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How to become a vegetarian, where to start with your diet. Beginning vegetarians - joining a new world. Being a vegan is much more expensive than being a meat eater

Reading time: 5 min

Every day more and more people refuse to eat animal products. But in order for the decision to become a vegetarian to bring benefits and not damage to the body, you need to carefully prepare for the transition. How to do it, LifeGid I found out from a nutritionist, member of the Association of Dietitians of Ukraine Oksana Skitalinskaya.

Share and eat: all types of vegetarianism

Often, having decided to become a vegetarian, people are faced with a choice - which food system to follow?
After all, traditionally vegetarians are people who do not eat meat, including fish and sea animals. In fact, this power system has many branches. For example, ovo-vegetarianism involves the consumption of eggs. At lacto-vegetarianism you can eat dairy products. Lacto-ovo vegetarians consume eggs and dairy products. And here pesco-vegetarians The only animal products they eat are fish. A less common subspecies is pollo-vegetarianism: People eliminate red meat but eat chicken. The most severe branch is veganism: a person eats exclusively fruits, vegetables, berries, grains and seeds. And the most radical form is raw food diet: in this case, only raw, not thermally processed plant products (mainly fresh fruits and vegetables) are consumed.

Pollo-vegetarians do not eat red meat, but do eat chicken.

Becoming a vegetarian - pros and cons

What are the benefits of vegetarianism? First, plant-based vegetarians get different types of fiber. Fiber is the main food product for intestinal microflora. If we eat healthy foods, our gut microorganisms produce valuable substances, such as so-called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which protect the body from cancer and inflammatory diseases.

Secondly, fresh vegetables and fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is necessary for the good functioning of the immune system and the synthesis of collagen - an element of youth.

Thirdly, vegetarians get pigments of all colors of the rainbow from berries, fruits and vegetables. They have strong anti-inflammatory properties, improve the functioning of cells and many enzymes, and protect DNA from damage and mutations.

Vegetarians also, due to the use of minimal amounts of preservatives and “eats” typical for meat products, have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and oncology - and this has already been scientifically proven!

But, like any other non-traditional nutrition system, vegetarianism has its drawbacks. If we talk about classic vegetarianism (when only meat and fish are excluded from the diet), then such a diet will be beneficial in most cases. “Moreover, lacto-ovo vegetarianism is the most optimal nutrition for people after 40-50 years,” says Oksana Skitalinskaya. But before the age of 25, you shouldn’t experiment with giving up certain foods: a growing body must receive all the beneficial substances.

The strictest form of vegetarianism is a raw food diet.

Seven Rules of Transition: Graduation and Combinations

First rule: Study the body.

To get the most out of vegetarianism, you need to approach the issue responsibly. First of all, get examined by specialists, take a blood test for B vitamins, iron and zinc (they are especially abundant in meat). If your tests are normal, you can switch to vegetarianism and get tested periodically. If the necessary elements are not enough, it is better to postpone giving up meat and take mineral and vitamin complexes, especially for women of childbearing age.

Second rule: Take small steps.

Often, when deciding to become a vegetarian, a person rushes to extremes, deciding overnight to become a vegan or even a raw foodist. But if yesterday you ate meat three times a day, and today you decided to eat exclusively salads, a sudden transition will become a strong stress for the body and can provoke the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Abandonment of animal products should be gradual. To start, eliminate red meat, but continue to eat poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Eat this way for about two to three weeks. When you get used to this diet, you can give up poultry, then fish, etc. Be sure to monitor your health: if you have the slightest ailment, consult a doctor.

First, give up meat, but leave dairy products and fish in your diet

Third rule. We maintain balance.

Consider the individual characteristics of the body. If you have inflammatory diseases of the intestines, liver, pancreas, you need to maintain a balance between thermally processed and unprocessed foods: with such diseases, a person may not have enough enzymes to process coarse fiber from raw vegetables, it is better to eat boiled ones.

Fourth rule. Keep up with the times

There are now products on the market that make the transition to vegetarianism easier. For example, quinoa seeds, which contain a lot of quality protein. It’s worth trying amaranth, the seeds of the acorn plant: they contain a lot of the amino acid lysine, which has a strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effect. A large number of useful elements are found in soy products, especially milk. A real treasure trove for a vegetarian is milk made from plant seeds: almonds, poppy seeds, coconut. Try to make your diet as varied as possible and make sure that your body receives all the valuable elements.

Fifth rule. Combination lessons.

Before becoming a vegetarian, be sure to study how different foods combine with each other and what beneficial substances they contain. This is especially necessary if you are going to give up all animal foods. In order for the body to function normally, it must receive complete protein (with 20 amino acids: 12 essential and 8 essential). And if nonessential amino acids are produced in the body, then we get essential ones only with food. Therefore, it is important to combine products correctly to get all the necessary substances. For example, eat porridge with mushrooms, and let potatoes be on the menu (they contain all the amino acids, but in small quantities).

Combine rice or buckwheat with mushrooms

Sixth rule. Sweet mistake.

Quite often, vegetarians, excluding animal products, do not give up junk food. It's not so much about fast food and processed foods, but about sugar. If a person consumes a lot of it, the diet cannot a priori be called healthy. Not the best solution is to replace sugar with honey: you can use no more than 2 tsp. per day, since fructose (honey) damages the proteins in our body more than glucose (regular sugar).

Seventh rule. Temperature regime.

Another common mistake that people make when deciding to become a vegetarian is improper thermal processing of food, namely, using frying as the main cooking method. Everyone loves fried potatoes with a golden brown crust. But this crust is AGEs (end-products of glycation): a very harmful combination of protein and carbohydrates that damages the proteins in our body. That is, by frying plant foods, you will only harm yourself. The healthiest foods are boiled and baked.

Often, the transition to a plant-based diet is accompanied by doubts and anxieties, which are generously fueled by loved ones and friends. In this case, you should pay special attention to obtaining high-quality and reasoned information in order to be calm about your health and strengthen your desire to lead a conscious lifestyle.

We at Vegetarian are launching a series of articles aimed at helping those who are just thinking about vegetarianism or have recently embarked on this path. They will help you understand the most pressing issues! Today you will find a detailed guide to useful sources of knowledge, as well as comments from people who have been vegetarians for many years.

Those who cannot imagine their life without spending an hour or two reading exciting literature have many new names to discover:

"The China Study" by Colin and Thomas Campbell

The work of the American biochemist and his doctor son has become one of the biggest book sensations of the last decade. The study provides detailed descriptions of the connection between animal diets and the occurrence of many chronic diseases, and describes exactly how meat and other non-plant foods affect the human body. You can safely give the book into the hands of parents who are worried about your health - many communication difficulties associated with a change in diet will go away on their own.

"Nutrition for Health" by Joel Fuhrman

The book is based on the results of the latest scientific research into the influence of diet on a person’s general health, appearance, weight and longevity. The reader, without unnecessary pressure and suggestion, learns proven facts about the benefits of plant products and has the opportunity to compare the composition of nutrients in different products. The book will help you understand how to change your diet without harm to your health, lose excess weight and learn to be conscious about your own well-being.

“Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism”, K. Kant

The information in the publication is truly encyclopedic - it provides short blocks on each of the issues that concern beginners. Among them: refutations of well-known myths, scientific data on the vegetarian diet, tips for a balanced diet, diplomatic issues of vegetarianism and much more.

“All about vegetarianism”, I. L. Medkova

This is one of the best Russian books dedicated to conscious nutrition. By the way, the publication was first published in 1992, when vegetarianism was a real curiosity for recent Soviet citizens. Perhaps this is why comprehensive information is given here about the origins of a plant-based diet, its varieties, and transition techniques. As a bonus, the author has compiled an extensive “assortment” of recipes from vegetarian products that you can easily and simply please your loved ones and yourself.

Animal Liberation, Peter Singer

Australian philosopher Peter Singer was one of the first in the world to draw attention to the fact that the interaction between humans and animals should be considered from the point of view of law. In his large-scale research, he proves that the interests of every creature on the planet must be fully satisfied, and the understanding of man as the pinnacle of nature is wrong. The author manages to hold the reader's attention with simple but solid arguments, so if you've been thinking about going plant-based after thinking about ethics, you'll like Singer.

"Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cow Skins" by Melanie Joy

American psychologist Melanie Joy in her book talks about the newest scientific term - carnism. The essence of the concept is the desire of man to use animals as a source of food, money, clothing and shoes. The author is directly interested in the psychological background of such behavior, so her work will find a response in the hearts of readers who love to understand internal emotional experiences.

What films should I watch?

Today, thanks to the Internet, anyone can find a lot of films and videos on a topic of interest. However, among them there is undoubtedly a “golden fund”, which is one way or another appreciated by experienced vegetarians and those who are just starting this path:

"Earthlings" (USA, 2005)

Perhaps this is one of the toughest films, showing the realities of modern life without embellishment. The film is divided into several parts, touching on all the main aspects of animal exploitation. By the way, in the original the film is commented on by the well-known Hollywood vegetarian actor Joaquin Phoenix.

"Recognizing the Connection" (UK, 2010)

The documentary consists of detailed interviews with representatives of various professions and fields of activity who adhere to vegetarianism and see new prospects in it. The film is very positive, despite the factual footage.

“Hamburger without embellishment” (Russia, 2005)

This is the first film in Russian cinema that talks about the suffering of farm animals. The title is consistent with the content of the documentary, so before watching you need to prepare to receive shocking information.

“Life is beautiful” (Russia, 2011)

Many Russian media stars took part in the filming of another domestic film: Olga Shelest, Elena Kamburova and others. The director emphasizes that animal exploitation is, first and foremost, a cruel business. The film will be of interest to novice adherents of plant-based nutrition who are ready to think about ethical issues.

Vegetarians say

AND Rena Ponaroshku, TV presenter – a vegetarian for about 10 years:

The change in my diet took place against the backdrop of a strong love for my future husband, who had been a “vegetarian” for 10-15 years by that point, so everything was as pleasant and natural as possible. For love, literally and figuratively, without violence.

I am a control freak, I need to keep everything under control, so every six months I take an extensive list of tests. This is in addition to regular diagnostics from Tibetan doctors and kinesiologist! I think that monitoring the state of the body and undergoing regular maintenance is necessary not only for beginners, but also for those who have already eaten the dog on conscious nutrition. Soy.

Do you need help when switching to vegetarianism? If a person knows how and loves to educate himself, listen to lectures, attend seminars and master classes, read relevant literature, then it is quite possible to figure everything out on his own. Now there is a lot of information on how to compensate for the lack of animal food in the diet. However, in order not to drown in this sea, I would still recommend contacting one of the vegetarian doctors who give lectures and write books.

In this matter, it is very important to find “your” author. I would recommend listening to one lecture each by Alexander Khakimov, Satya Das, Oleg Torsunov, Mikhail Sovetov, Maxim Volodin, Ruslan Narushevich. And choose whose presentation of the material is closer, whose words penetrate the consciousness and change it.

Artem Khachatryan, naturopathic doctor – vegetarian for about 7 years:

Previously, I was often sick, at least 4 times a year I lay with a temperature of over 40 and a sore throat. But for six years now I don’t remember what fever, sore throat and herpes are. I sleep a few hours less than before, but have more energy!

I often recommend a plant-based diet to my patients and explain the physiological processes that depend on this or that type of nutrition. But, of course, every person makes his own choice. I consider at least veganism to be the most adequate diet today, especially in a metropolis with its negative impact on our health.

It is important to understand that positive changes will ensure a smooth transition to a completely plant-based diet. After all, if a person simply stops consuming animal products, he will most likely face a lot of problems that traditional medicine doctors trumpet about! If he realizes this and does everything correctly, cleanses the body, grows spiritually, increases the level of knowledge, then the changes will only be positive! For example, he will have more energy, many illnesses will go away, the condition of his skin and overall appearance will improve, he will lose weight, and in general the body will be significantly rejuvenated.

As a doctor, I recommend taking general and biochemical blood tests at least once a year. By the way, the notorious B12 in vegetarians may decrease slightly, and this will be the norm, but only if the level of homocysteine ​​does not increase. So you definitely need to track these indicators together! It is also worth carrying out duodenal intubation from time to time to monitor the condition of the liver and bile outflow.

I would advise a beginning vegetarian to find an expert in this matter who could become a mentor and guide him along this path. After all, switching to a new diet is not at all difficult in the physical aspect. It is much more difficult to resist the oppression of the environment and the misunderstanding of loved ones. What is needed here is human support, not book support. You need a person, or better yet, a whole community where you can calmly communicate on interests and live without having to prove to anyone that you, as they say, are not a camel. And good books and films will already be recommended by the “right” environment.

Sati Casanova, singer – vegetarian for about 11 years:

My transition to a plant-based diet happened gradually, it all started with immersion in a new culture of yoga. Along with the practice, I read spiritual literature: the first lesson for me was the book “The Heart of Yoga” by T. Desikachar, from where I learned about the main principle of this ancient philosophy - ahimsa (non-violence). Back then I still ate meat.

You know, I was born and raised in the Caucasus, where there is a beautiful culture of feasts with ancient traditions that are still carefully observed. One of them is to serve meat to the table. And although in Moscow I could not eat it for six months, returning to my homeland, I was somehow tempted, listening to my father’s logical arguments: “How can this be? You are going against nature. You were born in this region and you cannot help but eat the foods you were raised on. It is not right!". Then I could still be broken. I ate a piece of meat, but then I suffered for three days, because my body was already unaccustomed to such food. Since then I have not eaten animal products.

During this period, many changes took place: excessive aggressiveness, rigidity and acumen were gone. Of course, these are very important qualities for show business and, apparently, I gave up meat exactly when they were no longer needed. And thank God!

When thinking about resources for beginner vegetarians, I immediately thought of David Frawley's book Ayurveda and the Mind. In it he writes about the Ayurvedic principle of nutrition and spices. He is a very respected professor, the author of many books on nutrition, so he can be trusted. I would also like to recommend the book by our compatriot Nadezhda Andreeva – “Happy Tummy”. She is not entirely about vegetarianism, since her food system allows fish and seafood. But you can find a lot of interesting things in this book, and most importantly, it is based on both ancient knowledge and the knowledge of modern medicine, as well as on your own personal experience.

From the next article in our new section you will find out why precious B12 is not lost .

Material prepared by Yana Tolstova

Everything is simpler than it seems.

It is quite possible that you will read this article, slightly covering your laptop screen from prying eyes. Vegetarianism as a worldview and type of nutrition has existed for many thousands of years, but there are still stories and legends about its benefits. And the debate still rages on whether it is realistic to be a 100% vegetarian in the harsh Russian climate. We are not doctors or monks, so we give you the choice to decide for yourself whether or not to be a vegetarian.

This article is to help those who have already realized that they want to do this.

The path to vegetarianism is never easy. I didn’t eat meat for 4 years, then I was a pescetarian - that is, I didn’t eat mammals and birds, but I ate fish and seafood. Then I gave up all animal products (including milk, eggs and honey) and became a vegan. Afterwards, I still started eating meat, but in limited quantities, and now I’m trying to reduce its consumption to zero.

Go to a doctor

Before making any changes, make sure your body is functioning properly. Vegetarianism is not a panacea that will cure you of everything. Before changing your diet, take standard tests for the level of protein, hemoglobin, iron, calcium, folic acid, omega-3, vitamins B12 and D. Don’t be afraid, you don’t have to spend a week in the hospital for this: you only need to donate blood once.

Be sure to find out if you have any allergies. It's not just about fruits and vegetables. There are people with vitamin B intolerance (found mainly in animal products). There are very few of them, but still. Due to severe allergies, they cannot take this vitamin in tablets, so when refusing meat, eggs and dairy, they need to consume large quantities of plant foods containing vitamin B (seaweed, for example).

Allergies can be identified independently, but intolerance can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

We are all very different, so it is important to choose the type of nutrition only for your body. Don't try to imitate your girlfriend who eats salads and couscous, or the models on social networks. Your main guideline is your own performance. Weight and blood should be normal. Even if you love animals very much, do not sacrifice your health to save them. After all, you are also an animal in some way, and taking care of yourself is your priority.

Give up little by little

It would be a big mistake to suddenly switch to beans and buckwheat for the rest of your life if you eat a sandwich with sausage every morning. This approach will work for 1-2 months while the period of motivation lasts, but there is a high probability of quickly returning to your usual lifestyle. Of course, there are people who can suddenly stop eating meat, but the reason is usually stress: seeing footage of violence against animals or deteriorating health. The longer the preparation, the more confident and calm you will feel for the rest of the time.

How to do it? Give up meat gradually. First exclude red, then white, then fish and seafood. For each stage, give yourself 3-4 weeks so that your body gets used to it and does not panic from the sudden lack of usual food. Experiment with your favorite dish: replace red meat with fish, then fish with protein-rich foods: legumes, nuts, Chinese tofu.

If you like the texture and consistency of meat, surprise: there have been soy analogues and vegetarian sausages made from wheat protein for a long time.

With sauce or spices, such substitutes are very similar to the original. The same goes for cheese and milk: coconut, nut or oat milk is slightly sweeter than cow's milk and is suitable for preparing any dishes.

There are other ways to gradually switch to a plant-based diet. Famous musician and vegetarian with forty years of experience, Paul McCartney, suggests not serving animals on a plate at least one day a week. An initiative called Meat free Monday encourages earthlings to think about the amount of animal food they consume. As the website description states, “one day a week can lead to change around the world.”

This approach not only reduces 1/7 of the meat produced in the long term (which is quite a lot), but also does not force steak lovers to change their habits overnight. The initiative, started by Paul, Stella and Mary McCartney, is supported by stars such as Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson.

By the way, a similar Meatless Monday approach has been practiced in New York schools since last year. Mayor Bill de Blasio said that "reducing animal foods in our diets will not only make our city healthier, but will also make the planet a better place for generations to come."

Reduseterians also adhere to similar views (from the English reduce - “reduce”). They believe that it is impossible to give up animal products all at once, and call for simply reducing the amount of meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and milk consumed. Some eat only plant foods once a week, while others replace meat with soy products on an ongoing basis.

The movement includes not only vegetarians and vegans, but also people who cannot completely give up animal products due to health conditions or lack of funds, but support reasonable and conscious consumption. Reduxeterians support eco-friendly companies, and if there are vegetarian or vegan options in restaurants, they choose them. To understand the rules of life as a Reduxeterian, watch the TEDTalk speech by the movement's founder, Brian Kateman:

Find the reason

It’s more like this: let the reason find itself. There are many articles on the Internet with six, ten, and even ninety-nine reasons to switch to a plant-based diet, but none of it makes sense if you don’t sincerely believe in any of them. Conventionally, motives are divided into two categories: caring for the planet and caring for oneself.

The first group limits meat consumption to stop the development of the meat and dairy industry. They are concerned not only about the fact of murder, but also about the fact that it is committed with particular cruelty. Newborn calves are taken away from their mothers, and the hens' beak stumps are burned with a hot iron. In addition, the volume in which the industry now produces meat significantly covers the daily human need.

Huge areas of land are given over to livestock farming, forests are cut down, tons of water are used to feed animals - as you understand, this does not have the best effect on nature. In a collaboration with the popular science channel Vox, scientists at the University of California recognize that the less meat we consume, the more responsible we are for the planet.

The second group refuses animal products due to health concerns. There are studies that trace the connection between meat consumption and the development of cancer and gastrointestinal diseases. According to statistics, vegetarians who plan their diet wisely are less likely to suffer from obesity and type 2 diabetes. Key phrase: fit correctly. Oreo cookies are completely vegan, but if you eat them every day, they won't do any good.

Of course, the reasons can be combined: for example, Buddhists who refuse meat for religious reasons profess the principle of “non-violence” towards any living beings and thereby earn good karma for themselves. In any case: if the reason is compelling, then switching to a plant-based diet will be much easier.

Try new things

One of the best things about going vegetarian is that it improves your culinary skills. Just cooking dumplings or sausages is no longer enough: you need to use your imagination. You can try one new recipe once a week, and within a month you will have a complete dinner in your arsenal for some holiday. And this is not counting those familiar dishes that are already vegetarian!

Look for unusual solutions in ethnic cuisines: Indian, Chinese, Mexican. In many countries, since ancient times, only rich people could afford meat, so ordinary people created dishes with alternative sources of protein and vitamins. The cuisines of the peoples of the world are fraught with not only nutritious, but also very tasty discoveries! In India, for example, not a single dish is conceivable without spicy curry, and Mexican guacamole is generously seasoned with onions and garlic.

How to become a vegetarian- a very correct question, because people who choose a life without meat must completely change their diet so that the body receives a sufficient amount of necessary substances. Therefore, just giving up meat products one day and not changing anything else in the food system is wrong and is fraught with health problems. Let's sort it out in order.

Why people become vegetarians: the most common reasons

? There are a huge number of reasons why people choose it as a way of life. Of course, everyone has their own motivation - some are worried about their health, others prioritize improving their appearance, and others refuse meat for humanitarian reasons.

The most common reasons for switching to vegetarianism:

  • increase in life expectancy - according to scientific research, vegetarians live on average 7 years longer than meat eaters, and the life of vegans is extended by 15 years. At the same time, the quality of life also improves: endurance increases, more strength appears, mood improves, the vast majority of people develop harmonious relationships with themselves and the world around them;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which plays a vital role in the movement of feces, while meat does not contribute to this at all, and often meat products even impede such movement. The predominance of vegetables in the diet helps reduce constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids;
  • reducing the risk of getting sick - we are talking about diseases in general (colds, viruses, exhaustion of the body), because when meat products are excluded, the body becomes less clogged, which means that all systems work better, the immune system is stronger, and quite serious diseases such as diabetes and oncological diseases;
  • strengthening the heart - consuming vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of antioxidants helps protect the heart and blood vessels, as well as significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol;
  • improvement of appearance, weight loss - the absence of meat products in the diet promotes natural weight loss, and due to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract due to the predominance of healthy products in the diet, positive changes occur in appearance in general: the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves. As a result of such positive changes in the body, vegetarians look younger than their age;
  • humanity - compassion for animals that are raised for slaughter, concern for the environmental situation as a whole (growing feed for livestock significantly depletes the soil, livestock products pollute the atmosphere, water, and land).

Interesting! Vegetarians are confident that by giving up meat, they cleanse themselves not only physically, but also spiritually, which opens up endless prospects for self-development and self-improvement.

Advantages and disadvantages of living without meat

vegetarians. Top view healthy food clean eating: fruit, vegetable, seeds, superfood, leaf vegetable on white background with copy space

Carefully! When deciding to switch to a new lifestyle, it is important to think about how to become a vegetarian without harm for health and the body as a whole.

In addition to strong arguments in favor of giving up meat-eating, such as reducing the risk of developing serious diseases, improving the quality of life due to a good mood and harmony in relationships with the outside world, positive changes in appearance and a significant increase in life expectancy, there are also certain disadvantages in excluding meat from the diet. meat products. They should also not be discounted; it is important to understand how to become a vegetarian.

Vegetarianism is fraught with the following dangers:

  • increased risk of developing iron deficiency anemia - due to a lack of iron, which is best absorbed when coming from meat products;
  • the likelihood of not receiving important microelements when refusing fish - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, well-digestible protein and many other useful substances do not enter the human body, which can lead to health problems;
  • the ability to easily gain excess weight - such a surprise can come from eating high-calorie plant foods (honey, legumes, nuts).

Each of these problems can be solved: iron deficiency is replenished by eating nuts, legumes, mushrooms, buckwheat, soy products, lack of important microelements by taking multivitamin complexes, and the likelihood of excess weight is eliminated thanks to a competent approach to a vegetarian diet. The most important thing is to be aware of the possible dangers of a vegetarian lifestyle and take them into account in order to understand how to become a vegetarian without dying.

The correct transition to a vegetarian lifestyle: rules

To answer the question very briefly how to become and remain a vegetarian, suffice it to say: choose the right type of vegetarianism, regularly take blood tests and constantly try to diversify your diet. Medical experts think so, and it’s hard to argue with that. Where to start a life without meat and how to organize it correctly?

Rules for switching to vegetarianism:

  • be examined by medical specialists - take a blood test, identify possible health problems or contraindications for the transition to a life without meat;
  • practice gradualism - you cannot give up meat and animal products one day and forever, as this provokes stress for the body with a high probability of subsequent development of gastrointestinal diseases. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of meat products and other foods of animal origin consumed: give up red meat, leaving poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products. After the body adapts for 3-4 weeks, eliminate the next product, etc.;
  • learn to combine - wondering how to become a vegetarian, you need to prepare for what the new diet will be like. It is important to study how different foods combine with each other so that vegetarian nutrition is complete and balanced;
  • maintain a balance - knowing the characteristics of your body (inflammatory processes in the intestines, pancreas, and other problems), you should wisely approach the combination of thermally processed and unprocessed food. If you have diseases of the digestive system, there may be insufficient enzymes to digest fiber;
  • consume foods that make the transition to vegetarianism easier - for example, quinoa seeds, which contain a lot of high-quality protein, amaranth - contains the important amino acid lysine, soy products, milk of plant origin (from almonds, poppy seeds, coconuts).

Understanding how to gradually become a vegetarian and by putting this basic rule into practice, you can significantly improve your health, improve your quality of life and become a happy long-liver.

30 Jan 09:54/2018

How to become a vegetarian

We tell you what to do if you decide to give up meat

According to Google statistics, over the past 5 years, the number of searches for the word “vegan” has increased by 200%. Some people become vegetarians for ethical and environmental reasons, others do it to be healthy and feel energetic. If you also want to take the path of vegetarianism in 2018, we have compiled instructions for beginners.

Which type of vegetarianism to choose

Many people believe that a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, but this is not entirely true. There are several types of vegetarianism and everyone chooses the option that suits them.

Types of vegetarianism:

Lacto-ovo vegetarians- these are those who completely give up meat, fish and seafood (animal products), but eat eggs and consume dairy products.

Ovo-vegetarians- these are those who have given up all products of animal origin, including milk and products made on its basis. However, ovo-vegetarians also eat eggs.

Lacto-vegetarians- these are those who do not eat all animal products, do not eat eggs, but consume milk and dairy products.

Vegans- people who have given up all animal products and there are no exceptions. Vegans give up meat and fish, eggs and milk, and sometimes they also give up honey. Vegans also do not wear clothes made from natural fur and wool, and do not buy leather clothes, shoes and bags. Veganism is a form of vegetarianism that is more based on ethical treatment of animals.

The first step to becoming a vegetarian is to choose the type of vegetarianism that suits you. You can start with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and gradually move towards veganism. If your decision is based on ethics, you may want to go vegan straight away.

How to choose a type of vegetarianism

To choose a type of vegetarianism, write down the reasons that motivate you:

If you want to lose weight and look better, you can do without vegetarianism. You can cut out fast food and processed sugar, and you can also cut back a little on the amount of meat in your diet and eat more fresh produce.

If you still want to go the vegetarian route, lacto-ovo vegetarianism, where you give up meat and eat more simple foods, may be enough for you.

If your body is lactose intolerant, ovo-vegetarianism is right for you.

-If for health or ethical reasons you want to exclude all animal products, veganism is your path.

Once you choose your type of vegetarianism, the main thing is to choose a pace that is comfortable for you. There is no need to rush and change your entire diet in 3 days. Give your body time.

The main advantages of vegetarianism

Pros of vegetarianism:

- Relieves the digestive system and helps reduce weight
Plant foods are lower in calories and rich in fiber, so they are quickly absorbed and normalize the intestinal microflora.

-Removes toxins and normalizes cholesterol levels
A vegetarian diet is considered an excellent prevention of hypertension, certain types of cancer, asthma, allergies, arthrosis, arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Vegetarians are also less likely to develop kidney and gallstones. This nutritional system strengthens the immune system and has a good effect on appearance (the condition of hair, skin and nails).

-Gives a burst of energy
The body spends less energy on digestion and provides a surge of energy. Vegetarians do not feel heavy after eating and their sleep becomes better (due to the removal of stress from the gastrointestinal tract).

-Changes your way of thinking and mood
A person becomes more active, begins to be more conscious of his diet and learns a lot of new information. This changes his way of thinking and becomes the beginning of big changes: from a positive outlook on life to new hobbies.

1. Understand your motivation
At the beginning of a journey, there are always moments when the reserve of enthusiasm for something new runs out and you want to give up everything. At such moments, a list where you have written down the reasons for switching to vegetarianism will help you. Think about why this is important to you. You don't want to be involved in killing animals, you want to feel good and stay healthy. Write down your reasons and keep them handy so that they can support your resolve when the time comes.

2. Tell your friends about your decision
Tell your family and friends that you have decided to become a vegetarian and why it is important to you. Ask them to support you by reading literature on the topic and trying vegetarian food. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone will support you and that's okay. The main thing is to clearly define your position and not allow pressure to be put on you.

3. Consult your doctor
Talk to your doctor and get tests to monitor your health as you transition to a vegetarian diet. Make sure you have no contraindications to this diet.

4. Plan your diet wisely
The main argument of opponents of vegetarianism is that avoiding animal products causes a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals. However, it is not. All the substances the body needs can be obtained from plant products. For example, protein can be obtained not only from meat, but also from legumes. Plan your diet wisely to ensure your diet is complete.

6. Find a mentor
Among your friends or through an online service, you can find a mentor who has already walked your path. He will give valuable advice, support you in difficult times and give you confidence. If you feel like an expert in matters of vegetarianism, then you yourself can become someone’s mentor.

7. Upgrade your favorite dishes
Make a list of your favorite foods and look for recipes for vegan versions. You can try vegetarian lasagna, ice cream, burger and Olivier. Today there are so many recipes that allow you to prepare vegetarian food that is not inferior in taste and beauty to dishes prepared from animal products. Don’t give up your favorite dishes, just modernize the recipe a little while maintaining the familiar taste.

8. Try new foods and different brands
Date desserts, beans, tofu patties, avocado toast - there are a huge number of vegetarian products that you may not have even heard of. Constantly try new things and find what you like.
Also, always try products from different manufacturers. Because coconut milk may differ in taste and appearance from different manufacturers. All you have to do is find the right brand.

9. Read labels carefully
To distinguish vegan food and cosmetics from conventional ones, you need to read the labels. Manufacturers may label their products as vegetarian or vegan, but this is not always true. Read the product ingredients to be sure.

10. Make your own map of “vegetarian” places
Visit only trusted places. Using Google maps or social networks, collect information about shops, cafes and markets that sell quality vegetarian food and items.

11. Always bring a snack with you
If you're leaving home for a long time, take a snack with you. It's hard to make good decisions when you're hungry. And if you don't have vegetarian food on hand in time, you can satisfy your hunger with food that you wouldn't normally eat. To avoid hunger pangs, always carry dates or another healthy snack with you.

12. Don’t save time by going vegetarian.
The best results come from taking small steps. Don't rush and become a vegetarian overnight. Give yourself and your body time to get used to the new diet. Take one small step at a time and monitor your progress.

13. Look for inspiration
Subscribe to vegetarians on Youtube and Instagram so that they give you inspiration every day. Personal stories of vegetarians, beautiful photos of healthy dishes, beaming faces of vegans - inspiring materials will support you every day.

14. Explore vegetarianism
Constantly study the topic of vegetarianism. Read books, watch videos, and review the latest scientific research. This will help you strengthen your decision and keep up to date with the latest news. You will also be able to reasonably answer questions that opponents of vegetarianism may ask.

15. Be kind to yourself
Be kind to yourself. Vegetarianism is a path to self-improvement. Sometimes you may make mistakes, but the only important thing is that you continue on the path.