Well      10/11/2023

Maiden grape fruits are edible or not. Maiden grapes planting and care, watering, pruning and propagation. Pruning and shaping virgin grapes

Maiden grape is a decorative growing species of grape from the genus Parthenocissus. It grows in the form of vines, entwining gazebos, fences, trees and other structures. It received such an unusual name due to its peculiarity: to form seeds it does not need fertilization by pollen, a kind of “immaculate conception”. It is also called “virgin ivy”.

General information

Its shoots can spread over distances of up to 20 m. Therefore, you should carefully ensure that the wildly growing shoots do not cover the windows (creating darkness in the rooms), do not rise too high, climbing under the tiles or slates, thereby destroying them, and do not allow vines to get into the gutter, clogging it.

To do this, it is worth trimming excess shoots in time. You should also take into account that grapes have very dense roots, so do not plant other crops near them, it will be difficult for them to break through these shoots. It should also be noted that after winter, while everything around begins to turn green, the “maiden” grapes are in no hurry to come to life.

Maiden grapes bloom in summer (July), but very modestly. But the flowers are fragrant and attract bees and bumblebees.

Varieties and types

Maiden grape ivy-shaped (triostrum) has decorative garden varieties that are in demand due to their unusual leaf configuration and color (not only in autumn). For example, ivy grapes of the "purple" variety have dark purple leaves, and the "golden" variety has yellow spots on the green leaves.

- the most common variety, has small smooth leaves with three pointed ends. In autumn they become orange-red in color.

Or five-leaved has dark green leaves, consisting of 5 leaflets, egg-shaped with pointed ends, in the summer, and in the fall it acquires a reddish or burgundy tint. There are also small clusters of small, dark, inedible berries.

This species tolerates severe frosts well even without special shelter. Not picky about the choice of soil and location (sunny or shady area). It grows very quickly (up to 3 m per year). Dense foliage protects the walls of the house from overheating, dust, wind and rain, thereby reducing dampness inside the house and near the foundation.

Maiden grapes "STAR SHOWERS" or variegated - a very decorative variety, has an unusual white-green leaf color, which changes with prolonged cold weather.

("Yellow Wall" ) – in autumn the leaves turn from green to yellow.

Girl grape variety "Red Wall (Troki)" - has a glossy leaf surface, turning purple-red in autumn.

Maiden grapes "Henry" , it does not tolerate frost, so it can be grown in an apartment. Its young shoots have a tetrahedral cross-section, and the leaves consist of 5-7 individual leaflets.

Maiden grapes planting and care

The grapes do not require a special place for planting, but the color of the foliage may depend on the lighting. If you plant it on the south side, then in the fall the foliage will acquire a bright and attractive crimson palette, and on the north side the foliage will remain green and without clusters of berries.

In illuminated areas, the plant grows faster and has larger foliage. The liana takes root both in spring and autumn, but experts advise choosing autumn (September-October).

Soil for virgin grapes

To begin with, a week before planting, the soil at the planting site must be dug up. Then a hole 50-60 cm deep is dug and drainage (for example, broken brick) is laid at the bottom and covered with a layer of sand (20 cm).

After which the substrate is prepared: two parts of leaf soil, two parts of compost and part of sand.

Watering girl's grapes

Ornamental grapes require moderate watering. It will be quite enough three to four times a season, using at least 10 liters of water per bush.

If the summer turns out to be very hot, then the amount of watering is increased, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out.

Virgin grape fertilizers

Fertilizers can be applied at the beginning of summer (they are fed with nitroammophoska along with irrigation water), and during active growth, complex fertilizers can be applied.

Periodically it is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the soil and mulch the area around the ivy. Mulching is carried out at the beginning of summer using peat, humus or compost (6 cm layer). In autumn, the layer is renewed by burying the old one in the ground.

Pruning virgin grapes

Pruning is carried out in the spring (during the dormant period), frozen, dried, weakened or damaged shoots and leaves are removed, and branches that have gone beyond the designated area are shortened (they close windows, climb under the roof, etc.).

Maiden grapes preparation for winter

Most types of virgin grapes do not need shelter for the winter; they are quite frost-resistant, even if some of them freeze slightly, they will quickly recover, thanks to the dormant buds.

Propagation of virgin grapes by cuttings

We prepare the place: dig a hole of the required size for the cutting, away from other plants, due to the growth of the root system. Mix the soil from this hole with compost, sand and fertilizer (two handfuls).

Then lay drainage at the bottom, add a little of the resulting substrate on top, place the cutting at a slight angle and cover with the remaining soil. Now you need to water the grapes well and form a hole so that precipitation (rain water) is retained in it.

For a young plant, you need to form a support to make it easier for it to grow upward, and then you can remove it. If the grapes grow near the house, then support is not needed; they will crawl along the wall, clinging to the rough surface. Cuttings are cut at any time of the year, choosing shoots with at least five healthy buds.

Maiden grapes propagation by layering

For this method, a long lash is inserted, which is planted in waves (a part in the ground, another above the ground, the next one again in the ground, and so on) into a groove no more than 5 cm deep. The part that is in the ground must be secured with a hairpin or paper clip. Then water thoroughly.

There is another way: a shorter layer is selected and a whip is laid out in the same shallow moistened groove, the top rises 10-15 cm above the ground (if it does not hold on itself, then place a support).

Growing virgin grapes from seeds

Grapes are propagated by seeds in spring or autumn, planted in loose soil no deeper than 1 cm. To increase the germination rate, the seeds are pre-soaked.

When planting in spring, the seeds are soaked in cold water (3-5 hours), thereby hardening them, then placed in moist soil and refrigerated for several days.

Reproduction by root suckers

The root system formed by the shoots of vines is very branched. Root shoots are quite easily separated and planted in a new location. The main thing is that the root collar should be above the surface of the earth, and not covered.

Diseases and pests

This ornamental plant rarely gets sick and only because of violations of the rules of care: abundant watering or, on the contrary, drying out of the soil, as well as a lack of fertilizers. Sometimes pests also look at the grapes; insecticides will help in the fight against them.

Maiden grapes: benefit or harm

There are many different opinions about this ornamental grape. Some people think that it causes harm: it clogs drains, prevents other plants from growing, it trails along the wall, fouling windows, and makes its way onto roofs and destroys tile and slate roofs. But all this can be avoided if you trim unnecessary ends in a timely manner.

In fact, the benefits are much greater: with the help of vines you can disguise old and unremarkable buildings and structures, create hedges instead of boring fences, and also decorate arches and gazebos. In addition, dense foliage can protect against wind and cold.

Most varieties can delight with bright colors in the fall, attracting and pleasing to the eye. There is a myth that mold forms under a dense carpet of ivy due to dampness. In fact, everything is wrong; grapes absorb moisture.

Maiden grape tincture

In folk medicine, there is one known recipe for an infusion of virgin grape branches, which is used by cancer patients to resolve tumors, as a hemostatic agent.

Preparing the infusion : take 10 g of crushed, dried branches, pour into a glass bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water, then place in a water bath for 7-8 minutes. Set aside and let it brew and cool.

Now you can strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add a little water (to return the original volume). Take 100 ml during various bleedings 3-4 times a day.

Any owner of a country plot wants to see it beautiful and well-groomed. To do this, many people plant unusual ornamental plants, with the help of which it is possible not only to improve the yard, but also to hide some shortcomings in the buildings. Most often such buildings are barns, old verandas or a summer kitchen. To improve the appearance of the site, planting virgin grapes would be an ideal option. An unattractive plant at first glance has many advantages.

Maiden grapes have another name - virgin ivy. The length of an average vine can reach 30 meters. In our latitudes, the plant takes root well, does not get sick and does not require special care. The girl's grapes grow quickly and entwine buildings that need to be hidden. There are also indoor varieties; they are successfully used in decorating industrial premises, school corridors or kindergartens.

How to make ivy look attractive and grow not as a bush, but as a beautiful vine, you will learn here

The plant has a number of advantages, namely:

  • looks attractive and quite original;
  • Any type of soil is suitable for growing;
  • grows densely in 2-3 years;
  • grows well not only in the sun, but also in the shade;
  • a small plot of land is enough for growth;
  • reproduces quickly and without problems;
  • resists pests and does not suffer from various diseases;
  • Well protects the walls of the building from rain, wind and dust.

Plant varieties

In total, it is customary to distinguish nineteen plant varieties. In our country, only two have successfully taken root - tripoint and five-leaf.

The five-leaf variety is native to Mexico and North America. The vines of this plant can reach a length of up to 20 m. The grape gets its name because of the five unfused leaves folded together and of a rich green color. The leaves have a wedge-shaped base and a sharp tip. This variety is resistant to frosty weather, and a sunny area is more suitable for planting it.

A triacid variety of grapes native to Asia. This variety easily grows upward even on a smooth surface due to its numerous tendrils. Wide three-fingered leaves grow well and create a dense curtain. This species reproduces exclusively by seeds. The preferred climate is warm, and the length of such a vine reaches 10 meters.

Planting and subsequent care

Virgin ivy can grow in any soil, but does not tolerate soil that is too dry. It will grow well not only in the sun, but also in the shade. It is worth considering that planting a vineyard in the shade will affect its color. This way the foliage will remain green until frost, without acquiring a yellow or purple color. The problem of planting in the shade will be the lack of flowering; you may not see beautiful clusters of dark berries at all.

The time for planting is not important; the plant will take root well in the fall and spring. Experienced gardeners say that you just need to plant and water the grapes, then the whole process goes on without your participation, all that remains is to have time to trim the growing branches.

Before planting the vine, cultivate the soil. Remove all weeds from the planting site and dig a hole 50*50 cm. The soil that was taken out of the hole must be mixed with 1 bucket of sand and another 1 bucket of compost. Place about a liter jar of ash at the bottom of the hole. Provide drainage, use broken bricks, slate, expanded clay. Place the seedling in a hole with drainage, cover the roots with soil with sand and compost, straighten the plant and add the remaining soil. When you plant your vine, be sure to water it well.

If you want to have a dense plant tissue, then plant it at a distance of half a meter from each other, and place 3-4 sprouts in each hole. While the grapes are still small, place a support near them or tie the plant so that it grows in the direction you want.

Maiden grapes are unpretentious in care; you just need to trim old vines in time and water them abundantly during the dry period. It is important to understand that without timely pruning, the grapes will turn into ugly thickets. In winter, ivy does not need to be covered; it is quite frost-resistant. Even if it freezes, the young buds will produce new shoots. You only need to trim the vine to a healthy area.

At the beginning of its growth, grapes actively develop their root system, so feeding it will not be superfluous. In the first few days, don’t be lazy about tying up the plant; later it will successfully cling to any convenient surface with its tendrils. Young grapes will initially grow several meters tall. It is important to know some rules so that ivy does not envelop your entire area:

  1. direct the young shoots in the right direction, so you will form a grape skeleton that is convenient for you;
  2. those vines that direct their growth in the wrong direction are better to cut off immediately, do not be afraid, this will not harm the plant;
  3. When the skeleton of the grapes is formed, prune 2 times a year, in spring and summer, remove weakened branches and strong density.

Fruits of the plant

Maiden grape berries are dark spherical fruits with a diameter of 5 mm. The color of the berries can be purple, burgundy or dark red. They taste quite unpleasant, sour or even sour-bitter. The fruits contain large amounts of oxalic acid and are not eaten, although they are often used in traditional medicine recipes. In winter, these berries are eaten with pleasure by birds. The berry has 4 seeds, which make it easy to grow the plant.

Maiden grapes are successfully grown by owners of country and country plots. Ivy perfectly decorates the surface of any building and creates an attractive appearance as a whole.

It just so happened historically that most modern people are far from nature and have little idea of ​​what benefit or harm certain plants can bring. For children, the world is a vast unexplored space, and they often curiously put into their mouths colorful berries picked in a city front garden or on a walk in the forest. Alas, they are unaware that many plants in our region are extremely poisonous!

Adults should not only be armed with at least a basic understanding of the dangerous gifts of nature, but also clearly convey to the child’s consciousness that before trying the found delicacies, they must ask permission - at least until the unfriendly plants are known like the back of his hand. It is also worth explaining to the child that even if birds and animals eat some fruits, this does not mean they are safe for humans. So, our list of poisonous berries:

Yew berry

A common ornamental plant, often used in trimmed hedges. The bright scarlet fruits are harmless only in their fleshy part - the aryllus, but the brown seeds half hidden by it are poisonous. Its wood, bark, needles and shoots are also poisonous: they have a paralyzing effect on the heart, causing convulsions and respiratory arrest. To kill a person, an extract of 50 grams of yew needles is enough.

Elderberry black and red

Ripe berries of Elderberry are sometimes used to make wine, syrups and jams, but it must be remembered that they are poisonous during the ripening process. All other parts of the plant (the same applies to Elderberry) contain toxic alkaloids that can cause severe poisoning in children - do not allow them to make “spitting” tubes or whistles from the hollow branches.

Euonymus (Eonymus)

Often found in city flower beds - it is planted because of its unpretentiousness, fast growth and variety of varieties. An extremely ornamental shrub, and its fruits of various shades of red look deceptively appetizing. Birds love them very much, but for people both the berries and other parts of the plant are highly poisonous.


White (or pink) juicy fruits remain on the branches of the bush for a long time after the leaves have fallen and burst deliciously under the soles of small shoes - everyone knows this favorite children's pastime. Be careful not to get the berries into your child’s mouth while playing: the substances they contain can cause dizziness, nausea and loss of consciousness.

Belladonna (Demoiselle)

The poisonous purple-black shiny berries are extremely dangerous, as they are attractive in appearance and their juicy pulp has a sweetish taste. Eating just 3-5 berries by a child can lead to paralysis of the respiratory tract, vascular failure and death. The rest of the plant is also poisonous, especially the leaves and roots.

Maiden grapes

Very reminiscent of real edible grapes are the dark blue clusters of poisonous berries of the Maiden's grape triacum (ivy-shaped). The blue-black berries of the five-leafed virgin grape (Virginian grape) are also poisonous. True, for poisoning you need more than a handful of berries, which do not have a pleasant taste and are very astringent to the mouth.

Wolfberry (Wolf Bast or Daphne)

The highly ornamental shrub is deadly. All parts of the plant are poisonous - bark, leaves, flowers, and especially fruits. Wet bark or juice upon contact with skin or mucous membranes causes severe irritation and pain, and just a few swallowed bright berries (red, yellow or black depending on the type) cause severe poisoning with a high probability of death.

Voronets (Crow berries)

A herbaceous plant 30-60 cm in height grows everywhere in the forests of Russia and beyond. The berries are oblong, black, red or white. Voronets is considered one of the most poisonous plants. It contains alkaloids that have a strong irritant effect. When touching the plant, blisters may appear on the skin. It is especially dangerous if crow juice gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth. When poisoned by fruits, the victim experiences vomiting, diarrhea, and severe inflammation of the intestines. The crowberry without fruits is almost invisible against the background of other vegetation, and its leaves can easily be mistaken for the leaves of edible umbrella plants.

Whitewing (Calla)

A creeping plant with large heart-shaped leaves is widespread throughout Russia (in wetlands). It is also grown as an ornamental plant and used in landscape design. Its burning fruits (a cob of juicy red berries) ripen at the end of June and will definitely not add health to anyone! There are known cases of mass poisoning of cattle.

American Lakonos

Often grown in city clubs. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but the most common cases of poisoning are berries. Children are especially sensitive to the toxins they contain, so just a few swallowed berries can become, so to speak, the last meal of their lives. In case of mild poisoning, a burning sensation in the mouth, increased salivation, cramps in the stomach and intestines, and acute gastroenteritis occur. In more severe cases, changes in heart and breathing rates, seizures, and death from respiratory failure may occur. Since the sap of the plant can penetrate the skin (even intact skin), direct contact with the plant should be generally avoided.

Nightshade bittersweet

A subshrub with a woody base and a long curly stem, which can be found in central Russia, as well as in the Far East and Siberia. The red berries, which have a bittersweet taste, ripen from June to October and are extremely poisonous. Potatoes and tomatoes belong to the same family: in the former, the berries are generally inedible, in the latter, only unripe fruits are poisonous. So caution doesn’t hurt in your summer cottage! (To be continued)

Long before the appearance of virgin grapes in gardens and ancient buildings, it was actively grown in East Asia and North America. This plant has adapted well to the latitudes of Russia. It is unpretentious to weather conditions and feels comfortable both in rainy autumn and warm spring weather with temperature changes. If 200 years ago it was possible to see floral decoration on ancient castles and buildings, now it can be found everywhere. In recent years, the plant has been gaining popularity due to its ease of cultivation, low cost and decorative properties.

Maiden grapes

Maiden grapes are a twisting vine. She independently climbs up any structure and randomly hangs down with long vines. In the summer season, the foliage of the plant is green, and in the fall it acquires a characteristic purple hue. This is an exclusively ornamental plant; it has berries, but they are inedible. The fruits are blue-black and provide food for birds. Among the varieties of this climbing plant, the Raspberry Wine variety is distinguished. This vine has a dark green tint of leaves, and in the fall they are “painted” in different colors - burgundy, orange, yellow, red.

Before you start planting maiden grapes, you need to decide on the optimal location. The intensity of sunlight will be important for those who really want to see all the colors of this plant. We dig a hole of suitable depth for the seedling. For better growth, make the soil light and fertile by mixing it with sand and complex fertilizers. We make drainage from small broken bricks, sprinkle it with earth and plant a shoot, deepen it and water it thoroughly.

Planting grapes

Among the methods of propagation, seed is considered the simplest. Seeds are planted in loose soil, deepened by 1 cm. To increase survival rate, it is recommended to soak the seeds for a day in a stimulating solution or stratify. Cuttings are another simple growing method. We deepen the cutting into the pre-prepared substrate, sprinkle it with soil and water it abundantly. In order for the plant to develop correctly, during growth we cut off unnecessary lateral formations and give the vine the desired shape.

If it is not possible to take cuttings, propagate virgin grapes by layering. Cut a long vine and dig a hole 5 cm deep. Plant one part above the ground and the other in the ground. Water the plant abundantly. After some time, it increases significantly in size. In this case, at the initial stage of growth, the maiden grapes need support.

Maiden grapes are one of the most unpretentious ornamental plants that require minimal care. To give it the desired look, trim the lateral shoots and thin out the dense growths. However, even if such rules are observed, the vines of this plant still randomly grow to the sides and it is quite difficult to follow the direction of their growth. The soil under the vine must be plowed and loosened.

Maiden grape berries

The plant does not need intensive watering. It is capable of producing the required amount of moisture for itself. An exception may be dry days of summer. However, here too you should not overwater the plant; it is better to increase the frequency of watering. At the initial stage of growth, it is recommended to feed virgin grapes once a month with complex fertilizers. We remove the weeds around along with the roots. In early spring, do not forget to trim the frozen ends.

Over the long history of planting virgin grapes, many myths have been created about it. The first of them says that this plant is wild grapes. In terms of its structure, it has nothing in common with cultivated grape vines. This is a completely different species, which is similar to the original only in name. An equally common myth is that damp walls and rotting bricks form under a dense thicket of virgin grapes after heavy rain and other precipitation.

Young girl's grapes

In fact, the plant protects your home, prevents the formation of dampness in it, insulates it from cold and excess noise, and the walls underneath always remain dry.

Some of the representatives of the species have phytoncidal properties that suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria. Maiden grapes are a natural regulator of the microclimate in the house. Dense vines create a slight coolness in the room in the hot summer, and in the fall, during the period of active leaf fall, they create optimal conditions for ventilation and penetration of more sunlight.

Another myth that makes gardeners think about planting this plant around the house is that the integrity of the foundation is violated due to the powerful root system. However, this myth can be easily refuted if you take a closer look at ancient buildings and castles, where powerful whips have been surrounding these architectural objects for hundreds of years.

Grapes are a perennial climbing plant with a predominant number of bisexual flowers. This plant is wind, insect and self pollinated. The grape vine can reach 30–40 meters in length and grows by attaching to supports with tendrils. The leaves of the grape are alternate, petiolate, entire, with three or five lobes. Bisexual, greenish, small flowers collected in a loose or dense panicle appear in May-June.

The bark on mature trunks is brown, deeply grooved, and in some places separated from the trunk. On young vines the bark is yellowish or reddish.

The fruits of the grapes can be harvested in August-September; they are juicy berries collected in clusters containing seeds inside. People have learned to propagate grapes by seeds and vegetatively - using cuttings, layering, and grafting. Cultivated grapes are used for the production of raisins, grape juice, wine, jam, compotes and vinegar.

Useful properties of grapes

Grapes are not only a tasty and beautiful berry, but also an excellent source of health and vitality. Its beneficial properties have a healing effect on the human body. Ripe grapes contain easily digestible sugars, represented by glucose and fructose. Also valuable substances are sucrose, raffinose, xylose and other sugar-like components. Grape juice is a complex solution; it contains many organic acids: tartaric, malic, citric and succinic.

The beneficial effects of fumaric, glycolic, oxalic, gluconic and other acids on organ function have been scientifically proven. The juice of ripe grape fruits contains all the necessary minerals, a large amount of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and aluminum. There is a group of anions such as phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine. Grapes provide the body with manganese, molybdenum, boron, titanium, vanadium, radium, zinc and cobalt. These are valuable biological catalysts.

The presence of iron salts in grape juice has an important influence on the vital functions of organs and systems. With their help, red blood cells are actively formed. The pulp and skin of grape berries contains a lot of pectin, which has antitoxic properties and helps the body get rid of radioactive elements, heavy metals and various toxins. The vitamin complex of grapes consists of vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B and P. Enzymes normalize food digestion and tissue regeneration.

The enzyme lipase breaks down fats and promotes their digestion. Useful are peroxidase, catechol oxidase, aldolase, esterase. Important elements of grape juice include tannins, coloring, aromatic and nitrogenous substances, and phytoncides. Fresh grape juice has an antiseptic effect and prevents the influence of pathogens of various diseases.

Application of grapes

The medicinal properties of grapes make it possible to use it in the treatment of anemia, some cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis, and chronic hepatitis. The berries are used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and to improve health in acute and chronic nephritis and nephrosis. Consumption of grape berries and juice is a good prevention of the formation of urinary sand and kidney stones.

It is recommended to take grapes for chronic forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. The plant exhibits medicinal properties for catarrh of the pharynx and larynx, gout, and prevents the occurrence of many diseases. Organic acids have a calming effect and enhance the activity of the pancreas. In case of hypertension, grapes act as an antihypertensive agent; there is a weakening of cardiac impulses and a decrease in pulse rate. Under the influence of organic acids, the activity of the pancreas increases.

Doctors recommend grapes to people with gastrointestinal problems to increase the secretion and acidity of gastric juice. It is useful to consume fresh grape juice for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and asthma. When taking grapes, due to stimulation of the bone marrow, the function of the hematopoietic organs improves. One glass of grape juice supplies the body with the daily norm of vitamins B, C, and R. Grape therapy is practiced in famous health resorts in the Crimea, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and the Central Asian republics.

grape berries

Juicy grapes are berries, the size and weight of which can vary. The berries are white, gray, pink, red, dark blue. The taste of berries of cultivated varieties can be neutral, fresh, herbaceous, nutmeg, strawberry, nightshade. Grape berries vary in shape: they are round, ovoid, oval, oblong-curved. The skin can be dense and thin, easily or difficult to separate from the pulp, covered with a waxy coating or without it.

The pulp of the berries has a different structure: in some varieties it is very soft, in others it is of medium density, it can be hard and very hard. Before ripening, young green berries evaporate water through their surface, respire and produce organic substances; there is practically no sugar in them. As it ripens, the amount of sugar increases, the acid content decreases, and the number of esters and coloring substances in the skin increases.

Calorie content of grapes

Sweet, pleasant-tasting grapes contain sugar. Because of their calorie content, grapes can rightfully be called an irreplaceable product that can satisfy hunger and replenish energy reserves. In white varieties of grapes, the calorie content is 43 kilocalories per 100 g, in red varieties - 64 kilocalories, the carbohydrate content is 17 g. It is a mistaken belief that eating grapes causes weight gain. Grapes increase appetite, weight is gained due to the food eaten. If you eat 10–15 berries a day and adhere to moderation in food, then you will not be overweight.

Grape seed oil

Grape seeds are endowed with many properties that have a beneficial effect in the treatment of many diseases. But biologically active substances are preserved only in oil obtained by cold pressing. It contains bioflavonoids that are reminiscent in structure of female hormones (estrogens), a large amount of vitamin E, vitamin C, as well as zinc, copper, and selenium. Grapeseed oil is considered the most powerful natural antioxidant that increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

The oil helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and is useful as a prophylactic for the early stages of hypertension. Daily consumption of a teaspoon of grape oil significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and arthritis. It is also recommended to take the oil to improve immunity and protect against infectious diseases. Grape seed oil supplies the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, tannins, enzymes, chlorophyll, potassium, sodium, and iron.

Medicinal oil prevents strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis, rosacea. The use of grape seed oil in combination with therapy for varicose veins and hemorrhoids ensures rapid recovery. This excellent remedy has regenerating properties that help maintain skin elasticity and is suitable for treating acne, pimples, healing abrasions, cuts and burns.

Indications for taking grape seed oil are problems associated with disruption of the digestive system, hepatitis, and biliary tract diseases. Making grape seed oil at home is based on the mutual penetration and replacement of oils; in physics, this process is called diffusion.

Homemade grape seed oil recipe

The seeds of fully ripe berries must be washed with water, dried in the oven at a temperature of 40–45 degrees, crushed in a meat grinder or coffee grinder, filled with them into a half-liter jar, compacting the crushed mass, and filled with refined sunflower oil. As it is absorbed, the oil should be added to cover the raw material by 0.5–1 cm.

The mixture should be tightly closed with a lid and kept in the refrigerator for seven days, stirring from time to time. After infusion, you need to squeeze out the seeds through two layers of gauze and again leave them in a closed jar for 2-3 days. Carefully, trying not to shake, the greenish oil that has collected at the top is poured into the bottle.

To obtain a more concentrated grape oil, the resulting oil is poured into fresh crushed mass from the seeds and the entire procedure is repeated.

Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract is used to treat venous diseases. This is a powerful antioxidant agent that strengthens capillaries, is effective against thrombosis, helps well with varicose veins, trophic ulcers, increases hemoglobin, normalizes the blood formula, prevents platelet aggregation, and has a wide spectrum of bactericidal and antiviral effects.

It has been proven that in case of pathologies of the retina and optic nerve, grape seed extract improves visual functions and hemodynamics of the eyes. The tonic properties of the healing agent improve sleep and relieve psycho-emotional arousal. There is a decrease in chronic fatigue syndrome. During mental and physical overload and stress, the beneficial substances in the extract replenish the body with an energy charge.

Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract contains glycosides, fructose, phlobafen, enine. This product contains malic, phosphoric, silicon, salicylic, citric, succinic, and oxalic acids in large quantities. Due to the presence of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium salts, vitamins B1, B2, A, C, tannins, phlobaphen and lecithin in the extract, cell renewal occurs. The value of the remedy is its powerful antioxidants that neutralize enzymes that destroy the structure of connective tissues.

As a result of their action, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the level of collagen in the skin, tendons, and cartilage is normalized. The extract is capable of restoring the function of the retina and is taken as a prophylactic agent to prevent myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Smoking, side effects of medications and poor environment affect people's health; Grape seed extract will help remove toxins and reduce the negative effects of harmful substances on the body.

Grape seed tincture

An alcoholic tincture of grape seeds can be prepared at home. To do this, the seeds of red grape varieties are washed, dried with a napkin, crushed and placed in a half-liter jar. The raw materials are poured with 250 ml of vodka, tightly closed and kept in a dark place for a month, shaking daily. When the tincture is ready, it must be strained and taken for five days, 1 drop per day with meals, then a break must be taken for five days. The tincture is used to treat throat diseases, using it as a gargle.

Red grapes

Red grapes have a lot of healing properties and promote health, so they are very highly valued by modern nutritionists. Red grape varieties are especially useful, as they contain a huge amount of various substances and acids that normalize heart rhythms. Its seeds, skin and stalk contain catechin, quercetin, lutein and other phytoestrogens. They prevent atherosclerosis in women after 45 years of age. Eating red grapes changes the blood formula, which leads to improved nutrition of all organs and systems, restores blood circulation, and reduces blood pressure in hypertension.

Red grapes promote normal digestion, reduce stomach acidity, and treat chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers. Red grapes have a beneficial effect on the body for frequent colds and bronchitis. The diuretic properties of red grapes allow you to get rid of toxins. Incredibly healthy berries serve as a preventative against kidney and bladder diseases. The juice and berries of red grapes will be the best natural cure for arthritis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis.

Raisin grapes

Kishmish is a very tasty and sweet grape variety that grows in Central Asia. Its calorie content in 100 g is 95 kcal, in raisins - almost 270 kcal. These grapes are distinguished by the absence of seeds and come in black and white. It contains vitamins, minerals, large amounts of sugars, carbohydrates and organic acids. The use of such a wonderful product is recommended to relieve irritability in stressful situations, nervous tension and fatigue. The cobalt, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and iron present in sultanas contribute to the excellent functioning of the digestive tract and improve metabolic processes.

Kishmish grapes are useful for their antioxidant properties. The opinion about the valuable qualities of sultana berries is indisputable: by eating just a few berries a day or drinking a glass of freshly prepared juice, you can prevent kidney and liver diseases. Grapes are also useful for low blood pressure, blood and vascular diseases. It can help boost immunity and improve the well-being of people with asthma.

Dried sultanas are no less useful. From time immemorial, raisins have been considered a valuable product; they retain all the nutrients, vitamins and beneficial properties inherent in fresh berries. The content of oleanolic acid and phytochemicals in raisins, especially black ones, helps reduce the number of bacteria that cause oral diseases. However, it should not be consumed in large quantities.

Black grapes

Black grapes (table grapes) ripen in the fall. Its berries are oblong, obovate, and are large or very large in size. The skins and seeds of black grapes contain large amounts of resveratrol, which may help fight cancer. The anti-inflammatory effect of the beneficial substance is effective against breast, colon and rectal cancer. It is known that 200 g of red wine contains a daily dose of vitamins PP and P. Grapes and products made from them prevent the expansion of veins and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Eating valuable berries helps increase the body's resistance to colds. Extracts, oils and seed extracts prepared from black grapes help cope with the negative effects of viruses, radiation, normalize the immune system and improve hormonal levels. To prevent many diseases, it is enough to eat a small bunch of grapes several times a week or drink grape juice diluted with water.

Wild grapes

Wild, or maiden, grapes can be edible, tasty and healthy. There are many varieties of it. The fruits of the plant contain carbohydrates, pigments, dextrose, and pectin. Tartaric, malic, and citric acids are also present. The seeds contain fatty oil. The fruits are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea. The berries are suitable for raisins, for making vinegar and producing oil.

The climbing plant is ideal for decorating the walls of houses, trees and fences. Wild grapes grow in any garden plot, easily withstand wintering, but require attention and care: they, like other cultivated varieties, must be pruned and watered.

How to store grapes

For long-term storage, it is necessary to choose healthy bunches without mold or damage; the berries must be dry, whole, without dents, shiny and dense.

Storage of grapes will be of high quality only in a dark, cool, well-ventilated and dry room. The optimal storage temperature is +5–7 degrees Celsius. The walls of the room must be whitened with lime milk for disinfection and fumigated with sulfur.

Methods for storing grapes

1. You can cut the fruits along with the branch, fill the cuts with wax or paraffin so that air and bacteria do not penetrate into the core, hang them on an elongated rope at such a distance that the bunches do not touch.

2. Grapes are also perfectly stored if you cut the bunch together with part of the vine and place the lower cut in a container of water, like a flower in a vase. It is recommended to add a piece of charcoal or a pinch of salt to the water.

3. Small quantities of grapes can be stored in dry sand, cork chips, and sawdust: this reduces water evaporation and keeps the berries fresh for several months.

Contraindications to the use of grapes

Contraindications to grape therapy are: diabetes, obesity, acute forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Before consuming berries and taking various grape-based products, you should consult a doctor. Grapes are not suitable for uremia, hypertension accompanied by edema, colitis, ulcers in the mouth and stomach. It is advisable to use fresh juice, and if canned, then without the presence of preservatives.