In a private house      11/19/2023

Mars in a woman's horoscope. Male Mars in zodiac signs: types of masculinity Mars in Virgo for women compatibility

How a man cares for a woman and how he behaves in a romantic relationship directly depends on the position of Mars in his horoscope.

Without introductory romantic courtship, a beautiful love affair is unlikely to develop. And how a woman wants not to be deceived in her expectations, not to take wishful thinking, not to make a fatal mistake and not to suffer, but to become happy with her chosen one. In order to see their perspective at the very beginning of the development of a relationship, to understand a man’s train of thoughts and actions, it is useful to find out his date of birth and the location of his Mars in the natal chart. It is curious that most often a woman from a set of candidates chooses a man with Mars in her solar sign. That is, if a woman was born under the sign of Cancer, then she will be very attracted to men with Mars in Cancer and, most likely, she will choose him as a life partner. It also happens the other way around, when a woman chooses a man of the zodiac sign where her own Mars is located. That is, if a woman has Mars, for example, in Libra, then her choice will be on a man born under the sign of Libra.

Mars in Aries for men

“You arouse constant interest in me, You can't see the gray hair in your head, but there's a demon in your rib, Follow you even to a burning house, even to the taiga, into the thicket of the forest, If only I would be with you more often, if only I would be without you less often.”. He needs the image of a beautiful lady, for whom it makes sense to fight and live. A man with Mars in Aries will show himself to be a brave and courageous knight, capable of any feat in order to win the heart of his beautiful lady. He will be at your feet with warm confessions, and will zealously and actively pursue the desired object of passion. It happens that in the attitude towards a woman there is also a share of “soldier’s” rudeness, jealousy and concrete expression of one’s desires without long explanations: he saw, he grabbed, he fell in love... In such a man, the tendency to intrigue, to double play and to manipulate feelings is kept to a minimum. Usually such men are good craftsmen: they love work and can do a lot with their own hands.

Mars in Taurus for men

“You arouse genuine interest in me, I'm still waiting for progress to begin in the relationship, I long for a date with you, and in the process of waiting, N“No matter what I eat, I’ve lost excess weight.”. This is exactly how a man with Mars in Taurus will sigh while waiting for your answer. He will begin to court beautifully with all the attributes of romantic meetings (a bouquet of flowers, a restaurant, a romantic trip), persistently and for a long time waiting for the reciprocal feeling of his chosen one. By the way, such men usually have money for all the secular delights and entertainment: Mars in Taurus knows how to earn money. And most importantly, he will always ask him to marry him until he gets tired of the courtship process or the beautiful lady actually suddenly decides to marry him. This is where there can be an unexpected misfire: such a man is a heartthrob and a lover of carnal pleasures, and therefore can play a double game or smoothly “migrate” from one lady to another.

Mars in Gemini for men

He will take his interlocutor into the unknown worlds of his intellectual knowledge, hoping to impress with the brilliance and sharpness of his mind. He will amaze you with his reading of poetry (it is possible that he composed his own), or maybe with the help of a guitar he will hold the attention of his lady on a hot summer night. By the way, it should be noted that among men with Mars in Gemini there are often jacks of all trades: they know how to repair, fix, heal, build, sew, etc.

Mars in Cancer for men

“I have an unhealthy interest in you, At least throw me from the balcony, at least put me under the press, I’m like a cat who loves sour cream, I won’t stop admiring you, And remember, I won’t leave you until you say “Yes”. A man with Mars in Cancer will show himself to be clingy, caring and tender. A romantic suitor, a sensitive interlocutor and simply a courteous, gallant gentleman. Such a man has a full range of social courtship in his arsenal: he will give flowers, make a nice surprise, and take him to a restaurant - everything will depend on the state of his wallet. In this, it is similar to the manifestation of Mars in Taurus with the difference of impatience: Mars in Cancer can quickly take offense and hide if it feels neglected, and the intuition of such men is quite well developed. It should be borne in mind that upon closer communication it will turn out that he is also capricious, with sudden changes in emotions, and with difficult to control feelings of anger or dissatisfaction.

Mars in Leo for men

The owner of Mars in Leo will show himself like Mars in Aries - a noble hero, a handsome suitor and a cheerful interlocutor. He needs a worthy princess, for whom he will tell jokes, amuse and make you laugh, give you confidence in a happy future with him, and throw a gorgeous bouquet at your feet or cover your path with a carpet of rose petals. At the same time, he will not forget to talk about himself, highlight his merits and talents. Such a man will look forward to the response and praise of his partner, because his level of self-confidence depends on this. For the sake of the praise and respect of others, he can do a lot, including in relation to his career, but if a woman constantly criticizes him and shows dissatisfaction, then such a man will not only internally feel like a loser, but over time he may become one in reality.

Mars in Virgo for men

A man with Mars in Virgo will show all the care and attention he is capable of. There will be candy, and ice cream, and a healthy lunch in a restaurant, and a nice surprise, and he won’t forget about gifts - in general, all your whims will be satisfied. And he also loves to treat - God forbid you get sick! He, like a true nurse, will give a massage, an injection, and find the best doctor or the right medicine. And in everyday life, such a companion will not lose these qualities. He will take care of the family in the best possible way: he will feed you and warm you with a kind word. True, it may be a little dry in the brightness of the manifestation of emotions and romance. If a woman needs true male care, then she will appreciate the qualities of the chosen one with Mars in Virgo. If a woman needs an obvious romantic with passionate compliments and a huge bouquet of roses, then it will seem to her that this man does not like her, she will be full of doubts and will begin to look closely at more emotional men.

Mars in Libra for men

A man with Mars in Libra will show himself to be courteous and gallant, without demonstrating his career achievements and social advantages: what useful connections he has and what influential friends he has. He will take care of you with a kind word, show attention to your appearance, note your beauty and give a nice compliment. He does not like conflicts, he resolves controversial issues peacefully, he will get you a ticket to a private concert or buy a discounted ticket to a resort. True, it is problematic to provoke him to exploits - a woman needs to have a subtle and resourceful mind in order to direct his energy to search for snowdrops in February.

Mars in Scorpio for men

“There is nothing dearer to us in the world, How our women are hope and stronghold, We will not spare our lives for them, After all, the way to the heart lies through the stomach: Cherche la femme, one hundred grams for courage, Cherche la femme in spite of any enemies, Cherche la femme, and if there is forche, There will be la femme even without cherche.” Such a man, first of all, will demonstrate and demonstrate his masculine virtues. If he feels that a woman is “not falling for” his sexuality, then he won’t waste his time. If he “feels” that the woman’s “blood is boiling,” then a subtle and exciting game of luring her partner into bed will begin. And all means will be good: you can do it with flowers, you can do it without it, you can do it with a restaurant, you can do it without it, the main thing is the process itself... A quick “taking possession of an object” and a woman’s inability to play a subtle psychological game will only bring a couple of hot moments, and such a comrade will embark on further searches for an exciting game. By the way, usually with age, Mars in Scorpio adds other masculine features to its other advantages: how cool his car, yacht or bicycle is, what kind of friends he has - owners of airplanes, yachts and horses.

Mars in Sagittarius for men

“Cherche la femme, in their honor we will erect a temple, Cherche la femme, let's get drunk for them, Cherche la femme, and who is not Cherche, Only Robinson and Lieutenant Kizhe.” Mars in Sagittarius will give a man who is a hunter. To begin with, an instinct must ignite in him in the form of the idea of ​​​​"capturing an object" or a strong sexual attraction. Male Mars in Sagittarius gives an adventurer and gambler. Such a man is very attractive with his self-confidence, masculine brightness and radiating optimism. Like Mars in Aries, he is ready to move mountains to achieve what he wants. True, more in words, but this is no longer important - you will be interested in him anyway, since a fascinating journey into the world of love intrigue will begin, threatening to develop into a trip to different countries and resorts. The only thing the lady will have to come to terms with is the freedom-loving disposition of Mars in Sagittarius. God forbid you hint ahead of time about the possibility of concluding a marriage or the upcoming acquaintance of your parents with your future son-in-law. Consider that you have just thought about it, and he is already “tying his shoelaces,” because he is on the threshold of an “honest and open” relationship. And “open” relationships can turn out to be fragile: once the “victim” is caught, interest in her can easily be lost. Therefore, to “keep” a man with Mars in Sagittarius, you need to be a chic woman and passionate about some business or ideas, and best of all, about what he is passionate about.

Mars in Capricorn for men

“You arouse an inevitable interest in me, Like a communist, the 25th Congress of the CPSU, Unsuccessful attempts are worse than the most severe torture, If the blood boils in excess, like in the turbine of a powerful hydroelectric power station". Such men are physically strong, sexually attractive, practical and reliable. They know this, are confident in themselves and feel their sexual superiority. At the same time, they are not deluded by their possible successes with representatives of the fairer sex, they are faithful and honest before the world. Like Mars in Taurus, they are capable of courtship in the form of gifts, flowers and other secular attributes. There is an element of gambling “hunting” for the desired object, however, they are practical and can quickly change their tactics. If they decide that they want to get married, then so be it. In some cases, they will appreciate the benefits or prestige from a relationship with a partner. They will decide whether they need this relationship and what they will do next with her, their partner. They will quickly make a decision and can honestly say: “Alas, we are not on the same path.”

Mars in Aquarius for men

Mars in Aquarius is also strong physically and sexually, but, alas, the Higher powers did not reward this man with the innate talent of a romantic suitor. In order to attract the attention of the woman he likes, such a character will talk, first of all, about himself, his merits, his strength and intelligence, his talent and originality. And this is worth believing, because such men are indeed often talented craftsmen, and also know how to sing soulfully with a guitar and have versatile knowledge. He will always help with practical advice, so with such a friend you will obviously not be bored, and you will have to take care of the availability of flowers and restaurants in courtship yourself.

Mars in Pisces for men

“There is nothing higher than tender emotions, Even cacti can bloom, It’s not for nothing that cats sing on the roofs in the spring, What they sing about is easy to translate: Cherche la femme mademoiselle, madam! Cherche la femme in spite of any winds, Cherche la femme, and if not Cherche, It’s unlikely that Faberge will perpetuate...” Subtle manipulators, intriguers and womanizers - all this is about men with Mars in Pisces. Excellent experts in female psychology, lovers of bodily pleasures - they gracefully and imperceptibly captivate their victim. At the same time, the woman will simply melt in his arms, since all the known tools of romantic influence will be used here: there will be hot confessions, and a hint of enjoying her aroma or the unique beauty of her body, and expensive perfume, and luxurious convertibles. We must pay tribute to men with Mars in Pisces: they are delicate, cultured and polite with absolutely everyone. With such a man, a lady will not be ashamed to appear in the most privileged society, without worrying about the behavior of her partner. After all, even being brought up in a village, he will have innate culture and aristocracy. And the development of a love story with a man with Mars in Pisces will ultimately depend on the wisdom and subtlety of the woman.

Mars in Aries

This is an exceptionally aggressive and assertive man in sex. His motto is “here and now.” In his actions and sexual behavior, “Aries” at any age is a teenager. From a very early age, he seeks and, as a rule, finds the fastest and most complete satisfaction of his desires. He can be rude and boorish with women and prone to violence. In the worst case, he may have sadistic tendencies. Unsatisfied desires push such a person onto a self-destructive path, especially in early youth (suicide, drugs, criminal communities, domestic crimes). Often, unspent energy goes into another direction. The most striking example in this regard is V.I. Lenin.

Mars in Taurus

“Taurus” knows how to control his sexual desires, and his sexual behavior is quite rational. However, “animal nature” and “male instinct” make themselves felt from time to time. The owner of Mars in Taurus is exceptionally stubborn in achieving his goal. If he has identified a victim among women, he will pursue her all the way. At the same time, no amount of persuasion to wait a little and cool down has any effect on him. However, such a man still will not resort to direct violence.

Mars in Gemini

When Mars is located in any air sign, in particular in Gemini, a man’s sexuality manifests itself very weakly (compared to the signs of other elements). Air is absolutely not a sexual element. The energy of an “airy” person is scattered into communication, and his sexual actions are chaotic, inconsistent and, as a result, ineffective. A man with Mars in Gemini loves quick, non-binding connections. “We had fun and ran away” is his credo. The stimulus for the beginning or development of sexual life is intellectual curiosity. When it is satisfied, interest in sex may disappear. Those with this position of Mars are often prone to voyeurism - peeping, spying.

Mars in Cancer

Men with this position of Mars (especially in their youth) can be very shy. They give in to any difficulties on the way to winning the favor of their partner. At the same time, their sexual desires are quite intense, and their fantasies on this topic are rich. The owner of Mars in Cancer in sex craves an emotional merger with his partner. Women who give him a sense of stability and security are suitable for him. Cancer needs not only sex, but also sexual harmony, the basis for which is emotional mutual understanding.

Mars in Leo

This position gives birth to the most passionate and romantic lovers. “Leos” are self-confident men who know their worth. They are able to restrain their desires for the time being without damage to their psyche. If the owner of Mars in Aries is ready to make any contact, as long as it brings him momentary satisfaction, the owner of Mars in Leo is able to wait until a woman of interest to him appears on the horizon. “Leo” strives to find not a momentary connection, but a full-fledged partnership. Having found it, it will support it in every possible way until it exhausts itself.

Mars in Virgo

This person is usually picky about potential partners, because quality, not quantity, is important to him in sex. Usually "Virgos" are well informed in physiological matters. They may be interested in sexology and pay a lot of attention to health. They will not meet with a partner who is suspected of having the disease. When communicating with sexual partners, they behave rather coldly until they achieve confidence in this person, in particular, in his cleanliness. Usually they strive to reach the top in sexual technology.

Mars in Libra

This is the weakest position of Mars in the Zodiac. In many cases, “Libras,” even very young ones, generally deny that they have sexual needs, or prefer to postpone their satisfaction “for later.” Their slogan is “not here and not now.” Such a man is very diplomatic and always finds words to divert the conversation with a potential partner into a neutral direction and avoid sexual intimacy.

However, the owners of this position of Mars also have another extreme of behavior - the desire to seduce everyone all the time, just to assert themselves in the sexual sphere, even without such great sexual demands. In this case, the number of seduced “victims” comes to the fore. This is a real Don Juan in the classical sense of the term.

Mars in Scorpio

This is a very strong position of Mars in the Zodiac. The sexual desires of such a man are harsh and intense, but he does not advertise them. Scorpio's behavior with women is flexible and diplomatic. With some he achieves rapprochement through affection, with others - with the help of generous gifts or direct financing, and with others he is ready to resort to brutal violence. In the latter case, behavior can take on a pathological character, that is, become like mania. Scorpio is likely to have sadistic or masochistic tendencies, and also has a craving for unconventional types of sexual activity. With this position of Mars, a man often develops a wide variety of mental complexes on sexual themes. For example, “I am overly sexual,” or, conversely, “I am impotent,” “I am ugly,” “I am the best man in the world,” and other forms of inadequate self-esteem in sexual matters. Among other things, Scorpios are prone to fetishism of all kinds.

Mars in Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, mutual understanding in sexual life with the chosen partner is of paramount importance. For the owner of Mars in Sagittarius, the search for a suitable woman comes to the fore, but the physiological aspects of sexuality are secondary for him. His criteria for selecting a partner are very high; for Sagittarius, the ideological and even religious qualities of a potential partner are of great importance. In itself, Sagittarius's behavior in bed is adequate to the situation, decisive and generally quite courageous. At worst, somewhat conservative. A striking example is V.V. Putin.

Mars in Capricorn

This is the brightest position of Mars in the zodiac circle. Men with this position in the horoscope are extremely purposeful in sexual matters. They are clearly aware of all aspects of their desires and know how to satisfy them. They build a whole strategy to win the woman they like, and steadily work towards rapprochement, creating all the conditions for it. The partner's needs are carefully studied, and if they are not excessive, they are satisfied.

People with Mars in Capricorn do not deny the possibility of buying sex for money, but this sex must be of high quality in all respects. A man with Mars in Capricorn looks condescendingly at “naked sexual activity” at the teenage level, as if it were child’s play. Even in his youth, he is a mature man.

> Mars in Virgo

Let us turn our attention to the character of the individual when. People whose horoscope is influenced by Mars in Virgo are distinguished by a strong-willed character and a penchant for order.

Mars in Virgo according to the horoscope

With such an astrological forecast, a person manifests indecision and shyness. He works diligently, analyzing and taking into account all the nuances. To achieve the final result, he is ready to sacrifice himself. If negative character traits begin to predominate, then the difficult path to achieving the goal becomes a means of self-expression. In this way, they strive to resist imaginary criticism and unfavorability of others.

Such people are characterized by excessive irritability, lose their temper easily and are often very capricious. They love to criticize other people, the environment around them, their attitude towards themselves and life in general. And in disputes, such individuals are extremely resourceful; they will defend their point of view with increased enthusiasm, using the most daring arguments. For some reason, it seems to them that they are better informed than others on a specific issue or topic.

If positive character traits take over, then a person with Mars in Virgo can develop as a deep, empathetic, patient person. Such an individual is distinguished by high diligence, a subtle research mind, and the ability to accurately implement his plans, which helps him achieve certain heights in his career. In everything he shows enviable skill and methodology, and has an interest in research activities.

Representatives of this group show restraint, patience, and diligence when implementing even the most painstaking projects. They manage to take advantage of any position and situation and adapt to the most unforeseen and difficult conditions. All the achievements of these people are the result of their hard work and efforts.

Such individuals will strive for excellence in everything, in every area of ​​their lives. These are workers with sustainable energy, consistent and logical in thinking and action, able to work, prone to order and will make every effort to complete the task. Thanks to the ability to plan, they use their own time and energy rationally and profitably.

Often such people spend much more effort than the question requires. In their opinion, the work should be done even better, of higher quality than originally required. A subtle, precise, orderly mind is used by them to organize and implement their plans. They are able to trace and find nuances and problems even in issues that have not yet been studied.

Mars in Virgo - human characteristics

The unwavering desire for self-improvement through learning new information and the high diligence of people with Mars in Virgo contribute to achieving success. Passions and instincts are well developed in them, but are often overshadowed by commitment to work. The innate ability for research and scientific activities makes people from this group scientists capable of achieving good results.

Thanks to the interaction of intellect with will, such people have good self-control. They always manage to keep their actions under control, exercise caution in everything and act exactly according to plan. But it is worth remembering that these are irritable, vengeful, crafty, and also vindictive and cunning individuals. The more knowledge and experience they acquire, the more arrogant and pretentious they become.

Flattery is often used in the arsenal of such people. It is used as a means to achieve a goal, in a struggle that is not always fair. Prudence, a sober mind, orderliness always prevail over their inclinations, passions and feelings. They are distinguished by a warm and agile mentality.

They can get into conflict and controversial situations with others because of their own grumpiness, criticism, pickiness, and pedantry. First of all, they see and pursue their own interests. Their success in life is the result of their own perseverance, zeal, patience and hard work.

Individuals with Mars in Virgo successfully use the acquired life experience and previously received theoretical training in solving important strategic and standard everyday situations. Thanks to intense energy, a great reserve of strength, a subtle mind and high insight, these people are able to achieve high financial well-being. The increase in their earnings is also facilitated by their readiness and ability to do monotonous, unpleasant, never-ending work.

Positive and negative manifestations of Mars in Virgo

The ability to systematize and correctly distribute information helps people with Mars in Virgo to easily cope with writing scientific manuals and drawing up annual reports. The patience and work of such people helps them cope with any task.

They are very demanding of themselves and those around them and value punctuality. They are able to calculate the opponent’s steps and predict his further actions. They do not strive for leadership, they rarely enter into confrontations with others and purposefully go towards their intended goal.

In addition, people with Mars in Virgo are quite good intriguers who will engage in intelligence activities with interest. Due to underestimation of their own strengths, a tendency to disappointment, misunderstanding by others, they can show unpredictable aggression and irritation. From the outside they are seen as insidious, dexterous and cunning fighters “for a place in the sun.”

People from this astrological group are intolerant of those who try to enter into a discussion with them on issues in which they are knowledgeable. Good physical data, the ability to rationalize their diet, and adherence to a daily routine help them keep themselves in good shape. Unplanned changes and fateful turns often occur in their lives.

Due to their penchant for mercantilism and manipulation, they can unintentionally cause harm to people around them and strive to control them. Thanks to the ability to clearly systematize data, they find themselves in the organization of archival and library structures. These are responsible executives and middle managers; they rarely find themselves in high management positions. Insight and subtlety of mind help representatives of this group to delve deeply into the problem and find the right ways to solve it.

Communication with a person with Mars in Virgo

Coolness, consistency, and a scientific approach allow these people to properly organize fruitful work. Many people in the team rely on them. In personal relationships, a person with Mars in Virgo is inclined to idealize the image of a partner and can maintain a purely platonic relationship for a long time. Such a person suffers from a lack of passion and dreaminess.

Due to their addiction to work, these people often exhaust themselves, which negatively affects their health. They should not dwell in doubts and thoughts for too long, and also worry a lot about their own future and the opinions of others.

Due to their own pride, stubbornness, and desire to look better in the eyes of others, representatives of this group expose themselves to severe nervous strain. This causes psychosomatic disorders. Conflicts at work and misunderstandings in the family lead to the same result. Natural ingenuity and dexterity allow them to realize themselves in almost any field of work.

Mars is a symbol of activity, activity, actions, physical strength, courage and determination. How does this aggressive planet affect women?

The meaning of Mars in the women's horoscope

Mars shows how we act. Do we boldly move forward or wait? Do we work impulsively while we are burning with enthusiasm, or are we capable of prolonged tension? Do we act as we want, or are we influenced by other people? This is a very useful planet. It divides us into strong and weak, into enthusiasts and followers, into patient and impulsive, into “team players” and individualists. But in the female horoscope she plays another role.

Mars originally symbolized male power. This was back when men and women did very different things. Physical strength, courage, decision-making, actions - this was a male prerogative. Therefore, in a man's horoscope, Mars signifies his own energy. What does Mars mean for a woman? Now women work, play sports, decide for themselves what to do, and Mars for them means everything the same as for men. But in addition, he also indicates what type of men they like. This comes from a time when Mars was an exclusively male planet and its energy could only manifest itself in a woman’s life indirectly, through a man.

The indicators of Mars are not related to the human, personal qualities of a man. To put it simply, Mars will show what kind of man is capable of awakening the animal nature in a woman, who will make her feel desire, what kind of man she wants to see in her bed.

Mars in Aries for a woman

Women with Mars in Aries are delighted with men with a pronounced masculinity. They like warriors, conquerors, defenders, athletic and muscular men. Their chosen one should be the first in everything - just like the sign of Aries begins the zodiac and stands ahead of the other signs. They are ready to forgive such a man’s aggression, assertiveness and rudeness. A high position, which in our time requires no less strength, but is by no means muscular, leaves women indifferent, but their attention is attracted by military men, athletes, small entrepreneurs and hooligans.

Mars in Taurus for a woman

These women like calm and practical men. Their chosen ones look at the world realistically, are economical, and have a stable psyche. Outwardly, they are well-built, large, but not fat men with almond-shaped beautiful eyes. Women with Mars in Taurus pay special attention to the physical form of their chosen one, which means for them his health and sexual stamina. In sex, they do not expect ingenuity and experimentation from their man, but value sensuality and potency. There are no requirements for a man’s profession and hobbies, but it will be easier for a man to seduce this woman in nature, so he should not avoid going to the forest.

Mars in Gemini for a woman

These women believe that the most erotic attribute of a man is his intelligence. They like smart, lively and active men, in whom the intellectual principle noticeably prevails over the physical. Outwardly, these are subtle, fine-boned men who have something boyish about them, regardless of age. Astrology says that men of this type actually retain the psychology of youth forever. They have dynamic facial expressions that reveal their lively nature. There are professions that we associate with certain character traits. Of these professions, male journalists are successful among women with Mars in Gemini.

Mars in Cancer for a woman

Cancer Mars likes emotional, sensitive and gentle men. They are not macho; sex for them is, first of all, a sentimental unity of souls. They are able to sigh, suffer, and are not shy about talking about feelings. For a woman with Mars in Cancer, a man should awaken maternal feelings for him. A man's profession can be anything. Among men of this type there is a whole constellation of brilliant politicians, actors and athletes. But behind their external success lies a homely, sensitive and even tearful character. The appearance of the chosen one does not play a big role for women with Mars in Cancer.

Mars in Leo for a woman

Women with Mars in Leo like representative, handsome, prominent men. They need a man to succeed: in their understanding, this means a successful career, holding a high position and a public personality. If a woman has more modest needs, then she will be satisfied with the one who will be the leader in the company with which she communicates. For a woman with Mars in Leo to want a man, he must arouse her admiration. These women are more likely than others to become victims of brilliant, flamboyant marriage swindlers and scammers posing as celebrities.

Mars in Virgo for a woman

These women like neat, smart, pedantic men with a weakly expressed masculinity. The chosen one must be smart, homely, practical, but most importantly, he must be clean. Women with Mars in Virgo are very squeamish about male physiology and are among the few signs that will prefer spiritual friendship and platonic love. Such a woman can suffer for years for an ascetic, priest or asexual. In more frequent cases, she chooses a partner who is far from traditional ideas about masculinity: a scientist, a doctor, a classical intellectual.

Mars in Libra for a woman

Women with Mars in Libra are excited by men who are part of the “constellation” of recognized handsome men of stage and cinema. In extreme cases, just beautiful men. Well, at the very least, they are just very charming and nice people. She is sensitive to male beauty. She likes refined, sophisticated, secular men, well dressed and taking care of their appearance. It’s good if the chosen one is connected with the fashion world or the beauty industry. Sometimes an interest in an androgynous man who resembles a charming girl may awaken.

Mars in Scorpio for a woman

Women with Scorpio Mars like passionate men. Such men have the strongest temperament. It is difficult to overestimate what sex means to them. But they are not openly sexual and artlessly assertive, like, for example, the signs of Fire, but have a mystical charm and magnetism, their passion is not only physiology, but also deep emotions. Women with Mars in this sign are attracted to fatal passion and those men with whom relationships can be dangerous. As for the appearance of their chosen ones, it is often very specific, even to the point of deformity.

Mars in Sagittarius for a woman

Women with Mars in this sign like hospitable, generous, imposing men. This Mars can also manifest itself as an interest in well-educated, authoritative, knowledgeable men, but still more often it works as sympathy for merchants, generous, noisy, good-natured men, capable of treating and sponsoring the entire zodiac. Outwardly, they are attracted to one of the following male types: large and even plump men, with a massive, closet-like figure, large, but not amorphous fat men, or men of the “Italian” type - slender, dark-skinned, dark-eyed, smiling, with curly hair. Women with Sagittarius Mars have an increased interest in foreigners.

Mars in Capricorn for a woman

Capricorn is an earth sign, which brings such masculine traits as the ability to stand firmly on its own two feet, realism and practicality. Women with Mars in this sign are turned on by men who are serious, purposeful, not emotional, but who know what they want. Outwardly, they like lean men with clear and even bony facial features. They will certainly be interested in those who occupy leadership and administrative positions. Often these women choose a man much older than themselves.

Mars in Aquarius for a woman

These women are attracted to unusual and extravagant men, eccentrics, experimenters, hippies, people with a special and even shocking lifestyle. The sexuality of such men is not great. Often interest in a man grows out of friendship, and in the future the couple remains more friends for each other than sexual partners. If Mars is damaged, a woman may be attracted to men with sexual deviations. If we talk about the appearance of men, it is sometimes difficult to discern it behind the unusual, shocking style. But often these men have a hooked nose.

Mars in Pisces for a woman

Women with Mars in Pisces like men who are dreamy and sensitive. These men are passive and more often observe life from the sidelines than are in the thick of things. They may be deeply religious or mystical. They have a dreamy and languid look and graceful, small feet and hands. Sex for them is inextricably linked with feelings, which means that they will shower a woman with compliments, read poetry to her, and arrange romantic foreplay. When Mars is damaged, a woman is drawn to “confused” losers - unrecognized creators, alcoholics, drug addicts.

Today the hero of my article is Mars in Virgo. People with this position in the natal chart can do painstaking work. Take everything apart piece by piece. Unfortunately, they often direct their energy into criticism. Sometimes it’s easier for them to blame someone else than to deal with the matter themselves.

Those who have read articles about Mars in Virgo think that he is punctual. It turns out, on the contrary, these people are constantly late. Because it takes a long time to get ready. They will not go outside until they check every detail of their clothing.

Sometimes such people lack impulsiveness. They are used to doing everything slowly. Seven times, measure and cut one. Meticulous about everything. The most handcrafted Mars in the natal chart along with the position of the planet in .

Mars in Virgo for a woman.

Since the sign of Virgo and the 6th house is associated with health in the horoscope, people with this position direct their energy in taking care of their health. Moreover, it is purely practical in nature. Women make very good housewives, their life is organized, everything is laid out on the shelves. For example, when I was at home with the owners of Mars in Virgo, I was in admiration not because of the purity. And from how organized everything is. How everything is in its place. Even some little things like bobby pins or sushi chopsticks.

Mars in Virgo for a woman shows the image of a lover. In our case, this is an economical and thrifty man. He may be stingy, but be clean.

Mars can also tell you something about your lover’s profession. He may work in the field of health, medicine, but, alas, I cannot say that they occupy high positions. Sometimes a man's profession is related to nature. And, of course, working with small details and government agencies.

Women, as a rule, learn to make something according to a recipe. Exactly as written. No experiments, unlike .

Mars in Virgo for a man.

Men with this position love to criticize everyone except themselves. They may spend a long time getting ready before leaving the house. Because every detail will be checked before leaving. Sometimes a girl will come on a date faster. In terms of style, they prefer white, camouflage style. Looks great in uniform.

They spend more time on their style than necessary. They love to wear sneakers.

They can live according to a schedule. They have their own diet. They can engage in physical activity and sports. Where a regime is needed.

By the way, the legendary Kalashnikov designer Mikhail Timofeevich has Mars in the sign of Virgo. His AK works even after being in the swamp. Does not jam from water. The designer created it painstakingly and persistently. He took into account every detail of the design.

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