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Sberbank small business loan from scratch calculator. Possible reasons for refusal. Loan for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting

Of all the loans, it is the most difficult to obtain a loan for the creation and promotion of a small business. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) and private individuals running their own business are among the clients that banks least trust. Getting a loan to develop a small business from scratch is really difficult. And this situation is explained quite simply. If, when taking a mortgage on an apartment, you need to convince the bank that you have a stable average income that will definitely not disappear in the next eight years, then everything is much more complicated with a small business. Here, after all, the potential profitability, profitability, reliability, and survival of this business in the conditions of a shaky Russian economy act as a guarantee of the return of funds to the bank. The only additional security is a pledge of some valuable property of the borrower.

Even in developed countries (USA, Western Europe), economists give a maximum of 20% to the next small business project. This is the probability that the business will survive and not go bust. And in the Russian Federation, this indicator is 2-3 times less for a whole range of reasons. Here banks are not eager to give money to people who then, very possibly, will become bankrupt. However, there are certain schemes of interaction with credit organizations for novice businessmen. Let's consider them.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a business loan from scratch

As an example, it is worth studying offers from the main and largest bank of the Russian Federation in the civilian market. We are talking about Sberbank. He works with all types of business clients - individual entrepreneurs, private entrepreneurs, CJSC, LLC. However, before going to the bank, you should prepare in advance on three main points, without which it is almost impossible to get a loan to start a business from scratch.

  1. Preparation of a business plan. A novice entrepreneur must create his own plan, project. This is the start of any business. By the way, regardless of the level (small, medium, large). A businessman or businesswoman determines the main tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) directions for the development of a future company. A quantitative (technological, production) and qualitative (complication of the structure of the enterprise, advanced training of employees) analysis is carried out. The volumes of production, the ratio of potential costs and profits are calculated, the conjuncture of the market sector in which the business will operate is analyzed. The staff is also analyzed. A business plan tells investors whether or not to invest in a given business. And the bank too.
  2. Franchise definition. If a future individual entrepreneur comes to the bank and says that he wants to open his own independent enterprise, which will be called so-and-so, he will most likely be denied a loan. A franchise is a brand, it is a kind of licensing, it is a certain business model. For example, McDonald's is a franchise. Or Coca-Cola. Or Microsoft. But such franchises are worth billions, because the business under their auspices guarantees a corresponding profit. A beginner IP has to choose from a list of much more affordable options. Moreover, it is desirable that franchise companies are associated partners of the bank where the client is going to take a loan. At Sberbank, these are Harat's and a number of other companies that sell relatively inexpensive franchises.
  3. And, of course, you should not go to the bank, as they say, "naked", without the possibility of collateral. Of course, it happens that the future individual entrepreneur has nothing but a business plan and a desire to start working as soon as possible. But as already mentioned, financial institutions are extremely cautious in issuing money to small businesses. It's great when a client owns some kind of real estate or other valuable property (a car of an average price category, for example). Then you can register this property as collateral. The institution will know that in the event of a business failure, all or most of the money issued will be returned through the sale of the client's collateral. Those who have nothing will have to at least find funds for the down payment, which is high in business lending (almost always at least 30%).

So the preparation is complete. I'm going to Sberbank. Here the procedure is as follows:

  1. Filling out a questionnaire, where, in addition to basic information, a desire is expressed for a small business from scratch.
  2. Choice of credit program. It is necessary to choose a special program "Business Start".
  3. Passage of registration in the tax service as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Collection of all necessary documentation. This will require not only a standard set of individuals (passport, TIN, income statement 2-NDFL, military ID for men under the age of 27, pension certificate), but also additional documents related to business lending (business plan, IP certificate or other form of organization, a letter of cooperation from the franchisor, evidence of possession of some valuable property that can be used for collateral).
  5. Applying directly for a loan to start and grow a small business.
  6. Providing the bank with funds to pay off the down payment (or pledging expensive property).
  7. Getting the money you want and starting your own business.

Of course, there may be some emergency situations, additional requirements. Thus, a franchise company that is a partner of a bank may request an additional detailed analysis of the sector of the market in which the client is going to work. If the future business requires additional licenses, they must be obtained before the loan is issued. For example, if a person is going to sell alcohol, hunting and traumatic weapons. Therefore, only a general, standard instruction is presented here. The conditions under which Sberbank issues loans for small businesses are medium and quite acceptable against the background of offers from other banks:

  • annual interest - 18.5% (in other institutions this mark can reach up to 25%);
  • the minimum down payment is 20%, but it is better to agree to 30% (in other institutions it can reach up to 50%);
  • if a client has acquired a franchise from Harat's, then he can be given up to 7 million rubles. In other cases - up to 3 million rubles. The minimum loan is 100 thousand rubles;
  • a loan is issued for a period of up to 5 years (for users of the Harat’s business model) or up to 3.5 years (for everyone else);
  • the allowable delay in monthly payments for Harat's customers is one year, and for everyone else - six months.

Requirements for the borrower

Here it is worth considering not the minimum, but the maximum requirements. Those in which the chance of obtaining a loan rises to 90%. Sberbank requests are standard. Any other bank will put forward similar conditions for novice businessmen:

  • a clearly structured, voluminous and most informative business plan;
  • certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL;
  • possession of some valuable property suitable for collateral;
  • having an account in another bank, owning shares and other securities (an extract from the bank, from the register of shareholders). This is analogous to a pledge;
  • good credit history (the presence of any other loans repaid on time). At the same time, the presence of an outstanding loan that the client pays is not a plus, because this is an additional financial burden;
  • the presence of co-borrowers (business partners) or guarantors who have proven their financial solvency to the bank;
  • the client not only has a permanent residence permit, but is also going to open a business at the place of residence and location of the creditor bank. For example, in the same city where the Sberbank branch and the borrower's home address are located;
  • the age of the client varies in the range of 27-45 years. Why exactly 27 years? The answer is military duty, which is by no means pleasing to banks;
  • for some reason, according to statistics, family people are more trusted. Although the family, logically, can become a factor distracting from business. Probably, banks believe that a family person is a priori more responsible;
  • absence of any debts (for other loans, utility bills);
  • information about the main monthly expenses of the client (utility payments, other loans, alimony, rent, etc.);
  • no criminal convictions (especially outstanding, serious and for financial crimes);
  • a certificate confirming that the borrower was not and is not registered in a psychiatric and / or narcological dispensary.

It is not necessary to strictly comply with all factors. Yes, such borrowers practically do not exist in nature. It's just that the "gold standard", the ideal, is described here. Some factors are not of particular importance (marital status), and some are of paramount importance (collateral, business project, absence of crime and problems with mental health / drugs).

It is worth mentioning that if the borrower already had his own business and now wants to take a new loan for a new business, then this will go to his minus. Since the bank always evaluates unsuccessful entrepreneurial experience from a negative point of view. And where is the guarantee that this individual entrepreneur will not fail in the same way?

Factors affecting the bank's decision to grant a loan

In principle, after reading all of the above, those points on which the positive decision of the beneficiary directly depends are already clearly visible. To summarize, there will be only three main factors: a promising and well-designed business plan, the availability of a suitable franchise, and a certain financial level of the client. If all three points are rated perfectly by the bank, then this will bring the borrower close to the loan he needs so much. It is useful to know that in the business lending system, banks work according to plan. That is, the analysis of the client is carried out according to the worked out template. There are two such templates.

No. 1. Loan specialists monitor the borrower and issue a verdict (on the solvency of the client and the degree of risk for the bank).

No. 2. A statistical, automated system "Scoring" is used, based on the use of mathematical methods. Under this system, all borrowers are sorted into groups, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of risk.

Sometimes the bank resorts to both types of analysis.

Other ways to get a loan

It may well be that the bank still refused to issue a loan. But the situation is not entirely hopeless. What are the workarounds here?

Sberbank is one of the TOP-3 credit institutions of the Russian Federation that actively support small and medium-sized businesses. A variety of programs, the ability to obtain borrowed funds for a minimum package of documents, affordable rates are conducive to long-term cooperation.

Terms of lending in Sberbank

Lending to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs is a priority for the largest bank in the country. Absolutely transparent conditions and a flexible pricing system attract potential borrowers. However, the lender is not ready to cooperate with every applicant, since he pays special attention to the quality of the loan portfolio.

A potential borrower must meet the minimum requirements, namely:

  • the founders have Russian citizenship;
  • no losses for the reporting period (quarter, year);
  • lack of existing enforcement proceedings, claims of tax authorities;
  • term of conducting activities - at least 12 months from the date of registration (for certain products, the period may be reduced to 6 months).

All credit products can be divided into 2 large groups: factory and conveyor. (Table 1). The factory is a direction for financing LLCs and individual entrepreneurs with an annual revenue of up to 60 million rubles. It is characterized by a minimum package of documents and fast terms for consideration of the application. The conveyor is a technology for providing borrowed funds to clients with revenues from 60 to 400 million rubles per year. In this direction, a lower interest rate is provided.

The full line of products for individual entrepreneurs, micro- and small businesses can be found on the official website of Sberbank.

Table 1. - Main credit line

Product name Minimum amount, thousand rubles Maximum amount, thousand rubles Annual percentage, % Purpose of lending Additional terms
Credit Factory Program
"Confidence" 100 3000 (for clients with no credit history - 1000) 17 – 18,5 Any A guarantee is required (for an individual entrepreneur - a close relative, for an LLC - a close relative of the business owner)
Express overdraft 100 3000 15,5 Covering cash gaps The product is available only to borrowers whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles.
Express bail 300 5000 16 — 19 Any Provision of liquid real estate or equipment as collateral
Loan Conveyor
Business turnover 150 3000 (more than 3 million are provided with borrowed funds to repay financial liabilities to other banks) 13,8 – 16,5 Replenishment of working capital Requires a guarantee from the owner of a business or an individual (for individual entrepreneurs) or a pledge of real estate
Business overdraft 200 17000 12,73 Elimination of cash gaps A fee of 1.2% of the borrowed amount is charged for opening a limit, a minimum of 8.5 thousand rubles, a maximum of 60 thousand rubles
Business investment 150 11,8 – 15,5 Business expansion, acquisition of property, construction, financing of a new direction It is possible to refinance loans from third-party banks and leasing companies, a deferment is provided for the payment of the principal debt
Business real estate 150 limited only by the financial capacity of the borrower 11,8 – 15,5 Acquisition of commercial real estate Possibility of registration on the security of the acquired property
Business Trust 100 5000 15,5 – 17,5 Any Guarantee of an individual
Business project 2500 200000 11,8 – 14,5 Expansion of business, modernization of production, entry into a new direction Guarantee of a private or legal person; granting a deferment on the principal debt until the launch of the project

Good to know! In 2017, Sberbank launched individual pricing conditions that allow borrowers to obtain borrowed money on non-market terms. The program is valid when applying for a loan in the amount of 5 million rubles. When deciding on setting an interest rate, the depth of the relationship with the bank is taken into account (the number of products available: business cards, insurance programs, salary project, merchant acquiring, etc.). It became obvious that lending to small businesses in Russia is gaining momentum, and Sberbank is still the leader in this financial sector.

Best Small Business Loan Bank!

The increase in lending by Sberbank to small businesses in the first six months of 2017 amounted to 6%. The head of Sberbank German Gref, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, confirmed "2017 will be better for banks than the previous one, and Sberbank's share in it will be from 40 to 50%."

Small business loan - lending goals

A corporate loan at Sberbank can be provided for various purposes:

  • covering cash gaps;
  • modernization of production;
  • replenishment of current assets;
  • acquisition of commercial real estate;
  • purchase of transport and special equipment and others.

The bank is wary of start-ups, so it will not be possible to take a business loan for the development of an enterprise. However, the lender fairly loyally finances the opening of new directions by existing profitable enterprises.

In general, Sberbank's small business lending programs in 2017 can be divided into 2 groups: targeted and non-targeted. The former are intended to purchase a specific product or finance a specific area. The borrower must report to the lender on the expediency of spending the money received within the time limits established by the agreement. Purposeless loans can be spent at the discretion of the client.

Lending modes

When lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, Sberbank implements various options for providing borrowed funds, which allows each client, depending on the specifics of economic activity, to find the most optimal option.

For small businesses, Sberbank offers the following lending options:

  1. Credit. Provides for the transfer of the entire loan amount to the current account of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, interest is charged on the entire loan debt, regardless of whether the client used the borrowed funds or not.
  2. Credit line (ON, LCL, framework). ON has an availability period after which money is not provided. After the selection is redeemed, the limit is renewed. With LCL, interest is accrued on the balance of the loan debt, and the unused limit is subject to a fee. Under the framework option, borrowed funds are provided under separately concluded agreements within the established limit.
  3. Overdraft. This is account financing. Ideal for commercial establishments. Upon receipt of revenue or other transfers to the current account, the overdraft is automatically debited, which allows you to save on interest.

Stages of small business lending

Applicants can apply for a loan directly from the Small Business Sales sector or through the SBBOL system. If, during the call to the client base, the operators identify the need for borrowed funds, they will transfer the information to the lending division of the bank and the manager to whom the client is assigned.

The process of obtaining borrowed money includes the following steps:

  1. Consultation. Selection of a loan product, provision of information on the conditions for obtaining a loan.
  2. Collection of documents. According to the Credit Factory technology, a minimum package of documents is required (registration documents, financial statements for the reporting period with a receipt for acceptance of its IFTS, SRO (if necessary), license (for licensed activities), passport of the decision maker). The "Conveyor" technology provides for an extended financial analysis of the applicant's activities, so the list of documents is expanding.
  3. Analysis of the information provided, structuring the transaction. Analysts, together with representatives of the security, collateral service, check the legal purity of the transaction and calculate the borrower's rating. For "factory" products, a complete analysis is carried out by a client manager.
  4. Providing information on the transaction to the underwriting service. Specialists evaluate the riskiness of the transaction, the solvency and reliability of the borrower. Based on the information received, a decision on the application is provided.
  5. The conclusion of the contract. The loan agreement is signed at the bank office. If the transaction amount is more than 5 million rubles, a security service specialist must be present during the execution of contractual relations.

Good to know! In some cases, the approval of the transaction is carried out through the credit committee. It consists of a client manager, to whom the applicant is assigned, the head of the business sales department, an analyst and underwriters. A positive decision is made by majority vote.

  1. Money transfer. For purposeless products, money is credited to the current account after the application is processed by the back office. For targeted loans, money is provided only by order of a strictly established form.

Increasing lending to small businesses — Video

Connection to the Sberbank Business Online system (SBBOL)

Sberbank is the largest player actively cooperating with small businesses. Its conditions for credit products are recognized as the best in the domestic market (according to banki.ru). The Bank actively supports existing enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, providing them with democratic and loyal conditions. The package of documents for processing loans, in comparison with other players, cannot be called minimal, especially for the Loan Conveyor technology.

Smart credit Sberbank — introduction of new lending technologies

© Photo by German Gref

Sberbank is constantly introducing new principles and approaches to support small and micro businesses in Russia. One of the innovations was the launch of a smart business lending program. So what is Smart Loan? Within the framework of this program, a client who has a movement of funds on a bank account can be pre-approved for a loan. The amount, rate and terms of the loan are calculated based on analysis of current account turnover. The advantage of this service is that the application process and the loading of funds can be implemented in almost one day. The program has already been used by many companies, which highly appreciated its quality.

Some indicators of the bank as of September 1, 2017!

Net assets of Sberbank - 23.337 billion rubles (the leader in Russia), the amount of capital (according to the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) - 3.473 billion, the loan portfolio - 15.554. billion, liabilities to the population - 11.429 billion.

Sberbank offers a variety of small business loans.

It is quite difficult for entrepreneurs to develop in Russia, because their business requires no small investments.

Owners of their own business at the start need to invest their finances in creating their own structure, and Sberbank is ready to help in this matter.

You no longer need to worry about what to buy a franchise for, where to get money to open everything from scratch, expand the company and gain a foothold in the market.

Take a small business loan from Sberbank and solve your problems on favorable terms.

It is not for nothing that this bank enjoys such great popularity, because the rates and lending conditions are quite acceptable and affordable even during a crisis.

Types of loans from Sberbank for small businesses

There are two types:

  • investment;
  • short.

Investment - aimed at construction or reconstruction, modernization, purchase of equipment for business on lease, as well as the modernization of production and the purchase of commercial real estate.

Short-term loans to small businesses from Sberbank are provided for up to a year. They include:

  • overdraft;
  • to fulfill obligations under government contracts;
  • bank guarantees for transactions;
  • to replenish the funds needed for turnover.

They issue loans without requiring collateral and insurance. You can issue it without these conditions and at your request.

You or other business owners can act as guarantors, your employees are also entitled to this.

Requirements for a borrower from Sberbank to obtain a loan for a small business

Like any bank, Sberbank is looking for ideal clients, so lending is not available to everyone.

IP Requirements:

  • the age of an individual entrepreneur must be from 23 to 60;
  • temporary or permanent registration;
  • founding a business for a period of half a year.

Requirements for legal entities:

  • in order for small businesses from Sberbank to register their business in Russia;
  • have revenue for the year not more than 400 million rubles;
  • have been in business for at least 2 years.

The experience of a businessman is considered based on the field of activity. For example, in trading, you must last at least 3 months.

As for the seasonal business, it takes more than a year to work. The same can be said about construction companies, the period of work in them should be more than two years.

It is worth considering that Sberbank also has a loan for a business from scratch, so there will be no exit clause.

If you want to hide your earnings, then this bank will immediately refuse you, because you will have to report for every step.

Documents for a small business loan in Sberbank

Going to the bank requires careful preparation, because Sberbank will check all the documentation in order to comply with its status as a reliable bank.

Initially, you should collect several documents with which you need to visit a branch of Sberbank. These include:

  • questionnaire;
  • statement;
  • passport;
  • men must present a military ID;
  • financial reporting documents.

After reviewing your documents for small business loans, Sberbank will approve or deny the issuance.

If the bank approved the loan, then the following documentation should be prepared:

  • IP registration documents;
  • license;
  • declarations;
  • book of income-expenses;
  • current account statement;
  • statement of no debts;
  • property documents;
  • contract with contractors.

Programs for small businesses from Sberbank

You can develop your business through the following programs:

  1. Express bail;
  2. Confidence;
  3. Business trust.

Express bail is issued for up to three years, but it can also be repaid ahead of schedule. The loan amount ranges from 300 to 5 million rubles.

Interest depends on the term. The rate can vary from 16 to 23%.

The advantage of this program is that you can not specify the purpose of receiving funds. The main thing is that you own the business for more than a year.

Does not need collateral, but requires bank guarantors for registration.

You can take a loan for a small business from Sberbank up to three million. The rate varies from 19.5 to 26.5%.

The Business Trust loan is offered for up to 4 years, which is an advantage of this program.

The percentage comes from the success of your business and starts at 18%.

A loan for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank is popular. No wonder, because thanks to the loan, an individual entrepreneur will be able to start his own business.

Sberbank provides several loan offers for entrepreneurs. Consider what are the lending conditions for individual entrepreneurs in this bank, and is it worth taking on this burden?

Sberbank can offer several loan programs to small businesses. Let's consider each of them in more detail, so that it is clear which of them provides the most attractive conditions.

Lending to small businesses is aimed at financial support for entrepreneurial activities, as well as the purchase and modernization of new equipment.

Today, Sberbank can offer individual entrepreneurs 3 programs:

  1. Credit Trust
  2. Express bail

Among these small business lending programs are programs that provide loans without collateral.

Credit Trust

This lending program involves the issuance of borrowed funds for business development, while not providing collateral.

All small businesses whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles can apply for the Trust loan.

A feature of the Trust loan is the ability to spend credit funds on current needs, as well as on business development.

Terms of credit Trust for individual entrepreneurs:

  • An entrepreneur can receive a maximum loan of 3 million rubles.
  • Tariff: 18.5% per annum
  • Lending is made in national currency
  • Period provided for debt repayment: 3 years
  • Commission is not charged
  • It is possible to attract a guarantor to receive a reduced tariff

In order for a loan application to be considered, a potential borrower must provide a package of documents. This package should include the following papers:

  • Questionnaire
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Constituent and registration documents of IP
  • Documents on economic and financial activities
  • Warranty Application

There are quite a lot of people who want to receive such a cash loan, so the consideration of the application may take some time. Approximately it will take 1 - 3 days.

This loan program will help the IE expand the boundaries of its activities, discover new areas or modernize production.

A business project has several advantages: a longer loan period and significant amounts of financing.

Conditions of the Business project for IP:

  • Maximum loan amount: 200 million rubles.
  • Credit funds are provided only in national currency
  • Tariff: from 11.8% per annum
  • Postponement: up to 1 year
  • Mandatory guarantee
  • Commission for issuance and early repayment of the loan is not charged
  • Compulsory insurance of property that was provided as collateral

This loan is targeted. It is aimed at investments in non-current and current assets through investments in the development of new and existing areas of economic and financial activities of the borrower.

This offer of the bank is divided into lending with and without collateral.

The terms of the loan offer Business trust with collateral look like this:

  • Minimum loan amount: 500 thousand rubles.
  • Tariff: from 14.52% per annum
  • Permissible delay in payment of the loan obligation: 3 months
  • Loan period: from 3 months. up to 3 years
  • Commission for the issuance of borrowed funds, as well as for the early repayment of a loan obligation is not charged
  • All collateral objects are subject to compulsory insurance
  • Consideration of the application is carried out within 3 days
  • You do not need to report to the bank for the funds spent

This loan is non-targeted, so you do not need to confirm the costs of it.

Not everyone will decide to take such a loan, and in some ways they will be right. However, there is also a loan without collateral. In general, the conditions of such a loan are similar to the Business Trust loan offer with collateral. The difference is that when lending without collateral, a guarantor must be presented.

Express bail

The loan is issued against the security of liquid real estate or equipment.

Conditions for obtaining borrowed money under the Express program on bail:

  • Goal: business development
  • Mandatory collateral of the borrower's property or equipment
  • Guarantee
  • Maximum loan amount: 5 million rubles.
  • Tariff: 17 - 19% per annum
  • The period allocated for the payment of the debt obligation: 4 years
  • There are no commissions for issuing a loan and for its early repayment

If an individual entrepreneur provides guarantees as security, he will be able to receive a lower tariff.

requirements for IP

Requirements for individual entrepreneurs for each loan offer may differ. In order not to generalize, but to give more accurate information, we will consider the requirements of the bank separately for all loan products.

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur for a loan product called Credit Trust:

  • Age: 23 - 60 years old
  • Entrepreneur's business is conducted for a period of more than 2 years

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur under the terms of the Express bail program:

Requirements for a small business subject under the terms of the Business Trust loan:

  • Doing business in the field of trade - from 3 months.
  • For other areas of business - from 6 months.
  • For seasonal activities - at least 1 year

And finally, the requirements of Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs, if you wish to apply for a loan Business project:

  • The company is a resident of the Russian Federation
  • Annual revenue does not reach 400 million rubles.
  • The maximum age of an individual entrepreneur is 70 years old at the date of completion of the loan
  • Doing business: from 1 year - for obtaining an investment loan, and for obtaining a loan within the framework of project financing - from 18 months.

It is much more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to issue a debt obligation than for a simple consumer. There are more requirements and risks here. But in business, you have to take risks very often.

Registration of an application for registration of a debt obligation

  • Visit to a bank branch

This method has long been "bored", but it appeals to many more. Moreover, as a result, you still have to go there. In the bank branch, the manager will listen to your wishes and select the most suitable loan product. After consulting you on the terms of the best option, the manager will ask for your consent to register a loan application. If you do not need time to think things over, follow the advice of the bank officer.

  • Remote application registration

On the official website of the bank, you can apply for a loan by completing an electronic questionnaire. After considering the application, the bank operator will contact you and offer to come to the nearest branch of the bank to conclude a loan agreement (of course, if the bank's decision is positive).

Study the offers of the bank, analyze them, and make an informed decision.

Sberbank offers 10 major loan programs for small businesses. How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank, which program to choose - we will consider all the features and possibilities of financing your business later in the article.

Overview of Sberbank's programs for loans to small businesses: conditions and rates

Sberbank of Russia in 2018 lends for the development of small businesses without collateral and secured by real estate, equipment or goods. The availability of collateral is the first criterion to consider when choosing a loan.

Unsecured lending on trust

Without collateral, Sberbank lends to entrepreneurs whose business has been operating for more than a year and makes a profit.


The program allows you to get a "trust" loan, without making a pledge, for a business whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles.

Can borrow money for any need:

  • solving current problems;
  • development of own business;
  • refinancing.

Credit "Trust" makes it possible to receive from 100 thousand to 3 million rubles at an interest rate of 18.5% per annum, with repeated lending - 17%. In the case of refinancing, if the client submits documents on the direction of the loan to close existing loans, the bank is ready to set the rate at 16.5%.

The term for which it will be necessary to repay the borrowed funds: from 1 to 3 years. You can use guarantors to get a loan.

"Trust" is suitable for borrowers who need a loan without collateral and without bank control over the spending of borrowed funds, for example, when you need cash. Also, the product is good for refinancing debt, for which the current rate is above 16.5%.

The main advantage of this option: there is no need to document the purpose of spending the money received.

"Express Overdraft"

Funds are issued in the amount of up to 50% of the amount of the monthly turnover on the settlement accounts of the entrepreneur. You can get up to 2.5 million rubles at a fixed single percentage - 15.5%. The term of the contract is 360 days, but each tranche must be returned within 60 days.

"Express Overdraft" is a good solution for short-term replenishment of "turnover": if you need to pay off suppliers or contractors immediately, and funds will be received from buyers (customers) in a month and a half.

The proposal has its advantages:

  • simplified analysis of the entrepreneur's finances;
  • can be issued through the Internet bank, the Sberbank Business Online system;
  • The loan is revolving and can be used as needed.

Minus: an individual entrepreneur can spend an overdraft only for business purposes; you cannot withdraw cash or use it to repay a loan.

Pledge lending programs for individual entrepreneurs

The most profitable option for secured lending, if real estate is transferred as security. In this case, relatively low insurance costs and there is an opportunity to get more loyal conditions.

"Business Trust"

A loan for any purpose, the bank does not require confirmation. The minimum percentage is 14.5%, the minimum amount is 500 thousand, and the maximum is calculated in each case and depends on the value of the collateral. The bank will issue funds for a maximum of 3 years.

"Business Trust" should be chosen if there is real estate as collateral, the amount is needed significantly less than its value, but at the same time, a delay in repayment of the loan is useful. For example, opening a new store, when an individual entrepreneur also invests his own funds, and it will be difficult to pay a loan in the first months.

Program advantages:

  • An individual entrepreneur can receive a delay in repaying a loan for 3 months;
  • The bank does not control where the funds will be sent.

Minus: a small credit limit, 50-60% of the market value of the collateral.

"Business Turnover"

A significant advantage of the option is a low interest rate: from 11.8%. The minimum amount for a loan is 150 thousand rubles. The term for repayment of borrowed funds should not exceed 48 months.

Under this program, it is possible to use credit money only for certain purposes:

  • acquisition of any raw materials and materials for the development or establishment of a business;
  • replenishment of stocks of goods;
  • implementation of any current expenses for the existing business;
  • repayment of financial obligations to other banks.

Credit "Business Turnover" is an offer for a business with a revenue of more than 60 million per year with a "transparent" accounting. The conditions are better, but the bank will analyze the business more carefully.

The advantage of the program, in addition to a low interest rate, is an extended loan term.

As security, you can issue a pledge of real estate, transport, animals (agricultural), as well as securities. The bank is ready to lend funds for an amount greater than the value of the collateral.

"Business Invest"

For entrepreneurs, such a loan makes it possible, on favorable terms, to finance the acquisition of new property or equipment at the expense of borrowed funds or to close financial obligations to other banks.

Issued on bail. The return period is not more than 120 months. There is a delay in the repayment of the principal debt up to 12 months. The loan rate will be from 11.8%. The amount to be issued must be at least 150 thousand rubles.

"Business-Invest" is a program for long-term investments, when a long term is needed, as well as a deferred payment for the first time. Suitable for businesses with revenues up to 400 million rubles, which have assets that can be pledged.

  • low rate;
  • long term;
  • payment deferment.

The disadvantages include the fact that not all the benefits of the product will be available to new borrowers. So, both the rate and the deferred payment are determined individually and are not always agreed upon at the desired level.

Sberbank has additional programs that allow you to purchase vehicles, equipment or real estate for business. The conditions are basically similar to Business-Invest, but they have strict specific goals, which are taken into account in the features of each product.

Conditions for obtaining a loan for business in Sberbank and requirements for the borrower

At Sberbank, get any of the above small business loans only existing individual entrepreneurs can.

Necessary a condition for issuing a loan is the duration of the business. The minimum allowable - from 3 months - is set for secured lending, for unsecured lending - the business must operate for more than a year.

The guarantee of one of the relatives increases the chances of approval of the application.

It is worth remembering that when applying for a secured loan, the collateral must be insured - this is a mandatory requirement. The only exception is land and securities.

An important condition for the approval of a loan to an entrepreneur is the presence of a good credit history or its absence. Past due dates may lead to rejection.

How to get an individual entrepreneur loan at Sberbank: a list of documents, the term for considering an application

An entrepreneur can apply for a loan only by personally contacting the bank office. The exception is the program "Express Overdraft", the application is made online on the website in the "Personal Account" of the businessman.

For any of the selected programs, the following is required package of documents:

  1. A completed application form on the form of Sberbank.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents confirming the registration of the entrepreneur.
  4. IP financial reporting.

When issuing a guarantee or pledge, an additional package of documents is required. So, for collateral property, documents are needed that confirm that it belongs to the entrepreneur and is not pledged anywhere.

A special credit committee is in charge of considering the application and making a decision. It will take a little time, up to 5 days, but on condition that all the necessary documents are submitted to the bank. There are programs that allow you to receive financing in 1 day, for example, Express Overdraft.

When making a decision, the following are taken into account:

  • the applicant's credit history;
  • availability of property, pledge and surety;
  • the amount of income;
  • the quality of the business project or business plan (if any).

If an applicant is denied a business loan, they can apply for a consumer loan.

For those who are planning to start their own business

Sberbank does not have a program aimed at starting a business and financing for start-up entrepreneurs. If a person is interested in lending specifically at Sberbank, then you can use any suitable one to start consumer credit.

The bank offers programs: “Consumer loan without collateral”, “Non-target secured loan” or an option under the guarantee of individuals. In 2017, on the eve of the New Year, Sberbank launched a promotion, and it is possible to obtain a consumer loan at a rather low interest rate of 12.5%.

A consumer loan for an individual entrepreneur is suitable if he has a part-time job as an employee.

You can get a business loan from scratch in other banks that are no less reliable than Sberbank. Examples of such programs are discussed below.

Pros and cons of Sberbank offers and the three largest competitors

One of the advantages of servicing at Sberbank, including lending for small businesses, is that the bank offers a convenient, comprehensive system of interaction. Convenient online services are provided for businessmen: Sberbank Business Online, Sberbank Business mobile application.

Benefits of lending at Sberbank:

  • developed system of complex service;
  • a large list of credit programs;
  • competitive rates for certain types of loans;
  • preferential terms for regular customers.

Sberbank has a convenient service for selecting the necessary financing proposal. On the bank's website, you need to enter your data, and the system will offer the best loan program.


  • relatively high interest rates on some funding programs;
  • the closure of the Business Start program and the inability to take a loan for a franchise.

Thus, novice entrepreneurs need to look for alternatives from other credit organizations. Eg:

  1. Rosselkhozbank offers several options, including programs aimed at helping to open a business and developing an existing business. Rates are determined individually, terms can reach 15 years. Plus: a very large selection of credit programs.
  2. VTB 24 attracts IP with low rates (starting from 10.9%), even compared to Sberbank. There is an opportunity to receive financial support for start-up entrepreneurs.
  3. "Alfa Bank". The bank has, one of them is suitable for business from scratch. Here the rate will be from 13.5 to 19.5%. The maximum limit is a rather high percentage, but the amount depends on the loan term, amount and other conditions and often stops at an average level.

Before taking a loan, an individual entrepreneur should study all possible options and choose the most suitable one.