Toilet      27.04.2022

What should a pregnant woman do to. Pregnancy. What every woman needs to know. What are the reasons for the threat of termination of pregnancy in the early stages

When a woman finds out that in the near future she will become a mother, she asks a lot of questions. One of the main ones is the following: what can not be done in early pregnancy?

If a woman has already had to deal with such an interesting situation, then for sure she knows the answer to this question. Also, the fair sex should know what to do during pregnancy. Let's try to understand these two points and find out how to behave while carrying a child.

Early pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth saying what time period is called early. Immediately after the fertilization of the female cell by the spermatozoon, the continuous division of the zygote begins. At the same time, the cells move towards the reproductive organ.

Physical activity

What exercises to do during pregnancy in order to maintain your health and protect the baby?

Recently, the following areas have been very common: yoga and fitness for pregnant women. A woman can choose what suits her. Doctors also recommend swimming throughout the entire period. This will help keep the body in good shape and prepare for childbirth. The exceptions are those cases where there is

Taking medications

In early pregnancy, it is very important to eat well and take the necessary vitamins. In most cases, doctors prescribe a woman to take folic acid. It is she who is involved in the formation of organs and tissues, and also helps to close the neural tube in time and correctly.

In addition, the expectant mother needs iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Your doctor may also recommend taking magnesium, iron, and potassium. Many experts prefer to immediately prescribe a complex of vitamins to a pregnant woman, rather than single preparations containing beneficial trace elements.


The expectant mother should carefully observe. It is necessary to wash your hands more often. This will help to avoid intestinal infections and viruses.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the genitals. After all, the appearance of bacteria in them can threaten infection of the fetus. Use panty liners if necessary. They will help you feel comfortable.

Proper nutrition

While expecting a baby, you need to eat right. This condition does not only apply to early pregnancy. It is necessary for the entire period of bearing a baby to consume a large amount of vitamins (fruits and vegetables), useful minerals and trace elements.

Drink fresh juices and get plenty of rest. Try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. The baby now needs a lot of oxygen for the proper development and formation of all organs.


Now you know how to behave while expecting a baby. Always remember that it is better to postpone other examinations that can damage a tiny organism for a while. Take care of yourself and always follow your doctor's advice.

Analyzes, registration at the gynecologist, trimesters of pregnancy - it seems so hard, but in fact ...

With the appearance of two strips on the pharmacy test, the girl's life changes. Some are not happy with such a gift, but for the rest it is happiness. It is easier for women who already have a child. They know how the pregnancy goes, what happens to her body and the baby, when to visit the gynecologist, etc.

For girls who will give birth for the first time, it is more difficult. But even here you should not get lost. Not everything is as scary as it seems.

Go to the doctor as soon as you see two stripes. The period from the 6th to the 12th week is optimal for registration, because during this period it is safe to say that the pregnancy has come.

The doctor starts an exchange card, in which he will describe the pregnancy, up to childbirth. After that, he will conduct a general examination, prescribe tests, and send him to undergo a commission.

You need to visit a gynecologist up to 20 weeks once a month, up to 32 - once every 2 weeks, and after 32 weeks - once every 7 days. If you have health problems, pathologies, then visit more often.

Trimesters of pregnancy

As a future mother, it is desirable for you to know what changes are taking place in the body and what is happening with the baby.

I trimester (1-12 weeks)

Hormonal changes occur in your body, the mammary glands swell, the areolas of the nipples change color, toxicosis and heartburn appear. Constipation may occur. Daily nausea affects the general condition, use.

The baby at this time is growing and developing rapidly. It develops from an embryo into a fetus. Parts of the body are formed in him, he begins to slowly move them. The movements are slow so you can't hear them yet. The genital organs are also formed.

II trimester (13−27 weeks)

By this time, the malaise passes, replaced by pain in the back, lower back. The stomach grows, it becomes difficult for you to do the usual things. Posture suffers. Around the 20th week, you will begin to feel the movements of the baby. At this time, his motor activity increases.

The baby continues to form organs, the skeleton hardens. The kidneys are already working, the first urine is being excreted. The kid hears you, you can talk to him. With the help of ultrasound, the sex of the child is determined. If suddenly a premature birth begins at the end of the second trimester, the baby can survive, but only with the help of intensive care.

III trimester (28−40 weeks)

Your belly is growing, your chest is getting bigger. You put on weight, because of this, stiffness in movements appears. Difficulty climbing stairs, walking for a long time. By the end of 37 weeks, false contractions appear. They are irregular, so you should not sound the alarm, but you need to tell the doctor about them.

The baby's organs and systems are finally formed. He makes his first breaths. Nails, hair, teeth grow.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy (fetal movement, delayed menstruation, nausea) appear purely individually for each woman.

How everyday life is changing

You, as a future mother, take care of your health, take care of it. External factors affect you and the baby.

Bad habits

Give up alcohol, smoking and especially drugs if you want to have a healthy child. These are the causes of congenital deformities, diseases.


Everything you eat goes to the baby. Nothing needs to be radically changed. It is necessary to exclude junk food, fast food. In the daily diet should be all trace elements. Add natural vitamins. If it is not in season, consult your doctor and buy them at the pharmacy.

Sleep and wake mode

You can't overstress. This does not mean that everything is prohibited. Alternate rest with light physical activity. And don't do more than what you're capable of. Do not lift weights, this can cause placental abruption, miscarriage, premature birth.

Preparing for childbirth

Prepare physically for childbirth. There are exercises that will help ease childbirth and keep fit. Sign up for childbirth preparation classes. They will tell and show how to relieve pain during contractions, how to behave correctly.

It will not be superfluous to discuss the issue of wearing a bandage and compression underwear. You may not need it, but you can ask once again.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, do not do anything that can cause premature labor. These factors include sex, intense physical activity, stress.

Prepare a bag with things to the hospital in advance. Take a list of documents, things that you will need at the antenatal clinic. Prepare it 2-3 weeks before the birth, so as not to forget anything, and you never know what.

You read on forums on the Internet a lot of advice and information about the upcoming birth - to your health. Useful for broadening one's horizons. But listen and do as the doctors and midwives in the hospital say.

Normal delivery is between 38 and 40 weeks. Every woman has a different period. The main thing is to know exactly when you need to go to the hospital.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will calculate the date of birth. For 1-2 weeks of the onset of contractions, harbingers of childbirth appear. They prepare the expectant mother for regular contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • It becomes easier to breathe, because the head of the fetus is inserted into the small pelvis.
  • The uterus is almost ready for contractions, so it becomes more excitable.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  • A couple of days before the birth itself, a mucous plug comes out of the genital tract.
  • Colostrum is secreted from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

Contractions begin for a few seconds with a long break. Gradually, the rest time is reduced, and the time of contractions increases. When they become regular 1 time in 5-7 minutes, go to the hospital. Assuming you live close to it. If you need to travel for a long time, go immediately with the appearance of the first contractions.

If this is your second child, don't delay. Go right away, the second birth is easier and faster than the first time.

Often, amniotic fluid is poured out before or with contractions. If this happens, go to the hospital. After the water breaks, you must give birth within 12 hours.

There are situations from which neither you nor anyone else is immune. And you need to act immediately, because you are already responsible for two lives, yours and the baby.

Emergency conditions:

  • There are pain sensations in the abdomen.
  • Blood discharge appears or amniotic fluid has an admixture of blood.
  • The child stopped moving or, on the contrary, the movements intensified.
  • The contractions are too painful or the uterus does not relax during the rest period.
  • Deterioration of general well-being: dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc.

Now you know everything a mom-to-be needs to know. Pregnancy is important for a woman. You are carrying a little man inside you. In fact, this is a wonderful state. You are special, you glow with happiness, everyone helps you in everything. You will always remember this state, tell the baby how you carried it in your tummy. So let it pass with you easily, only with a positive attitude. Being a mom is happiness.

We offer practical advice that will help the expectant mother and her baby to find health, harmony and joy during pregnancy.

All forty weeks will be easier and more enjoyable with the simple but helpful guidelines below.

First trimester of pregnancy

1. Save the pregnancy test that told you about a small miracle in your family. The first evidence of a small life inside you will bring many delightful moments when you remember again this extraordinary feeling that changed you forever. The birth of a new life makes life richer, happier and more meaningful, fills it with new facets and deep meaning. The test can be framed in a special frame or put in the baby's first album.

3. Be sure to go to a antenatal clinic at 8-12 weeks, receive recommendations from specialists and become registered.

4. Listen to music for expectant mothers, relaxing and meditative melodies. They will help you to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you, which will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and development of the baby. After all, he feels every emotion, every mood, so it is so important to be cheerful, cheerful and positive. Relax more, do not overstrain, learn to relax and enjoy listening to your favorite music.

5. Refuse photos and laser hair removal. If you have used an epilator or wax for hair removal, it is better to give preference to them if there are no contraindications (threat of abortion).

6. After prior consultation with a doctor, pregnant women are often advised to take folic acid and prenatal vitamin tablets.

7.Save the first photo from the ultrasound. It will not be easy to see the baby, it is still the size of a grain of rice. But the very first photo can be placed in a frame and sometimes admire it.

8. Walk outdoors more often. This will enable the baby to receive oxygen in the right quantities, and you will feel good. In addition, walking perfectly improves blood circulation and invigorates not only the body, but also the soul. But it is important not to overwork and not freeze during walks, so as not to get sick.

9. Get at least eight hours of sleep a day. It is also important not only the amount of sleep, but also its quality. Relax in a pre-ventilated room, choose a comfortable mattress and pillows.

10. Try to avoid conflict situations at work, at home, in public transport. Now you don't need it at all.

11. Include at least three fruits and three vegetables in your daily diet. Let this be the minimum plan to help you and your baby get the vitamins and minerals they need.

12. It is important not to overdo it with water during pregnancy. In the first trimester, try to drink at least one liter of water per day.

13. In order to better understand the processes that are currently taking place in the body, we recommend enrolling in courses for expectant mothers, reading special articles, and watching educational videos.

14. Think about the place where the baby's crib will stand or plan repairs in the children's room, its arrangement.

15. Listen to yourself. Be very attentive to the state of your health and well-being. If you have pain in the abdomen, lower back, unusual discharge, consult a doctor immediately. About a third of women during pregnancy may experience these symptoms to one degree or another.

16. Smile, because the baby is so useful and pleasant mother's positive emotions.

17. Reduce the load when playing sports, taking into account your interesting position.

18. Use sunscreen throughout your pregnancy to prevent age spots. From 11 to 16 it is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight, it is very harmful.

19. Regularly look after your appearance. You glow from the inside and are very attractive, but you can emphasize the beauty of well-groomed hands, skin and hair.

Second trimester of pregnancy

20. Visit the dentist. He will check the health of the oral cavity, eliminate possible problems (caries). Be sure to tell your doctor about your condition.

21. Sign up for childbirth preparation classes. It is best to visit them with your spouse or loved one, a family member.

22. Take a pregnancy yoga class. This is a great opportunity to train the body, stay in shape.

23. You can go for a special massage for pregnant women after the third month. This will help improve the blood supply and overall well-being of the expectant mother.

24. Go shopping and update your wardrobe with your curves slowly changing.

25. Get yourself some new maternity underwear. Comfortable bra for filling, growing breasts and elastic panties.

26. You can go on vacation with the whole family and enjoy nature.

27. Train yourself to listen to classical music and lullabies once a day. Good taste will be instilled in the baby from the womb. Memorize the words, soon you will sing them to your baby.

28. Try to sleep on your side (preferably on your left). Place a comfortable pillow under your knees. After 20 weeks, sleeping on your back is not recommended.

29. Sign up for a pool and attend pregnancy classes. This will positively affect your well-being and the health of the baby.

30. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

31. Use creams or oils for stretch marks (chest, abdomen, thighs). In the morning and evening, apply the products with massage, light movements.

32. Do a photo shoot. Such moments must be captured in a beautiful, staged photo shoot. Your position is already noticeable, but you are very graceful and attractive. Find a good photographer who will pick up a great idea for you and professionally implement it. This photo is priceless!

Third trimester of pregnancy

33. Refresh your wardrobe again. Your tummy has significantly increased in size, you can treat yourself to beautiful and bright outfits for pregnant women. If necessary, renew your underwear.

34. Use a diary for notes, your memory may become weaker.

35. Eat right, do not overdo it with flour and fat. It is very important to monitor weight gain.

36. Take a shower twice a day, because the sweat glands have become more active. Use safe deodorants or stop using them temporarily.

37. Go to a baby care course, because a little more and he will be born!

38. Prepare a list of names for boys and girls (if you don't know the gender). Try to choose together with the father of the child from the entire list one or two.

39. You can repeat the original photo shoot, because you have changed and “grown up” lately!

40. Do Kegel exercises. Trained muscles will allow childbirth to go more smoothly and quickly recover from them.

41. Choose comfortable shoes, can change the size of the foot (only the model without a heel).

42. Eat often, but not in large portions. This will be better for you and your baby.

43. Reduce or completely avoid computer work. It's not very good for the baby.

44. Continue to lead an active lifestyle, taking into account your position. This will help the birth go smoothly.

45. Make a list for the hospital and start packing things slowly (recommended from 36 weeks).

46. ​​Go shopping only this time for the baby - prepare him a smart and casual dowry.

47. A month before giving birth, reduce the amount of cottage cheese, meat, eggs, chocolate and citrus fruits in your diet (affects muscle elasticity).

48. Finally decide on the hospital in which you will give birth. You can negotiate with a doctor, sign a contract. Make a decision about the child's vaccinations, the first of which will be offered in the maternity hospital in the first days of the baby's life.

49. Massage the perineum with special oils (start 1 month before delivery).

50. Listen to yourself and your own feelings at all stages of pregnancy, and then everything will be fine.

Health, prosperity to you and your baby!

Even during the planning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should study information about the intricacies of bearing a child, childbirth, as well as those changes that the female body undergoes. Such an attitude towards pregnancy will allow you to determine when you need to consult a doctor, and when the changes are natural and do not pose a threat.

What a woman should know when planning a pregnancy

The basis of what a pregnant woman needs to know is the normal course of pregnancy.

  1. A woman usually finds out about her pregnancy 3-4 weeks after conception. The first signs of toxicosis are observed - nausea and bouts of vomiting. Perhaps a constant feeling of fatigue, weight loss, swelling of the mammary glands. A gynecologist should be consulted with persistent weight loss, as well as with pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. The appearance of bloody discharge signals the need to call an ambulance.
  2. When the gestational age reaches 6 - 7 weeks, you need to register in the antenatal clinic. By the way, the gynecologist will explain in an accessible way what exactly a woman needs to know during her first pregnancy.
  3. The increase in the volume of the uterus begins from the 16th week. A woman with hypersensitivity is already at this time able to feel a slight movement of the fetus.
  4. If by the period of 20 - 22 weeks the fetal movement is not felt, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps you are simply overweight and there is no pathology. Very rare or frequent movements, at times, are a symptom of a lack of oxygen for a developing fetus.
  5. Weight gain should be carefully considered, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Women need to know that during pregnancy they normally gain about 12 kilograms. Rapid weight gain is stopped by fasting days and sparing diets.
  6. At 32 - 33 weeks, the child should take head diligence in the uterus. The transverse, gluteal or oblique position of the baby is corrected with the help of special exercises. Also, quite often, during this period, a pregnant woman's blood pressure rises. Persistent hypertension is indicated for treatment in a hospital setting. Especially if preeclampsia develops - high blood pressure in combination with swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine.
  7. From the 38th week, the pregnancy is full-term. If contractions occur or amniotic fluid breaks, go to the hospital immediately.

What you need to know during pregnancy to facilitate its course

The first pregnancy is an important and exciting stage in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers try to absorb the maximum amount of information about this unusual condition. And this is not surprising, because the lack of experience often leads to the fact that the expectant mother has absolutely no idea during the first pregnancy what you need to know and do, how to behave correctly. In this article, we will cover the main points and provide the most important recommendations for expectant mothers.

The first signs of pregnancy

The main signs of pregnancy are a delay in menstruation and two strips on a special test. But there are other symptoms by which in the early stages it is possible to determine the likelihood of a woman's pregnancy, because the stomach in the first weeks of pregnancy, of course, does not grow.

  • Emotional instability. Perhaps in the first week of pregnancy, this is the most common sign and sensation, especially in an emotional woman. It becomes difficult for her to control her emotions. Flashes of joy are replaced by tears. Also, increased irritability is often observed, as well as the lability of emotions: the same event either angers her, or upsets, or makes her laugh. This condition is caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Change in taste preferences. Food may seem unsalted and bland. There is a desire to eat the food that was not usually included in the diet of a woman.
  • Nausea. This manifests itself early toxicosis. The symptom is not observed in all women. There may be pronounced nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting, or vice versa - slight nausea, dizziness.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. In the early stages, it does not appear very often, it is also accompanied by the appearance of veins on the chest. A woman may feel a slight pain in the mammary glands, tingling.
Specific symptoms of pregnancy include the following:
  • complete aversion to previously loved food;
  • distortion of the perception of smells and tastes: a pregnant woman can smell gasoline from fruits or a metallic taste from ordinary food;
  • increased sleepiness: a woman can sleep for 12 hours and still feel tired. I constantly want to lie down, there is no desire to be active.

By and large, the first visit of a pregnant woman to a gynecologist is not much different from a standard examination. To confirm the presence of pregnancy, the doctor will examine the vagina with a mirror and palpation. In the process, he will take a smear on the flora and draw the necessary conclusions about the general condition of the uterus, its cervix, appendages and the vagina as a whole. In the future, such inspections will no longer be carried out. The gynecologist will be limited to feeling the abdomen on the couch.

Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, ultrasound will help to identify it more accurately, with which you can also determine the exact period.

On the couch, the gynecologist will additionally take measurements of the pelvis and waist. Then you will need to weigh yourself and clarify the height of the woman. Blood pressure is also measured on both arms.

All data will be entered into the exchange card, which will be issued to the pregnant woman after the first examination. There will be added notes on the state of health, the presence of various kinds of chronic diseases, injuries, diseases, operations that took place in the life of a woman and her immediate family.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the doctor will ask questions about the first menstruation, about the onset of sexual activity, he also needs to know about the bad habits and lifestyle of the pregnant woman. All this is not an idle curiosity of a doctor, but important and necessary data that will help determine the general state of health and predict the course and development of pregnancy.

Important! There is no need to be shy and hide facts about your health from the gynecologist, which, perhaps, you would like not to advertise. The specialist will definitely keep your secret, but will have information about the possible causes of complications in the development of pregnancy. Prepare for your doctor's visit by being prepared to be clear and specific about yourself.

After all of the above, the nurse or the doctor himself writes out to the woman directions for the necessary examinations and tests that will need to be passed in the near future.
Usually, at the first visit, the doctor recommends taking vitamins or other medications to help correct hemoglobin levels and increase the amount of trace elements needed for pregnancy.

What to do during pregnancy

If a woman is accustomed to lead a healthy lifestyle, then she will not have to introduce any special changes into her routine. But along with this, there are some features that the expectant mother still needs to know about.

Did you know? In Japan, women go on maternity leave not at the end of pregnancy, but at its beginning.

A categorical "no" to bad habits

The expectant mother must firmly understand that drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy is unacceptable. Nicotine negatively affects the nervous system (central and peripheral). It is in women who continued to smoke during pregnancy that preterm birth, intrauterine fetal death, and miscarriages most often occur.

With regard to the use of alcoholic beverages, as a result of this, a child may be born with various deviations in physical and mental development.
These are not ordinary horror stories, but a reality that depends only on a woman. It is important to understand that now you are responsible not only for yourself and your health, but also for your child, who so far cannot choose whether to poison his body with poison or not: you do it for him. Giving up bad habits is not so difficult if you understand who you are doing it for.

The normal development of the fetus and the favorable course of the entire pregnancy directly depend on the rational nutrition of the expectant mother. Usually in 9 months a woman gains about 9-13 kg in weight. In the second half of pregnancy, normal weight gain does not exceed 300-400 g per week. It is impossible to paint a diet for every day, but we will give some basic nutrition rules below.

Eat food more often, but in small portions. Ideally, if you eat 5-6 times a day, but little by little. Protein food for a pregnant woman is dairy products, lean meat. As for carbohydrates, which will reimburse the costs of the body of a pregnant woman, oatmeal and buckwheat should be consumed, fig.

You should consume various vegetables and fruits daily, which will fill the body with the necessary vitamins. Approximately 35-40% of the fat in the diet should be vegetable, not animal oils. Fat and fatty meats are best kept to a minimum or not consumed at all. In the second half of the pregnancy period, it is desirable to exclude spices, smoked meats, too sweet and salty foods from the diet.

Did you know? The approximate daily calorie content, which can be taken as a basis and adjusted depending on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman, should be 2400-2700 kcal in the first months of pregnancy and 2800-3000 kcal starting from the fifth month.

Vitamins are especially important during pregnancy. If in summer and autumn they can be taken from fruits and vegetables, then in the autumn-winter period it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins by taking multivitamin complexes and preparations. It is recommended to consult a doctor before choosing one or another complex for yourself. A pregnant woman needs iron, which helps form the circulatory system in the fetus, calcium, which nourishes the skeletal system.

Drinking large amounts of liquid is not recommended, as water will be retained in the body, resulting in edema. You need to drink purified or mineral water, light tea, milk, juices (not purchased, but prepared on your own). Carbonated drinks should be avoided.

Important! About a month before the birth, the use of sesame oil should be stopped: during this period, it does not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

A woman should always monitor the cleanliness of her body, but during pregnancy, this should be especially scrupulous. Refresh and relax your body with a daily bath or shower.

Important! Starting from the eighth month of pregnancy, you can not take a bath: replace it with a shower.

Do not visit baths and saunas, as this can cause premature birth. Genitals should be washed gently, but regularly and thoroughly. Douching is allowed only after the recommendations of a doctor.

Also during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your teeth. The body loses mineral salts, as a result of which tooth enamel suffers. It is necessary to cure all diseased teeth: it is safe during pregnancy and even necessary.

Comfortable clothes

Changes in body shape should entail changes in a woman's wardrobe. You need to choose the clothes that will not restrict movement. It should be comfortable, free and not squeeze the stomach. Keep in mind that too tight waistbands or rubber bands in regular stockings can compress the veins, hindering blood circulation and can lead to varicose veins in the legs.
As for shoes, you need to choose a stable wide heel. During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts forward as the belly begins to grow. In this regard, maintaining balance on a high and thin heel can be not only unusual, but also quite difficult.

Physical exercise

Physical activity should be regular, but not heavy. Performing special exercises several times a week for 15-20 minutes is ideal for a pregnant woman. With their help, you can improve sleep, appetite, develop proper breathing, as well as strengthen the abdominals and perineal muscles, which can facilitate the process of childbirth.

Important! Women who do light exercise during pregnancy are less likely to experience nausea and vomiting.

A special set of necessary exercises can be taught to a woman by an instructor in a antenatal clinic.

Complete rest

Good rest and healthy sleep is the key to a stable and proper course of pregnancy. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is advisable to take short slow walks before going to bed, breathe fresh air. The room also needs to be regularly ventilated. Clean air has a positive effect on both the mental and physical condition of a pregnant woman. It also has a beneficial effect on the fetus, which is especially sensitive to a lack of oxygen.

You can take sunbathing, but only as directed by a doctor and not longer than 15 minutes. Swimming in the river or the sea is allowed for women whose pregnancy is proceeding in a healthy way.

Important! Trips to the sea for women during pregnancy are not recommended if they usually live in a different climate zone.

Reading additional literature

Pregnancy is an ideal time to prepare for the birth of a baby, not only physically, but also in terms of acquiring the right amount of information. A woman who has been working all the time or wasting time on other things finally has time to read thematic literature and find out all the information that will be useful to her in the future.
Many women register and communicate with other future or real mothers on specialized thematic forums. There you can consult and get recommendations from more experienced women.

In addition to thematic magazines, books are recommended for reading, which describe in detail about all stages of pregnancy, about preparing for childbirth, about the first days and months with a child. Also with the help of such books you will know how to properly care for the baby, how to communicate and educate with him.

The correct emotional and psychological background, as well as the availability of information will help not to be afraid of childbirth, but also to enjoy every day and look forward to meeting your child.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that inside the mother, the baby can not only laugh and cry, but also dance. So listen to good music more often.

sexual relations

Attitudes towards sex during pregnancy can change both in a woman and in her man. In terms of physical sexual relations can be as often as you and your spouse want, if there are no contraindications. An exception also becomes the case when miscarriages have previously occurred. Here you should refrain from sexual intercourse in the first months of pregnancy. It is also desirable to stop sexual contacts within a few weeks before childbirth.

Examinations and tests during pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers differ in their opinions regarding the examinations assigned to them. Some women complain that they have to take a lot of tests, while others, on the contrary, believe that their doctors do not check everything that could be harmful to the baby.

However, there is a minimum set of examinations and tests that every pregnant woman must undergo.

1 trimester.
Healthy pregnant women are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood. Blood is also examined for clotting.
  • Urinalysis (general).
  • Studies are being conducted for the presence of HIV and syphilis, hepatitis C and B, various infections that can cause fetal malformations (herpes, rubella, etc.).
  • The blood group and Rh factor are determined.
  • An ECG (electrocardiography) is performed.
  • Be sure to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT and dentist.
  • At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the risk of genetic abnormalities, as well as malformations in the development of the fetus. For this purpose, biochemical screening should be carried out. Blood is examined for pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  • In the same period, the first screening expert ultrasound during pregnancy is recommended.
  • A pregnant woman takes a swab for the flora of the vagina, as well as tests for chlamydia.

If the expectant mother had any chronic diseases, the volume of the above examinations may increase depending on the pathology.

2 trimester.
During this period, the frequency of visits to the doctor should be approximately once a month.

  • Before each visit, you will need to take a general urine test.
  • As for the blood test, during the normal course of pregnancy, it is taken much less frequently: once every three weeks is usually enough. Naturally, in the presence of diseases or any complications, you will have to donate blood additionally.
  • At 18-21 weeks of pregnancy, you will need to undergo a planned ultrasound.
  • At 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a test to determine the level of glucose. The level is examined in three stages: on an empty stomach, one hour after taking 75 grams of glucose and two hours later. This test helps to detect latent diabetes in a pregnant woman.
  • Urine testing to detect hidden infections.
3rd trimester.
  • At the 30th week of pregnancy, a biochemical and general blood test is performed. Blood is also checked for sugar levels and clotting. Blood is also donated for testing for HIV, hepatitis C and B.
  • At 34-36 weeks, a smear is taken from a pregnant woman to determine the presence of pathologies in the microflora of the vagina immediately before childbirth, and if necessary, treat them.
  • A third obligatory ultrasound is being performed.
  • CTG (cardiotocography) is used - this is a registration of the activity of the fetal heart: it is necessary to determine the prenatal state of the child.

Did you know?The size of a woman's legs during pregnancy can increase by one or even two sizes.

About three weeks before the expected birth, you should start preparing all the things and documents that will be needed in the hospital.
Of the documents you need to take first of all a passport. Also, be sure not to forget your card, where all the results of examinations and analyzes are registered. If you have previously concluded an agreement with a doctor or have a referral to a maternity hospital, take these documents too.

Things that a woman will need in the hospital:

  • nightgown;
  • warm socks and slippers;
  • terry towel;
  • toothbrush and paste, shampoo and soap, comb and cosmetic bag with the necessary products;
  • toilet paper and wet wipes;
  • mineral water;
  • money.
Things you will need after childbirth:
  • a dressing gown and a long shirt that fastens at the front;
  • gauze wipes (sterile);
  • nipple cream;
  • gaskets;
  • breastfeeding bra;
  • enema or laxative suppositories;
  • plastic bags that can be used for dirty laundry.

Things for a child:

  • blouses, sliders, bodysuit, hat, socks and diapers;
  • diapers;
  • powder or baby cream;
  • wet wipes;
  • baby oil.
This is a short list of the basic things that you will definitely need in the hospital. Everything else can be purchased as needed. Advance preparation will calm the woman and give her confidence.

Remember that doctors who will always be nearby will be able to help you at any time. They will advise and prompt when the need arises. Therefore, first of all, you need to prepare for childbirth psychologically and emotionally.