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Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Wheel, what does it mean to see the Wheel in a dream. Interpretation of the dream wheel in dream books In a dream, see a car with a flat tire

Similar: wind wheel, impeller, impeller, satellite, trib, tribka, spare wheel, pneumatic wheel, wheel, gear, poncellet, chigir, chakra, propulsion, flywheel, pulley, Car, Gear, Gear, steering wheel, ramp, colo, safety, somersault, coup, tsar, Galaxy

Wheel in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • See - well-being
  • Rotating - you will quickly reach your intended goal
  • Broken - difficulty in business.
  • Interpretation in Miss Hasse's Dream Book Sleep Wheel:

  • Wheel of Happiness - The situation will get worse.
  • Why do you dream about the Wheel? Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita?

    Wheel - humility, work, worries - rotating - you will quickly achieve your intended goal - broken - difficulty in business

    IN Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita if you dream about the Wheel:

    Wheel of happiness - the situation will worsen

    If you dream about the Wheel? IN Freud's Dream Book:

  • A wheel seen in a dream indicates that someone who you would really like to like and with whom you would not mind spending the night is thinking about you, but always thought that this was impossible. If you don’t yet know who we are talking about, then there is reason to think and look around. Look at your friends or even co-workers: you have known everyone for a long time, and it seems that you already know everything about each of them. Are you sure that one of them does not feel sympathy for you?
  • If in a dream you saw a wheel falling off a cart or car, then this is not a very good sign. He says that you have let into your life a person who should not have been allowed within a shot of a cannon. If you do not take any action to reduce its influence, then you may develop serious health problems, which will be much more difficult to solve than to acquire them.
  • Putting the wheel in its place - the dream symbolizes calm. Just recently you made some important decision for you, now you live in a peaceful state. You should not relax too much, otherwise even a small problem can lead you to despair. On the other hand, you will never be able to live as before, turning your own life into a swamp. So a state of peace at the moment is ideal for you
  • If in a dream you found a wheel in some vacant lot or field, then such a dream suggests that soon a person who has warm feelings towards you will present you with a pleasant surprise or a gift that will be remembered for a long time. Perhaps they will help you fulfill a certain desire.
  • Interpretation of the dream Wheel Esoteric dream book:

  • Backward or counterclockwise - life turns back, situations repeat themselves.
  • Spin forward or clockwise - there are no barriers to positive changes, everything will go smoothly.
  • The dream is associated with "times". The beginning of a new cycle. It's time to start a new life, decide to make drastic changes.
  • Seeing the Wheel in a dream Ukrainian dream book:

  • Illness, loss, broken hope; with an axis - to love.
  • What does it mean to see a Wheel in a dream? Modern dream book?

  • If in a dream you see rapidly rotating wheels, then in reality you should be prudent and energetic in business in order to achieve happiness and prosperity. Fixed or broken wheels indicate possible separation from loved ones.
  • What does a Wheel mean in a dream? Miller's Dream Book?

    Wheels - to see rapidly spinning wheels in a dream - foretells that you will be prudent and energetic in business and will successfully achieve family happiness. Seeing stationary or broken wheels speaks of death or the departure of someone from your family.

    Wheel in a dream Assyrian dream book:

  • If you saw a wheel in a dream, you will have twins in your family.
  • See the Wheel in a dream. IN Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • change - absurd claims to the sleeping person,
  • slow is hard work.
  • spin quickly - success;
  • What does Wheel mean? Noble dream book:

  • Slowly spinning or standing still - a small loss.
  • Lubricating it means money, profit.
  • A broken or falling wheel is bad luck.
  • Riding a wheel is a quick success.
  • See the wheel, it is spinning quickly - big changes are coming.
  • Seeing a Wheel in a dream. IN Schiller's Dream Book:

  • humility, work and care.
  • What does the Wheel mean? Italian dream book:

  • Represents a closed, repeating movement within itself. Usually means fixation on something. As a precise mechanism, the wheel indicates the movement of mechanically repeating information in the human brain, as well as the clarification of the work of the social and universal “Super-ego”. A gear wheel always means mechanical negativity. This image can only be positive when the spinning wheel moves in open space.
  • What does a Wheel mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation of Health?

  • Seeing a whole standing or rotating wheel is a symbol of a prosperous stage in life; A broken wheel means problems in business or health.
  • Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing rapidly spinning wheels in a dream- portends that you will be prudent and energetic in business and will successfully achieve family happiness.

    See- talks about the death or departure of someone from your family.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Wheel- symbolizes the cyclical movement of life. A return to previous problems at a new stage.

    See the wheel spinning- to change.

    Losing a wheel from a car- probability of an accident, advice to refuse the trip.

    Change a tire- procrastination in business.

    Freud's Dream Book

    The wheel, oddly enough- is primarily a phallic symbol and symbolizes the level of potency.

    New wheel- indicates the absence of problems in the sexual sphere.

    Old or flat tire- speaks of the loss of male strength. Changing a wheel means wanting to change your sexual partner.

    Wheel seen in a dream- indicates that someone who would really like you and with whom you would not mind spending the night is thinking about you, but always thought that this was impossible. If you don’t yet know who we are talking about, then there is reason to think and look around. Look at your friends or even co-workers: you have known everyone for a long time, and it seems that you already know everything about each of them. Are you sure that one of them does not feel sympathy for you?

    If in a dream you found a wheel in some vacant lot or field- then such a dream suggests that soon a person who has warm feelings towards you will present you with a pleasant surprise or a gift that will be remembered for a long time. Perhaps they will help you fulfill a certain desire.

    If in a dream you saw a wheel fall off a cart or car- this is not a very good sign. He says that you have let into your life a person who should not have been allowed within a shot of a cannon. If you do not take any action to reduce its influence, then you may develop serious health problems, which will be much more difficult to solve than to acquire them.

    Put the wheel in its place- the dream symbolizes peace. Just recently you made some important decision for you, now you live in a peaceful state. You should not relax too much, otherwise even a small problem can lead you to despair. On the other hand, you will never be able to live as before, turning your own life into a swamp. So a state of peace at the moment is very useful for you.

    Dream book of lovers

    If you dream of spinning wheels- this means that you will achieve happiness in love. Broken wheels dream of separation from your loved one.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    Wheel- this symbol, like everything round, was the personification of the sun and eternity, infinity, because the wheel has no beginning and end. At the same time, once the wheel was invented, it became the property of everyone and became a proverb: “to reinvent the wheel,” which means spending energy on something that does not require effort, because it is easy and accessible; try in vain; waste time.

    The symbol of the wheel-sun is very ancient, it has existed since pagan times- carries an abstract meaning. In a dream, it foreshadows something general, related to life in general, rather than something specific. Some peoples personify the infinity of the wheel with the infinity of life, hence the magnitude of the meanings of dreams in which there is a symbol of the wheel.

    The dream means that they will bring you news about a person whom you have been looking for for a long time and have lost hope of learning anything about him.

    To see a dream in which you are trying to move a cart to which a horse is harnessed, but find that this is not possible because the wheels are jammed with sticks inserted between the spokes - this dream notifies you of the troubles and problems that will fall on you in the near future time, it is quite possible that those whom you previously considered good friends will take up arms against you.

    Seeing in a dream a pile of parts from which you need to assemble a new device, but nothing except a wheel is assembled- means that you will be entrusted with a difficult task that no one else can do; unexpectedly you will be asked for help at the most inopportune moment.

    Seeing a person who resembles a circus performer because he moves along the street pedaling a wheel that is inserted between his legs- a change in life awaits you ahead, which will greatly surprise you; the change will be associated with a powerful person who will burst into your life.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Wheel in a dream- a symbol of ingenuity and dexterity.

    See a lonely broken wheel- a sign that your carefully developed plans may not come true, and the efforts made will not bear the desired fruit.

    Whole, good wheel, lying separately- marks a call not to bury your talents in the ground, but to find worthy use for them.

    Roll a wheel along the road- a symbol of a waste of energy and abilities wasted on nonsense. Such a dream encourages you to direct your energy in a more worthy direction.

    Seeing stopped or broken wheels- portends an accident or absence of one of your loved ones.

    Wheel squeak in a dream- means stagnation in business, temporary difficulties.

    If the wheel axle works smoothly, rhythmically, making a pleasant sound- this means that your business will now progress well, without any difficulties.

    Eastern women's dream book

    If you see the wheels spinning fast- you should be more prudent and energetic in business in order to achieve happiness and prosperity.

    Fixed or broken wheels- portend separation from loved ones.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Wheel- a reminder that the periphery is restless and changeable, the need to move to the center. The need for integrity. A reminder of the law “Up is equal to down.”

    Punctured wheel, missing wheels- a reflection of an inflexible worldview.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Inflate a car tire- for a trip to the country.

    Puncture a car tire- to an accident.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    Spin a wheel in a dream- to endless work.

    Inflate a car tire- for some trip.

    Puncture a car tire in a dream- to a car accident.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Spin a wheel in a dream- promote your business successfully.

    Inflate the tire- to quick suffering.

    To puncture tire- to an unsuccessful trip.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Wheel see- well-being; rotating- you will quickly achieve your goal; broken- difficulty in business; wheel of happiness- the situation will worsen.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Seeing a stationary wheel in a dream- a sign of well-being and prosperity.

    Fast spinning wheels- they say that you will quickly achieve your goal, being prudent, energetic in business and charming in relationships with people around you.

    broken wheel- portends difficulties in matters related to personal life.

    A flat tire, or even worse, a punctured tire- talks about the departure of one of the friends or the death of one of the relatives.

    Mill wheel seen in a dream- portends true love and a happy marriage. Hear the noise from his work- in reality, the desired profit from your investment awaits you.

    Slowly but non-stop turning wheels- start some business, the completion of which will be constantly moving away.

    A wheel that comes off and falls- portends a loss of money, which you will painlessly make up from another source.

    Roll the wheel- unexpectedly receive a task that will just as unexpectedly be canceled as soon as you begin to complete it.

    Women's dream book

    Wheels spinning quickly in a dream- portend prudence and energy in business, family happiness.

    Fixed or broken wheels- may mean the departure or death of one of the relatives.

    Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

    “Wheel of Life”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Wheel of Karma”- all this relates to the ever-changing nature of reality. Everything changes. This is the law of life. However, the center of the wheel is motionless, nothing changes there. This is the nature of the spirit. We have a great wheel that covers everything- mystery and form, life and death, external and internal, the endless play of two opposing and at the same time harmonizing forces of the universe.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    If you see a wheel in a dream that is spinning quickly- big changes are coming in your life; spins slowly or has stopped- expect a small loss; To a tree that has been punctured or unexpectedly flown off its axle- to failure; ride on a wheel- to quick success; lubricate it- to receive money, profit; change a car tire- to loss from delay; pump up a tire- to luck in business or in love; buy it- to vain warnings; lose a wheel- this is a call for caution.

    Medieval dream book of Daniel

    See the wheel spinning- to joy.

    Italian dream book

    Wheel- closed repetitive movement of oneself. A designation of cyclicality approaching obsession. The typical interpretation for visible movement is obvious motionless stability. It also denotes specific, social, universal super-egos.

    In the case of a gear- synonymous with mechanical negativity. This image can be positive when the rotation of the wheel leads to obvious movement in space.

    Dream book of lovers

    If you dream about a wheel- this means that the person to whom you are attracted and with whom you would like to establish a closer relationship is thinking about you. Perhaps some of your long-time acquaintances are no longer content with simple friendly relationships and are counting on more. Take a closer look at those around you: perhaps you will understand which of them is not indifferent to you.

    Find a wheel in a dream- means that a gift awaits you from a loved one who loves you. This dream can also mean the fulfillment of your desires.

    A dream in which a wheel fell off a car- means that you are communicating with a person who is capable of harming you. You made a mistake by getting into a relationship with him, and it will cost you dearly. His influence can also harm your health, so break off all ties with him as soon as possible.

    If you put the wheel back in place- this means that you experience peace and tranquility. You recently did an important thing that changed your life, and now you are happy.

    Dream Interpretation of Dashka

    Wheel- a symbol of movement.

    See yourself on a chariot with big wheels- it means you have very good prospects. Beware that they will not put a spoke in your wheels.

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    Wheel- dynamic principle of movement. The Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel of Samsara, the Wheel of the Year, the Self, an integrated internal state consisting of a finite number of elements. Cyclicity and rapid change of events with internal motionless stability.

    Dream book of a gypsy

    Wheel - illness, loss, broken hope; with axle- to love.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Change the wheel- ridiculous claims to the sleeping person; spins quickly- success; slowly- hard work.

    Collection of dream books

    Wheel- fulfillment of plans.

    If you dreamed of a wheel- you will have twins in your family.

    See a whole standing or rotating wheel- a symbol of a prosperous stage of life; broken- problems in business activities or health.

    Wheel- empty life.

    Rotating wheel- unclean thoughts, desires.

    If you dreamed:

    Dreams from Sunday to Monday

    If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing rapidly spinning wheels in a dream foretells that you will be prudent and energetic in business and will successfully achieve family happiness.

    Seeing stationary or broken wheels speaks of death or the departure of someone from your family.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Freud's Dream Book

    A wheel seen in a dream indicates that someone whom you would really like to like and with whom you would not mind spending the night is thinking about you, but always thought that this was impossible. If you don’t yet know who we are talking about, then there is reason to think and look around. Look at your friends or even co-workers: you have known everyone for a long time, and it seems that you already know everything about each of them. Are you sure that one of them does not feel sympathy for you?

    If in a dream you found a wheel in some vacant lot or field, then such a dream suggests that soon a person who has warm feelings towards you will present you with a pleasant surprise or a gift that will be remembered for a long time. Perhaps they will help you fulfill a certain desire.

    If in a dream you saw a wheel falling off a cart or car, then this is not a very good sign. He says that you have let into your life a person who should not have been allowed within a shot of a cannon. If you do not take any action to reduce its influence, then you may develop serious health problems, which will be much more difficult to solve than to acquire them.

    Putting the wheel in its place - the dream symbolizes calm. Just recently you made some important decision for you, now you live in a peaceful state. You should not relax too much, otherwise even a small problem can lead you to despair. On the other hand, you will never be able to live as before, turning your own life into a swamp. So a state of peace at the moment is very useful for you.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Seeing a wheel means well-being; rotating - you will quickly reach your intended goal; broken - difficulty in business; wheel of happiness - the situation will worsen.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Family dream book

    Rapidly spinning wheels foretell that you will be prudent and energetic in business and will successfully achieve family happiness.

    Fixed or broken wheels warn of the imminent departure of someone in your household.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    A wheel in a dream is a symbol of ingenuity and dexterity.

    Seeing a lonely broken wheel is a sign that your carefully laid plans may not come to fruition, and the efforts made will not bear the desired fruit.

    A whole, good wheel, lying separately, marks a call not to bury your talents in the ground, but to find a worthy use for them.

    Rolling a wheel along the road is a symbol of a waste of energy and abilities wasted on nonsense. Such a dream encourages you to direct your energy in a more worthy direction.

    A cart, car or other vehicle with a broken, flat or stuck wheel means that to successfully advance your business you will need new, innovative ideas and fresh solutions, otherwise you will have to accept failure.

    If you change a tire in a dream, this is a sure sign that you already have a life-saving solution to an urgent problem. Don't be afraid to put it into practice.

    Good wheels on a car, cart or other vehicle indicate that your plans are well thought out, which means you have every chance of achieving well-deserved success.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Spring dream book

    Spinning a wheel in a dream means promoting your business with success.

    Inflating a tire means imminent suffering.

    A punctured tire means a bad trip.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Summer dream book

    Inflating a car tire means a trip to the country.

    Puncture a tire on a car - it will lead to an accident.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Autumn dream book

    Spinning a wheel in a dream means endless work.

    Inflating a car tire means going on a trip.

    Puncturing a car tire in a dream means a car accident.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Seeing a stationary wheel in a dream is a sign of well-being and prosperity.

    Quickly spinning wheels indicate that you will quickly achieve your goal, being prudent, energetic in business and charming in relationships with people around you.

    A broken wheel portends difficulties in matters related to your personal life.

    A flat tire, or even worse, a punctured tire, indicates the departure of one of your friends or the death of one of your relatives.

    A mill wheel seen in a dream foreshadows true love and a happy marriage. Hearing noise from his work - in reality, the desired profit from your investment awaits you.

    Slowly but non-stop rotating wheels - start some kind of business, the completion of which will be constantly moving away.

    A wheel that comes off and falls portends a loss of money, which you will painlessly make up from another source.

    Rolling the wheel means unexpectedly receiving a task that will just as unexpectedly be canceled as soon as you begin to complete it.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Wheel - Submission, work, worries - rotating - you will quickly achieve your intended goal - broken - difficulty in business

    Dreaming of a Ferris Wheel – Seeing a Ferris wheel in a dream is a sign of great success.

    Wheel, rotation - Impure thoughts, desires

    Wheel of Happiness - The situation will get worse.

    Wheel of Happiness – Things will get worse

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Esoteric dream book

    Wheel - the dream is associated with “times”. The beginning of a new cycle. Time to start a new life, decide on drastic changes.

    Spin forward or clockwise - there are no barriers to positive changes, everything will go smoothly.

    Backward or counterclockwise - life turns back, situations repeat themselves.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    Wheels spinning quickly in a dream portend prudence and energy in business, family happiness.

    Fixed or broken wheels can mean the departure or death of a relative.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Azar's Dream Book

    Wheel - Looking at a spinning wheel is a warning: if you continue to say unnecessary things to strangers, serious trouble awaits you.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

    Changing a wheel means absurd claims to the sleeping person; spins quickly - success; slow is hard work.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Modern dream book

    Seeing rapidly spinning wheels in a dream means that you will be thrifty and energetic when conducting your business affairs. Besides. Family happiness awaits you.

    Seeing stopped or broken wheels portends an accident or the absence of one of your loved ones.

    The creaking of a wheel in a dream means stagnation in business, temporary difficulties.

    If the wheel axle works smoothly, rhythmically, making a pleasant sound, this means that your business will now progress well, without any difficulties.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Eastern dream book

    If you see rapidly spinning wheels, you should be more prudent and energetic in your affairs in order to achieve happiness and prosperity.

    Fixed or broken wheels portend separation from loved ones.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

    humility, work and care.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    See the wheel, it is spinning quickly - big changes are coming.

    Slowly spinning or standing still - a small loss.

    A broken or falling wheel is bad luck.

    Riding a wheel is a quick success.

    Lubricating it means money, profit.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Ladies' dream book

    The wheel is the ability to meet change.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Modern dream book

    Wheel - Submissive work, care

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Big dream book

    Wheel - Seeing a stationary wheel in a dream is a sign of well-being and prosperity. Quickly spinning wheels indicate that you will quickly achieve your goal, being prudent, energetic in business and charming in relationships with people around you. A broken wheel foreshadows difficulties in matters related to your personal life. A flat tire, or even worse, a punctured tire, indicates the departure of one of your friends or the death of one of your relatives. A mill wheel seen in a dream foreshadows true love and a happy marriage. Hearing noise from his work - in reality, the desired profit from your investment awaits you. Slowly but non-stop rotating wheels - start some kind of business, the completion of which will be constantly moving away. A wheel that comes off and falls portends a loss of money, which you will painlessly make up from another source. Rolling the wheel means unexpectedly receiving a task that will just as unexpectedly be canceled as soon as you begin to complete it.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

    All kinds of rotating wheels dream of endless work, which is not always useful and has a logical ending. Rolling a wheel means starting an unsuccessful business. A fast spinning wheel means success, a slow spinning wheel means hard work. Why do you dream about a wheel - If you have to change a wheel (of a car, cart, etc.) - you will hear completely unlawful claims. If a wheel breaks, bursts, falls, jumps off - this is a sign of loss, parting.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Astrological dream book

    Wheel - spinning - to good luck in business, smooth running of affairs

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

    You had a dream about Wheels - You dream about wheels that rotate quickly - well-deserved success awaits you ahead; if you are persistent as before, you will carry out even those plans that seem fantastic to your loved ones. You dream of wheels that are motionless. .. - you will lose your relative; he will either die or go abroad forever.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Christian dream book

    Wheel - Stability in business. Imagine the wheels turning quickly and smoothly.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    What do wheels mean in a dream - see also Circle in Forms. 1. A wheel in a dream means the need for change and the ability to move forward into the future without deviating from the course. 2. Losing a wheel from a vehicle means losing motivation, direction or balance. A big wheel, like the Ferris wheel in amusement rides, suggests an awareness of the ups and downs of life. 3. The Wheel of Life, and how we fit into it.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    Wheel – Symbolizes the cyclical movement of life. A return to previous problems at a new stage. Seeing a spinning wheel is a sign of change. Losing a wheel from a car means there is a possibility of an accident, advice to refuse the trip. Changing a tire means procrastination in business.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Women's dream book

    Wheels - Wheels spinning quickly in a dream foreshadow prudence and energy in business, family happiness. Fixed or broken wheels may mean the departure or death of a relative.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Dashka

    symbol of movement. Seeing yourself on a chariot with big wheels means you have very good prospects. Beware that they will not put a spoke in your wheels.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

    This symbol, like everything round, was the personification of the sun and eternity, infinity, because the wheel has no beginning and end.

    The symbol of the sun wheel is very ancient - it has existed since pagan times and carries an abstract meaning. In a dream, it foreshadows something general, related to life in general, rather than something specific. Some peoples personify the infinity of the wheel with the infinity of life, hence the magnitude of the meanings of dreams in which there is a symbol of the wheel.

    Seeing yourself on a chariot with big wheels - a dream means that they will bring you news about a person whom you have been looking for for a long time and have lost hope of learning anything about him.

    To see a dream in which you are trying to move a chariot harnessed to a horse, but find that this is not possible because the wheels are jammed with sticks inserted between the spokes - this dream notifies you of the troubles and problems that will fall on you in In the near future, it is quite possible that those whom you previously considered good friends will take up arms against you.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Psychotherapeutic dream book

    Wheel – Dynamic principle of movement. The Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel of Samsara, the Wheel of the Year, the Self, an integrated internal state consisting of a finite number of elements. Cyclicity and rapid change of events with internal motionless stability.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream book of catchphrases

    WHEEL – “like a squirrel in a wheel” - vanity, worries; “grease the wheels” - drink, relaxation; “reinventing the wheel” is a bad decision, an unrealistic plan, project, action. “Swallow or sit on wheels” - get sick, take drugs, get high. “Putting a spoke in the wheels” - hinder, interfere. See circle.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Italian dream book Meneghetti

    Represents a closed, repeating movement within itself. Usually means fixation on something. As a precise mechanism, the wheel indicates the movement of mechanically repeating information in the human brain, as well as the clarification of the work of the social and universal “Super-ego”. A gear wheel always means mechanical negativity. This image can only be positive when the spinning wheel moves in open space.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Idiomatic dream book

    “Like a squirrel in a wheel” - vanity, worries; “grease the wheels” - drink, relaxation; “reinvent the wheel” - an unsuccessful decision, an unrealistic plan, project, action; “swallow or sit on wheels” - get sick, take drugs, get high; “put a spoke in the wheels” - hinder, interfere.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

    The wheel is a closed, repeating movement of itself. A designation of cyclicality approaching obsession. The typical interpretation for visible movement is obvious motionless stability. It also denotes specific, social, universal super-egos.

    In the case of a gear wheel, it is synonymous with mechanical negativity. This image can be positive when the rotation of the wheel leads to obvious movement in space.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream book of relationships

    If you dream of a wheel, this means that the person you are attracted to and with whom you would like to establish a closer relationship is thinking about you. Perhaps some of your long-time acquaintances are no longer content with simple friendly relationships and are counting on more. Take a closer look at those around you: perhaps you will understand which of them is not indifferent to you.

    Finding a wheel in a dream means that a gift awaits you from a loved one who loves you. This dream can also mean the fulfillment of your desires.

    A dream in which a wheel fell off a car means that you are communicating with a person who is capable of harming you. You made a mistake by getting into a relationship with him, and it will cost you dearly. His influence can also harm your health, so break off all ties with him as soon as possible.

    If you put the wheel in place, it means that you experience peace and tranquility. You recently did an important thing that changed your life, and now you are happy.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    American dream book

    The wheel is the fulfillment of the plan.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation of Health

    Seeing a whole standing or rotating wheel is a symbol of a prosperous stage in life; broken - problems in business or health.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Solomon's Dream Book

    Wheels - humility, labor, care.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream book of lovers

    If you dream of spinning wheels, it means that you will achieve happiness in love. Broken wheels dream of separation from your loved one.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Medieval dream book of Daniel

    Seeing a spinning wheel is a sign of joy.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Russian dream book

    The wheel is a symbol of movement.

    Seeing yourself on a chariot with big wheels means you have very good prospects. Beware that they will not put a spoke in your wheels.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

    The wheel is a dynamic principle of movement. The Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel of Samsara, the Wheel of the Year, the Self, an integrated internal state consisting of a finite number of elements. Cyclicity and rapid change of events with internal motionless stability.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Assyrian dream book

    If you saw a wheel in a dream, you will have twins in your family.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream Interpretation Tarot

    The wheel is an empty life.

    A rotating wheel means unclean thoughts and desires.

    Why do you dream about a wheel?

    Dream book for a bitch

    Dreams in which a wheel was seen are always very symbolic. These can be predictions of good luck, receiving news, but also warnings about illness, separation and other troubles. The dream book, which contains the most interesting interpretations, will help you understand why you dream about a wheel.

    Ups and downs

    Do you see in a dream how a magician spins the wheel of Fortune, trying to predict your fate? Then know that this vision should make you think about how impermanent and changeable everything is. Ups and victories are followed by falls and defeats. And you shouldn’t rely only on luck; with work and perseverance you can not only achieve a lot, but also maintain your achieved position in society.

    Why do you dream about a Ferris wheel in a park? Such a picture, according to the dream book, warns that clever, cunning people will try to drag the sleeper into an adventurous enterprise. Be on your guard, otherwise scammers will scam you out of your funds and ruin your reputation.

    But if in night vision you rise on this, then in reality you will succeed in business. It’s worse if the cabin moves downwards, in which case the dream book recommends that you postpone making important decisions. After a couple of weeks, there may be a more favorable period to make a choice.

    You have a lot of complex, painstaking work ahead of you, but you will be generously paid for it, which is why you dream that you are repairing the Ferris wheel attraction.

    Overcome obstacles

    A dream about a wooden cart wheel, which also creaked, predicts difficulties and obstacles in the service, but an inflated car wheel is the personification of unrealistic plans.

    If you notice a torn, leaking tire in a dream, then you know that you won’t be able to implement your plan, everything will fall apart and you will be upset. The enemies cannot calm down and are building new intrigues, which is why you dream that the wheel was punctured on purpose. In this case, the Dream Interpretation advises not to show it, not to be a coward, but to firmly stand your ground, despite the machinations of ill-wishers.