In a private house      06/29/2020

Animal upbringing monkey training interview with. Dead number. Edgard Zapashny, animal trainer, general director of the large Moscow State Circus

Last week, Vyacheslav Polunin, artistic director of the Great St. Petersburg Circus on the Fontanka, was solemnly presented with an appeal from the Russian public with a request to exclude numbers with trained animals from the program. The letter was signed by well-known actors, singers, organizations of environmentalists and veterinarians.

Last week, Vyacheslav Polunin, artistic director of the Great St. Petersburg Circus on the Fontanka, was solemnly presented with an appeal from the Russian public with a request to exclude numbers with trained animals from the program. The letter was signed by well-known actors, singers, organizations of environmentalists and veterinarians.

The scandal around the circus on the Fontanka began a month and a half ago. On April 17, the Day of the Circus, the VITA Animal Rights Center posted on YouTube an 11-minute video “Behind the Scenes of the Circus”, filmed with a hidden camera in the Great St. Petersburg Circus on the Fontanka. The video was made by a VITA employee who worked as a cleaner in the circus for more than a year. Shooting begins with the training of two monkeys. For five minutes of recording, trainer Murad Abdullayev makes the monkeys do the same number, calmly and methodically beating them when they make mistakes.

“Give him in the head! Give-give-give! Take the stack and give him a hand,” Abdullaev commands his wife who works with him. "Sit down, freak!" - this is a monkey squealing in pain. The trainer beats the monkey with a stack, hand, grabs the scruff of the neck and strikes his head on a table or chair with a swing. All this time, Abdullaev's wife calmly pets the second monkey. There is no trace of anger in the behavior of people. It's just a workflow.

The next three minutes of the recording are shots of training Charlie the kangaroo, an ostrich, white poodles ... The trainers urge and direct them with whips, if the animals resist, they beat them with the same whip. The clip ends with a video of the cages, where the animals spend all the time free from rehearsals. Monkeys hang on the grate, cats scratch their paws ...

For a month and a half, the VITA video gained more than 500 thousand views. Animal rights activists filed an appeal with the prosecutor's office, in which they demanded to deal with the facts of cruelty to animals. There is still no answer, and VIT is sure that they will receive a reply.

Meanwhile, while the scandal with the video recording was gaining momentum, both of his hero trainers - both Rauf Rasulov and Murad Abdullayev - had already left the circus. Charlie the kangaroo is dead. Animal rights activists blamed the trainer for this, he blamed the Ukrainian customs officers, who kept the animal at customs for 9 days. The famous clown Vyacheslav Polunin was appointed director of the circus on the Fontanka. In an interview, he already said that he would like to develop a new concept in Russia, "combining the circus with opera, symphonic art, painting and ballet." According to the president of VIT Irina Novozhilova, this is exactly what the animal rights activists would like.

“There is a strong myth in Russia that the circus is humane,” says Novozhilova. “But when we posted the video of the training, people associated with the circus started calling us and saying that we had published not the most terrible shots.

According to Novozhilova, her colleague came up with the idea of ​​using a hidden camera thanks to the trainers, the Zapashny brothers. After the picket against the circus, they suggested that environmentalists not be unfounded and visit the process of training animals themselves.

“So we did,” explains Irina Novozhilova. “Not from the front door. We filmed miles of video. They show that beatings are a daily practice. I remember a part of the recording where Murat Abdullayev habitually feels the monkey's body for fractures. When we are told that the monkey just pissed off the trainer that time, I want to show this video day after day.

The employee of VITA, who filmed the video (the organization does not disclose her name and does not give contacts), left a story about her work in the circus: “They told how the trainer “trained” the bear: he hung her hind legs on a chain, lifted and beat. So he taught her to stand upside down on her front paws. This trick caused a storm of enthusiasm and applause from the audience.<…>Hunger and fear are the only motivation to obey, performing over and over again, throughout life, the same memorized action.

“Beatings, stun gun, hunger,” Irina Novozhilova agrees. - The vaunted system of Durov allegedly involves training with the help of a gingerbread. But it is based on hunger. We raise the question that it is shameful to have fun at the expense of enslaving someone's will. There are many other entertainments in the world, circuses with animals are perceived as cruelty.

The reaction of the circus community to the action "VITA" was unexpected. Nobody commented on the beating of animals. Instead, VITU was accused of lobbying the interests of the Canadian Cirque du Soleil and working off foreign money. The state order to catch "foreign agents" was felt even in the circus.


Vadim GUROVICH, Head of the PR Department of the Russian State Circus Company:

“I cannot confirm or deny the authenticity of this video, this should be done by the competent authorities, but I see that the material has been taken out of context, edited, and its presentation is pretentious. I saw these animals: they are alive, healthy and doing great work. The information Vita is spreading about their broken fingers is a dirty lie.

If we trace the peaks of VITA activity, it turns out that they coincide strikingly with the periods of activity of the Cirque du Soleil. To believe that this is a coincidence would be naive.

The Russian circus and animals are inseparable concepts. Animals have been used since the time of buffoons, there are many icons where Orthodox saints are depicted with animals, for example, Sergius of Radonezh feeds a bear. That is, this attack is not on the genre of training, this is an attempt on the phenomenon of Russian culture!

A circus performer spends two years preparing any animal, does not eat or sleep, feeds it with a pipette and checks its temperature more often than his children. Will he treat badly the creature in which he has invested so much effort and money, from which he is going to live and eat?

I'm not saying that there was no situation in the circus on the Fontanka. But it cannot be presented as systematic. The video shows that both animals and people are in a state of passion, they are overexcited. The video shows a lapunder monkey, it is an aggressive predator with fangs of 5-6 cm. There was such an episode in the St. Petersburg circus: during a rehearsal, a monkey jumped in Murad's face. He defended himself with his hand, assistant Sergei grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, she wriggled, cut his arm with her fangs - he lay in the hospital for several months - went into a rage and managed to bite both Murad and his trainer wife. Whether this episode is related to the video, I don't know. No, I didn't ask Murad about it. And I will not. But I'm sure it's a montage. Murad Abdullayev became a scapegoat, all trainers understand this.

Edgard ZAPASHNY, trainer, general director of the Great Moscow State Circus:

- Just today I looked at who finances VITU. There are more than 30 foreign sponsors! The work of these "greens" always coincides in a strange way with the work of the Cirque du Soleil. Wherever he appears, the "greens" immediately gain momentum, they have financial support.

The Greens claim that the circus with animals is already banned in civilized countries. But the Krone circus has more than 300 animals, the German Roncalli has more than 100, the Swiss Pinder has more than 100. I don't know any more civilized countries... What are they even talking about?

I am for animals to be created as much as possible comfortable conditions. We have enlarged the enclosures, we are building new stables. I love animals, I am pleased when I see that tigers and lions breed in our country. We are accused of starving animals. And they often ask me: do you have a pregnant lion? He's so fat.

What is training? This is education. Here are killer whales - they weigh several tons. What kind of sticks can be used on an animal that can swallow you?! If the Greens claim that we use only violence and hunger, let them answer these questions. And so - this is a very bad working off of foreign money.

P.S. The Russian representative office of Cirque du Soleil refused to comment on the accusations of colleagues. As Irina Novozhilova stated, “It is strange that we are accused of working for a foreign circus. On the contrary, we are trying to get the circus on the Fontanka to stop working with animals and become a direct competitor to Cirque du Soleil.

A correspondent went to the Belarusian State Circus to learn about the life of primate artists.

On the arena - lapunders

Aydin Israfilov has been training monkeys for over 20 years. Aydin's father, Erik Israfilov, is a famous animal trainer. True, at the arena he performed with larger animals - camels. Aydin continued the circus dynasty, but he chose primates.

“It always seemed to me that the abilities of monkeys in the circus were not fully disclosed. They have high intelligence, ingenuity, show creativity, - explains the artist. “Therefore, they often come up with their own tricks or bring something of their own into existing ones.”

Different trainers work with different breeds monkeys. Aidyn Israfilov enters the arena with pig-tailed macaques, or lapunders. In his performance, Aydin combines several genres - balancing act, juggling.

In addition, during the performance, the trainer and his ward show tricks while riding a unicycle. And here it was important not to make a mistake with the choice of the monkey. For example, a chimpanzee would be too heavy for such a performance, a small monkey would be poorly seen by spectators from the far rows. Pig-tailed macaques have become the best option, besides, they willingly walk on their hind legs, have well-developed fore and hind limbs, and are also distinguished by their intelligence and ingenuity. Aidyn Israfilov managed to do something that no one has been able to do so far - to teach a monkey not only to catch balls or rings, but also to throw them back to the trainer.

“From a young age, I had the opportunity to spend time with pig-tailed macaques. One of the senior colleagues in the circus was engaged in their training ( at the arena of Aydin from the age of 16. — Approx. ed.). So I watched them, studied their habits,” recalls the trainer. Today I have four monkeys. The oldest is 22 years old. True, due to her age, she no longer performs. The other is 17 years old, it is with her that I now go to the arena. And there are kids - 2.5 and 1.5 years.

Aydin Israfilov also found his artists in different ways. The first lapunder came to the trainer during a tour in Kazan, where there were many monkeys of rare breeds and they can be purchased. Aydin took the second monkey from a nursery where animals were bred for laboratory purposes. The third monkey was also in the nursery and was intended for sale, and the fourth was sold in a regular pet store. The artist approached the question of how to name his monkeys very seriously - it is important that the name fits the animal. Only the 22-year-old lapunderer Gosha was named not by Aydin, but by the former owners. The trainer also has Ronald, Kuzma (Kuzya, Grasshopper) and Jimmy.

A grape for a trick

I found Aydin Israfilov at the end of the rehearsal. Now he is working with Kuzey, who is 2.5 years old. So far, he is just learning to show tricks: do a back somersault, stand and run on two legs, catch frisbees and balls. Kuzya is just at the age when it is optimal to start training. Previously, it was pointless to do this - one and a half year old Jimmy, for example, while he goes to the arena only to play, get used to the place. His bones and muscles, his psyche still have to be finally formed.

“Compared to other animals (and dogs and donkeys also perform with me), then at the level of elementary tricks, monkeys are easy to train. The only problem is that they, like children, lack perseverance, notes Aydin. - Especially when there are so many "toys" around - rings, crossbars, ropes. Therefore, we stretch the rehearsal for 1.5-2 hours.

Behind Good work Kuzya gets not only goodies, but also the opportunity to play and run around. Gradually, the animal realizes that only after the trick has been correctly performed will he be allowed to frolic again. This technique, which was developed by Aydin himself, gives good results. According to the trainer, it is not so difficult to teach a monkey - it is more difficult then to maintain its skills and abilities. When a monkey is not in the mood, he will come up with a thousand reasons not to do tricks. We have to look for a solution: for example, on ordinary days, feed cereals and vegetables, and keep fruits, as the most delicious, for the performance.

Speaking of diet: how many monkeys, so many food preferences. Someone loves nuts, someone - confectionery, someone - meat. Aydin gives grapes to kids as a reward. But if you give a monkey a banana as a treat, it is more likely to be offended. In general, the nutrition of circus monkeys is the most diverse, including vitamins and supplements. Toddlers for better brain development also receive fish oil.

“How long it takes to master the tricks, it’s hard to say for sure. Development of the most complex elements- the monkey catches and throws the balls back to the trainer - it took about 4 years, - says Aydin Israfilov. “But it took about six months to train an animal to sit down and ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Today, 17-year-old Ronald performs more than 20 tricks, some of which are unique. But it’s already difficult for him to explain something new, so before performances we work more on recovery.

fluffy babies

After the rehearsal, after playing a little, Kuzya, together with the trainer's assistant, goes home. Monkeys live in the circus, and in order to have enough space for movement, they have spacious enclosures.

“Nature has a certain number of movements that are necessary for each animal. A monkey must walk 5 kilometers a day. And our artists have the opportunity to do this in an aviary, - explains the interlocutor. - In addition, they do some sports during rehearsals, since all the tricks are good for health. We let monkeys go for walks: both in winter and in summer. So they live without separation from nature.

Aydin Israfilov says that he lives in peace with his wards. And tries once again do not enter the enclosures unnecessarily, so as not to violate the border of their territory. Sometimes Aydin takes the monkeys home, but he understands that they are still more comfortable and freer in the aviary. After all, an apartment is an unfamiliar territory where you can’t climb there, and there.

The trainer treats his monkeys like children. And even refers to each of them affectionately: "Son." From the very beginning of his studies, Aidyn Israfilov has been building a “father-son” relationship and, as a “parent”, brings up his lapunders.

Healthy artists are one of the keys to a successful performance. In this regard, Aydin Israfilov is calm about his monkeys. And it’s also pleasing that the number is in demand among the audience. But the trainer always has room to move: add new tricks, come up with details. And be sure - some of this will be prompted by the monkeys themselves.

I want to go to jail!

Instead of an epilogue - a curious story from the life of circus monkeys. Once on tour in Nice, forgetful assistants did not close the cage. One of Aydin Israfilov's wards took the opportunity and went to the city. After some time, excited gendarmes ran up to Aydin - it turned out that the monkey, by some chance, went into the local prison and got straight into the gendarmes' office. Seeing the uninvited guest, the guards hurried to leave the premises. Moreover, this happened to the laughter and joyful exclamations of the prisoners who watched the whole process. The trainer safely returned the artist to the circus, but scolded a little: “Why did you get into prison? I'd rather go to the beach!"

Any monkey with the right approach can become completely tame. A young animal is much easier to train than an adult. The result will depend not only on the ability of the animal, but also on the abilities of the trainer. First of all, you will need to be patient in order to achieve the desired result.

monkey training

You will need to purchase a special cage for the animal, where it will rest and play while you are away from home. First of all, when meeting an animal, you need to gently and gently pick it up, let the monkey examine your hair, hands and face - this is how they get to know each other. In order to receive good result classes should be frequent. Monkey training itself is not that difficult.

Introduce the animal to the room in which it will live - let it get used to it. After performing even the smallest trick, the animal must be encouraged - give a treat. Do not yell at the monkeys - they are very sensitive and may react negatively. Praise, pet your pet, and he will answer you with love and understanding. You can teach your pet to take food from your hand, come up to you and make vocal signs.

Proper Care of a Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are very intelligent animals and require careful and proper care. It is worth paying a lot of attention to them if you want your pet to be welcoming and friendly. Get a large cage for him, as an adult reaches 80 kilograms. The cage must be kept completely clean, as chimpanzees are very fond of order. Even a trained monkey cannot live without a cage.

It is necessary to visit the veterinarian regularly, take tests, and be vaccinated. It is very important to make the right diet for your pet. Include more greens and fruits in your diet. A special delicacy for chimpanzees is termites, but they will not refuse grasshoppers either. It is necessary to bathe the animal as it gets dirty. You should also regularly walk your pet under strict supervision, as he may simply run away.

The chimpanzee is an exotic animal that is easy to train. They are cheerful, playful, love their owner. In order for your pet to respond well to training, start exercising in the morning while he is hungry. Praise him after the slightest victory and give him a treat. These simple rules will help you achieve a good result.

Before releasing a newly bought monkey for a walk around the room, the owner must accustom it to himself and his family members so that the new pet walks in his arms without fear, does not bite, is safe for humans and considers him his partner. Monkeys that have reached puberty and are kept in a group in an aviary get used to a person more difficult than young, single individuals, with whom they began to work when they were still with the female. Therefore, the training of monkeys in the adult state is more difficult and it is always better for this purpose to acquire a young "student" with whom you can quickly achieve best results. You need to start training as soon as you have acquired a monkey.

First, a cage with a wild monkey is placed at the height of human growth on a bedside table or a small table. As soon as the monkey eats food from the feeder with you without fear, which happens no earlier than a week after meeting you, you should begin to gradually accustom it to yourself. First you need to ensure that the monkey is not afraid to take a treat from your hands and eat it in your presence. To do this, put the treat on the perch and with quiet, affectionate words invite her to take a piece. At first, you will have to move a considerable distance from the cage so that the monkey takes a treat, but gradually this distance will decrease and the moment will come when he will grab the treat from your hands, run away with it to the other end of the perch and start eating it. You stand and watch her during the meal so that she gets used to you faster. This will continue several times and the time will come when the monkey will take a delicacy from your hands and immediately eat it completely. A delicacy, especially at first, should be given by carefully sticking it with two fingers between the bars of the lattice, affectionately calling the monkey by name.

You need to start training in the morning, before the food is placed in the feeder. A well-fed monkey makes contact more difficult, does not respond to treats, and is less trainable.

The first stage of training ends when the monkey begins to take a treat from your hands and let him scratch his head. From this moment, the second stage of training begins: the monkey is taught to sit on his hand. To do this, they approach the cage, open the door and force it to leave the cage with a treat, while affectionately saying the name of the monkey and the words: “Come to me!”. The monkey, attracted by delicious food, after several times, and sometimes the first time, sits on his hand, takes a delicacy from his palm, enters the cage and rises to the perch to eat it. You need to get the monkey to sit on your arm without hesitation and stay there until you give him the next command.

The last stage of training should be to train the monkey to return to the cage at your request. To this end, the monkey is brought on the hand to the door, saying: “Go to the place!”, And if it does not follow the command, it is slightly pushed to the door. After several of your attempts, the monkey will understand what is required of it, and will enter the cage itself.