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Application fire-fighting theme. Interesting crafts on the topic "fire safety". Craft "Fire truck" from semolina

In all educational preschool and school institutions, great attention is paid to fire safety. They conduct trainings, arrange contests of thematic drawings and posters, exhibitions of children's creativity. Children's crafts on the theme "Fire safety" always look interesting. Such events are very important for every child and cannot be in vain.

Fire safety. DIY crafts

Children learn how to behave in case of fire, handle matches, gas and electrical appliances. Because before you do something with your hands, you need to try to comprehend it with your mind. Parents should not be left out in the preparation of such events. Moms and dads should not only help choose and sketch crafts, but also talk about how to use what the child will make in miniature, for example, a fire truck.

Application in facing technique

Crafts on the theme "Fire safety" can be made in a wide variety of techniques. Parents own some of them. Everyone will choose for himself and his child what he likes the most.

It looks very nice and modern. The manufacturing process is simple, a child of kindergarten age can do it.

You need to prepare corrugated paper. It is sold in rolls and comes in a variety of colors. This material is also useful for other crafts, if not all of it is used in this one. You will need another sheet of cardboard, glue, a pencil and scissors.

The future application drawing requires a sketch. Therefore, it must be applied to a sheet of cardboard. The picture should be on the topic of fire safety: you can draw a fireman next to the car. Now that the sketch is ready, glue should be applied to the drawing, but not to the entire sketch at once. Take corrugated paper of the desired color (according to the picture), cut a small square out of it, twist it around a wooden rod or pencil and wrinkle it with your fingers. Now it remains to glue the blank in its place on the cardboard.

Thus, having “drawn” the entire drawing, you will get a voluminous application. Kids will like this activity, they like to crumple something, and if a picture comes out of it, it gives them pleasure.

As the contours of the plan appear in the figure, you can tell the child about the purpose of the special machine for extinguishing fires. You should remind the baby why fires occur and how to prevent them in the apartment. At the end of the work with the picture, it can be placed in a frame.

From semolina

Fire safety crafts can play not only a good educational role, but also help develop fine motor skills of the fingers of the kids. Hard work and perseverance requires working with semolina. It is also often used when creating fire safety crafts for children. On the topic under study, you can perform a fire truck rushing to prevent trouble. As always, a pencil with glue, a sheet of cardboard or thick paper, gouache and semolina will come to the rescue. pre-painted in the desired colors. Then it should be dried on a newspaper or film. Semolina is ready, arranged by color in separate containers. Now you need to draw the outline of the car, apply glue on them and cover them with red-colored semolina. Then fill in all parts of the picture with the necessary colors.

Let at first the crafts on the topic "Fire Safety" be performed not quite skillfully and will not take first place, this is not the main thing. It is important that the child repeated all the rules, talked and listened to the parents, felt their help. That's what's valuable. Let the fire safety crafts try to bring children and parents together. They will want to create together and do many more interesting things. In addition, you can read instructive books together and discuss them.

Fire shield

Not so scary topic "Fire Safety". DIY crafts in this direction can be made from plasticine, you can use modular origami. And when making a drawing on the topic, somewhere in the corner of the drawing, you must definitely depict

Of course, it is necessary to draw the attention of the baby to the fact that he has already seen such a shield in a kindergarten or school. Invite the child to remember what tools are needed to extinguish the fire. You can offer to make such a shield in miniature form. This type of work will be remembered by the child for a long time and will be an addition to any craft on the topic "Fire Safety".


The bucket and all other elements of the shield will be made of paper, but they need to be given volume. Twist the bucket with a cone and paint it red. An ax, a shovel can be made of thick paper, and for tool handles twist it into cylinders. A sleeve for water, that is, a fire hose, is made of foil. The wire is suitable for a special gaff, which is also used in extinguishing fires.

Fire extinguisher

The fire extinguisher will be voluminous if it is made using the old papier-mâché technique. It's very simple: take a small plastic bottle, cut and glue one half with scraps of newspaper. After giving the desired shape and drying the glue, paint the fire extinguisher red and provide with small additional details.

When performing all the tools, the child will be keenly interested in the purpose of each item. It is necessary to answer in detail about each of them, because the knowledge gained will help save his life in an emergency.


When the important topic of the craft "Fire Safety" is considered, a photo of them next to the baby will remind you of how parents helped the child in completing the task received in kindergarten. These pictures will be a reliable reminder of the rules of behavior in case of fire. It is necessary to be more courageous in the implementation of any fire safety crafts.

Useful publications in this section will help you organize the creative activities of children to consolidate knowledge on fire safety. Here you can find many ideas for creating original crafts on this topic, for children to create on their own or in collaboration with adults.

The drawings and crafts presented here reveal the causes of the fire and, of course, the features of the heroic profession of a fireman. Teachers share with colleagues their experience of holding regular thematic exhibitions of children's creativity, called "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."

Being creative, we teach children the rules of fire safety.

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All sections | Fire safety, fire. Crafts, applications, drawings

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Crafts on a fire theme

Every year, kindergarten and elementary school host mandatory life safety classes, where children are told what can and cannot be done, how to behave in certain situations, provide first aid, etc. Separate fire safety classes are held, following which children are given a task, often together with their parents. make a fire theme for exhibition or fire fair.

That is why we decided to tell you which fire safety crafts you can make together with your children and thus not only do your homework, but also once again repeat with your child the rules of behavior with fire and in a fire.

So, crafts on the topic of fire safety and fire fair crafts.

It turns out that natural crafts, or in other words, crafts made from natural material, can be not only on an autumn or winter theme, but also with the help of cones, chestnuts, acorns, twigs, wood chips and other similar material, you can create an excellent composition, which is a kind of visual aid on the topic of proper handling of fire.

To create this natural fire safety craft, you will need the following:

- a piece of bark or natural wood, preferably with green moss;

- small twigs and sticks of trees;

- colored paper, red, orange, yellow and brown;

- glue for paper;

Step by step job description:

Step one. To begin with, we need to create the main character of this composition - the Little Fox desperately fighting fire. To do this, take a cedar cone, which will serve as the body of our animal, mold it from plasticine and attach its paws, head and tail. Let's make a muzzle - eyes, a mouth, a nose, and cut out a sheet of brown paper with scissors and glue a small bucket to it, which we attach to the paws.

Step three. Then we break small pieces of twigs and lay out a fire from them, attaching each layer to the base (bark) also with the help of plasticine.

Step four. After that, on sheets of colored paper in red, yellow and orange, using a simple pencil, draw flames of different sizes so that they can be glued one on top of the other and carefully cut out everything along the contour.

Step six. Cut out fragments of the flame, using paper glue, stick one on one in the form of a regular paper application and also use plasticine to attach the flame to the fire.

Step seven. In conclusion, we will supplement our composition with the main character and finish working on it.

Another interesting option is to create a plot composition on the topic of fire safety for children from matchboxes pasted over with various colored paper. In this composition, unlike the previous one, events unfold in the city, and not in the forest.

To try to recreate something like this, you will need the following materials and tools:

- the basis for the composition is thick cardboard or fiberboard (chipboard);

- a lot of empty matchboxes;

Step by step job description:

Step one. First of all, we glue our base with colored paper and thereby divide it into zones - the roadway, sidewalk, yard, parking, etc.

Step three. Also, by gluing several boxes together and decorating them with colored paper, we will make cars, trucks, as well as fire trucks and distribute them according to the composition.

Step four. There was a fire in one of the houses of our composition, and the flames have already partially engulfed it. To display this, we cut out flames from red paper and glue them on some parts of the building with glue.

By creating such a composition, you, together with your child, can turn on your imagination and convey absolutely any situation related to the work of fire brigades or fire safety, and thereby once again focus your child’s attention on the rules of behavior with fire and heating objects.

Also try to make an unusual plot application from plasticine on cardboard based on the children's fairy tale "Cat's House", which also has the theme of fire and fire safety.

To create such an application, you will need:

- a sheet of thick A4 cardboard

- colored soft plasticine;

Step by step job description:

Step one. To begin with, using a simple pencil, we will draw an approximate plot of our plasticine application.

Step two. Then we take the yellow plasticine and make the background of our work out of it, for this we simply stick the plasticine in a thin layer on the base, leaving the places of certain figures (house, trees, animals) not filled.

Step four. Using the technique of “building a fence”, we will glue a house with a window, from which tongues of scarlet flame escape.

Step five. At the end, we will paste from plasticine on our application of the main characters, a cat, a chicken and a hare.

Using such an unusual technique of plasticine applications, you can make many other equally interesting stories for children on the topic of fire safety.

Below we have selected for you some more photos of interesting ideas for creating a wide variety of crafts on the topic of fire safety and the correct handling of fire, we hope they will help you and your children create the best work.

What craft to do with a child on the topic "Fire safety"?

    You can make a similar application - this is the easiest and most of all, in my opinion, it corresponds to the topic of fire safety. Such is the shield with the most necessary attributes for any firefighter and with what should be for fire safety in any institution.

    If there is no stand for fire safety training in the class, then this is just right, there is a feature in the stand itself, it is made of plywood or thick cardboard. In fact, it must be cut out in the form of a fire truck and various pictures with rules should be pasted onto the vehicle itself, they can be bought in literature stores for schoolchildren.

    Make a beautiful fire truck with your child. This DIY craft is very suitable for your Fire Safety theme. For this you will need the following materials:

    Juice boxes, reels, but which were wrapped with adhesive tape and toilet paper, adhesive tape, paints, glue, corrugated cardboard from boxes, a small box (from some kind of medicine, for example).

    Look how beautiful she is.

    I propose to take as a sample (basis) just such a picture.

    Only instead of English words, cut out of paper. Did you feel the smoke? Fire? Call 01.

    Making it is quite simple: Cut out the desired letters, a fire extinguisher, and stick them neatly on a red sheet of paper. The phone number can be drawn and pasted over with pieces of cotton wool, as if it were made of fire extinguishing foam.

    This craft is good because it does not require practically any special materials. Even if you do not find red paper at home, you can take a regular sheet of cardboard and paint it red. Letters can be cut out not only from paper, but also, for example, from pieces of fabric.

    I also think that the best and instructive thing to do is the Fire Shield!

    On nm, you can immediately see what is needed when extinguishing a fire and you can always explain the rules to a child.

    Moreover, it is the fire shield that, in my opinion, is the simplest craft.

    It is done simply:

    • The shield itself is cut out of a piece of cardboard.
    • And separately made tools are hung on it, such as
    • - bucket
    • - scrap
    • - gaff
    • - shovel
    • - axe
    • - hose
    • - sand box
    • - fire extinguisher

    For little ones

    For older children

    Can also be made bulky

    If done for training, then you can work hard and make it closer to the real Fire Shield:

    A wonderful theme for children's creativity, instructive: children should be aware of fire safety and be careful.

    What can you think of from crafts on this topic? I liked these options:

    Make an object, for example, a fire extinguisher:

    Warning poster or sign:

    The material can be either colored paper, plasticine, or natural materials: leaves, twigs, seeds, etc.

    The boys can try to make a fire truck that rushes to the rescue in a fire, or a fire helicopter.

    Options for crafts from matches

    from origami modules

    or at least just draw with paints or pencils.

    Make something like a fire extinguisher out of paper, paint it red. Triangular paper bucket, the simplest.

    Boys can make a fire truck applique. The machine is fluffy from pieces of fabric. Cut small squares of fabric of different colors, collect in the center to make it look like a small flower. And stick the end of the cone on the drawing of the machine.

    Girls can make a traffic light out of buttons, glue buttons on a picture and make an applique of a fairy-tale hero crossing the road.

    Application on the topic Don't mess with fire.

    Bright application voluminous from plasticine. Details are molded from plasticine and mounted on a board stand. The inscription of the topic is laid out with matches painted with paint or matches are molded from plasticine.

    The boy will be interested in making a fire truck out of cardboard. To do this, cut out the cardboard, glue it, and paint it:

    And it will be more interesting for a girl to do quilling - to make a flame out of strips of paper:

    Well, the most obvious way to make a craft yourself is to first draw a poster, and then stick colored paper on it:

    On the topic of fire safety, you can make a lot of interesting crafts. But the best and most visual will look like a voluminous craft. There are a lot of options for fantasy in this case. You can take thick cardboard (or a shoe box lid). This will be the base representing the earth. Therefore, the base can be pasted over with green (grass) or brown (earth) paper. Then you can make houses, trees out of cardboard and paper. One of the houses can be pasted over with black paper, flames can be drawn that break out of one of the windows of a high-rise building. Put a fire truck nearby (it can be made from matchboxes). It will turn out a very visual and interesting craft. Instead of houses, you can depict a forest, a fire, and a fire that is already approaching the trees. In general, the craft may look something like this:

    And I offer crafts from semolina. You can make an application, just like in the photo:

    for this you will need:

    2) cardboard;

    4) glue and pencil.

    To get colored semolina, you need to mix it with gouache and let it dry on a newspaper.

    After the material is ready, you can draw the desired drawing, in this case a fire truck.

    After that, you need to fill the inner parts of the image with glue and until the glue has dried, carefully pour the semolina into the right places of the right color. Wait until the sun dries and sticks. Blow off the rest of the semolina. The craft is ready. Well, of course, framed under glass.

Performing crafts on fire safety, children not only demonstrate their skills, but also get acquainted with the rules for handling fire, learn to protect property and the environment from fire. This is exactly what exhibitions of handicrafts, arranged in preschool and educational institutions, call for. Of course, parents understand the importance of such events, which reveal the vision of fire safety through the eyes of children, crafts are also made by children's hands. And adults need to guide the child and help him: after all, this topic is quite complicated. We bring to your attention several master classes that parents can take note of when preparing for exhibitions in kindergarten.

DIY crafts "Fire safety" using the facing technique

Facing is a technique whose products look very impressive, voluminous, and are performed so simply that even a preschool child can handle it.

In this technique, you can do the following crafts:

Craft "Fire truck" from semolina

Doing children's crafts on fire safety from semolina is very useful for your baby's fine motor skills. For the manufacture will need the following materials:

  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Panel “Matches are not a toy for children!”

Crafts according to fire safety rules should also teach kids how to properly behave with flammable objects. This can be demonstrated using a panel, for the manufacture of which you need:

  • matches;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • frame;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • brush.

50 more fire safety craft ideas for kindergarten and beyond

What can I do for a competition or an exhibition on the topic of fire safety? Of course, the fire truck!

If you are looking for something simpler, invite your child to make an application from colored paper.

You can also make a beautiful applique from decorative adhesive beads, which can be purchased at a needlework store.

You can even make an appliqué out of buttons!

More complex, but very interesting, will be a voluminous craft of a fire truck, which can be made, for example, from matchboxes.

You can make a slightly simpler version.

And here are the original options from the egg trays!

A fire engine can also be made out of the box.

And even a very large box!

As a decor, you can use any improvised means.

Or you can just do with plasticine and mold just such a fire truck.

Well, the kids will be delighted with Robocar Roy!

Of course, it is worth noting the valiant work of firefighters. Crafts can be done in the form of applications.

To simulate fire, you can use tear-off technique.

An unusual application on the background of a palm drawing can be done like this.

And you can use ready-made templates, print them out and make figures for fire safety lessons.

And finally, you can make a plasticine figurine of a firefighter.

It is worth paying attention to children and the danger of fire. This is where the quilling technique can come in handy.

A bonfire can also be made in the form of an interesting craft.

You can also use this option.

A fire using a safe candle will look very natural.

Such a voluminous application made of colored paper will come out beautiful.

Playing with fire is dangerous and this can be reflected in such crafts.

It looks interesting and such a panel of felt.

For city and regional exhibitions, you can make a more complex craft.

You can use the blank of a wooden house.

Of course, you need to draw the attention of children to the problem of protecting the forest from fire, which can be displayed in crafts.

Some elements can be made using the quilling technique.

It is easy to make such an application.

You can also make such a voluminous craft from colored paper and cardboard.

Crafts look spectacular with the use of natural materials.

Younger children can be offered this version of crafts-applications made of colored paper.

And you can do such a group craft.

The application can also be voluminous.

More patience and experience will require such a 3D application.

In the fight against fires, one cannot do without a faithful assistant - a fire extinguisher. Crafts can be done using a simple plastic bottle and the top of a spray bottle.

If you have a red bottle and a piece of hose, a fire extinguisher can be done like this.

You can also make a fire extinguisher craft in the form of a panel, for example, from varnished salt dough.

To design a fire safety corner, you can make a Fire Stand craft, for example, against the background of a fire truck.

And you can arrange fire shields in this way.

Children should not forget that playing with matches is dangerous!

As you can see, making fire safety crafts is not only not difficult, but also interesting. Such joint creativity usually brings the baby very close to his parents and makes him believe in himself. Even if the craft dedicated to fire safety does not take a prize at the exhibition, do not forget to praise the baby! Your nice words about his work will only stimulate the desire to create.

If you don’t know what craft to do to school on the topic of fire safety, then read the article and see the photo.

It is very useful for a child to know that fire is not a toy. Thanks to classes in kindergarten or school, children clearly learn how to behave in the event of a fire or how to prevent it. Teachers or educators, in order to consolidate the material, set a homework assignment - to do work on the topic of fire safety. Some parents can't figure out what to do.

Do not worry - the task is only at first glance difficult. In fact, crafts can be made from various materials, and they come in varying degrees of complexity. Some of them can be done even by five-year-olds under your guidance.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety are voluminous: photo

Such works can be made from various materials:

  • colored cardboard
  • plasticine
  • cardboard
  • unwanted boxes
  • wood, natural materials
  • test
  • fabrics

There is a wide variety of subjects for creativity. Look at the images below. You can make a small copy of a house, a fire engine, a small apartment model, or just a fire extinguisher, etc.

Volumetric craft - Firefighters go to put out a fire in the house

Craft on the topic - Matches are not a toy for children

Craft for the competition - Fire safety

IMPORTANT: Thanks to such joint crafts, your kids will successfully learn the material about fire safety.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from plasticine: photo

From this material, you can create applications on cardboard or original, voluminous figures. The modeling process itself captures not only children, but also adults. From plasticine of different colors, you can mold an excellent fire truck with a ladder, firefighters.

Thanks to the creation of such products, children will learn not only the ability to needlework, but also master the rules of fire safety. Indeed, during the process, there is usually a conversation, and senior interlocutors tell how to behave in a particular critical situation. Children absorb information with attention. In the future, they will know how to act correctly when a threat arises.

Fire truck - do it yourself from plasticine

If you have a talent in the visual arts and a rich imagination, then making a picture from plasticine will not be difficult for you. You can create real unfortunate consequences that occur when a fire occurs. Also explain to your child why fires occur, how to behave in case of fire, where to call in case of trouble.

Plasticine painting – Call 01

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from paper: photo

If you urgently need to do work on such a topic for school tomorrow, then perhaps the fastest way to create it is to create three-dimensional layouts from paper, cardboard.

Paper crafts for the competition - Fire safety

You can also use drawings for the background, as in the photo below. To do this, you will need felt-tip pens, pencils, paints.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from salt dough: photo

What child does not like to sculpt all sorts of dough figures. This activity will appeal to any kid. But before starting work, you will need to prepare the dough itself and the necessary tools.

dough recipe:


  • Fine salt - 220 g
  • Flour - 220 g
  • Sunflower oil - 130 ml
  • Water - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Colored gouache, or juice from vegetables for coloring dough


  1. In a separate bowl, mix salt, flour
  2. Then add oil, water, gouache or juice there.
  3. Knead the dough so that the color is uniform

To make a craft from salt dough, prepare tools, auxiliary materials, without which you cannot make figures. You will need boards, a knife, brushes, paints, rags, water, etc.

DIY salt dough crafts. firefighters

IMPORTANT: After you mold crafts on a given topic, you will need to dry them. There are several ways to dry products. If there is nowhere to hurry, then you can simply put the products in the room, but not on a hot battery. Otherwise, the craft will crack. In the case when the figures are needed by tomorrow, then the oven should be used. It is enough to put the product in a cold oven, and then dry it at a low temperature.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from beads

For lovers of painstaking processes, the creation of various crafts on the topic is suitable - beaded fire safety. From such material of different colors, you can make bright applications with instructive examples of how to protect yourself from fire. If you are a master in this business, then voluminous works in the form of a fire extinguisher and other figures will be on your shoulder.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from felt

Craftswomen who love to sew will not be superfluous to teach their child this art. At the same time, explain to the child how to properly handle the needle (that you can’t leave it anywhere after the process). But such a beautiful fire extinguisher is obtained from a bottle with a sprayer, covered with a felt cover.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from fabric

Also by combining several types of fabrics, you and your children can sew a brave firefighter who is always ready to save people who have fallen into the clutches of an insidious fire. In addition, if you glue a house out of cardboard, and then cover it with fabric, you will get an excellent three-dimensional composition on the theme - Fire safety.

Craft sewn from fabric on the topic - Fire safety

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from matches

When you make match crafts with your child, explain the dangers that can arise if the material is not used correctly. From this raw material, you can make both simple applications, as in the first picture, and entire layouts, which will take a lot of time and matches. But the work will be perfect.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety - quilling

quilling is a special technique for creating products from strips of paper. More precisely, these stripes are twisted into spirals, or, as they are also called, modules. And already from the modules they make either applications or three-dimensional figures. Here you can make such a fireman yourself from various radii of round modules.

Quilling technique - crafts

Crafts on the theme of fire safety - crochet toys

Mothers-needlewomen can show their children how to crochet three-dimensional figures with a simple technique (single crochets): a fire extinguisher, a fire truck, a courageous fireman. In order for the products to keep their shape, use hard cardboard or foam rubber as a base.

Craft fire extinguisher - do it yourself

Crocheted products

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from cereals

The process of creating applications from cereals will require perseverance and patience. On hard cardboard, you can make just such a machine from multi-colored rice if you use PVA glue. For painting cereals, gouache, food coloring is used.

IMPORTANT: Before you start working with cereals, draw an appliqué pattern on the base. Only then glue the grains of the desired color on the cardboard.

Crafts on the theme of fire safety from napkins

Napkins easily lend themselves to the hands of masters. From them you can make various forms of products. Fire from yellow, orange, red napkins is especially beautiful. Here is a craft you can do yourself, and add something else of your own. For example, what should be done in the country, in the field, so that there is no fire. After the picnic, be sure to extinguish the fire behind you, do not leave it burning unattended.

Craft according to fire safety rules

The overwhelming task of teachers - to teach the child the rules of fire safety, is solved with the help of such simple methods. Or rather, through creative activities to create various works on this topic. It is with this method that it is easier for children to explain how to protect themselves from fires, how to act correctly in a critical situation and not panic.

Crafts made by hand. Fire Safety Rules

Video: How to make a fire safety craft through the eyes of children for the Burning Bush contest?