Mixer      03/09/2024

Why do you dream about Beloved? Beloved according to the dream book

Often, a dreamed lover is positioned by girls as an unkind sign, especially if what they saw in the dream has an undesirable ending. Most dream books suggest interpreting what a person dear to your heart dreams about completely literally or exactly the opposite.

To correctly present the meaning of a dream, it is necessary to consider what you saw in a dream from several angles: from the perspective of real circumstances, from the emotional side and small nuances in the behavior or appearance of the character.

Lover's appearance

Seeing a handsome and well-groomed chosen one in a dream means you will have the opportunity to go on a date or receive good news. If this is an ex-man, there will be a reason to regret the breakup. If you dreamed that the appearance of a person dear to your heart was completely different than in reality, the dream book predicts the occurrence of moments and situations in the future that will greatly surprise you.

Being young when your beloved is old in a dream suggests a temporary cooling of feelings or parting with him in the dream book. Seeing your boyfriend very old suggests that in fact the person is not who he really is.

Young man's behavior

Dancing with your lover in a dream promises active popularity among the opposite sex. I dreamed that my chosen one was dancing with another girl - to fulfill my plan, you will need endurance and self-control, any manifestation of feelings threatens failure.

To feel in a dream that a loved one is indifferent and to suffer from this indicates a choice that has become in real life - living together or parting with the object of love. Some dream books have a different explanation for what an indifferent lover dreams of. Such a plot assumes a sign from the Universe about the absence of a real attraction of the character to the dreamer.

A drunken lover identifies the partners' existing misconceptions about each other. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the new partner thinks stereotypically, comparing his partner with other young ladies, projecting past experience onto the current relationship.

Many dreamers are interested in an explanation of why they dream of their lover flirting with another woman. Such a dream, despite the unpleasant moments, indicates happy moments in Hosse’s dream book.

Betrayal of the chosen one

Why do you have a dream in which your lover kisses another young lady? This action is determined by the location of the kiss. If a close guy kisses another (familiar person) on the cheek, then most likely the two will become friends. This friendship can greatly affect the dreamer’s relationship with the young man.

A lover kisses another on the lips - the dream book warns that hopes for a happy marriage will sink into oblivion. I dreamed that my loved one was marrying someone else, which is positioned in dream books as a good sign indicating a happy and long life together.

A dear person leaves you - it is quite possible that the beloved has a passionate affair on the side. If your lover leaves after a disagreement in a dream, then you should independently analyze your feelings for the guy. Perhaps they are not enough for a serious relationship.

New or past relationships

If you dreamed that your ex-lover was dating someone else, this signifies a complete loss of connection with past attachments and a readiness to gain new experiences. He is drunk - to a difficult period in the character’s life.

Dream books equally describe what a future lover dreams about. This is a reason to radically change your environment, even to the point of falling in love again. A new lover in a dream can predict the sleeping woman’s internal dissatisfaction with her current relationship and uncertainty about her partner’s sincerity.


    I dreamed that I was walking with my ex (we are friends), my current boyfriend and his girlfriend, because my ex and I were close, we were still in touch spiritually, and the guy was jealous. In the dream there was a feeling that we had parted. He stood outside my house with a friend, and when they saw me and my ex, she said “she’s coming” and kissed my beloved. I was confused, saying that I heard everything. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that the guy I love was looking at me, and I immediately turned away smiling, and when I turned around, an unfamiliar girl with red hair was sitting there, and he was kissing her on the lips. For what?

    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, when I see him in a dream, I’m pleased to see him, it was from Tuesday to Wednesday night, we talked as if we had forgotten all the grievances, but now I have a new boyfriend, why did I dream about my ex, I don’t understand?

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Beloved in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Beloved?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about your Beloved?

Seeing a Beloved - If you dreamed of your beloved with a beautiful and pleasant appearance, this means good news or a date. If in a dream your lover looks different than usual, then something will happen soon that will surprise you.

If you dreamed of your lover dressed as before you met, then this is a sign that soon a big scandal will destroy your relationship. To dream that he is again putting on the clothes in which you knew him - then he will return to you.

If you dreamed that your lover just started getting dressed and did not finish, then this predicts that he has not yet made a decision and will be marking time for a long time.

See also: why do you dream about love, what does a girl dream about, what does a guy dream about.

Pocket dream book

You dream about your beloved, how to understand this?

Interpretation of the dream book: Beloved - If you dream of a beautiful, friendly and cheerful beloved, then you will marry a beautiful woman with a good dowry.

If you dreamed that your beloved is ugly and grumpy, then you will be disappointed in your chosen one before the wedding. If your beloved is sad and tormented by despair in a dream, then your life will be like a zebra, in which joyful events will alternate with sad ones.

If you dream of the death of your beloved, then a long period of failures and doubts awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about your Beloved, what is it for?

If you dreamed of a lover who passes by in a black robe, looking at you reproachfully and sadly, then this portends a cooling of friendly feelings. If you dance in a dream about your lover, then you will attract the attention of many men.

If you dreamed of a lover dancing with someone else, then only restraint and tactful behavior can bring you the desired success. Weighing your lover on a scale in a dream means you will discover new virtues in him, and most importantly, make sure of his sincerity and devotion.

If a young girl dreamed that her lover had grown old, then this signifies his possible loss. And imagining in a dream that you are seeing him off to war means that in real life you will recognize him from the negative side.

Lover in a dream of an unmarried girl▼

For an unmarried girl to see that she is someone's lover is her desire for intimacy with this person. However, in reality she is not destined to be with him, no matter how much she wants it.

If a married woman dreams of her lover▼

If a married woman saw her lover in a disheveled, unsightly form, it means that what awaits her is her own and his actions towards her. There is a threat if she cannot accept and forgive his transgression.

When did you dream about your lover?

If your lover had a dream on the night from Wednesday to Thursday▼

According to Felomena’s dream book, if her lover appeared to a girl in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, it means that empty and vain hopes await her. Her dreams of marrying her beloved are not yet destined to come true.

Why do you dream about your lover on the night from Thursday to Friday▼

Seeing your lover (beloved) in a dream at night from Thursday to Friday - something will happen in life that will bring you great happiness. This event does not necessarily have anything to do with your partner. It’s just that your subconscious associates all pleasant events with the image of your loved one.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you were happy, it means that in reality you will experience delight in your achievements or successfully completed ones.

If you saw a similar picture on other days of the week, its interpretation is not significant and will not shed light on the events of interest. It simply reflects your emotional experiences and emotions that have accumulated during the day, and is intended to somewhat smooth out the negative aspects of everyday life.

Who was the lover with in the dream?

What does it mean if in a dream your lover was with another girl▼

A dream in which your lover was with another girl reflects your doubts about his honesty and distrust of him. You are so afraid of him that you drive yourself to paranoid thoughts and control his every move and even his gaze. Such actions may lead to fears being justified, and he, unable to withstand constant control, will leave you.

This behavior speaks more likely of low self-esteem than of the partner’s insincerity. Try not to escalate the situation and give your loved one more.

What changes happened to your lover in the dream?

The meaning of a dream in which a lover dies▼

To see your lover die in a dream means that a significant change will occur in the relationship. Your loved one will try to change and get rid of those qualities that you did not like about him. This is the most accurate sign of his affection for you.

Everything will remain in the past, and the opportunity will arise to build an ideal, in your understanding, relationship. The main thing is not to regret these changes in your partner. You fell in love with him for who he is, with all his shortcomings and peculiar character. If he gets rid of these qualities, it may turn out that he will be such a stranger to you.

What does a dream mean in which a lover was married▼

According to the dream book, to see a dream in which your lover is married to another woman means the emergence of groundless jealousy, which can take over the thoughts of both you and your partner.

If you feel a pang of jealousy, remember that it is just a voice of losing a loved one. If you notice such behavior in your chosen one, try not to give rise to these speculations and not to escalate the situation.

Which lover did you dream about?

If you dreamed that your lover was drunk▼

Felomena's dream book says that seeing a drunken lover means that his feelings towards you are strong and sincere. He is so passionate about you that he is ready to do anything just to always be. In a way, he's intoxicated by the fact that you're together, and can sometimes act like a guy. Indulge this behavior in every possible way, it will not last forever. While you can, enjoy the happiness of being loved.

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar lover▼

If you dreamed that your lover is not familiar to you, a change of scenery awaits. This could be a move, a new opportunity, or a change in social circle. In any case, all the changes will be beneficial, and you will like the new way of life. This dream may also mean that you are in search of a new relationship due to the lack of one or if the old one has already outlived its usefulness.

If a deceased lover appears in a dream▼

A deceased lover is dreamed of as a symbol of the end of a relationship, the fading of feelings. You have been aware of this for a long time, but as a habit you cannot stop this connection. Don’t be afraid to hurt your loved one and once loved one. He also wants to break up, but is also afraid of hurting you. Therefore, it will be better for both of you to separate quickly and not torment each other.

Interpretation of a dream in which there was a new lover▼

Seeing a new lover in a dream means you will experience new emotions from doing something you have never done. Perhaps decide to travel to or jump from. In any case, the upcoming event will bring variety to your life.

What does it mean if you dream about your ex-lover▼

According to the dream book, a former lover appears in a dream to mean that an old problem may suddenly emerge, which at one time was not resolved, and you even forgot about its existence. Now, to deal with this issue will require a lot of effort.

What did the lover do in the dream?

The meaning of a dream in which your lover is calling you ▼

If in a dream you heard your lover calling you by name, it means that he does not stop thinking about you day or night. He is happy to be with you and does not want to part with you. Such a vision suggests that you are loved and desired.

Why do you dream that your lover is smiling▼

If you dreamed that your lover is a sign that everything will work out for you. Worries about upcoming matters are absolutely in vain; you will be able to achieve a solution to the issue and benefit from it. You will have to deal with decent and pleasant people whom you can completely trust.

To see your own in a dream beloved, who in a black robe passes by, looking at you reproachfully and sadly - in reality this foreshadows a cooling of friendly feelings.

Dance in a dream with your beloved– in real life, attract the attention of many men. See beloved, dancing on the other - only endurance and tactful behavior can bring you the desired success.

Weigh yours on the scales lover in a dream - in reality to discover new virtues in him, and most importantly - to be convinced of his sincerity and devotion.

A young lady sees her in a dream lover for those who grow old - to the possible loss of him in reality, and to imagine that you are seeing him off to war means that in real life you will recognize him from the negative side.

If he treats you to exotic fruits, it means that in reality he will try to completely subordinate you to his influence. If you are waiting for him on a green lawn, then your aspirations for wealth and a profitable marriage will come true.

Seeing him in an unsightly form in a dream means a successful marriage; if he looks handsome, in reality you will be disappointed in your choice before you tie the knot. To see him sick or suffering - in your family life, joys and sorrows will replace each other in an endless series.

Seeing him dead means a streak of failures and doubts will soon begin in your life, which will drag on for a long time.

If you dream that your beloved gives you pearls, then this portends to a young girl that a loving and faithful groom will be completely devoid of jealousy, believing that it is a destructive force; For married women, such a dream portends fun and a wide variety of pleasures.

Seeing your own in a dream lover in the clothes of a prisoner - you will have reason to doubt the truth of his love for you. To dream that your beloved playing cards means questioning his good intentions towards you.

To dream that he is looking at you in an unkind way means you will be in danger of losing your reputation. If he appears very sweet and gallant in a dream, this means a quick and successful marriage. Relaxing in a rocking chair - heaven on earth awaits you.

Dressed in lace - fidelity in love and improving your position in society.

If you dream that you are standing with your beloved on the porch - it means that you latently doubt his integrity. If you consider him a liar, take better care of yourself, lest your behavior lead to the loss of your best friend.

If in a dream he returns the medallion you gave him, you will be disappointed: the man you love will upset you in reality with his incorrect action.

To dream that he is taking drugs, explaining that he is disappointed in life, means future failures in business and the loss of a friend.

For a young girl to have lunch in the company of her beloved means, if not a complete break with him, then a major quarrel.

If he hugs you, this is also a harbinger of a quarrel or illness. If you hug him with a feeling of overwhelming joy, such a dream portends you happiness.

If lovers see their own in a dream lovers suffering from paralysis - this means that dissatisfaction in the relationship can destroy their happiness.

Be with your own beloved in some mysterious cave - you will fall in love with a dishonest person and thereby undermine your friends’ faith in yourself.

If a young lady dreams that she beloved whether she plows the ground, or digs in it with a shovel, she will get a wonderful and worthy husband, and her joy will be deep and lasting.

Kiss your lover in the dark, it portends danger and flirtation with others, and in the light, you will not even give him a reason to doubt your love for him.

To see that your rival is kissing him - you are in danger of losing your respect. beloved.

Every person dreams constantly. Some of them can be remembered, while others are erased from memory before morning comes. Many girls and women face a problem when they dream about their ex-lover. Q What are they talking about? Do they have any esoteric meaning or are vivid dreams just the result of the activity of the subconscious?

Are prophetic dreams reality?

Today there are many dream books, each of which offers different explanations for the things seen in a dream. Of course, there are many esoteric teachings, legends, stories, religions that recognize the presence of prophetic dreams. Many women who see a former lover in a dream believe that this is evidence of passionate feelings on the part of the man.

Is it true? There is hardly a clear answer to this question. After all, there are many facts that deny the existence of prophetic dreams. At the same time, thousands of people say that on the eve of certain important events they see warning dreams. This is purely a matter of faith.

As for scientific research, their results indicate that sleep is a manifestation of the intense work of the subconscious.

Dreaming about an ex-lover - why? Freudian meaning

Yes, S. Freud agreed that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious. The founder of psychoanalysis paid much attention to the analysis of dreams. After all, the subconscious communicates with consciousness through images and pictures. Naturally, the scientist more than once had to deal with patients who dreamed of their former lover. Why such a dream?

If you and your loved one have only recently broken up, then it is quite normal to see your ex-boyfriend (or husband) in a dream, because you had to disrupt your usual way of life, give up communication and relationships that in one way or another influenced the development of your personality.

But what if you're already in a new relationship that you're quite happy with? If you have a family, but you haven’t seen your ex-boyfriend for several years? In such cases, Freud advised paying attention to the little things. Perhaps in a past relationship you had something that you lack with your partner now? For example, back then there was more romance, more passion, more sensuality, and now you just don’t have such vivid emotions?

Sometimes the subconscious tries to warn a woman that in a new relationship she is making the same mistakes as in the past.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book is considered the largest today, and many women use it to explain their dreams. So why do you dream about ex-lovers? If an unmarried girl saw it in a dream, then this may foreshadow some frivolous act that will be committed by her in the near future. Be careful, as seemingly harmless frivolity can lead to serious, even disastrous consequences.

A completely different interpretation of a dream seen by a divorced or married woman. In this case, the dream predicts the appearance of unpleasant troubles. Problems may be associated with forced long trips, illness of the husband (if he has one). Dreams may signal worsening financial problems.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book also gives a very detailed explanation of such dreams. Seeing a former lover in a dream, while experiencing warm feelings for him, is a manifestation of the consequences of some events that happened a long time ago.

If in a dream you kiss your ex, then be prepared for events that will surprise you. If you make love, then this may indicate an upcoming aggravation of some old conflict. Sometimes women dream that a man still loves them - this is a sign of pleasant surprises. If in a dream your former loved one marries someone, then in the near future you will be able to forgive someone. If you are the bride, then get ready for trouble.

A strong quarrel with an ex-boyfriend predicts some pleasant changes in your personal life. If you fight in a dream, then be prepared for the appearance of an authoritarian companion in your life. Parting may foreshadow a pleasant acquaintance or meeting.

What do modern dream books say?

There are many modern dream books that many women turn to if they dream of a former lover. Why such a dream?

What do modern psychologists think?

It should be noted right away that dream analysis is not an exact science. Modern psychologists consider pictures seen in a dream to be signals from the subconscious, which are trying to give answers to questions that interest you and suggest what exactly needs to be changed in your life.

If you are constantly tormented by dreams about your ex-lover, try to distract yourself. Find yourself a new hobby or interesting activity that will give you such vivid emotions that it will eclipse the image of your ex-boyfriend for a long time. If intrusive dreams do not disappear, then you should consult a psychologist. Still, the clues of the subconscious should not be ignored, and deciphering them on your own is not always easy.

For example, if you and your boyfriend or husband separated after a serious disagreement, then there is an unresolved conflict. Constant dreams about it may indicate that the subconscious is trying to solve it, playing out various possible scenarios for the development of events. And, of course, we should not forget that sometimes a dream is just a dream and nothing more.