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"Green Gambit" Vadim Panov. “The Green Gambit” Vadim Panov Why reading books online is convenient

Vadim Panov

Green Gambit

© Panov V., 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2014

“The name is, of course, made up,” Vincent Sharguet continued calmly, taking a tiny sip of traditional Minskar liquor from a traditional tin glass, more like a thimble. The miracles produced seventy-degree liquor throughout their history, both on Earth and much earlier, in those Outer Worlds where the red-haired tribe wandered before the creation of the great empire, and it was especially good with coffee as strong as a battle axe. – I specifically found out: in none of the regions of the former Yugoslavia is it possible to find such a combination - Huerbo Airba. It is completely not in the traditions of the people inhabiting the Balkans.

“False name...” Yarga drawled.

“Deliberately false,” the miracle clarified. – Aerba did not hide, but emphasized his lies.

– This behavior is seen as a challenge.

- To me? – Yarga also paid tribute to Minskari, and therefore answered only after mixing its taste with aromatic and hot coffee. – Isn’t it too arrogant?

“The challenge is not thrown at you, zaurd,” Vincent said politely, using the ancient address to the ruler, which Yarga had recently introduced among his subjects. His huge and continuing to grow organization increasingly acquired the features of a royal court, and the need for the emergence of internal etiquette became ripe. – More likely – to the Great Houses.

“Or them,” Yarga agreed after a couple of moments. “But that doesn’t matter now.” Nothing matters except that the idiotic false name and brash behavior were chosen for a reason.

The first prince Navi really wanted to see the “White Turtle” - the ship of a strange captain who was not afraid to clash with the Masan and emerged victorious from the battle... No! Not a ship! Yarga longed much more to see Aerba himself, but, alas, neither one nor the other has yet worked out. The "Turtle", which could tell a lot about its owner, lay on the bottom of the Gulf of Thailand, and not entirely, but in the form of countless fragments - the magical explosive of Vincent, who carried away his legs, sprayed the ship into such small components that even Yarga was powerless to put them together although would be a piece of the puzzle. In addition, Sharge sincerely believed that Aerba shared the fate of the “Turtle”, and was very surprised at the interest shown by the overlord.

“It’s been six months, zaurd,” the golem master said carefully. – In six months, Aerba was bound to surface somewhere...

And he smiled at what seemed to him to be a successful joke. Which did not find understanding from the interlocutor.

“That’s what I’m trying to determine, Vincent,” Yarga answered evenly. “I’m trying to find where your mysterious enemy surfaced.” - Pause. - If, of course, he surfaced. - Again a significant silence, which the old miracle did not dare to break, and a short order: - Continue the report.

A few days ago, the first prince summoned Charguet to his Paris residence, again asked in detail about the old, six-month-old story in the Gulf of Thailand, after which he ordered to postpone all matters and collect detailed information on Captain Uerbo Aerba - a strange, most likely long-dead person who took the side of the Ermine and prevented Sharga from weaving an intrigue against the Order. The basis for the order was simple: since the Ermines themselves, both Calder de Beer and Richard Fellow, managed to survive the “White Turtle” and returned to the Secret City, it can be assumed that they pulled the captain into the “hole of life”, and if so - for case!

Vincent, of course, obeyed, refused sleep and rest for several days, sent inquiries to all informants, but did not learn anything meaningful.

“I couldn’t even determine his real name, Zaurd, because many documents were lost as a result of the civil wars in Yugoslavia...

– Lost or destroyed? – Yarga immediately asked.

“Both,” the miracle spread his hands. “There is no doubt that in the past Aerba was related to the army, and according to some indications, to naval special forces units, but nothing is known for certain. Moreover, we consider Aerba to be a Serb solely on the basis of his own statements, but with the same success the captain could turn out to be Bulgarian or even Russian.

- What do you mean? – the first prince squinted.

He came to today's meeting in the guise of a stylish metrosexual, a pampered resident of a giant city, who never forgets about eau de toilette, a manicure, and a haircut three times a day. The voice is soft, the movements are slightly relaxed, the face is too beautiful for a man, but... but sometimes glances burst out from under the plush mask, revealing the true essence of the ancient and merciless Lord Navi. At such moments, the golem master experienced a long-forgotten, as it seemed to him, feeling of fear.

– Why did you mention that Aerba might turn out to be a person of a different nationality?

“I only followed the tracks he left.” I had no other leads, except perhaps false ones.

“Are you saying that I wasted your precious time?”

This is exactly what Vincent wanted to say, but any sincerity, if it is not backed by true friendship, has a limit, and therefore the miracle answered extremely diplomatically:

“I want to say, Zaurd, that we initially had little information, and in our assumptions we were based on the lying words of a lying pirate.”

“That’s right, but I had no choice,” Yarga answered unexpectedly quietly and generally very unexpectedly. - Did not have.

And in one gulp - contrary to all the rules! – I finished my liqueur.

The men met in the small fireplace room of the residence, in a small room intended for confidential conversations by the fire, trying to warm the ancient stone of the house. Two comfortable armchairs facing the mouth, a carved table between them, a crystal decanter, two pewter glasses and two cups of black. The servants were absent, and therefore, as soon as Yarga's empty glass returned to the table, a decanter with Minskari immediately floated up to him and filled it with orange.

“Six months ago, I didn’t pay much attention to your report, I decided that in the heat of battle you didn’t understand it and mistook Aerba’s strange abilities for the effect of a powerful protective artifact.

“It’s quite possible that it is so,” muttered the miracle, wondering whether it was worth finishing the coffee. The two previous cups were instantly replaced by new ones, and Sharge did not want to drink a third portion of the strongest drink.

– I agree: it’s possible. However, now, after the revival of the Knowing Vyselki, I began to have a different attitude towards strange people. – Yarga was silent. – Especially to those who show their strangeness without being a registered magician.

“So that’s what it’s all about!” To his shame, Vincent did not draw such a parallel and only now realized where the first prince was going.

– Do you think the inhabitants of Vyselok did not die?

“I’m sure they are already here on Earth.” And they ended up on it before Riznyk and Tyts returned the island.

- Is it possible?

Sharge - like, in fact, everyone who was not part of the close circle of initiates - knew about the details of the return of the Knowing Vyselki in the most general terms: the human sorcerer Riznyk activated the ancient lasso and returned the legendary island to its rightful place. As for its four inhabitants, it turns out they have disappeared somewhere. Perhaps they dissolved over millennia of being in nowhere.

The reality, as often happens, turned out to be much more complicated.

“The settlements didn’t just return: they were moved from the past with the help of a unique artifact, the Julian Circle,” Yarga said quietly, taking up the liquor again. – But exactly how Juliansky works is unknown. And even more so, no one knows what instructions the Storyteller put into it. I assume that since the four did not show up on the island, they were thrown out of the time stream earlier, and now they are settling into the Secret City.

- Logical.

How else could he answer? Until now, Sharge’s tasks had nothing to do with ancient history; the golem master was completely focused on the upcoming operation and suddenly became melancholy, anticipating an additional burden of responsibility.

Yarga understood perfectly well that the assistant was not particularly happy about the new responsibilities, but, not being able to entrust them to anyone else, he continued the conversation in an exceptionally gentle manner:

“Alas, Vincent, it’s not as logical as it is troublesome, because we have an extra headache.” It turns out that four people with very strange, even by the standards of the Secret City, abilities have been walking around my Earth for an unknown number of years.

“And the rescue of these people from oblivion was thanks to you,” Vincent finished mentally. - Congratulations".

“And since they have not yet appeared before my eyes, I will have to consider them enemies,” finished the first prince. “Accordingly, you need to find and approximately punish...” He took a sip of coffee, looked at the fire, smiled and slightly changed the rules: “Well, for starters, find.” We'll decide on the punishment later.

Vadim Panov


The name is, of course, fictitious,” Vincent Sharguet continued calmly, taking a tiny sip of traditional Minskar liquor from a traditional tin glass, more like a thimble. The miracles produced seventy-degree liquor throughout their history, both on Earth and much earlier, in those Outer Worlds where the red-haired tribe wandered before the creation of the great empire, and it was especially good with coffee as strong as a battle axe. - I specifically found out: in none of the regions of the former Yugoslavia is it possible to find such a combination - Huerbo Airba. It is completely not in the traditions of the people inhabiting the Balkans.

False name... - Yarga drawled.

Deliberately false,” the miracle clarified. - Aerba did not hide, but emphasized his lies.

This behavior is seen as a challenge.

To me? - Yarga also paid tribute to Minskari and therefore answered only after mixing its taste with aromatic and hot coffee. - Isn't it too arrogant?

The challenge is not thrown at you, Zaurd,” Vincent said politely, using the ancient address to the ruler, which Yarga had recently introduced among his subjects. His huge and continuing to grow organization increasingly acquired the features of a royal court, and the need for the emergence of internal etiquette became ripe. - More likely - to the Great Houses.

Or them,” Yarga agreed after a couple of moments. - But now it doesn't matter. Nothing matters except that the idiotic false name and brash behavior were chosen for a reason.

The first prince Navi really wanted to see the “White Turtle” - the ship of a strange captain who was not afraid to clash with the Masan and emerged victorious from the fight... No! Not a ship! Yarga longed much more to see Aerba himself, but, alas, neither one nor the other has yet worked out. The "Turtle", which could tell a lot about its owner, lay on the bottom of the Gulf of Thailand, and not entirely, but in the form of countless fragments - the magical explosive of Vincent, who carried away his legs, sprayed the ship into such small components that even Yarga was powerless to put them together although would be a piece of the puzzle. In addition, Sharge sincerely believed that Aerba shared the fate of the “Turtle”, and was very surprised at the interest shown by the overlord.

“Six months have passed, Zaurd,” the golem master said carefully. - In six months, Aerba was bound to surface somewhere...

And he smiled at what seemed to him to be a successful joke. Which did not find understanding from the interlocutor.

That’s what I’m trying to determine, Vincent,” Yarga replied evenly. “I’m trying to find where your mysterious enemy surfaced.” - Pause. - If, of course, he surfaced. - Again a significant silence, which the old miracle did not dare to break, and a short order: - Continue the report.

A few days ago, the first prince summoned Charguet to his Paris residence, again asked in detail about the old, six-month-old story in the Gulf of Thailand, after which he ordered to postpone all matters and collect detailed information on Captain Uerbo Aerba - a strange, most likely long-dead person who took the side of the Ermine and prevented Sharga from weaving an intrigue against the Order. The reason for the order was simple: since the Ermines themselves, both Calder de Beer and Richard Fellow, managed to survive the “White Turtle” and returned to the Secret City, it can be assumed that they pulled the captain into the “hole of life”, and if so - for case!

Vincent, of course, obeyed, refused sleep and rest for several days, sent inquiries to all informants, but did not learn anything meaningful.

I could not even determine his real name, Zaurd, since many documents were lost as a result of the civil wars in Yugoslavia...

Lost or destroyed? - Yarga immediately asked.

Both,” the miracle threw up his hands. - There is no doubt that in the past Aerba was related to the army, and, according to some signs, to naval special forces units, but nothing is known for certain. Moreover, we consider Aerba to be a Serb solely on the basis of his own statements, but with the same success the captain could turn out to be Bulgarian or even Russian.

What do you mean? - the first prince squinted.

He came to today's meeting in the guise of a stylish metrosexual, a pampered resident of a giant city, who never forgets about eau de toilette, a manicure, and a haircut three times a day. The voice is soft, the movements are slightly relaxed, the face is too beautiful for a man, but... but sometimes glances burst out from under the plush mask, revealing the true essence of the ancient and merciless Lord Navi. At such moments, the golem master experienced a long-forgotten, as it seemed to him, feeling of fear.

Vadim Panov

Green Gambit

The name is, of course, fictitious,” Vincent Sharguet continued calmly, taking a tiny sip of traditional Minskar liquor from a traditional tin glass, more like a thimble. The miracles produced seventy-degree liquor throughout their history, both on Earth and much earlier, in those Outer Worlds where the red-haired tribe wandered before the creation of the great empire, and it was especially good with coffee as strong as a battle axe. - I specifically found out: in none of the regions of the former Yugoslavia is it possible to find such a combination - Huerbo Airba. It is completely not in the traditions of the people inhabiting the Balkans.

False name... - Yarga drawled.

Deliberately false,” the miracle clarified. - Aerba did not hide, but emphasized his lies.

This behavior is seen as a challenge.

To me? - Yarga also paid tribute to Minskari, and therefore answered only after mixing its taste with aromatic and hot coffee. - Isn't it too arrogant?

The challenge is not thrown at you, Zaurd,” Vincent said politely, using the ancient address to the ruler, which Yarga had recently introduced among his subjects. His huge and continuing to grow organization increasingly acquired the features of a royal court, and the need for the emergence of internal etiquette became ripe. - More likely - to the Great Houses.

Or them,” Yarga agreed after a couple of moments. - But now it doesn't matter. Nothing matters except that the idiotic false name and brash behavior were chosen for a reason.

The first prince Navi really wanted to see the “White Turtle” - the ship of a strange captain who was not afraid to clash with the Masan and emerged victorious from the fight... No! Not a ship! Yarga longed much more to see Aerba himself, but, alas, neither one nor the other has yet worked out. The "Turtle", which could tell a lot about its owner, lay on the bottom of the Gulf of Thailand, and not entirely, but in the form of countless fragments - the magical explosive of Vincent, who carried away his legs, sprayed the ship into such small components that even Yarga was powerless to put them together although would be a piece of the puzzle. In addition, Sharge sincerely believed that Aerba shared the fate of the “Turtle”, and was very surprised at the interest shown by the overlord.

“Six months have passed, Zaurd,” the golem master said carefully. - In six months, Aerba was bound to surface somewhere...

And he smiled at what seemed to him to be a successful joke. Which did not find understanding from the interlocutor.

That’s what I’m trying to determine, Vincent,” Yarga replied evenly. “I’m trying to find where your mysterious enemy surfaced.” - Pause. - If, of course, he surfaced. - Again a significant silence, which the old miracle did not dare to break, and a short order: - Continue the report.

A few days ago, the first prince summoned Charguet to his Paris residence, again asked in detail about the old, six-month-old story in the Gulf of Thailand, after which he ordered to postpone all matters and collect detailed information on Captain Uerbo Aerba - a strange, most likely long-dead person who took the side of the Ermine and prevented Sharga from weaving an intrigue against the Order. The reason for the order was simple: since the Ermines themselves, both Calder de Beer and Richard Fellow, managed to survive the “White Turtle” and returned to the Secret City, it can be assumed that they pulled the captain into the “hole of life”, and if so - for case!

Vincent, of course, obeyed, refused sleep and rest for several days, sent inquiries to all informants, but did not learn anything meaningful.

I could not even determine his real name, Zaurd, since many documents were lost as a result of the civil wars in Yugoslavia...

Lost or destroyed? - Yarga immediately asked.

Both,” the miracle threw up his hands. - There is no doubt that in the past Aerba was related to the army, and, according to some signs, to naval special forces units, but nothing is known for certain. Moreover, we consider Aerba to be a Serb solely on the basis of his own statements, but with the same success the captain could turn out to be Bulgarian or even Russian.

What do you mean? - the first prince squinted.

He came to today's meeting in the guise of a stylish metrosexual, a pampered resident of a giant city, who never forgets about eau de toilette, a manicure, and a haircut three times a day. The voice is soft, the movements are slightly relaxed, the face is too beautiful for a man, but... but sometimes glances burst out from under the plush mask, revealing the true essence of the ancient and merciless Lord Navi. At such moments, the golem master experienced a long-forgotten, as it seemed to him, feeling of fear.

Why did you mention that Aerba might be of a different nationality?

I only followed the tracks he left. I had no other leads, except perhaps false ones.

Are you saying that I wasted your precious time?

This is exactly what Vincent wanted to say, but any sincerity, if it is not backed by true friendship, has a limit, and therefore the miracle answered extremely diplomatically:

I want to say, Zaurd, that we initially had little information, and in our assumptions we were based on the lying words of a lying pirate.

“That’s right, but I had no choice,” Yarga answered unexpectedly quietly and generally very unexpectedly. - Did not have.

And in one gulp - contrary to all the rules! - I finished my liqueur.

The men met in the small fireplace room of the residence, in a small room intended for confidential conversations by the fire, trying to warm the ancient stone of the house. Two comfortable armchairs facing the mouth, a carved table between them, a crystal decanter, two pewter glasses and two cups of black. The servants were absent, and therefore, as soon as Yarga's empty glass returned to the table, a decanter with Minskari immediately floated up to him and filled it with orange.

Six months ago, I didn’t pay much attention to your report, I decided that in the heat of battle you didn’t understand it and mistook Aerba’s strange abilities for the effect of a powerful protective artifact.

It’s quite possible that it is so,” muttered the miracle, wondering whether it was worth finishing the coffee. The two previous cups were instantly replaced by new ones, and Sharge did not want to drink a third portion of the strongest drink.

I agree: it is possible. However, now, after the revival of the Knowing Vyselki, I began to have a different attitude towards strange people. - Yarga was silent. - Especially to those who show their strangeness without being a registered magician.

“So that’s what it’s all about!” To his shame, Vincent did not draw such a parallel and only now realized where the first prince was going.

Do you think the inhabitants of Vyselok did not die?

I'm sure they are already here on Earth. And they ended up on it before Riznyk and Tyts returned the island.

Is it possible?

Sharge - like, in fact, everyone who was not part of the close circle of initiates - knew about the details of the return of the Knowing Vyselki in the most general terms: the human sorcerer Riznyk activated the ancient lasso and returned the legendary island to its rightful place. As for its four inhabitants, it turns out they have disappeared somewhere. Perhaps they dissolved over millennia of being in nowhere.

The reality, as often happens, turned out to be much more complicated.

The settlements didn’t just return: they were moved from the past with the help of a unique artifact, the Julian Circle,” Yarga said quietly, taking up the liquor again. - But exactly how Juliansky works is unknown. And even more so, no one knows what instructions the Storyteller put into it. I assume that since the four did not show up on the island, they were thrown out of the time stream earlier, and now they are settling into the Secret City.


How else could he answer? Until now, Sharge’s tasks had nothing to do with ancient history; the golem master was completely focused on the upcoming operation and suddenly became melancholy, anticipating an additional burden of responsibility.

Yarga understood perfectly well that the assistant was not particularly happy about the new responsibilities, but, not being able to entrust them to anyone else, he continued the conversation in an exceptionally gentle manner:

Alas, Vincent, it is not as logical as it is troublesome, because we have an extra headache. It turns out that four people with very strange, even by the standards of the Secret City, abilities have been walking around my Earth for an unknown number of years.

“Moreover, the rescue of these people from oblivion was thanks to you,” Vincent finished mentally. - Congratulations".

And since they have not yet appeared before my eyes, I will have to consider them enemies,” the first prince concluded. - Accordingly, you need to find and approximately punish... - He took a sip of coffee, looked at the fire, smiled and slightly changed the rules: - Well, for starters - find. We'll decide on the punishment later.

“I would like to remind you, Zaurd, that strange chelas did not come to the Great Houses either,” the miracle said carefully.

Who the Great Houses think they are is none of my business,” Yarga snapped. And he instantly returned to a soft tone: “We will proceed from the fact that four are going, or have already come, to the Secret City, since they have nowhere else to go.” It was the Secret City that had always been their goal. And it is in the Secret City that events will soon occur that will affect the life of the entire Earth.

“The Green Gambit” is one of the novels by Vadim Panov, part of the “Secret City” series. For many years now, readers have been following the events taking place in the world created by the writer. They look forward to each next book, because the narrative of one smoothly transitions into another. And the world in which everything happens is very similar to ours. This is our world, only with one big exception - there are werewolves and vampires in it, the most ancient entities, but they are not visible to people. But this does not interfere with the existence of the Secret City; moreover, all these creatures are fighting among themselves for the Secret City and the whole world, including people. In this book, the writer pays attention to precisely this main topic. There will be a lot of action and danger, an intricate plot and intrigue that will not let you stop reading.

The death of Baron Mecheslav led to unrest in the Green House. Everyone is excited and excited. Queen Vseslava is about to give birth. She is confident that she has loyal subjects next to her whom she can count on. But peace is unlikely to come here soon, because the first prince of Navi Yarga has returned from oblivion. Everyone believed that he was banished forever. But now he is here again, and all he wants is to gain power over the Secret City and the entire Earth. He persistently pursues his goal, no matter what. Yarga is ready to use any methods in this fight, and his minions skillfully weave intrigues to remove Vseslav from power. A great threat looms over the city, but then four more appear from oblivion. Everyone thought they were enemies. Everyone thought they were dead. And now they are here too. But who are they?

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Title: Green Gambit

About the book “The Green Gambit” Vadim Panov

Russian writer Vadim Panov is the author of many books in the fantasy style. He created his first work in 2001. This was the first novel in the “Secrets of the City” series. The book “The Green Gambit” is already the twenty-second work in this series.

All of Vadim Panov’s books are interconnected, so “The Green Gambit” is not a completely finished work due to its specific writing style. That is, the events of the last book are smoothly transferred to the next volume, without receiving a logical conclusion in the previous one. That is why you need to start reading from the first volume in order to fully understand all the events and characters.

The advantage of the cycle, as well as the book “The Green Gambit,” is that you look forward to the next part, so that you can again experience incredible adventures and events with the heroes, live their lives, fight enemies and, of course, love.

The book “The Green Gambit” by Vadim Panov is a worthy continuation. The work is very intriguing and interesting. The plot is tightly twisted and keeps you in suspense until the last page.

The plot of Vadim Panov's work is connected with Moscow. Actually, the Secret City is Moscow, and a modern one at that. But here, in addition to ordinary people, live werewolves, vampires and the most ancient mysterious order-organizations, as well as the essence of the most ancient civilizations that lived on Earth before the advent of man. Moreover, all these creatures are invisible to people, but according to the plot of the book “The Green Gambit,” there is a war between them for power over the Secret City. A big game is being played, and its rules are not always fair.

In the book “The Green Gambit” a hero appears like Prince Navi - Yarga. Or rather, he returns from oblivion, because he is the first prince of Navi. He was considered an eternal exile and now he is entering the power game. His main trump cards are betrayal, intrigue and conspiracies. All methods are normal for him. Yarga creates chaos in the Secret City in order to easily and quickly come to power. He craves this so much that very soon a circle of traitors gradually forms around Queen Vseslava, although she considers them true friends. It seems to everyone that Vseslav will lose power, and Prince Yarga will win this fight, and many come to terms with this and help the prince. The Green House itself is shaking and it is difficult to imagine what will happen next.

But in this chaos, four unknown people appear. They came out of nowhere. They were all considered long dead, and they were known as enemies. Is this actually true? Is it true that the four of the Knowing Vyselok are enemies?

In general, the book “The Green Gambit” by Vadim Panov is the best of the best parts of the entire series. You will be in constant suspense, events are developing rapidly, and the plot is simply unpredictable. And it will be like this until the very end of the book. The author is a master in describing the most complex fantastic events.

The book “The Green Gambit” by Vadim Panov is an excellent copy for science fiction lovers. The very style of presentation of the text makes one believe that such events actually happened or are even happening at the present time. We just don’t see it because of our problems and concerns.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Green Gambit” by Vadim Panov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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