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Directions for the development of scientific research in the field of tourism. Directions of scientific research in tourism. Questions and tasks for review

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Barchukov I. S.

Methods of scientific research in tourism: textbook. manual for universities / I.S. Barchukov. - M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 224 p.

ISBN 978-5-7695-4899-4

The content of tourism activities, features of its scientific knowledge,

management and marketing in the tourism business, its economic and mathematical methods and models.

Features of methodological techniques in conducting excursions, methods and technology are covered

formation of health programs for tourists, as well as methodological foundations of international cooperation in tourism. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of financial activities in the tourism business and the prospects for its scientific research.

For university students. May be useful for specialists of tourism organizations.

UDC 379.85(075.8) BBK 75.81я73 The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy" *, and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited © Barchukov I.S., © Educational Publishing Center "Academy", 2008 ISBN 978- 5-7695-4899- © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", PREFACE The textbook examines the relationship of various scientific knowledge that has a significant impact on the methods of scientific research in tourism, their use in solving specific scientific problems. A complex technique using modeling systems analysis methods has been widely used in scientific research. Knowledge of general methods of scientific knowledge of general patterns in tourism serves as the initial prerequisite for the successful solution of particular scientific problems.

One of the main trends in the development of tourism science is its penetration into internal connections and relationships in tourism, discovering the essence of processes. This trend is manifested in the formation of fundamental laws underlying the functioning and development of tourism and its specific manifestations.

An important place in the textbook is occupied by the consideration of general and specific methodology in the study of tourism, the use of methods from scientific disciplines such as economics, management, law, sociology, psychology, computer science, and biomedical science aimed at improving human health. The essence and content of modern research methods as the basis for developing a strategy for the tourism industry are revealed. Much attention is paid to management and marketing methods, forecasting methods, methods for determining strategic alternatives, identifying competitive advantages, etc.

The training manual reflects the methodological basis of international cooperation in tourism. The methods used in accounting activities are shown, as well as the logical sequence of the research process in tourism, the formulation and formulation of a scientific problem, and the substantiation of a scientific hypothesis.

Having studied a wide range of methods and methodological techniques, specialists will be able to professionally perform their duties at a travel agency, occupy their niche in the service market, and develop sustainably in a competitive environment.

INTRODUCTION Fundamentals of the tourism business State policy in tourism begins when millions of people need to ensure a fruitful vacation. To solve this problem, the question of the number of citizens who want to have a good vacation and the number of hotels that can provide accommodation is of particular importance.

Tourism is that part of the hospitality industry where citizens can satisfy their physical, intellectual, ethical and psychological needs.

An important problem of tourism is the search for new forms and ways of conducting commercial activities. Correctly foreseeing the nature of the future tourism market, developing forms and methods of doing business means achieving an additional advantage over competitors, ensuring the success of your own entrepreneurship in tourism (tour business).

New ways of doing tourism business are determined not only empirically. Having identified its general laws, it is possible to develop methodological principles for analyzing the forms and methods of running the tourism business, and to determine trends in its development. The methodological preparedness of managers in improving known and developing new ways of doing business in the tourism industry is becoming important in connection with constant innovations in tourism, its technical equipment, and focus on strategy.

Business planning, training of specialists, material and technical equipment, scientific research, development strategy depend on the currently achieved stage of tourism product production and on information support. Of great importance is the creativity of managers who can “invent” tourism products, better adapt to the services market, and influence the course of development of the industry as a whole. Much depends on talented specialists and their decisive role in the development of modern tourism.

The development of forms and methods of conducting tourism business depends not only on the quality, but also on the quantity of specialists and technical means. Qualitative changes in the development of forms and methods of running a tour business occur with a certain amount of new technology. This serves as a material basis for the emergence of new types of tourism, for example extreme tourism, which contributes to the production of technical equipment, training of specialists and consumers.

The modern market of tourist services is an interweaving of interconnected and contradictory processes. You can thoroughly know the tourism business and its laws, but each specific case will have its own specifics. The manager’s experience, intuition, and outlook should help him quickly find an original solution, a weak point among competitors, and use it to solve his problems.

Large-scale development of tourism contributes to the establishment of peaceful relations between states, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples. Tourism promotes cultural cooperation and improves socio-economic relations between peoples of different cultures.

Research in the field of tourism shows that it has become not only a social but also an economic phenomenon. The functional characteristics of types and forms of tourism are mass participation, economic factor, and solution of social problems.

Mass tourism solves the problem of achieving a high degree of physical development of the individual. It carries out such social functions as health-improving and educational.

In the era of globalization, tourism has become an economic tool.

The prestige of tourism, as an integral part of the hospitality industry, affects the consciousness and feelings of people. Such functions of tourism as professionalism, prestige, and communication determine its place in the social system.

Functions of tourism Tourism has the following general cultural and educational functions:

aesthetic - satisfying the individual’s needs for overall harmonious development;

normative - development and consolidation of certain norms that have regulatory and evaluative significance;

informational - the implementation, accumulation, distribution and transmission from generation to generation of information about attractions, cultural values ​​of peoples, their capabilities, means and ways of improving them;

legal - regulation of tourism activities by laws, international and domestic legal acts;

economic - material, financial and technical support for the activities of specialist tourism enterprises, maintenance and operation of facilities, remuneration.

In the process of tourism activities, people enter into a variety of specific relationships, which, in turn, are included in a broader system of social relations. The totality of these relationships is the determining basis for the formative influence of tourism on the individual, increasing social activity. In tourism events, the process of personal socialization occurs at an accelerated pace and has a direct impact on increasing social activity.

In society, the need to educate the younger generation is constantly increasing, which requires every possible encouragement of all types and forms of tourism.

Goals and objectives of scientific research on tourism The goals and objectives of scientific research on tourism arise from the state policy of its development. The theoretical development of regional development programs is aimed at protecting domestic interests. The realistic nature of the state policy for tourism development determines the scientific nature and objectivity of theoretical concepts.

Ways to improve the science of tourism are determined by the development of material and technical means, the construction and reconstruction of hotel complexes, vehicles, special technical equipment, and the improvement of the well-being of the country's citizens. This reveals one of the patterns of tourism, indicating the dependence of the methods of its development on an effective economy. In connection with the intensification of tourism growth, science faces the following tasks:

forecasting the development of regional infrastructure;

The goals of scientific research in tourism are to fully increase the country's tourism potential, a high level of training of qualified personnel, the theory and practice of tourism management in the service market.

The goals set for the tourism industry by the state and its subjects are refracted through the implementation of specific programs. For example, government strategy is based on assessments emerging in the global services market. The science of tourism has a goal - to develop targeted programs for the development of tourism infrastructure in those regions of the country that are in demand for visiting by citizens of other countries. In this case, the goal is specified through the definition of strategic, operational and tactical problems.

Identification of the factors that determine the goals and nature of tourism is important from the point of view of a clearer logical justification for the direction of its development. These factors act as a whole: it is impossible to choose fundamental guidelines for tourism, guided by only one requirement.

In tourism, it is necessary to solve problems of a search nature, which consist of research and explanation of processes. An example is the timeshare (club holiday) market, which originated as a shared vacation and, ultimately, became a powerful economic base for tourism abroad, having its own legislative practice and international exchange organizations: Resort Condominium International (RCI), Interval International (II) . Scientists and experts did not anticipate the potential practical use of timeshare. This type of tourism has received recognition, but for Russian reality it requires special research.

The research direction in the development of tourism consists in the study of such problems as the influence of scientific discoveries on the creation of new technical means of supporting it, for example, yachts, buses, sea and river ships, inventory, equipment, as well as on methods of managing in market conditions. This is necessary to identify prospects for improving tourism infrastructure in the regions, the ratio of one’s funds with the funds and resources of competitors. Solving search problems influences the development of related sciences and the tourism development strategy.

If a manager needs to assess the situation in a market segment, he must assess how this will affect the promotion of a tourism product, the actions of competitors, how to use partnerships, support from credit institutions, and the media.

The manager's goal-oriented thinking must ensure the effectiveness of his activities within the realistic deadlines for completing tasks.

A goal that is inaccurately formulated or unclearly understood by the performer has a negative effect.

The main components of scientific knowledge about tourism The basis of scientific knowledge about tourism is strategy and tactics.

The strategy for the development of tourism in Russia is a system of scientifically based views on the essence, nature and methods of developing tourism in the regions and in the country as a whole, on the requirements for the construction of hotel complexes, roads, transport, sports and recreation centers.

The tourism strategy determines the priority directions for the development of individual regions, as well as individual protected areas of the country. Tourism strategy is the main indicator of the level of development of the economy as a whole.

Tactics covers the theory and practice of managing an enterprise and its structures. It is differentiated by areas and market segments and is a specific activity. Essentially, each service or each structural division of a tourism company develops and implements its own tactics on the market. It is more mobile, dynamic in its development, quickly responds to all changes that occur both outside the structure (changes in exchange rates, man-made disasters in various regions) and inside it, for example, staff turnover, ineffective tour packages.

The unity of scientific knowledge determines the complex nature of the development of scientific problems.

It is impossible, for example, to improve the system and methods of management in tourism without relying on knowledge of strategic planning, business planning, economics, computer technology, psychology, and other scientific disciplines.

The need for an integrated approach to solving scientific problems is also determined by the fact that new opportunities for fruitful research of both a general theoretical, fundamental and applied nature open up at the intersection of various sciences, which should be fully exploited.

The importance of tourism in the life of society Currently, tourism has turned from a form of recreation into an entire industry, which includes many types of tourism activities. Tourism is associated with such activities as travel organization, hotel business, economics, etc. All this is combined under the term tourism business. New specialties have appeared in the tourism business: tourism products, tour operators, travel agents, managers, marketers, etc.

For specialists working in the tourism industry, it is important to know the challenges facing tourism and ways to solve them when carrying out tourism activities. Thus, tourism has turned into a whole science, including objects, subjects, principles, laws, categories and research methods.

In modern conditions, tourism has a great influence on many aspects of society and covers many processes, such as social and technical.

Social processes include economic support for tourism activities, moral and psychological preparation of people for the rational use of vacations, the general well-being of the majority of people, the availability of recreational facilities and quality service.

The need for an in-depth study of this kind of processes led to the emergence of such sciences as “Sanatorium and Resort Business”, “Management and Marketing in Tourism”, “Tourist Market”, “Organization of International Tourism”, “Tourism Economics”, as well as psychological, pedagogical, legal sciences in the field of tourism. They reflect processes that occupy a contiguous position between tourism activities and the corresponding types of activities, which in their content are included, on the one hand, in tourism science, and on the other, in special branches of the relevant sciences.

For effective tourism activities in tourism, it is necessary to develop the production of special equipment and the construction of various structures and facilities.

THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TOURISM Chapter Methodological approaches to the study of tourism activities 1.1. Methodology as the doctrine of research methods in tourism Methodology (in its broad sense) is the study of structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity.

Methodology in science is the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge.

Methodology acts as a means of theoretical knowledge and transformation of reality.

Methodology as a doctrine of research methods in tourism is a set of views, the result of knowledge and understanding of the practice of life, which makes it possible to create specific theoretical judgments about the studied phenomena and processes in this field of activity. To study tourism as a type of human activity, as a successfully developing sector of the world economy, research is carried out using various methods.

In the science of tourism, scientists and specialists in their research rely on general, special and specific methodology.

The general methodology provides correct and accurate ideas about the general laws of tourism development, its originality and constituent components, as well as the place and role in it of those phenomena that scientists and specialists study. It is based on a dialectical approach to understanding the essence of tourism. This methodology is based on the materiality of the world around us, in which matter is in continuous movement and development.

The driving forces of development of the surrounding world (matter) are subject to the laws of dialectics - the unity and struggle of opposites, the transformation of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, the negation of negation. "A special methodology allows us to formulate laws and patterns related to the uniqueness of the formation, development and functioning of the phenomena that are being studied.

This methodology, when researching specific phenomena and processes in tourism, allows you to apply appropriate methods and principles, techniques, methods and techniques to determine the final results of the research.

The special methodology is based on the following principles: scientific - based on general scientific knowledge and built on the achievements of related sciences, such as economics, law, management, computer science and sociology;

visibility - is implemented in the main teaching methods, based on the need to create a visual image, which contributes to its better assimilation and memorization;

accessibility - based on taking into account the characteristics of the personnel, the possibility of mastering one or another level of complexity of the content of training in tourism activities;

unity of theory and practice of teaching - is based on dialectics and is implemented in the process of activity, which requires the obligatory achievement of the level of practical application of the acquired knowledge for its complete and accurate assimilation;

the educational nature of training is determined by the coincidence of the directions of training and education, since training is aimed at the formation of personal qualities in specialists, which realizes the main goal of education.

Particular methodology is a set of methods, methods, techniques and techniques for studying specific phenomena of tourist activity, which constitute the object and subject of its analysis. It is based on the following principles:

determinism - causality of mental processes occurring during the development of types and forms of tourism, phenomena and processes for quality customer service, making a profit;

unity of consciousness and activity - an indicator of the unity of development of consciousness and activity, when consciousness arises, develops and manifests itself in activity;

development is an indicator of the inextricable connection of tourism with other branches of science and general development - intellectual, emotional, social;

personal approach to training - orientation of researchers to the study of individual and socio-psychological characteristics of specialists.

The considered principles of the methodology give an idea: about the driving forces of development of the science of tourism, about the social conditionality of the development and improvement of the activities of specialists.

1.2. The role of methodology in the study of tourism activities The subject of research in tourism theory is tourism activities, the objectives of which are: the study of tourism activities (excursions and travel);

forecasting the development of types and forms of tourism;

modeling the characteristics of new tourist centers;

restoration of body functions during tourist events, excursions and travel.

The methodology for researching tourism activities allows us to substantiate a scientific approach to the study and solution of theoretical and practical issues of tourism.

A methodological assessment of tourism activities helps to determine a likely competitor in the services market, the economic and technical state of the tourism enterprise, the proposed methods of its development and competition, the strategy and tactics of specialists.

The methodology is based on the study of tourism as a social phenomenon, which is active and creative in nature, since it occurs in the process of purposeful practical activities of people. When traveling and excursions, people’s activities are enriched with new experiences as a result of meeting new sights.

The study of tourism at a practical level does not reveal the essence of its historical development, but is constantly used in everyday life. The study of tourism at a theoretical level aims to understand the essence of the phenomena being studied in the form of categories, laws, scientific theories, as well as in the form of abstractions that reflect the deep essential relationships of the material and spiritual world.

The goal of tourism activity is to train highly qualified specialists who are capable of creating a tourism product, as well as making a profit from this activity.

The subjects of tourism activities are specialists, consumers of services as carriers of certain social and industrial relations, as well as accumulated knowledge and experience in this field of activity.

1.3. Methodology of scientific research in tourism Contents of research in the field of tourism. The content of research in tourism includes: studying the state of the problem, setting goals and defining tasks, developing a hypothesis, exploring the selection of methods and experimental techniques, their testing. In this case, it is necessary to take into account factors influencing the experiment, the logical and chronological design of the study, the selection of the contingent and number of subjects, the determination of the required number of measurements (observations), and the processing of the results obtained. It is also important to provide a research location that is isolated from external interference, and to prepare the technical equipment for the research to ensure the solution of the assigned tasks.

The research includes: collecting evidence to ensure the reliability of the conclusions;

conducting a series of experiments;

theoretical and quantitative processing of the results obtained - determination of average values, measures, data dispersion, correlation coefficients, construction of graphs, tables, diagrams;

qualitative analysis and synthesis of data obtained during the study;

interpreting data and drawing conclusions.

In the course of research activities, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of “truth - falsehood”. The result of scientific activity can be a description of reality, an explanation of the prediction of processes and phenomena expressed in the form of text, a structural diagram, a graphical relationship, or a formula. Truth is a true, correct reflection of reality in thought, the criterion of which is practice.

Stages of research. In connection with the need to increase the level of reliability of the study, it is necessary to determine the stages of the study: firstly, to formulate a particular tourism problem using scientific knowledge of reality;

secondly, to determine the measure of the unknown in the known using the terms of a scientific discipline.

An important stage is the formulation of the problem, that is, the identification of the necessary information to describe or explain reality. When starting to formulate a research problem, it is necessary to determine what type or phenomenon of tourism activity it relates to.

The subject of research in tourism can be: the relationship between the facts of the tourism business and hotel complexes and transport services;

patterns of economic development in the country and in the world, trends in the sociocultural experience of specialists. In tourism, the patterns of mastering knowledge in educational institutions, mastering skills at a tourism enterprise are studied, the patterns of the formation of creative active thinking of service consumers, changes in the psyche in the process of tourism activities are studied.

An important stage of the research is also the determination of the measure of the unknown in the known, the degree of its relevance for the theory of tourism. It is necessary to carry out an examination of the degree and nature of the study of the research problem, i.e. search for significant information about theoretical sources, as well as sciences related to tourism. The research should be based on studying the state of the problem not only in theory, but also in practice.

Types of research. Empirical research is based on reliable facts, the collection and analysis of which is carried out using certain methods based on observation and study of tourism activities. Empirical research does not involve creating an artificial, experimental situation to identify and collect the necessary facts. These facts are real events in tourism that occurred in the process of tourism activities.

They are analyzed and conclusions are drawn about the events taking place.

Empirical research can be descriptive or explanatory. Descriptive research reflects facts concerning little-studied objects or phenomena in tourism.

Explanatory empirical research includes the collection and analysis of facts, the explanation of causes and cause-and-effect relationships between facts, with the help of which an unknown event or an atypical result is explained from the standpoint of already known facts.

A review and analytical study can be critical in nature and called review-critical. In this case, in addition to the obligatory review and analytical part, it must present a detailed and reasoned criticism of what has already been done on the problem, and draw appropriate conclusions.

A review study may also contain the author’s own thoughts about what is described in it, including ideas regarding a possible solution to the problem posed.

Such reflections can be interspersed in the text of the abstract or they can be separated into a separate section, which is transitional between the review-analytical, review-critical and constructive-theoretical parts of the work.

A scientist can conduct a theoretical study in which, in addition to a review and critical analysis of the literature, there are his own proposals aimed at solving the problem posed, which can be the author’s contribution to the theory of the problem being solved, a new vision of it, an original point of view.

The following requirements are imposed on theoretical research: accuracy of definition of the concepts used and logic, consistency of reasoning. A feature of theoretical knowledge is its generality and abstraction, distinguished by its systematic nature. Changing part of this knowledge leads to changing the system as a whole. Methods of theoretical research include: ascent from the abstract to the concrete, analysis and synthesis, structural-system approach, inductive-deductive approach, modeling, historical logical method.

Formulating a research topic is one of the stages in a scientist’s activity: the topic is clarified taking into account a specific scientific or practical need. The title of the topic should, if possible, briefly reflect the essence of the problem being solved. Ambiguity and uncertainty in the formulation of the topic are unacceptable. The consequences of this will affect all stages of the study, in particular when formulating working hypotheses.

Goals and objectives of research. Based on the results of studying the state of the problem, the goal and objectives are determined. Research goals are those intermediate and final goals that must be achieved as a result of research. Intermediate goals are an assessment of the level of resource provision of a tourism enterprise and its functioning in the services market at the time of the experimental work.

Tasks represent successive stages of organizing and conducting research from beginning to end.

The objectives of a study pursuing a similar goal may be: specifying the problem, studying related literature and practice;

clarification of research hypotheses;

selection of process diagnostic methods;

development of a formative experiment methodology;

development of a plan and program for an experiment, its conduct, processing and analysis of the experiment results;

formulation of theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations.

Goals and objectives are formulated definitely and clearly, otherwise it will be impossible to establish the degree of their implementation. The research objectives must be adequate to the main purpose of the research, to which intermediate goals are subordinated.

The title of the topic should correspond to the tasks. This correspondence is established after a number of stages. First, they give a general name for the topic and define tasks based on cognitive and practical needs. In the future, the name of the topic affects the assigned tasks, and the tasks influence the title of the topic. Gradually, through consistent research, clarification of both the topic and objectives is achieved.

The number of research problems in tourism usually ranges from 3 to 6. If there are fewer of them, then they largely merge with the topic, to a small extent they specify it. If there are more of them, then the overall meaning may be lost, uncertainty will increase, and the focus of the research will be lost.

1.4. Functional features of the science of tourism In the science of tourism, knowledge of reality is based on reliable knowledge of the objective laws of nature, society and human activity, where the following functions play an important role.

The cognitive function of the science of tourism is that it is based on facts, justified logically and mathematically, tested in practice, knowledge is aimed at the further development of types and forms of tourism.

The ideological function of the science of tourism is that it makes it possible to build a reliable picture of the world, which forms the basis for the orientation of people, society as a whole, and forms the basis for the rational organization of human life and society, subject to objective laws.

The normative and regulatory function of tourism science is that its goal is rationality, i.e. accurate calculation of actions, life activity in general, objective assessment of results, reasonable forecast.

The material and production function of tourism science is determined by the fact that it contributes to the formation of the productive and creative forces of society.

The managerial and educational functions of tourism science are that they contribute to the development of technology, technology, and the training of specialists for management. Scientific achievements make it possible to successfully manage personnel at a tourism enterprise, ensure communication with the population, and study the needs, attitudes, motivation and satisfaction of tourists from travel and excursions.

The predictive function of tourism science is that it allows us to predict the future:

what will be the socio-economic potential of the state, and therefore how will tourism develop in the hospitality industry.

1.5. Requirements for research methods in tourism The main requirements for research methods in tourism can be formulated as follows:

1. Constant enrichment of the theory of tourism is of great practical importance in improving the methods of scientific knowledge. Each new stage in the development of tourism requires the improvement of scientific research methods, the search for new ways to solve theoretical and practical problems. Knowledge in this area with objective necessity leads to the application and updating of the following methods in the science of tourism: economic-mathematical, psychological, social, modeling and design.

2. Methods of scientific research must reflect the essence of the object being studied, the specifics of the cognitive process itself. These methods of science are diverse, they are built using a complex of other sciences, such as philosophy and sociology, history and psychology, economics, management and law.

3. Methods of scientific research should not carry the goals, aspirations, tasks that specialists set for themselves, and also should not correspond to the level of their training and the focus of the research. The influence of the goals of scientific research on research methods is manifested in the choice of techniques and methods for studying and selecting material to be studied, in the formulation of problematic questions, in the content and volume of work performed. The choice of research methods in tourism depends on specialists, their intellectual capabilities and talent, and social conditions.

Research methods used in tourism can be conditionally classified and grouped according to the degree of their generality and content.

The dialectical method plays a leading role in improving knowledge about tourism, since it reflects the general laws of development and knowledge of all phenomena of reality. All other methods can be used with the greatest effect only in connection with dialectics and on its basis.

Special methods of scientific knowledge are logically subordinate to the dialectical method, follow from it, and are guided by it. Special methods in tourism are formulated as a result of practical activities. With their help, you can study the segments of tourism, its relationship with art, folk art, architecture, etc.

Special methods of scientific research include tourism advertising marketing, online marketing, promotion of tourism products at exhibitions and fairs.

Depending on the nature of the tasks performed, you can use methods such as forecasting the development of tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation, long-term business planning, attracting investments in the development of tourism in small towns of the country, studying the retrospective experience of tour operators in terms of the requirements of global tourism development, space tourism.

The specificity of human cognitive activity and its features in relation to tourism are expressed in general scientific empirical and logical methods used in scientific knowledge. Observation and experiment, analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, unity, historical and logical approach - all this is a wealth of methods based on the patterns of reflection of reality in the human mind.

Their improvement in accordance with the features and objectives of the development of modern tourism remains 1.6. The importance of scientific disciplines in methodological research in tourism Philosophy. Of great importance for the scientific study of tourism is philosophy, which, summarizing the achievements of various sciences and practices of mankind, has developed its own method of knowledge - dialectics. This method differs from the methods of studying specific sciences in that it provides the key to understanding all areas of nature without exception.

Philosophy orients specialists towards the study of objective processes and patterns in their continuous development. Acting as dialectical logic, philosophy forms laws and categories of thinking as reflections of essential connections and processes of the real world, determines the logical structure of the thought process in solving theoretical and practical problems of tourism.

Philosophy allows specialists to understand the general laws of natural development. The laws of dialectics as applied to tourism research underlie the methods of cognition of social phenomena in tourism.

The methodological function of philosophy in tourism is to consider a certain system of principles and rules of human cognitive activity.

Story. History is of great importance for the study of tourism activities, the understanding of which opens the way to the study of tourism as a social phenomenon generated by socio-economic relations based on private property. A historical approach to the study of tourism activities makes it possible to clarify the role of individuals in the development of tourism, the interaction of material and spiritual forces, objective and subjective factors in tourism, and thereby justify the ways of practical activities of specialists to improve the economic component of both an individual tourism enterprise and the tourism industry as a whole. .

Pedagogy. The place and role of pedagogy in tourism are determined by the fact that tourism activities, the basis of which are hikes, travel and recreation, sightseeing, are specially organized activities based on special knowledge and skills.

The teacher must not only provide knowledge about tourism, but also create a need for it.

Pedagogical methods in tourism differ in their characteristic features. For example, a guide influences tourists with a word or a show, observing the results of his influence. In tourism activities, one can use a linear comparison, when the same troupe of excursionists is compared with itself at different time intervals, or a parallel comparison, when two operating groups are compared. Among other methods, the most commonly used are surveys and demonstration of skills.

Sociology. The methodological basis of sociology is the assertion that the driving force for the development of society is its desire to achieve a goal. Sociology studies tourism from the point of view of a social phenomenon, as a type of socio-cultural activity, its role in the formation of healthy and active people.

Sociological research can be divided according to the depth of analysis of problems and the complexity of the tasks being solved:

for reconnaissance, when, using the example of small groups, simple research problems are solved using simplified programs and tools (use of questionnaires, interview forms, observation);

descriptive - obtaining a holistic description of the process being studied, when conducting research requires significant resource costs;

analytical, when the study of a certain process reveals its structural components and factors, state, scale and other characteristics.

Computer science. Informatics as a specific field of activity in the tourism system includes such research methods as: registration and study of tourist procedures;

classification, typification and standardization of tourism processes in various countries;

creation and implementation of information technologies and technologies;

systematization of information codes;

creation of information technologies in the design and provision of tourism and health services using television, radio, satellite, cellular and mobile communications;

computer modeling of individual components of the tourism system;

creating coordinates for a database of all tourism objects.

Domestic and foreign scientists have formulated a number of laws of computer science: preservation of information;

information balance;

constant change of information;

information unity;

symmetrization and desymmetrization of information processes and technologies in micro- and macro-worlds, etc. For example, the law of conservation of information is an integral part of the life of tourist structures, which have varying degrees of activity.

The most active are international tour operators, state and regional tourism organizations, educational and research institutions that train specialists in this field of activity. Their information competence extends to all lower levels: travel agencies, travel enterprises, hotel and restaurant complexes, insurance companies, companies involved in transporting tourists, health centers, passport, visa and customs structures, security services, consumers of services.

Systematology. Systematology as a science of management covers tourism activities, in which important problems are: the study of control and managed systems;

study of forms and methods of control actions;

theoretical analysis of the management process itself;

study of the organization of managerial work.

The tasks solved in this field of activity include: development of theoretical problems and practical management issues;

assistance to practitioners - on a theoretical basis, find ways and means of successfully solving management problems;

studying and developing ways of integrated application of forms and methods of influencing personnel.

Management functions in tourism are classified: according to the regulation of their norms - legal and moral;

territorial criterion - federal, regional, local;

duration of action - unlimited and urgent;

the position of participants in the management system - relations of subordination (vertical) and coordination (horizontal);

sphere of distribution - internal, developing within a given control system, and external, developing between different control systems. In tourism practice, corporate governance models are used: Anglo-American, German, Japanese, entrepreneurial, characteristic of countries with transition economies. Each of the listed functions is distinguished by the following features: a system of social values, the role of work collectives, methods of financing, information asymmetry, investment, cost of capital, the main economic unit, type of innovation, management compensation, and share capital structure.

Metrology. Metrology is the science of measurements, methods of achieving their unity and accuracy.

Measurements, the results of which are expressed in legal units, and the errors are known with a given probability, are called uniformity of measurements. Unity of measurements is necessary in order to be able to compare the results of measurements taken in different places, at different times, using different methods and measuring instruments.

Metrology is of greater importance in increasing production efficiency, technical level and product quality for the tourism industry.

To systematically ensure and improve the quality of tourism products and services, it is necessary to carry out control at all stages of the production cycle.

To ensure that a product or service meets customer needs, it must be designed and developed in accordance with a standard. In this important matter, it is necessary to select professionals or train personnel to do this.

Qualimetry. Qualimetry is a branch of science that combines quantitative methods for assessing the quality of tourism products and services, contributes to the selection of methods for determining quality indicators and their optimization. Having the means and methods of measurement and evaluation, qualimetry helps the study of general theoretical problems of tourism (general qualimetry), the construction of a model and algorithm for assessing the formation of a tourism product (special qualimetry), and the formation of pricing of a tourism product (subject qualimetry).

With the help of qualimetry in tourism activities, you can get an idea of ​​the theory of quantitative assessment methods, evaluate the quality of services as a product of staff labor, which is a complex indicator of quality, identify the number of immeasurable services, and apply non-economic assessment methods.

Qualimetry makes it possible to determine the quality of a tourism product in its interaction with consumer value (economic status), the focus of a tourism product on a comprehensive assessment of economic and technical properties and processes (techno-economic status), methodological and general scientific functions of the category of quality of a tourism product (general scientific status), social- cultural value of a tourism product in socio-economic relations (systematic status).

Quantitative assessment of the quality of a tourism product is necessary for making informed decisions at all stages of its life cycle: from marketing research to making a decision on discontinuation. Quality qualimetry allows you to determine competitiveness, establish the relationship between quality and price, analyze the quality of production processes, determine ways to improve tourism products and reduce costs. Statistics. Tourism is the object of statistical research.

Statistical research in tourism is a scientifically organized process of obtaining primary statistical information or systematic collection of data about the studied phenomena of social life.

Statistical reporting in tourism ensures the use of state statistics data and is necessary for making informed management decisions by interested users, comparability of indicators in accordance with domestic and international statistical methodology.

The classification of statistics in tourism is a means of summarizing statistical information, the basis of statistical analysis and the use of systems of indicators, necessary for the formation of groups of units of the population under study according to certain characteristics, allows you to: identify socio-economic types, classes, groups of phenomena;

study the internal structure of the population under study;

establish connections between signs of phenomena. For example, the classification of socio-economic characteristics of visitors includes the behavior patterns of tourists, their needs and expenses depending on age, education, income, and social status.

Typification of tourist accommodation facilities reflects such concepts as types, groups, subgroups. Types include collective and individual accommodation facilities;

for groups - specialized and individual accommodation facilities;

to subgroups - hotels, motels, boarding houses, sanatoriums, dispensaries, holiday homes, apartments, comrats and cottages.

Statistics in tourism are used, for example, in cases where it is necessary to determine such a parameter as inbound consumption by tourists (accommodation services, food and drinks, services of travel agencies and tour operators, services of tourist guides, services of cultural enterprises, organization of recreation and entertainment). Other specific areas characteristic of a particular region, tourism company, hotel complex, tour operator are also explored.

Logistics. The management process in providing tourism events takes place in compliance with the rules of logistics. For example, the provision of inventory, equipment, food and accommodation for tourists, as well as their transportation to sites, sale of air tickets, insurance, issuance of an international voucher, hotel reservations and other activities are carried out taking into account the principles and methods of logistics, which constitute a logistics system.

The logistics system in the tourism business is a rather complex organizationally complete economic system, consisting of interconnected elements of links in a single management process, the totality of which, the boundaries and objectives of the functioning are united by internal and external goals. In practice, logistics (open) and command-administrative (closed) systems have developed and are functioning, enriched by economic practice.

In tourism activities, modeling of logistics systems is used. Specialists have developed general Models of the structure of functions and relationships, which are usually called modules.

In tourism, when interacting with the production and marketing of tourism products, a software-functional module is used, which includes: operational analysis of demand conditions;

development and implementation of options for a model of operational planning and organization of tourist transportation while optimizing the choice of vehicle;

organization and management of the reception and departure of tourists;

organization of recording and analysis of the safety status of tourists;

operational planning and management of the supply and loading of transport when receiving and departing tourists.

1.7. Basic principles of tourism methodology The task of methodological research of tourism activities is to show ways of studying economic, social, cultural and other problems, to identify and evaluate methods and principles of knowledge, to avoid erroneous conclusions and false theoretical concepts.

The basic principles of tourism methodology are objective and. subjectivity of tourism activities.

Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon interacts with objective and subjective conditions, external and internal factors.

The objectivity of tourism activities is related to:

Provide a theoretical justification for effectively running a tourism business in market conditions;

Develop theoretical concepts that correspond to the socio-economic guidelines of the state and the level of scientific and technological progress;

Determine ways to improve the management of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism;

Find effective ways to further develop types and forms of tourism in the regions of Russia.

For example, in studying the causes and essence of the emergence of new types of tourism and their development, specialists must proceed from an analysis of the material basis of socio-economic development, which determines all aspects of tourism activity. This basis is the development of productive forces and production relations. Economic efficiency directs managers to clarify the real facts, obliges them to adhere to an objective analysis of individual aspects of activity in tourism, and testing theoretical principles in practice gives them confidence in the correctness of the decisions made.

The study uses selected methods from other sciences related to tourism, especially economic, social and medical.

Tourism includes a wide range of phenomena that are complex in their essence and structure, having socio-political, economic and technical aspects, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

In tourism, methods of related sciences are used to one degree or another. For example, managers and marketers study and master the methods of sciences that interact with tourism, such as strategic enterprise management, licensing, standardization, certification, finance and credit, and accounting. Competence in these and other areas of knowledge requires continuous improvement of professional training, broadening one's horizons, and developing general scientific erudition.

The study of modern tourism is impossible without the skillful use of the achievements of computer science, telecommunications, mathematics, computer technology and the methods used in them.

Knowledge as a result of scientific knowledge of certain types of tourism represents objective reality. For example, outside a person’s consciousness there are social phenomena and specific situations that are reflected in his brain in the form of certain mental images. The correspondence of the image to the reality reflected in it characterizes the degree of objectivity of its content. For example, a cruise on a comfortable sea liner around Europe as an image reproduces the most general features, characteristic features of the real, its patterns that objectively exist in reality. Knowledge about the actual conditions of a cruise can only be formed during a sea voyage.

Knowledge that exists in consciousness in the form of an ideal reflection is subjective.

The correspondence of the image to the objective reality reflected in it, for example in rafting (an extreme form of tourism), is relative. Its completeness, accuracy, and adequacy may vary, depending on the mountain river, time of year, complexity and risk to life.

Here the corresponding image appears: in the subject - the personality of the tourist, in the object - rafting as an extreme form of tourism.

Subjectivity in tourism is characterized by the fact that a person creates images that reflect the current and future reality: hotel accommodation and quality service, meeting interesting people or folk crafts of the region.

A travel agency specialist in his research can be ahead of reality, which is the basis for the creativity of the forecast. If research were not able to stay ahead of reality, the specialist would not have the opportunity to transform it in accordance with his needs.

The subjectivity of the image obtained during the research process is the reason for a possible distortion, one-sided, subjectivist reflection of reality. Erroneous knowledge, if it is not a deliberate lie, is a reflection of a subjective image of objective reality. In this case, the content of the image exaggerates, absolutizes, or, conversely, understates any one aspect of reality. For example, underestimating the importance of space tourism compared to conventional types of tourism may delay the creation of vehicles for delivering tourists to Earth orbit and medical research on human adaptation to weightlessness.

A typical mistake when analyzing the services market is a distorted idea of ​​the capabilities of competitors. Subjectivism in this field of activity, as practice shows, often manifests itself and has a detrimental effect on the profitability of a tourism enterprise.

1.8. Competitive bidding methodology The competitive bidding methodology as a set of methods and techniques, technologies and mechanisms is aimed at solving certain problems, for example, conducting and coordinating open or closed tenders for the construction of tourist facilities, promoting tourism products and services, organizing work on the arrangement of places of residence, providing tourists food, drinks, related goods and services.

Competitive bidding (tenders) contribute to solving socio-economic problems, i.e.

The budget funds of a tourist enterprise must be implemented so that the work, goods, and services are of high quality at lower costs. The released material resources can, for example, be used for the social needs of personnel. Competitive bidding reflects the objective laws of social, economic and other relations, based on appropriate methodology, experiment and practice, i.e. they have an objective justification.

The methods used in the competitive bidding process include economic and mathematical methods of analysis;

methods of collection and economic analysis of materials, system analysis and synthesis, forecasting, scientific foresight;

methods for the effectiveness of theoretical generalization and conclusions in conditions close to real ones, making decisions on the use of the results obtained;

factor analysis;

systemic, informative, team, collaborative, cultural, creative, organizational change, normative and descriptive approaches;

comparison methods, modeling;

expert assessments and experiment;

methods of psychological influence, error prevention, encouragement.

1.9. Theoretical and empirical methods of research in tourism The process of developing knowledge about tourism is determined by the variety of connections, constant updating of tourism products, improvement of personnel activities, changes in socio-economic relations in the country and the world.

In tourism, the following main areas of scientific research can be distinguished:

theoretical, empirical and practical.

Theoretical research. Theoretical research is aimed at discovering something new in the phenomenon being studied, establishing its properties and trends that have not yet been reflected in the theory and practice of tourism. Its purpose is to reveal the patterns of development of tourism, its individual forms and types. On this basis, it is possible to determine, for example, the demand for services on the market and the focus of training specialists in the field of tourism.

Theoretical studies reveal the essence of the processes, the laws underlying them, and new directions in the development of individual segments of tourism.

Based on theoretical research, management methods for tourism enterprises are improved and highly professional personnel are trained.

The results of theoretical research serve as the basis for the development of regulatory documents, target programs, and enterprise charters, which reflect in a concentrated form the experience of tourism activities in individual market segments and a forecast for their future development. Consequently, new requirements are being formulated for the training of specialists, the design of new tourism programs, and the principles of sustainable functioning in the services market.

Theoretical research is the logical basis for scientific analysis of specific processes, assessment of one’s resources, competitors’ capabilities, making informed practical decisions, and enterprise management.

Empirical research. Empirical research is intended to accumulate new factual material, explain it and generalize it within the framework of the existing theory of tourism.

It is known that tourism is developing dynamically, therefore empirical research occupies a large place in the activities of scientists and specialists. The richer and more diverse the practice and possibilities of experimentation, the faster the science of tourism can accumulate the necessary amount of facts that are the empirical basis for improving and developing the theory of tourism.

Empirical research is carried out directly during the activity. In practice, they are aimed at obtaining objective knowledge about the situation in the tourism services market and determining on this basis the most effective ways to use available resources in order to retain one’s segment, market, identify one’s rivals in the competition, achieve an economic effect, i.e. arrived.

clarification of tasks;

assessment of market conditions;

decision making by the manager;

setting tasks by the manager for the staff.

All elements, despite their logical unity and purposefulness, differ from each other in the content and sequence of studying the main issues, methods of work of the leader and the team.

Understanding the task by a manager is a correct understanding of the role and place of his enterprise in the service market, the nature of the actions of competitors in the process of selling a tour product, the availability of available resources, and the correct choice of ways to achieve the goal.

The nature of the market assessment and the content of the decision made largely depend on the accuracy of understanding the problem.

Market assessment consists of studying the objective conditions of future activities that are favorable or, on the contrary, negatively affecting the implementation of assigned tasks.

The objects of market assessment are: competitors, their weak and strong capabilities, local (geographical) conditions where the tourism product will be sold, seasonality factor, etc.

The areas of activity, the economic state of the industry, the presence of potential consumers, the socio-political state of the country and region in which the tourism enterprise operates, and the attitude of the population towards participation in tourism events are taken into account.

When assessing the market situation, it is important to find the main links that have a decisive influence on the methods of action of the enterprise manager, the ability to maneuver resources, interact with partners, provide support and cooperation.

The assessment of the market situation consists not only of its actual state at the moment, but also of its dynamics, taking into account possible changes of competing parties during the sale of a tourism product, in the actions of competitors and their specialists. This is important in the context of the expected use of exclusive programs by competitors, the consequence of which is that they may have priority in the sale of tourism products and unexpected changes in the market of demand and supply of services, the emergence of crisis situations, the creation of conditions for bankruptcy and termination of activities.

The manager makes a decision to sell a tourism product in accordance with the conclusions after understanding the task and assessing the situation.

When making a decision to promote a tourism product, quality and competitors are determined, the sequence and ways to achieve the main goal - making a profit - are established.

When deciding to use internal reserves, the basis of the plan is measures to achieve high stability in the services market and activity in the market of all enterprise structures.

To set tasks for staff it is necessary:

concentrate the main efforts on the sale of tourism services;

determine the most appropriate ways to promote it;

choose a travel service maneuver.

Departments and services must ensure the order of interaction, as well as the main measures to comprehensively ensure upcoming sales and organize the management of the enterprise.

1.10. Peculiarities of scientific research in tourism The nature of scientific research is determined by the specific patterns of tourism, which is a process of social relations when competing parties pursue their goals, take measures to conquer markets for services and disrupt the actions of rivals. This feature of tourism as an object of research is acquiring a new quality in modern conditions, having a significant impact on the development of its theoretical foundations and the content of effective personnel management.

The Russian market has revealed the most characteristic features of services. There was a period when the calculation was made to quickly make a profit through initiative tourism, i.e. due only to sending vacationers to foreign resorts. This was the first stage of the activity of tourist enterprises, a stunning impact on compatriots for whom the doors were opened abroad.

However, a weak legislative framework has resulted in weak government management of the tourism industry. After the stabilization of outbound tourism, the appearance of large tour companies on the services market changed the existing situation. The goals they set opened up wide opportunities for differentiating market segments as a means of achieving strategic objectives.

Based on the foregoing, the tourism industry is faced with the question of further improving the high profitability of tourism enterprises, which is a voluminous and continuous process through the search for effective ways to improve tourism activities.

Qualitative changes in tourism that have taken place in Russia, a sharp increase in competition, the emergence of a large number of tour operators allow large travel companies to quickly change the balance of forces: design, form new types of tourism products taking into account certain groups of consumers, inflict significant blows on their competitors, in a short time seize the initiative and hold her firmly in your hands.

This feature of the tourism business, its dynamism and agility have a significant impact on the theory and practice of scientific knowledge of tourism, on the management activities of managers of travel enterprises and personnel.

Counteraction by competitors consists in concealing their plans, forces and means, and the possibility of “releasing” exclusive services to the market, which causes tactical uncertainty.

It is not always possible to establish the truth and reliability of information about a new tourism product and to fill in the missing information.

The tactical art of a leader is to be able to use incomplete, fragmentary, and sometimes contradictory data to recreate the true picture of the supply and demand market, make timely decisions, and manage effectively to withstand the onslaught of competitors.

In practical activities, the time factor is of paramount importance. The enterprise management process is characterized by a contradiction between an increasing flow of information and an ever-increasing reduction in time for its analysis, generalization and decision-making.

Scientific research is faced with the task of finding effective ways to resolve this contradiction, correctly assessing the time factor in the interests of improving the quality of activities, successful organization in its actions, and improving methods of training personnel in the design and formation of new tourism products.

The cognitive activity of a manager in practical activities is significantly influenced by constant competition and a high degree of responsibility for decisions made. The psychological factor in market conditions is an important subject of scientific research.

An important feature of tourism is that it belongs to the private sector. In the activities of tourist enterprises, changes are taking place in the socio-economic situation, tourist equipment, transport, the quality of service in hotel complexes, the structure of recreation and excursions are being improved. After the end of the financial year, a balance sheet is drawn up, which affects the nature of sales of the tourism product and the methods of its promotion (advertising, exhibitions, fairs, competitive bidding).

Of particular importance in scientific research in tourism are the accuracy of forecasting its development and the objective truth of theoretical conclusions. If at the first stages of tourism activity managers could eliminate shortcomings during the sale of tourism products on the service market, then at present theoretical issues of tourism are developed before entering the market.

Scientific research in the tourism industry is significantly influenced not only by the specifics of the object being reflected, but also by the level of knowledge about it and the degree of penetration into its essence.

Test questions 1. What is the role of methodology in the science of tourism?

2. What are the principles of general, special and particular methodology?

3. How can a particular methodology be applied in tourism research?

4. What is the role of methodology in the study of tourism activities?

5. What is the methodology of scientific research in tourism?

6. What functions of tourism science do you know?

7. How are methods of scientific research in tourism characterized?

8. What role do philosophy, history and pedagogy play in methodological research in tourism?

9. What is the importance of sociology, computer science, systemology and metrology in methodological research in tourism?

9. What unites quantitative methods for assessing the quality of tourism products and services?

10. What is the role of statistics and logistics in methodological research in tourism?

11. What is the objectivity of tourism activities related to?

12. How is subjective tourism activity characterized?

13. What is the competitive bidding methodology?

14. What is the purpose of theoretical research in tourism?

15. What is the purpose of empirical research in tourism?

16. How is practical research carried out in tourism?

17. What is the content of practical research during the sale of a tourism product?

18. What are the features of scientific research in tourism?

19. What factors does the functioning of inbound tourism depend on? What is the peculiarity of the category of truth in the tourism industry?

20. For what purposes is critical analysis used in tourism research?

21. How many tasks do you need to set for effective research? Justify these provisions.

22. What does statistical reporting mean in tourism?

23. What modeling systems are used in tourism activities?

Chapter 2 Application of the basic laws of dialectics in scientific research in tourism 2.1. Application of the law of unity and struggle of opposites in scientific research in tourism The process of tourism development is associated with the law of unity and struggle of opposites, which answers the question about the source, driving force of development and disclosure of the internal content of the tourism business. Tourism as a social phenomenon contains opposite sides, properties and trends. Tourism as a social process is characterized by opposing socio-economic goals and activities in the service market. The interaction of opposite sides of tourism is the unity and struggle between them.

Tourism is an integral part of the state economy, which has a direct impact on its strategy, the material and technical means used and the methods of their use. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the strategy of the regions of the country that will be given priority.

One of the main contradictions of Toryism is the confrontation between competitors in the market of tourist services. The contradiction between them is resolved by creating superiority in the resources of one or the other side. To reveal the content of this contradiction means to reveal what constitutes the economic superiority of one of the tourist enterprises at a certain stage.

The management of tourism enterprises must take into account possible changes in these trends, determine ways to improve activities, and constantly be ready to develop a tourism product.

The development of tourism depends on the level of economic development and the scientific and technical potential of the state.

Currently, tourism structures do not have great economic, scientific and technical potential. This contradiction is resolved through the preparation and implementation of phased targeted programs for the development of tourism both in the regions and in the country as a whole.

As a result of a scientific study of tourism, it is possible to reveal contradictions between its different sides, then scientifically substantiate recommendations for improving the forms and methods of running the tourism business, methods of training * specialists, which will allow us to develop directions for active entry, for example, into such a market segment as cruise tourism. When deciding on the activities of a tourism company, managers strive to get ahead of competitors, ensure high rates of promotion of their tourism product, and ensure profit.

Discovering contradictions in the development of tourism is an important, but not the final stage of analysis, since the contradiction itself is not something frozen, immovable. The development of any contradiction is that one of the travel companies in a particular market segment begins to dominate over the other. In this case, the contradiction intensifies.

An important stage in the tourism services market is the disclosure of trends in the development of discovered contradictions between tourism enterprises and the identification of directions for resolving them.

It is necessary to use your niche in the service market in such a way as to continuously “compete” with competitors.

The emergence of a large number of tourist enterprises led to a sharp increase in competition and the struggle for consumers, as a result of which, in the conditions of stabilization, a small number of strong tourist enterprises gained a foothold in the services market, which suppressed the weak ones, becoming monopolists. There are no obstacles to this process from the state, since the legislative framework is still imperfect. Therefore, assessing the state of the market, without having objective conditions to prevent a monopoly, some travel enterprises behave aggressively in a dynamically developing services market.

Tourist enterprises can oppose each other and weaken each other’s position in the market. In a confrontation between enterprises, it may turn out that one of them is stronger as a result of the activity of personnel and the inclusion of reserve resources.

The aggravation of contradictions in the tourism business sooner or later ends with their resolution, the transition of tourism enterprises to new high-quality relationships. Managers must identify signs of contradictions and skillfully neutralize them. For example, the main goal in promoting a tourism product is to beat competitors, which contains opposite tendencies. On the one hand, it is necessary to achieve success in the tourism services market, increase economic profitability, on the other hand, to get rid of wasted time, which is also an important factor in the services market, otherwise competitors may get ahead.

The possibility of doing business in the tourism services market using conventional means in conditions of constant risk and threats from competitors gives rise to a contradiction in the choice of methods for achieving the success of a tourism enterprise. In order to ensure sustainability in the market, the creation of an exclusive tourism product is required. There is a contradiction - the need to create a tourism product in order to beat competitors, and the danger of a possible risk that this product will not be fully realized. Combining these two mutually exclusive requirements is a difficult matter. The solution to this contradiction should be as follows: to create a tourism product that would simultaneously provide rapid variation and help lower prices.

Contradictions in the tourism business are not only a source of development of objective processes, but also a means of improving knowledge, i.e. the contradiction manifests itself between the amount of accumulated knowledge and practice.

The manager's knowledge, although it gives a correct idea of ​​nature, remains incomplete.

Tourism, no matter what level of development it reaches, does not provide an exhaustive reflection of the diverse transformations that continuously occur in its forms and methods of operation in market conditions. In this sense, many special disciplines in tourism need further enrichment and development.

The inconsistency of objective reality is the epistemological basis of different views and understandings of the same process. Therefore, a struggle arises not only between different, but sometimes directly opposite opinions. The struggle of opinions in science, as a reflection of the contradictory nature of reality and knowledge, constitutes one of the most important patterns of its development. Where there is no struggle, no clash of different opinions, there is no development of science. A necessary condition for the development of tourism science is free discussions that promote creative solutions to pressing problems.

The inconsistency of cognition lies in the fact that contradictory reality must be expressed in a formal-logical consistent form. The presence of contradictions does not indicate the perfection of the theory of tourism. It must be constructed so that some provisions of the theory do not contradict others. The ways to resolve the contradiction between a consistent theory and contradictory reality are the constant development of the theory of tourism, the replacement of outdated provisions with new, more accurate and complete ones.

The science of tourism recognizes one authority - a comprehensively substantiated and proven scientific truth. The logic of its development is a struggle of opinions, creative discussions, unity of theoretical and practical actions. Bold, far-sighted forecasts, comprehensive analysis of phenomena using modern research methods, rapid implementation of scientific achievements in life - these are the requirements of the methodology for the scientific study of tourism.

2.2. Application of the law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones in scientific research in tourism. Characteristics of quality and quantity. The law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative reveals the nature and forms of transition of phenomena from one state to another, answers the question: how does development occur in the tourism industry? For example, a tourism product is a unity of quantitative and qualitative certainty. Its quality has a quantitative expression. In turn, quantity is nothing more than one of the characteristics of qualitative certainty, in other words, in a tourism product there is no quality without quantity, just as there is no quantity without quality.

In tourism, quality is the internal, essential properties of a tourism product that distinguish it from other products. The quality of a tourism product is expressed in such properties as purchasing power, the presence of various types of services in its composition, which gives it the features of an object of purchase and sale, which lay the foundations for its promotion on the market and making a profit.

Quantity characterizes a tourism product in terms of the degree of development or intensity of its inherent properties, as well as its size and volume. Typically, quantity is expressed as a number.

In tourism, the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones characterizes both the development of objective reality and knowledge. To understand this or that process means to reveal the unity of quality and quantity of a tourism product, the dialectics of the relationship and mutual transitions between them. The need to comply with this provision is increasing at the present stage of tourism development, which is due to the constantly increasing qualitative differentiation of service market segments, as well as their sharply increasing number.

The relationship between quantitative and qualitative methods used at a tourism enterprise.

The penetration of science into the essence of the processes it studies, along with the widespread use of computer technology in scientific research, has led to an increase in economic and mathematical methods of knowledge in solving theoretical and practical problems of tourism. A correct understanding of the content of the law in question, the requirements it imposes on scientific research, allows us to determine the actual relationship between quantitative and qualitative methods.

Improving the management of a tourism enterprise begins with determining its quality, which is directly related to the Quality of the tourism product, which is revealed through comparing it with others in their interaction.

The quality of a tourism product in a generalized form is characterized by its purchasing power. This raises the question: how is this quality determined, what are its components?

As a rule, the quality of a tourism product is determined by the professionalism of specialists and material and technical resources;

quantity of both;

organizational and staffing structure of the tourism enterprise. It is especially important to observe the principle of a rational quantitative and qualitative relationship between specialists and material and technical resources. The ratio should be such that the efficiency, mobility and manageability of the tourism enterprise are ensured.

Quantitative analysis to solve business problems. To solve commercial problems of a tourist enterprise, various methods are used that require accurate quantitative analysis, the methods of which are continuously improved, which is associated with the development of economic and mathematical methods of computer technology. In addition, due to the need to ensure special accuracy of calculations, metrological methods are used. For example, the use of economic-mathematical and metrological methods in the practical activities of managers forms their logical thinking, intuition as the ability to give the correct quantitative assessment when making decisions under limited time. Achieving the required accuracy of measurements and calculations means ensuring high quality of the work performed.

Quantitative estimates obtained as a result of the application of economic and mathematical methods help to give a qualitative description of the research: what resources are needed to obtain a given result, taking into account the opposition of competitors;

what should be the optimal business plan;

what will be the expected economic result.





ON THE. Balyuk



Publishing house of Tyumen State University

ON THE. Balyuk. METHODS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN SERVICE AND TOURISM: tutorial. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2012.


The textbook examines the basics of scientific knowledge focused on studying the problems of service and tourism, and the organization of service activities. Studying the problems of tourism and the service sector requires the development of a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach that allows the use of general theoretical and practical methods of socio-economic and financial analysis of tourism activities. Modern trends in the development of tourism science are determined by a combination of theoretical and applied approaches in the analysis of factor influence on the processes of tourism activity, the essence of the cluster approach and its role in the development of tourism as a sector of the economy. The textbook discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of tourism, incl. groups of basic, special and particular methods, specificity of scientific ones. The specificity of the application of general scientific methods in the study of tourism activities is shown. The characteristics of general scientific methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, research of the resource potential of the tourism business, private and special methods of studying tourism problems are given. Of particular importance at the present stage are practical methods for analyzing processes in the field of management and marketing, entrepreneurial, financial, economic, and excursion activities. In order to analyze the resource capabilities of the territory for the purposes of tourism development, the program-target method, the method of scientific forecasting, scientific forecasting in tourism, and the cluster approach are being implemented. In order to develop students' competencies in the field of scientific design, this manual provides a methodology for diploma design, which allows testing the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of studying tourism problems and organizing tourism activities. The manual is recommended for students studying under the 3rd generation educational standard in the field of Tourism.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of tourism

      Fundamentals of methodology as a doctrine of research methods in tourism

The development of tourism in modern conditions actualizes the development and implementation of effective methods for studying this area as a socio-cultural phenomenon and sector of the economy. Officially, methodology is defined as the study of methods, as a system of basic principles, forms and methods of scientific research. By definition I.V. Zorin and V.A. Kvartalny, the methodology of tourism research is a system of cognitive principles, analytical procedures that explain the essence and place of tourism activities in the economic complex, in social relations, in the cultural practice of the people, in the processes of public recreation and individual human development. Each science has its own methodology. There are three main levels of methodology: 1) general methodology, which is universal in relation to all sciences, its content includes philosophical and general scientific methods of cognition; 2) private methodology of scientific research for the group of natural sciences and humanities, which forms a group of general scientific and private methods; 3) methodology of scientific research of a specific science, including general, general scientific, private and special methods of cognition. General methodology provides accurate ideas about the general laws of tourism development, which are based on the principles of dialectics - the science of universal connections and development. Special The methodology allows us to formulate laws and patterns related to the uniqueness of the formation, development and functioning of the phenomena that are being studied. The special methodology is based on the following principles: scientific character, clarity, accessibility, unity of theory and practice of teaching. Private methodology is a set of methods, methods, and techniques for studying specific phenomena of tourism activity that constitute the object and subject of analysis. The private methodology is based on the following principles: determinism – causality of mental processes occurring during the development of tourism species and flora; the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity - an indicator of the unity of development of consciousness and activity, when consciousness arises, develops and manifests itself in activity; development is an indicator of the inextricable connection of tourism with other branches of science and general development - intellectual, emotional, social; personal approach to training – orientation of researchers to the study of individual and socio-psychological characteristics of specialists 1.

To the main objectives of the methodology for researching tourism activities includes the development of a model for studying economic, social, cultural and other problems based on the principles of objectivity and subjectivity. In turn, the objectivity of tourism activities allows us to provide a theoretical justification for the effective conduct of tourism business in market conditions; develop theoretical concepts that correspond to modern trends in the state strategy for tourism development. Relevant for the development of tourism problems is competitive bidding methodology, as a set of methods and techniques, technologies and mechanisms aimed at solving certain problems, for example, holding tenders for the construction of tourism industry facilities. Competitive bidding (tenders) contribute to solving socio-economic problems. This process is studied through a complex methodology, using methods of mathematical and economic analysis, forecasting, etc.

The methodology for studying tourism problems is based on the theory of tourism and the theory of recreation. Theory of tourism is focused on the study of tourism activities, the tourism industry - tourist centers and areas, including a complex of natural, cultural and historical conditions, as well as tourism organizations and service enterprises used by tourists in their holiday destination and during transportation. The subject of study is a tourism product - a program of recreational activities and tourist services specially organized by a tour operator, sold on the tourism market as an independent product. The subject of study is a tourist who satisfies his recreational needs and is characterized by a special system of properties and states (physiological, psychological, economic, social, etc.) 2.

Recreation theory involves the study of processes associated with conditions that ensure the expanded reproduction of human strength (physical, intellectual, emotional): the sphere of leisure and entertainment used to restore physical and mental strength; the dynamics of the restructuring of the body, ensuring active activity under various conditions, nature and changes in the environment. The most essential elements of the theory of recreation are the following concepts: 1. humane centered concept, which determines the target function of the recreational system from the standpoint of orientation towards recreational needs and human motivation; 2. economically centered concept, considering the problem from the standpoint of the economic essence of recreation. Recreation interacts with other sciences, incl. With anthropoecology(human ecology) - a fundamental doctrine about the relationship between man and the environment in order to improve the characteristics of the environment for humans. Recreation as well valeology is the science of health and a healthy lifestyle of both personal and social value. Recreation is associated with demographics- a science that studies the population, its size, composition and sociological indicators. The study of recreation problems is carried out within the framework of several approaches. Let's consider the essence of the main approaches. IN genetic approach the main role is given to taking into account the past development and origin of the tourist site. Descriptive - The descriptive approach involves recording events that occur. Dialectical the approach is based on a concept that combines empirical experience with the analysis of phenomena in their development and change. Integral The approach is aimed at using three main criteria during the study of recreational systems when finding effective solutions: social, economic, environmental.

The goals and objectives of scientific research into tourism problems are determined by the general trends of state policy aimed at developing inbound and domestic tourism as a sector of the economy. Scientific research into tourism problems involves solving the following problems:

    Collection, description, analysis, synthesis and explanation of facts;

    Identification of general patterns of development of socio-economic processes.

    Systematization of acquired knowledge.

    Explanation of the essence of phenomena and processes.

    Forecasting the main development trends and processes.

    Establishing directions and forms of practical use of acquired knowledge.

Thus, the scientific foundations of tourism are based on a system that consists of theory, methodology, research techniques and techniques; practice of implementing the results obtained. Conducting scientific research requires defining the object and subject of research. An object (subject) is a set of connections and relationships, properties that exists objectively in theory and practice and serves as a source of information necessary for the researcher. Object of study aimed at determining the essence and theoretical foundations of the phenomenon under study. Subject of research are processes, phenomena, trends, development mechanisms. According to the classification, the structure of science is divided into several areas: 1. natural sciences and mathematics (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geography, ecology, etc.): 2. humanitarian and socio-economic (cultural studies, theology, philosophy, history, sociology, management, etc.); 3. technical sciences (construction, radio engineering, geodesy, etc.; 4. agricultural sciences.

The tourism sector correlates with humanitarian and socio-economic areas. The structure of tourism theory is formed by concepts, categories, scientific terms, judgments, principles, laws, scientific provisions, teachings, ideas, elements. Let's look at the basic definitions. Concept is a thought that reflects the essential and necessary characteristics of a certain set of objects or phenomena. Category– this is a general fundamental concept that reflects the most essential properties and relationships of objects and phenomena (categories can be philosophical, general scientific and related to a particular branch of science. Scientific term – denotes a concept used in science. Judgment – it is a thought that affirms or denies something. Principle – this is the guiding idea, the basic starting position of a theory, teaching, worldview, theoretical program. The principles are theoretical and methodological. Axiom- this is a position that is initial, unproven in this theory and from which all other assumptions are derived according to pre-fixed rules. Law– this is an objective, necessary, internal stable connection between phenomena and processes. (laws of nature, society, thinking, knowledge). According to the scope of action, laws are universal, general, and particular. Pattern in the field of scientific analysis it is defined as the totality of the action of many laws, as a system of existing necessary general connections. Position is a scientific statement, a formulated thought. Examples of scientific statements are hypothesis, disposition, sanction. Teaching interpreted as a set of theoretical provisions about reality, reality; as a system of views of a scientist, thinker, as an idea - a new intuitive explanation of events and phenomena. Concept – this is a certain way of understanding, interpreting any object, phenomenon, process, the main point of view, the guiding idea, the main idea. Scientific research is based on empirical and theoretical levels.

The basis of scientific knowledge about tourism is strategy and tactics. Strategy tourism development in the country is a system of scientifically based views on the essence, nature and methods of tourism development in the regions and the country as a whole. The tourism development strategy is determined on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of tourism and recreational potential and is the main indicator of the level of development of the economy as a whole. Tactics covers the theory and practice of a business enterprise and its structures. tactics are differentiated by areas and market segments and are specific activities.

Scientific work is the most important element of the activities of our republic. All full-time teachers together with students are engaged in scientific work. They conduct scientific research within the framework of State programs of fundamental research and individual projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and participate in competitions for research projects announced by various foundations. The results of the work are annually introduced into production and the educational process. The research work of students in the departments of sports disciplines is the most important component in the process of training specialists with higher education.

The main directions of scientific work include: conducting scientific research with the aim of publishing materials; preparation of reports to communicate research results at scientific conferences.

The main discussion in scientific works revolves around key issues related to the improvement of national systems of physical education, the formation of the younger generation through physical education, the development of the theory of physical education in the presentation of its foundations by various research schools and directions, and in the field of orienteering and tourism much attention is paid to environmental education

Historical scientific research in tourism has two large sections. The first is the centuries-old world (including domestic) history of travel, as well as the history of the formation of modern mass tourism and the tourism industry, which dates back just over a hundred years.

The second is the history of countries and peoples, knowledge and understanding of which is necessary for the correct preparation of tourist programs and routes by tourism organizers. Real knowledge and understanding of history, especially local history, is necessary to prepare qualified tour guides and accompanying tour groups and tourists. Unfortunately, it should be noted that many specialists from tourism organizations have a poor understanding of not only the history of foreign countries, but, what is especially regrettable, of domestic history.

Geographical scientific research in tourism is practically not conducted, and this is associated with major failures in the development of amateur tourism. Most tourists cannot navigate by map, do not know the natural, climatic and ethnological features of various regions of the country and other countries, “geographical cretinism” has become a common and widespread phenomenon of modern society. Regional studies as a special discipline in geography requires special research and methodological developments from the perspective of tourism science.

Scientific research in tourism related to cultural studies, art history and architecture are very rare, but they have begun to appear in recent years. Tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon is gradually becoming an attractive object of scientific research.

In recent years, a large number of scientific publications and educational literature related to the history of culture and religions of various countries and peoples have been published. Serious educational programs have been created on the history and theory of culture, but Russian tourists still prefer “beach” vacations to all other cultural types of tourism. Scientific, theoretical and practical developments related to the culture of behavior of tourists on foreign trips are becoming increasingly relevant.

Sociocultural design is directly related to architecture and the organization of people’s habitats; unfortunately, scientists in the tourism sector almost do not deal with all these issues, leaving them to architects and utility specialists. The most important direction in the scientific support of tourism is research on the tourist and recreational use of cultural and natural heritage sites.

The new information space in tourism, associated with the unprecedented development of electronic technologies, requires special scientific research, the need for which is acutely felt in the modern tourism industry. New opportunities of the global Internet, with the right and professional approach, increase the quality of scientific research in the field of tourism; moreover, they allow for the rapid exchange of ideas and information between members of the scientific community.

A complex scientific problem includes security issues in the tourism sector. In this important topic, it is necessary to consider almost all aspects of tourism activity, starting with legal problems of the relationship between a tourist and a travel agency, and ending with the organization of the security of tourists in accommodation facilities and on routes.

Research on safety in amateur and domestic tourism is especially important. There is no doubt that scientific developments and recommendations in this segment of tourism science can save human lives from death. Issues of legal and physical security of Russian tourists abroad in the absence of knowledge of local legislation have recently become very relevant.

In recent years, the security situation has sharply worsened in a number of states that for many years were leaders in receiving and serving tourists (Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, etc.). Therefore, reliable, politically balanced and scientifically based information about the state of affairs in all countries where there are socio-political problems or natural disasters is an important task for domestic tourism science, government agencies and the media. scientific research on various aspects of security in the tourism sector must be continued in connection with new natural, man-made and socio-economic challenges of the time.

The prospects for scientific research in tourism are connected, first of all, with the demand for scientific developments in Russian society. And also by the presence of a scientific environment that will produce new cadres of scientists who are ready to continue and develop scientific research in tourism. And for this, a domestic special and coordinated program of scientific research in tourism is needed, not only on Russian problems, but also on foreign and international ones. Currently, there are two scientific public centers in Russia: the International Public Tourism Academy and the National Academy of Tourism, which conduct scientific activities on a limited scale, but this is certainly not enough. To organize full-scale research, it is necessary to create an all-Russian research institute for scientific problems of tourism, which could conduct comprehensive and systematic research.

When preparing fundamental documents and decisions, legislative and executive authorities should turn more widely and more often to professional scientific and educational structures that have traditions and experience in tourism modeling and design. The tourism process as a whole will benefit from this, and without this, modernization of the industry is impossible. In the meantime, there is a certain fragmentation, lack of coordination and even a certain disunity.

tourism scientific research recreation

The variety of types of human activity determines a diverse range of methods that can be classified according to a variety of criteria.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the methods of spiritual, ideal, including scientific, practical, material activity.

It has now become obvious that a system of methods, methodology cannot be limited only to the sphere of scientific knowledge, it must go beyond its limits and certainly include it in its orbit and scope of practice. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the close interaction of these two spheres.

As for the methods of science, there may be several reasons for dividing them into groups. Thus, depending on the role and place in the process of scientific knowledge, one can distinguish formal and substantive, empirical and theoretical, fundamental and applied methods, methods of research and presentation, etc.

The content of objects studied by science serves as a criterion for distinguishing between the methods of natural science and the methods of social sciences and humanities. In turn, the methods of natural sciences can be divided into methods for studying inanimate nature and methods for studying living nature, etc. There are also qualitative and quantitative methods, uniquely deterministic and probabilistic, methods of direct and indirect cognition, original and derivative, etc. d.

Characteristic features of the scientific method: objectivity, reproducibility, heuristics, necessity, specificity, etc.

The most common in modern science multi-level concept of methodological knowledge. In this regard, all methods of scientific knowledge can be divided into the following main groups: according to the degree of generality and breadth of application. No less widespread is the classification of methods of scientific knowledge, which is based on the criteria for the application of methods at different levels of scientific knowledge. Depending on the level of knowledge, methods of the empirical and theoretical levels are distinguished (Fig. 2).

Let's consider the classification of methods of scientific knowledge by degree of generality.

1. Universal or philosophical methods, among which the most ancient are dialectical and metaphysical.

The metaphysical method is a philosophical way of cognition and action, opposed to the dialectical method as its antipode; a characteristic feature of metaphysics is one-sidedness, the absolutization of one side of the process of cognition or one or another element of the whole, a moment of activity in any of its forms.

The dialectical method of philosophical knowledge and way of thinking are based on the analysis of all possible points of view on the subject under study. Such an analysis of different points of view comes down to a clash of opposing positions, which are usually called thesis and antithesis.

Thus, the dialectical method in K. Marx was combined with materialism, and in G. Hegel - with idealism.

Rice. 2.

Russian scientists, as a rule, use the dialectical method to study the phenomena and processes of social life under study, since the laws of dialectics have universal significance - they are inherent in the development of nature, society and thinking. When studying objects and phenomena, dialectics recommends proceeding from the following principles.

  • 1. Consider the objects under study in the light of dialectical laws:
    • a) unity and struggle of opposites;
    • b) the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones;
    • c) negation of negation.
  • 2. Describe, explain and predict the phenomena and processes being studied, based on philosophical categories: general, special and individual; content and form; essence of the phenomenon; possibilities and reality; necessary and accidental; causes and consequences.
  • 3. Treat the object of research as an objective reality.
  • 4. Consider the objects and phenomena being studied:
    • a) comprehensively;
    • b) in universal connection and interdependence;
    • c) in continuous change and development;
    • d) specifically historically.
  • 5. Test the acquired knowledge in practice.

Essentially, each philosophical concept has a methodological function and is a unique way of mental activity. Therefore, philosophical methods are not limited to the two mentioned. These also include methods such as analytical (characteristic of modern analytical philosophy), intuitive, phenomenological, hermeneutic (understanding), etc.

A philosophical method that provides correct and accurate ideas about the general laws of tourism development, its originality and constituent components, as well as the place and role in it of those phenomena that scientists and specialists study, is the dialectical approach. This methodology is based on the materiality of the world around us, in which matter is located in continuous movement and development.

The driving forces of development of the surrounding world (matter) are subject to the laws of dialectics - the unity and struggle of opposites, the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, the negation of negation.

2. General scientific approaches and research methods that have been widely developed and used in science. They act as a kind of “intermediate” methodology between philosophy and the fundamental theoretical and methodological provisions of the special sciences.

The characteristic features of general scientific concepts are:

  • a) first of all , the commonality in their content of individual properties, characteristics, concepts of a number of special sciences and philosophical categories;
  • b) secondly, the possibility of their formalization, clarification by means of mathematical theory and symbolic logic.

On the basis of general scientific concepts and concepts, the corresponding methods and principles of cognition are formulated, which ensure the connection and optimal interaction of philosophy with special scientific knowledge and its methods.

General scientific or general logical methods are analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling, historical method, logical method and classification. The relationship between general scientific methods can be presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 3).

Analysis- this is the dismemberment, decomposition of the object of study into its component parts. It underlies the analytical research method. Types of analysis are classification and periodization. The analysis method is used in both real and mental activities.

Synthesis- this is the connection of individual sides, parts of the object of study into a single whole. However, this is not just their connection, but also the knowledge of something new - the interaction of parts as a whole. The result of the synthesis is a completely new formation, the properties of which are not only an external combination of the properties of the components, but also the result of their internal relationship and interdependence.

Rice. 3.

Analysis and synthesis are methods for determining the optimal balance of forces and means necessary for the successful functioning of a tourism enterprise. They allow you to establish the elements that make up the effect of staff interaction and give an idea of ​​your capabilities in achieving an economic effect. Analysis and synthesis are used in the study, for example, of the work of a tourist enterprise for a financial year, which is divided into quarters, the relationship between them is established, and then the operations are reproduced as a whole.

Through these methods, the positive aspects of tourism events are clarified and their weak links are identified.

The function of the analysis is to highlight various features in tourism activities that could be taken as a basis for systematizing facts, arranging them in chronological, functional, structural order, characterizing a certain aspect of the development of the event under study.

The function of synthesis is to establish connections between facts and combine them into groups based on identified grounds.

When analyzing, for example, it can be revealed that an increase in prices for petroleum products will entail an increase in prices for gasoline, fuels and lubricants, and this, in turn, will contribute to an increase in the price of tourist packages.

Studying tourism in general or its individual types, the researcher mentally dissects the activities of each individual personnel and at the same time reveals the connection and interaction of elements, properties and aspects of them as a whole.

It should be borne in mind that various types of analysis are used in scientific research: factorial, logical, content analysis, etc.

Main goals factor analysis are reducing the number of variables and determining the structure of relationships between variables. When reducing the number of variables, the resulting variable includes the most significant features of the variables being combined. Classification involves isolating several new factors from variables that are related to each other. In tourism, factor analysis is used in connection with the analysis of consumer demand for tour packages.

Logical analysis is intended to define the range of concepts with the help of which the subject of research is described, the search for outwardly clearly distinguishable signs, i.e., empirical indicators that make it possible to measure the aspects and properties, for example, of a new tourism product. Logical analysis includes procedures such as the interpretation of basic concepts (interpretation of the content hidden in them) and their operational definitions (division of concepts into elements for which empirical indicators can be selected). Ultimately, characteristics are obtained, the measurement of which provides an answer to the customer’s information request.

Content analysis(from English content content) is a formalized method of studying text and graphic information, which consists in translating the studied information in tourism activities into quantitative indicators and its statistical processing. Characterized by great rigor and systematicity. The object of content analysis can be the content of various types of activities in the tourism industry: international and domestic tour operators, competitors in a certain segment of the tourism services market, managers of international and domestic hotel complexes, emergency events affecting the tourism industry, legislative acts of individual countries in the field of the hospitality industry. The content analysis method is used to study documentary sources and as an auxiliary tool in questioning, observation, testing, in mass communications research, and in marketing.

Generalization- this is the process of transition from the individual to the general, from the less general to the more general.

Mental generalization is based on the universality of connections between objects and phenomena of reality, the relationship between the individual and the general in all really existing tourist events. In a particular type of tourism there are not only individual, unique features, but also general, similar features. The formation of generalizing provisions (concepts, laws, conclusions, concepts) is possible through the study of specific ones.

The degree of commonality of facts (events) may vary. Hence the difference in levels of generalization - from establishing the simplest, elementary similarity at the stage of empirical research of facts to the disclosure of the essential, general, underlying the formation of concepts, the disclosure of laws and explanation of facts at the theoretical level of knowledge, when a system of explanatory provisions is created, a coherent concept of what is being studied is formed phenomena.

A complex form of generalization, which allows one to distinguish important facts from secondary ones, is typification, which consists in the selection of characteristic (typical) facts that express the most important aspect of the phenomenon or group of phenomena being studied in tourism. The selection of characteristic (typical) facts is an important feature of scientific generalization, which brings phenomena closer to the knowledge of latent connections. To reveal the essence of the phenomenon under study, a description is not enough, so generalizations of a higher order are needed and those that reveal the repeatability, necessity, significance and causality of the signs of the event.

The form of generalization of experience in tourism is the conclusions from which a scientific concept and theory are formed, which reveals the characteristic features and essence of the phenomena being studied, the patterns of their occurrence and development.

Abstraction (idealization)- mental distraction from some properties and relationships of the subject being studied and highlighting the properties and relationships that interest the researcher. During abstraction, secondary properties and connections of the object under study are separated from essential properties and connections.

Abstraction Method allows us to identify typical connections and relationships in tourism, abstracting from the whole variety of particulars.

As a result of using the abstraction method, it is possible to obtain abstract knowledge of a general nature about individual patterns of running the tourism business, the common goals of the parties, the causes of events in the studied segment of the tourism services market and their essence.

Induction- this is the movement of thought (cognition) from facts, individual cases to the general situation. Inductive inferences “suggest” an idea, a general idea. With the inductive method of research, in order to obtain general knowledge about any class of objects, it is necessary to examine individual objects, find common essential features in them, which will serve as the basis for knowledge about the general feature inherent in this class of objects.

Deduction- this is the derivation of an individual, particular from some general position; the movement of thought (cognition) from general statements to statements about individual objects or phenomena. Through deductive reasoning, a certain thought is “derived” from other thoughts.

Analogy- this is a way of obtaining knowledge about objects and phenomena on the basis of the fact that they have similarities with others, reasoning in which, from the similarity of the objects being studied in some characteristics, a conclusion is made about their similarity in other characteristics. The degree of probability (reliability) of inferences by analogy depends on the number of similar features in the compared phenomena. Analogy is most often used in similarity theory.

Modeling- a method of scientific knowledge, the essence of which is to replace the subject or phenomenon being studied with a special similar model containing the essential features of the original.

Historical method involves reproducing the history of the object being studied in all its versatility, taking into account all the details and accidents. It involves studying the emergence and development of research objects in chronological order.

The historical represents development in its sequential manifestation, and the logical expresses development in its essence. For example, historically, tourism developed first from walking along developed routes (in a forest park area, near the sea coast), then walking tourism appeared as a therapeutic remedy - a health path.

Historical and logical in tourist activity are two sides of the same phenomenon, in which the logical is its essence, general line, quintessence, and the historical is a diverse manifestation of this basis through a mass of accidents.

Boolean method- this is a logical reproduction of the history of the object being studied, liberation from everything random and unimportant.

The logical method is based on the patterns inherent in reality. In tourism, any phenomenon has a certain logic of its origin, development and transition to a qualitatively new state. For example, previously hotel reservations for tourists were made by telephone in small quantities. In modern conditions, the flow of tourists has increased significantly. Hotel reservations have become possible in real time using the Internet. To provide high-quality customer service, a large number of travel enterprises using information technology have appeared on the tourism services market.

Classification- a method of scientific research and generalization, the essence of which is that the objects, phenomena or processes being studied are ordered into certain groups (classes) based on some selected characteristics.

General scientific concepts most often include such concepts as “information”, “model”, “structure”, “function”, “system”, “element”, “optimality”, “probability”, etc.

General scientific principles and approaches include systemic and structural-functional, cybernetic, probabilistic, modeling, formalization and a number of others.

Such a general scientific discipline as synergetics - the theory of self-organization and development of open integral systems of any nature - natural, social, cognitive (cognitive) - has been developing especially rapidly recently.

The important role of general scientific approaches is that, due to their “intermediate nature,” they mediate the mutual transition of philosophical and specific scientific or particular scientific knowledge (as well as corresponding methods).

The point is that the first is not superimposed in a purely external, direct way on the second. Therefore, attempts to express special scientific content in the language of philosophical categories are, as a rule, unconstructive and ineffective.

3. Specific scientific methods - a set of methods, principles of knowledge, research techniques and procedures used in a particular science corresponding to a given basic form of motion of matter. These are methods of mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology and social sciences.

Thus, methodology cannot be reduced to any one, even “very important method.”

Methodology is also not a simple sum of individual methods, their “mechanical unity”. Methodology is a complex, dynamic, holistic, subordinated system of methods, techniques, principles at different levels, scope, focus, heuristic capabilities, content, structures, etc.

Let's consider the classification of methods depending on the level of knowledge.

Methods at the theoretical level include axiomatic, hypothetical, hypothetico-deductive, formalization, abstraction, generalization, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, historical, method of system analysis.

Empirical level methods include observation, description, counting, measurement, comparison, experiment and modeling (Fig. 4).

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Coursework 27 pages, 12 sources.


The goal is to analyze the state of research work in tourism.

2..Consider scientific research issues. Essence and features

3. Characterize the features of research activities in tourism

Economic and social significance of the work: the work helps solve a number of difficulties in issues of scientific research in tourism.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the information collected, summarized and systematized during the study allows us to clarify scientific ideas about the specifics of tourism research.

The theoretical significance of studying the topic lies in the fact that the issues chosen for consideration are at the intersection of several scientific disciplines.


The relevance of scientific support for tourism activities is becoming more and more obvious, and the effectiveness of the tourism sector on a national scale is increasingly beginning to depend on the correct and timely application of scientific research results in the practice of planning and promoting tourism development.

Prospects for the development of tourism must have a scientific basis, and an interdisciplinary approach should prevail in tourism research, which means carrying out research taking into account the achievements of all branches of modern knowledge. This requires an integrated and systematic approach to tourism as a subject of research.

The subject of scientific research in tourism is, first of all, the traveling person, along with a set of issues and problems associated with his movements and stay in those places that are his goal.

The subject of tourism research also includes the tourism organization system, the transport and hotel industry, public catering and additional tourism infrastructure, on which the provision of secondary services is based. The subject of research is also specialists who are engaged in professional activities in the field of tourism, their educational training and motivation for working in the tourism industry system. Information and excursion support, security, financial and economic activities, legal components - all these and other important issues are an integral part of the complex of scientific research in tourism.

Scientific research in tourism is based on the intersection of many disciplines, primarily the following: economics, law, history, geography, cultural studies, art history, sociology, psychology, ethnology, natural history, computer science and a number of others.

One of the main trends in the development of science is its penetration into internal connections and relationships in tourism, discovering the essence of processes. This trend is manifested in the formation of fundamental laws that underlie the functioning and development of tourism and its specific manifestations.

Large-scale development of tourism contributes to the establishment of peaceful relations between states, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples. Tourism promotes cultural cooperation and improves socio-economic relations between peoples of different cultures.

Research in the field of tourism shows that it has become not only a social but also an economic phenomenon. The functional characteristics of types and forms of tourism are mass participation, economic factor, and solution of social problems.

The unity of scientific knowledge determines the complex nature of the development of scientific problems. It is impossible, for example, to improve the system and methods of management in tourism without relying on knowledge of strategic planning, business planning, economics, computer technology, psychology, and other scientific disciplines.

The need for an integrated approach to solving scientific problems is also determined by the fact that new opportunities for fruitful research of both a general theoretical, fundamental and applied nature open up at the intersection of various sciences, which should be fully exploited.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the state of research work in tourism.

The purpose of the course work determined the formulation of the following research objectives:

1.Study scientific literature relevant to the topic

2. Consider research issues. Essence and features.

3. Characterize the features of research activities in tourism.

The structure of the course work: the course work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, and a list of sources used.

1. Scientific research. Essence and features

1.1 Sections of scientific research in tourism

Scientific work is the most important element of the activities of our republic. All full-time teachers together with students are engaged in scientific work. They conduct scientific research within the framework of State programs of fundamental research and individual projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and participate in competitions for research projects announced by various foundations. The results of the work are annually introduced into production and the educational process. The research work of students in the departments of sports disciplines is the most important component in the process of training specialists with higher education.

The main directions of scientific work include: conducting scientific research with the aim of publishing materials; preparation of reports to communicate research results at scientific conferences.

The main discussion in scientific works revolves around key issues related to the improvement of national systems of physical education, the formation of the younger generation through physical education, the development of the theory of physical education in the presentation of its foundations by various research schools and directions, and in the field of orienteering and tourism much attention is paid to environmental education

Historical scientific research in tourism has two large sections. The first is the centuries-old world (including domestic) history of travel, as well as the history of the formation of modern mass tourism and the tourism industry, which dates back just over a hundred years.

The second is the history of countries and peoples, knowledge and understanding of which is necessary for the correct preparation of tourist programs and routes by tourism organizers. Real knowledge and understanding of history, especially local history, is necessary to prepare qualified tour guides and accompanying tour groups and tourists. Unfortunately, it should be noted that many specialists from tourism organizations have a poor understanding of not only the history of foreign countries, but, what is especially regrettable, of domestic history.

Geographical scientific research in tourism is practically not conducted, and this is associated with major failures in the development of amateur tourism. Most tourists cannot navigate by map, do not know the natural, climatic and ethnological features of various regions of the country and other countries, “geographical cretinism” has become a common and widespread phenomenon of modern society. Regional studies as a special discipline in geography requires special research and methodological developments from the perspective of tourism science.

Scientific research in tourism related to cultural studies, art history and architecture are very rare, but they have begun to appear in recent years. Tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon is gradually becoming an attractive object of scientific research.

In recent years, a large number of scientific publications and educational literature related to the history of culture and religions of various countries and peoples have been published. Serious educational programs have been created on the history and theory of culture, but Russian tourists still prefer “beach” vacations to all other cultural types of tourism. Scientific, theoretical and practical developments related to the culture of behavior of tourists on foreign trips are becoming increasingly relevant.

Sociocultural design is directly related to architecture and the organization of people’s habitats; unfortunately, scientists in the tourism sector almost do not deal with all these issues, leaving them to architects and utility specialists. The most important direction in the scientific support of tourism is research on the tourist and recreational use of cultural and natural heritage sites.

The new information space in tourism, associated with the unprecedented development of electronic technologies, requires special scientific research, the need for which is acutely felt in the modern tourism industry. New opportunities of the global Internet, with the right and professional approach, increase the quality of scientific research in the field of tourism; moreover, they allow for the rapid exchange of ideas and information between members of the scientific community.

A complex scientific problem includes security issues in the tourism sector. In this important topic, it is necessary to consider almost all aspects of tourism activity, starting with legal problems of the relationship between a tourist and a travel agency, and ending with the organization of the security of tourists in accommodation facilities and on routes.

Research on safety in amateur and domestic tourism is especially important. There is no doubt that scientific developments and recommendations in this segment of tourism science can save human lives from death. Issues of legal and physical security of Russian tourists abroad in the absence of knowledge of local legislation have recently become very relevant.

In recent years, the security situation has sharply worsened in a number of states that for many years were leaders in receiving and serving tourists (Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, etc.). Therefore, reliable, politically balanced and scientifically based information about the state of affairs in all countries where there are socio-political problems or natural disasters is an important task for domestic tourism science, government agencies and the media. scientific research on various aspects of security in the tourism sector must be continued in connection with new natural, man-made and socio-economic challenges of the time.

The prospects for scientific research in tourism are connected, first of all, with the demand for scientific developments in Russian society. And also by the presence of a scientific environment that will produce new cadres of scientists who are ready to continue and develop scientific research in tourism. And for this, a domestic special and coordinated program of scientific research in tourism is needed, not only on Russian problems, but also on foreign and international ones. Currently, there are two scientific public centers in Russia: the International Public Tourism Academy and the National Academy of Tourism, which conduct scientific activities on a limited scale, but this is certainly not enough. To organize full-scale research, it is necessary to create an all-Russian research institute for scientific problems of tourism, which could conduct comprehensive and systematic research.

When preparing fundamental documents and decisions, legislative and executive authorities should turn more widely and more often to professional scientific and educational structures that have traditions and experience in tourism modeling and design. The tourism process as a whole will benefit from this, and without this, modernization of the industry is impossible. In the meantime, there is a certain fragmentation, lack of coordination and even a certain disunity.

tourism scientific research recreation

1.2 Goals and objectives of scientific research in tourism

The goals and objectives of scientific research in tourism arise from the state policy of its development. The realistic nature of the state policy for tourism development determines the scientific nature and objectivity of theoretical concepts.

Ways to improve the science of tourism are determined by the development of material and technical means, the construction and reconstruction of hotel complexes, vehicles, special technical equipment, and the improvement of the well-being of the country's citizens. This reveals one of the patterns of tourism, indicating the dependence of the methods of its development on the efficiency of the economy. In connection with the intensification of tourism growth, science faces the following tasks: forecasting infrastructure development; development of substantiated recommendations for improving the legislative framework; training of service personnel.

The goals of scientific research in tourism are to fully increase the country's tourism potential, a high level of training of qualified personnel, the theory and practice of tourism management in the service market.

The goals put forward to the tourism industry by the state and its subjects are refracted through the implementation of specific programs. The science of tourism has a goal - to develop targeted programs for the development of tourism infrastructure in those areas of the country that are in demand for visiting by citizens of other countries. In this case, the goal is specified through the definition of strategic, operational and tactical problems.

Identification of the factors that determine the goals and nature of tourism is important from the point of view of a clearer logical justification for the direction of its development. These factors act as a whole: it is impossible to choose fundamental guidelines for tourism, guided by only one requirement.

In tourism, it is necessary to solve problems of a search nature, which consist of research and explanation of processes. An example is the timeshare (club holiday) market, which began as a shared holiday and ultimately became a powerful economic base for tourism abroad, with its own legislative practice and international exchange organizations. Scientists and experts did not anticipate the potential practical use of timeshare. This type of tourism has received recognition, but it requires special research.

The research direction in the development of tourism consists in the study of such problems as the influence of scientific discoveries on the creation of new technical means of supporting it, for example, yachts, buses, sea and river ships, inventory, equipment, as well as on methods of managing in market conditions. This is necessary to identify prospects for improving tourism infrastructure, the ratio of one’s funds to those of competitors. Solving search problems influences the development of related sciences and tourism development strategy

The subject of research in tourism theory is tourism activity, the objectives of which are: the study of tourism activities (excursions and travel); forecasting the development of types and forms of tourism; modeling the characteristics of new tourist centers; restoration of body function during tourist events, excursions and travel. The methodology for researching tourism activities allows us to substantiate a scientific approach to the study and solution of theoretical and practical issues of tourism.

A methodological assessment of tourism activities helps to determine a likely competitor in the services market, the economic and technical state of the tourism enterprise, the proposed methods of its development and competition, the strategy and tactics of specialists.

1.3 Types of research

Empirical research is based on reliable facts, the collection and analysis of which is carried out using certain methods based on observation and study of tourism activities. Empirical research does not involve creating an artificial, experimental situation to identify and collect the necessary facts. These facts are real events in tourism that occurred in the process of tourism activities. They are analyzed and conclusions are drawn about the events taking place.

Empirical research can be descriptive or explanatory. Descriptive research reflects facts concerning little-studied objects or phenomena in tourism.

Explanatory empirical research includes the collection and analysis of facts, the explanation of causes and cause-and-effect relationships between facts, with the help of which an unknown event or an atypical result is explained from the standpoint of already known facts.

A review and analytical study can be critical in nature and called review-critical. In this case, in addition to the obligatory review and analytical part, it must present detailed and reasoned criticism of what has already been done on the problem, and draw appropriate conclusions.

A review study may also contain the author’s own thoughts about what is described in it, including ideas regarding a possible solution to the problem posed. Such reflections can be interspersed in the text of the abstract or they can be separated into a separate section, which is transitional between the review-analytical, review-critical and constructive-theoretical parts of the work.

A scientist can conduct a theoretical study in which, in addition to a review and critical analysis of the literature, there are his own proposals aimed at solving the problem posed, which can be the author’s contribution to the theory of the problem being solved, a new vision of it, an original point of view.

The following requirements are imposed on theoretical research: accuracy of definition of the concepts used and logic, consistency of reasoning. A feature of theoretical knowledge is its generality and abstraction, distinguished by its systematic nature. Changing part of this knowledge leads to changing the system as a whole. Methods of theoretical research include: ascent from the abstract to the concrete, analysis and synthesis, structural-system approach, inductive-deductive approach, modeling, historical-logical method.

Formulating a research topic is one of the critical stages in a scientist’s activity: the topic is clarified taking into account a specific scientific or practical need. The title of the topic should, if possible, briefly reflect the essence of the problem being solved. Ambiguity and uncertainty in the formulation of the topic are unacceptable. The consequences of this will affect all stages of the study, in particular when formulating working hypotheses.

Observation. Observation can be direct, indirect, open, hidden. It is specially organized, and a system of recording facts is developed, which includes monitoring the activities of the teacher and the child. Pedagogical observation allows you to study issues of interest in a relaxed, natural environment. During the observation process, it is recommended to use a variety of methods for recording what is being observed: video, audio recordings, photography and filming, etc.

The parameters of movement, the functional state of the body, and the timing of individual types of activity are taken into account. For example: indicators of psychophysical qualities and physical fitness are measured; the following is measured: vital capacity of the lungs using spirometry; muscle strength of the arms - with a hand dynamometer; time indicators for individual parts of the body when performing various forms of organizing motor activity - with a stopwatch, etc. Thus, in the theory of physical education, instrumental and non-instrumental means of measuring various physiological and psychophysiological states are used.

Continuous observation method. This method is used in classes at school, technical school and university, in “health groups” and physical therapy, as well as in training in sports with short-term, repeatedly repeated loads with a complete cycle of movements (gymnastics, weightlifting, swimming, fencing, etc. ).

Before the start of the lesson (training), the subject's pulse rate is determined in a sitting position at 10-second intervals until stable values ​​are obtained, blood pressure is measured, the number of respirations in 20 seconds is calculated, and other studies are carried out. The data is entered into a protocol drawn up in a generally accepted form for recording the results of a functional test of the cardiovascular system or into a timing protocol.

The method of continuous observation can be used to most fully assess the body’s adaptability to the physical loads of the activity itself. It allows you to identify the onset of fatigue and its depth; the beginning of pre-pathological and pathological changes in the body, determine which exercises the practitioner is well prepared for and which ones he performs with great effort; what physical qualities are not sufficiently developed to achieve high results. Based on the objective data of the athlete’s research, it is possible to outline ways to improve the educational and training process.

Test method with additional load. In order to determine the degree of impact of an activity or training on the state of the body, to study the dynamics of its recovery to the initial level, a method known as “test with additional load” is used. Systematic implementation of these tests in medical and pedagogical observations began in 1946. This method is used mainly to assess the state of the body of a trained athlete.

Additional physical activity should, if possible, reflect the specifics of the sport. In practice, both standard non-specific and specific ones are used, i.e. additional loads inherent in the sports specialization of the subject. The body's response to them is studied using the most common and some additional research methods. Registration of pulse indicators, blood pressure, as well as the additional load performed in quantitative and qualitative terms is carried out in a special protocol.

In a formative experiment, new content is developed, a systematic approach to various forms of organizing motor activity and methods are tested in practice.

In the final, or final, part of the experimental work, a comparative analysis of the state of work before and after the experiment is carried out.

Control tests help: identify the level of development of individual motor qualities; assess the degree of technical and tactical readiness; compare the preparedness of both individual students and entire groups; carry out the most optimal selection for practicing a particular sport and for participation in competitions; conduct largely objective control over the training of both individual athletes and entire groups; identify the advantages and disadvantages of the means used, teaching methods and forms of organizing classes; draw up the most reasonable individual and group lesson plans.

Thus, research work carried out in tourism requires constant painstaking mental work, the formation of such strong-willed qualities as perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles.

2. Features of research activities in tourism

2.1 Main directions of research activities in tourism

Each direction of scientific research work (R&D) in tourism uses its own specific research methods inherent in solving certain specific problems, which are determined by the demands of practice, the state of the issue being solved, and the accumulated experience of scientific research in this field of knowledge. An in-depth study of tourism as a phenomenon, according to Marxist-Leninist dialectics, requires the joint efforts of scientists from different fields of knowledge: historians, sociologists, teachers, physiologists, doctors, psychologists.

There are five main areas at the basis of scientific work on tourism issues.

The first direction - tourism as an important factor in promoting health - involves a scientific substantiation of tourism from a health-improving perspective. Using the biomedical sciences (physiology, biochemistry, hygiene, medicine), in this case, the mechanism of the beneficial effect of natural applied exercises characteristic of tourism on the health of people of different ages is explained. In this case, the peculiarities of using different types of tourism for health purposes, as well as the influence of the complexity and duration of routes on the human body, should be taken into account. Based on the results of research in this direction, specific recommendations are being developed aimed at increasing performance and improving the functional state of a person.

The nature of tourism research in the first direction is experimental. Data for analysis are mainly obtained through periodic medical and pedagogical monitoring of the condition of those involved in tourism. The criteria for assessing the physical state of the body are indicators of physical development (somatoscopic and somatometric), as well as data on changes in physical fitness. Particular attention should be paid to functional diagnostics (blood pressure, performance, BMD indicators). Using data on changes in physical development, physical fitness and functional state, it is possible to give a more or less objective assessment of the morphofunctional changes occurring in the body under the influence of tourism.

The second direction is the ideological and educational functions of tourism. The purpose of research in this direction is to identify the possibilities of solving many educational problems by means of tourism.

Of no small importance in the campaigns is the planned socially useful work of their participants. Through research, it is necessary to specify the forms of this work and develop a more advanced methodology for its implementation. In other words, a scientific substantiation of the whole variety of forms and methods of labor education is required by means characteristic of tourism.

Considering the rich possibilities of tourism in educating people, it is necessary to scientifically substantiate the consistency and complexity of solving certain educational tasks during hiking, so that their combination is the most optimal and encourages students to expand their cognitive interest in surrounding phenomena and objects. In this case, we need scientifically based options for optimizing many educational activities in hiking conditions, taking into account the age of their participants.

Research in this direction should be based on experimental material, mainly obtained during a hike. A particular difficulty here lies in the search for objective criteria that allow us to assess the effectiveness of many educational measures. Therefore, specific sociological methods (questioning, interviewing), as well as methods of expert assessments, should be widely used. One of the goals of scientific research in the second direction is to identify and generalize the best experience of individual teams in solving educational problems through the means of tourism.

The third direction is the scientific, methodological and organizational foundations of children's and youth tourism. Research here should reveal the most optimal dosages of loads in the educational and training process and campaigns, characteristic of childhood and adolescence. It is necessary to determine an effective methodology for teaching certain techniques in Tourism, that is, science must give practice reasonable recommendations for teaching tourism techniques and tactics. Since childhood and adolescence require versatile general physical training, it is necessary to determine the possibilities of combining tourism with other means of the Soviet system of physical education.

A number of studies in the third direction should identify patterns in the formation of vital skills and abilities, as well as the development of motor qualities in the younger generation, using targeted tourism activities.

The effectiveness of mass tourism work largely depends on the organizational forms used, which must correspond to the assigned tasks, take into account the age characteristics of those involved, as well as the existing conditions. The search for precisely such forms, characteristic of childhood and adolescence, should be in the field of view of researchers.

The main scientific methods in the third direction are pedagogical experiment and pedagogical observations.

The fourth direction - scientific support for the training of highly qualified tourists - is associated with the substantiation of methods of training sessions in tourism. Modern sports tourism includes organizing and conducting complex category hikes, when a person may find himself in extreme conditions. In this regard, scientific research is carried out to substantiate training methods for those involved in sports tourism, taking into account the possibility of taking measures for optimal life support in extreme conditions and eliminating injuries, i.e., safety measures.

The scientific search for the reserve capabilities of the human body, the patterns of its adaptation to various conditions has always been and will be in the field of view of researchers, and a particularly difficult task in this area of ​​research is associated with the development of a unified nationwide comprehensive program for monitoring participants in tourist trips and route observations. Its implementation in practice will allow solving the following problems:

1) identification of criteria for classification and determination of methods for benchmarking tourist routes in the territory differentiated by type of tourism;

2) improving the system of tourist classification zoning of the territory and developing principles for determining safe dates for conducting tourist trips in various geographical areas;

3) improving the methodology for judging competitions (championships) by type of tourism and category requirements for sports tourism;

4) development and improvement of methods of pedagogical and medical control of participants in tourist trips, determination of their functional states on the routes, dosage of loads and the health-improving effect of tourist trips;

5) development of control standards for general and special physical fitness of participants in hiking trips and recommendations for their pre-trip and post-trip medical control;

6) improving the content and methods of route observations, ensuring not only the internal needs of tourism (classification issues, zoning problems, determining safe dates for hiking, bioclimatic conditions for hiking, monitoring the functional states of their participants, standardizing tourist routes), but also the participation of tourist groups, especially expeditionary ones, in solving problems of national economic importance (studying the adaptive capabilities of the human body in extreme conditions of remote areas, photoglaciological observations of possible glacier movements, long-term route weather observations, snow surveys, observations of water levels in rivers and lakes, observations on assignments of environmental organizations, others industrial, scientific and public organizations and institutions).

As in the third direction, pedagogical experiment and pedagogical observations should be used here. Particular difficulties in research are associated with the need to collect a maximum of various information about the state of the body and human behavior in difficult hiking conditions, close to extreme ones.

The fifth direction is the scientific foundations of the organization and management of mass tourism work. Considering that the importance of tourism in modern society is increasing, a scientifically based structure for its organization and management is needed. The solution to this problem is complicated by the fact that mass tourism work with the population must be carried out by many state and public organizations. Therefore, reasonable coordination actions between them and a clear distribution of functional responsibilities are necessary. Through scientific research, the organizational structure of tourism development that is most appropriate to modern conditions, as well as the forms and methods of mass tourism work, are determined. Improving tourism work is also impossible without appropriate professional and public personnel. The need for them, the structure and content of their professional training are determined by scientific research. The need to solve the problem of targeted development of the material and technical base of tourism forces us to approach from a scientific position the substantiation of the needs for its further improvement, taking into account many interrelated qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

In this regard, research in the fifth direction should be based on a systematic analysis of the structure and content of mass tourism work carried out by various organizations. The results obtained must be processed using mathematical statistics methods. In addition, here it is necessary to use methods of normalization and programming, grouping, comparisons and collation of data, as well as generalization of the results obtained.

In general, it should be noted that the further development of tourism in the country is possible only with fundamental scientific research, covering all its main aspects in social, pedagogical and economic terms.

Speaking about the strategy of scientific research and social participation, we note, firstly, the goals of developing new destinations, i.e. tourism, employment and professional tourism education; secondly, tasks related to the development of areas of economic depression, the creation of jobs with year-round employment in new tourist destinations, etc. Within this aspect, there are two options for action regarding the movement of people: the first consists of actions in areas supplying tourists, the second option is the creation of destinations along main scientific sites and tourist routes. Within the framework of the social participation strategy, the third component is interconnected with the response to new types of demand, the reasons for the emergence of new destinations, the intensification of the process of movement of people, scientific and technological progress in communications, transport and other sectors affecting tourism, as well as the expansion of the range of motives for travel. travel, scientific, cultural and spiritual pilgrimage, the spontaneous emergence of tourism destinations. The fourth component of the social participation strategy is related to the nature of tourist destinations, which involves geographical location, infrastructure, the formation of societies that receive tourists, and the emergence of services required for the process of movement of people.

The leitmotif of the strategy for scientific participation is the motto: science - culture - recreation - tourism - education. It was this motto that was supported by UNESCO as part of the decision to create a UNESCO Chair on the basis of the Russian International Academy of Tourism. The thesis SCIENCE refers to the development of new “off-the-beaten-path” routes into nature, the maintenance and development of national parks, protected areas, the improvement of water resources, the restoration of fisheries and fauna and flora, strengthening environmental issues of tourism.

The thesis CULTURE refers to cultural and historical heritage, such as the Aegean Sea. These are monuments and estates, complexes and memorials, museums and libraries, cultural centers and exhibition halls, folk crafts and languages, traditions and folklore, identity and ethnic characteristics.

As part of the RECREATION thesis, I would like to draw attention to the fact that recreation itself is already sports and health tourism.

Therefore, touching on the problems of sports and recreational TOURISM, it would be necessary to emphasize the new elements that arose in the last decade. This is an expansion of the sphere of sports and recreational cooperation with various institutions of physical education, sports and tourism. .

2.2 Recreational geography is a scientific direction that integrates research in the field of recreation and tourism

After the Great Patriotic War, the revival of the tourism industry in the country proceeded at a rather slow pace. On April 24, 1945, a resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions was issued “On the restoration of the activities of the tourist and excursion management of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions,” but the results of the work of the revived TEU were poorly felt. This was prevented by serious reasons, among which the main ones were the following: the plight of the prevailing population of the country; lack of free time due to the fact that people had a primary task - improving their lives; difficult food situation in most parts of the country; extremely low demand of citizens for tourist recreation, etc.

Only by the mid-50s, i.e. 10 years after the end of the war, tourism reaches pre-war volumes of activity, as can be judged by the number of vacationers at tourist centers. Thus, in 1938, trade union tourist centers received about 200 thousand tourists. In 1956, 179 thousand tourists were served by trade union tourist centers (Abukov, 1978; Dvornichenko, 1985).

Since that time, the mid-50s, we can talk about dramatic changes in tourism. And in 1960, 627 thousand people already rested at tourist centers.

Along with the ongoing growth of all indicators of domestic tourism, the interest of science in it has increased. A serious impetus for the development of scientific research on tourism was the introduction of it as an academic discipline in a number of higher educational institutions. In the mid-50s. The USSR Ministry of Education introduced the discipline “Tourism” into the curriculum of the physical education departments of pedagogical institutes as a compulsory subject for all students in the early 60s. The discipline “Tourism” was also introduced at the pedagogical departments of physical education institutes; in 1968, at the geographical faculties of universities, the specialization “Local history, methods and organization of tourism and excursion business” was established. Thus, a significant number of teachers were formed whose duties included conducting research work in the field of tourism.

In 1972, the work of V.S. was published. Preobrazhensky, I.V. Zorina, Yu.A. Vedenin “Geographical aspects of designing new types of recreational systems”, and in 1975 the country’s scientific community became acquainted with the collective monograph “Theoretical Foundations of Recreational Geography” edited by Professor V.S. Preobrazhensky. These two works outlined the trend for the development of scientific research in the field of recreational geography and tourism for two decades to come.

In the history of recreational geography, the period of the late 60s - early 80s stands out. At this time, field research, sociological surveys were intensively carried out, and recreational and geographical meetings were held. The development of the young scientific direction “Recreational Geography” was underway, which was defined as a scientific direction in geography that studies territorial patterns and features of people’s activities aimed at restoring and developing physical and spiritual forces.

The subject of study is recreational geography, which formed into a scientific discipline in the early 70s. XX century, is the functioning of the territorial recreational system.

By the territorial recreational system, the authors of domestic recreational geography understood a social geographical system consisting of the following interconnected subsystems:

natural and cultural complexes,

technical structures (engineering structures),

service personnel,

governing body,

vacationers (recreators).

More and more scientific works began to appear on the pedagogical aspects of tourism, psychological, economic, urban planning, but the main role in coordinating scientific research in the field of recreation and tourism, developing a concept for the development of tourism in the country belonged to geographers.

The overwhelming number of publications concerning theoretical issues of recreational geography in modern scientific geographical literature in the country belongs to L.Yu. Mazhar, professor of Smolensk Humanitarian University. In her dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences “Territorial tourist and recreational systems: a geosystemic approach to formation and development” (2009), she substantiates the concept of such a scientific category as “territorial tourist and recreational systems”, which is based on what the author developed by V. WITH. Preobrazhensky in the early 70s. an idea of ​​the recreational system as a basic model reflecting recreational activities of any level and nature, aimed at restoring the physical and spiritual strength of a person.

A special case of a universal recreational system is a territorial recreational system (TRS). As a modern invariant of TRS L.Yu. Mazhar considers the territorial tourism and recreational system (TTRS), which has certain differences consisting in the “specification and “narrowing” of the concept of “recreation”. L.Yu. Mazhar uses the definition of “tourist-recreational” in his works and believes that the “tourist-recreational territorial system” (TRTS) should be accepted as the subject of study of recreational geography.

TTRS is a set of elements of the sphere of recreation and tourism, united by spatial relationships and interconnections. The “tourist-recreational” version of the concept mainly characterizes multifaceted tourism activities, but without excluding the need for recreation in the process of organizing a tour.

The elementary composition of the territorial tourist and recreational system postulated by L.Yu. Mazhar consists of several subsystems: infrastructure, organizational and managerial, natural and recreational, historical and cultural, recreational and activity (main functional), material and household (accommodation, food), personnel (service personnel), consumer (tourists), etc. All subsystems are united by direct and feedback connections that ensure the integrity of the TTRS. In its most general form, the schematic diagram of the territorial tourist and recreational system is presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the territorial tourist and recreational system

Subsystems: P - consumer (tourists), I - infrastructure, OU - organizational and managerial, PR - natural and recreational, IC - historical and cultural, RD - recreational and active (main functional), MB - material and household (accommodation, food), K - personnel (service personnel)

The subsystems indicated in the schematic diagram are of a generalized nature, which makes it possible to fill them with real content depending on the level of hierarchy and the functional nature of the TTRS.

The conditions and factors for the formation of territorial tourist and recreational systems are considered by L.Yu. Mazhar from the standpoint of the geosystem approach in the context of the interaction of “system” and “environment”. In this case, “conditions” are external causes, reflecting the properties of the environment, and “factors” are internal causes, reflecting the properties of the system itself.

In relation to the TTRS being studied, the “environment” is the natural geosystem and all territorial systems (except TTRS) included in the social geosystem. The “environment” also includes territorial systems of the same type, located at a higher hierarchical level, as well as TTRS formed outside the system under study.

“Factors” represent the driving forces behind the formation and development of TTRS. There are 15 groups of factors: geotorial factors (location factors), geopolitical factors, staffing factors, as well as tourist and recreational human needs, economic, organizational and managerial, infrastructural, material and household, socio-psychological, demographic, environmental, medical and sanitary , tourist-resource, recreational-activity, innovative. Proposed by L.Yu. The Mazhar option, containing 15 groups of factors, is distinguished by a high degree of detail, which makes it possible to take into account as much as possible the various factors influencing the development of tourism.

The actions of factors have their own characteristics of manifestation at different levels of TTRS. Unique combinations of factors determine the characteristics of the formation of TTRS in different regions. Through conscious or spontaneous influence on certain factors, one can contribute to the targeted development of the system.

L.Yu. Mazhar distinguishes four hierarchical levels of TTRS: world, national, regional and local. The TTRS of the highest hierarchical level - the world tourism and recreational system (MTRS) - largely determines all tourism and recreational activities also in individual countries and regions.

National tourist and recreational systems (NTRS) are key in the hierarchical subordination of systems of this type. On the one hand, in their interaction they determine the nature and level of development of the global tourism and recreational system, and on the other hand, they directly regulate the activities of the relevant sphere at the regional level.

The idea of ​​​​creating special economic zones of a tourist and recreational type on the territory of Belarus was expressed in a national project, which can be used as an effective means of reviving peripheral territories, historical provinces, regions and local areas of the republic, attracting investors to valuable historical, cultural and natural sites. By embodying the idea of ​​special economic zones, the Belarusian Podvinia and Ponemanye, Polesie and Dnieper regions can acquire the same meaning in the eyes of Europeans as Bohemia, Saxony, Normandy or Wales. In the context of the aforementioned republican project and within the framework of the academic discipline “Humanitarian Resources in Tourism”, project activities were carried out by 2nd year full-time students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of the Institute of Tourism of the Educational Institution “Belarusian State University of Physical Culture”.

As a product for family tours, specialized program tourism projects related to entertainment were considered (“Museum of Contemporary Photography”, “Museum of Chocolate”, “Museum-Reserve “Fairy Forest””, “Museum of Evil Spirits and Ghosts”, “Museum of Embroidery and Weaving” and etc.). In order to improve health and replenish vitality, the following projects were proposed: “Salt Caves”, “Bogatyrsky Bor” museum, “Belarusian Dubai”, etc.

Separate projects were devoted to cultural and educational tourism based on interest in national cuisine, witchcraft, and herbal medicine (phytotherapy). This is how the projects appeared: the Museum of National Cuisine “Korchma” in an ethnic style, the “Museum of Witchcraft and Magic” with elements of paganism and mysticism, and the “Belarusian Herbalist” with a herbal pharmacy and herbal bar. Some of the projects already contained well-thought-out routes that were rational in terms of content and time parameters. The guys took into account all the characteristics of the main flow of tourists and museum visitors (features of age, education and upbringing, dominant interests in mass culture, etc.), and also stipulated the features of specialized tourism programs in different seasons of the year. In addition, some projects had ready-made economic calculations, outlines of architectural designs of buildings and reference to the area, a list of cultural events in the form of festivals, theatrical performances, animation, a list of basic and additional services, etc. According to student reviews, the implementation of the development and protection of educational The project not only enlivened educational activities, but also updated the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, developed creative imagination, as well as communication skills, presentation culture in promoting a tourism product.

Thus, educational design based on the academic and practical knowledge acquired by students in the field of tourism and hospitality is the most productive method for developing the necessary competencies, and the completed educational projects, according to reviews of their authors, have become an excellent means of mastering the material of the academic discipline.

One of the first extensive studies of citizens' tourism needs was conducted in the second half of the 1970s. the sociology sector of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Epidemiology of medical and resort buildings together with the Institute of Public Opinion of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The survey was conducted in 28 cities and 16 villages throughout the Soviet Union.

Research has shown that the country's residents prefer to relax in forest areas - 34.5%, by the sea - 28.1%, on rivers and lakes - 29.5%, in the mountains - 5.5%. A complete lack of interest in steppe territories was noted; only 0.1% of respondents named steppe landscapes as a vacation spot.

It was found that age has the greatest influence on the choice of recreation landscape. Thus, with age, the urban population’s attraction to the forest increases. Interest in the mountains is manifested mainly among young people aged 16 - 24 years. Resorts are chosen by retirees.

The survey refuted the established opinion about the preference for seaside holidays over all others; it turned out that holidays in a forest area near the river are more popular than by the sea. But at the same time, a trend was noted for the entire urban population of the country, expressed in an increased desire for recreation on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, as well as in Crimea.

The next large-scale survey to determine the nature of the needs of the country's population for tourist recreation was conducted in the first half of the 1980s. All-Union Research Laboratory of Tourism and Excursions. The general conclusions drawn in the previous study were confirmed, and quite significant regional differences were noted in the choice of recreational conditions and recreation areas by citizens.

These two studies gave rise to numerous surveys conducted in regions that differed, sometimes significantly, from previous all-Union ones.

A tender for an analysis of the structure of expenses of foreign citizens during their stay in Belarus has been announced by the National Tourism Agency.

Any organization can take part in the tender. The winner of the competition will become the executor for one of the items of the State Tourism Development Program for 2011-2015 - conducting a marketing research "Analysis of the structure of expenses and preferences of foreign citizens in the Republic of Belarus." This is the first such project implemented in Belarus. At the same time, several years ago a study was conducted in the republic that covered foreign tourists traveling by transport (by rail, car and plane), but it was of a general nature. Now the National Agency expects to receive specific information on the structure of expenses of foreign tourists, broken down into target groups and types of tourism (sanatorium-resort, transit, excursion, nostalgic, etc.).

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    Development of information technologies in tourism. Basic office equipment used in SCS and tourism enterprises: scanners. Modern technologies in SCS and tourism: Internet technologies - e-commerce. advantages of computer technology.

    abstract, added 07/24/2009

    History of tourism development. The first organized excursions. Advertising activities in tourism. Legislative framework for licensing tourism activities. Types of tourist organizations. Principles of regionalization in international tourism. Hotel service.

    course of lectures, added 02/18/2009

    Concept and types of tourism. Sources of tourist information, groupings and classification of statistics in tourism. Analysis of tourism activities, bus tours in St. Petersburg. Analysis of the volume of investment in tourism in St. Petersburg and the Tver region.

    course work, added 07/12/2011

    Identification of the main sources of information applicable in tourism activities, analysis of its role in tourism. Typology of tourist centers. Special thematic dictionaries and encyclopedias. Information publications about tourism and travel, Internet resources.

    course work, added 11/27/2012

    The essence and concepts of strategic planning in tourism. Principles and procedures, methods and indicators of planning. General analysis of the development program, promising directions for improving strategic tourism planning in the Sakhalin region.

    course work, added 11/01/2011

    Tourism as a specific type of leisure activity. Leisure values ​​in tourism: operationalization of the concept. Sociocultural potential of the tourism sector in modern society. Sociocultural need for tourism.

    scientific work, added 04/25/2007

    The essence and content of marketing in tourism. Basic principles and conditions for the application of marketing in tourism. Demand for tourism services. Classification of potential consumers in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of their demand.