In a private house      03/09/2024

Fortune telling for a man what is going on with him. Fortune telling with playing cards on “Feelings of a loved one”

From the moment the first tender feeling was born on our sinful and beautiful Earth, every girl would like to know what the guy she loves is thinking about. A curious person would pay dearly for such information. In search of an answer to this question, as well as to other questions, for example: does he love me or not, the weaker sex turned to witches, sorcerers, fortune tellers and soothsayers of all stripes. Some were really lucky and they learned the truth, while others, having gone through all the circles of hell, remained in the tenacious clutches of scoundrels who kept their “victim” on a short leash: “treatment” for non-existent diseases, false advice and ineffective spells and, as a result, incalculable money infusions. But let’s be honest, all this still exists. Charlatans are not extinct, as are those who are in an endless search for answers and clues.

However, it’s much easier for today’s girls; now there is a great opportunity, without leaving your own home, to simply open the Internet and enter into a search engine: “Fortune telling for a loved one.” And voila! The World Wide Web will immediately offer a lot of esoteric sites. Including our Mogura. By scrolling down the page a little, you can choose those love fortune telling that fully meet your current need for information and advice.

Our great-great-grandmothers would probably die of envy if they found out that while sitting on the sofa in their favorite cafe, you can tell fortunes online and find out what your loved one is doing. Fantastic! For them - yes, for us this is a reality in which there is nothing unnatural. Not only do modern technologies provide such chances, but you also don’t need to pay anyone. Everything is free!

In my husband's name

It’s not enough to get an answer to the question: when will I get married? Every young lady of marriageable age wants, among other things, to find out the name of her future husband. It’s understandable, you look closely at your suitors, you look closely, but it’s still not clear - with whom will the family work out? How not to miss the one who can become a reliable and strong man's shoulder. Who should you look for happiness with?

On a date

What do you think are the most visited fortune telling on the Mogura website? Of course, those that help us find out what the coming day has in store for us, especially if on that day you have to go on a love date. What to expect from the meeting? On what note will we part? How will it go? Will he/she like me? A million questions, the answers to which will be revealed either by time or by our free and irreplaceable card fortune telling for a date!

Crown of Love

The Crown of Love is the fastest, most sincere and accurate fortune telling for love. This is exactly the case when you need to put a decisive end to the relationship. No confusion or delays, the feeling of your election is in full view!

Gypsy tarot

This online fortune-telling combines the centuries-old traditions of European tarot cards and highly respected gypsy fortune-tellers. The rare deck has an exclusive design, as well as a unique interpretation of the individual major and minor arcana.

What does he like about me?

What did he like about me? The question, of course, is by no means the most significant and pressing. But it’s interesting! Alas, the hero of the occasion shifts from foot to foot and, at best, babbles something unintelligible. And I would really like to know what your chosen one found in you so special!? How about telling your fortune? They know everything about cards, and they will tell you this answer to the question.

Scandinavian runes

Is there a more ancient and time-tested fortune telling in the world than the Scandinavian runes? There are few of them, even fewer fortune telling, which combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian fortune telling using one rune is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and the runes will certainly answer you.

Fortune telling Berendeyev

A long time ago, in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, namely on the Slavic lands, lived the Berendeys, the birch bark kings, and they had their own birch kingdom. No one knows for certain what happened to them; only epics, wise tales, initial letters and fortune telling from tree leaves have survived to this day.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire game that will give the most accurate forecast of upcoming changes on the personal front. Don't know what to expect from the next weekend, upcoming vacation or series of chosen ones? It's time to play the solitaire cards!

Love does not love?

We all come from childhood. The same time when it was customary to tell fortunes using a chamomile. "Loves? Does not love? - we asked her a question, mercilessly tearing off the most delicate white petals.” Let's take care of nature and tell fortunes online on the Mogura website.

Personal relationships between a man and a woman are so complex and unpredictable that sometimes only fortune telling on 36 playing cards can help predict the development of events. How your chosen one treats you, what his true intentions are, whether your couple has a future, a deck of classic cards lifts the curtain on these and other secrets. Several different layouts will help every woman deal with difficult situations with her loved one.

Most people in the world want to find love or get married. With the help of this prophetic action on 52 cards, you can learn the secret of your marriage destiny - whether you will get married and how soon this will happen. You can lay out cards for love in fortune telling only once a year at Christmas or at any other time. It is no longer possible to make such predictions again until the current year changes.

“Crown of Love” - online fortune telling for a loved one
The gift of the goddess Aphrodite has the power of purity and eternal Love, which never dies, revives and awakens the hearts of lovers. Fortune telling with the help of the Crown will tell the loving girls' hearts everything about the guy they love, about the man they like - he loves or doesn't love, wants or doesn't want, and how the relationship will develop further...

"Chamomile" - classic fortune telling
What to do if it’s winter outside, or you live among asphalt and haven’t seen a chamomile for a long time? Yes, and running around every time in search of a hidden flower is quite difficult. Let flowers continue to decorate nature, now you can use chamomile love fortune telling for love at any time using the website www.???...

“Flower” - online fortune telling for a loved one
Suitable for girls. A humorous description of a loved one, comparing your loved one to a flower and giving in a nutshell a very harsh description of his behavior in his personal life. This fortune telling should not be taken completely seriously, but, as they say, there may be some truth in every accident.

"Postal Dove" - ​​fortune-telling oracle
Doves have long been considered a symbol of peace and love; lovers are often called “doves.” There are many myths and legends that glorify the ability of pigeons to bring peace to any situation. Our free love fortune telling is dedicated to romantic feelings. The carrier pigeon will bring you the answer to a secret question and answer - YES or NO!

"Book of Changes about love" fortune telling online
Yin and Yang are two opposite poles - feminine and masculine, dark and light, distant and close. These opposites brought out of oblivion everything living and non-living on Earth. Natural phenomena, our development, the events of our lives - all this is the result of attraction or, on the contrary, the collision of Yin and Yang... In this fortune telling for love you will come into contact with the wonderful energy of the cosmos!

Fortune telling about relationships and feelings

"Book of Fates" - questions about love
The Book of Fates - in addition to general questions, it is most often addressed with love questions. The Book of Fates is a kind of road sign. When starting romantic fortune-telling, try to abandon the problem, calm down and try not to think about the bad. After all, if you are negative about the situation, then there can be no question of a positive answer.

“Hearts” - fortune telling for a loved one
If you are here, it means you are in love and you know that love is beauty, greatness, brilliance, power, crushing force! Here is the best love fortune telling for all lovers - the “Eleven Hearts” fortune telling. This is a kind of oracle. This relationship fortune telling will definitely clarify your relationship with the person you like!

You don't have to be in a state of choice between two partners. The main thing here is the desire to look into your future about love. This prediction is great for Valentine's Day, but you can tell your fortune at any other time. A short forecast may surprise you.

“Love Thermometer” - fortune telling for relationships
How to determine whether you are loved and find out how strong feelings of love your husband or boyfriend experiences? If love is truly present, then this natural impulse of the soul is difficult not to notice. Attention, respect, views, words are the guiding thread. And also intuition. When we look somewhere or at something or at someone, we perceive the object not only consciously, but also subconsciously...

Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a loved one tells you how he feels, will show your place in his life, and everything that is connected with you. You will learn about his worries and worries related to your relationship. The soul of another person is a mystery, but they will help you look into the inner world of your loved one.

In the article:

Tarot reading for a loved one

Layouts for a loved one take first place in their popularity. Due to the fact that they are often used in their practice by both professional fortune tellers and amateurs, there are a huge number of ways to find out what is in your soul.

For that, To make the layout as clear as possible, do not forget about asking the right question. Don't worry before you start working with cards. The calmer you are, the more correctly you will be able to understand what the cards want to tell you.

As you understand, you should not make several readings on the same question on the same day, even if you do not like the results. The cards won't say exactly what you expect them to say.

Below we will give several different layouts for love. With their help, you can find out everything about your soulmate and your relationship with her.

This layout involves ten cards. Relax, mentally formulate your question, shuffle the deck and place it in a row in front of you. They are interpreted as follows:

  1. His thoughts about you.
  2. His feelings for you.
  3. What interests him now?
  4. What are the reasons for this?
  5. What doesn't he like about his relationship with you?
  6. What are his plans for you?
  7. Does he like to give or receive in a relationship?
  8. What do you need to know about it?
  9. How will he show himself?
  10. What will happen to your relationship?

Tarot fortune telling for a loved one using five cards.

Arcanum in first position shows your relationship in the present.
Second card will tell you about your partner's feelings.
Card in third position speaks about the thoughts of your other half.
Fourth card interpreted as events that will happen in the near future.
Fifth card talks about the consequences of your relationship.

  1. Who is the wolf for me (it’s interesting that sometimes the querent himself turns out to be a wolf for himself)?
  2. How dangerous is this wolf (some wolves, on the contrary, are very useful)?
  3. What threat does the wolf pose to me (emotional, physical, none, etc.)?
  4. Why is he dangerous for me?
  5. How can I minimize the threat?
  6. Should I wait for outside help?
  7. What should I do after I defeat the wolf?

– shows the prospects for the development of relations in the union, who your loved one is in the union and who you are. How successful will your union be in the future and what difficulties await you in this union. 4 cards

Layout for your loved one– if you are interested in a certain person, then this alignment will help you find out what he thinks about you and what feelings he has for you, as well as what influences his personality is exposed to. 8 cards

Seven chakras of the beloved- a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one, and simply when you want to find out in detail the attitude of your loved one towards you. 15 cards

Fan's Choice- a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you, and who is better to choose. Men can also use the layout. 7 cards

Gap– this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? And who or what will help make peace. 6 cards

Romantic tarot:

Trigon of air– the layout describes the emotional life of a loved one, the presence or absence of love in his life. 4 cards

Layout for your loved one

Seven chakras of the beloved

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

Fan's Choice

You should choose yourself as the Significator.


Choose yourself as a significator if you are breaking up with someone.

Layouts for love and loved one Osho Zen tarot:

Trigon of air– the alignment describes the emotional life of a loved one. 3 cards

Layout for your loved one- a layout showing the attitude of your loved one towards you. 7 cards

As a Significator you should choose a loved one - your beloved.

Seven chakras of the beloved- a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one, and for a situation when a fortuneteller wants to know the attitude of a loved one towards himself. 14 cards

Fan's Choice- a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you, and what you will achieve by connecting your life with each of them. 6 cards

Gap– this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 5 cards

Choose yourself as a significator if you are breaking up with someone.

Layouts for love and loved one Fairytale tarot:

Lovers- a layout showing who you are in this relationship and who your chosen one is in it. Forecast of your relationship in the future. 4 cards

Layout for your loved one– the layout will help you find out what your loved one thinks about you and what feelings your loved one has for you. 8 cards

Seven chakras of the beloved– the layout describes the emotional state and problems of a loved one, his relationships with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

Fan's Choice- a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you. The result of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Gap– this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 6 cards - the layout describes the emotional state and problems of a loved one, his relationships with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

Fan's Choice- a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you. The result of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Gap– this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 6 cards

Choose yourself as a significator if you are breaking up with someone.