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What you need to know about damage to beauty. Spoiled beauty is one of the oldest ways to take revenge on an opponent, punish or neutralize her Damage to a woman's skin

For women, as well as for men, their appearance is very important. Therefore, when it comes to how you can take revenge on your opponent or rival for your soulmate, many decide to apply damage to beauty.

Damage to beauty is a fairly strong and effective rite. With it, you can seriously spoil the appearance of your opponent. It can be ordinary pimples, and serious changes on the skin, as well as health problems.

To spoil the beauty, you can do it yourself. But, it is advisable to contact knowledgeable magicians, healers and sorcerers with this question. If you decide not to seek outside help, think very carefully about whether it is worth it. If the rite is not performed according to the rules, you can harm not only your opponent, but also yourself.

So, you seriously thought, and decided to damage your opponent (or rival) and your choice fell on damage to the beauty of the enemy. In this case, it is very important to remain completely calm, not to worry and be able to analyze the current situation. This type of damage can not only take away health and beauty, but also return your soul mate back home. The main requirements for the ritual is knowing the name of your opponent (or rival), as well as a photograph.

How to determine that you have been damaged

There are several main signs by which you can understand that you have been damaged:

  • You have a tired and dull appearance for a long time (this applies to the color of the skin and the condition of the hair);
  • You have been sick for a long time, and medicines do not help you;
  • You have dull, lifeless hair that falls out in large quantities;
  • Your skin is dull and the blush has disappeared, wrinkles have appeared,

After making sure that you have been spoiled, the first thing you need to do is go to the temple and pray. Of course, provided that you are a baptized person. Pray, take communion and put a candle in front of the holy image.

Remove damage to beauty with a chicken egg

This is one of the most popular and most effective rituals. To do this, you need to purchase a chicken egg on the market that has not been stored in the refrigerator. Before performing the procedure, you need to wash in the bathroom, and then pray, asking for help from the holy face.

Three times it is necessary to pronounce the following words:

“Dryness, yes, faintness, yes envy, yes slander, yes linings of enemies - everything is in this egg, not on my face!”

At the same time, rolling the egg over the naked body (start from the head and roll in the direction from left to right).

When the whole body was run in with an egg, it must be broken. The contents of the egg are poured into a glass of holy water, and the shells are wrapped in a piece of paper and crushed. The paper with all its contents must be set on fire with the words:

“Flame-fire, bring out the unclean, return my beauty!”

Water with an egg must be poured into the sewer, and the glass thoroughly rinsed. This ritual is performed at least three times in a row for one week.

Remove spoilage with a towel and soap

For the ceremony, you need to prepare the following: three large white paper napkins, a candle bought in the temple, baby soap and a white bath towel.

All the details prepared for the ritual must be laid out on the table and a candle lit. Then the Lord's Prayer is read three times. After the prayer, you need to read the following conspiracy seven times in a row:

“The white swan swam on the water, drank that water, and left it for me. Voditsa is not simple, rejuvenating, key. Whispers of strangers, resentments and evil envy, eye-eyed looks, familiar to me and forgotten, but completely unknown, let them burn in the fire, lose their strength, but return to the owner. Key, lock, amen!”

Each time you read the words of the conspiracy, cross the napkins lying on the table.

After reading the prayer and the conspiracy, you need to wipe the body of the spoken person in the direction from left to right. Wrap used tissues in a bag and burn them so that no one can see.

With the soap that you also spoke, wash yourself and wipe your body with a charmed towel. This procedure is repeated for a week, every day. Soap is used until it is completely lathered. The bath towel that was used to dry themselves is burned in the same place where the paper towels were burned.

If these actions do not help you, you need to contact an experienced folk healer, magician or sorcerer.

Damage to beauty with the help of a "lining"

This is a fairly simple and easily accessible way that will quickly nullify your opponent. It is desirable that you are familiar with your "victim" so that you have the opportunity to throw a charmed object at her. For the ritual, it is not necessary to memorize a certain set of words, you can simply express your wish. Damage is desirable to direct with a mirror (but you can use any other item). The mirror is a very powerful magical item.

Take the object that you are going to “put” on your opponent and, using all your energy, say all your wishes to it. Hold it for a while in your hands, thereby charging it.

When you have loaded the desired item, you need to present it to your opponent, mentally expressing your wishes to her. If this is not possible, you need to "place" the charmed object in the opponent's house. Here it will be important that she does not notice him.

Damage to beauty with a "lining" is very common. And, if you are afraid that you may be spoiled, try not to accept pocket mirrors and various suspicious items as a gift from your girlfriends and just acquaintances.

How to spoil for obesity

For the ceremony, you need a photo of your rival, a small piece of bacon, preferably with bristles, as well as black threads, a black candle and rusty needles.

There is no definite conspiracy here, but the main wish is something like this: "to look like a pig." "Padding" for this type of damage is not necessary. The waste material left after the ceremony must be buried in the ground, where there is no vegetation.

If the ceremony was performed correctly, your rival will not only seriously gain weight, become unattractive to the opposite sex, but also forget about your man forever.

Damage to beauty is a very serious and powerful ritual. Before you do it, you need to think carefully and make the right decision. Remember, an incorrectly performed ceremony can turn into a “boomerang” for you.

Female beauty, sensuality and attractiveness have always been the object of fierce envy of ill-wishers, enemies and other women whom nature has not endowed with outstanding external data. That is why the most common wrecking of a beautiful lady is induced damage, designed to destroy bodily beauty and turn the representative of the beautiful half of humanity into an inconspicuous person.

Also, damage to beauty, and in particular to the skin, is done by many offended women in retaliation for their former lovers and boyfriends who abandoned them or cheated on them with another woman. To do this, they conduct a special esoteric ritual, using conspiracies and spells, which provokes the emergence of big problems on the face and on the skin of the entire body of a man. Naturally, after that, he becomes unattractive and ugly in the face of other women, which means that magical manipulations had the desired effect.

Black spoilage on the skin of the face - how to determine

Do not confuse the usual acne or an allergic reaction of the body with a magical curse, rightly so or the evil eye. If a person really bears the imprint of the influence of evil spirits, then his face and whole body may appear:

  • wet blisters;
  • hard crusts;
  • bleeding wounds;
  • purulent cracks;
  • big tumor.

But in order to be guaranteed to reveal the presence of the consequences of a magical forgery or conspiracy, you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist. Neoplasms on the skin of unknown origin, not diagnosed by a doctor, are proof that damage, a curse or an evil eye are taking place.

In order to independently determine the presence of demonic and devilish charms on you, you need to take a golden ring (necessarily crowned) and perform a ritual. Stand in front of the mirror after midnight (this is when the evil spirit can manifest itself), read the prayer “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos” and “Our Father” three times, then draw a gold ring over the area of ​​​​your heart from top to bottom. If a dark or black reflection appears on the print, you have damage. If the strip from the ring does not have extraneous shades, then this symbolizes the purity of your aura and the absence of devilish spells on you.

Fake on the skin - remove it yourself

You can remove damage or the evil eye, made to worsen the appearance and condition of the skin, on your own, without resorting to the help of psychics and sorcerers. To do this, you will need to conduct a cleansing rite, observing the magical sequence of actions and literally repeating every word of the conspiracy. It will require:

  • prayer book;
  • sagebrush;
  • Holy water;
  • wax candle.

On the first day of the waning moon (fake, evil eye, slander and curse is removed on the waning moon), stay at home alone. Lay out on the table all the magical attributes necessary for the ritual of removing skin damage, and additionally put a clean bowl and prepare a glass of boiling water. After that, light a candle and read Psalm 50 three times over the wormwood, using the Orthodox prayer book. After that, put the wormwood in a bowl, sprinkle it with holy water, and then pour boiling water over it and read the plot:

“A holy rite is going on - it cleanses my spirit. My face whitens, my soul and body heals from abscesses. My enemy will turn over - the skin damage "Mug" will return to him. And my face will become clean - it will never fade from boils. Let it be so".

After that, pour the decoction of wormwood into a bottle. Before the new moon, you should wash your face with it at night - this will relieve the skin ailment.

New article: prayer for removing damage to beauty on the site site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

It is important for any person to look good. Every person, whether a man or a woman, tries to take care of himself. If suddenly there is any change in appearance, then everyone immediately tries to fix the problem. Fortunately, there are a large number of beauty treatments and products that allow you to always look perfect.

Damage to beauty

The only caveat is that cosmetics can only help if the problem occurs for natural reasons. But, if damage to beauty has been brought to you, then cosmetics are unlikely to help you here. In this case, it is necessary to react quickly and remove damage to beauty.

brief information

This type of magical effect is very powerful. It can manifest itself, both in the form of ordinary small acne, and in a strong change in the condition of the skin. Often, damage to beauty brings unpleasant problems that cannot be treated medically.

Damage is easily induced, it is easy to do the ritual yourself at home. That's just in order for the ritual to be of high quality, it is better to seek help from professionals in their field. Especially if you are new to magic. Black magic, which is the progenitor of damage to beauty, can bring you not very pleasant consequences. It harms not only the victim, but also the perpetrator. Sorcerers can and do know how to protect themselves. But inexperienced people may suffer from ignorance of the correctness of the ritual.

If you decide to spoil your opponent, then you need to understand a few basic rules. First, don't worry and panic. Your psychological state affects the result of the rite, therefore, before performing the rite, it is better to learn how to control your emotions. Secondly, you need to know the exact name of the opponent or opponent, and get a photo of the victim.

Definition and signs of spoilage

The most common signs include:

  • the skin of the face grows dull, and the hair deteriorates: the face becomes dull and not beautiful - this sign indicates that magical powers are taking away your beauty;
  • you started to get sick for a long time, and medicines are not able to help you;
  • hair loses its beauty and attractiveness: hair loss progresses more and more every day, rapid hair loss indicates a negative;
  • wrinkles and pale skin appear.

If you are sure that you have been spoiled, then urgently visit the church. You need to read prayers, confess, and take communion. The only requirement is that you must be baptized. Light candles for your health and the health of your loved ones.

Removing spoilage with a chicken egg

Many victims of the rite are wondering how to remove damage to beauty. There are quite a lot of options for getting rid of negative energy. You can do them yourself at home. It is only important to remember that it is necessary to adhere to all the rules and instructions that are indicated in the ritual. The slightest change in the process can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. If you have been jinxed, then everything must be done to get rid of such a magical influence.

Most often, damage is removed with the help of a chicken egg. You must prepare an egg that has never been in the refrigerator. It is desirable that the egg is fresh. Buy it in the market, where you are more likely to meet a homemade chicken egg. Before you perform the ceremony, you need to take a bath. Next, you need to read prayers that will be addressed to the heavenly forces. You need to read the following plot three times:

“I want to remove all the negativity that was sent to me. I don't want problems with appearance. I, the servant of God (name), wish to grow old and wither for natural reasons, and not because of magic. Now, when the age comes to grow old, I am ready to change. Let them leave me. My face will remain beautiful. Magic will be able to influence a person more. To be married to me, and never divorce. Amen".

The egg must be driven over the naked body. You need to start rolling out a person from the top. Circular movements should occur from left to right. After you break in the whole body, break the egg. The inner part must be thrown into a glass where sacred water has already been poured. The shell must be placed in paper and crushed. The created envelope must be set on fire, and the following slander must be read:

“Let the fire burn away all negative influences on me. I wish that my beauty returned, and never disappeared again. Let me bypass all the magic. No one can ever break this man. Amen".

The contents of the glass must be discarded, and the glass thoroughly rinsed so that there is no trace of egg and water left in it.

Soap removal

In order to remove damage, you must have:

  • paper napkins, in the amount of three pieces;
  • church candle;
  • soap;
  • towel.

Place all items on the table. The candle must be lit, and the slander read:

“The bird drank water, and left me some. Water rejuvenates and gives beauty. All the negativity sent in my direction, let it disappear, but return to the performer. Evil thoughts and the evil eye can never affect the servant of God (name). I want to become beautiful, and the one who caused the damage, let him take it for himself. My life should not change for the worse, but only for the better. My words represent a castle that can never be broken. Amen".

The slander is read seven times. Each time it is necessary to baptize the napkins that lie on the table. To remove the negative, you need to wipe the human body with napkins, after which you need to get rid of them. It's best to burn it. You need to wash yourself with charmed soap, and wipe off the remaining water with a towel. The ceremony is held for seven days in a row. Soap should be used until it is completely used up. The towel must be burned at the place where the napkins were burned. If the result is not achieved, then it is better to ask for help from an experienced healer.

Damage to the lining

With the help of this evil eye on beauty, it is easy to get rid of a rival and take your husband back. Wives often use this method to reduce the beauty of their husband's mistress. Make sure that you have the opportunity to line your opponent. It is not necessary to study the conspiracy. It is enough that you will speak your own wishes. Your hatred and pain caused by betrayal will work with a bang.

On any subject, you must express your thoughts and wishes. It's better to hold it in your hands. So he will be saturated with your energy. Give a lining to a rival. During the transfer of the lining, in thoughts it is necessary to pronounce the same words that were said on the subject. If it is not possible to carry out these actions, then you can put a deposit in the house. It is important to do this so that no one can find it. - Free lesson to protect against

A detailed description of the ritual is here -

Based on all of the above, you must make a few important parameters for yourself. If you are afraid that you can be spoiled for beauty, then accept gifts only from those in whom you can be one hundred percent sure. Although, sometimes, even the closest friends can lead to negative. You must protect yourself from magic. In order to determine the first signs and understand who brought the negative, it is better to contact a specialist.

  • 11.11.2016
  • Tags: Protective magic

A conspiracy from damage to beauty

Since ancient times, professional witches have been famous for their magical beauty, as they possessed various secrets on how to stay young and long. But at the same time, they also possessed the secrets of how to send damage to beauty, that is, to make a pretty girl suddenly become unattractive, stop liking men, her friends get angry at her and the whole life, as they say, went head over heels. But most importantly, if beauty was spoiled, then the victim would lose her charm and charm, as a result of which she could no longer count on the fact that God's gift of beauty would help her solve various life tasks. But, fortunately, white magicians have developed many ways to protect themselves from such a negative influence, that is, how to protect themselves from damage to beauty.

It is necessary to apply a conspiracy from damage to beauty in cases where such damage has been brought on you or when you feel that something has gone wrong in your life and this is clearly somehow connected with beauty, charm, and so on. It is especially recommended to read a conspiracy from spoilage to beauty for those women who work in a team where there are many envious women or, if they are often in public places, where they can be jinxed or wish evil.

Actions when conspiring from damage to beauty

In order for the conspiracy against damage to beauty to be effective, it must be read into the water drawn with the first rays of the sun into a transparent vessel. A conspiracy is whispered to this water 3 times, and then you need to wash your face with this water 7 times.

A conspiracy from damage to beauty.

I wake up in the morning, in the sunlight, and I ask the powers of God to save me from damage to beauty. With their blessing, I will go out to the field that is in bloom and read my conspiracy from damage to beauty: “Oh, you are violent winds - blow off all the impurity sent by witches and sorcerers to damage my beauty. Shatter it to dust and let the fear return to those who sent me all this. It will come back, and mangle, and turn their faces into scary faces. Oh, you are heaven, whose beauty is in my eyes. I will braid the clouds into a braid, and you will protect me from damage to beauty. And the one who thinks badly of me, let him disappear and perish, and God himself will reject him. Oh, you are a bright, hot sun, I will pray to you, I will cross myself on you, and you protect me, as if I were leading a saint, and protect me from damage to beauty. As I said, it will be so, so it will be, and beauty will remain with me forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Damage to beauty, remove the induced damage in 13 days

You can remove damage to beauty in just 13 days if you accurately perform all the occult activities.

Damage to beauty is most likely not what you think.

It is impossible to turn a beauty into an ugly thing with magic. That's bullshit.

In this case, a woman spoiled for beauty is not physically distorted.

She energetically repels suitors from herself.

Her beauty is still present, only she fades under the influence of a magical conspiracy.

This is tantamount to a blockage or those hesitation that is detrimental to healthy relationships.

Imagine a beautiful woman, but whose attractiveness repels you with coldness, inappropriate behavior and oddities.

This is damage to beauty, the meaning of which is enclosed in quotation marks.

Beauty itself remains, and its gloss is “washed off”.

I believe you get the point.

Let's move on to withdrawal.

In order for former attractiveness to again coexist with innate beauty or custom, you will have to wash your face and body with holy water.

Go to an Orthodox Church and collect holy water for the future.

Buy 13 candles.

Do not be baptized on icons, do not say a prayer.

Leaving the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these conspiracy lines:

I will wash away the damage to beauty, I will regain the former. Amen.

When you get home, wait until midnight.

Lock yourself in the bathroom. Light all the candles. Take off all your clothes.

Prepare a plastic scoop in advance, with which you will wash off damage to beauty.

In order to have enough holy water, pour warm water from the tap into a bucket, splashing a little church water.

From a handwritten sheet, you read a special magical plot, pouring yourself from a ladle and getting rid of the induced damage.

As water rolls through the body, so dashing spoilage will be wasted. Beauty will be attracted again, and my fiancé will not forget me. From head to toe I wash, I call beauty to myself again. The sorcerer who did evil to me, let him lose his health and strength. For 13 days, I will attract suitors. I will become the old girl, help me, Voditsa. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Three "washes" I believe will be enough.

Do not wipe holy water from the body and face. Wait until you dry yourself.

Put on the clothes you've taken off. Put out the candles. Take the cinders into the urn. You can throw out the plot sheet.

Be beautiful and happy!

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Number of reviews: 1

Thanks for the advice! I feel that the skin has become drier, I look closely and see that the body, arms, legs and face are aging rapidly. Until recently, I was given 15 years less than my age, but now I am shocked by what has begun to happen to me ... I really hope that it will help! Be healthy and joyful!

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How to remove the negative impact on beauty

If a girl wants to take revenge on her rival, then she turns to the sorceress so that she brings the so-called damage to beauty, negatively affects the life of her rival, and practically begins to “destroy” her. As reasons, jealous or envious women usually choose their malice, the same hatred for a rival, envy her success. People generally don't like successful people! Girls also take revenge for a broken heart, and how! One damage, it happens, the case is not limited.

Damage to beauty usually acts as one of the elements of harm. If we take the ritual itself together, then it is aimed at unbalancing (so to speak) the human energy system. If the sorcerer has experience in such matters, then he will not “immediately unbalance the victim”, everything will be done gradually, in stages. First, damage is done to the hair - they begin to thin out, fall out, problems with the scalp appear.

Then everything goes to the skin all over the body. Next, a negative impact is made on the figure, on the general condition of the body, psychological. The figure of the victim is also affected, sometimes they start with this. When a woman (victim) begins to gain weight (or lose weight) dramatically, then life slowly becomes faded, dull, negative. A person cannot understand the reasons why all this is happening at all, and, most importantly, what to do?!

The negative impact on beauty is not life-threatening. It is easily removed if you turn to a good magician.

What methods can damage beauty

One of the simplest, but at the same time, effective methods has always been considered this - damage to beauty with a lining. The customer of such an “event” usually knows his “victim” very well, and often visits her at home. Therefore, putting something in is not difficult. Black sorcerers use this condition as the main ones, so they speak a certain item that the customer (it is women who usually apply for such things) should put in the house of the girl who wishes evil, problems.

The sorcerer does not need to read a certain conspiracy. It all comes down to the fact that, performing a similar rite, the magician should wish the victim to become oblique, lame, fat, sick, and so on. The subject on which the conspiracy was carried out does not have to be hidden unnoticed, it can be given as a gift. At the same time, the giving woman should mentally wish all the most unkind, negative things to her victim.

The mirror is usually considered the most appropriate effective item as a “gift”. Looking at it daily, the victim will notice changes in appearance, get upset, angry and indignant, grieve and cry. Therefore, if someone gave you a mirror, try to get rid of it as soon as possible. This "gift" is better to throw away. Although, if you give it to someone, then damage to another person will not work, because it was directed specifically at you.

With the help of what is spoilage for obesity

This type of ritual is one of the most common. After all, many girls cannot survive the harmony of their rivals. To spoil weight gain, you need to use a photograph of the victim, a piece of lard (it must be with bristles), a set of new needles (they must be rusted in advance), threads and candles (all black). At the time of the ritual (details can be found on your own), the victim is wished to "become fat and big, like a pig." This rite takes effect very quickly.

How damage to beauty manifests itself, what are the signs

The first "bells" include constant fatigue, insomnia, bad mood, lack of appetite, even a sudden illness. If this lasts with you for more than a week, you are morally killed and depressed, your skin is pale, your eyes “do not burn”, you don’t even want to live, you don’t want to do anything, it became disgusting to see yourself in the mirror, and so on - perhaps you have been damaged. They had a negative effect on beauty.

Also, a woman can begin to age dramatically, “fade out”, even at a young age wrinkles are cut and deepened. There are bruises under the eyes, deep circles, there is also a black stripe above the upper lip (if you look closely). Even young girls have gray hair (out of nowhere), hair "fall out in batches."

But on other parts of the body - the face, arms, legs, pubis, stomach - they grow very zealously, quickly, uncontrollably. Gait, posture changes. The young girl looks like an old woman. You may gain weight even if you eat right. And it happens that, on the contrary, the weight goes away sharply (for no apparent reason). Something needs to be done about this, and urgently!

How to remove the negative impact on beauty with the help of an egg

This method is quite famous and very simple. Damage must be "rolled out with an egg." Before you start the ritual (you can do it yourself), you need to take a bath, calm down, and mentally prepare. Read a prayer, at least "Our Father." Also ask otherworldly forces to help you (you can use your own words). The egg must be fresh, just bought. Ideally, straight from under the chicken. You can't put it in the fridge!

At the very beginning of the ritual, say these words (three times) -

“Dryness, yes, nausea, yes envy, yes slander, yes linings of enemies - everything is in this egg, not on my face!”

Then roll over the body, starting from the head, from left to right. While rolling the egg, you can read any prayer that is consistent with your faith. Think that everything will get better soon, you will get better, the ritual will definitely help you. After you have finished, the egg must be broken in a glass of clean water, but do not throw the shell into it. It will need to be wrapped in a clean sheet and then burned. While the shell is burning, you need to say the following words (several times) -

“Flame-fire, bring out the unclean, return my beauty!”

Water with the yolk and protein broken there must be drained into the sink. Water from the tap at this time should flow. It will, as it were, take away with it all your sorrows and spoilage. You need to carry out this ceremony three times, three days in a row.

How to get rid of damage to beauty with soap and a towel

By performing this ritual, you seem to wash away all the negative things that have been done to you. You need to reach a complete cleansing. The rite must be carried out for several days in a row, every day, but after the full moon. You will need: 3 large white paper napkins, new soap, new bath towel, candle (church). Everyone stock up in advance.

On the day of the ritual, all items must be laid out on an empty table, a candle should be lit. Read the prayer "Our Father" three times. After seven times (!) read the words of the conspiracy, baptizing napkins (as it should be in Orthodoxy). The words of the conspiracy are -

“The white swan swam on the water, drank that water, and left it for me. Voditsa is not simple, rejuvenating, key. Whispers of strangers, resentments and evil envy, eye-eyed looks, familiar to me and forgotten, but completely unknown, let them burn in the fire, lose their strength, but return to the owner. Key, lock, amen!”

Wipe the face and the whole body on the first day with napkins (wet), each. Then put them in a bag and burn them in a secluded place. Every day, wash yourself with soap and dry yourself with a towel. Until the soap runs out. Then burn them too.

Women are insidious creatures. In a fit of jealousy or because of envy, they are able to harm a rival, a friend. Damage to beauty is one of the most commonly used magical tools, through which girls harm each other, avenge the insults of the past, and satisfy hurt pride. This type of negative impact mainly affects the appearance of the object. The ritual of damage to beauty indirectly affects the energy shell.

Signs of damage to beauty

The main risk group is young girls and well-groomed, wealthy women. Such magical negative programs are rarely directed at men. You can determine the damage to beauty without a preliminary diagnosis by the magician, they are visible to the naked eye.

  1. Without physiological reasons, a woman begins.
  2. Manifested (mainly in the form of dermatitis).
  3. The girl falls, ceases to be interested in the world around her, to take care of herself.
  4. Interruptions in appetite are another sign of a magical effect. The girl either stops eating or eats everything. In the first case, spoilage leads to depletion of the body, in the second -
  5. If strong black rituals were used in the work, the ugliness of appearance is manifested - the body ages prematurely, becomes covered with wrinkles. Such old age is not natural.
  6. You can determine damage to beauty "by eye". The skin of the face acquires an uncharacteristic grayish-earthy hue.

Even if the obvious signs of damage are invisible, a woman feels it intuitively. She is annoyed by the reflection in the mirror, she does not like the photo.

How to damage beauty

You can spoil the appearance of the enemy in many ways. Depending on the desired result, the desired ritual is selected. One of the most common methods of negative impact on beautiful women is damage to the face.

Put acne on the opponent's face

One of the worst dreams of a woman is dermatitis, which appeared suddenly (especially before any significant event). To make the girl's face covered with numerous warts, a special ritual is used.

It is held during the waxing moon. To perform magical actions, it is necessary to prepare in advance:

  1. Two candles - red and black.
  2. A small piece of scarlet silk fabric.
  3. A photograph of a woman whose appearance is planned to be ruined. All facial features must be clearly visible in the photo.
  4. Skein of natural black wool yarn. The threads are chosen as thick as possible, harsh.

The execution time of magical actions is arbitrary. There should be no one except the witch in the room.

  1. The table is covered with a clean tablecloth.
  2. A photo of the object is placed in the center. It must be immediately covered with a silk cloth.
  3. Candles are placed and lit on both sides of the photo.
  4. Wax of a red candle buries the face and body of the girl shown in the photo through the silk. Simultaneously with these actions, the plot is read three times:

“I do not pour ardent wax, but I engraft a sore on the face of a slave (name). How many stars in the sky, how many drops in the sea, so many sores with warts, and there will be mangy scabs on the slave (name). The healer will not heal, the grandmother will not whisper, the water will not wash away, the fire will not anneal. Let it be so!".

A bundle with a photo and wax is tied crosswise with black yarn.

Black candle wax is dripped over the threads.

The resulting bundle is not wrapped in anything. It is buried in the ground near the crossroads. Be sure to leave a payoff to the devils (a few coins) and leave without turning around.

How to spoil old age

This is a very strong version of the magical effect on another person, the result of which can be decrepitude of the body and

Before performing magical actions, you must prepare:

  1. Photo of the object.
  2. A tuft of hair from a stray dog.
  3. Black (dark) wax candle.

All necessary actions are carried out at night in complete solitude.

  1. The photograph of the object is placed on the table.
  2. The hair of the dog is placed on top of the image.
  3. Doused with dark candle wax until the dog's hair sticks to the photograph.
  4. Then you need to wait until the wax hardens.
  5. Without waiting for dawn, the photograph is buried under a dry tree (bush).

As soon as the photograph begins to rot in the ground, the first symptoms of damage to old age will appear.

How to eliminate damage done to beauty

There are many methods on how to remove damage to beauty. Each of the options is used to neutralize a certain type of negativity.

Annealing against damage to obesity

The ritual is performed during the waning moon. It can be used for self cleaning.

  1. It is necessary to collect brushwood from 7 any tree species.
  2. When the fire flares up, the person who is spoiled by obesity is led around him and the plot is read 33 times:

“Even the flame is ardent, then the fire is sensible, then it is bodily, then it is put into the soul. Yes, the tacos will be verified by the measure, but every bad thing will be singed, then the filth will be asked, then the peril will be hidden, then the blackness will be moderated, then the accursed woman will reconcile. Either everything will get off, then everything will fall back, like a seven-born fire, but along the way (name) is suitable. Amen".

Remove the negative with a comb and towel

It is necessary to use an integrated approach if the damage to beauty is strong, because annealing will not help. First you need to pray for the negative impact. To do this, every morning you need to go to church and pray for spiritual harmony. Along the way, you can confess. There is no need to read any special prayers in this case. Standard texts from the prayer book are used. Each time you need to put three candles for health (in front of the icons of the Virgin, and your Angel (the saint whose name is given at baptism). You need to visit the temple every day for as many days as a person has full years.

When the prayer period is over, it is necessary to proceed to the ritual part. For her, it is necessary to prepare in advance:

  1. Terry towel (color and size do not matter).
  2. Holy water.
  3. Field chamomile flowers. If it is a cold season outside, you can replace it with dried inflorescences.
  4. Comb.

Damage to beauty in the open air is removed. If it is not possible to go outside, all windows and doors in the house are opened. The weather should be good, sunny. If it's raining or a thunderstorm is raging, you won't be able to remove the negative.

  1. A towel is spread on the grass.
  2. A comb is placed in the middle.
  3. A girl who decides to remove damage to beauty should walk around him (against the sun) and chant (you can sing):

“Holy heavens, my beauty is gone!

The raven has arrived! Pecked out the world!

Black took my best dawn!

Holy heaven! Who has my beauty?

Let the doves fly both in the forest and in the field!

Let him find my light that sits in captivity!

You will return the little eye warmth, clarity of face,

let him return without a cry! Throw a flower to a leaf,

trouble will turn into joy! How faithful is the dove to the dove,

so be a charming smile! How the brook murmurs

so beauty will return to my doorstep! holy skies,

The beauty is back!

After the end of the conspiracy, a chamomile flower is thrown on the towel. There are 30 inflorescences in total, the conspiracy is read the same number of times.

The towel, along with the contents, should be sprinkled with holy water brought from the church (you can use Epiphany water). Wrap the towel in a roll and put it under your pillow at night. In the morning, chamomile inflorescences can be thrown out. They won't be needed anymore. A towel and a comb will need to be used daily to restore its former beauty.

Determining when to repeat the second part of the ritual is simple. After washing, the energy of the conspiracy disappears, so it must be renewed.

How to protect yourself from damage

Protecting yourself from damage to beauty is much easier than diagnosing and removing it. For this, various protective rituals are used.

Three strand protection

If a girl has suspicions that someone wants to take away her beauty, she can protect herself by making Three natural woolen threads. Two of them are red. The color of the third thread does not matter. A tight braid is woven from these threads, simultaneously with the recitation of the plot:

“Three is done, red is forged.

Retinues, intertwined, sideways closed.

I twist, twist, impose, tie,

I protect myself from the players, I stand up for myself.

The finished bracelet is tied and worn on the wrist.


Damage to beauty is a powerful tool of revenge, which is used mainly by women. To protect yourself from negative influences, you should use the means of protective magic (whispers,). And if the beauty has already been taken away (damage has been inflicted), it is better to use the services. It is very difficult to remove such a negative magical program on your own.

Removal of damage and the evil eye by whispering. Prayers and conspiracies Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

Removing damage to beauty

Removing damage to beauty

Our external attractiveness is not only enough time for sleep and a minimum of stress. The energy invasion brings fatigue, a headache appears, the complexion deteriorates, the sparkle in the eyes disappears, the hair becomes dull, and if the leakage of forces is great, you may even lose consciousness.

Try to resist the tense energies that scare away the people you want to attract. You will need the ability to fill yourself with harmony - that is, internally tune in to an atmosphere of peace, silence. Make it a rule, taking a morning shower, to meditate on merging with the whole world. Cherish in yourself a feeling of love for all living things, let it take possession of your consciousness.

A conspiracy word helps you feel strength and independence in yourself, makes you charming, as if it gives you power over the stronger sex, gives you knowledge about this and the ability to benefit from your external data. Through harmonious rituals, you open your heart, turn to yourself, influence your energy centers, increasing your personal charm and allowing loved ones to perceive you in a different way, in a new way.

This is your chance to achieve the beauty of both soul and body. They say that only the owners of wisdom manage to decipher the hidden symbolism of conspiracies for beauty and penetrate into the very depths of their meaning.

Conspiracy for the first dew

Morning dew has long been associated with the dawn and the sky and was considered a symbol of youth, freshness and purity. Girls washed themselves with flower dew to gain beauty and health. And special attention was paid to the morning dews of St. George's Day (May 6).

At sunrise, villagers rolled on the grass, on which St. George's (St. George's) dew fell - this was considered the most effective way to heal from the evil eye or damage. They believed that it would bring health and well-being. It is not for nothing that it is said: "St. George's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments."

Girls and unmarried women in the villages on such a day "drew the dew." To do this, they took a clean tablecloth and a tub, went to the meadow and dragged the tablecloth over the grass covered with dew. The tablecloth was squeezed into a tub and washed with the collected dew to drive away any “pain”.

Get up early, take with you a new towel made of pure cotton and without a pattern, and go "draw the dew". Soak the towel with dew before sunrise. Wipe yourself well with a damp towel, and when the sun dries the dew drops on your skin, start whispering a plot:

I will get up, the servant of God (name), early in the morning,

I will go to the emerald meadows, I will wash myself there with healing, icy dew,

Wipe yourself with silky mosses, bow to the red sun,

Clear dawn and I will say to mother dew:

Mother - earth tear - morning dew,

With my skill, with God's blessing

Wash away from me, servants of God (name), old age-fatigue:

From the head, from the temples, from all the hairs,

From the crown of the head, from this time, from this minute.

From the sky - water, from the earth - God's dew.

Bass and beauty in bodies. Amen.

The life-giving moisture collected from dewy herbs has great healing power. It is believed that when dew falls on the ground, the Water Spirit descends with it, and the cleansing effect of this is greatly enhanced. Just remember: you need to collect it away from roads, fields, industrial facilities, residential areas.

Conspiracy for melt water

For this ceremony, melt water is needed - everyone knows that it enhances metabolism and relieves fatigue. But something else is important for us: this life-giving moisture has a different structure, a positive charge, removes psychological inhibitions and rejuvenates every cell.

You ask how to get melt water. Pass ordinary tap water through a filter and place in the freezer. Wait a bit until the water starts to freeze, and remove the freshly formed cloudy crust of ice - all harmful compounds accumulate in it. In winter, if desired, you can “enchant” the water on the balcony by covering the container with water with a lid.

Early in the morning, dip a silver spoon into a glass vessel with melted water. Water should stand like this for at least 6 hours. Cut the lemon into slices and put in a vessel, drip three drops of aromatic oil, add linden flowers (they must first be brewed with boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes). Place the vessel on the windowsill so that it is penetrated by moonlight, and leave it overnight.

The next evening, on the full moon, fill the bath with warm water and aromatic foam and slowly pour the contents of the vessel into it. Then get into the bath, close your eyes and imagine that you are bathing in a lake of moonlight.

Imagine that the transparent stream washing over you is the purity of your thoughts, and it flows like a waterfall into the endless ocean. For you, a waterfall is a sign of transformation, a complete emotional recharge. Let your current flow at the behest of the waves, do not try to direct it against the current. Feel the oneness with the movement of universal life waters. Mentally look deep into the river: clear, calm water is a sign of your wisdom. Now return to the light and calm the ripples on the water - you will feel the excitement and emotional instability recede.

Take foam in your palms and whisper the words of the conspiracy over it:

How long will the soap wash off your face?

So much would my darling love me.

With me, let him be happy, warm,

In the soul - joy, in the heart - light,

In the mind - fun, and on the tongue - singing. Amen.

Take a bath for at least 20 minutes. When the ceremony comes to an end, you will feel that you have absorbed lunar energy.

Conspiracy before sleep

Our ancestors firmly believed that the fragrances of nature are endowed with magical power, and that this power can be transferred to man. Fragrant mixtures were used to raise the tone, awaken vital energy and fight energy attacks.

Magic requires a special relationship with essential oils. Drop the rose quartz into the oil bottle. The lightness, richness of aroma and transparency, the nobility of the crystal will well “remember” your mood for energy purification and help remove damage to beauty. Insist magical spirits one lunar quarter.

Before falling asleep, do the following: put a lit candle at the head of the bed, next to it - an open bottle of aromatic oil, cross the pillow and, looking at the flame, whisper seven times:

I will lie down as a slave (name), after praying, and I will get up, blessed,

And I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,

In a clean field, under pure stars, under a heavenly harrier.

As a young month is born

And he will walk in the heavens of the Lord

In his own way and his own path, his own master,

So I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the open field,

I wash myself with God's dew, wipe myself with a soft cloud,

I will gird myself with a bright moon, I will stick with pure stars.

I, the servant of God (name), will go to a feast-conversation with my girlfriends.

I will appear on this day of the Lord whiter than the light of good, brighter than the bright month, more beautiful than the red sun, to slaves and slaves, young men and girls.

If only I were a pool and a mile of all the girlfriends, everyone would look at me and look: red girls, young young women, elderly men, unmarried. Be my words strong and sculpting. To all my words, a key and a lock.

After pronouncing a conspiracy in a whisper, immediately cork the bottle with the fragrant mixture with a cork so that the echo of your last words becomes its eternal prisoner. Then seal the vial by dropping the melted wax from the red candle onto the cork. Hide the scented vessel in the furthest corner of your bedroom, or place it in a secluded spot on your dressing table. And you can wear a tiny fragrance on your chest or use this oil to charge the amulet from the evil eye.

Conspiracy on the beauty of the girl's body

Late evening is a good time to look for love and harmony in the surrounding space. An ancient magical ritual to remove damage to girlish beauty is recommended to be performed on the night of the full moon, when the moon is especially strong. It's just that all silver objects are the personification of the properties of the moon, a symbol of mysticism and magic.

All alone, cover the table with a silk cloth. Never lay a double-folded piece of fabric for the ceremony, otherwise it will be reflected in the duality of the nature of your relationship with the world - both subtle and manifest.

Arrange the candles: one in front of you, and two behind your shoulders, to the right and left. Neither the TV, nor the mobile phone, nor the computer should work - there is absolute silence in the room.

If you want to get an equivalent return, start the ceremony with the feeling that you are fulfilling a universal mission.

Pour mineral water from one crystal glass into another through a silver ring. Do this seven times, imagine how with each new action silver gains more and more power over the contents of the glass, how a cold and wet substance from the element of Water transforms into the element of Metal, acquiring strong magnetic qualities. Dip a silver coin into a glass of mineral water and whisper these words:

I got up, blessed, went, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate and into the open field. In an open field there is a throne, on this throne is the angel of the Lord. I go up to this throne, I repent and pray: Angel of the Lord, come to the servant of God (your name) and give the servant of God (your name) a white body, a ruddy face and a zealous heart, so that I, the servant of God (my name) seem whiter than white snow, brighter than the red sun. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for white skin

On Maremyana the Righteous, on the first day of March, the beauties made wishes for clean, snow-white skin, opened the windows and placed earthenware jugs under the icicles. Make sure you, too, that the healing March water eliminates sidelong glances.

Light a red candle shortly before sunrise, prepare a bottle of aromatic oil charged with attractiveness, an earthen vessel with a March drop, sit comfortably by the window and wait for the first rays of the sun, quickly, as if in a patter, whisper the words of the conspiracy seven times:

Aki Marya-dawn, Maremyana-dawn,

And I myself (name) dawn!

Morning dawn, evening dawn!

Give happiness and beauty both day and night,

And early in the morning, and late in the evening, and in broad daylight.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the first warm rays touch your face, drop the aroma oil charged for attractiveness into your left palm and rub it into the skin of your face with light stroking movements, again saying in a whisper seven times:

I stroke my skin, I stroke it, I smooth it,

And the servant of God (name)

I speak from the evil eye.

I'll read it the first time - I'll blow out the candle.

The second time I read - I remember.

The third time I read it - I remember it.

Forever and ever. Amen.

With these words, extinguish the candle, wash yourself with March melt water and start a new day with a cheerful smile.

Lush hair conspiracy

The full moon is responsible for the splendor, density, strength and radiance of our curls. Wait until the full moon and undo the braids so that the strands of hair fall freely and softly over the shoulders. Before you touch the conspiracy rite, we suggest reflecting on how you feel about your cute curls. Do you comb your hair in a hurry, in haste or carefully and with pleasure? Try to do it as if your hair is the greatest jewel, you yourself will not notice how it has become both thicker and more magnificent.

Exactly at midnight, take a bath with an infusion of herbs. While bathing, imagine a field of flowering herbs and a beautiful wreath in your hair. After the bath, when the hair is already dry, put a mirror on the table, with church candles on both sides of it.

Pick up a comb or comb made of unvarnished wood. The magic comb was seven-rayed, and in order to get its support, the girls were instructed to follow the unspoken rules: after combing the braid, they should never leave the comb in plain sight (for example, on the dressing table or on the windowsill), but immediately hide it in a secluded place, otherwise "the angel will not sit down." And with a new comb, try combing your pet first, you'll see - it will last longer.

So, sit in front of the mirror, light the candles and start combing your hair, slowly whispering the plot:

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan

There is a strong tower, black stone,

A stone of icy, indestructible.

In that tower the dungeon is cold,


A beautiful maiden sits in that dungeon,

Beauty unseen, unwritten.

Guarding the dungeon are three dogs, fierce beasts,

Grey, with glowing eyes.

They don’t let the maiden come out, show her beauty.

You, the first dog, calm down, cool down!

You, the second dog, sleep like a dead sleep!

You, third dog, get out!

Come out, beauty maiden, out of the dungeon into the light of God,

Through the night-midnight, across the sea-ocean,

Through the dope fire

Spoken through a mirror.

Get down on the hair of the servant of God (name),

Give her youth-beauty,

Give her the power to speak

To be loved and good to everyone

This minute, now, forever, and forever and ever.

When you finish whispering the plot, wait until the candles burn out. Turn the charmed mirror upside down and do not look into it for three days. Put the comb that you used during the conspiracy ceremony under your pillow - it should protect your sleep for a week.

Braid conspiracy

According to Slavic belief, it was customary to remove damage to the density and splendor of hair after sunset or before sunrise - “the sun cries”, when a girl is shown with her head uncovered, “shines with her hair”.

Place a bowl of melted water on the table, and a lit candle in front of it. Wipe the mirror with a towel and put it in the basin, on the bottom. Now you should look in the mirror and whisper a conspiracy twenty-one times, pouring water from the basin on your head:

My hair, hair, grow like an ear in a field,

Pour yourself with strength, do not break from dryness,

Sit in the nest, swarm in the nest,

And I have God's servants (name), baptized, don't fuck,

Fasten like a bag shine.

In you, hair, all my magical power,

Neither hard water will spoil you,

Neither a sick head, nor a thoughtful thought.

Grow, hair, fall off your shoulders, hair,

Be strengthened by the sun

Cleanse yourself with the breeze,

I protect, the servant of God (name), hair,

Like a ripe ear

Not for people, but for yourself,

Not for a moment, not for an hour, for a century.

Holy Mother of God, surround with your spirit,

Protect my hair from the envious,

From the rumbling eye, from the evil eye, looking from behind.

Words are agreed, negotiated,

For the servant of God (name) are spoken. Amen.

The conspiracy will help get rid of all the worries of the day, shake them off. Imagine that all the anxieties and fears flow down your hair into the water. You begin to radiate more subtle energy vibrations, higher energy centers will open, which will allow you to feel Nature as it really is. Then even the simplest cosmetic procedures will produce a magical effect.

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