Mixer      07.04.2022

Abbreviations in English: common and informal. Abbreviations in English Commonly used abbreviations in English

Common abbreviations in English.

Today it is difficult to imagine the modern world without communication via the Internet. Social networks, interest forums, instant messaging systems (instant messengers - skype, icq, yahoo, msn messenger, mail.ru agent, etc.), various chats, etc.

If you communicate a lot in various chats and forums, you probably know that in the world of web communication it is customary to write words in abbreviated form. So, for example, instead of the word "now" they write "wait" or "right now", instead of "what" - "cho" or "che", etc.

All this is done not from illiteracy, but to save time - words are written as they are pronounced. In addition, many phrases are reduced to abbreviations, many of which have already become acronyms.

For reference: acronyms are abbreviations that have become an independent word, that is, they are not read by letter, but by a single word.

So, for example, a popular acronym that can be found on any forum is IMHO. Many do not know that this acronym is borrowed from English and means - in my humble opinion (In My Humble Opinion).

By the way, about English. The possibilities of the Internet are actively used in learning English, including for communication and correspondence with native speakers in chats and forums. However, if you are new to English chat, it may not be easy for you to understand what is actually being said. Why? Because in English chats (and not only in chats) a huge number of acronyms are actively used. To make it easier for you, we decided to introduce you to the most common English abbreviations, many of which can be heard in ordinary colloquial speech.

Let's start, perhaps, with abbreviations from the category "as it is heard, so it is written":

  • u = you
  • ur = your
  • r = are
  • b = be
  • n = and
  • y = why
  • k = ok
  • cu = cya = see you (see you)
  • thx (thnx) - thanks
  • pls (plz) = please
  • gimme = give me

In English chat, you can also see alphanumeric abbreviations with the numbers 1 (one), 2 (two), 4 (four), 8 (eight):

  • some1 - abbreviation of the word "someone" - someone, according to the same principle, write the word "anyone";
  • be4-before
  • 2day-today
  • 4u - for you
  • gr8-great
  • str8 - straight
  • w8 = wait
  • 2u - to you
  • u2 - you too

The most used colloquial English expressions on the Internet andSMS is also usually written with abbreviations:

  • gf, bf = girlfriend, boyfriend (friend (boyfriend), girlfriend)
  • uw = you are welcome (please)
  • ty = thank you
  • bb = baby or bye bye (depending on the context)
  • brb = be right back (I'll be right back)
  • ntmu = nice to meet you
  • hru = how are you
  • np = no problem
  • btw = by the way (by the way)
  • asap = as soon as possible (as soon as possible)
  • omg = oh my god
  • wb = welcome back
  • bbl = be back later (I will be later)
  • tc = take care (farewell in colloquial English - take care of yourself)
  • tlc = tender love and care
  • ttyl = ttul = t2ul = talk to you later (we'll talk later)
  • afaik = as far as I know
  • atm = at the moment (at the moment)
  • asl = age, sex, location (age, gender, location)
  • b/c = because
  • b/t = between
  • lu = luv u = love you
  • lol = laughing out loud (I want to laugh or laugh out loud)
  • rofl = rolling on the floor laughing
  • xoxo = kisses and hugs
  • yolo = you only live once (one life)

Some of these abbreviations were used by programmers to create emoticons (from the English smile - smile). Many abbreviations have migrated from the Internet to everyday life, so it will not be superfluous to know them.

So, for example, the words "wanna" and "gonna", which are derived from "want to" and "going to", you will not only meet in the chat, but you can also easily hear in a conversation with English-speaking friends.

Of course, these are by no means all acronyms and abbreviations that you may encounter in English-language chats. The main thing - do not worry when faced with an unfamiliar acronym, and learn the language, everything comes with practice.

And we tell you - thx n t2ul!

In colloquial English, abbreviations or acronyms (phrases abbreviated by their first letters) are often used. They are especially common in Internet correspondence, this allows you to simplify the language, save time and facilitate mutual understanding between people, peoples of different nationalities. What does FYI mean, and what other abbreviations are used for written communication, we will describe later in the article.

The abbreviation FYI, commonly used in emails, is derived from the English expression "for your information", which means "for your information." There is another decoding FYI - for your interest, that is, "you will be interested" or "you will be curious." The abbreviation is also used in instant messaging programs as a label for informational text.

The appearance of the FYI abbreviation is associated with the frequent use of the full expression in English and the desire to write shorter. These three letters highlight in the texts information that is new to the reader, about which he did not know before. Thus, FYI in a letter has a cognitive and familiarization function, the essence of which is to present the reader with new, sometimes very important, information.

A simple example will help to understand the essence of the use of the FYI expression:

Granny, I was born in Moldova. Am I right? (Grandma, I was born in Moldova. Am I right?).

My dear, at that moment it was USSR. FYI. (My dear, at that time it was the USSR, so you know).

Where and for what purpose is it used?

The main purpose of the FYI abbreviation in emails is to interest the recipient, draw his attention to the message and make him open and read. However, if the message is in the SPAM category, even the FYI sign will not help, the message will be ignored and deleted.

The FYI mark is used in business correspondence and in informal correspondence. This technique is especially convenient when working with large texts overloaded with information, when it is necessary to highlight only the main points, ideas, conclusions, conclusions.

Such abbreviations in oral speech are quite rare. If, nevertheless, the context requires it, then the given phrase is spelled out. In English, it sounds like this, (F Wai Ai).

Most often, the abbreviation is used in response emails marked "RE", thus wanting to notify a colleague who did not hear certain information or was not included in the mailing list. This implies that the text of the message may be of interest to the recipient, but does not require any action.

Other acronyms in English

ATN - attention, which translates into Russian as "attention", it is similar to the acronym FYI. The difference between them is that the ATN icon always implies a mandatory response from the addressee to notify the sender of reading.

TBC - to be confirmed, to be considered, translated means "to be clarified" or "to be confirmed."

So, tbd can be deciphered as to be determined (to be determined) or to be discussed (submitted for discussion).

IMHO - in my humble opinion, (in Russian they write IMHO), the expression is translated as "in my humble opinion."

RE - resend, that is, "sending again." This mark often implies the sender's dissatisfaction with the fact that the addressee did not react in any way to the first message.

OMG - oh my God means the exclamation "oh my God!", Expressing a vivid emotion, surprise, contempt or fear.

YNK - you never know, means "you never know." The expression is used more often in informal communication.

FWIW - for what it's worth, the phrase translates as "I don't know how important it is." The meaning of the abbreviation is very similar to FYI. The only difference is that the acronym, which consists of three letters, provides complete confidence that the information is important to the recipient.

TY - thank you, the well-known "thank you". In business correspondence, it is used at the end of a conversation, when all problems are solved, tasks are completed. In friendly correspondence, the acronym implies the usual gratitude.

EOM, stands for end of message, that is, "the end of the letter." The abbreviation indicates that important information is missing from the message.

YW - You're welcome!, which means "you are always welcome!"

NP - No problem translates as "no problem" or "no problem."

PLZ and PLS - please, means "please."

BRB - be right back - "I will be soon."

AFAIK - As far as I know expresses an opinion and translates as "as far as I know."

BTW - By the way means "by the way", the acronym is very popular in Internet correspondence.

CU is an abbreviation for the phrase see you, which means "see you soon". Some Internet users believe that it would be more correct to write sy. However, abbreviations in English are performed according to the rules of pronunciation, not spelling.

B4 or L8r is another abbreviation that is done by replacing letters with numbers. These acronyms are deciphered as before, that is, "before" and later - "later".

ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing - rolling on the floor with laughter;

IDC - I don't care - I don't care;

BRB - be right back - I'll be back soon;

MU - I miss you - I miss you;

AML - all my love - with all my love;

ATV - all the best - all the best;

HAND - have a nice day - I wish you a nice day;

KIT - keep in touch - let's call, we'll be in touch;

GTG - got to go - I have to go

HAGN - have a good night - good night;

ASAP - as soon as possible - as soon as possible, as quickly as possible;

PCM - please call me - call me back, please;

F 2 °F - face to face - face to face;

FYI - for your information - for information, for your information;

JK - just kidding - yes, I'm just kidding;

AFC - away from computer - not at the monitor, moved away from the computer;

LMIRL - let's meet in real life - let's meet in real life;

BFN - bye for now - okay, bye;

POV - point of view - opinion, point of view;

TTYL - talk to you later - we'll talk later;

OT - off topic - off topic, offtopic;

WUF - Where are you from? - Where are you from?

wu? - What's up? - What's new? How is it?

WAN2TLK - Want to talk? - Do you want to talk?

B2W - back to work - back to work;

F2T - free to talk - I can talk.

And finally, the most famous among social users. networks LOL - Laughing out loud, it is translated as “I laugh very loudly”, but it also serves to express many other emotions.

Today we will talk about fashion computer abbreviations(and not only). We have two wonderful videos on this topic. Let's get started!

asap= as soon as possible. This abbreviation is often used for letters and brief notes at work (called memo) and is translated "As soon as possible". For example, "Call me back asap!" means "Call me back as soon as possible!"

What is IOU?

iou= "I owe you." This word can be used in business relationships and is translated "I owe you"(usually about money). In legal English, the abbreviation IOU is a signed document certifying the existence of debt obligations.

Principles for reading some abbreviations

Our quick-witted reader could already independently guess that some abbreviations in English can be easily spelled or numbers, and get a meaningful phrase. First, let's look at the most common characters:

  • u = you (you);
  • r = are (is);
  • c \u003d see (see);
  • y = why (why);
  • 8 = ate (ate);
  • 2 = two/to/too (2/to/too);
  • 4 = for (for).

New abbreviations appear at a tremendous speed, but once you understand the basic logic and mechanism of formation, you can decipher them yourself! The main thing is to know how letters are read. Examples: ICQ = I seek you (I'm looking for you), icu = I see you (I see you), i4cu = I foresee you (I foresee you), sk8 = skate (skate). A little more difficult: y u no…? = why you no (why don’t you)…? = Why don't you...?

Yes, that's right, there is an ERROR: …cat don't… Such

Unfortunately, not all abbreviations are so easily deciphered. Those abbreviations where each letter corresponds to a word are called initial abbreviations. For example, BST = large solar telescope, UNSC = UNSC = United Nations Security Council = United Nations Security Council. Even more unfortunately, they can have many meanings ... For example, UNSC can also stand for United Nations Space Command (UN Space Command).


lol= laugh out loud = laughing out loud= neighing. This is probably the most popular abbreviation on the Internet, so everyone should know it!

What does BRB mean?

brb= be right back. If during conversations in ICQ or Skype you need to go to the toilet, you can write to the interlocutor brb, which means "I'll be there soon". Also, this abbreviation will be useful for gamers to know.

omg what does that mean

omg= oh my god = Oh my God! This abbreviation is especially popular with young girls. According to some native English speakers, the word God can offend the feelings of another person, so it's better to say oh my goodness/gosh. However, the translation into Russian will not change.

WTF translation

wtf- one of the many informal (read - obscene) abbreviations. It expresses an extreme degree of misunderstanding and stands for what the fuck = what the fuck…?/what the fuck? Naturally, this phrase can sound offensive and unpleasant. try to use it only in the company of friends. And then mom finds out and makes an atata.

Other abbreviations

  • plz = please = please;
  • l8r = later = later;
  • ?4u = question for you = a question for you;
  • jk = just kidding = just kidding;
  • asl = age, sex, location = age, gender, location (used for online dating);
  • ttyl = talk to you later = talk to you later;
  • cya = see you = see you;
  • np = no problem = no problem;
  • idk = I don't know
  • tmi = too much information = too much information;
  • k = okay = okay / good.

See the video for examples of the use of these abbreviations and the subtleties of their use! Want even more speeds? 😉 Watch the tutorial.

In English, there are generally accepted abbreviations that are used everywhere. This is not only the well-known P.S. (postscript) or etc. (and so on), but also designations for measures of length and time, days of the week and months, and many others. They can be found both in books and manuals, and in correspondence.

Language development does not stand still. Today, thanks to popular culture and the Internet, slang is evolving especially rapidly. So, over the past 10 years, many new abbreviations and abbreviations have appeared that are useful for all learners of English to know.

Today we will talk about common abbreviations found both in texts and in conversation. And also, we will find out what abbreviations are in English and how they are deciphered.

The most common abbreviations in English

In this section you will find common abbreviations used in England, USA and other countries. Many of them originate from the Latin language.

etc. (et cetera) - and so on
e.g. (exempli gratia) - for example
i.e. (id est) - that is
vs. (versus) - against
AD (Anno Domini) - AD, from the Nativity of Christ
BC (Before Christ) - BC, before the birth of Christ
AM (ante meridiem) - before noon
PM (post meridiem) - after noon

Abbreviations for people:

Jr. (junior) - junior
Sr. (senior) - senior
Smth. (something) - something
Smb. (somebody) - someone
V.I.P. (a very important person) - a very important person
Aka (also known as)
PM (Prime Minister) - prime minister
PA (Personal Assistant) - personal secretary

Books and writing:

ABC - alphabet
n. (noun) - noun
v. (verb) - verb
adj. (adjective) - adjective
adv. (adverb) - adverb
prep. (preposition) - preposition
p. (page) - page
pp. (pages) - pages
par. (paragraph) - paragraph
ex. (exercise) - exercise
pl. (plural) - plural
sing. (singular) - singular
P.S. (Post Scriptum) - Afterword
P.P.S. (Post Post Scriptum) - after the afterword
Re. (reply) - answer
RF. (reference) - footnote, link
Edu. (education) - education
Appx. (appendix) - application
w/o (without) - without
w/ (with) - c
& (and) - and


in. (inch) - inch
sec. (second) - second
gm. (gram) - gram
cm. (centimeter) - centimeter
qt. (quart) - quart
mph (miles per hour)
kph (kilometers per hour)
ft. (foot) - foot (30 cm 48 mm)
lb (libra) - pound (450 gr)
oz. (ounce) - ounce (28 gr)
pt. (pint) - pint (0.56 liters)

Days of the week and months of the year:

yr. (year) - year
Jan. (January) - January
Feb. (February) - February
Mar. (March) - March
Apr. (April) - April
Jun. (June) - June
Jul. (July) - July
Aug. (August) - August
Sep. (September) - September
Oct. (October) - October
Nov. (November) - November
Dec. (December) - December
X-mas (Christmas) - Christmas

May (May) is not abbreviated.

Mon. (Monday) - Monday
Tue. (Tuesday) - Tuesday
Wed. (Wednesday) - Wednesday
Thu. (Thursday) - Thursday
Fri. (Friday) - Friday
sat. (Saturday) - Saturday
Sun. (Sunday) - Sunday
TGIF (Thanks God It's Friday) - "Thank God it's Friday!"

Organization abbreviations:

UN (the United Nations)
NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - NATO
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) - UNESCO

You can often find truncations of full words to shorter ones. For example:

sis (sister) - sister
doc (doctor) - doctor
telly (television) - television, television
phone (telephone) - phone
specs (spectacles) - points
fridge (refrigerator) - refrigerator
flu (influenza) - influenza
comfy (comfortable) - comfortable
sngl (single) - one, lonely
sngl room - single room
dbl room - double room
gent (gentleman) - man
div. (divorced) - divorced
and others.

Abbreviations and useful phrases for online correspondence

The English, like us, use various abbreviations of long words or phrases in everyday speech or correspondence. What is it for? In order to type a message faster and convey your idea more quickly, keep within the allotted number of characters (for example, on Twitter).

Do you want to chat with foreigners? So, you need to know the popular abbreviations that are often found on the Internet. By the way, the "digital language" has already received its name and stands out in a separate category - Digispeak(digital - "digital")

Many abbreviations have become acronyms (a type of abbreviation that is formed due to the initial sounds of a word) and are used most often in correspondence:

B - be (verb to be, "to be")
C - see (verb to see, "see")
R - are (verb to be in 2 l singular)
K - ok ("good")
N - and ("and")
U - you ("you")
UR - your ("your", "your")
Y - why ("why")
1 - one ("one")
2 - two (“two”) / to (preposition “in”, “on”) / too (“too”)
4 - four, for (4U - "for you")
8 - ate (verb to eat, “eat” in Past Simple)

Tip: To better understand abbreviations, say them out loud.

Often, acronyms appear precisely because of the consonance of words. A similar rule can be applied to an abbreviation or other abbreviation in correspondence - just say them out loud and try to understand what words or expressions they remind you of.

For example:

Some1 (someone) - someone
Any1 (anyone) - any
Be4 (before) - before
2day (today) - today
4u (for you) - for you
gr8 (great) - excellent / excellent
w8 (wait) - wait / wait
2u (to you) - to you
u2 (you too)

And many others. The main thing is to turn on your imagination!

And now let's look at what the popular abbreviations and abbreviations of the most common colloquial phrases in English mean:

ASAP - As soon as possible ("As soon as possible" or "The sooner the better")

This abbreviation is common in the work environment and understood by everyone. The abbreviation ASAP has gone far beyond the borders of English-speaking countries and is used all over the world.

PLS, PLZ - Please

Abbreviation, understandable without unnecessary comments. In Russian, we usually write "plz" or "pliz".

THX - Thanks

Also, you can find a shorter version: TU / TY (Thank you)

Perhaps one of the most frequently used abbreviations on the Internet. In Russian, it is known simply as "lol".

ROFL - Rolling on the floor ("I'm rolling on the floor with laughter")

Same as LOL, only funnier. So that you can "tear your stomach from laughter."

OMG - Oh my god! Oh my goodness! Oh my gosh! ("Oh my God!")

This abbreviation has also gone far beyond the English-speaking countries, and now "OMG" can be heard in every corner of the world. Including his uncensored version of OMFG (Oh my F**king God) as well.

IDK - I don't know ("I don't know")

A simple abbreviation that occurs quite often.

DIKY - Do I know you? ("Do I know you?")

So you can write to a stranger who contacted you in a chat or wrote for the first time.

BRB - Be right back ("I'll be right back")

Another popular abbreviation in work environments, especially informal ones. If you need to leave your computer or workplace for a while - write to the chat BRB and colleagues will understand that you will leave for a short time. By the way, online players also often use the abbreviation BRB. They also have an abbreviation AFK, which stands for Away from keyboard ("Not at the keyboard").

B2W - Back to work

This is when you were BRB, but returned to your computer and write to colleagues in the chat that again B2W, that is, ready to work further.

?4U - Question for you ("I have a question for you")

If you don't want to write the full sentence I have a question for you, then you can throw in the chat to the interlocutor ?4U and start asking the question itself.

IMHO - In my humble opinion ("In my humble opinion")

This interesting abbreviation was quickly picked up in Russia and turned into "IMHO". It is used in cases when you want to express your opinion on some issue, but emphasize that this is only your subjective point of view.

TTYL - Talk to you later

Abbreviation of the full phrase I will talk to you later, meaning "I'll talk to you later."

CUL8R - See you later

This is one of those options when you need to say the abbreviation out loud to understand where it came from. See the list of acronyms at the very beginning of the article.

C = see; U = you; L8R = later

C + U + L + eight + R = see + you + later

Also, you can find another version of this abbreviation: BCNUL8R - Be seeing you later, where B = be and CN = seeing.

RUF2T - Are you free to talk? ("Can you talk?")

Another abbreviation formed from acronyms. Better to say it out loud to understand.

R = Are; U = you; F = free; 2 = to; T = talk

R + U + F + two + T = are + you + free + to + talk

LU / LY - Love you ("I love you") or ILU / ILY - I love you ("I love you")

There are many abbreviations for the phrase " I love you in English, but these are the most common. You can also write to your loved one . What does this mean - see below.

Less than three

It is more of a designation than an abbreviation, but is also found in correspondence. Symbols BF and GF - Boyfriend and Girlfriend

Pretty simple abbreviations, understandable to everyone.

BFF - Best friends forever ("Best friends forever")

This is what best friends or girlfriends call themselves to emphasize spiritual intimacy. The abbreviation has gone far beyond the Internet and correspondence: you can especially often find it in the fashion industry. For example, one of the gift options for best friends is two identical pendants with halves of a heart, which together form an inscription bff.

ATM - At the moment ("At the moment")

If you want to say that you are single at the moment (and are looking for a partner) - you can write that you are "sgle ATM". Do not confuse with an ATM - it is also called ATM. Everything depends on the context.

DETI - Don "t even think it ("Don't even think about it")

An easy-to-remember abbreviation that sounds like “children” in Russian.

JK - Just kidding

Usually sent as a separate message after the previous one, to clarify that it was a joke.

SUP - What's up? ("What's up?")

A common greeting to a friend, used without a question mark.

WTF - What the fuck? ("What the hell?")

This abbreviation does not need to be explained for a long time - it is clear without further ado.

>Digispeak, after all, is more common on the Internet and among young people and sometimes confuses the older generation. Teenagers, on the other hand, use digispeak in everyday life very often. Here, for example, are a couple of comic dialogues from the correspondence of a young guy with his mother:

- Mark, what does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?
- I don't know, love you, talk to you later
- Ok, I'll ask your sister. Love you too.

Mark, what does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?
- I don't know, I love you, we'll talk later
- Okay, I'll ask your sister. Love you too

Or another dialogue when mom doesn't know what WTF is:

- Got an A in Chemistry!
WTF, well done, Mark!
- Mom, what do you think WTF means?
- Well That's Fantastic

Got an A in Chemistry!
- WTF, great job, Mark!
- Mom, what do you think WTF means?
- Well, it's fantastic.

In order not to get into such an awkward situation as Mark with his mother, study the words and phrases given in this article. Chat in English so you can practice the language more often!

And now is the time to say B4N (Bye for now) or bye"!

When you start to practice integrating English into your life and communicate with native speakers in messages on language exchange sites or in Skype chat, one way or another you come across modern language, culture and slang.

An important part of the latter is the special abbreviations that English and American youth constantly use in communication via the Internet, social networks and SMS. They replace whole phrases to save time.

There is also in Russian: "SPS", "PS", "lol". In English, the list is rich, but don't be afraid to get confused. Once you understand the logic of education and start using these abbreviations in practice, you will become a master of sms and instant messages in English. 🙂

general information

The abbreviations I'm talking about fall into 2 groups: acronyms and abbreviations.

Acronyms are an abbreviation of the initial sounds of each word included in this phrase. Pronounced as one word, not spelled.

  • BFN- bye for now - okay, bye
  • JK- just kidding - yes, I'm just kidding
  • TTYL- talk to you later - we'll talk later

Abbreviations allow you to exclude part of the letters from the word, leaving the same sound. However, the meaning of the word remains clear.

  • Plz, pls- please - please (request)
  • Thx- thanks - thank you
  • U- you - you

It happens that letters and sounds are replaced by numbers similar in sound to the given word.

  • L8r- later - later
  • B4- before - before
  • 2morro- tomorrow - tomorrow

Principles of word formation in correspondence

letter, number, symbolmeaningexamples
0 nothing
1 one - numeral "one"1t- want - want
NO1- no one - no one
SOM1- someone - someone
2 two - numeral "two"
to - preposition of direction "to", "to"
too - adverb "too", "too"
2day- today - today
me2- me too - me too
4 four - numeral "four"
for - preposition "for"
4ever- forever
gud 4u- good for you
8 eight - numeral "eight"
ate - past simple form of the verb "to eat"
GR8- great - great
w8- wait - wait, wait
m8- mate - buddy
CUL8R- see you later - see you later
Bbe - verb "to be"
bee - noun "bee"
2b or not 2b- to be or not to be - to be or not to be
Csee - verb "to see"OIC- Oh, I see. - Oh, I see.
Nabbreviated union and - "and"y n u- yes, and you? - Yes and you?
R [ɑː]are - form of the verb "to be"r u ok are you ok? - are you okay?
Uyou - pronoun "you"love u- love you - love you
X Xmas- Christmas - Christmas
xxx- kisses - kisses
@ at@5 - at five - at 5 o'clock

Emotions and feelings

  • XOXO- hugs and kisses
  • ROFL- rolling on the floor laughing
  • IDC- I don "t care - I don't care
  • MU- I miss you - I miss you
  • omg- Oh my gosh! - Wow! Oh my God!
  • AML- all my love - with all my love
  • lol- laughing out loud - laughing out loud (not literally) 🙂

How to say goodbye

  • ATV- all the best - all the best
  • BRB- be right back - I'll be back soon
  • HAND- have a nice day - I wish you a nice day
  • KIT- keep in touch - let's call, we'll be in touch
  • PCM- please call me - please call me back
  • GTG- got to go - I have to go
  • HAGN- have a good night - good night
  • CU, CYA- see you - see you soon

Internet correspondence

  • ASAP- as soon as possible - as soon as possible, as soon as possible
  • F2F- face to face - face to face
  • FYI- for your information - for information, for your information
  • IMHO- in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion (sometimes sarcastically)
  • A.F.C.- away from computer - not at the monitor, moved away from the computer
  • OT- off topic - off topic, offtopic
  • pov- point of view - opinion, point of view
  • WUF- Where are you from? - Where are you from?
  • LMIRL- let's meet in real life - let's meet in real life
  • wu?- What's up? - What's new? How is it?
  • WAN2TLK- Want to talk? - Do you want to talk?
  • B2W- back to work - back to work
  • F2T- free to talk - I can talk

Various phrases and words

  • btw- by the way - by the way
  • MSG- message - message
  • cum ova- come over - come
  • WKND- weekend - day off
  • TYVM- thank you very much - thank you very much
  • XLNT- excellent - excellent
  • abt- about - about, about
  • AKA- also known as - also known as
  • AFAIK- as far as I know - as far as I know
  • NP- no problem - no problem, no problem
  • YW- you are welcome - please (in response to gratitude)
  • b/f- boyfriend - boyfriend, boyfriend
  • g/f- girlfriend - girl, girlfriend
  • YDAY- yesterday - yesterday
  • BDAY- birthday - birthday
  • IDK- I don "t know - no idea
  • av/ad- have / had - the verb to have in the present form / the verb to have in the past form

Practical task

  1. il b @ home @ 9.
  2. cum ova 2 my bday party 2day.
  3. il try 2 w8 4u b4 the event.
  4. AFAIK, they promised 2do the work 4us asap.
  5. CU 2morrow, m8!
  6. Did u av an xlnt day?
  7. tyvm, brb
  8. thats a gd idea!

There are many abbreviations, do not memorize everything. Try to remember the ones that you think are needed most often. Then just pay attention to the phrases that come up. Observe and analyze their meaning and hidden meanings. In case you come across an unfamiliar expression, look in one of the following dictionaries: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

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Well, now for the answers!

  1. il b @ home @ 9. - I'll be at home at 9. - I will be at home at 9 o'clock.
  2. cum ova 2 my bday party 2day. - Come over to my birthday party today. - Come to my birthday today.
  3. il try 2 w8 4u b4 the event. - I'll try to wait for you before the event. - I'll try to wait for you before the event.
  4. AFAIK, they promised 2do the work 4us asap. - As far as I know, they promised to do the work for us as soon as possible. - As far as I know, they promised to do the job for us as quickly as possible.
  5. CU 2morrow, m8! - See you tomorrow, mate! - See you tomorrow, friend!
  6. $$$