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What is the best form to eat peanuts? Peanuts: calorie content of various types, nutritional value and balance of BZHU How many calories are in chocolate peanuts

Peanuts are one of the most affordable types of nuts. In addition, his calorie content is much lower than cashews and Brazil nuts etc. However, many believe that peanuts are a harmful snack, imagining a product fried in oil, seasoned with salt. However, this nut is no less useful than the others.

Beneficial properties of peanuts

Peanuts are called "groundnuts" because they are legumes and ripen underground. By the way, Roasted nuts are considered healthy.They retain 100% vitamin E.

  • Peanuts are rich in protein, so they are very useful for those who gain weight.
  • Nut without salt lowers cholesterol levels a, improves blood circulation.
  • Peanuts improve cerebral blood flow
  • Just 30 grams of nuts every day solves problems with gastrointestinal tract.
  • A portion of nuts will improve hormonal levels.
  • Peanuts are also good for men to eat: it improves potency.
  • This nut helps preserve youthfulness of the skin and the whole body.
  • It increases blood clotting, so it is useful for those who suffer from hemophilia.

Peanut calories

However, despite such an extensive list of beneficial properties of peanuts, they should not be abused. The calorie content of the nut is high - about 550 kcal. The healthiest option, fried in a dry frying pan or in the oven, contains about 625 kcal.

The optimal portion is considered to be30 grams. It contains about 60 small nuts.

By the way, to get the maximum benefit from nuts, avoid store-bought options. Peanuts packaged in bags as beer snacks are most often fried in oil and added with a fair amount of flavor enhancers and salt. The best option is to buy a raw nut and fry it along with the husk in a dry frying pan or in the oven at low temperature. You can add a little salt to the finished product if desired. Although it is better to avoid salted nuts altogether.

Dessert peanuts

In addition to classic salted nuts, you can also find sweet options in stores. Caramel peanuts, roasted in sugar, nuts in chocolate or coconut milk. The calorie content of such desserts is very high. However, taking into account the benefits of peanuts, you can allow yourself 15 grams (15 pieces) of sweet nuts with tea or coffee instead of cookies.


Despite the benefits, peanuts cannot be called a neutral product. The high content of proteins and fats makes it allergenic.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Obesity or overweight.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Arthrosis or arthritis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Gout.
  • Diabetes.

Many people love peanuts, especially since they are extremely healthy. But people often refuse them because they are afraid of how many calories there are in peanuts. There are really a lot of them, but considering that we don’t eat peanuts every day and in reasonable quantities, they won’t do any harm.

How many calories are in 100 grams of peanuts

Per one hundred grams of product, the calorie content of groundnuts is 550 kcal. Here how many calories are in 100 grams of peanuts. And it is precisely thanks to this quality that peanuts are able to saturate the body very quickly. Peanuts contain:

  • proteins;
  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins B, C and E;
  • monounsaturated fats.

Peanuts can be consumed both raw and, as is known, roasted. But most often it is eaten fried. This nut is added to cakes, desserts, candies, various salads, fish and meat dishes. Considering, how many calories are in raw peanuts, these dishes won't be too heavy.

How many calories are in roasted peanuts?

Nuts are much tastier after heat treatment. And it does not particularly increase the calorie content of the product. One hundred grams of roasted peanuts contains 580 kilocalories. The calorie content will be higher if the nuts are fried in oil. There are people who like nuts with sugar. And sugar has more calories than salt. More than six hundred calories - that's it how many calories are in roasted peanuts with salt and with sugar.

One more thing - peanuts taste much better if you add salt to them, and it also adds calories. 846 kcal – that’s it how many calories are in salted peanuts and low-fat. This is a fairly high figure, but considering how healthy nuts are, how many calories are in roasted salted peanuts, it doesn’t really matter anymore. One serving (100 g) of nuts contains the daily requirement of vitamins PP, B9, magnesium and copper.

Among the top foods that contain methionine, peanuts take ninth place. And methionine is a component of protein tissues that takes part in the biosynthesis of adrenaline, regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, and prevents the formation of fatty deposits in the liver. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of creatine, which is necessary for energy metabolism and muscle building. This is precisely why peanuts are so beneficial for athletes who are concerned about their athletic physique.

Peanuts are also called groundnuts or Chinese nuts. It belongs to the legume family. The most commonly eaten food is roasted peanuts. Its calorie content is quite high, but it is fully justified by the rich composition of the product.

At first, this nut grew in South America. It is there that there are about 70 of its species. Today it is actively grown in many countries where there is a warm climate.

This nut contains approximately 42% oil, about 23-24% is protein and only 12% is carbohydrates. The composition is rich in vitamin E, A, D, there are B vitamins, as well as vitamin PP.

Of the mineral complexes, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese and potassium are most abundant there. There are also antioxidants important for the human body.

The calorie content of the nut is 551 kcal per 100 grams.

How is this product useful?

The benefit of this legume is that it contains a high amount of antioxidants. In particular, these are polyphenols. The composition, rich in antioxidant qualities, competes with strawberries and blackberries.

That is why this product should be used by people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. These nuts are also good to use as a preventive measure against tumors and to prolong youth.

The calorie content of peanuts is quite high, but this is due to the valuable peanut oil, which contains almost half. This oil saturates the body with healthy fatty acids. Even a small handful of nuts can satisfy your appetite and give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. It will help the body better absorb all the beneficial substances that come to it with food. That is why this product can be called dietary.

If your digestive system is not in order, you have gastritis or an ulcer, then this representative of legumes will also be useful to you. In addition, the use of this product helps the body renew blood and skin, sharpens hearing and brain activity. The proteins in its composition have a good effect on sexual performance. Doctors recommend consuming these nuts if the patient has experienced a serious illness or is in a state of exhaustion.

What is the best way to eat peanuts?

Of course, it is best to eat raw nuts. In this form, most of the beneficial substances are preserved. But roasted nuts, salted and in various glazes, are more popular. Due to various additives, the calorie content of peanuts increases, but it becomes even more tasty. Those who are watching their figure need to know the calorie content of peanuts in different types.

The calorie content of these nuts when fried without salt does not increase much. It increases by about 20 calories per 100 grams. When roasting, some vitamins leave the composition. But! If you eat this product for vitamin E, then it is more beneficial when fried. Since during frying it does not leave the composition, and its digestibility, on the contrary, increases.

There are as many calories in a salted nut per 100 grams as in a simply roasted one. In this case, salt makes this product less useful. It is a preservative, has a bad effect on blood vessels and is capable of retaining water in the body.

It is popular to use this product in coconut glaze. It is clear that the glaze contains not only coconut flakes, but also melted sugar. Therefore, we can safely say that the calorie content of these nuts in this form is the highest. Coconut glaze turns these nuts into a real delicacy.

Their calorie content is about 800 kcal per 100 grams. This is already dessert. Therefore, only sometimes you can treat yourself to nuts in this form.

Peanuts in culinary recipes

This nut is delicious not only in desserts, but also in main dishes. By adding it to the recipe, you will enrich it with valuable qualities, which means you will make your lunch more nutritious.

Here are some simple options where you can add it:

  • If you are preparing pasta with sauce for lunch, then you can safely add chopped roasted peanuts to the tomato sauce. This is often done in Italy.
  • In the summer, when you fry zucchini and prepare mayonnaise or sour cream sauce for them, you can also add chopped nuts.
  • It is ideal to add this ingredient to a fresh vegetable salad.
  • This ingredient can also be used in meat sauce.

This is the simplest thing you can come up with, but you shouldn’t limit your imagination to these options.

Most groundnut lovers may not think about the properties that this gift of nature contains. In addition, in addition to their own popularity, stars and models are fueling even greater interest in diets that contain this product. In this article, we will look at the calorie content of fresh and roasted peanuts and whether it is possible to eat peanuts while losing weight.

Peanut calories

The groundnut itself is a nutritious product, and therefore contains a lot of calories. But for a more pronounced favorite taste, humanity has learned to combine it with various additives, which can greatly spoil the figure due to its high calorie content. Let's take a closer look at this issue:

  • 100 grams of roasted salted peanuts contain 626 kcal.

Peanuts promote testosterone production

  • The fried product contains 626 kcal nutritional value.
  • Raw peanuts contain fewer calories than other types - 550 kcal.
  • Peanuts in sugar retain their calorie content at 569 kcal.
  • Salted peanuts 634 kcal.

This applies to other properties, such as the percentage of protein, fat and carbohydrates in such a food product.

  • The protein content of peanuts is 26 grams.
  • Fat 45 gr.
  • Contains 8 grams of carbohydrates.

A figure-safe portion would be a small handful of nuts weighing 10-15 grams per day. Peanuts can be used to make dietary desserts or eaten as a snack. Having looked at the composition and estimated the calories of peanuts, let’s consider the advantages of this miracle of nature.

How do peanuts help you lose weight?

When losing weight, peanuts are an indispensable product; a representative of this family quickly satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of fullness. This became possible thanks to the high protein content. Therefore, nutritionists use it in their weight loss programs. Therefore, models and pop stars have a special demand for this type of diet, despite its fairly high nutritional value.


The main thing to remember is that each weight loss program should be low in calories, but still contain the necessary nutrients that the body needs for the whole day.

The fruit is a golden composition of proteins and vitamins. Of the 13 species that a person needs, this species contains 6. As described above, 26% protein can easily replace meat. Moreover, it is of plant origin, which is absorbed many times faster in the human body. That's why celebrities use peanuts to lose weight.

A nutritionist will decide whether to fry it or eat it raw, but if peanuts have a high calorie content, why are they included in the diet of patients losing weight? Everything will be explained thanks to its following advantages.

Positive properties of peanuts

The peanut taste cannot be confused with anything else on earth; besides, the fruit combines:

  • Folic acid, which activates cell renewal.
  • Fats contain choleretic properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human body during gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • Contains preventive properties of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Increases blood clotting.
  • Positively affects a person's mental state.

This is just a small list of the advantages of this fruit. But it is worth remembering that you can consume no more than 30 grams of peanuts per day. This amount will saturate the body with daily nutrients.

How to store and select peanuts

  • It would be best to purchase an unshelled nut, the color of which should be consistent and even. And also avoid a musty product, which can be identified by turning the packaging over.
  • The fruit has a high calorie content, so it should be stored in a dry environment to prevent mold fungus from developing. If this rule is not followed, a film forms on the peanuts, which disrupts the functioning of the liver.
  • The best solution is to place the peanuts in the refrigerator. This will avoid mold and retain all the nutritional properties longer.

What harm can peanuts cause to the body?

Despite all the advantages of this miracle of nature, you should be vigilant and aware of its side effects.

  • Leads to allergies. It is the excess protein content in the body that can cause this effect and even lead to Quincke's edema.
  • Because of their calories, peanuts can lead to significant weight gain.

  • Unprocessed peanuts in unlimited quantities can cause digestive upset and, if burnt, can cause liver damage.
  • Leads to diabetes.
  • Gout.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Phlebeurysm.

To summarize, we can say that, firstly, the calorie content of fried peanuts is high, so it is necessary to monitor its dosage, then there will be a positive effect from its use. Secondly, before including this nut in your diet, you should undergo tests for allergic reactions. Thirdly, the diet that includes this product must be approved by specialists. Otherwise, the result will not be the one expected, because the calorie content of peanuts can lead to weight gain.

Peanuts were first found in storage facilities in Peru. There is no consensus on how it got to Europe, but the most common possibility is that it was imported from China. And it was brought to Russia in the 18th century. Now these fruits grow in hot climates and are a member of the legume family. The nut got its name because of the mesh pattern on the fruit, which looks like a cobweb (translated from Greek, peanut means spider).

Groundnuts are an important crop, as they are raw materials for branches in medicine and industry. It is healthy and nutritious.

Peanut calories

Peanuts are very tasty and are often used as a snack between meals, as an ingredient for preparing all kinds of dishes (the oil obtained from it is used to season salads or simply add fruits for taste) and baking, or as a regular snack (with beer). This taste is familiar to everyone since childhood, but with age those who are watching their weight have to give up its use and naturally ask the question: “How many calories are in peanuts?” (this also applies to all other products). So, the calorie content of peanuts (raw) for every 100 grams is 548 Kcal, which is a lot, especially when compared with the energy value of beef (110 Kcal) or pasta (153 Kcal). And the calorie content of salted peanuts (roasted) is even higher - 626 Kcal per 100 grams. To reduce calorie content, you need to fry it yourself on a dry baking sheet in the oven.

Benefits of peanuts

But all this does not prevent nutritionists from including this product in the diet of their clients, since the food should not just be low-calorie, but have a range of useful substances. 30 grams of peanuts contain fiber, fatty acids (healthy), carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In such a meal of nuts there will be only 180 Kcal, if you eat them a couple of hours before lunch, then the feeling of hunger will not appear until the next meal, and the portion of food eaten will be several times smaller, which means there will be no overeating and stretching of the stomach. And if you eat the same dose of the product after lunch instead of sweets, then the body will not begin to produce insulin due to the breakdown of sucrose and there will be no desire to fall asleep at work. Peanuts, on the contrary, will give a boost of energy, cause a surge of mental activity and have a beneficial effect on attentiveness. The calories received from such a small portion will be processed by the evening and will not be deposited on the waist and sides. It is a source of useful and nutritious substances. So, groundnuts are a product that contains 6 vitamins necessary to ensure the vital functions of the body. Protein of plant origin is considered an undoubted advantage, because this means that it is easily digestible. This nut is part of different diets, since it is healthier to eat it than some fatty foods (even with the same caloric content of the products). And for vegetarians, it contains as many useful substances as meat products, which they do not consume.

This product contains 13% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 42% oil. It contains many minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and vitamins: potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, vitamins A, E, PP, D and group B. It does not contain cholesterol.

The main source of calories is carbohydrates and fats. The fats contained in peanuts are absorbed easily and quickly and are converted into energy, since they are of plant origin. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose. There is also fiber (8%), which is necessary for digestion; it removes waste, toxins, salt, excess cholesterol and water. And proteins play an important role in the structure of cells, in the synthesis of enzymes and are needed for chemical reactions in the body.

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