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Credit card for spare tire at SKB bank. Rules for obtaining a credit card from SKB Bank

In the field of lending, banks are ready to offer many products, but only credit cards still remain the most popular and popular. A good option for obtaining a loan is the SKB Bank Zapaska card. The company offers favorable conditions, a large limit and easy registration.


SKB Bank offers a full list of standard and universal products and services throughout our country. The financial institution actively cooperates with private representatives and companies, with small and medium-sized businesses.

Officially, the bank began its work in November 1990, on the basis of the regional board of Agroprombank. At this time, the management acquired a license to sell mortgages, deposits, as well as a number of other services in the field of lending.

Today, the general criteria and positive aspects of a credit card include the following points:

  • the bank does not withdraw money for annual maintenance;
  • availability of cash back - the option of returning financial investments through bonuses in the amount of 1% of the total amount in Russia and 3% outside the country;
  • The user is always informed about the implementation of all operations, thanks to the free SMS information service;
  • SKB offers reduced interest rates for using borrowed money;
  • the use of a credit balance requires a long grace period;
  • the user does not pay commissions for withdrawing money from branded and third-party ATMs;
  • to receive a card, a person only needs to prepare a certificate of wages;
  • the grace period does not apply to withdrawals;
  • the product is issued without indicating the client’s initials;
  • At first, the credit limit is not set, but at the client’s request, the loan size is opened in the amount of 15 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • in case of cashing out cards, the user will be required to pay a large amount of money as a commission. This rule applies even to those cases when the client withdraws money from branded ATMs.

The opportunity to receive a “Zapaska” card from SKB Bank is provided only to Russian citizens who are already 23 years old at the time of filling out the application. The maximum age of receipt for women is 53 years, for men 57 years. It’s good if the potential client has a subscription in the area where the bank is located and a good monthly income.

It should be noted that the SKB Bank credit card is issued only at a bank branch. Before visiting the bank, it is advisable to prepare a package of documents in advance. To speed up the process a little, a person can apply for a card through the bank’s official website. An online application is generated by filling out the appropriate form in electronic format.


The financial company is steadily developing new services and products. As a result, a special “Spare Spare” card was proposed, which differs significantly from standard credit cards. The card indicates the possibility of receiving a maximum amount of 300 thousand rubles; this amount is not available to everyone. Sometimes, even targeted actions, and the client’s seemingly good solvency, still does not allow the client to use the maximum limit.

Despite the fact that the bank produces cards free of charge, you need to deposit money into it in any case:

  • for opening a personal account - 10 rubles;
  • for making a positive decision by the bank to issue a loan in amounts exceeding 1 thousand rubles;
  • commission for cashing out a credit card in the amount of 3.9%, but not less than 300 rubles;
  • the issuance of finance is charged in a different way, compared to purchases - the percentage of overpayment is about 3%, and the grace period does not apply to this operation.

The more the user uses the card to purchase goods, the less interest he will pay. But this is only possible if the client makes monthly payments on time. If he uses the card for settlement transactions in trade and service companies, then the tariff will be only 15% per annum.

If he manages to fully repay the debt for the purchase of goods during the grace period, then the interest rate is reduced to 0% per annum.

SKB Bank gives you the potential to use credit money without paying a commission for 51 days. To do this, you need to use plastic for non-cash purchases, and also remember to pay off your debt obligations on time.

Moreover, the client can make using the services more convenient if he connects to the Internet service. Thanks to this, you will have access to tracking the history of card payments and the ability to make purchases via the Internet.

The second and no less convenient service for tracking all card debits is the SMS notification service. So, with any action on the credit account, an SMS message will be automatically sent to your mobile phone with the name of the operation and the action performed, with information about the account balance.

If desired, the bank can issue a second card, which will be linked to one account.

Documents for registration

To apply for a Zapaska credit card, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Russian identity document;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority, if available;
  • application requesting a card;
  • military ID, if a man under the age of 27 wants to apply for a credit card.

How to get a Zapaska credit card from SKB Bank

To become the owner of a credit card from SKB Bank, the client must be 23 years of age on the day of application. The product is issued on the day of application, but the registration process itself is possible only at the bank’s office, and the client must have registration in the region where the branch of the financial institution is located. The quick issuance of the card is primarily due to the fact that the owner’s first and last name is not written on the card.

If you wish, you can fill out an application on the bank’s website, despite the fact that the first method also does not require much time. In this case, the application for receipt is generated electronically on the official website. Afterwards, the client needs to visit the nearest bank office with the necessary package of documents and pick up his plastic card.

Despite the remote method, the credit card does not lose its privileges, so the terms of use and grace period will remain unchanged.

It is good if, in addition to the main list of documents, the client manages to prepare additional certificates and certificates that could confirm the existing working status and salary.

The grace period begins after the first operation. For example, payment for services or goods. If within 51 days the cardholder fully pays off his debt obligations, then a new grace period begins to apply for him, which he can continue to use. If the money is not deposited, then the bank charges interest at a rate of 15% per annum.

Credit limit

According to the management of SKB Bank, the permissible credit limit does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. However, the employees themselves insist on a significant reduction in these indicators, while the loan amount itself will be calculated individually for each client.

Consequently, the client can find out the allowable amount only from employees at the bank office or by calling the hotline.

For those just starting to get acquainted with SKB Bank, employees offer an overdraft in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. The client can increase this amount gradually. Active use of the product requires systematic provision of information about the amount of remuneration.

However, such reporting is quite beneficial for the client, since the bank can provide a chance to increase the maximum allowable loan size.

SKB Bank is considered an impressive and developing financial institution, whose work is aimed at providing loans to both individuals and small and medium-sized businesses. It is more profitable to use it for purchases, since the credit card provides a grace period of up to 51 days and a low rate of only 15%.

Video: Credit card grace period

OJSC SKB-Bank is a large developing financial institution whose activities are aimed at lending to individuals, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The source of the fund formation is the client's deposit. In addition, SKB Bank acts as a settlement center for the Pipe Metallurgical Company.

Thanks to the wide range of opportunities and favorable offers from the bank itself, an increasing number of individuals are trying to get credit cards here. This is due to convenient and more favorable conditions for issuing a credit card, as well as interesting loan repayment conditions.

Conditions of registration

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The SKB Bank credit card offers possible holders minimal conditions for its registration. It should also be noted here that there is a convenient credit card activation system and benefits.

What is needed

Documentation For registration you will need the following minimum package of documents:
  • an application drawn up in the bank’s form to provide the opportunity to take out a loan using a credit card;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • military ID if the age of the potential card holder less than 27 years old;
  • TIN certificate is required for both individuals and entrepreneurs.
Conditions Despite the stated minimum package of documents, certain conditions for obtaining a credit card are put forward, according to which the following persons can receive a credit card:
  • men and women by age from 23 to 60 And from 23 to 55 years old, respectively;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation with registration in the region of location of the bank in which the application is submitted, as well as with mandatory work experience at least 3 months;
  • holders of salary cards in SKB.

Depending on the type of credit card, the validity period is from 2 to 5 years In addition, there are individual conditions for using the loan, as well as the cost of annual servicing

Activation and Benefits

No actions are required to activate the SKB Bank credit card. Here it is enough to issue a credit card, receive it in your hands - after an hour, automatic activation will take place, after which the owner can easily carry out all possible actions.

As for transactions, it is important to review the grace periods of the credit card in order to prevent delays and the imposition of a fine. The grace period for a credit card from SKB is 51 days. During this time, the cardholder can carry out any transactions with the card free of charge, unless additional costs are specified in the terms of use of funds.

The beginning of the grace period is the time of the first operation. As a rule, this is payment for a product or service. If within 51 days the owner will fully pay off the debt that he himself “created” on the account. This means that a new grace period begins for him, which he can use in the future.

If the cardholder does not repay the debt within the grace period, he must pay interest at a rate equal to 15% per annum. SKB Bank offers sums of money no more than 300 thousand rubles– it all depends on the data of the owner himself.

If necessary, the credit card holder can use the opportunity to withdraw cash, but additional funds will have to be paid for the operation - 3,9% from the withdrawal amount ( but not less than 300 rubles). You also need to pay the annual credit card fee – 1600 rubles.

SKB credit card service

The conditions of credit cards from SKB are somewhat different from the conditions and requirements of third-party banks. The same should be noted in credit card servicing.


General criteria and positive aspects of using a credit card from SKB include:

  • Availability of cash back - a program for returning funds in the form of bonuses in the amount of 1% from the purchase amount in the territory of the Russian Federation and 3% Abroad.
  • The owner is always aware of all operations due to the connected free SMS notification.
  • A credit card from SKB offers reduced interest rates for using funds.
  • Using credit card funds has a long grace period.
  • There is no annual card maintenance fee - the owner only pays for the card issue ( 1600 or 1700 rubles).
  • You can withdraw your own funds from ATMs of the bank and third-party banks without paying a commission.
  • To apply for a credit card, it is enough to provide a certificate of income in Form 2-NDFL.
  • If you withdraw cash, you will have to pay a significant amount - a service fee. What is noteworthy is that the bank charges a commission if the amount was withdrawn from its own ATM or a third-party bank.
  • The grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals.

Option "Spare"

SKB Bank offers a special “Zapaska” card, the terms of registration and use of which differ significantly from the main credit cards. It also notes the possibility of using a maximum limit of 300 thousand rubles, but it is not offered to everyone. Moreover, even if desired, it is quite difficult to obtain.

At the initial stage of using the credit card, the owner is offered an overdraft in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. In the future, the amount can be increased. Active use of the card requires constant provision of documents on solvency. Detailed “evidence” of solvency increases the chance of increasing the credit limit.

You can apply for an SKB credit card online on the official website on the Internet. This method of obtaining a credit card does not take much time. Here you can automatically activate SMS notifications. Thanks to convenient conditions and easy use of Internet banking, you can constantly monitor your funds and all transactions performed.

Additional services

A credit card from SKB Bank offers minimal conditions for registration, and strict compliance with all conditions for using funds will not entail additional costs

Each owner of a credit card from SKB can apply for an additional credit card, which will be used for a different purpose.

Tariff and interest calculator

At SKB Bank you can issue three types of credit cards:

  • from 29%;
  • the owner must pay for the first year of service from 80 to 3000 rubles, subsequent maintenance is free;
  • When cashing out funds, a commission is charged from 0 to 0.1% from the sum;
  • The card can be issued quickly - it takes no more than 5 minutes.
Loan to a friend
  • unlimited credit limit with interest rate from 21.9%.
  • You won’t have to pay for card servicing, but the processing time for your application will increase up to 3 days;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal is charged each time in the amount of 2% of the amount.
Spare wheel
  • credit limit is limited 300 thousand rubles;
  • there is a minimum interest rate – 15% ;
  • consideration of the application takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • there is a high interest rate for withdrawing cash from a credit card – 3,9% , But not less than 300 rubles;
  • the owner additionally pays for the annual maintenance of the credit card – 1600 rubles.

A credit card is a product issued by a bank. It allows you to use money that you do not have at the moment, that is, get a loan exactly when you need it.

Such situations may arise, for example, when you are planning to make a large purchase, but your own funds are not enough, then use a card that was successfully issued in advance and now you can take resources from the credit limit, and even with a grace period.

One of the most common bank cards is. In this article we will look at its characteristics and competitors with similar products.

Description of the Zapaska SKB credit card

Now bank cards are accepted in all major stores in the country. Moreover, you can pay with credit cards via the Internet, buying the goods you like in online stores. It is precisely because of the wide and convenient functionality of this product that the demand for it is growing every year.

The SKB Bank Zapaska credit card is one of the most popular cards of 2015. At the moment it is not produced and has been replaced by new products with more interesting conditions.

The Zapaska credit card was valid for two years. The cost of service is 800 rubles. (at which the amount for two years was immediately withdrawn). One of the main drawbacks of the card was the large percentage of 3.9% of the total amount (and no less than 300 rubles) that the bank received for any cash withdrawal transaction.

Among current products of the SKB company can be distinguished:

  • iCard: A classic card for every day
  • Gold card for profitable purchases
  • Gold card for income
  • Premium card for profitable trips abroad
  • Virtual card Visa Virtuon

Credit cards

SKB Bank's competitors and their credit cards

With the growing use of non-cash payments in our daily lives, various bank cards are becoming more and more interesting among citizens. The most common are debit and credit cards. We talked about the first type earlier, but today we will focus on the second, since this is what SKB Bank Zapaska credit card.

If you were not lucky enough to previously become the owner of a SKB Bank Zapaska credit card, then this is now impossible, since this product has been discontinued and replaced with new and interesting offers on more favorable terms for the holder. Among the competitors of SKB Bank with their credit cards Let's highlight the following leaders:

  • 100 days without interest.
  • Platinum (up to 300 thousand rubles for 55 days without %).
  • with a quick solution and a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles.
  • with 55 days of interest-free use.
  • with Cashback of 3%.

Please note that for greater confidence in receiving the card, it is recommended to send applications simultaneously to 3-4 different banks. Once you have several credit cards at your disposal, you will be able to make the most efficient use of their limit, grace period and benefits associated with various promotions and Cashback.

General terminology for cards

A credit card is a popular banking product, and it is preferred by more and more citizens who, for one reason or another, may need additional funds. The card makes it possible to quickly receive the necessary financial assistance without contacting the bank for additional information and without collecting unnecessary documentation.

The amount of money that a cardholder can withdraw is called credit limit. The credit card of SKB Bank Zapaska has a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles, which is still the golden mean among all cards. It is set by the bank for each client individually, depending on the client’s solvency.

The second important point is the presence grace period using money from the credit limit. A grace period is a period during which you can spend bank funds without paying interest. The average term for modern credit cards is 50 days.

Additional terms and conditions for credit cards

Credit cards are payment cards that can be provided under the terms of a loan agreement to customers of a particular bank. Remember that each bank has its own standard contract and certain conditions specified therein. The credit card of SKB Bank Zapaska has one agreement, Tinkoff has another, and Alfa Bank has a third. Be careful and read all points before signing in order to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant situations in the future.

A huge number of people use credit cards. Even those who have a good income and free money. After all, their skillful use helps solve the problem of purchasing goods at the right time, and also allows you to really save.

Everyone has long known that with the help of a certain phrase or phrase you can persuade almost any person to buy. Since the very name of the product always evokes certain associations in the buyer. Banks also use this non-standard method to attract attention to their product.

For example, SKB-Bank now has a whole range of services with big names - this is the “Zanachka” deposit and the “Gain Momentum!” business loan. The bank named its credit card “Spare”. Let's talk about this credit card in more detail.

Spend a little, save more

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about this credit card - standard conditions, typical bank commission rates, and a grace period. But it still has some differences from other credit cards.

  • Firstly, and most importantly, there is a low interest rate, only 15% per annum. Although there is one “but” here... It is 15% that the bank charges if the client was unable or did not manage to replenish the card balance on time for purchases made
    For transactions with cash and transfers there is a rate that is much higher than the first - as much as 39% per annum! Therefore, the card is beneficial if it is used for its intended purpose.
  • Secondly, the client’s name is not indicated on the “Spare Spare” - this is a non-embossed card of the Maestro payment system. For this reason, plastic is issued on the day of application. In parallel with this credit card, you can order an identification card and an additional Visa MasterCard. Metcombank works according to a similar scheme. The credit card is issued to the client within 10 minutes.
  • Thirdly, you can apply for and receive a “Zapaska” credit card only at a bank branch. Despite the fact that you can fill out the application form electronically on the website, you will still have to provide a package of documents to the office in person.
  • Fourthly, the card is issued without a credit limit. A loan is provided only after the client’s application.
  • And lastly, 51 days is the maximum grace period for a credit card.

Credit limit

The bank’s website says that you can get up to 300 thousand rubles using the card. But SKB-Bank specialists claim that the amount may be less, and it depends on the specific client. So it is best to find out more specific information on the card’s credit limit by calling the hotline.

Let's compare: Uralprivatbank has a maximum credit limit of 500 thousand rubles, interest rate from 23 to 25%.

Card cost

The credit card is issued free of charge. But you have to pay for it anyway:

  • For opening an account – 10 rubles;
  • For approval of a credit limit of more than 1 thousand rubles. – 1600 rub.:
  • The commission for cash withdrawal is quite high - 3.9% (with a minimum of 300 rubles);
  • Cash advances are charged differently than purchases - the interest rate is as much as 39%, and there is no grace period.

At UBRD, opening a Maestro account is free, and additional cards are issued for a fee of 250 rubles.


Comparing the pros and cons, we find that the “Spare” credit card is beneficial only for purchases, since they are subject to a grace period of up to 51 days and a low (15%) credit rate.

There are no similar articles.

SKB Bank today is very popular in the lending industry. This organization, unlike small microfinance organizations, offers its clients a large number of different offers. The Zapaska credit card is an excellent solution when you urgently need to get a small loan.

Advantages of the card

Any loan product has its own characteristics. The trend has not broken this time either; Zapaska offers SKB Bank clients the following benefits:

  • No service fee (in most other offers it is 300-1000 rubles per year).
  • Cashback (refund from card purchases) in the amount of 1%. When making purchases outside of Russia – 3%.
  • Free SMS notifications that allow you to receive complete information about all completed transactions.
  • Reduced interest rates when using money on a card.
  • Quite a long grace period, higher than most similar offers.
  • When withdrawing funds from any ATM, you do not need to pay any additional commission.
  • To obtain a card, it is enough to provide only 1 certificate (2-NFDL).
  • Possibility of receiving a second card (they will have the same personal account).


Any medal always has two sides. The Zapaska credit card also has several minor disadvantages:

  • When cashing out (withdrawing funds from the card), the client will have to pay a considerable commission. This also applies to branded ATMs.
  • At first, no limit is set, but the user can choose the loan size in the range from 15 to 200 thousand rubles. In the future, this amount may be increased, provided there are no late payments.
  • To obtain a card, you must have a residence permit in the region where it is issued and a good, stable income.
  • The grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals.

Terms of loan

There are age restrictions for opening this loan product. The client must be between 23 and 57 years old (for women up to 53). According to its conditions, “Spare” is seriously different from most standard credit cards. One of the main features is a large credit limit of up to 300 thousand rubles. However, such a limit is not available to everyone, because it directly depends on the level of solvency. To get maximum opportunities, a person must have a regular income of at least 40 thousand rubles. per month and work experience at the last place of work for at least six months.

Despite the fact that there is no subscription fee for using the card, the client must deposit a certain amount of funds onto it:

  • 10 rubles – for opening an account.
  • For consideration of the application - an amount of more than 1000 rubles.
  • When withdrawing funds through ATMs, you will have to pay a commission of 3.9%, and it cannot be less than 300 rubles. Thus, withdrawing small amounts is extremely unprofitable.
  • When receiving money, a person overpays about 3%.

This loan product is subject to gradation depending on the level of consumption. In simple words, the more often the card is used to purchase any goods, the lower the interest rate will be. It decreases with regular borrowing. This is only relevant if the user always makes monthly payments without delay. If there is a delay of at least 1 day, the preferential terms received are canceled and it returns to the original interest rates (that is, the highest).

If you use the card only as a payment instrument with trade and service companies (i.e. without withdrawing cash), the rate will be 15% per annum.

If the loan is repaid in full before the grace period expires, the interest rate is reduced to 0. Currently, SKB Bank's grace period is 51 days. If you connect Internet banking, the client will be able to pay for online purchases on preferential terms, as well as receive detailed information about the transactions made. Notification can also be configured via SMS.

How to apply for and receive a card

You can only receive a card at a bank office; delivery by mail, as in some online banks (for example, Tinkoff), is not provided. The application can be filled out on the official website of SKB; in this case, submitting documents will take only a few minutes and you will not have to wait for review at the office. If the decision is positive, all that remains is to choose the branch to which you need to come with a package of documents (passport and personal income tax certificate-2).

If a person is able to provide additional documents confirming income (for example, a rental agreement), this will be a definite plus, and the client will be able to count on improved conditions. For each violation of loan payment terms, a fine of 700 rubles is provided.

Video about SKB Bank cards

SKB is a more reputable organization than small microfinance organizations, so the Zapaska credit card is in great demand. Considering the lending conditions, we can say that it is best suited for making purchases, since without cash withdrawal the grace period is 51 days. If you do not violate payment terms, a person will pay practically nothing for using the loan.