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How to open a pro100 Sberbank card. Bank cards of Sberbank "Pro100

A universal electronic card from Sberbank (PRO100) is a round-the-clock access to various financial, state and municipal services and options.

The "life" of the electronic map was given by the Federal Law on the "Organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

What are the main tools contained in the map?

  • Full payment bank card (debit);
  • Compulsory health insurance policy;
  • The card contains data that can verify your identity;
  • The plastic contains the parameters of the Pension Insurance Certificate;
  • The card can be used to pay taxes, duties (including online payment for services);

In other words, UEK PRO100 is not only a Sberbank debit card with payment capabilities, but also a carrier of your personal information.

In graphical and informational form, the plastic contains all the important information about the user: full name, photo and gender of the client, date of birth, SNILS data, compulsory medical insurance policy number, details of the electronic banking application, and the "horse of options" - a qualified electronic signature .

How to get an electronic card? Payment system PRO100

To get this plastic, you need to come to the Sberbank office, which is issuing this card (check in advance).

In advance, in order not to visit the bank several times, we take the following documents with us: Passport of the Russian Federation, pension insurance certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS (other documents may be additionally needed, be sure to check this by calling the Sberbank hotline) .

UEC is serviced by the Russian payment system PRO100. Whether this is good or bad is up to each individual.

But at present, there is a tendency to replace foreign payment systems (in particular, giants: VISA and MasterCard) with domestic ones. The development of the "Russian Answer" is in full swing.

But while these "super cards" are at the testing stage.

PRO100 card parameters

The card is valid for 5 years, issuance and maintenance is free (if you wish to issue an electronic signature, you will need to pay a little).

The currency of the card account is rubles. Plastic is equipped with an electronic chip for reliable protection against hacking.

Issue of additional cards - not provided.

Where can UEC be used?

1. You can "exploit" your card, for ordering and paying for certificates and documents, through municipal and state institutions.

2. Benefits and various social benefits can be transferred to the card.

3. Monitor the progress and attendance of your child.

4. Use the card as a transport pass.

5. To register remotely with a doctor, you will have access to the entire list of medical services for CHI.

6. Conclusion of a CASCO insurance contract, travel services, and insurance of Citizens traveling abroad.

7. Use the "Sberbank Online" and "Mobile Bank" services, pay utility bills, make any transfers.

8. Withdraw cash from ATMs with the logo of the PRO100 payment system.

What to do if the card is lost?

If you have lost your electronic card, then it must first be blocked.

In order not to waste time on blocking instructions, we advise you to immediately call the hotline: 8 800 555 55 50 (call within Russia without payment).

Bank employees will urgently block the electronic banking application, thereby securing your data and financial resources.

How to top up the UEC PRO100 card?

It is most convenient to replenish the card in the following ways:

1. Transfer from a Sberbank debit card.

Available: through Sberbank Online, Mobile Bank, and through self-service devices (ATMs).

2. You can deposit money to an electronic card account, through ATMs and self-service devices, with a cash-in function.

3. And the third way replenish your card - this is the deposit of money in a non-cash way, using the services of other banks.

Currently, Sberbank has issued a new personal plastic card - pro100. This is a completely new banking product that has already won the attention of Sberbank customers. Let us consider in more detail what a simple card from Sberbank is, what opportunities it has, what it gives its owner, as well as how to design it and other nuances.

About the map

A distinctive feature of this product is that you can get a card in just a few minutes at any bank branch. Insofar as there is no credit limit on the account, there is no need to wait several days for the bank to give a positive answer. The Pro100 card is a debit card, which means it is an ideal payment instrument and a reliable way to store your own funds.

But these are not all the advantages of the product, it is available to absolutely everyone, regardless of age and financial situation. Cardholders can use all the services of Sberbank - remote services, bonus programs, auto payments.

Please note that citizens of the Russian Federation over 14 years old can become the owner of a pro100 card from Sberbank.

How to apply for a card and terms of service

Everything is quite simple go to the branch of Sberbank of Russia closest to you with a passport and SNILS, income statements are not needed. There you will write an application for issuing a pro100 debit card, wait 15 minutes and receive the finished product. The "plastic" of instant issuance is unnamed, that is, there is no owner's name on its front side, but it has a high level of security, thanks to the microchip, it is impossible to use it without a PIN code.

Now about the terms of service:

  • the cost of annual maintenance is 300 rubles;
  • validity period - 5 years;
  • overdraft is not provided;
  • currency rubles;
  • cash withdrawal without commission at Sberbank ATMs in your region;
  • replenishment of the account through an ATM of Sberbank and at the bank's cash desk without commission.

Ease of use is that replenishing the card account is not difficult, thanks to the developed network of ATMs of this bank. But please note that third-party financial institutions may charge a transaction fee.

Also, users can actively use all the opportunities offered by Sberbank - carry out transactions without leaving home thanks to Mobile Banking and Sberbank Online, participate in the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, connect auto payments for mobile communications and utility bills.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, the Sberbank card simply has great potential, it is suitable for any operations - payment for goods and services, cash withdrawals, and at the same time, a record low maintenance cost for the year. Anyone can become its owner, even a teenager at the age of 14. The minimum set of documents allows you to issue the product instantly at any time convenient for you.

Please note that the pro100 universal card is only suitable for use in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Now about the disadvantages - this is an entry-level card, it cannot be issued as part of a salary project, used to pay for purchases abroad. In a word, it is just a payment instrument for everyday use. It is issued mainly by those users who are comfortable with cashless payments in stores and keeping their money in a bank account, because, in this way, they are easy to save from theft and loss.

So, the pro100 Sberbank card is a great option for novice plastic users. It is ideal for users of all ages. But for those clients who prefer to hold funds in foreign currencies or travel abroad frequently or prefer a higher level of service, this product is unlikely to bring maximum benefit.

Pro100 is a payment system that has become widespread today. Practice shows how easy it is to use modern principles, getting rid of common restrictions. Gradually, users prefer to switch to updated options in order to forget about the difficulties and make life easier for themselves.

The payment system Pro100 Sberbank has long accepted into the ranks of its partners. Russian transfers are now supported internally, saving users from paying additional interest. This nuance is important, because the amounts can exceed conceivable limits.

The payment system of Sberbank Simply allows you to freely move funds without encountering difficulties or restrictions. Moreover, even the limits will not scare users at all. For a long time they had to face obstacles, but now they have been forgotten forever.

Today, the Pro100 card of the Bank of Russia is popular. It appeared recently, but the local system gained popularity in all regions. People often prefer to enjoy the ease of operation and the reliability of fast transfers. What are the advantages that prompted the population to make such a choice:

  1. Lots of pickup points.
  2. List of partner banks.
  3. Huge number of ATMs.

For several years, reviews of the Pro100 payment system have filled forums on the Internet. People are not in vain interested in the offer, they prefer simplicity and reliability, but each plus should be considered in detail. Only after that will it be possible to truly understand the Russian version.

A large number of reception points

The modern payment system of Sberbank of Russia is built on plastic cards for the convenience of every person.

The main advantage is a large number of reception points, because they are necessary for the comfort of a person.

In 500 thousand places, you can use your own account to pay.

Now payment via the Internet with the Pro100 system is part of the existing possibilities. Yes, online transfers are popular, but it is always easier to transfer funds with a card. Because of this, the number of places is always estimated before registration.

List of partner banks

The Russian payment system Sberbank has united with commercial banks. Now the list includes 21 financial institutions where you can safely carry out transactions. Such an amount allows you to cope with any business without wasting time on anything.

A large number of available banks is a major plus. The specialists worked through the list, trying to sign partnership agreements with all necessary institutions. This fact is confirmed by the holders, as the payment card Prosto helps them in everything.

Huge number of ATMs

If you need cash, the Russian Pro100 payment system will allow you to receive it without problems. To provide such opportunities, 100 thousand are connected. They can be found in any region, so it is beneficial for people to work with them.

The new payment system in Russia Pro100 impresses with the list of ATMs. Usually you had to look for a suitable place to withdraw funds, but now this problem is solved. Specialists did not forget about an important nuance, which gave excellent results.

The Pro100 card is implemented in many different ways. Today it can be carried out on the Internet or special points.

The card of the Russian payment system Pro100 is a godsend for holders who quickly appreciate its advantages.

Russians are concerned that Visa and MasterCard may stop working in the country due to sanctions. Experts recommend switching to bank cards of the Russian payment system PRO100, created on the basis of UEC.

Back in the summer of 2013, Roman Prokhorov, director of the Central Bank's Settlement Regulation Center, expressed concern that 90% of cards issued by Russian banks belong to the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. “The switch they manage is out of our control,” R. Prokhorov said, “and we would very much like domestic Russian non-cash transactions to be processed under Russia’s control.”

By 2013, the country already had at least two "own" payment systems (PS) "Zolotaya Korona" and "PRO100". The first united several hundred banks of the Russian Federation and the CIS, while the second is owned only by Sberbank.

What is PRO100

PRO100 is a Russian payment system created by OJSC Universal Electronic Card (UEC); this is a set of organizations that interact with each other to solve the problems of transferring funds among the participants in the system. PRO100 - also called a payment card. Plastic works in the same way as the usual Visa and MasterCard. Payment is made by reading a magnetic stripe or a chip.

The PRO100 Settlement Center is administered by OAO Sberbank. The main Russian bank performs the function of a credit institution - it manages the debiting and crediting of funds of the system participants to bank accounts. In mid-2014, the Bank of Moscow, RNBK, URALSIB, AB Rossiya and other banks joined the product of JSC UEC - all of them provide the issuance, issuance and maintenance of PRO100 cards.

You can issue PRO100 at any bank participating in the payment system of OAO UEC. To do this, you just need to present your passport and fill out an application form. The card itself will be ready in 1-2 weeks. Unlike MasterCard and Visa, PRO100 is serviced at lower and "fair" rates. So, for example, Sberbank issues Russian plastic to everyone for free.

PRO100 also works in Crimea

Emission of UEC in the Crimea and Sevastopol began in May 2014. At the beginning of 2015, about half a million cards have already been issued here. PRO100 is the only payment system operating in the region. So far, there is no alternative here - as you know, due to the sanctions imposed by the United States, the peninsula not so long ago lost its MasterCard and Visa cards.

You can withdraw money at any of the 1572 cash points. There are about 240 bank branches and 350 ATMs with PRO100 support on the peninsula; more than 1,500 reprogrammed POS-terminals installed.

Is the National Payment System and PRO100 the same thing?

In the last year, the Bank of Russia has been increasingly talking about the creation of a National Payment System (NPS). For some time, PRO100 from Sberbank claimed the role of NPS. But, and in April 2014, after amendments were made to Federal Law No. 161, The Central Bank announced that the NPS cannot be created on the basis of existing systems, including the one created by JSC "Universal Electronic Card". All because "UEC" uses software, the right to which belongs tomaster card. The existing license agreement is a barrier to creating a truly independent product.

Let's talk about software. Chips built into plastic are produced in Russia. But the PRO100 payment application written on these chips is based on the MasterCard M/Chip4 standards. This was done for a simple reason: the equipment installed in payment and banking terminals a long time ago works exactly according to MasterCard standards. To ensure the compatibility of "old" equipment and "new cards", developers had to use the standards of a foreign payment system.

What can the PRO100 card

  1. PRO100 operates throughout the country, including Crimea and Sevastopol.
  2. A payment card is issued in different types: debit (or settlement), credit, payroll, corporate, pension.
  3. With PRO100 you can withdraw cash from more than 100,000 ATMs, replenish your bank account, pay for services at 20,000 information terminals.
  4. The card is accepted in popular stores, for example: Eldorado, MediaMarkt, Detsky Mir. The card is valid in Megafon, Svyaznoy, Euroset communication stores. With it, you can pay for the purchase of tickets for Aferoflot flights. In total, more than half a million organizations across the country work with PRO100.
  5. At the request of the client, the electronic signature of the owner is placed on the universal payment card with the PRO100 application, which is necessary for performing many significant transactions.
  6. Holders of universal payment cards and PRO100 cards can pay utility bills, taxes, and fines through online resources (for example: www.ueconline.ru or Sberbank Online).

What the PRO100 card cannot do

  1. PRO100 does not work with both domestic and foreign online stores.
  2. The card cannot be used to pay for the purchase of goods/services abroad.
  3. Despite the “Russian origin”, the product is still dependent on the actions of foreign players due to belonging to the MasterCard standards.
  4. If a merchant, payment terminal or financial institution has not reprogrammed its equipment, it will not be possible to pay for goods/services using PRO100.

Why the PRO100 payment system does not work abroad

Russia does not yet have the necessary infrastructure for the optimal operation of its payment system. Processing centers, software, equipment are needed. There is no industrial production of computers in the country, which means that spare parts and components will have to be bought abroad. Do we use "bourgeois" equipment? This means that foreign specialists are also needed to adjust it. It turns out that the system seems to be “our own”, only it will be made essentially abroad.

The easy way is not an option. The creation of a truly full-fledged payment system will be delayed for several years. Experts complain that it may turn out that the standards of our and foreign processing will be different, and therefore the exit of PRO100 to the international level will slow down for some time. So Russians traveling abroad and using the national system will have to open temporary accounts abroad or take cash with them.

Will PRO100 payment system replace Visa and MasterCard? Not yet. The product from OAO "UEC" can only slightly "move" the two international systems in domestic settlements. The National Payment System, which is still in the project, can become a full-fledged replacement for international payment "pillars".