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Methodological recommendations for Unified State Examination social studies. Methodological recommendations on Unified State Examination social studies Methodological recommendations from Unified State Examination experts on literature

“An expert is a person who has done everything possible mistakes in a very narrow specialty,” said Niels Bohr. We suggest you not make mistakes, but familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts on preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies!

As always, in the second half of the year he pleased us with his methodological recommendations for preparing for the Unified State Exam in all subjects, including social studies. It is always useful to obtain information of such an expert level first-hand, directly from the developers of the exam. Let's try to evaluate the vector of current comments from Mrs. T.E. Liskova, level of examples and find out the main thing.

So, first of all, let’s turn to the materials of the video conference (in this form this year FIPI decided to give its recommendations) I.E. Liskova, head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control Measuring Materials Let's look at her advice

  1. There have been no serious substantive changes in CMMs since 2017, which we already mentioned when

2. Experts consider the most difficult tasks 14 and 16, which test knowledge about the activities and powers of the highest bodies of state power in the Russian Federation and the fundamentals

Let us remind you that you can get an analysis of the topic of the Unified State Exam codifier in a free video course on the main topics of the course.

3. They advise you to complete all tasks (although this is obvious), and ask you to carefully read the conditions of the tasks. For example, in task 2, some graduates of previous years looked for something not listed in the list (they made it up), instead of, as required in the condition, finding a generalizing one in this list.

4. Liskova especially drew attention to task 25, related to the analysis of a social science term. Here, failure to implement the concept itself, the analysis of which must be given further in 2 sentences, leads to obtaining a general points 0 for the entire task. Therefore, I would like to once again remind you of the need for more than just memorizing and “cramming” terms (if you forget, you will reproduce them incorrectly - 0). And developing the skill of independently formulating them, for example, in the section of our website.

Their common desire, in our opinion, is to narrow the graduate’s opportunities by showing general intelligence (or pre-prepared templates) to “spill water”, evading specifics in the chosen topic. Although, I think, “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS...” will support me here, that in some cases general erudition should only be welcomed by an expert.

It is debatable if, for example, in Lenin’s statement (about socialism, restriction of freedom, dictatorship of the proletariat), through his socialism-Marxism you go to the construction of the USSR (as an argument from history to K3).

Sometimes this will also be useful for fulfilling a factual criterion (from history, social life).

Many people start their essays this way. For example: “This statement relates to the field of sociology. This science studies social interactions and social structure...” It turns out there is no need...

The question arises, why? Let’s leave it unanswered, and in conclusion, let’s look at a couple of last year’s essays from FIPI, illustrating these remarks by Liskova.


And here you are real examples. №1.

Despite the fact that a lot has been written, there are examples from history (not entirely correct, however), but total score 0. The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​​​its understanding.

Unfortunately, almost this entire essay is a collection of unrelated thoughts, not a single term is disclosed by the applicant, and looks like arbitrary thinking (“information noise” is what an expert calls this product).

Example No. 2. A much more meaningful essay, and look right at the beginning. Facts from the author's biography were used correctly. The question is, why not?

Let us remind you that you can quickly and efficiently study ALL topics of the Unified State Exam codifier with the same way as you can get a course on essays! Good luck with these final months of preparation!




Methodological materials for chairmen
and members of regional subject commissions

for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer of the exam papers of the Unified State Exam 2016



Authors and compilers: Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E.
Reviewer: Fayzullina Albina Raisovna, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of the department of history of Russia and neighboring countries, department " graduate School historical sciences and World Cultural Heritage" Institute international relations, History and Oriental Studies, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Chairman of the regional subject commission on social science

Methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer for the 2016 Unified State Examination in social studies were prepared in accordance with the Thematic Work Plan of the Federal State Budget scientific institution“Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements” for 2016. The manual is intended for training experts in assessing tasks with a detailed answer, which are part of control measurement materials (CMM) for passing the Unified State Exam (USE) in social studies.

The teaching materials give short description the structure of control measuring materials for 2016 in social studies, characterizes the types of tasks with a detailed answer used in the Unified State Exam KIM in social studies, and the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, provides examples of assessing the completion of tasks and provides comments explaining the assigned assessment.

© Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E., 2016.

© Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. 2016.

1. Assignments with detailed answers in KIM Unified State Exam in social studies 5

2. System for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer: main approaches, criteria and scales with examples of examinees’ answers 10

2.1. Assessing the completion of tasks for text fragments (21 (C1)-24 (C4)) 10

2.2. Assessing the performance of tasks on the application of basic concepts in the context of social science knowledge in a freely constructed fragment of text (25 (C5)) 16

2.3. Assessing the performance of tasks to specify a theoretical position (concept) using examples (26 (C6)) 19

2.4. Assessment of tasks for solving problematic cognitive problems (27 (C7)) 22

2.5. Assessing the completion of tasks that require drawing up a plan (28 (C8)) 26

2.6. Assessing the performance of alternative tasks that require writing a mini-essay (29 (C9)) 32

Conclusion. 52

1. Assignments with detailed answers in the KIM Unified State Exam in social studies

The structure and content of the KIM, the types and level of complexity of the exam tasks correspond to the goals of the Unified State Examination - to provide an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered educational programs of secondary (complete) general education, using tasks of a standardized form. KIM in social studies Unified State Exam allows to differentiate school graduates according to the level of subject preparation for the purpose of selection for admission to universities and colleges.

Short-answer tasks in the first part of the examination are aimed at recognizing and comparing signs, traits, elements of the description of social objects, correlating theoretical material with realities of life, assessing the truth of judgments about social phenomena. The tasks of the first part also test the ability to identify the structural elements of social science knowledge using diagrams and tables, correlate specific concepts with generic ones, classify social objects and their characteristics, select several correct positions (characteristics, manifestations) from the proposed list, differentiate facts in social information, value judgments and theoretical statements, use terms and concepts in the proposed context, specify theoretical knowledge.

Tasks with a detailed answer in the second part of the examination work significantly increase its differentiating ability and thereby help to identify examinees with the highest level of social science training.

Different types of tasks with detailed answers together make it possible to test the quality of mastery of the content of the social studies course and the development of complex intellectual skills in the examinees. These include the ability to formulate holistically, logically and consistently express one’s thoughts, draw conclusions, determine optimal ways practical activities, use the acquired knowledge in simulated life situations, concretize theoretical knowledge, express and argue one’s own position on a significant social problem, apply theoretical knowledge in solving problematic problems, to predict and justify social phenomena and processes.

Individual skills from this series are tested during the Unified State Exam using several varieties tasks with a detailed answer. Each of them is based on a specific form of cognitive activity:

  • list signs of a phenomenon, objects of the same class, etc.;

  • apply social science concepts in a given context;

  • disclose using examples of the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities;

  • give examples certain social phenomena, actions, situations;

  • decide cognitive and practical tasks reflecting current problems of human life and society;

  • search, analyze and interpret social information on a specific topic from original non-adapted texts (philosophical, scientific, legal, political, journalistic);

  • formulate on the basis of acquired societies scientific knowledge, own judgments and arguments on social problems.
In the work structure all tasks with detailed answers are given in strict sequence. The task of one or another variety occupies a certain place allotted to it.

So 21(C1)-24(C4) represent a composite task, or the so-called mini test. It includes a fragment of the source and four task questions for its analysis and interpretation.

Task 25 (C5) is aimed at independent application of social science concepts in a given context.

Task 26(C6) requires giving examples or revealing any theoretical position (concept) on specific example.

Task 27 (C7) - a task containing a condition in the form of a problem situation or statement and questions (instructions) for them.

Task 28(C8) requires drawing up a complex plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic/problem of a social science course.

Tasks 29(C9).1 – 29(C9).5 - alternative. They require examinees to write a reflective essay based on the choice of one of five proposed statements. Each statement raises a specific problem related to one or another area of ​​scientific social science.

Tasks 21(C1) and 22(C2), 25(C5) are two-point. For complete and correct completion of each of these tasks, 2 points are awarded. If the correct answer is incomplete - 1 point. All other tasks with a detailed answer (23(C3), 24(C4), 26(C6)-28(C8)), except alternative ones, are three-point. For complete and correct completion of each of these tasks, 3 points are awarded. If the answer is incompletely correct - depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point.

Alternative tasks are five-point. They are accompanied by a generalized scoring scheme from 0 to 5 points.


The mini-essay is assessed according to several criteria.

Criterion 1 (K1) –Revealing the meaning of a statement

Criterion 2 (K2) –Nature and level of theoretical argumentation

Criterion 3 (K3) –Quality of factual argumentation



The following may be specified dignity:

1) extreme dynamism and ability to self-regulate;

2) receptivity to innovation, the ability to ensure rapid and effective economic growth;

3) high ability for efficient resource allocation, rapid development and widespread implementation of competitive production technologies;

4) survivability and adaptability.

The advantages of a market economy can be presented in other, similar formulations

Three advantages correctly stated


Two advantages correctly stated


One advantage is correctly stated.

OR The answer is incorrect


Maximum score


22 (C2)
What disadvantages of a market economy did the authors consider? List any five shortcomings.

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The following may be specified flaws:

1) gradual weakening and even deliberate elimination of competition;

2) does not ensure full employment of the population and a stable price level;

3) frequently occurring inflationary processes;

4) does not create material incentives for the production of public goods;

5) does not solve a number of important social problems (organization of public health care, free education, support for weakly protected segments of the population, cultural development, etc.);

6) high differentiation in income of the population.

The disadvantages of a market economy can be presented in other, similar formulations

Five disadvantages correctly stated


Three or four shortcomings are correctly indicated


One or two shortcomings are correctly indicated.

OR The answer is incorrect


Maximum score


Evaluation criteria tasks that require a wide range of answer options, differ in content from the criteria of the previous subgroup. As a guide for the expert, an approximate, incomplete series of correct elements of the answer is given. As a rule, it is indicated examples or possible approaches to complete the task (see Examples 2 and 3). The criteria guide the expert in determining the correct direction of the respondent’s “unfolding” of thought, his approach to formulating an answer, but in no case require tracking in the answer a direct, word-for-word reproduction of the provisions specified in the criteria.
Example 2.

26 (C6)
Confirm with three examples the need for state participation in the economic life of society (the need for state regulation of the economy).

Response Elements and Assessment Directions

(other wording is allowed that does not distort the meaning)


In response, the need for state regulation of the economy can be confirmed by the following examples:

  1. A number of countries have introduced special taxes on excess profits of corporations, indirect taxes on the purchase of luxury goods, i.e. the state solves the problem of mitigating income and wealth inequality through their partial redistribution.

  2. In the European Court, the trial against Microsoft, accused of monopolizing the market, has been going on for several years, i.e. The state, protecting the interests of consumers, adopts antimonopoly legislation.

  3. A separate item of state budget expenditure is financing law enforcement, healthcare, education, etc., i.e. The state ensures the provision of public goods to the population of the country.
The need for state participation in economic life can be confirmed by other examples

The need for state participation in economic life is confirmed by three examples


The need for state participation in economic life is confirmed by two examples


The need for state participation in economic life is confirmed by one example


Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not correspond to the requirements of the assignment.

OR The answer is incorrect


Maximum score


Example 3.

27 (C7)
In country Z, the main sectors of the economy are mass industrial production and the service sector. What additional information will allow us to determine the type of economic system of country Z? Formulate three questions to obtain the necessary additional information.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The following can be formulated questions:

  1. How are basic economic issues resolved?

  2. What forms of ownership are dominant? Are they equal?

  3. What is the role of the state in the economic life of the country?
Questions may be worded differently

Other questions may be formulated

Three questions formulated


Two questions formulated


One question formulated


General reasoning is given that meets the requirements of the task.

OR The answer is incorrect


Maximum score


As already noted, tasks with a detailed answer require graduates to carry out a certain type of cognitive activity, based on the application of the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of studying the course. In various exam versions, different content of social science knowledge is presented at one position or another in Part 3. So, in one version, task 25 (C5) has an economic content, in another – political, in a third – legal, etc. The course content is presented similarly in various options for other tasks. Alternative activity 29(C9) covers all the basic sciences. What is verified remains unshakable for each position skill . Of course, mastery of the content influences the result of completing a particular task, but the object of testing is, first of all, mastery of a particular skill. This provides the basis for systematizing tasks with detailed answers, a holistic analysis of statistical materials and identifying trends in mastering the necessary skills.

Tver State University

Tver Regional Institute of Advanced Training for Teachers

Unified State Exam


Compiled by:– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of Tver State University;

– Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Innovative Pedagogical Practice of the Tver Regional Institute of Teacher Improvement.

This manual contains recommendations for training experts of the regional subject commission to check tasks with a detailed answer in the system of testing and measuring materials of the Unified State Exam in the Russian Language.

It is compiled based on materials from the textbook “Russian Language: Guidelines on assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer" (authors: ,). - M., 2006), contains numerous examples of errors from the work of graduates of educational institutions of the Tver region on the Unified State Exam 2006 - 2009.


The Unified State Exam is component the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education that is currently being created.

During the experiment on introducing the Unified State Exam into Russian Federation must be resolved whole line most important tasks :

When assessing literacy (K7–K10), the length of the essay should be taken into account. The assessment standards indicated in the table are developed for essays of 150-300 words.

The purpose of the manual is to prepare experts for the unified state exam in foreign languages"Writing" section. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:
- familiarize teachers with key provisions regulatory, legal and program materials that reveal the content, structural and organizational features of the Unified State Exam as a new final form of control:
- to develop the competencies of teachers in the field modern technologies testing and assessment;
- ensure high quality of assimilation of the content component of the course by developing reflective skills in teachers.

Structure of the examination paper.
The examination paper contains written and oral parts. The written part, in turn, includes four sections: “Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary” and “Writing”. To differentiate examinees by levels of foreign language proficiency within the limits formulated in the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in foreign languages, all sections include, along with tasks of the basic level, tasks of more than high levels difficulties.

The work on foreign languages ​​includes 38 short-answer tasks and 6 tasks open type with a detailed answer.
The examination paper offers the following types of short-answer tasks:
- tasks for choosing and recording one or more correct answers from the proposed list of answers:
- tasks to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets:
- tasks to fill in a gap in a connected text by transforming the proposed initial form of the word into the desired grammatical form:
- tasks to fill in gaps in a connected text by forming a related word from the proposed reference word.

Topic 1. Unified State Exam as the final form of control of foreign language communicative competence
Control questions
Topic 2. Structure, content and criteria for assessing the completion of tasks in the “Writing” section
Control questions
Topic 1. Technology for assessing the completion of a writing task “Personal Letter” (39, previously C1)
Control questions
Topic 2. Technology for assessing the completion of a writing task “Written statement with elements of reasoning” (“Your opinion”) (task 40)
Control questions
Appendix 1. Criteria for assessing the completion of tasks 39 and 40 of the “Writing” section
Topic 2. Technology for assessing the completion of a writing task “Written statement with elements of reasoning” (“Your opinion”) (task 40) Test questions Reflection
Appendix 1. Criteria for assessing the completion of tasks 39 and 40 of the “Writing” section Appendix 2. Additional scheme for assessing the completion of task 39 - “Choosing a profession”
Appendix 3. Additional assessment scheme for task 39 - “Independent life”
Appendix 4. Additional assessment scheme for task 39 - “ Healthy image life"
Appendix 5. Additional assessment scheme for task 40 “Written statement with elements of reasoning” (Your opinion)
Appendix 6. Additional assessment scheme for task 39 “Personal letter” (standard for filling out)
Appendix 7. Additional assessment scheme for task 39 “Personal letter” (standard for filling out)
Appendix 8. The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in task 40
Appendix 9. Order of counting words in English writing
Appendix 10. Instructions for checking answers to assignments in form No. 2 (section “Letter”)
Appendix 11. Instructions for the chairman of the subject commission on conducting an orientation seminar for experts on checking the completion of tasks 39-40
Appendix 12. Protocol for identifying unproductive responses to task 40
Appendix 13. Protocol for identifying completely or partially textually identical answers to task 40
Appendix 14. Form-protocol for checking tasks with a detailed answer by an expert.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the Unified State Exam book, English language, Methodological recommendations for assessing assignments, Writing, Verbitskaya M.V., Makhmuryan K.S., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam 2019, English language, Speaking section, Methodological recommendations, Verbitskaya M.V., Makhmuryan K.S.
  • Unified State Exam 2019, English language, Writing section, Methodological recommendations, Verbitskaya M.V., Makhmuryan K.S., Kurasovskaya Yu.B.

Educational and methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer
USE exam papers 2014. ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Educational and methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject groups
commissions for checking the completion of tasks with detailed answers to examination papers
The 2014 Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​was prepared in accordance with the Thematic Plan
works of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Federal Institute
pedagogical measurements" carried out on the instructions of the Federal Service for Supervision in
sphere of education and science in 2014 (for the purpose of scientific and methodological support
activities of the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education).
The purpose of the manual is to prepare experts for the Unified State Exam in foreign languages.
languages ​​in the “Writing” section. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:
- familiarize teachers with the key provisions of regulatory and program
materials revealing the content, structural and organizational features
Unified State Exam as a new final form of control;
- to develop teachers’ competencies in the field of modern testing technologies and
- ensure high quality of assimilation of the content component of the course by
formation of teachers' reflective skills.
As a result of studying the course, students will develop:
- knowledge of educational documents regulating the conduct and organization of the Unified State Exam,
defining the functions, rights and responsibilities of the chairman and members (experts) of the subject
- mastery of the conceptual apparatus of the Unified State Examination: Unified State Examination, specification, codifier, demo version,
communicative competence, levels of communicative competence, communication strategies,
testing, standardized tests, forms and types of control, forms and types
assessment, parameters and assessment criteria, communicative task, communicative
task, etc.;
- knowledge of the format and procedure for organizing, conducting and assessing the Unified State Exam;
- skills and abilities to conduct the written part of the exam;
- ability to work with tools that determine the testing and assessment procedure
graduates’ responses to extended-answer assignments;
- ability to draw up a protocol form for checking answers to tasks C1 and C2, observing
technical requirements;
- ability to apply testing technologies and basic structural elements
pedagogical assessment in the field of writing;
- skills and abilities to analyze communicative tasks included in the Unified State Exam format;
- skills and abilities to analyze and correct typical mistakes of experts in the field of writing;
- the ability to self-analyze one’s work as an expert;
- reflection, openness to pedagogical innovations.
As the final result of achieving the goal, the manual provides for the formation
ability and readiness of teachers to work as experts of the unified state
exam on English language"Writing" section.
The authors will be grateful for comments and suggestions for improving the manual.
Verbitskaya M.V., Makhmuryan K.S., 2014
Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, 2014