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Red a gryaznova i. Finance. Ed. Gryaznova A.G., Markina E.V. Work and scientific activity

Gryaznova Alla Georgievna is a real legend! She is the current President of the Financial Academy of the Russian Federation, First Vice President of the Guild of Financiers, Deputy Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission, Chairman of the Public Council of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, member of the International Tax Association, co-chairman of the Audit Chamber of Russia, Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and the International Business School. This is not a complete list of all the positions held by this great woman. To learn more about her biography, personal life and development as a researcher and administrator, we offer in this article.

Gryaznova Alla Georgievna: biography

Alla Georgievna was born in Moscow (1937) in a family of ordinary workers. At that time, my mother worked as an accountant, and my father worked as a driver. The birth of a daughter was a happy event in the family. Despite the fact that the family lived quite modestly, and even in a small communal apartment, the parents managed to create comfort in it and ensure a happy childhood for their children. After the eldest Alla, three more children appeared in the family (one girl and two boys).


Alla Georgievna's childhood passed during the difficult war years. Father went to the front, and mother, left with small children and a sick mother, not only was able to educate children, instill in them a love for life and people, but also showed by her own example that you always and in everything need to act according to conscience and help. Together with her daughter, she cooked and sent parcels to the front with her own knitted socks and mittens. Moreover, such parcels were always accompanied by small letters, just a few lines, with kind words of support and gratitude to the soldiers who are now fighting for their lives on the battlefield. Five-year-old Alla always helped her mother and diligently drew letters herself.

School years and study

School years were the most colorful and beautiful. With what trepidation and gratitude, Alla Georgievna Gryaznova remembers her first teacher, joining the ranks of the pioneers and the Octobrists. She was already a leader and a very active person from school, she was engaged in amateur performances, an art studio and a ballet school.

Unfortunately, this period of the life of the young Alla Georgievna was overshadowed by a serious illness of her mother. The girl helped around the house and with the upbringing of her younger brothers and sisters, she was forced to leave school after the end of the seventh grade and go to study at a technical school. The family felt that Alla should master the profession as early as possible and be able to help put younger children on their feet.

The technical school was chosen not based on the specialty, but the one that was closest to my father's work (literally opposite it). It was a financial college. I had to study in the evenings, since the technical school did not have its own building at that time, and classes were held in the premises of the existing school, therefore, after the end of the main educational process. But for the family of Alla Georgievna it was even at hand. The girl could help around the house and was always next to her seriously ill mother (while her father was working), and when he came, the girl traveled to school on her own by metro.

Student years

Gryaznova Alla Georgievna calls the next period of her life unforgettable and very successful: student years, excellent teachers, interesting science, social activities and much more. After graduating (with honors) and acquiring a prestigious specialty in economics, new opportunities opened up for her. Alla successfully passed the exams and entered graduate school, and scientific life began. The changes concerned not only the professional sphere, but also the personal one. During this period, Alla Gryaznova meets and falls in love with her future husband. She graduated from graduate school ahead of schedule, a month later her wedding took place, and a year later (in September 1965) a son was born in a young family.

Moving to a new apartment, household chores, intense scientific activities, workdays - all this took a lot of time, therefore, as Alla Georgievna Gryaznova says, the son spent most of his childhood with her parents. Even when the boy was seven years old and had to go to school, grandparents were ready to completely replace his parents so that only their daughter could take advantage of the offer of a scientific internship in the United States of America. But fate intervened.

Work and scientific activity

The Moscow Financial Institute became for Alla Georgievna not only her native alma mater, but also her second home. Here she met many wonderful people, great scientists and humble workers.

The one who most influenced the fate of the future scientist and leader A.G. Gryaznova was an amazing woman, an excellent teacher and a wise leader M.S. Atlas. Mariam Semyonovna became not only the most beloved teacher, but also a teacher in life. In addition, she was also a supervisor when writing Alla Georgievna's Ph.D. thesis and a scientific consultant in the preparation of her doctoral thesis, which she completed and successfully defended in 1975. Moreover, to head the department, which was headed by M.S. Atlas is almost 30 years old, she entrusted it to her. Thus, Alla Georgievna Gryaznova herself became the successor to the scientific views and teaching methods of Professor Atlas. The family always supported her and helped her not only in word, but also in deed, and, as A.G. herself says. Gryaznova, this is what made it possible for her to achieve everything that she now has.

Rector's position

Climbing the career ladder was quite fast and fast. Soon Alla Georgievna was appointed to the senior post of vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. And when the current rector (Shcherbakov Vladimir Vasilyevich) struggled with a long illness, she had to fulfill his duties for almost two years. Tired of social activities, the burden of responsibility and all administrative work, Alla Georgievna still managed to find the strength in herself to not only courageously survive the death of her leader, but also become a worthy follower of him. Thus, on June 26, 1985, it was Gryaznova Alla Georgievna who became the rector. During the period of her leadership, the Financial Academy has become an advanced educational institution, a large-scale innovation center that produces qualified personnel and talented scientists not only for Russia, but also for other countries.


The position of rector, scientific and teaching activities require time, effort and desire. All this gives her a reliable rear in the form of a family. As Alla Georgievna Gryaznova herself says, her personal life has turned out to be happy, because when she wakes up in the morning, she wants to go to work, and in the evening with no less desire to return home!

Today, free time is sorely lacking, but she always finds a moment to spend time with her charming granddaughters, and she has two of them - Mashenka and Nadya. Next to them, the grandmother does not notice the fatigue and feels much younger. Together they can play tennis and read books. Babies themselves can already teach their beloved granny a lot. For example, they even have a special notebook where, together with Alla Georgievna, they write down youth words (slang), which the grandmother then learns.

“I am grateful to fate for my personal life,” says Alla Georgievna Gryaznova herself. “Children, grandchildren, husband, work - this is my life. Thanks to them, I feel happy!” she shares.

Gryaznova Alla Georgievna at Pozner's

On February 8, 2016, Alla Georgievna became the heroine of Vladimir Pozner's author's program. She shared her views on the country, paying special attention to the issues of training quality personnel. The guest proposed specific mechanisms that would help to effectively modernize the Russian economy.

The interview also touched on important historical moments. In particular, Gryaznova Alla Georgievna answered such questions: “What would Russia be like if there were no World War I and revolution?” and "What is the role of Stalin in the history of Russia?". You can read this interview in more detail and hear all the answers to the questions asked on the air on the official website of the program.


In the life of Alla Georgievna, like most of us, there were black and white stripes. But, thanks to her parents, their upbringing, teachers and mentors, the will of fate and luck, her own human qualities and attitude to life and people, Alla Georgievna was able to overcome all life's obstacles, get out of difficult situations with dignity and become an excellent role model.

It is difficult to overestimate her contribution to the modern financial world. The Fatherland deservedly appreciated all the efforts of Alla Georgievna, awarding her with many orders and diplomas from public organizations.

Dear Elizaveta Alexandrovna, Thank you very much for your work for the benefit of preserving the Gryaznov family. Our Gryaznov line is Gryaznov S.A. - Gryaznov G.S. - Gryaznov A.G. - Gryaznov K.A. (son of a manufacturer from Lezhnev, Ivanovo province, who left for Chelyabinsk at the age of 30, engineer, military man, anesthesiologist. I, Gryaznova M.A. - wife of the military Gryaznov A.G. and the mother of the doctor-Gryaznov K.A.) Unfortunately, we only know that the Gryaznovs and Lopukhins were related. Lopukhin Afanasy from Lezhnev was repressed. I come from the Polivanovs on my father's side - the village of Staroe Selo, Rodnikovsky District, Ivanovo Region ... the Polivanovs' estate consists of 4 walls of a noble house, an overgrown pond and the last peasant woman, Dunya, who lives alone at 92 ... I was there in 2007. According to Rumyantsev-Loskutov’s mother, mother’s father, Alexander, was repressed, grandmother recorded mother in her maiden name, forgery was revealed in 1954 when issuing a certificate, but there was no punishment. I really want to know about the possibility of acquiring books about the Gryaznovs ... I have an icon and a plate from the Polivanovs. Thank you. MAG

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2012. - 496 p. M.: 2004. - 504 p.

The textbook was prepared by the staff of the Finance Department of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The second edition examines the essence, functions and management of finances in modern conditions. The issues of organization of finances of business entities (commercial, non-commercial organizations, individual entrepreneurs) are disclosed. The content and features of the organization of state and municipal finances, the role and organization of the budget process, the importance of social insurance, financial planning and forecasting are analyzed. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy", "Taxes and Taxation".

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Table of contents(2012, 2nd edition, 496 pages)
Introduction 7
Chapter 1. Finance and financial system 11
1.1. The essence of finance and their functions 11
1.2. Financial resources 21
1.3. Financial system 27
Chapter 2. Financial policy 41
2.1. The content and significance of financial policy 41
2.2. Financial policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage 49
2.3. Financial mechanism, its role in the implementation of financial policy 60
Chapter 3 Financial Management 69
3.1. The need and content of financial management 69
3.2. Legal framework for financial management in the Russian Federation 76
3.3. Financial authorities in the Russian Federation 86
Chapter 4 Financial Planning and Forecasting 96
4.1. The need, content and objectives of financial planning 96
4.2. Financial forecasting, its content and significance 100
4.3. Stages and methods of financial planning 105
4.4. Types of financial plans, their characteristics 110
Chapter 5. Financial regulation of socio-economic processes 119
5.1. The content of financial regulation, its forms and methods 119
5.2. The impact of finance on the economy 124
5.3. Financial regulation of social processes 131
Chapter 6. Financial control 143
6.1. The content and significance of financial control 143
6.2. Characteristics of types, forms and methods of financial control 148
6.3. Organizational and legal foundations of financial control in the Russian Federation 157
6.4. Ways to improve financial control in Russia 166
Chapter 7. General characteristics of the finance of commercial organizations 173
7.1. Features of the finance of commercial organizations and the factors that determine them 173
7.2. Sources and types of financial resources of commercial organizations 178
7.3. Directions for the use of financial resources 185
7.4. Features of financial management of commercial organizations 191
Chapter 8. Finances of professional financial market participants 197
8.1. Features of the finance of credit institutions 197
8.2. Features of the formation and use of financial resources of credit institutions 204
8.3. Finances of insurance organizations 208
8.4. Features of the organization of finances of individual financial market participants 217
Chapter 9. Finances of non-profit organizations 224
9.1. The content of the finances of non-profit organizations 224
9.2. Formation and use of financial resources of budgetary institutions 233
9.3. Finances of non-profit organizations of other organizational and legal forms 240
9.4. Features of financial management of non-profit organizations 248
Chapter 10. Finances of Individual Entrepreneurs 256
10.1. Formation and use of financial resources of individual entrepreneurs 256
10.2. Features of taxation of individual entrepreneurs 261
10.3. State financial support for individual entrepreneurs 269
Chapter 11. Content and organization of state and municipal finances 275
11.1. Content of state and municipal finances 275
11.2. Organization of public finances at the federal and regional levels 282
11.3. Features of the organization of municipal finance 291
Chapter 12. Budgets of public authorities and local governments 300
12.1. The budget and its impact on socio-economic processes 300
12.2. The budgetary system of the state, the principles of its construction 313
12.3. Content and forms of organization of interbudgetary relations 328
Chapter 12. Budgets of public authorities and local governments
12.4. Characteristics of incomes of budgets of different levels 340
12.5. Composition of expenditures of budgets of different levels 353
Chapter 13. The Budget Process in the Russian Federation 370
13.1. Fundamentals of organizing the budget process 370
13.2. Preparation, review and approval of budgets 378
13.3. Organization of budget execution 387
Chapter 14. State and municipal borrowings 395
14.1. Budget balance and methods to achieve it 395
14.2. Content, forms and methods of state and municipal borrowing 403
14.3. State and municipal debt, its classification 409
14.4. Management of state and municipal debt 412
Chapter 15. State social off-budget funds 421
15.1. Social insurance and its role in the implementation of state social guarantees 421
15.2. General characteristics of state social non-budgetary funds 428
15.3. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, features of its functioning 434
15.4. The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and its importance 442
15.5. Mandatory medical insurance funds in the Russian Federation, their formation and use 448
Glossary 455
Alphabetical index 484
Literature 490

Year of issue : 2005

Genre : Books on economics (textbook)


Format : DjVu

Quality : Scanned pages

Number of pages: 593

Description : The textbook was prepared in accordance with the course "Economic Theory", the program of which was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This course is taught in all universities for students of economic specialties and is the main one.
Economic theory is a fundamental science that has developed its own categories, concepts, laws over more than 200 years of development, which has its own subject, principles of analysis, methods of processing factual material. The division of economic science into economic theory as a pure economic science, devoid of socio-economic relations, and political economy, which is discarded because its subject is the socio-economic (production) relationships between economic entities in society, is a neglect of reality.

PART I Basics of economic theory
Chapter 1. Subject, method and functions of economic theory..28
General concept of science and the place of economic theory in it..28
The subject of economic theory .... 30
The main features of socio-economic (production) relations ..... 34
Methodology and methods of economic research .... 39
Functions of economic theory...44
Chapter 2. The process of production, reproduction and its phases .... 49
The general concept of the process of production and reproduction ... 49
The role and place of distribution in the reproductive process ... 51
Exchange Relations...54
Consumption as the final phase of the reproduction process and its prerequisite...59
Chapter 3. The system of property relations in the modern economy ... 61
The economic content of the category "property" .... 61
Forms of ownership and forms of management ... 67
Legal aspects of property relations .... 73
The content of the economic theory of property rights and transaction costs ... 75
Reforming property relations in Russia....79
Chapter 4. The system of economic interests, motives and incentives .... 85
Economic interest as a category.....86
Need as the material basis of economic interests .... 87
Economic interests as a system.....89
Functions of the system of economic interests. Motives and incentives for effective management ... 98
Chapter 5. The system of economic laws .... 104
The identification of economic laws and new trends in the socio-economic development of society is the main purpose of economic science..104
The content of the economic law and the methodology of its research.. 106

Economic laws as a system. To the discussion about the basic economic law of the system....110
The main content of economic laws: saving time, increasing labor productivity and raising economic needs ... 113
Chapter 6. Market and market economy: content, functions, types ... 118

The concept of the market and market economy. Subjects of market relations .... 118

The structure of the market economy...121
Market Economy Infrastructure.....123
The functions of the market and its role in the socio-economic system of society .... 123
The main types and models of a market economy .... 127
Features of the formation of market relations in Russia .... 128
Chapter 7. Competition as the main element in the market business model .... 131
The content of the concept of "competition" .... 131
Competition functions...134
Competition and monopoly .... 137
The main forms of modern competition...139
Development of a competitive environment in Russia and the competitiveness of domestic production...144
Antimonopoly policy and antimonopoly regulation: economic content and features of Russia...150
Chapter 8 The content of the theories of labor cost and marginal utility .... 157
The main content of the theory of labor value .... 157
The main content of the theory of marginal utility ... 162
Conditions and reasons for the formation of the concept of marginal utility .... 166
Achievements and miscalculations of theories of labor cost and marginal utility..169
Chapter 9 Demand, supply and price in the system of market relations ... 173
Supply and demand: content and problems of interaction....173
Price and its formation in a market economy.....176
Problems of the relationship between supply and demand in the modern Russian economy ... 181
Chapter 10
Origin of money...185
Functions of money.....187

Essence of money. features of paper money. The law of the amount of money in circulation ... 189
Western theories of money...194
Basic concepts for part 1 .... 197
PART II. Theoretical problems of microeconomics....201
Chapter II. An enterprise (firm) as the main business entity in market conditions .... 202
General ideas about the enterprise (firm) ..... 202
Joint stock companies (corporations) .... 206
Basic Western theories of the firm .... 209
Chapter 12
The content of the concept of "capital" and the evolution of views on its nature...215

Circulation and turnover of capital (production assets) of the enterprise .... 222
The structure of the capital (production assets) of the enterprise. Physical and moral depreciation of fixed capital .... 227
Chapter 13. Production costs: essence, classification and structure .... 231
General ideas about the production costs of the enterprise ...... 231
Two concepts of production costs: Marxist and neoclassical...232
Methods to reduce production costs of the enterprise. Features of modern Russia...239
Chapter 14
General idea of ​​the income of the enterprise ..... 246
Wages as a form of cash income of employees .... 248
Profit: economic essence and functions .... 252
Loan interest .... 255
To the problem of economic exploitation....258
Economic risk: content and determining factors .... 262
Chapter 15. Features of agrarian relations. Land rent.
Land price....268
The content of agrarian relations and the specifics of production in agriculture .... 268
Rent relations in agriculture and the price of land .... 271
Features of the formation of the land market in Russia .... 278
The specifics of the agrarian crisis in Russia....283
Chapter 16. Bank as a business entity in a market economy.
Securities and Stock Exchange....286
Features of a commercial bank as a business entity .... 286
Securities and the stock market .... 289

Types of securities and features of pricing in the stock market ... 291
Exchange and over-the-counter securities market...296
Formation of the stock market in Russia....297
Basic concepts for part II .... 300
PART III. Theoretical problems of macroeconomics....303
Chapter 17. Social reproduction at the national level .... 304

General concept of macroeconomics. Goals and objectives of macroeconomic analysis.....304
Modeling in macroeconomic analysis....310
The main indicators of the results of the reproduction process at the national level .... 314
Advantages and disadvantages of two methods for calculating final macroeconomic indicators .... 319
The balance of the national economy and the system of national accounts .... 320
National wealth of the country: content and structure .... 323
Chapter 18
The content of the concept of "economic growth" .... 327
Factors of economic growth...330
Theories and models of economic growth....335
Rates and choice of economic growth model for Russia...339
Chapter 19. The level of socio-economic development and types of economic growth .... 344
The concept of "level of socio-economic development" and its significance for macroeconomic analysis .... 344
Increasing the level of economic development as a consequence and condition for the transition to an intensive type of economic growth....351
Intensification of the production process ..... 355
Chapter 20
The relevance of the study of scientific and technical progress ..... 358
Economic content and functions of scientific and technological progress .... 359
Features of the current stage of scientific and technological progress - the scientific and technological revolution .... 362
Features of the implementation of the world achievements of scientific and technological revolution in various business models....368
Chapter 21
Differences in understanding the essence of economic efficiency and methods of its calculation .... 375
The content of the concept of "economic efficiency of the national economy" ..... 379

Quantitative assessment of the economic efficiency of the national economy .... 383
Problems of increasing the efficiency of the national economy; features of Russia .... 388
Chapter 22
The content of the process of accumulation (expansion) of production ... 395
Basic concepts characterizing the process of accumulation ..... 398
The rate and efficiency of accumulation .... 400
Sources of investment.....402
Theory of multiplier and accelerator....408
Chapter 23. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Economic cycles and crises .... 415
Equilibrium of the economic system: general concept and features of the transition economy .... 415
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Theories of macroeconomic equilibrium ..... 417
Cyclicity as a form of market economy development....422
Industrial (classical) cycles and crises.....424
Causes of economic crises and cycles. Basic theories .... 427
Long waves in the economy. The concept of N. Kondratiev....430
Modification of economic (industrial) cycles. Anti-crisis policy of the state .... 432
Chapter 24 Employment. Labor market. Unemployment....435
Population as a factor in the development of the national economy ..... 435
Reproduction of the labor force .... 442
Employment and the labor market....445
Unemployment: content and forms (types) of manifestation ... 448
Chapter 25
Two main concepts of the role of the state in a market economy......456
Goals and instruments of economic policy and state regulation of the national economy .... 463
Indicative planning: content and role in state regulation of a market economy .... 466
Social policy of the state .... 469
Social justice and equality. Social differentiation and state redistribution of income .... 471
Protectionism: the content and role in the foreign economic policy of the state .... 480
Chapter 26
Money, credit and finance as an objectively necessary form of development of a market economy....483
The monetary system of the country .... 484

Inflation: essence, causes, consequences....487
The credit system of the country .... 490
Financial system and theory of taxation...494
Basic concepts for part III .... 504
PART IV. Theoretical problems of the world economic system...509
Chapter 27
The content of the concept of "world economy" ...... 510
Globalization: essence, contradictions, development trends....513
The main patterns of development of the world economic system ..... 516
World labor market....520
Problems of the development of the theory of the world economy after the collapse of the socialist economic system .... 523
Chapter 28. International division of labor and integration processes in the world economy .... 527
Origins, trends, forms of implementation of the international division of labor .... 527
The national economy and the international division of labor .... 532
Integration trends in the world economy .... 536
Chapter 29. Differences in the levels of socio-economic development of the countries of the world community. Underdevelopment: economic content and solutions .... 540
Unevenness and differences in the levels of socio-economic development of countries in the world economy ... 540
The content of the concept of economic underdevelopment ..... 546
The evolution of theoretical views on the causes and ways to overcome underdevelopment....550
Chapter 30 Monetary system of the world economy....557
International Capital Market....557
International Monetary System.....566
Chapter 31
Essence and forms of manifestation of global problems...573
Aggravation of the ecological crisis in the second half of the 20th century: causes, sources and methods of solution....578
Basic concepts for part IV .... 588



In a magazine for successful women, of course, it is impossible not to pay significant attention to the area that concerns every family - education. And here we find many bright names of those women who, through fruitful work, have inscribed their names in the golden pages of the history of Russian education.
Today Alla Georgievna Gryaznova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, is answering our questions. This year is her anniversary. Exactly 50 years ago, she became a student at the Moscow Financial Institute and for exactly 20 years she has been successfully and firmly at the helm of one of the most prestigious universities in Russia - the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.


– The position of a woman administrator, teacher and scientist in the education system is more difficult than that of a man. Rector is a masculine word. But when this high position is occupied by a woman, then in addition to the endless “male” concerns, she also has endless “female” concerns (home, family, children - these concerns largely fall on women’s shoulders). It is with the woman rector that the problem of time becomes extremely acute. And when it is possible to ensure a prudent approach to the use of time, one of the greatest difficulties that arise for a woman rector who has devoted herself to education and science is overcome. I think this is one of the reasons why women are so rare among rectors.
Answering the second part of your question, I would like to note the following: it is not difficult for me personally to be at the helm of the Financial Academy, although this is a difficult, extremely responsible and multifaceted job. There are several reasons for this.
First, before becoming a rector, I went through literally all the steps of institute life: student, graduate student, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, head. department, vice-rector for scientific work and international relations and for 20 years now the rector. She went through all the forms and steps of social work at the university. This gave knowledge of all areas of work from the inside, taught me to understand people, and allowed me to accumulate pedagogical and life experience.
Secondly, I was very lucky with the teachers. The professors I studied with were real erudite people who knew how to involve us in the creative laboratory of intellectual labor. They kindled our thirst for knowledge, gave us examples of democratic, simple business communication, gave us so much warmth and cordiality that I still feel their huge contribution to the development of me as a person!
Thirdly, I have a team of highly qualified colleagues, true friends - vice-rectors, directors of institutes, heads of departments, with many of them I have decades of friendly collaboration. I'm sure they will never let you down. It is thanks to this team that I, as a rector, manage to set and solve many complex strategic tasks.
Fourth, we have wonderful students. They are very interesting and creative people. Probably, the high competition (7-10 people per place, more than half of the applicants have gold or silver medals, or diplomas with honors), which allows you to select the best personnel for the academy, is having an effect. It is no coincidence that it was on their initiative that the “Club of Excellent Students”, the “Club of Political Dialogue”, theatrical, vocal, choreographic studios were created ... Communication with them gives me a lot of pleasure, I am charged with young enthusiasm from them, although as a rector I am a very strict and demanding person, I don't give a fuck about idlers and ruthlessly expel them from the academy. But it's still rare for us. I am proud of our graduates, their successful career growth, the ability to honestly go through life, to remain faithful to their alma mater, to be able to support fellow graduates in difficult times. It's a great happiness to see such results of your work!
Fifthly, this is a reliable home rear - my friendly family. My husband, children, and even granddaughters have always supported and helped me. My luck is largely associated with them.


- A woman in a leadership position has much more difficulties than advantages. Many men still have not got rid of the house-building attitude towards a woman, and therefore, in order to be a respected leader, a woman must be a high professional, wise, with a strong character, that is, significantly surpass the men around her in a number of parameters. The complexity is also connected with the mission of a woman as a wife and mother, which requires considerable time for household chores; at the same time, despite any difficulties at work, the ability to give female affection and tenderness to her husband, care for children and grandchildren.
As for some advantages, they are, perhaps, associated with a woman's more subtle intuition, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, not to shun rough work and not be shy to get into small details, in which the main "pitfalls of failure" are often buried. Sometimes it helps to resolve issues and purely feminine charm, the ability of wise, intelligent male gentlemen to turn their shoulders, to provide assistance with both advice and deed.


- Very comfortable, because I am surrounded by smart, intelligent men. Each of them is a worthy personality, a high professional in his field, a pleasant conversationalist. I am learning a lot from them. Our communication takes place on an equal footing, often they seek advice on certain issues, often for professional reasons I am asked to lead the preparation of certain fundamental issues, conduct complex scientific discussions, act as a consolidating principle ...


- That's the way things were. At school, I was an excellent student, wrote poetry, drew, studied ballet and dreamed of becoming a teacher of Russian language and literature. But ... when I finished 7 classes, trouble happened. Mom became seriously ill, and the doctors did not guarantee her life. My dad and I decided that I needed to go to a technical school in order to quickly acquire a profession and “get on my feet”, replenish the modest family budget - after all, I am the eldest daughter, and the rest of the kids are much younger than me. When the dearest person - my mother - was dying, I had no time for choosing a profession. Next to my father's work in the school building was temporarily (for the period of repair) a financial technical school. This is where my papers were sent. In addition, since schoolchildren studied during the day, classes at the technical school began in the evening. It was very convenient: I could be near my mother all day, and in the evening my father took over.
The first two weeks I was very sad at the lessons: debit, credit, balance, balance, some accounts ... Oh, how boring these words sounded! But then the bright, elegant Tatyana Borisovna Shchelokova, a teacher of Russian language and literature, came to the class. The sun rose for me in the classroom. With its rays, it illuminated even boring terms, and suddenly the poetry of numbers began to sound in the lessons of accounting, savings, finance ... It became very interesting to study, and I am grateful to fate for these happy three years.
Well, after graduating from a technical school, among 5% of graduates with honors, she was recommended to continue her studies at the Moscow Financial Institute.
I believe that everyone should do their own thing, and if it also brings joy, then why should he cheat? After all, it is a great happiness to be able to transfer one's knowledge, communicate with talented young people, help them master the complex and responsible profession of an economist, and contribute to the formation of versatile personalities. And even if not in the Russian language and literature, but in economic theory, economics and finance, I still came to teaching.


Yes, the differences are huge! Although there is a lot in common - after all, students always remain students. This is a cheerful, freedom-loving, cheerful people who have their whole life ahead of them.
My student memories date back to the 1950s. Features of life in those years were still associated with the echoes of the war, poverty. Many students borrowed money until the next scholarship, worked part-time: girls - cleaners, boys - loaders. It was difficult to live, but at that time it was perceived as normal, without psychological stress - after all, everyone around lived like that. There were friendly companies with which communication continues to this day. There were favorite teachers, naive disputes about love and friendship, work near Moscow on the "potato", summer construction teams, the development of virgin lands, seething Komsomol life, numerous trips and excursions. This generation of students was distinguished by a thirst for knowledge, collectivism, purity and naivety of judgments, faith in a bright future, patriotism, and in appearance - modesty in clothes and naturalness in appearance. Boys among future financiers were a rarity. At that time, technical universities were prestigious.
Current female students differ both in appearance and life attitudes. They dress fashionably, soundly, with the help of make-up they correct the “imperfections” of nature, they are free, uninhibited in their behavior, there is no narrow-mindedness. They are more diversified (many take courses in foreign languages, music schools, sports clubs, art studios), they have a huge information resource. In their life attitudes, they are very pragmatic. Their main drawback is that they read little, they do not know classical literature and history enough, receiving a significant amount of information in finished form through the media, especially television, video, and the Internet. Meanwhile, it is reading that provides significant food for the mind, stimulates the development of imaginative thinking, helps to form one's own judgment and perception of life.
The transition to the rails of a market economy has fundamentally changed the attitude towards financial professions. They have become one of the most sought after, promising and highly paid. New financial professions and financial institutions have emerged. Specialists in the field of anti-crisis management, financial managers, auditors, business appraisers have become in demand. The demographic composition of students has also changed. Today, the ratio of women to men in the academy is 57% and 43% (in the 1950s it was 85% and 15%, respectively).
Many graduates of the Financial Academy occupy high positions in the legislative and executive authorities, in the financial and banking system. These are the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation N. Maksimova and E. Panina, the head of the Service for Economics and Finance of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation L. Kudelina, the head of the Department of International Relations of the Government of the Russian Federation T. Valovaya, a member of the National Banking Council of Russia N. Ivanova, the deputy chairmen of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation A. Aleshkina , B. Zlatkis and many others.
Among the youngest talented students, the undisputed leaders are representatives of the “weaker” sex. At the age of 10 and 11, Angela and Diana Knyazev entered the Financial Academy, who completed a five-year curriculum in three years and, having received diplomas with honors, were admitted to graduate school at the Department of International Monetary Credit and Financial Relations. Now they are doing an internship at Stanford University in the USA and writing Ph.D. dissertations. In 2004, at the age of 12, Ksenia Lepeshkina from the village of Burannoye near Magnitogorsk entered the Institute of International Economic Relations of the Financial Academy with a degree in World Economy. The girl is an excellent student and has already won the competition for the best student research work.


– The position of rector is a huge responsibility for a team of many thousands, often working 12 hours a day, a huge economy that you have to manage. But when you know and love your work, you see that it brings significant benefits to people, when your friends and colleagues are nearby, ready to work in a single team, when you have the happiness to communicate with young talented students and graduate students, then work becomes not a burden, but in joy. The Academy for me is my home.
I have very little free time; I dedicate it to my adorable granddaughters. Among my latest achievements: I taught Masha to play tennis. Now with her as a single team we “call to fight” the parents. And I also like, having climbed up on the sofa, to “swallow” a historical novel. At one time, my husband and I decided that we must definitely make time to go to the theater, cinema, to a concert at least once or twice a month ... But there are, however, “theatrical sprees” - this is how my husband called the time of various international congresses when we, together with their participants, go to theaters or concerts for 2-3 days in a row.
“Happy personal life” I consider a situation in which in the morning I want to go to interesting creative work, to meet with colleagues, and in the evening with no less joy to rush home, where relatives and close people are waiting. I have exactly that. And I am grateful to fate for my personal life.


I prefer a reasonable point of view. Each woman herself must decide what place at different stages of her life should be occupied by work, and which - by the family. I have always had to combine work with family matters. Therefore, I accustomed myself to strict internal discipline, to the rational use of time. A person should have a cozy home in which he could forget about all the problems and difficulties for a while. I am very lucky: my family is my reliable support. True, I would like to devote more time to my charming granddaughters.


- In short, a “successful woman” is one who realizes her creative potential and enjoys it.


- I appreciate in people kindness, decency, purposefulness, adherence to principles, communication skills. I can't stand lies. I never forgive her to anyone. All my students and graduate students know that I only need to tell the truth. I myself never lie. And if I make a promise, I always keep it. I think envy is one of the most disgusting traits. It corrodes a person from the inside.


– I was born in Moscow in a simple working family. And for the rest of her life she kept in her heart that unique atmosphere that reigned in the parental home: complete mutual respect, trust and love, the reverent attitude of mother and father to each other. This atmosphere is still an example for me of how to build a family.
There were four children in the family. Parents joked: “We have a complete balance - two girls and two boys, two were born in November and two in December, two with blue eyes and two with brown eyes.” The balance was preserved in the subsequent professional life - two were engaged in mental labor (sisters), and two in physical labor (cabinet makers).
We lived in a communal apartment, in a room of about 12 square meters. Since there were no more than two beds in such a room, then parents slept on one of them (one and a half), and on the other (double) we were “roller” (girls in one direction, boys in the other). I still wonder how, under these conditions, my mother managed to ensure impeccable cleanliness and order, comfort in the house. And the complete fantasy is how it was possible to create a comfortable environment for studying. The small double wardrobe had a large mirror on the door. So my mom let me turn it into a blackboard. When preparing homework with younger children, in order to avoid corrections in notebooks, I first called them in turn “to the blackboard” and with the help of chalk we solved problems on the mirror. Chalk, of course, crumbled, and the mirror could be damaged, but mother's wisdom was enough for everything. For her, it was more important to create conditions for study. From these childhood years, apparently, my love for teaching was born.
And I also learned from my parents a tolerant attitude towards other people's shortcomings and a tough self-assessment of my own actions, the ability to come to the aid of people without waiting for you to be asked about it, and without expecting reciprocal steps from them. The iron rule “I made a promise - keep it, no matter what it costs you” and the iron creed “Shared grief is half grief, and shared joy is double joy” became my life attitudes.
In 1959, for the first time, I crossed the threshold of the Moscow Financial Institute. Since then, I have had one job - my native MFI, now the Financial Academy. Here fate brought me together with many wonderful people - prominent scientists, talented organizers, heroes and humble workers. For example, there was a person in my life who had the strongest influence - Mariam Semyonovna Atlas, a woman with an absolutely amazing fate. She gave us the very first lectures at the Financial Academy, and how she read! We students fell in love with her. This is a brilliant speaker, a talented teacher-methodologist, a kind and sympathetic elder friend. A prominent scientist, author of many textbooks on the development of the country's banking system, economic theory. She has encyclopedic economic knowledge, a musical education, knows history and world literature very well, recites Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, Goethe by heart. Mariam Semyonovna Atlas became not only my favorite teacher, but also a teacher in life, a “scientific mother”. She was my supervisor in the preparation of my Ph.D. thesis, which I defended in 1964, and scientific adviser for my doctoral dissertation (1975). M.S. Atlas entrusted me with her beloved department of economic theory, which she had been in charge of for almost 30 years, and when I became the head of the department, she motherly helped me. Until the age of 90, she lectured, led scientific seminars, and organized major international congresses. Now she is 94 years old, age makes itself felt. When I visited her at home, she sang two songs with the same enthusiasm - "Katyusha" and "Through the Valleys and Hills", and she sang from beginning to end, and not the way we sing - one or two verses, and that's it. That's what the old guard means! I adopted a flexible management style from her (sometimes it’s better not to order, but to ask; it’s easier to implement decisions that have matured as a result of a preliminary democratic discussion), the ability to separate the main from the secondary, not to shun rough work. She taught me to rejoice in the success of others more than in my own. And how much worldly wisdom she showed when building her family life! I am very far from her, but I tried to learn a lot and am grateful to fate that for 50 years I was able to walk alongside this wonderful woman.


- In short, instead of a good small chamber university with a teaching area of ​​9 thousand square meters and two thousand students who studied at 4 faculties, we now have one of the leading and most prestigious universities in the country.
Firstly, it is a large educational center with 19 institutes. It simultaneously trains 10 thousand students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students from 40 countries of the world; 20,000 specialists undergo advanced training every year.
Secondly, it is a major center of scientific research, which conducts fundamental and applied research, prepares textbooks and teaching aids for economic universities in Russia and other CIS countries; a lot of expert work is carried out on the instructions of the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Government of the Russian Federation; scientific developments are carried out on the orders of individual ministries and departments, firms.
Thirdly, it is a major methodological center heading the All-Russian Educational and Methodological Association for a group of economic specialties, which includes 702 universities and their branches. Here state educational standards, curricula and plans are developed, experience is exchanged in order to improve the content and methods of teaching.
Fourth, it is the center for the implementation of many international programs. The Financial Academy has concluded agreements with universities and financial and banking structures of 50 countries of the world, there is an exchange of students and teachers, and joint scientific developments are being prepared. With the universities of a number of countries, we have reached the level of "double diplomas". So, on July 8, 2004, in a solemn ceremony, a large group of students who successfully completed a one-year internship at Bloomsburg University (USA) were simultaneously awarded two diplomas by rectors: Russian - from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and American - from Bloomsburg University.
Fifthly, it is the center of intellectual education. Much attention is paid to the formation of a multifaceted intelligent personality. Numerous scientific circles, discussion clubs, literary and musical lectures, a chess club, numerous sports clubs, a student theater, vocal and choreographic studios, KVN competitions, Miss and Mister Academy, Alumni Club ...
We attach great importance to patriotic education. We regularly hold evening meetings of war and labor veterans; New Year's charity concerts for children from orphanages, New Year's trees prepared by the students themselves have become a good tradition. The Financial Academy led the preparation and holding at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" of the Moscow festival of songs of past years "It was not long ago, it was a long time ago", to which veteran organizations of Moscow and the Moscow region are invited. In general, real student life is in full swing, in which personalities are formed, their civic positions are developed.
Sixth, the material and technical base has changed radically. The total area is over 120 thousand square meters, a library and information complex with 1 million books in 40 languages, a sports and fitness center with a swimming pool, gyms, a catering plant, its own clinic, hostels. 40 computer classes are involved in the educational process, a multimedia library has been created, technical teaching aids are widely used, electronic textbooks have been developed for all basic and graduating departments.
All this became possible thanks to the friendly and well-coordinated work of the entire team.


- First of all, a low bow to the earth for their noble work, which, unfortunately, is still unworthily paid. With all my heart I wish all women working in higher education creative inspiration, good health, good students, talented graduate students, great personal happiness, good luck, success and ... reliable financial well-being.