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How to open roads in life on your own. Conspiracy to open roads. Ritual for opening roads

When you learn how to perform the opening of roads ritual, you will instantly notice changes for the better. You will intuitively know where and when to go to get what you want. Here are some simple but obvious examples: the bus will pull up to the stop as soon as you get there, or your lottery ticket will always be a winner. Although this cannot be called great fortune, it is from such little things that our life line is built.

  • Communications

If you have problems with communication, perhaps the problem lies in the clutter of this road. When the problem is solved, you will become more confident, more sociable, and more socially developed. Friends and colleagues will listen to your opinion.

  • Works

Even if you do not have a permanent job or even sit at home and do household chores, this path is also necessary. Guided by its winding lines, you will achieve your goal - even if it’s just regular cleaning. A very powerful prayer to open the way to work: by turning to Heaven, you open your soul and let light into it.

  • Spirituality

Fame and fame overtake people whose spiritual development is at its best. You won't be able to influence someone else's opinion if you lose heart over the smallest failure. If you dream of achieving a certain social status, work to open that road.

  • Balance

Are your thoughts constantly confused, and making a specific decision is too difficult for you? It is likely that the road that is responsible for balance and harmony is blocked at the mental level. After solving this problem, you will become more reasonable, calmer and more confident in your actions.

  • Money

By clearing this path, you will deal with all financial problems. The magic of magic will help you open up money roads - turn to her for help.

  • Love and relationships

We can talk about this topic endlessly. Agree, problems in relationships happen to many people - this indicates unnecessary garbage on the love path. The ritual for opening the road in your personal life will lead you to a true feeling of love.

If you decide to find out how to open roads in life, rituals and prayers will be the best helpers.

Ritual with a lock to open roads

You will need a small lock with a set of keys.

Sit comfortably, place an open lock next to it and light three candles. Continue reading the words of the conspiracy until the last light goes out:

“Show me, river, shallow
bright, secret fords, everything
your approaches, all the bridges!
So that I won't be afraid of deep water,
(name) so that troubles pass
black so that the road is clear
kind to me, so that sorrows-
worries disappeared. Plant it,
river, a dashing share in the iron cage, don’t forget the key
lock up the faithful!”

Afterwards, coat the lock with honey and close securely. Now you need to get rid of the enchanted object - it is best to do this near a fast river. Throw the lock into the current and repeat the spell again.

Ritual with Tarot to open roads

Tarot cards are a powerful magical tool that is used in many rituals. They are often associated only with fortune-telling practice, but this is a mistaken opinion.

A deck of magic cards is used in rituals to open paths. The magician lays out several cards on the table in a certain sequence and describes the resulting picture.

Card magic will tell you how to close all roads to a person, but it is better not to do harm to others so that it does not come back. Do not try to make the layout yourself - trust a professional.

Ritual of opening roads to the egg

The ritual is performed during the waning moon.

Take your photo, a regular chicken egg, candles from the temple (4 pieces) and new sewing needles (also 4 pieces).

Place a photo on the table - in the very center - and place an egg on top. Say the prayer words “Our Father.”

Then you pierce the shell with a needle, forming a cross - do this very carefully and do not rush. Attach candles on top of the needles and light them. Say the following text three times:

“Earthly passions, human slander, failures, contempt and bad luck
I remove the earth from the servant of God (name) and send it to the cheese.
The damp earth cleanses the servant of God (name) and delivers him from troubles. Amen"

When the candles burn out, bury all ritual paraphernalia away from your home.

Rituals and rituals for opening roads have very strong energy, so after them you will need a period of recovery.

Conspiracy to open roads

“I shed burning tears, I mourn my sorrows and misfortunes. There is no way forward for me, it is closed, fenced off, locked with seven locks. I ask water and earth for protection and help. Take away my burning tears and leave only joy in my soul. The candle burns out, takes all the sorrows out of me and lowers me into quick water. Grief floats away irrevocably, but luck smiles at me, beckons me, shows me the path, full of happiness and joy.”

If you turn to the Higher Powers with faith in your soul, the conspiracy to open paths will take effect very soon.

Prayer for opening roads

What prayers can open the paths of life? Let's try to figure it out.

Place icons of the Lord, the Mother of God and your Guardian Angel on the table, and a burning candle next to it. And say the holy prayer:

“Damage, cramps, aches, failures, vanity, an evil word, a slander, a black slander and a slander from the Holy Cross turned to dust, they fell from my paths in life, my paths are clear, my paths are smooth, my roads are wide. The Lord Almighty helps me, the Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life during the days and nights, in the blue evening. I walk along a wide road, I won’t trip over a stone, I won’t fall into a hole. Get away, writhing, damage, tossing, from the path of life, from my wide road. Amen. Amen. Amen"

When the candle burns out, thank Heaven for your help.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Many dangers await a person on the road. When going on a trip by car, train, plane, all people worry. To protect yourself from disaster or danger, prepare and carry out a plot on the road. Then the danger will not affect you and your loved ones. Such conspiracies open the way in your career and personal life.

History of road conspiracies

Conspiracies for a successful path have long roots. The ancestors took the upcoming journey seriously and took it with them and carried out conspiracies. So, it was customary to answer “Where?” with the phrase: “To Kudykina Mountain.” The man did not name his destination, thereby protecting himself from evil spirits who could overhear the conversation and attack along the way.

If you are very superstitious, plan your trip in advance. Carefully study the information about rituals, learn the necessary conspiracies and read prayers during times of severe anxiety.

Do not perform rituals on the road, they can turn against you.

No less important is the tradition of holding a ritual to open roads. The upcoming road was protected from evil forces in this way, and the ritual could also block the enemy’s path. People took with them various amulets, spelled with special words. Today you can open the way for yourself or

Rite for good luck on the road

If you have a long journey ahead (by car or plane), perform a ritual with salt. It protects well from evil forces and helps to avoid troubles. Suitable for business travel plot. One day before the ritual, do not eat meat, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol. On the day you leave home, perform the following ritual:

Before leaving home, take a handful of salt in your left hand.

You need to open the window and look at the road you will be walking on and read the spell:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and leave the house, crossing myself. I will leave the house through the doors, I will go from the doors to the gates, I will go out into an open field, into a wide field. I, servant of God (name), will stand facing the east, with my back to the west. My road ahead will wind and snake, dust will swirl along that road. And I, the servant of God (name), will boldly walk along the road, but I will not know grief. I will only know luck, and at the end of my journey, I will definitely find a reward. And then I can quickly return home, and get in touch without any difficulties. Just as no one can turn over the heavenly chariots, so no one can turn my words away from me. It is said that it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Throw the salt with your left hand over your left shoulder. Attach your hair to the window hinge and say it:

“My hair will be waiting for me home, it will not close its eyes, it will call me to my home from distant lands.”

Carrying out this ritual will save you not only from problems on the road, but also from life’s problems, will help you on a business trip, and will also guarantee a safe journey home.

Ritual to protect a loved one

You can speak the way to your loved one. This is easy to do on your own if he is busy getting ready or does not believe in the power of the conspiracy. This ritual must be performed with a candle:

Place the person's clothes on the chair.

With a lit candle, walk around the chair with clothes. You need to read the plot in a whisper:

“I speak to the servant of God (name) about saving on the road, firmly and firmly for his fate, for his life. Whoever plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, he would not have prevailed over my word, he would not have broken my conspiracy. Which of the evil people would disparage him, and disparage him, and blaspheme, and spoil him, then the word would not be of use, and the point would not be the goal, the knife would break off, the bullet would pass, the poison would wake up, the fire would not flare up, the water would not destroy, the saber would not will cut down. An angel is with him. The Guardian and Preserver, with his wing, will protect him from all enemies and enemies. For the servant of God (name), the path is smooth, good health in separation from me. I lay my curse on him. I testify to every word with a church candle. Amen".

Extinguish the candle and keep it in a secluded place until the person returns.

After he has returned, light a candle in front of the icon and thank it for its protection. Let the candle finish near the icon.

Plots to close roads

This ritual will help forever. It is carried out using a lock and keys. Any lock will do: small, barn or old.

The main thing is that it can be locked with a key. To close you need:

  1. Salt the castle for a day in a dark room.
  2. Light a black candle and rotate the lock shackle counterclockwise.
  3. Read the plot:

“I close (my name) all the paths and roads (indicate the direction) to a person born (his name), baptized (if you know his name), from now on and forever on all four sides, so that there is no path or exit. I’ll take the castle to Buyan Island, under a white-flammable stone. Whoever opens my lock will interrupt my words. Let it be so!"

Close the lock with the key and wrap the lock in foil. Throw it into a river or canal. Wrap the key in foil and throw it away from the house in a trash can.

You also need to “pay” for the ritual - throw some change at the intersection and say:

The closing ritual only affects unwanted guests, but not them. It also involves leading a person off the right path: buying something or intending to go somewhere.

Christmas Eve ritual

They perform a ritual to open all roads. The ritual performed on January 6 is very powerful. It can also be held at Epiphany. The ritual will help in all your endeavors, and next year you will not be haunted by troubles along the way.

You should fast the whole day before the first star appears. When the first star appears in the sky, go outside and start reading the spell on it:

“Take away, Lord, nine arrows from me, from water, a noose, fire, judgment, a knife, a thief, from a slander, from an encroachment on body and blood, and damage to blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual is also called the “conspiracy against nine misfortunes.” They also perform rituals with a person’s watches, bracelets, and rings, charming them into a successful or dangerous path.

The most detailed description: prayer for opening the road in business - for our readers and subscribers.

You can unblock your own energy flows and open up the path to happiness and well-being with the help of proven rituals. In this way, everyone will be able to fulfill their desire and get rid of obstacles on the path of life.

If you have reached a dead end and do not see a way out of this situation, you should think about your true purpose. Think about whether you are doing everything right and whether you are putting in the effort if the road to success is increasingly looking like a windfall. Most likely, the interference is caused by a blocked space that you have the power to open.

Ritual to open the path of life using a lock

Buy a small padlock from the store, bring it home and place it on a blue cloth. Light the wax candle and open the lock. Hold the key in your hands. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I ask the element of water to help me find secret passages, fords and shoals, secret underwater paths. All passages across the rivers are fast, the bridges are shaky and new, so as not to get your feet wet and not to lose yourself in the stream. So that the waves close behind me, cut off sorrows and troubles from me, and clear my path from intrigues. I give you a lock to close my failures. Lock them in an iron cage and don’t let them out forever, so that no one gets into trouble; at the bottom of the river they grow overgrown with mud and remain there.”

Take the lock to the river, lower it into the water and lock it there. Then throw as far as possible. Keep the key for yourself so that no one can ever open the lock with your hex.

Opening the path and attracting good luck at the source

This ritual should be performed at any natural spring or fontanel. To do this, come to the source as early as possible, preferably at dawn, taking a wax candle with you. Light it and tilt it so that the wax falls into the stream. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I shed burning tears, I mourn my sorrows and misfortunes. There is no way forward for me, it is closed, fenced off, locked with seven locks. I ask water and earth for protection and help. Take away my burning tears and leave only joy in my soul. The candle burns out, takes all the sorrows out of me and lowers me into quick water. Grief floats away irrevocably, but luck smiles at me, beckons me, shows me the path, full of happiness and joy.”

Ritual to get rid of obstacles on life's path

For this ritual you will need one thin candle and a blank sheet of paper. Think about all your past mistakes and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your cherished goal. Then light a candle and write the entire list on a piece of paper. Write in detail, not leaving out little details, and pour out all your dissatisfaction and irritation into what you write. Place your “essay” in an envelope and seal it with the last drops of wax from a burnt-out candle. Take the envelope to the forest or park and bury it under an old dried tree or stump with the words:

“Just as a tree dies without water and sheds its leaves, so my troubles, torn from me, dry up without nourishment. There is no more place for grief and sadness in my life. The words are sealed, buried in the ground, no one will get them. A new path in life opens up before me, filled with glory and joy, filled with smiles and happiness.”

These rituals will definitely help you get rid of the black streak that prevents you from developing and realizing your plans and desires. Believe in your strength, and you will definitely be able to overcome all obstacles and discover your path in life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Failures have little to do with behavioral characteristics. Some people live “haphazardly” - and new opportunities constantly open up before them, while others, making every effort, are left with nothing. It's all about energy blocks placed by ill-wishers or the person himself. A conspiracy to open roads is intended to solve the problem. The ritual is quite simple, but at the same time effective.

Who needs a ritual to open roads?

One should turn to magic only when one is sure of the need for it. In particular, people who:

  • for a long time they cannot meet their soul mate and start a family;
  • do not know how to find a common language with others;
  • constantly feel overwhelmed, weak, and emotionally empty;
  • regularly encounter failures even where others are unconditionally lucky;
  • they earn little and at the same time devote a lot of effort and attention to the profession;
  • suffer from chronic diseases, the cause of which cannot be determined.

The signs described above clearly indicate the presence of a problem: something is blocking a person’s success in life, preventing him from receiving the benefits he deserves and determined by fate. There are no 100% unlucky people, so constant troubles are most likely associated with the activity of the destructive program for closing roads. You need to get rid of this influence.

Ritual for opening the roads of life: how and when to read the plot

  • a pair of his old shoes (which were worn only by the ritual operator);
  • basin with water;
  • wax candle.

You need privacy. Nothing should distract from the ritual, so turn off phones and the doorbell. You need to put shoes in a basin and light a candle. It is recommended to hold it above the water while reading the plot:

“My shoe, that walked with me, that led me through troubles, that led me to closed doors, that drove me into dead ends, that did not let me lift my little head, that sent me on empty paths, that drove me onto roads untrodden, you will lie in cold water “Don’t lead me along an overgrown path, don’t call you to me for bad grief, don’t call an evil enemy to me.”

You need to pronounce magic words according to the number of years you have lived. Then the candle is blown out and hidden in the pocket. Water from the basin must be poured outside so that it does not fall on the legs or other part of the body. In this case it should be said:

“The empty dust that obscured my eyes, that did not give my hands any will, get away from me!”

“We walked around the world for a long time, fought against blank walls, came to a distant forest - and then we were separated. For a long time, little shoe, you will stand on an old tree stump, forever guard the goblin and scare the mermaids. And I can walk along the open road, never know any troubles, avoid all the bumps, never end up in a swamp. Walk with good fate by the hand, laugh at sadness, make fun of misfortune.”

You need to turn around and go home without looking back. There you should take a shower and go to bed. At this point the work is considered completed. The road opening ritual demonstrates a gradual effect. During the first two to three weeks, a person will encounter sudden successes and good offers, but they may periodically be replaced by negative events. At some point, the ritual operator will notice that he has begun to easily cope with any troubles, and more and more positive things are entering his life. When the roads are open, people feel light and happy: this is precisely the goal of witchcraft.

plot to open roads

Conspiracy to open all roads

In chapter Magic to the question what are the prayers for opening the road asked by the author Yimur the best answer is Inherited from great-great-aunt Anna

Four candles (black) are installed, oriented to the four cardinal directions.

A church candle is placed in the center (it is a prototype of man)

Take two skeins of natural, but not thick threads. One is red and the other is black.

A loop is made at the end of the red thread, which pulls the northern candle neatly in the middle, then, bypassing the church candle, we pull the thread to the southern candle, bending around it clockwise and returning again to the north, bending around the church candle on the other side.

We make three turns in this way, and at the end we secure the thread on the southern candle with three knots. We do not cut or anneal the thread from the skein. The skein remains tied to the candle, if, of course, we want to use a conspiracy to lengthen the path of a person’s life, and not vice versa. If we want to cut off his path, then a slightly different ritual is performed, although technologically it is performed identically.

As a result, we get a banner in the center of which there is a church candle.

We carry out exactly the same manipulation with the other remaining candles and black thread, pulling from West to East. And we also do three turns. (Note that the skeins remain in the south and east. We want to awaken and increase the rise of strength and capabilities.)

As a result, the church candle is surrounded on four sides by black and red threads. (red color is the sensual side of a person, black is the physical side)

We light the candles in the same sequence, the last one being the church candle.

Candles must be the same length.

During the burning, a plot is read.

On four sides, on four ways

The Chervlennaya hut stands

In that hut the Mother Craftswoman

Yes, the old woman and the girl.

The tow is washed, the tow is scratched and ore is spun.

They drive with a finger, measure out the measure.

The measure is placed evenly

Yes it blows in the wind

Stretches on four sides

tied to four posts

With strong bonds, with a careful share of good (Name)

To anyone born alive from a mother

Those bonds cannot be cut

No empty lesson can destroy them

Neither a hot iron nor a sharpened arrow

Don't spoil it, don't untie it.

All words have been fully spoken and sealed

They were thrown into the wind.

No matter how they are turned back, no one can cancel them.

At the end of a correctly performed ritual, the threads on the candles burn out. As if opening up paths and possibilities, new feelings. The threads are collected into a bundle and twisted, then four knots are made on them and the bundle is folded into a loop, the ends are connected and sealed with wax, and only then are cut from the main skeins. Such a talisman is always worn by a person.

It removes old settings well. Cleansing a person from them. Luck increases or appears.

The most important. In the morning, at dawn, the witch must pick up 4 stones from four paths.

(1 stone from each road).

Not from an intersection, but from four different roads. Symbolic pillars - candles - are installed on them.

Before the ceremony you need to not eat meat and fish for 3 days.

Prayer for opening the road in business

Do what you want

  • Current time: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:40
  • Time zone: UTC+02:00

And before Kolyada - a joint circle to Karachun, we invite you!

Join us and don't forget your new diaries, it's time to work with them!

with Stibog

For good luck and luck, opening of roads.

We read facing east.

"On four sides, from east to west, from north to south, the white light extends,

Paths are joined by paths, paths are multiplied by transitions.

Let the wild, unruly winds walk around the white world,

The sons of Stribog are circling like whirlwinds,

With the power of life they arrive from the east, they collect profits from the west,

They bring joy and happiness from the south, and carry bad things to the north.

Stribog the Great, Veter Vetrovich, I turn to you, father of the heavenly whirlwinds,

I’m dodging you at the waist, asking for help.

Like your sons - the winds, they blow everywhere, they walk, they know no obstacles,

So I (...) the betrothed, from now on, should not stumble on the way, not bump into obstacles,

Walk through life, collect good luck and luck in business,

What you plan comes true, what you decide comes true,

A fair wind accompanies me, leads me to the cherished and desired,

It scatters obstacles, carries it away with the power of Stribog, tears it to shreds,

What closes the roads and prevents my will from happening.

Take away Veter Silovich, melancholy and bad luck, bad luck and failures,

Everything that leads in circles detracts from happiness.

To a good and happy life, brother winds lead me, show me the way,

To prosperity and wealth, happiness and love, without delay on the way, the doors open before me,

Locks are unlocked, they lead to what is planned and desired, they are directed in the right direction,

The power of Stribog helps me, clears the path before me.

And whoever contradicts me (...) and creates obstacles in business,

Whirl fast whirlwinds, twist mighty winds, get me out of my way.

Alcohol, you can scatter flour in the wind.

Everything that drives you in circles takes you away from solving the matter (fulfilling your desire).

Like the winds, brothers are everywhere, they know the world,

So would I (...) betrothed, from this day of this hour,

Find out new paths, walk along them with ease,

Brother winds lead me to the solution of my case/fulfillment of a desire (we say which one),

The path is shown, the doors are opened for me, the locks are unlocked,

They lead you to what you want, they direct you in the right direction,

The power of Stribog helps me, clears the path before me. "

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

The best time to open roads is the days of the solstices and equinoxes, as well as 1 lunar day. but it is also possible for growth. Yes, rituals for opening roads usually remove obstacles that get in the way. but still, the main thing here is the opening of roads, i.e. moving towards something positive for you. Therefore, if you do not want to press the turning points of the year or 1 lunar day, then it is better to do it during a period of growth, not decline.

The hurtful words you say about me -

You are transferring it to yourself.

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires with Stibog

There is a rock in my vicinity, so I stand on it, overlooking the flat terrain, and read...

For special needs, I scatter flour in the wind on 4 sides, they also take vodka)) and white bread well.

I want to try to perform a ritual for family members. Please advise, in this case, is it necessary to have a photo of the person with you when reading, or is it enough to insert his name into the plot and keep the image in mind?

For good luck and fortune, opening of roads, fulfillment of desires with Stibog

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World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...


A person has to go through many roads in life. Some roads are fraught with danger, others portend enrichment at the end of the road, and others are full of obstacles. Everyone chooses for themselves how to live: choose the path themselves at their own peril and risk, or wait until fate itself pushes them. But what to do if, in any case, all the roads that you would not like to take suddenly turn out to be closed? In such a situation, we can talk about damage to road closures.

Damage to closing roads is a favorite revenge on the part of ex-wives, husbands, rejected admirers, offended subordinates and envious colleagues. Its purpose is to cut off all paths for a person. Whatever a person starts to do, wherever he goes, everywhere he is refused, everywhere the roads are closed. This does not allow development and movement. Carrying the burden of damage due to road closures, a person cannot advance his career, start a new business, develop a business, find a soul mate and create a strong family.

A ritual to open all roads can help correct the situation. Let's analyze it in detail.

Why are roads closed?

By birth, every person has a certain number of open roads. He needs these roads; each one can teach something, lead to happiness, or deep disappointment. All this is part of the life path destined for a person by birth.

Some roads are closed, and there are always reasons for this:

*Fate. If a person’s life purpose is in no way connected with one or another path, it will be closed. You can take it for granted that this path is not needed, or you can open it and follow your own scenario, which differs from what the higher powers prescribed. In any case, closed roads can only be opened through ritual.

*Protection. If a person has strong protection (tribal, personal, protection of an egregor, guardian angel), it takes him away from danger. In a situation where, having received a position higher than the existing one, a person will lose his health or become unhappy, the path to a career is blocked. Closing the road in this case is for the benefit of the person, even if he is not always ready to accept it. For the purpose of protection, roads can be closed forever, and the stronger the protection, the more difficult it will be to open this road through a ritual, or they can be closed temporarily until the danger has passed.

*Damage. It is induced more often by those who envy a person, or are ahead of him. One colleague received the position that another colleague had been aiming for for a long time - a reason to close the first one’s path to luck, financial wealth and career. The ex-wife became famous and decided to break up with her less successful husband - a reason to take revenge on her by closing the path to fame and success. If damage to death is carried out by impulsive people at a moment of strong anger, then the ritual of closing roads is a clear, more cynical and well-thought-out action. By smoothing out the corners of a conflict with people capable of causing such harm in a timely manner, damage can be avoided.

*Ancestral curse. Sometimes they also say “birth failure.” This is the case when, from generation to generation, people receive a family curse that blocks some roads (usually success, career, prosperity, financial well-being, recognition). It can be sent to a specific representative of the family and transmitted from him in a direct line, or it can be part of the karma of the clan (when the clan committed actions for which it was punished by higher powers).

When roads are closed to a person, this slows down his life and does not allow development. Lack of movement and changes leads to depression, nervous disorders, and serious illnesses. Only the ritual of opening roads can save a person and prevent him from dying. With his providence, significant changes begin to occur in life, the world again acquires bright colors.

What does the road opening ritual give:

The ritual for opening all roads means magical work that leads to the opening of 7 important roads that allow you to find happiness and a good life.

1. Good luck. When it is opened, successful coincidences appear in life. A person comes to the right place, exactly at the right time. The bus pulls up immediately upon arrival at the stop, and the bosses, by a lucky chance, like the color of the lucky man’s shirt, which allows him to get the boss’s favor at the right time. Even if these successes are not great, in the overall pile they create a successful picture of life. It has long been proven that those who suffer, albeit small, failures, lose self-confidence and become unhappy.

2. Communication skills. This road allows you to get along with people, find the right topics for conversation, and win over you. Walking along this road, a person involuntarily acquires oratorical abilities, his speech becomes bright, confident, and convincing.

3. Fruitful work. This road is necessary for everyone, even those who do household chores. The path of fruitful work does not leave every task unattended. Whatever a person undertakes, walking along it, everything works out well for him. Cleaning the house goes well, drawing up a business plan ends with encouragement from management, the written song resonates with listeners. Closing this road is very dangerous, since a person does not see the fruits of his labor. Even if he puts in more effort than the one whose road is open, he will suffer failure after failure.

4. Spiritual strength. Without this road, it will not be possible to move forward to victory or to the pinnacle of glory. Only the strong in spirit gains success, fame, and recognition. If the goal of life is to achieve something (respect, honor), opening the road is mandatory.

5. Harmonies. When this road is closed, there is an imbalance. All qualities in a person become contradictory, the same happens with thoughts and feelings. The road of harmony brings calmness, prudence, eliminates anxiety and lack of composure.

6. Financial well-being. The road leads to financial enrichment through any activity.

7. Love. Opening the road allows you to find a life partner, while closing it, on the contrary, makes this impossible. If the road was open throughout life, and it was closed by causing damage, even an already established union is destroyed.

Roads open immediately after the ceremony. After this, life changes significantly.

How to perform a ritual to open roads:

The ritual should be performed on the full moon, or for three days after it, while the moon is most active. After sunset you need to go to any intersection.

*four candles of any color.

Standing at a crossroads, place four candles in the four cardinal directions (south, north, west, east). Light them up. Then take the millet in your hands and begin to scatter it in seven different directions, visualizing how the millet draws exactly seven roads.

When all the millet has been scattered and the roads have been drawn, you need to read the words of the opening spell loudly and clearly (replacing the feminine gender with the masculine gender as necessary):

“I got up at dawn, went out onto the southern road, walked along the southern road, crossed to the eastern, from the eastern to the western, from the western to the northern. Across the northern road I came to an intersection, where an old man stood, holding a book in his hands. You tell me, old man, what kind of book is in your hands or are you reading my life, all the roads you open or close. Give me the book, I’ll read it and make my own amendments. To follow the roads for me, and they are all open, to meet difficulties along the way, and they are all surmountable. To stand at the crossroads, and to step on any road. My word will be written on paper, not burned in a flame, not cut out with an ax, but by force, like iron, it will not be broken, so be it!”

It is not necessary to learn the spell by heart; you can copy it onto a piece of paper and read from it.

As soon as the last words of the conspiracy are spoken, you should close your eyes and imagine that seven new roads have been formed from the intersection. Each of these roads is bright, without holes, stones, bumps, without any obstacles. Mentally you need to go along each of the seven roads, returning after to the crossroads. You don’t need to go all the way, just step on it, walk a little and then return back to the intersection and from there follow the rest.

When this is done, you need to open your eyes and say:

“The roads are now open - they will not be closed in the future,

So be it and so be it!”

After this, you need to stay at the intersection until the candles burn out completely. Candle stubs are left right on the road; touching them with hands or feet is prohibited. It doesn't matter which candles you choose. The main rule: so that they do not go out during the ceremony.

It is forbidden to tell anyone about the ritual, even to those closest and dearest by blood.

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Ritual to open roads using a lock

Obstacles on the way are not always bad: how many cases have there been when people were late for a plane or a bus, and then found out that something terrible had happened... Here, an obstacle served as a talisman, it protected against bad fate.
But if there is a feeling that you have been driven into a corner, that no matter what you try to do, there is a refusal everywhere, everywhere is closed, busy, etc. The space around you is definitely energetically blocked. Perhaps this did not happen without outside help. There is only one way out - to carry out a ritual to open the roads.

She closed the lock and opened the door for herself.

A very simple and effective ritual on the open road is performed with a lock. It must be completely new. Buy a small lock and three red wax candles.
When you come home, open the lock. Place it on the table. Place the keys to the castle nearby. Light the candles and read:

Show me, river, the bright shallows, the secret fords, all your approaches, all your bridges! So that I (name) will not be afraid of deep water, so that black troubles will pass, so that the road will be kind to me, so that sorrows and anxieties will disappear. Place, O river, the dashing share in an iron cage, don’t forget to lock it with the right key!
To me (name) - honey and sweetness, to all villains - fly in the ointment. And it will be like this forever. Amen!

Repeat the text until the candles go out on their own. When the flame goes out, smear the lock with honey, close it and immediately take it to the fast river.
Standing on the shore, repeat the cherished words three times and throw the castle into the water. And so that the river will surely carry away your misfortunes, throw it a handful of coins.
The set of keys will remain with you: always carry one with you, hide the rest in your house so that no one can ever find them.

Just as spring water is pure, so is my life bright, carefree and easy.

This ritual opens up more difficult paths. But its action is also more interesting. Having completed this ritual, you will open roads for yourself and invite good luck.
Go to any holy spring in the pre-dawn hour. The place should be open, so that both the edge of the earth and the waking sun can be seen. Yes, you are not the only one to go there. I need company - a rabbit. Alive. Preferably, meek.
Take with you:

  • large saucepan;
  • ritual knife (you can just use a new one);
  • a spacious long shirt made of natural fabric (preferably linen) for yourself and something similar for the rabbit.

The ritual is performed in these clothes on a naked body, hair is combed and loose, there is no jewelry. Everything should be as simple as possible and open to closer contact with Nature.
Place the rabbit on the ground with its face facing east. There should be an open space around it 3-5 meters in diameter.
Fill a pan with water from a source and place it to the right of the rabbit.
Now you need to slowly walk around the animal in a circle counterclockwise, sticking the knife with the blade towards the animal. First in front of his pug, then to the left, behind and to the right.
Stick a knife in and read without taking your eyes off the animal:

As the clear Sun rises to the east, and there are no obstacles or barriers to it,
So your life (name) has a clear path.
How strong and strong is the Mother of cheese, the Earth,
So your life (name) is fortress and strength.
How the ore of the earth flows freely - the water of the underground,
So your life (name) cannot be turned around, it cannot be stopped.
How the running clouds swirl Veter Silovich
And there is no obstacle or opponent for him,
So your life (name) will have neither obstacles nor opponents.
How can I say strong words,
So your life (name) is a shield and peace.
Key. Lock. Yes, it's a strong word.

We go around the animal three times. At the end of the third approach, you need to bow to the ground, touching your forehead to the ground, your arms should be crossed on your chest with a cross, holding the knife. At this moment the sun should rise. It is very important!
Wash the blade in the pan, lift the rabbit on its hind legs, spread its front legs, forming a cross. Turning your gaze to the rising luminary, say:

My time has come, my sun has risen!
Everything that was mine came back.

Shout until the solar disk appears in all its glory. See the whole sun - again go around the rabbit three times counterclockwise, splashing water from the pan, quietly and quickly saying:

Don’t stand across (name), don’t interfere, don’t poke any dirty tricks at him.
Neither weak nor strong, neither young nor old,
Not a sorcerer, not a witcher, not a woman or a man.
Whoever crosses (name) will fall on his face,
He will become like a feather grass,
Cinders from the ashes and an empty ear.
Closed, closed, whoever needs it - returned,
By the help and power of Wind, Water, Mother of the damp Earth.

When you’ve finished, silently bow to the sun, the forest and the stream, and in the same way, without saying a word, go home.
From now on, luck will become your constant companion. She will open the right doors and show the best path.

We will try to answer the question in detail: a strong prayer to open your paths on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

What prayers are read on the way to yourself and your family?

Reading a prayer before traveling was previously considered a prerequisite for a safe journey. But even today such a ritual should hardly be neglected. After all, reading a prayer, you begin to understand that God is protecting you. There are many different prayers, so choosing the one that is closest in meaning for each specific case is not difficult.

Prayer to the Saints for well-being on the journey

Prayer to the Saints for well-being along the way, first of all, is needed in order to find inner peace that the trip will end safely and no extreme situations will arise throughout the journey.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the most powerful, since he is considered the patron saint of all travelers. This is due to the fact that this Saint traveled a lot during his lifetime and often found himself in unpleasant situations. Therefore, before a long journey, you should order a prayer service in the temple.

You need to pray on your own before the road in front of the icon of the Saint, but the remarkable thing is that you can do this anywhere.

The text of the prayer should be said like this:

A short daily prayer for good luck when work involves travel

For people whose activities involve travel, you can use a short daily prayer for good luck. It allows drivers to protect themselves from a variety of unforeseen situations that may occur on the road. In addition, such a prayer calms and appropriately sets one on the road, sharpening the necessary natural reactions.

The text of the short daily prayer to be read in the morning is as follows:

Muslim prayers

Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world around us happens according to the will of God. Therefore, they turn to Allah in a variety of everyday situations. Of course, prayer before the road is obligatory according to the Muslim faith. Such a prayer calls for good luck on the journey and gives hope for a successful completion of the trip.

Most often, before boarding a vehicle or before leaving the house, the following prayer words are said:

The pre-trip prayer should be said in Arabic, but it should be understood that when translated it means the following:

Driver's Prayer

The driver's prayer is a powerful protective tool. Therefore, you must read it before setting off.

Prayer for novice drivers

With the help of prayer, a novice driver will create a positive aura around himself and gain confidence, which is very necessary for driving a vehicle.

The words of the prayer appeal are as follows:

Prayer for those setting off on a road trip by car (for truck drivers)

A driver who sets off on a journey must recite a prayer. The following prayer must first be written on paper and kept near your body on the way. And before setting off on a journey, you need to read it, but so that no one hears.

The protective prayer appeal sounds like this:

Prayer for a car driver from Vanga

The famous healer Vanga offered her prayer for good luck, which can be used by the driver before setting off.

Charms for cars - the driver’s prayer on the icon and keychains

Keychains on which special prayers are written are considered strong amulets for the driver. Such items can be purchased, but in order for them to acquire magical protective powers, they must be charged with special words.

So, you should pick up an icon or keychain with a prayer and say:

Orthodox prayers for travelers

There are strong prayers to certain Saints that will become reliable protection on the road.

A strong prayer to the Mother of God preparing for a long journey

A person who is going on a long journey can use the following powerful prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey by land and sea

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors, so when going on a tour, be sure to read this prayer.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for safe movement on the waters to Barlaam of Keret

A strong protective prayer sounds like this:

Prayer before departure on an air trip by plane

Flying on an airplane is stressful for many people. Therefore, before setting off on a plane trip, it is necessary to read a strong Orthodox prayer, which will allow you to calm down.

The text of the prayer appeal is as follows:

Prayer to protect relatives on the road

Prayers are often read with the goal of making the journey of one’s loved ones safe. These are very effective prayers, but they must be read sincerely.

Mother's prayer for children (for son, for daughter)

Due to their effectiveness, prayers for mothers on the road for their children are very popular.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

Prayer-amulet for a beloved husband from his wife

When a wife sends her husband on the road, as a rule, she experiences emotional distress. But if she prays for her husband’s successful journey, she will not only protect him from all unpredictable situations, but will also reassure herself.

Prayer on the road for the traveler and driver

Any trip, regardless of its purpose and method of transportation, is associated with risk. Christians can overcome their fears and protect themselves from possible disaster with the help of prayers. To ensure that nothing happens to you, before leaving or flying, take some time to read sacred texts and work with your own spirit. If you have time, you can make a talisman or just take a prayer book with you.

Alas, even with the most serious driver behind the wheel, it is easy to get into an accident in a car, the culprit of which will be another person. Feeling safe on an airplane requires strong faith. Ask for heavenly help before your trip, and good luck along with a calm mood will be with you.

How to Prepare for Prayer

It is best if the prayer is said before the images in the temple, after confession and communion. You must prepare in advance for going on a long journey. But sometimes the need to get going urgently forces us to neglect this rule. You can perform the ritual at home, in front of the home iconostasis. Light the candles and read the text of the prayer three times, focusing on your request.

Relatives and loved ones have the right to pray for other travelers, those who did not have time to read the prayer before setting off on the road. Spiritual intimacy allows you to achieve the necessary mood. Give your son or daughter a talisman with you - an akathist to St. Nicholas. This small collection of prayer stories will help you out in difficult times.

The process of reading a prayer charges a person with positive energy. So that God will always be with you, remember him more often. While reciting sacred texts and reading the Bible, a person remembers that he is under reliable protection. This is why prayer for a long journey is so effective.

Strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer for the road to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most powerful. During his lifetime, the saint saved sailors from death who almost suffered from the elements of the sea. For this he was recognized as the patron saint of all travelers and sailors. Have you seen the icon on the dashboard of taxi drivers? Surely this is an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on the way. Their work involves long daily trips, during which fatigue and confusion can occur. The Christian faith helps taxi drivers come to their senses and concentrate on the road. Prayer will also help you, ordinary people who have to spend part of their lives on the road.

A prayer to Nicholas is good if you read it before leaving, but you can do it on the way. Carry a small amulet icon with you and memorize the text of the prayer. If you don’t remember, just sincerely ask for support and protection from the Almighty, pray to the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and all the saints you remember.

If previously almost everyone had their own confessor, now you have to help yourself, hang a talisman in your car and pray on the road. Receiving a blessing on the road is not so easy. To do this, you need to know exactly the dates of departure and return, and get to the church in advance.

Long journey prayers for the driver

If you are a driver yourself and are used to spending a significant part of your time on the road, it would be a good idea to find and learn a special prayer. This may be a petition to the Wonderworker, but shorter texts-appeals are also suitable, for example, to the Mother of God:

Effective prayer on the road against accidents

The driver’s prayer is no different from the conversion of a simple believer. He just needs to be more attentive and say these protective words more often. Remember that idle talk on the road does not lead to anything good. Don't get angry at your fellow travelers, don't insult your colleagues, and don't gossip about those left at home. You need to have a talisman in your car that will protect you from unpleasant accidents and ward off bad luck.

Prayer to the Lord that the road will be easy

Despite the fact that the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most common, other ancient texts are known that still save lives. Among these, the prayer to the Honest Cross, addressed to the Lord, stands out:

To the Comforter Father is also short, but very strong:

Using these short prayers, you, with the help of true faith, protect yourself from a catastrophe that can destroy the destinies of many people. Calmness, absence of panic and confidence in a happy meeting with loved ones at the destination are the most necessary things for a long journey. The driver's prayer must be filled with real faith, which binds Christians around the world.

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Roads seem dangerous to us, airplane flights are full of unforeseen circumstances, traveling on the high seas is akin to a crazy act. There is no need to be afraid of the road, because it is given to us not for panic, but for reflection. Time on the road passes slowly, so that we can think about our sinful lives, realize some things for which there is no time among everyday affairs. We need the road in order to realize the power of the amulet you took from home in a foreign world full of unpredictable turns.

Before departure, prepare not only physically, mentally, but also spiritually. It is never superfluous to visit a church, find out from the Holy Father what prayers there are for a long journey, learn them and read them in front of the icons. Don’t think about the fact that people die in disasters every day. Create a space of peace within yourself, focus on the goal of the path, resort to the help of faith, and everything will end well.

Where God tells me to go, and the Mother of God directs me, let me go all the way. Immediately after saying this prayer, go to bed without washing the symbol off your finger.

Before setting off on a long journey. Prayer with a candle will also help to completely reset the car’s energy remaining from the previous owner.

Conspiracies to open roads: how to find your path in life

You can unblock your own energy flows and open up the path to happiness and well-being with the help of proven rituals. In this way, everyone will be able to fulfill their desire and get rid of obstacles on the path of life.

If you have reached a dead end and do not see a way out of this situation, you should think about your true purpose. Think about whether you are doing everything right and whether you are putting in the effort if the road to success is increasingly looking like a windfall. Most likely, the interference is caused by a blocked space that you have the power to open.

Ritual to open the path of life using a lock

Buy a small padlock from the store, bring it home and place it on a blue cloth. Light the wax candle and open the lock. Hold the key in your hands. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I ask the element of water to help me find secret passages, fords and shoals, secret underwater paths. All passages across the rivers are fast, the bridges are shaky and new, so as not to get your feet wet and not to lose yourself in the stream. So that the waves close behind me, cut off sorrows and troubles from me, and clear my path from intrigues. I give you a lock to close my failures. Lock them in an iron cage and don’t let them out forever, so that no one gets into trouble; at the bottom of the river they grow overgrown with mud and remain there.”

Take the lock to the river, lower it into the water and lock it there. Then throw as far as possible. Keep the key for yourself so that no one can ever open the lock with your hex.

Opening the path and attracting good luck at the source

This ritual should be performed at any natural spring or fontanel. To do this, come to the source as early as possible, preferably at dawn, taking a wax candle with you. Light it and tilt it so that the wax falls into the stream. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I shed burning tears, I mourn my sorrows and misfortunes. There is no way forward for me, it is closed, fenced off, locked with seven locks. I ask water and earth for protection and help. Take away my burning tears and leave only joy in my soul. The candle burns out, takes all the sorrows out of me and lowers me into quick water. Grief floats away irrevocably, but luck smiles at me, beckons me, shows me the path, full of happiness and joy.”

Ritual to get rid of obstacles on life's path

For this ritual you will need one thin candle and a blank sheet of paper. Think about all your past mistakes and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your cherished goal. Then light a candle and write the entire list on a piece of paper. Write in detail, not leaving out little details, and pour out all your dissatisfaction and irritation into what you write. Place your “essay” in an envelope and seal it with the last drops of wax from a burnt-out candle. Take the envelope to the forest or park and bury it under an old dried tree or stump with the words:

“Just as a tree dies without water and sheds its leaves, so my troubles, torn from me, dry up without nourishment. There is no more place for grief and sadness in my life. The words are sealed, buried in the ground, no one will get them. A new path in life opens up before me, filled with glory and joy, filled with smiles and happiness.”

These rituals will definitely help you get rid of the black streak that prevents you from developing and realizing your plans and desires. Believe in your strength, and you will definitely be able to overcome all obstacles and discover your path in life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and