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Rice for sushi how to cook in a slow cooker. How to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker. What kind of rice should turn out in the cooking process

Today, rolls and sushi are perhaps the most popular dish for those who strictly monitor their health, and simply consider themselves a gourmet.

Sushi is a Japanese dish whose main ingredient is rice.

The taste of the dish in general depends on whether it is cooked correctly. The easiest way to cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker.

After all, a slow cooker is a miracle of technology, thanks to which every housewife saves time and effort.

The technology of cooking rice for sushi in a slow cooker

The most important aspect of cooking rice for sushi in a slow cooker is that it is necessary to use special Japanese rice for this business. It is very sticky so it doesn't fall apart. If you do not have such rice on hand, use regular round rice. The second requirement is sushi sauce. It consists of standard sugar, salt, rice vinegar, but also products such as rice wine, kombu seaweed.

All professionals agree that sushi rice must be washed at least five times, otherwise, its taste is not fully revealed.

Rice should only be washed with cold water.

After the rice is washed, you need to let it dry. It is advisable to put the rice in a sieve so that excess water is glassed.

Rice should be cooked in such a way that the proportions are 1 fifth of water to one part of rice.

The cooking time for sushi rice in a slow cooker is a total of half an hour.

No seasonings, spices, even salt should be added to boiled rice.

After the rice is ready, do not forget to let it stand in the slow cooker for about 15 minutes.

Choosing the right rice for sushi in a slow cooker

In order not to make a mistake when preparing rice for sushi in a slow cooker, stock up on this product in special stores where there are departments selling everything you need to make sushi.

Closest to Japanese rice is ordinary round-grain. The long-grain variety for sushi is the enemy, it practically does not boil soft, absorbs a small amount of water and does not stick, which is the main condition for making sushi.

Based on the foregoing, two conclusions can be drawn. First, sushi rice must be white. Second, rice grains should be round and opaque.

What kind of rice should turn out in the cooking process

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker should eventually turn out to be boiled, sticky, airy. To give it a special flavor, at the beginning of cooking, kombu seaweed is added to the slow cooker, but when the water boils, it is pulled out.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: the correct mode and time

In order for the rice to turn out in the right form, besides tasty and fragrant, you need to choose the right multicooker mode and the right proportions of rice and water. It is believed that the ideal option is 250 ml of water for 200 grams of rice.


Japanese or round rice


Rinse Japanese rice or round-grain rice five times under cold water.

We spread it on a sieve, let the excess water drain a little, leave the rice to dry.

We send rice to the multicooker, fill it with water, set the multicooker mode Buckwheat. This program is suitable for cooking sushi rice.

When the rice is ready, leave it under the closed lid of the multicooker for another 10 minutes.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: ten

This rice recipe makes ten servings of sushi. It is not so difficult to prepare, but with the right mode and sequence. The advantage of the multicooker is that the rice will not burn and steam out as it should.


A glass of Japanese rice

One and a half glasses of water

A glass of rice vinegar


Pour Japanese rice or round-grain rice into a deep bowl, add water, leave in a bowl for half an hour.

After that, put the rice in a sieve, let the water drain a little. Put dried rice in a multicooker bowl, pour one-fifth with water, set the Simmer mode, but only for 20 minutes.

After the rice is cooked, let it steam for 20 minutes.

At this time, we begin to prepare the marinade. Add a pinch of sugar and salt to the rice vinegar.

Pour over cooked rice with marinade. Thus, he absorbs this liquid.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: a couple of sauces for seasoning

In addition to the standard rice vinegar, the rice recipe also includes soy sauce, which gives the sushi rice a special piquancy. The multicooker mode is used either Rice or Buckwheat. If there are none on your device, set Baking for 10 minutes and stewing for 30 minutes.


A couple glasses of Japanese rice

Three glasses of water

A couple of tablespoons of rice vinegar

One spoonful of soy sauce

One teaspoon of salt

One teaspoon of sugar


Rinse the rice five times in cold water.

Then soak the rice for half an hour. Use Japanese rice or round grain.

Put the rice in a slow cooker, immediately fill with water. Preferably cold. Set the mode to Rice or Buckwheat. Time and temperature will be set automatically.

While the rice is cooking, you can prepare the sauce.

In one bowl, mix salt, rice vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and heat slightly.

When the rice is cooked, let it rise for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

After that, mix the sauce with rice, loosen everything well.

Rice is ready for sushi.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: instead of rice, apple

This sushi rice recipe uses apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to find rice vinegar in stores. It is believed that it is much softer than ordinary vinegars, therefore, when using apple or wine vinegar, it is worth carefully dosing their amount.


A couple glasses of Japanese rice

Three glasses of water

A pinch of salt

Half a spoonful of soy sauce

A couple of spoonfuls of sugar

One spoonful of lemon juice

A couple of spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar


Rinse Japanese or round-grain rice well every five to seven times. Water after the last washing of this cereal should be transparent.

Put rice in a multicooker bowl, slightly pour cool water.

On the slow cooker, set the Baking mode, preferably for 10 minutes.

After the timer beeps, set another Extinguishing mode for 25 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, prepare the marinade. In one container, mix sugar, soy sauce, salt, lemon juice, add apple cider vinegar last. Mix everything very well, boil and let cool.

After the rice is ready, leave it in the slow cooker for a quarter of an hour.

Mix rice with marinade.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: quick and easy

Rice vinegar is one of the essential ingredients of sushi rice, like rice itself or water. But it is important to consider its dosage. If you overdo it with vinegar, the rice will turn out crumbly and not suitable for sushi at all.


A couple cups of round grain rice

Two and a half glasses of water

A glass of rice vinegar


Rinse the rice well five times, wash until the water is clear.

Put the rice in a slow cooker, immediately fill it with as cold water as possible for half an hour.

After that, set the multicooker mode - Buckwheat.

As soon as the timer signals the end of the program, open the lid and take out the rice. Gently stir it into the rice vinegar.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: aroma of algae

Sushi rice with the addition of seaweed is very fragrant and tasty, it is the seaweed that gives the rice a marine flavor, which is ideal for sushi with fish.


A couple glasses of rice

Two and a half glasses of water

A couple of spoons of soy sauce

Lemon juice

Noria Seaweed Cube

A glass of rice vinegar


Rinse the rice several times until the water is clear. After that, soak it for half an hour. We drain the water, put the rice on a sieve to remove the last excess of water. Pour the rice ready for cooking into the bowl of the multicooker, fill it with water and set the Buckwheat mode. Don't forget to add a cube of nori seaweed, this will give the rice a marine touch. But after the water boils, the cube must be pulled out.

We're getting ready to ship. Mix sugar, salt, juice of half a lemon and soy sauce in one bowl. Add the rice vinegar last. We mix everything thoroughly.

After the timer signals the end of the program, leave the rice in the slow cooker for another five minutes.

Rice has reached, fill it with filling and gently mix with a wooden spoon.

Rice for sushi in a slow cooker: just add wine

For this sushi rice recipe, rice wine is used as one of the ingredients, which gives the rice not only flavor, but also softens the grains themselves, making them even more sticky and boiled.


glass of rice

One teaspoon of salt

One spoonful of rice wine

Three spoons of rice vinegar

A couple of spoonfuls of sugar


Rinse the rice under cold running water seven times.

Put it in the multicooker bowl and fill it with two and a half cups of water.

Set the mode to Buckwheat. After the water boils, open the multicooker lid for a couple of minutes, close it again and cook further.

When the timer beeps that the rice is ready, let it rise for ten minutes.

In a bowl, mix salt, rice wine, sugar and rice vinegar. Put on fire, wait until the sugar and salt dissolve completely.

Put the rice in the filling, wait until it absorbs all the contents.

Now start making sushi.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking Sushi Rice in a Slow Cooker

    Rice is cooked for no more than half an hour.

    If you want the rice to be more sticky, add less water.

    The most optimal proportions are 1:1.25.

    Use only round rice or special Japanese rice.

    Real Japanese professionals wash the rice seven times under cold water, and then soak it for half an hour. It is believed that from this it becomes more tasty and healthy, all dust and starch are washed out of it.

Japan is an island state with its own unique culture. And the culinary culture of the Japanese is also very peculiar. Well, who could say that a piece of fish wrapped in seaweed and rice will conquer the whole world? Nevertheless, this is true, and today we will cook California rolls with you at home. And our wonderful multicooker will help us in this, we will cook rice for rolls in it.

Only now we will replace the salmon with more budgetary components. It will not be depriving at all, especially since the taste will not suffer from this at all.


  1. Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  2. Crab sticks - 3-4 pieces
  3. Seaweed noria - 4-5 plates
  4. Rice vinegar for sushi - 50 ml.
  5. Sugar - 30 gr.
  6. Salt - 10 gr.
  7. Water - 4 multi-glasses
  8. Rice for sushi and rolls - 2 multi-glasses
  9. Flying fish caviar - 50 gr.
  10. Soy sauce, ginger, wasabi

Rice for rolls can be used both special and regular. It all depends on your desire. But one thing remains unshakable - rice must be washed thoroughly.

It is necessary to rinse until the water becomes almost clear. We acknowledge that this is not a fast process. And now you have drained the last portion of water from rice and ... Pour clean cold again for 10-15 minutes. At this time, sushi rice should swell, that is, reach the condition, so to speak.

After that, the next step, in accordance with the cooking ceremony, is a ten-minute settling of rice without water. And only after this time, we send two multi-glasses of rice to the slow cooker.

Fill with four multi-glasses. Don't boil the rice! We set the RICE mode, the degree of readiness is SOLID for 20 minutes. Now the most important thing is not to overcook the rice. If you overcook, you will get porridge, and if you stop cooking too soon, the rice will be squeaky on the teeth.

Everything - now we switch to vinegar for sushi. To do this, mix rice vinegar, salt and sugar in certainly ceramic or glassware and send it to the slow cooker. Cooking time - 2-3 minutes at maximum power. Next, our mixture is stirred until all the ingredients are dissolved and cool for a while.

Rice should be ready by now. We take it out of the bowl, put it in a ceramic (not steel or aluminum!) dish and mix it with sweet-salty rice vinegar. And now you will feel the wonderful and unique smell of fresh sushi! Rice with vinegar needs about fifteen minutes to cool and soak.

Now let's move on to the filling of our Japanese California rolls. Thawed crab sticks cut into oblong sticks.

We cut the cucumbers, remove the peel from the cucumbers if desired.

If you seriously decide to please your loved ones with delicious rolls, then you definitely need to purchase a bamboo rug. With it, the rolls are twisted, I will first wrap the mat with a plastic bag. Without the bag, the mat would have to be cleaned frequently, and it's unhygienic. When the rug is ready, lay dry sheets of nori on it. But not just like that - you first need to cut them in half. This is the specificity of the preparation of California rolls.

Now carefully lay the rice in a thin layer on the nori. On top we apply red caviar of flying fish.

And here is the most difficult, important and interesting. California rolls are reverse rolls, that is, inside out. Therefore, the finished sandwich is carefully turned upside down with seaweed. And on these algae we place the filling - cucumbers and crab sticks. We do everything in accordance with the presented photos.

You can move on to twisting the rolls.

We do this carefully, form a tight and dense sausage, and then unfold the bamboo mat. And here you have real California rolls in the form of sausage on your table!

Let it brew for a few minutes and carefully cut with a very sharp knife into portioned rolls.

And now you please your family and friends with such an exotic and so close dish to us - California rolls! Bon appetit!

The popularity of Japanese cuisine is growing every year, and modern housewives are trying to master the preparation of sushi and rolls at home. One of the main components of Japanese dishes is properly cooked rice. The technology of its preparation is somewhat different from the usual. But with the help of a multicooker, you can recover easily.


  1. Rice - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sugar - 1 tsp
  3. Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  4. Rice vinegar - for dressing


  • Take rice (you can use ordinary, you can special for making sushi), rinse it well under running water.
  • Pour the washed rice into the multicooker bowl, pour cold water (1 part rice, 2 parts water). Add sugar and vegetable oil.
  • Close the lid of the multicooker, set the "Buckwheat" or "Rice" mode and cook until the end of the program.
  • Season the finished sushi rice with rice vinegar and proceed to the formation of rolls and sushi.


  1. Rice - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 3 tbsp.
  3. Salt and spices - to taste


  • Sort and rinse the rice thoroughly. To make it not dry, soak it for several hours in cold water before cooking.
  • Then transfer the rice to a special steaming bowl, season with salt and spices on top.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl, set the “Steam” or “Steam cooking” program.
  • After the beep (after about 40 minutes), let the rice rest a little more.
  • Now you can start cooking sushi or rolls.


  1. Rice - 2 tbsp.
  2. Water - 500 ml
  3. Lemon juice - 3 tsp
  4. Soy sauce - 2 tsp
  5. Vinegar - 50 ml
  6. Salt - 1 pinch
  7. Sugar - 2 tsp


  • Sort the rice thoroughly and rinse it until the water is clear.
  • Then pour into a slow cooker, fill with water, set the program "Rice" or "Buckwheat" and cook for about 25 minutes.
  • While the rice is cooking, prepare the dressing. In a saucepan, combine the lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, and sugar.
  • Put the saucepan on a slow fire, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  • Cool the finished marinade and add to the boiled rice. Just remember that the rice does not need to be stirred, it is better to gently turn it over with a silicone or wooden spatula.


  1. Seaweed nori - 1 pc.
  2. Smoked eel fillet - 200 g
  3. Rice for sushi - 100 g
  4. Roasted sesame - 50 g
  5. Unagi sauce - to taste
  6. Wasabi - to taste
  7. Ginger - to taste


  • For convenience, wrap the mat for rolls in cling film. Place a sheet of nori on it.
  • Lay the boiled sushi rice on top of the nori. Spread evenly around the entire perimeter so that it does not reach one edge of the algae by 1 cm.
  • Cut the eel fillet into 1 cm wide cubes, lay them on top of the rice. Sprinkle the fillet with sesame seeds. Slide the nori to the edge of the mat and carefully roll up the roll.
  • Cut the finished roll with a sharp knife dipped in water.
  • Serve rolls with swasabi eel, ginger and unagi sauce.


  1. Rice - 100 g
  2. Seaweed nori - 1 pc.
  3. Crab sticks - 10 pcs.
  4. Wasabi - to taste
  5. Soy sauce - to taste
  6. Ginger - to taste


  • Lay a sheet of nori on the mat, evenly spread the boiled sushi rice on top of it. Rice should not reach one edge of the algae by 1 cm.
  • Crab sticks cut into cubes or strips. Lay the crab sticks on top of the rice.
  • Using a special mat, carefully and tightly twist the rolls.
  • Cut the finished rolls into equal, even pieces using a sharp and wet knife. Serve crab sticks with wasabi, soy sauce and ginger.


  1. Nori seaweed - 1 pc.
  2. Rice - 100 g
  3. Crab meat - 200 g
  4. Mayonnaise - 2 tsp
  5. Flying fish caviar - 3 tbsp.
  6. Avocado - 1 pc.


  • Lay a sheet of nori on the mat, evenly spread the boiled sushi rice on the surface. Brush the rice with mayonnaise. Crab meat cut into cubes, avocado - into small cubes. Put the crabmeat and avocado on top of the mayonnaise.
  • Roll up the roll with a mat, iron it. Put flying fish roe on the roll and iron it again with a mat.
  • Cut the finished roll with a moistened sharp knife into portions and serve with soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.


  1. Salmon - 200 g
  2. Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  3. Seaweed nori - 1 pc.
  4. Rice - 100 g
  5. Cream cheese Philadelphia - 100 g
  6. Flying fish caviar - 3 tbsp.


  • Lay the nori sheet on the mat, spread the rice evenly over the seaweed.
  • Cover the nori sheet along with the rice with a mat and turn over to the other side.
  • Lay out the cream cheese. Cut cucumbers into strips, salmon into cubes. Put cucumber on one side of the cheese, salmon on the other.
  • Carefully wrap the roll, iron it.
  • Put flying fish caviar on the roll, roll up the mat again. So the caviar is evenly distributed over the surface.
  • Cut the finished "Philadelphia" into portions and serve.

Sushi and rolls are a dish that has long been loved by everyone, which is ideal for both a holiday and a variety of everyday menus. The main component of Japanese cuisine is rice, which can be easily cooked in a slow cooker. Cooking rolls at home is a fascinating and interesting process. You can experiment, use different fillings and hone your culinary skills in every possible way. Also in a slow cooker, it is easy to cook friable rice, which will be an excellent side dish for many dishes.

Our multicookers are able to cook any rice as well as rice cookers. After all, rice cookers are specially designed for rice and cereals, and multicookers - in their image and likeness, but with more advanced functions.

In this recipe, you will learn how to cook the perfect rice for sushi and rolls in a slow cooker. This is a basic rice recipe for Japanese snacks. And only then, on your own, based on this rice, you can make any sushi your heart desires - from simple nigiri to complex rolls. Moreover, according to the famous culinary specialist Ilya Lazerson in one of his books, sushi rice can successfully serve as a side dish for meatballs. From myself, since I tried it, I’ll say - Larezson is right, it’s really delicious. I also tried to serve as a side dish with a piece of fried meat. I especially liked sweet and sour rice in combination with pork. But back to sushi and rolls.

It is generally accepted that special varieties of white rice should be used to prepare Japanese snacks. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates “for sushi” on the packaging of such a product. But some chefs, including Ilya Lazerson mentioned above, say that this is just a marketing ploy, that any round-grain rice will work just as well. The main thing is that the cereal is of good quality. And the quality indicator is the absence of crushed grain in a pack of rice, or the content of crushed grain is completely negligible. Therefore, friends, when buying a product, pay attention to the integrity of the grain!


  1. Rice (Japanese or other for sushi) - 1 cup (volume 250 ml)
  2. Water - 1 glass
  3. Rice vinegar - 1/3 cup
  4. Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  5. Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls in a slow cooker

1. Prepare round white rice (I have Japanese). We will use fresh (raw), cold and filtered water for cooking rice. We measure water and rice vinegar with a glass of the same volume as the cereal. Granulated sugar is now found both with large grains and with small ones. Fine sugar dissolves faster and better, so it is preferable to take it.

2. Pour the rice into a suitable deep container, pour cold water and mine, easily (!!!) rubbing the grits with your hands. Drain the cloudy water carefully so as not to “lose” the grains. Pour cold water again and repeat the process. Thus, my cereal, changing the water 6-7 times.

3. After washing, pour the cereal into a colander or sieve, install it on any container so that the remaining moisture can drain. So we leave the rice for twenty to thirty minutes.

4. Next, place the cereal in the multicooker bowl. Pour raw water. Flatten the rice with a spatula or a kitchen spoon. Pay attention (!!!) - DO NOT add salt!
We cover the multicooker with a lid. We turn on the program "Rice / cereals" for 25 minutes. Leave the rice to cook until the end of the program.

5. At this time, we are making a gas station, it is also called sushi. Why first measure the rice vinegar and heat it slightly. You can heat it in a saucepan on the stove or gently in the microwave.

6. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm vinegar. The additives should dissolve without residue, so it may be necessary to heat the mixture a little more.

7. Rice is ready. Turn off the multicooker, take out the bowl of rice.

8. We transfer the hot rice to a bowl (or maybe you have a special container called hangiri) and level it. Distribute sushi (vinegar dressing) over the entire surface of the cereal with spraying movements. Then mix - first, as if turning the rice, and then with short cutting movements. The spatula (flat spoon) included with the multicooker is ideal for this.

9. Rice for sushi and rolls is completely ready, but should cool slightly. It is necessary to start sushi when the rice is warm. You can't leave it "for later".

10. In conclusion, a few tips. Work with rice with hands dipped in water. If you use a knife or a serving ring (for example, for "washers" as in the photo), we also moisten the tools with water.
If you want to cook sushi for a large company, the amount of all the ingredients indicated in the recipe should be proportionally increased (for example, three times).

Rice is a cereal that contains a lot of useful substances. Man began to use it for the first time many years ago. During archaeological excavations, dishes are found in which there are remains of it. It first appeared in Asia, so it is logical that over time it began to be used in the dishes of Japan, Korea and China. The most popular rice dish is sushi. Today, no Japanese sees sushi without rice, but few people know that they did not originally contain this product. They were prepared only from algae and fish, but they began to use this cereal to add flavor. Let's try to cook sushi rice in redmond multicooker with the right recipe.

Sushi rice recipe, cook in a slow cooker

In order to prevent porridge from cooking, you must strictly adhere to the indicated dosage of cereals and water. Since it is different from the recipe for rice porridge in a slow cooker , since much less water is taken for it.

Required Ingredients:

  • water 2.5 mugs
  • rice vinegar 50 ml
  • salt teaspoon
  • sugar two teaspoons
  • rice 2 cups.

Step by step cooking rice for sushi in a slow cooker:

  • Those who wish can pre-soak the rice, a little more water is taken, at the rate of 1.15 liquid per part. Soak in the multicooker itself. Half an hour after soaking, you can set the mode. Most often they use "Buckwheat", for about 25 minutes.
  • After the regime is established, you can safely go about your business until the moment when the readiness signal sounds. Then you can start preparing the dressing.
  • Some do not like to pre-cook the dressing, but simply add granulated sugar, vinegar and salt, and mix thoroughly. It is best to use a wooden spatula for this.
  • Do not rinse the rice after adding the dressing, so that the gluten does not go away.
  • As soon as the dressing is added, you need to close the lid and leave the porridge to languish for 10 minutes. All is ready.

In Japan, there is a tradition of cooling rice with a fan, as it acquires a pearly sheen. Rolls and sushi should be cooked quickly while the rice is still hot, but not so hot that it burns. When cooking, hands are usually moistened with water with a small amount of vinegar. That's all the secrets of how to cook rice for sushi in redmond slow cooker. Knowing these subtleties, it will turn out exactly the consistency that is needed for rolls and sushi. cook delicious snacks in your multicooker!