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Socially significant features. Socio-psychological characteristics of personality. Social and psychological characteristics of the family

For social pedagogy, personal qualities are of interest, on which the success of its socialization depends. These include: individuality, rationality, responsibility, character and temperament, activity and determination, self-control and introspection, direction and will, as well as abilities, needs, motivation, worldview, beliefs, value orientations (T.A. Vasilkova).

Individuality is distinguished by unique natural and socially acquired properties. Being in constant development, individuality is at the same time the most stable quality of a person. Taking into account personal individuality affects the effectiveness of social education.

Reasonableness characterizes the ability to responsibly foresee the results of actions and actions. A responsible attitude towards oneself and external situations distinguishes a socially mature person.

The psychological core of a person is character, which stabilizes his social forms of activity. Character is formed as a result of the socialization of temperament and is manifested in a person’s attitude towards others and himself. Character is “a system of stable motives and modes of behavior that form a behavioral type of personality” (M.I. Enikeev). Character indicates the degree of balance between the internal and external worlds, the characteristics of an individual’s adaptation to the reality around him, and determines the type of interaction with the outside world. Unlike temperament, character is responsible for the social sphere of an individual’s behavior.

Temperament represents the natural inclination of an individual to a certain style of behavior and largely determines mental states. It manifests itself in sensitivity to external influences, emotionality, impulsiveness or restraint, sociability or isolation, ease or difficulty of social adaptation. Temperamental traits are divided into extraversion and introversion.

The activity of a person reflects the degree of interaction with the outside world. A distinction is made between internal activity (implemented in action) and external activity (when performing an uninteresting task). The support in social education should be the internal activity of the individual. Determination serves to develop certain qualities.

When working with a person, you should take into account her needs and be able to influence them. Personal needs are “the need experienced by a person to eliminate deviations from the parameters of life activity that are optimal for him as a biological being, an individual and a personality” (M.I. Enikeev).

Motivation is responsible for the direction of activity, the intensity and duration of maintaining its basic parameters. It is formed in conjunction with the development of worldview, general, individual and special abilities and with the individual’s awareness of his place in life. Motivation is complex, contradictory, changeable and always emotionally charged. There are various motivational states: interests, desires, aspirations, intentions, drives, passions, attitudes (semantic, goal-oriented, operational). By exerting a targeted influence on the motivational states of an individual, it is possible to influence his motivation for learning and development.

Direction demonstrates a tendency in a person’s behavior and is manifested in worldview, spiritual needs and deeds. Orientation represents the value-orientation system of the individual, the hierarchy of basic needs, values ​​and stable motives of behavior. The focus reflects the spiritual and practical sphere. The German psychologist E. Spranger identified the leading personality orientations: scientific person, economic person, aesthetic person, social person, political person, religious person.

Will manifests itself in the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to a goal.

Abilities, according to M.I. Enikeev’s definition, are “a set of innate anatomical, physiological and acquired regulatory properties that determine a person’s mental capabilities in various types of activities.” A person’s abilities and character are formed throughout his life on a certain natural basis. Abilities as a set of innate and acquired properties determine a person’s mental capabilities in various types of activities,

Worldview is a generalized system of views of a person (and society) on the world as a whole, on one’s place in it, understanding and assessing the meaning of one’s life and activities, and the destinies of humanity. This is a set of generalized scientific, philosophical, socio-political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic value orientations, beliefs, convictions and ideals of people.

Beliefs are a system of views that testify to the formation of a personality and are its core. Socialization is closely related to the development of individual beliefs. It is impossible to arbitrarily change beliefs rooted in the depths of the soul; they can change in conditions of a radical revaluation of values, during critical periods in the life of society and individual development.

Value orientations determine the thoughts, actions and relationships of people, characterizing the essence of personality.

Each of these traits is equivalent and of equal value when analyzing personality.

Personality is a system of socially significant qualities of an individual, a measure of his mastery of social values ​​and his ability to realize these values.

Personal properties reveal a given person’s ability to participate in social relations. An essential aspect of a personality is its attitude towards society, towards individuals, towards itself and its social and labor responsibilities. Lee

identity is characterized by the level of awareness of one’s relationships and their stability.

A person is not born with ready-made abilities, interests, character, etc. These properties are formed during human life, but on a certain natural basis.

The hereditary basis of the human body (genotype) determines its anatomical and physiological characteristics, the main qualities of the nervous system, and the dynamics of nervous processes.

The biological organization of man, his nature, contains the possibilities for his future mental development. But a human being becomes a person only thanks to social heredity - thanks to the assimilation of the experience of previous generations, enshrined in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture, in the system of social relations.

The natural aspects of man should not be opposed to his social essence. Human nature itself is a product not only of biological evolution, but also a product of history. The biological in a person cannot be understood as the presence of some kind of “animal” side in him. All natural biological inclinations of a person are human, not animal inclinations. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

But the formation of a person as an individual occurs only in specific social conditions. The demands of society determine both the behavior patterns of people and the criteria for assessing their behavior. Along with social adaptability, a developed personality has personal autonomy, assertion of his individuality. In critical situations, such a person retains his life strategy and remains committed to his positions and value orientations (personal integrity). She prevents possible mental breakdowns in extreme situations with a system of psychological defenses (rationalization, repression, revaluation of values, etc.).

The constituent elements of personality can also be divided into three classes:

· physical personality,

social personality

· spiritual personality.

In each of us, the bodily organization represents an essential component of our physical personality, and some parts of the body can be called ours in the closest sense of the word.

Social personality. Recognition of our personality by other representatives of the human race makes us a public person. We are not only herd animals, we not only love to be in the company of our own kind, but we even have an innate inclination to attract the attention of others and make a favorable impression on them. Strictly speaking, a person has as many social personalities as there are individuals who recognize him as a person and have an idea about him.

By spiritual personality we mean the complete unification of individual states of consciousness, specifically taken spiritual abilities and properties. This unification at any given moment can become the object of our thought and cause emotions similar to those produced in us by other aspects of our personality. When we think of ourselves as thinking beings, all other aspects of our personality seem to be external objects relative to us.

The physical, social and spiritual personalities form the natural personality.

In order to more clearly understand the place of personality in the coordinate system of psychological science, let us consider the definitions of personality formed by famous psychologists.

According to Leontyev, “personality is a set of social relations realized in diverse activities.”

Rubinstein defines personality as “a set of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted.”

Hansen believes that personality is “a social individual, an object and subject of social relations and the historical process, manifesting itself in communication, in activity, in behavior.”

For I.S. Kohn’s concept of personality means “a human individual as a member of society, generalizes the socially significant features integrated into it.”

According to B.G. Ananyev defines personality as “a subject of social behavior and communication.”

A.V. Petrovsky believed that a person is “a social individual, a subject of cognition and objective transformation of the world, a rational being with speech and capable of work.”

K.K. Platonov believed that personality is the “carrier of consciousness.”

Among the many works on the theory of personality and its structure in psychology, the works of A.G. Kovaleva, V.N. Myasishchev and K.K. Platonov.

A.G. Kovalev poses the question of the holistic spiritual appearance of the individual, its origin and structure as a question of the synthesis of complex structures:

Temperament (structure of natural properties),

Orientations (system of needs, interests, ideals),

Abilities (system of intellectual, volitional and emotional properties).

All these structures arise from the interrelation of mental properties of the individual, characterizing a stable, constant level of activity, ensuring the best adaptation of the individual to the influencing stimuli due to the greatest adequacy of their reflection. In the process of activity, properties are connected with each other in a certain way in accordance with the requirements of the activity.

V.N. Myasishchev characterizes the unity of personality: direction (dominant relationships: to people, to oneself, to objects of the external world), the general level of development (in the process of development the general level of personality development increases), the structure of personality and the dynamics of neuropsychic reactivity (this means not only dynamics of higher nervous activity (HNA), but also objective dynamics of living conditions).

From this point of view, the structure of personality is only one of the definitions of its unity and integrity, i.e. a more private characteristic of a personality, the integration features of which are associated with the motivation, relationships and tendencies of the individual.

The concept of the dynamic structure of personality (K.K. Platonov). “The most general structure of personality is the assignment of all its characteristics and traits to one of four groups, forming 4 main aspects of personality:

1. Socially determined characteristics (direction, moral qualities).

2. Personal experience (volume and quality of existing knowledge, skills, abilities) and habits).

3. Individual characteristics of various mental processes (attention, memory).

4. Biologically determined characteristics (temperament, inclinations, instincts, etc.).

It is believed that 1 and 2 are socially determined, 3 and 4 are genetically determined. All four sides of personality interact closely with each other. However, the dominant influence always remains with the social side of the individual - its worldview, orientation, needs, interests, ideals and aesthetic qualities.

Socially significant personality traits of modern students

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of socially significant personality traits in the conditions of modern Russia

1.1 The concept of personality. Its properties and characteristics

Currently, in modern society, interest in the problems of the capabilities of the human personality is so great that almost all social sciences turn to this subject of research: the problem of personality is at the center of philosophical, psychological, sociological knowledge; it is dealt with by ethics, pedagogy, and other sciences. In these sciences there are different approaches to determining personality. Thus, in the philosophical dictionary, personality is defined as a person as a social individual, an individual as a member of society. Each individual person is an individual, since the social has become a property of this individual.

In the social sciences, personality is considered as a special quality of a person acquired by him in a sociocultural environment in the process of joint activity and communication. In psychological literature, the concept of personality often includes the most diverse characteristics of a person, from the dynamic characteristics of the nervous system - temperament to worldview and life principles. I.S. Kohn believes that the concept of personality denotes the human individual as a member of society and generalizes the socially significant features integrated into it. YES. Belukhin gives the following definition: personality is a stable system of individual socially significant traits of a person. He believes that the key word in the definition is the social significance of a person's traits. This implies the almost constant inclusion of a person in communities like him, where people are not free from each other. A person influences other people, and they influence him. Every person is directly dependent on the society in which he lives. Thus, socially significant traits are traits that are formed in society and are necessary for a person to live in it. L.I. Bozhovich believed that a person, who is an individual, is capable of managing his behavior and activities, and to a certain extent, his mental development. In such a person, all mental processes and functions, all qualities and properties acquire a certain structure. The center of this structure is the motivational sphere, in which there is a hierarchy in one specific sense, namely, if a person is able to overcome his own immediate motivations for the sake of something else, then the subject is capable of indirect behavior. Leading motives are socially significant, that is, they are social in origin and meaning. They are given by society, brought up in a person. The set of stable motives that organize the activity of the individual as a whole can be called the orientation of the individual, which is ultimately characterized by the person’s worldview.

Defining personality, S.L. Rubinstein wrote: “As the actual personal properties, from the entire variety of human properties, those that determine socially significant human behavior are usually singled out. The main place in it, therefore, is occupied by the system of motives and tasks that a person sets for himself, the properties of his character that determine the actions of people (that is, those of their actions that realize or express a person’s relationship with other people), and the ability of a person, that is properties that make it suitable for historically established forms of socially useful activity.” Personality is, first of all, a living concrete person with his own advantages and disadvantages, with his own strengths and weaknesses, generated by his active participation in the life of society, upbringing, and training. Sociologist M.A. Mechnikov notes that a personality in an empirical study “must be considered from the point of view of the manifestation in it of socially significant traits and properties related to the essence of society as a whole, as well as a specific social group (for example, students) in which this personality is included and which determines the main social functions of the individual." As noted by I.S. Kon, the polysemy of the concept of personality leads to the fact that some understand the personality of a specific subject of activity in the unity of his individual properties and his social roles, while others understand personality “as a social property of an individual, as a set of socially significant traits integrated in him, formed in direct and indirect interaction of a given person with other people and making him, in turn, a subject of labor, knowledge and communication.”

1.2 Formation of socially significant qualities of a student’s personality as a problem of modern theory and practice

The basic principles of educational policy in Russia, new social requirements for the Russian education system are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010” and disclosed in the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025.

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 states that a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, ways of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

In the new conditions of development, society recognizes the increasing role of human social and value activity. Society is interested in the targeted formation of an individual’s social activity, since the effective implementation of his social functions and roles depends on this, which ensures the individual’s mastery and acceptance of social values ​​and ideals, the development of forms and methods of their implementation in behavior, work, and lifestyle.

The interpretation of the term “professionally significant qualities” is ambiguous. The activity of a specialist is determined not only by his professional knowledge and skills, but also by his personal qualities and the degree of their formation. So, for a specialist in any field, professionally significant qualities are responsibility, discipline, and professional independence.

Student youth play a major role in the life of society, since they represent a social group that carries enormous potential opportunities for the future. Training and education of young people is an important means of their social development, a way of introducing them to future professional activities. In this regard, the problem of nurturing the social activity of student youth becomes extremely important in the activities of universities and colleges.

The relevance of studying the professionally significant qualities of students is due to the appearance of a number of works devoted to this problem. A great contribution to the study of this problem was made by A.V. Mudrik, I.S. Kohn, A.N. Leontyev. Their works study the dynamics of professionally significant personality qualities in adolescence, the role of these qualities in behavior, as well as the relationship of professionally significant qualities with personality characteristics.

The formation of professionally significant qualities of students includes the development of the individual himself in the educational process. Priority is given to the interests of the individual, which are considered in the Law “On Education” and proclaims “the humanistic nature of education and the priority of the free development of the individual.”

The formation and development of a harmonious and professionally significant personality is possible through a system of value orientations, which are formed with the help of socialization factors, which are combined into three groups (A.V. Mudrik):

1) macro factors that influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the planet;

2) mesofactors - conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished by nationality, location and type of settlement, and membership in the audience of certain mass communication networks;

3) microfactors - these include those that have a direct impact on specific people - family, peer group, microsociety, organizations in which social education is carried out - educational, professional, public. Microfactors influence human development through agents of socialization, that is, persons in interaction with whom his life takes place. These include parents, relatives, and teachers.

Adolescence is a period of formation of professionally significant qualities that influences the formation of a person’s character. This is due to the emergence of a number of prerequisites: the accumulation of experience, the occupation of a social position. It is the professionally significant qualities formed at this age that determine the characteristics and nature of the individual’s relationship with the outside world (B.S. Kruglov, V.A. Yadov).

Society is interested in a spiritually, morally and professionally developed individual who has not only developed moral qualities, but also the qualities necessary for professional activity.

A student’s professionally significant qualities are a combination of these value orientations. The system of value orientations consists of a set of values: universal, moral, cognitive, professional. Universal values ​​are values ​​accepted by the majority of people that do not associate them with a specific society or culture. Among universal human values, moral values, professional and labor values, and gnostic values ​​are distinguished.

However, freedom is recognized as the absolute value of the individual. Vocational school plays an important role in the development of a person’s value orientations. The formation of moral values ​​of students is possible through the development in them of humanism, freedom, honesty and a decent attitude towards society. During the training period, the formation of these values ​​occurs through educational activities. Universal human values ​​are also established through the truth of knowledge, that is, through Gnostic values. Professional and labor values, considered in the context of universal human values, contribute to the development of a process of respectful attitude in the results of people’s work and towards one’s own.

Moral values ​​that contribute to the development of a student’s personality and the formation of his “I” are inextricably linked with universal human values. Analyzing moral, gnostic and professional-labor values ​​from the perspective of moral values, we can talk about the further development of the student’s personality in the process of socialization at the institute. Each of the values ​​develops in the student honesty, hard work, commitment and promotes interaction between the student and the teacher in the process of cooperative activities.

One of the most important social institutions that contribute to the formation of professionally significant qualities of a student is a secondary vocational educational institution or a higher vocational educational institution. The implementation of the task of forming socially mature citizens, educated and well-mannered people occurs precisely through the interaction of teachers and students. By interacting with each other, setting common goals, they realize them.

In addition, the educational process is also equipped with cultural values ​​- morality, knowledge, and the formation of other social institutions. It is impossible not to take into account other components of the educational process - material and technical base, educational literature, technical means.

In different socio-political conditions, education acts as a stabilizing factor between new social ideas and the ideals of previous generations, embodied in historical traditions.

Currently, the social situation is such that society has lost the opportunity to satisfy a person’s need to realize his qualities. Obviously, this is precisely why individuals are found to have a psychological tendency towards different types of deviant behavior, which explains the process of personal variability in a negative direction, when a person is controlled by lower emotions and needs.

The sphere of education is designed to resist the destructive trends of modern society and support creative and progressive trends.

The tendency to solve the problems of education without addressing the individual, without connecting education and being, gives rise to the inability of society to connect the cognizing subject with real life. Education should see its task not only in satisfying the interests of the state, not in molding an individual according to a standard, but in educating an individual with a non-ideological thinking, one who thinks constructively and critically, admits a plurality of humanistic truths, and respects the positions of the “other.” Ideologized thinking grows on the basis of the collapse of traditional values, and education, divorced from folk traditions, educates a man of the crowd, not an individual.

Man has a choice, and the task of education is to give the right orientation to promote the development and revelation of the essential powers of the individual. The task is not only to put a certain amount of knowledge and skills into the head of each student, but to educate a thinking, psychologically and mentally healthy person, capable of acting in line with the interests of the state.

Professional orientation of an individual in a higher and secondary educational institution involves the diagnosis and development of professionally important qualities (PVK) (high level of socialization, neuropsychic stability, cognitive stability, cognitive activity, communicative competence, organizational skills), interests and inclinations, future specialists, and also the study of the need-motivational sphere of a person’s activity (what motivates and attracts to the profession).

When considering professional values, one should take into account the practical activities of students and their accumulation of the necessary experience in the learning process. The process of forming work values ​​implies the development in the student’s personality of his “I”, humanism, hard work, and special knowledge. Students obtain specialized knowledge in two stages: theoretical (during the learning process) and practical (during practical training and internship).

Students have changed a lot in recent years. The principle of survival became the main one. And people began to live according to instincts. When a person says: “I want it this way,” this is a verbal expression of instinctive activity. And everyone knows the basic instincts: to eat, sleep, etc. Moreover, food is the first. That's the problem.

Modern students are forced to spend a lot of time on part-time jobs to the detriment of their studies.

One third of students work because their parents cannot provide them with everything they need. Another third work to try their hand at business and, by the end of their studies, have a clear idea of ​​what they want to specialize in. The remainder of the students work to secure employment after graduation.

This problem has fairly global consequences.

Corporate ties within the student body as a social group are now quite weak and, first of all, determined by joint activities within the group.

Previously, it was not only studies, but also student clubs, camping trips, rallies, art song competitions or duty. Now all these activities are expressed to a very weak degree, and even studying for a modern student is half the battle, so social connections have become half weaker. For a student, the first priority is the problem of earning money.

But the passion did not disappear. It is always fueled by curiosity, so a person will never lose it. The modern student has a desire to learn new things. The level of knowledge of the modern student has increased significantly, he has become more erudite. But students read very little. If you used to know the classics well, now you don’t. But they make up for their lack of knowledge of classical works in other ways. Now the flow of information is multi-channel. The modern student has a computer, the Internet, and ample opportunities to study any subject. In addition to all of the above, the modern student, of course, has become more mobile. But still, students do not take full advantage of what they are given, given that they have so many sources of information and so many opportunities. It all depends on the choice of each of them.

The time of studying at a university coincides with the second period of adolescence, or the first period of maturity, which is characterized by the complexity of the formation of personality traits. A characteristic feature of moral development at this age is the strengthening of conscious motives of behavior. Those qualities that were completely lacking in high school are noticeably strengthened - purposefulness, determination, perseverance, independence, initiative, and the ability to control oneself. Interest in moral problems (goals, lifestyle, duty, love, fidelity, etc.) increases.

Among the various classifications of motives for students' educational activities, as a rule, three are distinguished. These are: 1) professional-cognitive motive (which is based on both broad cognitive needs and interest in knowledge specific to the future profession); 2) the motive for obtaining a diploma of higher education (as a desire for a certain status in society); and 3) the motive of interpersonal communication (which is based on the need to communicate with “like-minded people” - a circle of people united by common interests and professional orientation).

Having studied the role of socially significant personality traits in modern society, we concluded: throughout the world, in recent years, the demand for professionals who are subject to special requirements related to the fact that a person with a professional orientation, professional knowledge and skills must be ready for constant development and self-improvement; he must be creative, socially active, proactive, able to make choices, and determine the optimal life strategy. That is, we are talking about the fact that a person must fully become the subject of his own life and social relations. However, in the practice of educational institutions in the process of training a specialist, the reproductive nature of training often prevails, the forms and methods of work that stimulate the constructive creative activity of the individual are insufficiently used, and the possibilities of extracurricular activities are not fully used.

Having analyzed the system of value orientations that contribute to the process of forming socially significant qualities of students, we can conclude that the socially significant qualities of a student are qualities required by society for specialists in a certain profession, influencing the success of their activities and providing the opportunity to realize themselves. In addition, the combination of the “knowledge” concept and the personal-activity component leads to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, capable of defending their rights and freedoms. Thus, the process of forming socially significant qualities contributes to the formation of individual personality characteristics, the formation of life plans, personal and professional definition.

2. Social portrait of a modern student using the example of the Sosnovsky branch of the Federal State Educational Institution “Siberian Vocational Pedagogical College”

2.1 Organization and methods of research

Education today is becoming a commodity that in a certain way influences people’s ideas about studying in a higher educational institution and the role of citizenship in modern society. Education today is becoming the tool with which every person can achieve success in life, and society as a whole can move along the path of progress. It is necessary to use these opportunities professionally and purposefully, since the future of society is being shaped today by us students.

Students need not only to obtain a certain amount of knowledge, but also to master the general principles of thinking, mental work skills, and the ability to use the reserves of their intellect and creative potential. In conditions of intensive learning, not only specific professional skills and abilities become especially important, but also general abilities to acquire knowledge, use it to solve a huge number of complex problems, analyze information, highlight the essential, and think critically. The ability to think productively is becoming one of the most significant for a teacher in the modern world, where it is necessary to make reasonable and innovative decisions in rapidly changing conditions.

Thinking and educated students become of great value both as a commodity in the labor market and as a “margin of safety” of any modern society and civilization as a whole. The goal of education should be to have as many of them as possible. Unfortunately, the traditional education system and especially the system of professional relations often put forward not so much demands on mental competence as on communication skills, and this leads to the fact that social success turns out to be not as closely related to the level of intelligence as it happens in developed countries .

When constructing a social portrait of a student, it is necessary to analyze his psychological characteristics. In my analysis, I considered the following aspects: motivation to study, the ability to adequately assess one’s positive and negative qualities.

At the first diagnostic stage, the following parameters are examined:

Ш Portrait of a modern student based on a survey of teachers and students themselves.

Ш Motivating students with the help of an appropriate special test;

Ш Socially significant qualities of students based on a questionnaire test.

First parameter: drawing up a portrait of a student based on a survey of teachers and students.

Students and teachers were asked the following questions: “Modern student. What is he like?”, “What positive qualities does he have?”, “How much time does he spend studying?” etc. Based on the answers to these questions, two different images of the modern student were compiled.

Second parameter: test for diagnosing educational motivation.

Motivation (from lat. “movere”) - an incentive to action; a dynamic physiological and psychological process that controls human behavior, determining its direction, organization, activity and stability; a person's ability to actively satisfy their needs.

The methodology was developed based on the questionnaire of A.A. Reana and V.A. Yakunina. To the 16 statements of the above-mentioned questionnaire, statements were added that characterize the teaching motives identified by V.G. Leontyev, as well as statements characterizing the motives of the teaching received by N.Ts. Badmaeva as a result of a survey of students and schoolchildren. These are communicative, professional, educational and cognitive, broad social motives, as well as motives of creative self-realization, avoiding failure and prestige.

Processing and interpretation of test results.

* Scale 1. Communication motives: 7, 10, 14, 32.

* Scale 2. Avoidance motives: 6, 12, 13, 15, 19.

* Scale 3. Prestige motives: 8, 9, 29, 30, 34.

* Scale 4. Professional motives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 26.

* Scale 5. Motives for creative self-realization: 27, 28.

* Scale 6. Educational and cognitive motives: 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

* Scale 7. Social motives: 11, 16, 25, 31, 33.

When processing test results, the average score for each scale of the questionnaire is calculated.

Third parameter: identification of socially significant qualities of students based on a questionnaire test.

The students were asked a number of questions to which they had to give precise answers. This test questionnaire allows you to identify the most significant qualities for students and the qualities that cause them negativity. As well as qualities that help and hinder them in achieving success. This test questionnaire consists of 6 questions.

2.2 Analysis of research results

At the first stage, teachers and students were surveyed. Survey results:

Modern students prefer the Internet with a huge number of sites that they need not only for entertainment, but also for study. On average, the network “freezes” for 2-5 hours, and many do not turn it off at all. The most popular electronic pages are Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. They love to have fun and come to classes always sleepy and hungry. They believe that a student lives from session to session, and he must also keep up everywhere, this is how 75% of respondents described the modern student. And 35% believe that a modern student should strive for new knowledge and be responsive, help fellow students, be goal-oriented, sociable, actively participate in the life of their university, and, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sh, according to the teachers, is a modern student, versatile, proactive, self-critical, active, passionate, energetic, always on the move and in search of adventure, hardworking, and diligent. They also have more ambition than knowledge, they are brave and risky, they know how to “get” materials from the Internet that remain only on paper, but not in their heads. If it were not for laziness, modern students would be ideal students of our teachers, who invest in students not only their knowledge, but also their love for the subject.

At the second stage, a test was conducted on student motivation.

The results were as follows:

Ш Communication motives: 4.1 (82%).

Ш Social motives: 3.9 (78%).

Ш Professional motives: 3.8 (76%).

Ш Motives for creative self-realization: 3.8 (76%).

Ш Motives of prestige: 3.7 (74%).

Ш Educational and cognitive motives: 3.6 (72%).

Ш Motives for avoidance: 3 (60%).

In the first place among students are communicative motives, about 82%. Modern students love to communicate, be among friends, meet new people, which is why communicative motives prevail. Also important for students are social motives, which are based on the need to communicate with “like-minded people” - a circle of people united by common interests and professional orientation. And professional motives, which are based on both broad cognitive needs and interest in knowledge specific to the future profession, were answered by 76%. For 74%, motives of prestige are important, that is, the desire for a certain status in society. In last place are educational and cognitive motives and motives of avoidance. Thus, students' learning motivation is very low, which affects students' low academic performance and lack of desire to learn.

At the third stage, testing was carried out, which allows us to characterize a modern student and highlight the most typical features of his social portrait.

To the question: “What is the most important thing in life for you?” answers received: family - 42%, love - 25%, work - 19%, education - 19%, money 9.5%, career 9.5%, children - 9.5%, respect of others - 4.8%, creativity - 4.8%, health - 4.8%, life - 4.8%. Thus, we can conclude that about half of students value family most of all, and this is great. Love comes second for students, which is quite natural for students of student age. But work is in third place; only about 5 out of 21 people think so. Education is far from being in the first place for students, it has moved somewhere far into the background, and this cannot but frighten. After all, the main goal of a student in a higher or secondary educational institution is to receive an education. The health of students is also not particularly concerned; they are young, active and do not yet think about their physical condition.

According to the survey, students value the most in a person: decency - 76%, kindness - 71%, self-esteem - 47%, understanding - 42%, freedom - 38%, independence - 33%, fidelity - 4.8%. And most of all they hate: betrayal - 76%, lies - 76%, envy - 71%, cruelty - 66%, greed - 66%, ignorance - 42%.

They consider the most important for achieving success in life: determination - 95%, hard work - 76%, perseverance - 66%, ability - 52%, good education - 42%, interesting work - 33%, luck - 23%, “rich” parents and communications - 14%. For students, determination comes first, 20 people answered this way. On the last one, only 3 people answered with “rich” parents and connections.

Qualities that interfere with achieving success are considered to be: laziness - 90%, disorganization, restlessness - 28%, inattention - 19%, irresponsibility - 9.5%, lack of communication - 4.8%. The thing that hinders students the most is laziness and the least hindering thing is lack of communication. Students are sociable, do not sit still, so they are hampered by disorganization and restlessness.

To the last question: “What does a diploma of higher (secondary) education mean to you?” - 57% answered that a diploma is a piece of paper that helps them get a better life in life, 52% answered that a diploma for them is a document officially confirming that they are a professional, and only 9.5% answered that a diploma is “Crust” to keep parents happy. It's a shame that most students still consider a diploma to be an ordinary crust that helps them get a better job in life. We must not forget that a diploma is also a confirmation of one’s professional qualities.

Thus, a study was conducted to draw up a portrait of a modern student using the example of the Sosnovsky branch of the Federal State Educational Institution “Siberian Vocational Pedagogical College”. We found out how motivated students are to study, what they value most in life, what socially significant qualities they have, how sociable they are and how adapted they are to modern life.

The study made it possible to give a brief description of the modern student: active, sociable, purposeful, always ready to help, ambitious, persistent, but at the same time lazy and restless. Often, the modern student is little organized in his studies and in his daily life.

Thus, modern students, despite many negative trends in society that have developed in recent years, retain their inherent creative potential, faith in goodness and in people, and a willingness to serve the Russian ideals of humanism, culture, education and science.


Thus, today, when changes occur in public consciousness, in views of the world and the place in it of a person, his socio-political, spiritual-moral, value-oriented attitude towards the surrounding socio-cultural environment, the task of the state becomes the formation of new ideals, cultural values , socially significant interests that have always been and remain the main foundations of the life of human civilization.

Thus, without a radical transformation of the national education system, it is obviously impossible to achieve radical qualitative changes in the intellectual sphere of society and to introduce new thinking into the public consciousness.


student personality college portrait

1. Volov V.T., Chetyrova L.B., Chadenkova O.A. Social portrait of a student at a Russian non-state university as a result of segmentation of the educational market // Proceedings of SSU.2009. Vol. 17.

2. Dmitriev A.V. General sociology: Textbook. allowance. M., 2006.

3. Kibakin M.V., Lapshov V.A. Social-typical portrait of a Russian student // Proceedings of SSU. 2009. Vol. 10.

4. Sheregi F.E., Kharcheva V.A., Serikov V.V. Sociology of education: applied aspect. M., 2007.

5. Korableva, G.B. Profession and sociological aspect of communication / G.B. Korableva. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural.gos. prof.-ped. University, 2005.

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If the concept of an individual includes the general qualities of homo sapiens - a representative of the human race as a biological species, then the concept of personality is associated with the concept of individuality - with the creative refraction in the individual of general social qualities with the unique system of relations of a particular person to the world, with his individual abilities of social interaction. As a person, a person is characterized by the level of development of his consciousness, the correlation of his consciousness with social consciousness, which, in turn, is determined by the level of development of a given society. Personal properties reveal a given person’s ability to participate in social relations. An essential aspect of a personality is its attitude towards society, towards individuals, towards itself and its social and labor responsibilities. A personality is characterized by the level of awareness of its relationships and their stability. What is important in a person is not only her position, but also her ability to realize her relationships. This depends on the level of development of a person’s creative capabilities, his abilities, knowledge and skills, his emotional-volitional and intellectual qualities. A person is not born with ready-made abilities, interests, character, etc. These properties are formed during human life, but on a certain natural basis. The hereditary basis of the human body (genotype) determines its anatomical and physiological characteristics, the basic qualities of the nervous system, and the dynamics of nervous processes. The biological organization of man, his nature, contains the possibilities for his future mental development. But a human being becomes a person only thanks to social heredity - thanks to the assimilation of the experience of previous generations, enshrined in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture, in the system of social relations. The natural aspects of man should not be opposed to his social essence. Human nature itself is a product not only of biological evolution, but also a product of history. The biological in a person cannot be understood as the presence of some kind of “animal” side in him. All natural biological inclinations of a person are human, not animal inclinations. But the formation of a person as an individual occurs only in specific social conditions. The demands of society determine both the behavior patterns of people and the criteria for assessing their behavior. What at first glance seems to be the natural qualities of a person (for example, his character traits) is in fact the consolidation in the individual of social requirements for his behavior. The driving force of personal development is the internal contradictions between constantly growing socially determined needs and the possibilities of satisfying them. Personal development is a constant expansion of its capabilities and the formation of new needs. The level of personality development is determined by the relationships characteristic of it. Low levels of personal development are characterized by the fact that her relationships are determined mainly by utilitarian, mercantile interests. The highest level of personality development is characterized by the predominance of socially significant relationships. By regulating his life activity in society, each individual solves complex life problems. Personality is revealed in how it solves these problems. The same difficulties and conflicts are overcome by different people in different ways (even criminal ones). To understand a personality means to understand what life tasks and in what way it solves, what initial principles for solving these problems it is armed with. There are socialized individuals - adapted to the conditions of their social existence, desocialized - deviant, deviating from basic social requirements (extreme forms of this deviation - marginality) and mentally abnormal individuals (psychopaths, neurotics, people with mental retardation and with personal accentuations - "weaknesses" "in mental self-regulation). It is possible to identify a number of features of a socialized personality that is within the limits of the mental norm. Along with social adaptability, a developed personality has personal autonomy, assertion of his individuality. In critical situations, such a person retains his life strategy and remains committed to his positions and value orientations (personal integrity). She prevents possible mental breakdowns in extreme situations with a system of psychological defenses (rationalization, repression, revaluation of values, etc.). A person is normally in a state of continuous development, self-improvement and self-realization, constantly discovering new horizons on his human path, experiencing the “joy of tomorrow,” and seeking opportunities to actualize his abilities. In difficult conditions - tolerant, capable of adequate action. A mentally balanced individual establishes friendly relationships with other people and is sensitive to their needs and interests. When constructing his life plans, a stable personality proceeds from real possibilities and avoids inflated claims. A developed personality has a highly developed sense of justice, conscience and honor. She is decisive and persistent in achieving objectively significant goals, but is not rigid - she is capable of correcting her behavior. She is able to respond to the complex demands of life with tactical lability without mental breakdown. She considers herself the source of her successes and failures, and not external circumstances. In difficult living conditions, she is able to take responsibility and take justifiable risks. Along with emotional stability, she constantly maintains emotional reactivity and high sensitivity to the beautiful and sublime. Possessing a developed sense of self-respect, she is able to look at herself from the outside, and is not without a sense of humor and philosophical skepticism. Awareness of one's isolation allows an individual to be free from arbitrary transient social conditions, the dictates of power, and not to lose self-control in conditions of social destabilization and totalitarian repression. The core of personality is associated with its highest mental quality - spirituality.

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The concept of personality is used to emphasize the social essence of a person and an individual. A person is not born, but becomes one in society through interactions with other people through the acquisition of various social qualities. Thus, personality is a social characteristic of a person and an individual, which is based on and interconnected with his biological and genetic inclinations. Personality can be defined as a relatively stable system of social qualities acquired and developed in the process of interaction with other people in society.

The most important social qualities of a person: self-awareness, self-esteem, social identification, activity, interests, beliefs, life goals. Self-awareness is the ability, unique to humans, to recognize oneself in the system of social relations. Social identification is the result of conscious and emotional self-identification with other people, with another community; activity - the ability to perform socially significant actions that manifest themselves in interaction with other people; interests are a constant source of activity based on needs; beliefs - socio-psychological assessments and perceptions of the world around them, they can be moral, ideological, scientific, religious, etc. Having life goals and the desire to realize them is the most important characteristic of a mature personality.

Life goals are differentiated into four main groups:

1) material goods;
2) knowledge and creativity;
3) power, prestige, authority;
4) spiritual perfection.

Personality can be considered as the result of a variety of behavior patterns that are characteristic of any individual in a particular social group and society as a whole. A model of behavior, called a social role, is inherent in a particular individual in accordance with his social status, i.e. position in society, social group. All social statuses can be divided into two main types: those that are prescribed to an individual by society or a group, regardless of his abilities and efforts, and those that an individual achieves through his own efforts.

Each person in the social system occupies several positions. Therefore, sociologists use the concept of a status set, i.e. the totality of all social statuses of a given individual. But more often than not, only one status determines one’s position in society. This status is called main, or integral. It often happens that the main (integral) status is determined by the position (for example, rector, economist, etc.). The set of roles arising from a given status set is called a role set.

A social role contains two main elements: role expectations - what is expected from a particular role, and role behavior - what a person actually performs within the framework of his role. Any social role, according to Talcott Parsons, can be described using five main characteristics: emotionality, method of obtaining, scale, formalization and motivation.

Sociologists note the fundamental role that interests play in the behavior of an individual. In turn, the interests of the individual are based on needs. Need can be defined as a need, a person’s need for something.

The most famous is the classification proposed by Abraham Maslow. He identified five groups of needs:

1) physiological (life activities);
2) safety;
3) involvement and belonging (to a team, society);
4) recognition (respect and love);
5) self-actualization (self-realization, self-expression).

According to Maslow, the needs of the first two groups are innate, i.e. biological, and from the third group acquired needs begin, i.e. social. Human behavior is driven not by the need itself, but, first of all, by the degree of its dissatisfaction. The true essence of a person, the deep meaning of his life, is most consistent with social needs, the main one among which is the need for self-realization.

There are three main levels of satisfying the needs of existence:

1) minimal;
2) normal;
3) level of luxury.

The minimum level of satisfaction of the needs of existence ensures human survival. A normal level provides the opportunity for the emergence of significant intellectual and spiritual needs. The level of luxury is proposed to be considered one at which the satisfaction of subsistence needs becomes an end in itself and (or) a means of demonstrating high social status.