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Good and evil for children reasoning. Essays on Russian language and literature. Evil is a relative concept

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) Good and evil will give rise to actions specific to the respective cases. (2) Good brings pleasant experiences to others, but evil, on the contrary, wants him to suffer. (3) Do you feel it? (4) Good wants to protect someone from suffering, and evil wants to protect someone from pleasure. (5) Good rejoices in the happiness of others, evil in the suffering of others. (6) Good suffers from someone else’s suffering, and evil suffers from someone else’s happiness. (7) Good is ashamed of its motives, and evil is ashamed of its own. (8) Therefore, good disguises itself as a small evil, and evil disguises itself as a great good. (9) How does this happen, you say? (10) How is this good disguised? (11) Didn’t you really notice?..

(12) This happens every day, every day! (13) Good generously and shyly tries to hide its good motives, reduces them, disguises them as morally negative ones. (14) Or under neutral. (15) “No need for gratitude, it didn’t cost me anything.” (16) “This thing took up extra space, I didn’t know where to put it.” (17) “Don’t be mistaken, I’m not that sentimental, I’m terribly greedy, stingy, and this happened by accident, a whim suddenly came over me. (18) “Take it quickly, before I change my mind.” (19) Good is painful to listen to when people thank him. (20) But evil... (21) This comrade willingly accepts gratitude for his good deeds, even for non-existent ones, and loves to be rewarded loudly and in front of witnesses.

(22) Good is careless, acts without reasoning, and evil is a great professor of morality. (23) And he always gives a good justification for his dirty tricks.

(24) Aren’t you surprised by the harmony and orderliness of these manifestations? (25) How blind people are! (26) However, it is difficult to figure out where is light and where is dark. (27) The light one courageously says: “How light I am, I have a lot of dark spots.” (28) And the dark shouts: “I am all made of silver and the rays of the sun, but who can suspect a flaw in me!” (29) It’s impossible to behave any other way. (30) As soon as he says: “Here I have dark spots, too, the critics will rejoice and start talking. (31) No, you can’t! (32) That it is good to show off one’s virtues and suppress people with one’s nobility, that it is good to talk about one’s dirty tricks—neither one nor the other is unthinkable.

(33) Is a person capable of resisting evil, defeating it, establishing goodness, or, doomed to defeat, must he retreat and suppress his powerlessness?

(34) There is no limit to the improvement of the world, of man, therefore evil can be limited, but ultimately defeated... (35) Hardly. (36) But as long as a person lives, he will strive for good and to curb evil.

(according to V. Dudintsev)


Good and evil are two extremes opposed to each other. There is enough of both in the world and it is quite difficult to determine what we are faced with at any given moment. Good is grace, it is self-sacrifice, it is the ability to live correctly, without demanding anything in return. Evil is a lie, a pretense, a desire for one’s own benefit by any means.


The problem of the collision of good and evil is raised in his text by V. Dudintsev. Reflecting on these two opposing categories, he asks the question: is a person capable of resisting evil, taking the path of good, or is it his fate to powerlessly kneel before evil?

A comment

The author reflects that good and evil give rise to actions appropriate to a given situation. Good sows pleasant feelings, moods and experiences, while evil, on the contrary, causes suffering to people. Good protects from suffering, and evil from happiness. Good is saddened by the misfortunes of others, and evil oppresses the joy of others.

The author is also confident that good and evil are equally ashamed of their motives. Therefore, they disguise them: good presents its motives as random, negative or neutral, and evil presents them as generosity and nobility. Dobro says: “It was not difficult for me.” And evil gladly accepts gratitude for its actions.

Good acts spontaneously, not caring about consequences and benefits, while evil is prudent and cold-blooded, convincing everyone of the goodness of its motives.

It is often difficult for people to understand where good actually is and where evil is. After all, good slanderes itself, convincing everyone that it is not without sin, not without dark spots. Evil, on the contrary, praises itself, convinces of its own innocence and perfection. Neither one nor the other can do otherwise. Otherwise, life will become too obvious and meaningless.

Author's position

V. Dudintsev is convinced that man is constantly improving, just like the world around him. Therefore, there is hope that evil can be limited in its power, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to defeat it completely. However, as long as a person is alive, he will invariably strive for good and to overcome evil.

Your position

I would like to say that the author is wrong, and sooner or later a person will completely defeat evil in his soul and in the world around him. But it is quite obvious that this is not the case. It will not be possible to completely overcome evil, because it is excellent at camouflaging itself, hiding under the guise of goodness and best intentions. This misconception is what primarily prevents humanity from defeating everything dark in our world and building an ideal social system. A lot of people died in the fight against injustice, against evil, against darkness.

Argument No. 1

I remember the image of Danko from M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”, who gave his life for the good of his people. In search of light, people wandered through the forest thickets for a long time, losing their way due to darkness. They had already lost heart and began to blame the one who led them - a young and strong man named Danko.

To save the people, Danko tore out his burning heart and began to illuminate their path. When the crowd left the thicket, Danko fell powerless, and one cautious person trampled his heart with his foot.

This is how people repaid the young man for his salvation, for the good that he did for them.

Argument No. 2

Another example that proves the ambiguity of people’s behavior in the name of good, when evil is disguised as good intentions, is Rodion Raskolnikov from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

The hero created a whole theory in which he considered all the points of assistance to those in need. But to achieve an idyll, he had to kill the old pawnbroker and her sick sister, who was carrying a child. As a result, his theory was debunked by him.


It is difficult to imagine a person who evaluates his every action from the standpoint of good or evil. More often we act as our inner self allows us. And each of our actions can be assessed in two ways - by doing good for someone, we can hurt another person. But at the same time, I believe that most of us still strive more for goodness and justice.

Essay on the topic of Good and Evil 5, 11th grade

Essay on the topic of Good and Evil, grade 11


1. Many years of struggle against evil

2. People’s cruelty to each other

3. Eternal confrontation in the work “Faust”

4. Warmth of family relationships

5. Avoid rudeness for the sake of goodness

Good and evil are two concepts that always go hand in hand at all times. No, they are not allies, there is an eternal struggle between them. Unfortunately, in our life, not everything is as simple as in fairy tales. Kindness does not always defeat dark forces.

Outside the window is the 21st century. High technologies are rapidly developing, making human life much easier. There is so much beauty around us, we should live and rejoice! But people are gripped by anger and hatred. There are wars in many parts of the world. And it’s not clear why you should hurt and make people like you cry.

Profit and wealth have captured the human mind. For this, people are ready to offend, betray and even take life. Do not offend others, because even a minor offense can give rise to great evil.

In literary works, when the author describes evil as a winner, this is not a call to do as the negative hero does, it is an advice to think about it. For example, in Goethe’s tragedy “Faust” a very real struggle is shown. The hero, selling his soul to the devil, understands that the consequences may be irreversible, but takes this step in order to satisfy his ambitions, for the sake of profit and debauchery. He deceives the one who was infinitely faithful to him and loved him with all her heart. Are his actions worth the human sacrifice?!

Every reader should think about the fact that you cannot achieve your goals by trampling on the feelings and principles of others. The struggle between love and hate, respect and hostility can also manifest itself in family relationships. In my opinion, there is nothing worse when family and friends hurt each other. After all, family is happiness, the warmth of loving hearts. And when these hearts become callous, it is a huge problem. You cannot run away from it without a solution. In Gogol's story "The Drowned Woman", just such a misfortune is described. There is an evil spirit involved in the events of the work, and this may seem like a fairy tale. But the author manages to convey to the reader the idea that by following our selfish desires, we can destroy the people closest to us. The father, who did not believe his daughter, who was slandered by her witch stepmother, throws her out of the house. He pushes his own blood to commit suicide because his young wife and carnal pleasures come first.

Look around! Perhaps there is someone next to you who needs a good word, a kind deed. Start changing your perception of some things in life. It seems to me that the irritability and rudeness that I often see among people on the street, in transport, in shops, makes them angry. Do not follow the lead of the instigator of the quarrel. Remember, the less negativity each of us throws out, the kinder the world will be.

Essay on the topic “Good and Evil” (5th grade)


1. Light and dark forces in fairy tales

2. My deepest desire

3. Don’t offend others

From early childhood, our mothers and fathers, grandparents, teach us that doing good is right. After all, it will return in even greater quantities. And when someone is offended at you, you yourself may feel bad. Even from fairy tales it becomes clear that light forces always defeat dark ones. But is this so in real life, and not in the one described in children's books?

I think there is evil everywhere. One of my main desires is for him not to exist in our world. So that people are smiling and friendly, so that grief bypasses everyone.

It seems to me that when a senior student offends a junior, this is also bad, anger plays in him. When abandoning pets to their fate, think about how difficult it will be for them. After all, an animal will never hurt you. Why is a person given such a right?

Let all evil people simply disappear or become good in an instant. If only a wizard would appear and do everything exactly like that! And then they wouldn’t abandon little children who need a mom and dad. They would remember their old parents. It would be wonderful if there were no wars and everyone lived in peace. I really want the world to become kinder.

How good it is that most people in the world are filled with goodness. Yes, many of us do bad things, make mistakes, do not always behave correctly, but we do good deeds with the greatest pleasure. This is facilitated by moral and ethical standards that operate both in society and in the minds of every person. Therefore, in the world, good always triumphs over evil. Children's fairy tales teach us this, when the good Fairy helps Cinderella get to the ball, or in Pushkin's poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” the evil wizard is defeated by a brave and courageous knight who fights for the honor of his beloved.

Where does evil come from? It is generated by negative emotions: hatred and fear, envy and anger. The dark side of the human soul constantly protests against the truth of light, the confrontation that grows inside gives rise to aggression and discontent, a feeling of incomprehension and weakness - hence rudeness, ridicule, humiliation and insult, revenge. A psychologically angry person feels unprotected and becomes defensive. He creates new evil, multiplies it, and in the end he either feels guilty or finally dies as a person. Because a huge amount of evil in the soul leads to self-destruction. To commit evil acts means to show weakness, because it is much more difficult to smile in response to ridicule or meanness, or even to help your offender in difficult times. Thus, once done, good overcomes evil.

We do good deeds selflessly, good deeds are dictated to us by honor and conscience - the main comrades-in-arms of worldly good. Any step directed towards the creation of good ennobles and elevates a person. Goodwill attracts new friends, unexpected help in difficult situations, and it is not without reason that a positive-minded person is valued in society much higher than a pessimist. Therefore, the eternal problem on earth is the struggle between good and evil. A kind person tries to improve himself in everything and preserve peace by any means, he makes concessions, gives the strength of his soul to people, gives joy, without demanding anything in return.

Living with your heart is quite difficult, but the ability to feel other people and sympathize with their troubles helps a kind person to work on himself and gives him confidence in his abilities.

For example, political diplomacy calls for humanity and justice, compromise and mutual understanding. Thus, the leaders of opposing states manage to avoid conflicts and military action.

Friendly participation and the desire to find a common language, endless patience and respect for others help a kind person correct an evil interlocutor. When you say to an aggressive person: “Calm down, I don’t wish you harm, I’m your friend. How can I help you?”, then the enemy also becomes kinder. He does not feel danger and does not have to defend himself, dark colors become bright again, and life takes on a new meaning.

You need to try to do harm to anyone, to cause evil that can come back, but to do good deeds and teach others to do the same. And then good will finally defeat evil.

Essays on the topic “Good and Evil” are assigned to schoolchildren in primary school. Children write essays on this topic in literature, social studies, and music lessons, examining this topic from a variety of angles.

What should you consider when writing?

When writing an essay on the topic “Good and Evil,” you need to rely on some work (if you were assigned it in literature). It is necessary to compare the heroes of this work with different moral qualities.

But usually children are given an essay on such a topic to test their level of reading, perception of the world, and how they can reason and analyze. The theme "Good and Evil" allows you to do this. It’s quite easy to write an essay if you know how to think through information and analyze it.


Ideally, any essay should consist of three paragraphs: an introduction, the main part, which reveals the whole meaning, and a conclusion.

An introduction must be written, even if it is a mini-essay on the topic “Good and Evil.” It is from the beginning of your reasoning and narration that the reader’s further perception of the rest of the text depends. The introduction reveals the meaning of the subsequent text; you should inform the reader about what you want to write about, as well as your position. The introduction should be short, about 2-5 sentences, no more. Examples of introduction for an essay on the topic “Good and Evil”:

  1. Our big world is divided into white and black, good and evil. Absolutely every person has encountered both good and evil at some point in his life. This topic is the most relevant today, which is why it is so important to discuss the topic of good and evil, their interaction and differences.
  2. From early childhood we are read books and fairy tales about the opposition between good and evil. The theme of good and evil has always existed on our planet; it is the most relevant. But can good exist without evil? How do good and evil interact? Let's try to speculate on this topic.

“Good and Evil” is not that difficult to write if you have something to say. The introduction is always much more difficult than writing the main part of the essay and conclusion. Many experienced writers say that starting a story, even for them, is much more difficult than finishing it.

Main part of the essay

Essays on the topic “Good and Evil” are food for thought for any person, both an adult and a child. In the main part, you can give arguments from life, literary works, and personal experience. The main part can consist of 10-20 sentences, and for a mini-essay even 8. Ideas for writing the main part of such an essay:

  1. Psychologists believe that everything in our lives comes back like a boomerang. This assumption, the theory, has existed in practice for many years and is proven by examples from life and literary works. If a person does good, then, as a rule, it will definitely return to him. The proverb “don’t do good to people, you won’t get evil” refutes the boomerang theory, but this proverb is rarely true. In fact, a person who does good receives it in return. Perhaps from another person, but he receives it. A person who does good is happy and believes in the kindness of other people. He lives surrounded by a world of good-natured people. An evil person who commits evil against other people does not receive good in his life, but only anger and aggression from others.
  2. Can good exist without evil? I think not. God created evil so that people would understand. If people did not know, they would not value such things as good deeds. A person towards whom only evil is constantly manifested begins to value good deeds and perform them himself. This is observed in many examples, for example in the book When the boy was little, he was offended and disliked. But there were strangers in his life who gave him kindness. Since childhood, David felt the sharp difference between good and evil, so he learned to value goodness and tried to do the same with people.

Conclusion of the essay

At the conclusion of the essay on the topic “Good and Evil,” it is necessary to make a brief conclusion of your reasoning and speculation. For a long essay, this section can reach up to seven sentences, and for a mini-essay, up to four. In conclusion, you need to say the same thing as in the main part, but at the same time convey only the main essence.

Essay “Good and Evil.”

Every person at some point wonders what good and evil are, and how far they are from each other. From early childhood, we are all taught to understand what is good and what is bad. But not everyone fully understands the nature of these concepts, and which side needs to be chosen. Do you even need to choose?

I believe that a good person is, first of all, one who is inclined to self-sacrifice. He is always merciful to others, animals, nature. Such a person is simply not able to refuse when he is asked to help; he has a kind word for anyone.

Doing good deeds is always more difficult - you always have to deny yourself something, infringe on your needs. It is very difficult to maintain a balance between good and evil within yourself. However, the feeling of satisfaction that comes after a good deed is difficult to compare with anything else.

It happens that a person falls under the negative influence of another person, or a group of people. And together with them he begins to do completely unacceptable things that he would never have done alone. Most often this happens to very complex people. They are very afraid of not being like everyone else, but there may be other reasons. I believe that under any circumstances a person should remain human and think for himself. And the evil that was caused to other people will certainly return to the offenders.

What happens when good and evil are so closely interconnected and it is impossible to understand who is playing on which side? The best examples of this are always found in literary works. For example, “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. Woland and his retinue, personifying evil, did good deeds: they dealt with officials mired in corruption, bureaucrats, and helped those who loved find happiness. At the same time, pure goodness in the work was personified only by Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

In the real world, the balance between good and evil is maintained by people. And I think that's how it should be. It will never be possible to eradicate evil completely, and this is not necessary. Otherwise, a person simply will not be able to understand the difference and choose the right road. There are many terrorist attacks, wars and injustice happening on Earth, but at the same time there are those who are able to lend a helping hand to the victims, those who can protect them. As a counterbalance to theft, there are free charities. This is balance. And goodness begins with each of us, it exists - inside every person.