Mixer      03/05/2020

How to convert a bayonet shovel into a shovel. Improvement of the bayonet shovel. How to make a shovel convenient for work. Shovel care

I deliberately bought a second shovel so that I could use it for what I had planned. And when it soon broke, I put two shovels together - groove against groove. It turned out to be a container for the cutting.

I threw away the pipes. I used one shovel to make the overlay. Having retreated 10 mm from the edge of the groove, I drew a line with a pencil parallel to the groove line, and did the same on the other side of the groove. From the bottom I stepped back 10 mm from the groove and drew a line. I cut it according to the markings and received a blank for adjustment.

I applied the workpiece to the shovel so that the grooves on the shovel and the workpiece were opposite each other, and used a hammer to adjust the edges so that the workpiece fit snugly against the shovel.

I drilled three holes in the workpiece on one side and three on the other, 05-6 mm.

Again I attached the workpiece to the shovel and marked the places where the holes should be on the shovel.

I drilled holes on a shovel 05-6 mm. I used 5-6 mm bolts and nuts to fasten both parts of the future shovel. Having unscrewed one bolt, inserted a fastener into the hole and riveted it. He removed the second bolt, inserted a rivet into the hole and riveted it - and so on for all six holes.

After the sixth rivet, the result was a shovel without a breakage point. The neighbor asked: “How many years have you been using this shovel?” I say: “Ten.”

He calculated that I should have bought at least 15 factory-made shovels in 10 years! He said that I was a pest: if everyone did this, the plant would stop producing bayonet shovels, and the workers would be fired from their jobs. Good joke.

I tried to turn the leg bend forward, but it didn’t work: a crack formed at the bend.

To do or not to do a bend for the legs forward, think for yourself, it’s not for everyone. What does a forward bend do? Less soil sticks under the bend. When bending backwards, the shovel often has to be cleared of soil, but mini-smoke breaks appear. And in order to avoid cracks when turning the bend forward, you need to heat the place where the bend will be - this is as strong as a gas welder.

I named my shovel Nadezhda. Going to the garden, I say: “Come on, Nadezhda, let’s work!”

In household goods stores, I asked salespeople which factory produces bayonet shovels, which are unreliable in operation.

Classified. The sellers don't know.

Then I turned to Consumer Rights Protection. We found factories producing bayonet shovels in three cities. I wrote to every plant. Six months passed - no answer, no greeting. Apparently, they think the same way as my neighbor in the country...

Good day, dear readers.

Today we will talk about how to make an improved version of a shovel with your own hands.

A shovel is undoubtedly an integral part of any dacha plot. Without it, work on the plot would be impossible for many, but you must agree that even with it it’s not easy to move, say, a lot of earth: you get tired of bending over and the shovel every now and then wants to turn over in your hands, however, it costs a little improve the structure of the shovel and the problems will disappear.
The authors of this material took care of this.

For modification we need:
◘ Scoop shovel.
◘ Welding.
◘ Riveting.
◘ Hook.
◘ Iron rod.
◘ A little time and consumables.

Step one: it is necessary to attach a handle to the end of the scoop, as on an ordinary bayonet shovel, and in front of the scoop to strengthen a kind of support.

Step two: bend the iron rod as shown in the image and equip it with a wooden handle. Most convenient size devices are adjusted through trial and error.

Step three: attach to the shovel with a hook screwed into the handle. Done, you can use and enjoy your creation.

Thank you for your attention, I hope the article was useful to you and you will use it in practice.

Probably, even if you want to find a farm that lacks this garden tools, it is hardly possible to do this. A shovel has become an integral attribute of our lives, without which it is impossible to carry out construction or gardening work. People learned to use this tool quite a long time ago, and since then the shovel has been constantly improved, reaching us in modern form. If the main tool of labor of our ancestors was the “digging stick”, known to everyone from school, made by craftsmen from scrap materials, then modern shovels are made at specialized enterprises from special grades of steel. Models made from alloys with the addition of titanium are already being sold, which allow such a tool to work with the hardest soils without breakage. Modern products are produced with ergonomic handles that reduce the required effort during operation.

Types of shovels

Depending on the type of work performed, shovels are divided into several main types:

  • Bayonet shovels. This type of tool got its name due to the shape of its working part. It, like a bayonet, is pointed at the end. This shape of the shovel allows it to penetrate deep into the soil layers with minimal effort. To make it easier to press the shovel with your foot, its upper edges are bent back at a right angle. This tool is indispensable when working in the garden or construction, as it makes it easy to dig the necessary hole.
  • Garden shovels. Fundamentally, a garden shovel is no different from a bayonet shovel, and serves the same purposes. The difference lies in the shape of the bayonet and the handle. The garden shovel has a rectangular tip and a special handle on the handle, which makes work easier. Despite their name, garden shovels are used everywhere.
  • Military type. These shovels were developed for use in the army. They have a slightly different shape, as well as a much smaller cutting size. The stem itself is thinner than in civilian models, thickening at the bottom. This shape is made for ease of movement. The most famous is a folding model of a military shovel, better known as a sapper shovel. Due to the folding handle, it is easy to transport, and it is convenient to work with it even in a lying position, which is very important during digging in combat conditions. But even in peacetime, such a shovel became widespread. Tourist models of shortened bayonet shovels are even equipped with saws, hatchets and other useful options.

  • Half-shovel type or “American”. This modification of the shovel received this name because it has the characteristics of a bayonet shovel - a pointed tip, and a scoop - the angle between the handle and the shovel. This species appeared overseas. Its convenience lies in the ease of discarding soil when digging.
  • Shovel Designed mainly for loading and unloading operations. It has a blunt tip and a large area work surface with curved side ends. This allows you to collect a large number of bulk materials, which speeds up the work. A rectangular bayonet shovel is a separate type of shovel that combines the properties of both types.
Choosing a bayonet shovel

The choice of a bayonet shovel must be approached very responsibly. An unsuccessfully chosen option can not only reduce productivity at work, but also undermine your health. Before you go to the store, you need to assess the scale of the event earthworks and the type of soil on the site.

  • A regular bayonet shovel is suitable for working in areas with soft soils. Such models are usually made of ordinary steel. This is the cheapest type of bayonet shovel and will last a long time with proper care. The fact is that ordinary steel can become dull and corrode over time. Therefore, such shovels must be sharpened on time and anti-corrosion treatment carried out.
  • In conditions of heavy soils that contain rocks, it is better to use a reinforced bayonet shovel. Such models have special stiffening ribs (a glass into which the handle is inserted). They do not allow the shovel to bend when working in difficult conditions.
  • Lightweight titanium bayonet shovel. Thanks to the use of this material, the weight of the product becomes much less, which reduces human effort during work. In addition, such a shovel does not bend and does not require additional sharpening. Another undoubted advantage of titanium models is that clods of wet soil do not stick to them, which makes working in high humidity easier. However, the price of a bayonet shovel made of this material is quite high, which is an obstacle for many farms in purchasing it. Titanium shovels are suitable for any job.
  • Stainless steel bayonet shovel. At large quantities The advantages of such a shovel are much cheaper than titanium models, however, its weight will undoubtedly be greater. The main advantage of such a shovel is that it does not require anti-corrosion treatment, which increases its service life. American ones are often made from stainless steel, which would be an ideal choice for loose soils.
  • Telescopic bayonet shovel. Such models have an adjustable handle length, which allows people of different heights to optimally distribute the load so as not to strain their backs. It is very convenient to transport, especially in the trunk of a small car. However, aluminum or plastic telescopes, namely, these are the materials they are made from, are significantly inferior in strength to solid handles made from these materials, not to mention wooden ones. And such models of shovels are much more expensive. Such shovels will be an excellent choice for those workers who often move tools in a car and work on light soils.

Depending on the operating conditions, it is necessary to choose the most best option. Of course for different types It is better to have various bayonet shovel forks, but here you need to look at the possibility of purchasing them.

Probably, even if you want to find a farm that does not have this garden tool, it is hardly possible to do so. A shovel has become an integral attribute of our lives, without which it is impossible to carry out construction or gardening work. People learned to use this tool quite a long time ago, and since then the shovel has been constantly improved, reaching us in its modern form. If the main tool of labor of our ancestors was the “digging stick”, known to everyone from school, made by craftsmen from scrap materials, then modern shovels are made at specialized enterprises from special grades of steel. Models made from alloys with the addition of titanium are already being sold, which allow such a tool to work with the hardest soils without breakage. Modern products are produced with ergonomic handles that reduce the required effort during operation.

Depending on the type of work performed, shovels are divided into several main types:

  • Bayonet shovels. This type of tool got its name due to the shape of its working part. It, like a bayonet, is pointed at the end. This shape of the shovel allows it to penetrate deep into the soil layers with minimal effort. To make it easier to press the shovel with your foot, its upper edges are bent back at a right angle. This tool is indispensable when working in the garden or construction, as it makes it easy to dig the necessary hole.
  • Garden shovels. Fundamentally, a garden shovel is no different from a bayonet shovel, and serves the same purposes. The difference lies in the shape of the bayonet and the handle. The garden shovel has a rectangular tip and a special handle on the handle, which makes work easier. Despite their name, garden shovels are used everywhere.
  • Military type. These shovels were developed for use in the army. They have a slightly different shape, as well as a much smaller cutting size. The stem itself is thinner than in civilian models, thickening at the bottom. This shape is made for ease of movement. The most famous is a folding model of a military shovel, better known as a sapper shovel. Due to the folding handle, it is easy to transport, and it is convenient to work with it even in a lying position, which is very important during digging in combat conditions. But even in peacetime, such a shovel became widespread. Tourist models of shortened bayonet shovels are even equipped with saws, hatchets and other useful options.

  • Half-shovel type or “American”. This modification of the shovel received this name because it has the characteristics of a bayonet shovel - a pointed tip, and a scoop - the angle between the handle and the shovel. This species appeared overseas. Its convenience lies in the ease of discarding soil when digging.
  • Shovel Designed mainly for loading and unloading operations. It has a blunt tip and a large working surface area with curved side ends. This allows you to collect a large amount of bulk materials into it, which speeds up work. A rectangular bayonet shovel is a separate type of shovel that combines the properties of both types.

Choosing a bayonet shovel

The choice of a bayonet shovel must be approached very responsibly. An unsuccessfully chosen option can not only reduce productivity at work, but also undermine your health. Before you go to the store, you need to assess the scale of excavation work and the type of soil on the site.

  • A regular bayonet shovel is suitable for working in areas with soft soils. Such models are usually made of ordinary steel. This is the cheapest type of bayonet shovel and will last a long time with proper care. The fact is that ordinary steel can become dull and corrode over time. Therefore, such shovels must be sharpened on time and anti-corrosion treatment carried out.
  • In conditions of heavy soils that contain rocks, it is better to use a reinforced bayonet shovel. Such models have special stiffening ribs (a glass into which the handle is inserted). They do not allow the shovel to bend when working in difficult conditions.
  • Lightweight titanium bayonet shovel. Thanks to the use of this material, the weight of the product becomes much less, which reduces human effort during work. In addition, such a shovel does not bend and does not require additional sharpening. Another undoubted advantage of titanium models is that clods of wet soil do not stick to them, which makes working in high humidity easier. However, the price of a bayonet shovel made of this material is quite high, which is an obstacle for many farms in purchasing it. Titanium shovels are suitable for any job.
  • Stainless steel bayonet shovel. With a large number of advantages, such a shovel costs much less than titanium models, although its weight will undoubtedly be greater. The main advantage of such a shovel is that it does not require anti-corrosion treatment, which increases its service life. American ones are often made from stainless steel, which would be an ideal choice for loose soils.
  • Telescopic bayonet shovel. Such models have an adjustable handle length, which allows people of different heights to optimally distribute the load so as not to strain their backs. It is very convenient to transport, especially in the trunk of a small car. However, aluminum or plastic telescopes, namely, these are the materials they are made from, are significantly inferior in strength to solid handles made from these materials, not to mention wooden ones. And such models of shovels are much more expensive. Such shovels will be an excellent choice for those workers who often move tools in a car and work on light soils.

Depending on the operating conditions, it is necessary to choose the most optimal option. Of course, for different types of work it is better to have different bayonet shovel forks, but here you need to look at the possibility of purchasing them.

Optimal size for a bayonet shovel

Although, many workers believe that the size of the working part and the handle of the shovel are not of fundamental importance. However, this is not the case. From correct selection The size of the bayonet shovel depends on the force that will be required to perform the work.

Too large a working part (blade) of a shovel will turn out a large lump of soil, which has a lot of weight. After working with such a shovel for several minutes, a person of average build is guaranteed to get tired. On the contrary, a blade that is too small will require more operations to dig up the same area. Special attention It's worth paying attention to the cuttings. It should be the optimal length. In a vertical position, the handle mounted on the bayonet of the shovel should not reach 10 cm to the worker’s shoulder. Although, this is a fairly average figure, and there are people who work quite well with short handles.

Shovel care

In order for a shovel to serve for a long time and productively, it must be treated with care. After work, the remaining stuck soil must be cleaned off, and the tool itself must be put away in a well-ventilated place. Bayonet shovels are stored with the handle facing up. The exception is models that are equipped with a sealed glass. In this case, to remove moisture from it so that it does not damage the wood of the handle and the glass itself, the shovel is placed with the tip up.

A dull tool must be treated with an emery wheel or a sharpening stone. If knots or chips appear on the handle, they are cleaned using sandpaper. With careful use and storage, even the cheapest bayonet shovel will last a long time.

DIY bayonet shovel

The production of shovels is usually carried out by specialized enterprises with industrial equipment. It is not profitable to produce bayonet shovels at home. Usually, homemade “Kulibins” only modernize the factory version, making their work easier.

One such project was proposed by an amateur gardener. According to him, such modernization will significantly save effort in production. garden work. An ordinary bayonet shovel, dimensions according to GOST, manufactured in a factory, was taken as a donor. The essence of the modernization was to shift the force point to achieve better operating efficiency.

The crown was cut off from the shovel using an ordinary grinder. Then a reinforced version of the tulleka, of greater length, was made from the pipe. The fact is that a short fastening is often the cause of breakage of the handle. The tulika was welded to the rest of the shovel, but not directly, but connected using a piece of strip that forms a step. The handle was chosen with a thickening in the area of ​​attachment with the working part. This made it possible to reduce the load on the hands when digging. Thanks to the step, the digging leg can apply force strictly in the center, which distributes the load evenly over the entire tip, increasing efficiency. In the proposed version of the product, the handle is not on the same axis with the tip, but is shifted 4 cm forward. This lever allows you to significantly reduce the force when turning the soil. The fork handle, which crowns the handle, will allow you to easily turn over the raised layer of soil.

There are homemade shovels with half wheels. Their shape is somewhat reminiscent of a rocking chair. When working with such a shovel, the half-wheel acts as nothing more than a fulcrum, thanks to which a person does not need to make significant efforts to lift the soil. However, similar models They are only suitable for garden work; digging trenches with them will be, at a minimum, inconvenient.

Bayonet shovel: photo

Bayonet shovel: video