implementation of the technical specifications for the connection. The question of choosing a specialist who will perform installation work falls entirely on the owner of the site. Moreover, he can perform all the work independently if he has the appropriate knowledge and permission to work.

Connection methods

There are two available ways to make a connection to the house. But before this, it is necessary to determine where the division of balance sheet ownership occurs. It is at the border that a metering device should be installed. If the border runs along the boundary of the site, then the meter will be mounted directly on the support that is closest to the site. In some cases, it is possible to install the meter directly on the building. In this case, it is placed in a metal box, which must be protected from moisture and have a window for taking readings.

Cable laying from power lines to the house can be done over the air to make the connection. For these purposes, an insulated self-supporting cable is used. It is made of aluminum and has two wires if the connection is single-phase. In this case, the cable is fixed on the pole and on the house with special hooks, and the connection to the power line is made with a piercing clamp. For underground installation, a different type of cable is used, the cores of which must be protected in a certain way.

Finish stage

When all points of the technical specifications are completed, you can proceed to the final stage of connection. To do this, you will need to visit the network company and submit another application for direct connection and commissioning. After the representative arrives at the site, the owner is given certificates. One of them indicates the meter’s approval for use, the other indicates the boundary of the balance sheet division. The third document contains a note about the fulfillment of technical conditions. Another act indicates the proper equipment of the electrical installation. The representative must also apply the necessary seals and enter their numbers into the register.

The last step is to enter into an agreement directly with the energy company that supplies electricity. To conclude an agreement, you must provide all the documents that were necessary when the first application was submitted. In addition, signed acts, a copy of technical conditions, and a copy of the connection agreement are provided. Some localities have additional requirements that must be checked with the appropriate information desk. As soon as the contract is signed, the accounting organization transmits the corresponding instructions to the network company, which carries out the actual commissioning. How to connect a suburban area to the electrical network is described in the video below.


As you can see, the process of connecting electricity to the site is quite clear and can be done by the owner himself. At the same time, it is important to know all the obligations and rights when connecting in order to defend the latter when necessary. If controversial situations arise, the court will side with the connection initiator if everything is done in accordance with the regulations and technical conditions. The connection fee is carried out in accordance with the tariffs established by the state.

Modern man cannot imagine his life without electricity and household appliances that run on it.

We propose to consider how to supply electricity to your own summer cottage, the cost of connecting to electrical networks in Russia, as well as the basic rules and regulations for the legal conduct of electrical work.

Requirements for electrification

Conducting electricity to a plot of land with your own hands is a rather painstaking and difficult task. But this way you can save a lot of money. Nowadays, many companies offer their services for connecting a summer cottage to the power grid, but in this case, prepare to pay two or even three times more than if you collected all the necessary documents and carried out installation work yourself.

Before starting work on connecting electricity to your home or plot of land, you need to obtain the appropriate permission. Documents for carrying out work on the electrical supply of a summer cottage are a whole package of certificates and letters. We suggest you learn step by step how to proceed to prepare all the necessary documents:

According to the Energy Law, there are several types of connection that any citizen of the Russian Federation can use, namely:

  1. The first type of connection limits consumption to 16 kW;
  2. The second type of connection limits consumption to 50 kW;
  3. The third type of connection limits consumption to 160 kW.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the last two types of connection are not available for domestic use, regardless of whether it is a summer cottage or a large residential building, so you need to focus on the first type of connection. No matter what kind of land or building you own, you can only connect a load up to 16 kW.

Photo - electrification of a suburban area

The price for such an electricity connection to your site will be from 550 rubles. This amount may vary upward depending on the individual project and the characteristics of a particular site. In particular, the amount is affected by the distance to the source of electricity. If this distance exceeds 500 meters, then you will have to pay an additional amount

In addition, if during operation or at the installation stage, a short circuit occurs due to your fault due to network overload, then you will be required to compensate for the cost of burnt equipment and supply wires. In practice, the larger the city or town, the higher the likelihood of network overload; areas in the Moscow region and the suburbs of St. Petersburg are most susceptible to this.

There is no price limit for connecting houses outside the city. Some well-known installation organizations offer you a quick connection to the power grid, with all the accompanying documents, for 300 or 500 thousand rubles under a special program.

Many owners of summer cottages without electricity, who have received permission to connect the power supply line to their property, also mention possible pitfalls. In particular, this can be seen from the text of the correspondence with the energy supply company:

“The connection of the section numbered N will be carried out within six months, but only in case of repair of the existing or construction of a new step-down transformer substation.” This is an example text, which means that you will receive electricity only when repair work is carried out at a certain distribution station. Many who signed such a document wait years for connection, so be careful.

Photo - electricity supply to the site

It is worth remembering another very important point: in some settlements electricity is limited, that is, it can only be spent within the established norm. In most cases, it reaches 3-6 kilowatts per hour. This is quite enough to supply a small home, but not enough to operate numerous power electrical appliances at the same time.

Video: conducting electricity and other utilities in a wooden house

Self-electrification of a summer cottage

If you have received all the certificates, projects and permits, now all that remains is to connect the electricity to your summer cottage. We recommend doing the work yourself only if you have previously carried out similar work or if your specialty is related to electrical installation.

To independently supply electricity to your site, you will need:

From this entire list, you need to carefully select circuit breakers and RCDs. Not only the performance of all equipment on the site and in the house depends on them, but also the safety of you and your family.

You need to select a device based on the maximum current consumption, because sudden voltage drops in holiday villages and small villages are almost commonplace.

Before you buy wires to electrify your summer cottage, you need to calculate the required power of future electrical appliances. For installation between poles and connection from pole to building, in most cases an aluminum wire with a cross-section of 6 mm² is sufficient. But if you plan to connect any power devices: a concrete mixer, a circular saw, a welding machine or a water heater, then it is better to take a wire with a cross-section of 16 mm². Remember, to power such electrical appliances you need a separate line from the distribution board to avoid overload and voltage surges.

To determine the required length of wires, you need to make calculations according to a pre-drawn plan. For margin, add 5% to the resulting length.

After calculating and purchasing all the necessary materials and tools, you can begin installing poles with wires and a distribution board.

To do this, you need to install poles for the wires. They are installed according to the plan, from the place where the line will be connected to the central power supply and to your summer cottage.

Photo - pole for mounting the shield

After installing the wires, we proceed to install the metering distribution board; it must be mounted on a fireproof surface. If you have wooden poles installed, then you need to protect the installation site with asbestos or metal plate. For safety reasons, the last pillar on which the shield is located must be at a distance of at least 10 meters from any buildings.

The installation and direct connection of the electricity meter in the distribution board must be carried out by a qualified electrician who is an employee of the electricity supply organization. Upon completion, he seals the metering board and gives a guarantee for his work.

Independent intervention in the electricity metering scheme is punishable by law. And the fine imposed in this case is an amount exceeding the electricity consumption for several months.

Regardless of whether a garden house is being electrified or electricity is being supplied to a residential building, it is necessary to make a protective grounding loop. In addition, in each utility room it is necessary to install separate circuit breakers and RCDs, which will protect the line from overloads and a person from electric shock.

After all installations have been carried out, before applying voltage, the correct assembly of the circuit and the absence of possible short circuits are carefully checked. The final stage of power supply is supplying voltage and monitoring its presence in all sections of the circuit in accordance with the approved project.