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When is the river fleet day? Workers of the sea and river fleet celebrate their professional holiday. Congratulations to maritime employees

The professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July. Sailors and river workers have been celebrating their professional holiday together since 1976.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days,” the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet was included in the list of holidays celebrated in recognition of the merits of workers in the industry. In 2017, this day falls on July 2.

The foundations for managing maritime transport as a single sector of the country's national economy were laid on July 18, 1924, when the Sovtorgflot Joint Stock Company was formed by a resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense. Not only transport vessels belonging to various departments and joint-stock companies, but also ports, ship repair yards, educational institutions and a network of service enterprises came under his jurisdiction. By January 1, 1925, 128 steamships were sailing under the flag of Sovtorgflot. Centralization made it possible to significantly increase cargo transportation by 1.5 times. Gradually, the fleet began to be replenished with new ships and by April 1, 1941 it had 870 ships.

During the Great Patriotic War From 1941 to 1945, transport ships made thousands of voyages along internal and external communications, exposed to attacks by enemy ships, aircraft and submarines, and participated in many landing operations. A significant part of them, after appropriate additional equipment, performed combat missions in everyday combat operations as part of ships at naval bases. The task of ensuring the transportation of military and national economic cargo was especially important for the transport fleet. During the war years, the Soviet transport fleet transported about 100 million tons of cargo needed by the country and the front, 13,900 sea workers received military awards, and 35 maritime transport workers became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

A type of sea and river transport in Russia is one of the important sectors in the state economy. This trend has continued for many years, thanks to the hard work of more than one generation. They devoted most of their lives to this profession. That is why representatives of the sea and river fleet were officially allocated more than thirty years ago a day on the calendar to celebrate this holiday dedicated to their work.

The first Sunday of the second summer month is dedicated to the annual celebration of the Day of Workers of the Russian Sea and River Fleet. Its installation date was officially recorded in October 1980.

The year in which the Russian fleet was created, according to historical sources, dates back to the 17th century. It was in 1696, by order of Peter I, that the Boyar Duma created a Decree, which stated that sea vessels should be. Subsequently, Russia became one of the states that acted as a large maritime country.

After the creation of the fleet, three decades later, the regular fleet of the Russian state was formed. Mass construction began various types water transport, including military and merchant ships. This action led not only to an increase in the quantity and quality of the Russian fleet, but also to the development of new and previously unknown sea and river routes.

Especially important role The sea and river fleet played during the Great Patriotic War. In the middle of the last century, maritime transport took one of the important places among transportation for foreign trade. This view has also proven to be popular for those who like to travel. This demand in trade and passenger transport prompted a subsequent expansion in the construction of more modern and improved watercraft.

Traditions of celebrating Russian Sea and River Fleet Day

Representatives of the navy have always been the pride and glory of Russia. The main concepts for them to this day remain mutual revenue and feeling family ties together. Their relationship is reminiscent of brotherhood. They are always ready to help each other, being on and off the same ship for a long time.

The traditions and concepts of representatives of the sea and river fleets have been passed on for centuries from one generation to another. They are distinguished by their loyalty and constancy. Over the years, they have only been added to best qualities, which grow stronger and develop.

Ceremonial events are planned mainly in Primorsky Krai Russia and in cities that are located on the banks of large rivers. The main idea of ​​such celebrations is to increase and revive the importance of these professions in the life of Russia. In 2018, the celebration will take place on July 1.

The basis that will make up the festive activities is the holding of concert programs and various competitions, shows, and master classes. They will be for the public of different ages. The final moment of the celebration of Sea and River Fleet Workers Day will traditionally be fireworks.

The water expanses of the state are huge. The sea and river fleets successfully compete with the largest maritime states. For many hundreds of years, Russian sailors have been glorifying their profession and protecting the country from various types of attacks.


The creation of the fleet began with a decree of Peter I, in which the ruler indicated that “there will be sea vessels.” This happened in 1696 and is rightfully considered a historical event. After 30 years, a permanent squadron was created in the Russian Empire. 111 brigantines, 60 sailing ships, 38 frigates, more than a hundred galleys, as well as many cargo liners, bombardment ships and other small maritime vehicles were built.

In the Soviet Union, in 1924, Sovtorgflot was created - a society that united marine vehicles, ship repair plants, educational institutions and other organizations that previously belonged to various structures.

During the Second World War, the fleets showed excellent results in battles; more than 100 million cargo were transported. Hundreds of sailors were awarded awards and orders.

In the 1960s, maritime modes of transport became leading in international trade relations. The fleet developed and grew, coastal bases and special vessels for transporting goods were built. The flotilla of the union was accepted into international organizations, where it became an ally of numerous states.

The modern Russian fleet performs a number of tasks:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • transport sea and river transportation.


On this holiday, sailors and everyone related to the fleet accept congratulations from their superiors, relatives and friends. At ceremonial events, certificates are awarded, and especially distinguished employees receive orders and bonuses. Concerts, sea and river carnivals are held in cities. The holiday is celebrated widely and on a grand scale.

For their professional day, sailors prepare a parade of ships, which is called both a dance and a frigate ball. Motorbikers also prepare an unforgettable spectacle for sailors. Many people with children come to see these spectacles. At the end of the day, residents of festive cities and towns enjoy colorful fireworks.

On this day, schoolchildren, local authorities and organizations hold rallies at monuments and lay flowers in tribute to the memory of sailors who have passed away while performing their professional duty.

The sailor's profession is invariably shrouded in an aura of romance. And, perhaps, there is no boy who would not at least once dream of going to work in the navy. Let's talk today about what date Fleet Day is celebrated in 2019, and what the pros and cons of the difficult and harsh, but so romantic profession of a sailor are associated with.

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980, the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July.

As an independent entity of the country's economy, the river and sea fleet has officially existed since 1924, when a special Resolution adopted the decision to form the Sovtorgflot joint-stock company. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it had 51 seaports, 14 shipping companies and 27 enterprises that serviced and repaired ships. They were all mobilized and showed themselves in the most heroic manner. The development of the fleet continued in the post-war years and by 1965. The Soviet merchant fleet was the sixth largest in the world. Soviet sailors had the best reputation; all international ship-owning companies willingly cooperated with them.

Unfortunately, the crisis of the early 90s did not escape this industry, and for some time it was in decline. In 1993, on October 8, a special program was adopted to return the Russian merchant fleet to its former importance.

Fleet Day in 2019 will be celebrated as a professional holiday by workers of the sea, river, icebreaker, and passenger fleets, workers of ship repair yards, port workers and workers of many other specialties who support the activities of the river and sea fleet of Russia.

Profession: sailor

Yes, the profession of a sailor seems romantic, but it also causes a lot of controversy. Let's start with the fact that a sailor is, in fact, not a profession. This word refers to a set of professions in demand by shipowners and necessary to work on a ship. But ships are different. Chemical carriers transport chemical cargo, gas carriers - liquefied gas, sea ferries transport passengers, cars and sometimes entire trains, tankers transport liquid cargo, such as oil, dry cargo ships can transport combined cargo, refrigerators transport perishable goods, and so on.

The team serving any ship is divided into deck and engine services, headed by the captain, and he is assisted by officers or assistants to the captain - senior, first, second, third. They are subordinate to the rank and file - sailors, boatswain, cooks, and also, if the ship is a passenger ship - waiters, stewards, bartenders and other support staff. In addition, often, mainly on large ships, there is a ship's doctor and a ship's radio operator or radio operator. The crew of a large ocean-going vessel can number over a thousand people, and each of them has their own specialty.

The deck crew's job is to prepare deck equipment and cargo holds for use, and the engine crew must ensure that in perfect order contained the ship's chassis and the entire complex of its complex mechanisms. The machine team is directly subordinate to the senior mechanic and consists of second, third, fourth and system mechanics, as well as mechanics, welders, turners, etc.

Benefits of working in the Navy

The main advantages of working in the navy, as a rule, primarily include high salaries. Indeed, even despite the fact that today you can earn good money on land, sailors are still somewhat ahead in this regard. It should be added that for the entire period of their stay on the voyage, the sailors are fully supported by the shipowner: he pays for their food, provides them with work clothes, necessary tools, flights if necessary, and hotel accommodations during unexpected delays. In other words, while on a voyage, a sailor not only earns money, but also significantly saves on the expenses that he would have incurred if he were living on shore at that time.

The big advantage of working in the navy is long vacation. As a rule, a sailor’s life is divided into two parts: he works for six months, and rests for six months. And although this leave is not paid, a large period of free time can be devoted to family and home.

Another advantage is the ability to travel around different countries. And although stops at the port are not always long, in most cases, sailors can go ashore and at least see the sights of the port city. In addition, most modern ships are manned by international crews, and this is an excellent opportunity to improve your knowledge foreign language, as well as study the culture and life of different peoples.

Good specialist, who has long experience at sea will almost always be able to find a well-paid job on shore after the expiration of the contract. However, it must be said that sailors are rarely left without work, since there are almost always vacancies in the fleet.

Disadvantages of working in the Navy

Now let's talk about the disadvantages that such a holiday as Fleet Day should not be forgotten about. The first of them is quite obvious - long-term isolation from family and home is not beneficial for everyone. Sailors' wives are a completely special category; waiting for a husband to return from a voyage for six months is very difficult.

The next obvious disadvantage is that working in the navy involves hard physical labor. While on a flight, you often have to work 12 hours a day or more, seven days a week, on a rotational basis. Add to this the constant change of time zones - and you will understand that even for a physically strong human body this is a very difficult test. When transporting dangerous or flammable goods, all sorts of accidents can occur, and it is almost impossible to obtain qualified medical assistance on a ship at sea.

Another danger that sounds strange to ordinary person- this pirates. If you think that they exist today only in adventure films, you are mistaken. Pirates pose a serious danger to civilian and even military ships. Pirates can not only rob a ship, but even capture sailors in the hope of getting a good ransom for them.

Being in a limited and often closed space for a long time is also a very difficult test, which not every person can withstand. Unfortunately, not all ships have a design that provides sufficient living space; in order to save money, sailors' cabins can be small and cramped, without additional amenities in the form of a sauna or gym. And daily communication with the same people also does not have the best effect on your psychological state.

To work in the fleet, you need to regularly improve your skills professional level, undergo retraining in your specialty, confirm your diploma. All this costs a lot of money. In addition, most seafarers working for private companies cannot count on a state pension.

Water is an element without which life on Earth is impossible! Rivers, seas, and oceans not only supply us with food and water, but also ensure the economic development of the country. Millions of people and goods are transported by water. And these trips are carried out by specialists high class. They celebrate their professional holiday - Sea and River Fleet Workers' Day - on the first Sunday in July. Every year for two centuries these brave people receive congratulations and good wishes from the government, relatives, friends and passengers. Pay attention and prepare your speech in advance to your sailor!

Excursion into history

The Great Peter I created and approved Russian Azov, by his order it became the main port of the country. This is where the long and successful journey of Russian sea vessels began. with public money collected by the state. Everyone contributed a piece to this necessary and important cause. Over the course of thirty years, the fleet has been transformed beyond recognition: dozens of powerful galleys, frigates, and brigantines. And most importantly - brave and courageous workers who, without sparing themselves, promoted and multiplied the fleet.

The River Fleet Day holiday is still relatively young. By decree of the head of the Supreme Council of the USSR, it is celebrated in 1988. Every year there are parades and special events, which are attended by many people. After all, almost every boy still dreams of becoming a ship captain and going on an exciting journey.

Strength and power

Today the Russian fleet is the most powerful in the world. This is the merit of the state, captains, ordinary repairmen and everyone involved in this profession. People who have dedicated their lives to working on the country’s “wet” highways are kind, brave and sympathetic. Always ready to come to the rescue and lend a helping hand. They, like brothers and sisters, stand shoulder to shoulder and will not abandon a friend in trouble. This industry has its own beliefs and traditions that have been observed for many decades.

Prepare your congratulations on River Fleet Day in advance so that you can pronounce it with expression and not forget the words!

May there always be a happy wind

Hangs in the sails.

And tears appear

Just from laughing in front of my eyes.

Let the pier always meet you,

Warmth and comfort, kindness,

And I sincerely congratulate you,

Happy Fleet Day, a solemn day!

I wish you career growth

There is always a fair wind,

Let time rush by more slowly

No years go by in vain!

Such wishes can be expressed to relatives and acquaintances on River Fleet Day.

Students, applicants

Since childhood, many have been obsessed with the idea of ​​devoting their lives to water surfaces. But, having studied at special universities, specialists prefer to work on the shore. The best educational institutions open their doors to applicants. There are many people who want to get an elite profession. The training is interesting, but it can also be difficult. Of course, practice is the basis of the program. Special vessels are used, fully equipped for training young specialists and going to the open sea. Therefore, the holiday Day of River Fleet Workers also concerns them. Students celebrate this holiday with pleasure and congratulate teachers with cheerful performances.

Good words

A professional holiday for real sailors is more important than their own name day. They prepare in advance for this event. If there is a person in your circle who is affected by River Fleet Day, congratulate him from the bottom of your heart.

The holiday of brave and courageous people,

On the sea or the river - it doesn’t matter

They perform difficult service,

Ferries, ships are sailing

Thanks to their efforts,

Our brave and dear ones.

May success follow you

Let it sound like only laughter at work.

Career growth and favorable winds.

We know it can be difficult for you!

Cause you never give up

You are proud to be called river workers!

You are bound to water forever,

This is your element, support, work!

Such a congratulation can be written in beautiful postcard and give it to a loved one on River Fleet Day. You can make a postcard with my own hands in the form of an application or drawing. On this day it is nice to receive such a gift and attention.


The first Sunday in July is a wonderful warm day. The weather is beautiful, you can have a picnic in nature, of course, near a pond. Invite your friends and have a fun party. A good reason for such a celebration is the Day of the Sea and River Fleet Workers. Prepare congratulations, competitions, quizzes in advance. Tasty food, warm water And good company- the party will be a great success! Say kind words to people in this profession. After all, they are all one friendly team. This is who we need to follow as an example. They will never leave you in trouble, either on land or on water. With their help, the country's economy is successfully developing, millions of passengers travel safely.

Celebrate all holidays cheerfully, let the gray days be forgotten on such days. Use your imagination, effort and have fun!