Shower      06/16/2022

How to make a pen: a step-by-step master class for making a ballpoint pen with your own hands. Wooden door handles DIY wood handles

A simple instruction for making bent wooden handles for furniture. You can make them from any type of wood, any shape and size. And most importantly - there is no need to use complex tools. It's really easy even for beginner woodworkers.

1. Prepare wood bending templates

You can use plywood for templates. However, any material that you have on hand will do.

2. Make blanks for pens

Cut the strips of blanks in accordance with the required dimensions. The thickness depends on the complexity of the shape: the smaller the bending radius, the thinner the wooden blank should be. In this example, the thickness of the walnut strip is slightly less than 4 mm.

3. Steaming wood

Now the wooden blanks must be steamed in hot water or steamed. Take an ordinary pot of a suitable size, boil water, put strips of blanks there. Reduce the heat and "cook" the blanks for 5 minutes. After "boiling", the wood will become elastic and take any shape that remains after cooling and drying. Add salt and pepper to taste. And do not forget to put a bay leaf - this will give your pens a piquancy and a sophisticated aroma)))

4. Part bending

After you have "welded" the blanks, quickly place them in the bending mold and clamp them with clamps. Leave them alone for a couple of days.

The handle for opening the door was invented a long time ago. Its occurrence is associated with the installation of a doorway in the room. Similar elements were simply superimposed on the existing canvas. Gradually they fell out of use, they were replaced by more modern versions, representing samples of mortise structures.

As a result of changing the latch mechanism, the external indicators of the door began to look more advantageous. In addition, the convenience of such a device should be highlighted. How to make a doorknob? To answer this question, you can study the material below.

Taking into account the manufacturing process of this component, it is worth highlighting the fact that the handles for entrance doors are a more complex base compared to interior options. They are more impressive in size and require the possession of locksmith skills.

The whole difficulty of such work lies in the fact that if installed incorrectly, within the framework of the slightest inaccuracies, the structure can warp and jam. For this reason, installation work should be entrusted only to specialists.

Modern manufacturers make handles of any configuration, color and from different materials. A device for closing interior doors may have a latch, a lock with a simple mechanism, or a fixing part. Almost all samples have standard landing dimensions. Mounting such options is not particularly difficult.

Handle assembly: features

How to make a pen? Many consumers want the element delivered once to serve for a long time and not bring inconvenience and breakdowns. If, nevertheless, such a nuisance happened, the structure should be disassembled and carefully examined. There will be a body, a device for turning, a retaining ring, a twist spring, a key washer. All broken parts must be replaced.

Undamaged elements must be reinstalled and thoroughly tightened with a screwdriver. Next, the finished handle is installed in the door body.

Preparatory activities

On the eve of installation work, you should take care of the availability of certain devices. Then the work will be organized, planned and efficient. Putting this element in its place is not difficult at all, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic installation rule.

In order for the event to go quickly, it is important to prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • drill feather type 22 mm;
  • crown for wood 50 mm.

It will be difficult to do without this set of devices.

Door handle installation

Once a suitable handle option has been selected, it can be put in place. To do this, first measure the distance from the bottom of the door to the border, equal to 90-100 cm. These indicators should vary based on the convenience of the owner. The main indicators will be the anthropometric indicators of the residents, their height.

Marking is done with a square. It is also necessary to sharpen the pencil well. They draw a clear line, and along it, applying a square, a distance of 60 mm is measured. The point is fixed with an awl. Then you can make marks on the opposite side of the door. Similar measurements are taken from the back of the door.

Usually in the set, overlay templates are attached to the handles. Their absence gives grounds for their independent production. On the end part is the middle and a hole is made for the tongue of the lock.

This opening should correspond to 5 cm, the perpendicularity of the base should be clearly maintained. The latch is applied to the door, the tongue should be shown above the end part. You should mark the place for drilling the hole for the handle and make a recess of 6-7 cm. It will connect with the recess for the lock tongue.

This part of the structure is pushed into the opening intended for it, and a point is fixed for the front plate of the snap-in device. This place is machined with a chisel 2 mm deep. The same recess is constructed at the place where the door frame is attached.

The door handle, according to the instructions, is disassembled. First, a latch is fixed on the door. Then the base of the handle is placed and fastened to the door array with screws. To assemble this door element, you must follow the reverse order. Put in place, it must have a strong base and rotate without difficulty. The latch should freely enter and exit the grooves.

The presence of even minor problems gives grounds for examining the installed structure: the evenness of the definition of the locking elements, the degree of tightening of the fasteners.

Door handles for interior doors

The main materials used for the manufacture of such elements will be aluminum, brass, stainless steel, silumin. Brass is the most common choice. Any door handle has a coating, you can select nickel and chrome with a matte finish.

As a decoration, not only metal is suitable, but also natural woods, glass treated with chemical components. Handles made of precious metals look especially luxurious and pompous. Of course, their cost will be high. These samples are made to order.

There are situations in which a handle is made on the door installed between the rooms, designed for the front door. This choice is not accidental: the elements of such a plan are distinguished by a longer warranty period. When installing the handle on the door, it is important to focus on ease of use and the presence of a return spring. It contributes to the fact that the device independently returns it to its original place.

Making wooden handles

On the main part of modern doors you can see metal fittings. Wood handles are a thing of the past. However, such an element of the door leaf can be made on its own.

To do this, stock up on a pencil, which makes markings on a piece of wood. Typically, such elements have an arcuate, slightly rounded configuration, at the ends they have flat plates. They are designed for a mounting base attached to the web. They can contain decorative elements. To do this, you can successfully apply a special putty for wood, consisting of sawdust and PVA glue. Its cost is low.

To begin with, a wooden blank is being prepared, on which the silhouette of the future pen is applied with a pencil.

The product is cut along the contour. After that, the base is ground with an emery cloth, then polished. Often, to give the object a beautiful shade, varnish is processed, the color of which matches the tone of the door. The dried handle is fixed on the door with small screws.

Bath door handle

The bath seems to be an unusual and original room, which is decorated in a peculiar way. Traditionally, this type of building has a wooden base. The same goes for door handles. After all, products of this nature are completely safe in terms of stability and constancy of the material.

Wood is unable to heat up strongly at high temperatures, and it is not possible to burn yourself on it. For this room, hardwood materials are best suited. They do not emit resins, respectively, the hands will not stick. So, linden as a base is very malleable, plastic, and easy to process. Such a handle will be very pleasant to the touch, warm.

Considering wooden handles, it is important to note the ease of their manufacture, external beauty and originality. They can last indefinitely and are even better than the individual options available on the market.

For the manufacture of such samples, a lathe, a block of wood and special-purpose glue are needed. As a natural species, it is best to choose birch.

On the eve of the carpentry work, you should consider the appearance of the presented product. The edges of such handles must be even and smooth and have a width of 20 mm. They fit into the handle holes.

Making a door handle on a lathe is not difficult at all. To do this, the workpiece is carefully turned, unnecessary elements are removed from it. As soon as the base is completely ready, it is necessary to process the edges with an emery cloth. Next, holders are made in the calculation of 2 pieces per handle. Once they have been processed, they are sawn from the wood and separated. Through holes are made in them, designed for fasteners. The handle is glued to the holders.

The finished product can be coated with a special compound or varnish, or you can leave it like that. Also on the surface it is quite possible to apply a carved pattern, burning with a special device.

All products of such a plan loosen over time, open and close with difficulty. Modern handles are held on by screws. It happens that it is enough to tighten them so that the structure acquires its former properties. To do this, use a screwdriver.

First, the latch is removed. To do this, take a narrow screwdriver. This part suits her. The screws must be tightened very carefully to avoid breakage of the door handle. The door opens slightly and is clamped on both sides with screws. Next, the fittings are well held, and the fixing screws are firmly screwed in. The handle, together with the body, is inserted into place.

Wood is not only a versatile and popular building material. In everyday life, wooden objects are used everywhere and constantly, especially since wood is a very easy-to-work material. Do-it-yourself wooden handle for a knife is not at all such a difficult task as it seems at first glance.

Handle types

A wooden handle for a folding or regular kitchen model should be comfortable first of all. Actually, this is the attractiveness of making it yourself: you can make a handle of any configuration, any size suitable for your hand and soak it with any composition.

In self-manufacturing, 2 types of wooden handles are most often used:

  • mounted - a cavity is formed at the end of the product, into which a blade with a narrow shank is fixed. The handle at the same time is a single unit and is very resistant to damage. A folding knife cannot be made this way;
  • invoice - suitable for blades with a wide shank. In this case, the handle consists of two parts that are superimposed on the blade. The handle is heavier, which allows you to balance the wide blade. For a kitchen knife, for example, this is important. A folding model is always an invoice type. The photo shows a set for a folding version.

Materials and tools

To make a kitchen knife with a wooden handle, you need to select the right wood, process, impregnate, embed parts and fix in the chosen way. This will require such materials.

  • Wood - as a rule, wood with an original texture and pattern is chosen so that the product is attractive, as in the picture. With this preference is given to hard and durable species - oak, walnut, maple. It is more difficult to cut a handle from such wood, but the result will last a long time. In any case, the wood must be selected dry - no more than 12-15% moisture, and must be treated with antiseptics.
  • The blade itself is purchased ready-made. For manufacturing, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the shank and the weight of the blade.
  • Fasteners - for kitchen knives with a push-in handle, epoxy resin is used. To attach the attached handle, you needed a brass or copper bar of the desired diameter.
  • Impregnation - the product must be impregnated with a suitable composition. Most often, linseed oil or a special dish varnish is used. It is necessary to impregnate the handle not only in order to give it a beautiful shine: the composition protects the wood from moisture. How to impregnate the wooden handle of a knife depends on the type of product.
  • Tool - as a rule, a set is quite ordinary: cutters, planer, hacksaw. However, to speed up the process, you can resort to electric models.

How to make a handle

To make a pen, you need some experience with wood.

At the same time, this work is quite suitable for a beginner to practice.

  1. The tree must be impregnated with an antiseptic before work.
  2. With a hacksaw or electric jigsaw, a workpiece of a suitable shape is cut out of wood. If this is the first test, it is better to do without recesses for the fingers, but if you already have experience, you can choose the most optimal configuration. At the first stage, the workpiece has only an approximate shape, then its shape is brought to perfection with a cutter and a hacksaw. How to process the wooden handle of a knife depends on the skill and desire of the master.
  3. The finished workpiece is treated with sandpaper to perfect smoothness.
  4. At the end of the product, a groove for the blade is drilled. The depth depends on the weight of the blade. The shank should easily sit on the handle. In the photo - the formation of the groove.
  5. Then the product is treated, for example, with linseed oil. Oil is poured into a small saucepan, put in a water bath, and the workpiece is immersed in impregnation and held until air bubbles stop appearing.
  6. The wooden handle is left to dry.
  7. Prepare epoxy - according to the instructions. It is mixed with sawdust, and the cavity of the handle is filled with resin.
  8. The blade is inserted into the cavity, following the correct position, and left to dry for a day. In order not to stain the product, and the epoxy resin is rubbed off with great difficulty, the blade is wrapped with tape, as in the picture.

The overhead model for a folding knife is made a little differently. Here, the tool kit will include rivets and a vise.

  1. The rough workpiece is held in a vise and cut into 2 parts. Then both parts are brought to perfection using cutters and sandpaper.
  2. Assemble the product: the blade is placed between the parts of the handle. Mark the attachment points and drill holes through the workpiece. In this way, a perfect match of the holes is achieved.
  3. Then, a rivet is made from a rod with a diameter that matches the diameter of the hole.
  4. The blanks are treated with oil according to the technology described above.
  5. Epoxy resin is applied to the inside of the parts, shank and rivets. Collect the product and tightly wrap it with tape.
  6. In a day, the handle should be ready. If necessary, it is cleaned of excess epoxy.

In the video, the manufacture of the handle with your own hands is covered in more detail.

Making handles on a lathe can be both fun and a great way to start working with wood. Turning fountain pens will require a small investment - about $200 if you already have a lathe and cutters, or in the region of $600-800 if you start from scratch, and you can do this even in a small room the size of a pantry. You simply purchase a mechanism kit for the knobs, machine the body out of wood (or a multi-colored composite) and press the components together. With a little practice, you can easily make a pen in less than an hour.

We will show you how to make the most typical do-it-yourself pen.

You can vary the shape of the turned elements to your liking, and the process of making almost any set is the same. Well then, let's get started!


1. Cut two pieces of wood about 3 mm longer than the metal handle cylinders from your kit. Mark the blanks so that you can then position them relative to each other in the same way (photo A).

2. Drill a hole in the center of each workpiece, equal in diameter to the cylinder of the handle (photo B).

3. For better bonding, go over the cylinder with 100 grit sandpaper to remove polish or dirt. Use medium viscosity cyanoacrylate (instant) glue to secure the rod in each piece of wood (Photo C). After the glue has dried, cut each end of the wooden blanks (photo D).

Moving on to turning

1. Insert the chuck into the lathe head of the lathe and fit the handle blanks and suitable bushings onto the axle, in the order shown in photo E. Attach the other end of this assembly to the tapered shank (photo F).

2. Set the machine speed to 2500 rpm and round the body of the workpiece (photo G-J). For the Slimline mechanism, we made it equal in diameter to the handle components (8mm). Smoothly sand the body of the pen with sandpaper - first 220 grit, then 600.


Assemble the handle by pressing the mechanism components into wooden cylinders with glued bushings (glue is no longer required for this) using one of the tools shown here: clamps, a vice or a handle assembly press (photos K, L, M).


The direction of the fibers matters. To make the handle more beautiful, it is necessary to maintain the direction of the wood fibers on both parts: to do this, mark both segments of the workpiece with a line across the middle cut.

Clamp the workpiece in the jaws of the center drilling vise, secure the vise with a clamp on the drilling machine and drill through the workpiece (Also, the workpiece can be held with hand held wooden clamps).

Glue quickly. Apply three thin strips of instant adhesive evenly along half the length of the cylinder. Insert it into the workpiece to its full length, turning it in the direction of travel. This must be done quickly, as most instant adhesives set in 15 seconds.

Trim the blanks flush. Using a drill press and a cylinder trimmer that matches the cylinder's inside diameter, cut the piece of wood flush with the end of the cylinder. This will ensure even ends and clean the cylinder from traces of glue.

Choose the right machine parts. The 60° taper shank fits perfectly into the tapered end of this chuck. A variant of the cup shank, which usually has a pointed tip, is less suited to the cartridge because it does not fit snugly; as a result, both the tip of the shank and the cartridge itself may be damaged.

Handle body recess. Using a turning (rounding) cutter, turn both workpieces to a cylindrical shape, slightly larger in diameter than the final size. Then fine-tune the workpiece by removing the thinnest chips and holding the back of the workpiece with your fingers to prevent it from buckling. Continue working until you reach the desired diameter and shape. After you have carved a few handles, the adapters/spacers (bushings) may shrink slightly in diameter due to contact with cutters and sandpaper. Therefore, do not rely on the diameter of the bushings as a sample - periodically measure the diameter of the wooden parts to match the diameter of the components of the handle mechanism.

Bring to shine. After sanding, apply a polishing paste (such as Mylands friction polish) to the wood and polish the parts with a clean paper towel. Do not use cloth for this as it may wrap around rotating parts. Paper napkins in this case will simply tear.

Align the parts with respect to each other. Upon completion of polishing, remove the wooden cylinders from the cartridge and put them on a brush (for example, for cleaning a smoking pipe), orienting them relative to each other according to the pattern of wood fibers. This will help to correctly position the parts during further assembly.

Start with a tip. Press the tip of the fountain pen all the way into the front end of one of the cylinders, seating it on the shoulders.

Install the swivel mechanism. Insert the slewing mechanism from the other end of the same cylinder until the indented line lines up with the end of the cylinder.

The final stage. Insert a metal pommel (and clip if included) into the top end of the second cylinder and press them together. Then, insert the ink cartridge into the rotary mechanism, put on the center spacer ring, and connect the two parts of the cylinder with your hands, making sure that the grain pattern matches.


To get started, you will need the following tools and supplies

Lathe. Get the biggest model you can afford on a budget so that you can take on other turning projects as you improve your skills. We recommend a medium sized benchtop machine (12-inch) that will be able to grind pans up to 305mm in diameter. It is possible that you will never need other machines. Turning cutters. Start with at least two incisors: a peeled reyer (rounded) and a detachable one. Add other cutters as needed, such as a joint and half-inch spindle cutter, or a half-inch pot cutter for turning vessels and plates.

Grinder. Use it to sharpen your incisors. Purchase models with a 150 or 200 mm grinding disc; either low speed (1725 rpm) or variable speed motor.

Scroll chuck. It holds the wood blank in the machine while you are turning one or another shape. Buy one morse taper chuck that fits your machine. Also buy adapters / spacers (bushings) that will allow you to grind handles in this cartridge.

Cylinder Facing Kit. It will be used for even trimming the ends of wooden blanks after gluing metal cylinders.

A regular pen is easy to buy at any store. But it is almost impossible to buy an exclusive handmade pen, and if you can, then in very expensive boutiques and for a lot of money. Ordinary people cannot afford such expenses. But to make it yourself from an ordinary piece of wood and small fixtures is possible. At the same time, the pen will be a wonderful author's gift that everyone will appreciate.

In the video you can see how to create such a wooden handle

To create a pen, we need:
- two metal tubes;
- rod;
- mechanism for the handle;
- wooden forms;
- sandpaper;
- glue;
- lathe.

Let's get to work. first of all, we clean our metal tubes with a small piece of sandpaper.

After both tubes are cleaned, carefully coat them with glue on the outside and insert them into wooden blanks.

If you don’t have such forms, then it’s easy to make them yourself, just take a small piece of wood, which will be slightly larger in diameter than the planned thickness of the handle and drill a hole exactly in the center, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the metal tubes so that they fit snugly into workpiece. The length of the blank must be the same as the length of the tube, this is an important condition for work.

When the tubes are glued inside the blanks, we put them on a lathe for further processing.

We turn on the machine and proceed to the processing of wooden forms, giving them the necessary shape, which will be the handle.

After the required shape and desired dimensions are reached, we rub the wood with special impregnation and varnish so that it lasts as long as possible.

We remove the base of the handle from the lathe. Now it remains to assemble the handle.

First, insert the tip of the future pen into one of the blanks and press it until it clicks into the base. After that, we also fasten the connection for two blanks in the same way. The so-called jumper or thread, which will connect the two parts of the blanks into a whole.

Insert the rod and check its location.

Then we insert a cap into the second blank, which will close the rod, and also press it into the tree.

After that, it remains only to insert the ink, the spring and tighten the pen.

The wooden pen is ready, you can check how comfortable it will be to hold it in your hand and write with it.