Toilet      01/05/2022

Where and when do they practice figure skating? Revelations of a Russian figure skater: everyone here sleeps with each other. Why do adults need skates?


Figure skating is expensive. Good skates are assembled separately - boots and blades. On average it costs 30-40 thousand rubles (up to 580 euros). You change your skates once a season at best. Adult athletes who perform triple and quadruple jumps have shoes that break more often. In addition to this, there are costumes, which are also expensive.

Each figure skater's dress is trimmed with Swarovski stones - 6-7 thousand stones each. This is another 30-35 thousand rubles (505 euros). At least the dress lasts for the whole season, and then it can be sold. I’m not talking about silicone, which figure skaters need to prevent their boots from chafing, sponges, sharpening blades, laces, hooks on boots that constantly fall off. It seems like a small thing, and then you look back - and oh my, 100 thousand is no longer there.

The most important thing is training. If you are not on the national team, no one pays you anything: neither a coach, nor a choreographer, nor a physical training coach. There are Olympic reserve schools where classes are not so expensive - 20-30 thousand per month. This is for the training and the trainer.

Nowadays, coaching is popular - individual lessons, tutoring. A good trainer costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles per hour (20-40 euros). There are stories when a coach forces students to take individual lessons: “So, on Saturday, individual lessons, you come, Vasya, you, Masha, and you, Katya. If you don’t come, you will be without my attention next week.” Yes, this is blackmail.


It happens that 200 grams is a plus - and that’s it, there are no jumps. And sometimes a person gains two kilograms - and at least that’s all that matters to him. Skaters eat everything. How can you avoid trying chocolates and burgers at foreign competitions that we don’t have? Some people don't eat at all - to maintain weight.

Someone eats once a day, because every morning there is a weigh-in: without having breakfast, you go out for training, they weigh you, and you’re done. You work out and then you get drunk for lunch, because they won’t weigh you anymore today - and that’s it, this is your only meal. You can’t eat in the evening, because you have to weigh yourself again in the morning.

Naturally, girls who eat and don’t gain weight are simply hated. You bring cookies or candy for your birthday, and your parents start: “She brought candy on purpose so that you all get better.”

Children also have problems with excess weight. And sometimes the coach doesn’t let a girl go to class because she’s fat. “You are left without ice, without choreography, without physical training. You will know how to eat, my dear.”


While the kids are at the rink, everything happens in the locker room. Parents do everything for their children and gossip about everything: who went where, who they saw with whom, who undeservedly got into the national team, and who should quit altogether. They are not allowed to attend training because they take too active part. They quickly forget that there is a coach at the skating rink. They think they know everything. They yell at the child how to raise his arm, how to place his foot. That's why they sit in the locker room.

At one skating rink there are glass windows in the locker rooms, they were specially painted over, but parents pick off the paint and peek. And then they come to the locker room and say to some neighboring mother: “Oh, Mash, the coach didn’t pay any attention to your child today.” And then it begins: “Why do you pay more attention to her, but not to mine at all?”

Locker room

Sometimes athletes fight. “Today I was skating a program, and you, ***, interrupted me.” And fuck you with discs with music. Or: “Are you blind? Why aren’t you inferior to me at the skating rink!”

The athletes who go to the World and European Championships are already adults, they have achieved their goal, they have broken into the elite who go to big competitions. They have no time for this trash, who doesn’t even qualify for the Russian Championship.

They fight for the coach's attention, a place on the rink, a place in the locker room - for everything, and this is some kind of madness. Each person has 3-4 chairs in the locker room. I had a case. Winter, a lot of outerwear. I put my things down and went to get some ballet shoes, but my bag apparently ended up on someone else’s territory. I arrive: it’s lying on the floor, naturally, it was opened before this so that everything would fall out. I was shocked. That's why everyone carries skates with them. A friend of mine was given a needle that entered her thumb - right under the nail. Naturally, she didn't ride for several weeks.


In figurine, children are stretched in the same way as in gymnastics. It all depends on the choreographer: for example, they never tore me, they pulled calmly. But 80 percent of children vomit because they need stretching. Instead of the stick that Chinese gymnastics coaches have, we have a plastic cover for the blade. The coach holds this case in his hands and rubs it on his knees and hands. And this is not perceived as something terrible. This is already normal.

By the way, parents push even more than coaches. After training, a child enters the locker room, and cruelty begins there: parents beat their children in front of everyone, they saw everything through a crack.

“Why didn’t you work, why didn’t you raise your hands?” - and 15 people around begin to say this. Hitting a child on the head is normal. Hitting your head against a wall is also normal.

And the coaches... I don’t know how brutal it is considered to put a ponytail on the top of a little girl’s head and lift her by the hair while jumping. This is a training process; there is no other way to teach it. Older skaters have a so-called fishing rod - the athlete puts on a vest, and a long stick clings to it. The coach follows you and lifts you up during jumps - this is a mini-belay for you to learn triple jumps. This is not considered savagery.


They drink in figure skating, but not everyone. And if they drink, it’s so loud that the whole hotel is destroyed. A lot depends on the organizers. After the competition, everyone is gathered at a banquet: everyone is dressed civilly, in dresses and heels, and the bosses come.

If the organizers rented a club for figure skaters and organized a disco there, everything ends well. Everyone had a drink at the club and returned to the hotel. If there is no such thing, everyone piles into someone’s room. Nothing happens without the participation of Russians and Japanese. How the Japanese drink is something I have never seen from anyone else.

The hotel administration generally does not like it when something extraordinary happens in their rooms: and then the manager comes, followed by the administrator, followed by the director. Sometimes the police came and were able to calm it down. One day the party moved to the hotel pool, and the disgruntled administrator ended up in the water.


One very talented girl lost her season because she went on a drinking binge. I lost the selection for the European Championship and apparently decided that my figure skating life was over. She just got drunk - and actively posted everything on social networks: how cute it was for her to hug a bottle and a glass, and various friends. But she got out. Now this is a cool Russian figure skater.

One figure skater (she was not noted for anything in sports) emptied the minibar in other people's rooms. Then people left and were presented with a bill, and they didn’t even know about it.

Another girl said that she couldn’t go on the ice without drinking. I didn't get drunk, of course. She was just wildly nervous, drank a little - and everything was ok. She was 16-17 years old at that time. There are also those who are drinking at the training camp at 12. Why not, in fact? When everyone is drinking, why not you too?


There was a girl, at the age of 12-13 she won the Grand Prix stages, at the junior world championships she was in the top, she jumped unique jumps - like a triple flip and a triple loop, which no one jumped then. She constantly had psychological problems: fighting for medals is always incredibly stressful. She began to lose. She was 14-15 years old. At some point she simply disappeared. She was treated in a psychiatric clinic, and everything became fine for her, but she did not continue skating.


You can only earn money if you participate in commercial shows. Now there are a lot of them. If you are a world champion, you get an average of 10 thousand dollars for a show - you have to go out to exhibition performances, wave to everyone and leave. Naturally, they jump: whoever takes risks is liked by the audience, and they call him again.

But there are no mandatory elements in the show - you can jump what you do best: wake up the skater, he will put his boots on his bare feet and still jump a triple toe loop - and the audience will be: “Ahh, he’s a god, how he jumped.”

At competitions - if you are top, if you take 1-2-3 places at the Grand Prix - you also earn money. For first place at the European Championships, single skaters receive about 20 thousand dollars, at the World Championships it was 50 thousand: of which 20 percent you give to the Federation, 30 percent to the coach.


Of the Russian figure skaters, he is the richest, because he is the most titled and goes to shows the most. In terms of status, he is completely from another planet - this is evidenced at least by the fact that he was allowed to compete at the Olympics.

Of course, Zhenya is a unique skater. Few people can perform at a high level for so long. He deserved this status. At all competitions he lived in luxury rooms. I don't consider this some kind of snobbery. And in his behavior he is completely different from everyone else. At competitions he travels not with everyone else by bus, but by car. But he says hello and smiles.

Nobody discusses his marriage with Rudkovskaya in figure skating - he got married and got married. For some reason, everyone thinks that not a day goes by without discussing Plushenko. This is wrong. Everyone has already forgotten him. Maybe that’s why he periodically gives interviews and says that he’s coming back.


In figure skating, everyone sleeps with each other. As actors, you have a very narrow circle; you don’t see anyone in your life except these people. Therefore, everyone met each other, beat each other’s suitors, wives, husbands, gave birth to each other’s children. Like in the circus.

There are also rumors that figure skaters are having affairs with hockey players. But this is not true: all hockey players have models as wives. It's rude, but they don't care about girls who are *** (tormented) by figure skating. They need a model who is free at any time and can go anywhere with them, fly with them anywhere. And the figure skater will simply send the hockey player: “Sorry, I have my own world championship.”

One figure skater disappeared in Sochi after the team championship. The coach looked for her all evening and night, and then she was seen leaving the house of the Russian hockey team. Not in a very sober state. But be that as it may, she won a medal.

This same girl lived with her coach. Yes, they slept and met. Her then-coach generally liked to sleep with his players. But he is wonderful: in excellent shape, like all skaters. He looks very good, always neat, combed, and dressed to the nines. There is nothing strange in the fact that his students fall in love with him and give themselves over to him.

Sex between partners

Maybe this ruins everything. Or maybe it helps. Because there must be a connection between partners, they often roll out love stories. 70 percent are love stories. Of course, it helps if they live together, love and feel each other, sleep. They don't waste energy on playing love.

Often couples break up when love ends. How did Averbukh leave Anisina? He fell in love with Ira Lobacheva and began skating with her, and Anisina went to France to look for a partner. Volosozhar met with her partner Morozov, then he graduated, began to train her, paired her with Trankov - now they have announced their engagement. Trankov himself skated with Mukhortova, and Mukhortova lived with the coach. And often they drove at Maxim. And in the end he left, and for Mukhortova it came as a surprise: “He went to some Tanya Volosozhar.” I don’t know where Masha is now, but we know where Maxim is.

There are a lot of gays in figure skating, it's true. Almost all Americans are gay. Johnny Weir was married twice - I don't know for sure. And he doesn't hide it. I'm fine with gays. I rode with Johnny and felt great because he is friendly, he is like the sun. You come to training for several days in a row - and here is Johnny, who is happy to be skating. He is absolutely earthly - despite his merits and absolutely wild popularity. He never got angry or swore. He is unique.

They say that Yuzuru Hanyu, the Olympic champion, is also gay. They also talk about Daisuke Takasahi. This is not advertised by them in any way, but it can be seen from the manner of skating. In figure skating, no one asks this question.

Maxim Trankov is friends with Stéphane Lambiel. I think the Swiss is gay. They are friends and perform together in shows. In figure skating there is no such thing: you are gay, that means you are an outcast, get out of here. I don’t know about gays in Russian figure skating. But it seems to me that we don’t have them. Because we have a very homophobic society.

Women's competition in Sochi

Not allowing Russia to win its first Olympic women's medal would be a sin. Do you think there was a deception? Well, what a deception. Technically, Sotnikova was stronger than Kim Young A. The Korean skates divinely, but emotionally Adeline performed better. This was the winner's skating: when at the end of the program she has tears flowing and everyone has goosebumps. This is the pride of the country, it doesn’t matter how others perform. Well, they pulled it up a little, isn’t it possible, or what?

Everyone was expecting Lipnitskaya's victory. In the world of figure skating they used to say: whoever skates cleanly will become an Olympic champion. Regardless of the opponents, we have a home Olympics, we decide who wins. They were both worthy, we never had anything like this. They have the most complex programs, they do cool jumps and spins. Adeline's problem is instability. She had never skated two programs in a row in her life: she either failed the short program or the free program. And so the stars aligned that for the first time in her life this did not happen to her at the Olympics.


She, like Lipnitskaya, does not have a boyfriend. She is generally a good girl, very decent. At some point, she didn’t believe that she could win. She jumped super difficult cascades, but said that she was very bad at skating. This is not Lipnitskaya, who walks around and says: “I am a star.”

Adeline won the Russian championship at the age of 12, but acted as if she took last place. The rudest thing they can say about her is: “She’s so good that I hate her. But damn, she’s so good.”


It's no secret that she swears like a shoemaker. This is a 15-year-old child whose words make his ears curl into tubes and fall off. They have this form of communication with the coach: they send each other good wishes, sparks fly during training. Those who went to interview them also spoke about this. Nobody wrote about it, but everyone knows about it and is silent. Yes, Lipnitskaya is very important. It’s probably difficult to withstand so much attention at 15 years old. Why is that? Maybe her mother raised her like this: look, you’re a star.

Julia doesn’t give her phone number to anyone, to anyone at all: even those who ride with her don’t have it. She lives such a closed life, but at the same time she is open to offers: to appear on the cover or something like that. Nothing is known about her dad.

Figure skaters' parents are often divorced. All trainers love poor unfortunate people with whom you can do whatever you want. They like the child to be completely given to you. And when there is a full-fledged family, the child has family holidays, and he already belongs to his parents.

Mom brings Lipnitskaya to the skating rink, watches her 24 hours, goes to competitions, because, they say, over the weekend Yulia can gain 3 kilograms and get fat. They talk a lot about her. For example, that she blew the minds of the Federation with her demands: she allegedly drove an armored car to Sochi. Like: “I’m so sick of everyone.” Someone said that she recently said to Averbukh: “What kind of crap program did you put on me?” What? Who are you?

After all these stories, I can’t say that I’m disappointed in figure skating. If my loved ones ask whether to send my child to figure skating or not, I will say yes. Despite everything. It hardens.

As you know, any sport allows you to develop important qualities in your character that will certainly prove useful in everyday life. Figure skating is no exception. In addition to this essential feature inherent in every sport, figure skating has a number of obvious advantages.

Figure skating is one of the most beautiful sports

These include, for example, receiving aesthetic education. It should be noted that this sport requires from a person not only physical skills, but also stimulates him to study such areas of art as ballet, music, theater, literature, because in order to competently create a program for a demonstration or a regular performance, you need to be knowledgeable in these areas .

An athlete should not thoughtlessly choose a piece of music, but clearly understand what its meaning is, what thoughts the composer put into it, so that the skater’s movements merge with the music and carry the same semantic load. And the essence of the work, its ideological direction, can only be understood by being familiar with the era of the creation of the musical composition, with the work of the composer, as well as with the plot of the creation in the case of a film, opera or ballet.

Every skater has encountered this, because everyone performed in front of the public, including those who train in health groups. This is another plus of figure skating - it helps in overcoming stage fright. When practicing this sport, you develop the ability to concentrate on the task at hand, because you have to perform in front of an impressive audience, which can throw you out of balance, so it is very important to gather your strength and perform at your best. By overcoming his fears and concerns, a person strengthens his character, which in ordinary life will help him react more calmly to troubles or speak with ease in front of a large number of people.

Another important feature is that only diligent individuals will be able to achieve the desired achievements. Therefore, figure skating classes have a beneficial effect on skaters, especially young ones, having a significant pedagogical impact. They demonstrate to children that success can only be achieved through hard work and, importantly, only through their own efforts. Repeated repetition of figure skating elements and devoting a lot of time to it teaches children that success does not come immediately, but only after a certain period of time. Scientists have calculated that on average, over ten years of training and performances, a high-class figure skater travels approximately fifty-four kilometers on the ice.

Execution of intricate figures stimulates the improvement of a thoughtful attitude towards assigned tasks and develops the ability to analyze movements. The child begins to show creativity, trying to come up with his own movements and combinations.

Children are sent to the figure skating section, as a rule, at a very early age - even in preschool. Figure skating then becomes a lifelong passion. It helps keep the body in excellent physical shape. The body will always be in good shape, flexible, the weight will be normal, the lungs will be strengthened - health will be at the highest level.

The modern rhythm of life forces us to almost always be in standard poses, that is, nothing out of the ordinary, no unusual movements. According to Lenin Prize laureate P. Anokhin, with such a rhythm of life, sand and stones form in the human kidneys due to the high salt content in the body, which is why it is so important to frequently change the location of the body - figure skating is suitable for this, helping to successfully cope with the problem.

In addition to the healing effects on the human body, the practice of figure skating significantly improves a person’s ability to work and endurance due to rapid changes in the body’s position in space, speed of movement, unexpected braking, acceleration and rotation of the body. You can compare the loads in figure skating with the loads of people serving in naval units, airborne or tank forces, which also require significant physical training.

To develop certain physical qualities, specific technical devices are often used, aimed at strengthening the athlete’s vestibular apparatus to improve the ability to maintain balance. As you know, the endurance of the balance organs is very important in such professions as an astronaut, for example, therefore people who want to devote themselves to this profession can engage in figure skating and thereby hone abilities that will be useful in their professional activities. Experiments have shown that people who practiced this sport demonstrated higher results in endurance tests than athletes who practiced other sports.

Let us note two more traits that develop in a person who practices figure skating - reaction speed and excellent coordination. Despite the fact that skaters move chaotically and quite quickly on the ice, collisions between them occur quite rarely due to their developed reaction speed. This trait is quite important in today's rapidly developing world. Now there are a huge number of professions in which one of the key qualities required from a specialist is the ability to quickly respond to various situations. In this case, sports professions or the military are not considered - and it is clear that this characteristic cannot be avoided.

This refers to areas such as industry. For example, coordinating the work of complex equipment, working on the control panel of some sophisticated systems require a person to be constantly on guard, to be ready to promptly make an adequate decision if something happens to resolve a difficult situation. These same skills are also necessary for ordinary transport drivers, the number of whom is constantly increasing.

The latest scientific tests by scientists A. Gandelsman and K. Smirnov have demonstrated that figure skating has a number of features due to the stimulation it provides to the human body. In most sports, the contraction of the heart is directly proportional to the muscular work of the whole body, while experiments conducted with figure skaters have revealed that this sport requires significantly less muscular work, but the heart rate is significantly higher.

The athletes' energy expenditure was measured by analyzing the composition of the air exhaled by the skaters. According to A. Gandelsman and K. Smirnov, such relatively insignificant energy expenditures are due to the fact that figure skaters have excited autonomic functions, that is, they have to counteract excitement and be outwardly absolutely calm. Adaptation to such changes in the body is definitely necessary in everyday life. It helps to counteract the numerous anxieties that are a common occurrence in life, and thereby contributes to long-term preservation of good health indicators. Perhaps this feature of figure skating contributed to its widespread popularity among older people.

Another interesting experiment was also carried out. The subjects were figure skaters and people who had nothing to do with figure skating. The emphasis during testing was on the endurance of the vestibular apparatus. An experimental figure skater, namely a master of sports and a famous world champion in pair skating of the Soviet Union team, was able to withstand about five hundred rotations in a specially designed chair and at the same time continue his teaching activity. Another test subject, a person in good health who practiced various sports besides figure skating, was unable to withstand more than three hundred revolutions.

It should also be noted the emotional impact of this sport not only on the skater himself, but also on the ordinary spectator. There are a great many magnificent performances that live in the memories of grateful spectators for many years, as well as, of course, many athletes whose merits, iron character, and skill will not leave anyone indifferent.

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A participant in the World and European Championships anonymously told about a sport that lives on intrigue and deception.


Figure skating is expensive. This is not swimming - buy swimming trunks and go ahead. Good skates are assembled separately - boots and blades. Naturally, not made in Russia. On average it costs 30-40 thousand rubles. You change your skates once a season at best. Adult athletes who perform triple and quadruple jumps have shoes that break more often. In addition to this, there are costumes, which are also expensive. Each figure skater's dress is trimmed with Swarovski stones - 6-7 thousand stones each. This is another 30-35 thousand rubles. At least the dress lasts for the whole season, and then it can be sold. I’m not talking about silicone, which figure skaters need to prevent their boots from chafing, sponges, sharpening blades, laces, hooks on boots that constantly fall off. It seems like a small thing, and then you look back - and oh my, 100 thousand is no longer there. The most important thing is training. If you are not on the national team, no one pays you anything: neither a coach, nor a choreographer, nor a physical training coach. There are Olympic reserve schools where classes are not so expensive - 20-30 thousand per month. This is for the training and the trainer.

Nowadays, coaching is popular - individual lessons, tutoring. A good trainer costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles per hour. Therefore, you need to earn very well in order to send your child to figure skating. There are stories when a coach forces students to take individual lessons: “So it’s like this. On Saturday individual, you come, Vasya, you, Masha, and you, Katya. If you don’t come, you’ll be without my attention next week.” Yes, this is blackmail. Thank God this didn’t happen to me: my coaches were all professionals, all were honored coaches of Russia. And it’s unlikely that my parents would take me to individual lessons; I already have three hours of ice every day.


It happens that 200 grams is a plus - and that’s it, there are no jumps. And sometimes a person gains two kilograms - and at least that’s all that matters to him. Skaters eat everything. How can you avoid trying chocolates and burgers at foreign competitions that we don’t have? Some people don't eat at all - to maintain weight. Someone eats once a day, because every morning there is a weigh-in: without having breakfast, you go out for training, they weigh you, and you’re done. You work out and then you get drunk for lunch, because they won’t weigh you anymore today - and that’s it, this is your only meal. You can’t eat in the evening, because you have to weigh yourself again in the morning.

Naturally, girls who eat and don’t gain weight are simply hated. You bring cookies or candy for your birthday, and your parents start: “She brought candy on purpose so that you all get better.”

Children also have problems with excess weight. And sometimes the coach doesn’t let a girl go to class because she’s fat. “You are left without ice, without choreography, without physical training. You’ll know how to eat, honey.”


While the kids are at the rink, everything happens in the locker room. Parents do everything for their children and gossip about everything: who went where, who they saw with whom, who undeservedly got into the national team, and who should quit altogether. They are not allowed to attend training because they take too active part. They quickly forget that there is a coach at the skating rink. They think they know everything. They yell at the child how to raise his arm, how to place his foot. That's why they sit in the locker room.

At one skating rink there are glass windows in the locker rooms, they were specially painted over, but parents pick off the paint and peek. They do everything possible to see the child: they look through any crack, they climb into the pourer’s room. And then they come to the locker room and say to some neighboring mother: “Oh, Mash, the coach didn’t pay any attention to your child today.” And then it begins: “Why do you pay more attention to her, but not to mine at all?”

Locker room

Sometimes athletes fight. “Today I was skating a program, and you, ***** [damn], interrupted me.” And fuck you with discs with music. Or: “Are you blind? Why don’t you give in to me at the skating rink!” The athletes who go to the World and European Championships are already adults, they have achieved their goal, they have broken into the elite who go to big competitions. They have no time for this trash, who doesn’t even qualify for the Russian Championship. I don’t understand why they are fighting - this is not the Olympic Games, not the World Championship, not even the Moscow Championship. They fight for the coach's attention, a place on the rink, a place in the locker room - for everything, and this is some kind of madness.

Each person has 3-4 chairs in the locker room. I had a case. Winter, a lot of outerwear. I put my things down and went to get some ballet shoes, but my bag apparently ended up on someone else’s territory. I arrive: it’s lying on the floor, naturally, it was opened before this so that everything would fall out. I was shocked. That's why everyone carries skates with them. A friend of mine was given a needle that entered her thumb - right under the nail. Naturally, she didn't ride for several weeks.


In figurine, children are stretched in the same way as in gymnastics. It all depends on the choreographer: for example, I was never torn, they pulled calmly, little by little, and I always had a good stretch. But 80 percent of children vomit because they need stretching. Instead of the stick that Chinese gymnastics coaches have, we have a plastic cover for the blade. The coach holds this case in his hands and rubs it on his knees and hands. And this is not perceived as something terrible. This is already normal.

By the way, parents push even more than coaches. After training, a child enters the locker room, and cruelty begins there: parents beat their children in front of everyone, they saw everything through a crack. “Why didn’t you work, why didn’t you raise your hands?” - and 15 people around begin to say this. Hitting a child on the head is normal. Hitting your head against a wall is also normal. No one sitting next to you will say: “What are you doing?”

And the coaches... I don’t know how brutal it is considered to put a ponytail on the top of a little girl’s head and lift her by the hair while jumping. This is a training process; there is no other way to teach it. Older skaters have a so-called fishing rod - the athlete puts on a vest, and a long stick clings to it. The coach follows you and lifts you up during jumps - this is a mini-belay for you to learn triple jumps. This is not considered savagery.


I haven’t heard of a single sport yet where it wasn’t: “Oh, how drunk we were.” They drink in figure skating, but not everyone. And if they drink, it’s so loud that the whole hotel is destroyed.

A lot depends on the organizers. After the competition, everyone is gathered at a banquet: everyone is dressed civilly, in dresses and heels, and the bosses come. If the organizers rented a club for figure skaters and organized a disco there, everything ends well. Everyone had a drink at the club and returned to the hotel. If there is no such thing, everyone piles into someone’s room. Nothing happens without the participation of Russians and Japanese. How the Japanese drink is something I have never seen from anyone else.

The hotel administration generally does not like it when something extraordinary happens in their rooms: and then the manager comes, followed by the administrator, followed by the director. Sometimes the police came and were able to calm it down. One day the party moved to the hotel pool, and the disgruntled administrator ended up in the water.


One very talented girl lost her season because she went on a drinking binge. I lost the selection for the European Championship and apparently decided that my figure skating life was over. She just got drunk - and actively posted everything on social networks: how cute it was for her to hug a bottle and a glass, and various friends. But she got out. Now this is a cool Russian figure skater. For me - generally number one.

One figure skater (she was not noted for anything in sports) emptied the minibar in other people's rooms. Then people left and were presented with a bill, and they didn’t even know about it. Another girl said that she couldn’t go on the ice without drinking. I didn't get drunk, of course. She was just wildly nervous, drank a little - and everything was ok. She was 16-17 years old at that time. There are also those who are drinking at the training camp at 12. Why not, in fact? When everyone is drinking, why not you too?


There was a girl, I don’t remember her last name. At the age of 12-13, she won the Grand Prix stages, was in the top at the junior world championships, and jumped unique jumps - such as triple flip and triple loop, which no one jumped then. She constantly had psychological problems: fighting for medals is always incredibly stressful. You enter the arena, 4-5 thousand people are looking at you, especially if it is some crazy country in terms of figure skating - the USA, Canada or Japan, where the stadiums are packed during training. Apparently, she simply couldn't stand it. Plus - she is in adolescence, the girl began to get better, and her jumping went away. When you grow, it means new coordination, new long arms, new long legs and torso. She began to lose: they no longer applauded her, they didn’t play an anthem in her honor, and they didn’t even hang any medal. She was 14-15 years old. At some point she simply disappeared. Then I found out that she was in a psychiatric clinic; She was cured and everything became fine, but she did not continue skating.

In general, children are often plagued by mental problems - nervous tics, twitching. Because it's hard. You either cope or you don't. And coaches are different: some yell at children with obscenities, call them names, and incorrectly distribute the load during training. If before it was normal that you were still a junior until you were 18, now if you are 16-17 years old and have not yet been to the European Championships, it’s like, well... Now children participate in adult competitions and win.


You can only earn money if you participate in commercial shows. Now there are a lot of them. If you are a world champion, you get an average of 10 thousand dollars for a show - you have to go out to exhibition performances, wave to everyone and leave. Naturally, they jump: whoever takes risks is liked by the audience, and they call him again. But there are no mandatory elements in the show - you can jump what you do best: wake up the skater, he will put his boots on his bare feet and still jump a triple toe loop - and the audience will be: “Ahh, he’s a god, how he jumped.”

At competitions - if you are top, if you take 1-2-3 places at the Grand Prix - you also earn money. For first place at the European Championships, single skaters receive about 20 thousand dollars, at the World Championships it was 50 thousand: of which 20 percent you give to the Federation, 30 percent to the coach.


Of the Russian figure skaters, he is the richest, because he is the most titled and goes to shows the most. In terms of status, he is completely from another planet - this is evidenced at least by the fact that he was allowed to compete at the Olympics. He did not qualify for the Russian Championship, after which they decided that the one who performed better at the European Championship would go to Sochi. Voronov took second place, but for some reason Kovtun and Plushenko argued for a ticket to the Olympics. Here the world of figure skating has not understood the logic of the Federation a bit - what does Kovtun have to do with it? Yes, he won the Russian championship - what does Plushenko have to do with it? After all, the conditions for the trip to Sochi were announced. Kovtun failed the European Championship, he drove instead of the filling machine.

About the Olympics itself. Someone says that Zhenya’s vanity played a role after the team championship: now I’ll win. And these guys, his rivals, were doing such quadruple jumps that he was simply scared. Someone says that his back really hurt and he couldn’t stand the pain. I believe in it. Although it looked unnatural.

Of course, Zhenya is a unique skater. Few people can perform at a high level for so long. He deserved this status. At all competitions he lived in luxury rooms. I could afford it. I don't consider this some kind of snobbery. And in his behavior he is completely different from everyone else. And he walks differently. Well, he's a king. At competitions he travels not with everyone else by bus, but by car. But he says hello and smiles. When he goes on the ice, you can see from his skating, from his hands, from the way he takes steps - he is beautiful. I can't say anything bad.

Nobody discusses his marriage with Rudkovskaya in figure skating - he got married and got married. For some reason, everyone thinks that not a day goes by without discussing Plushenko. This is wrong. Everyone has already forgotten him. Maybe that’s why he periodically gives interviews and says that he’s coming back.


In figure skating, everyone sleeps with each other. As actors, you have a very narrow circle; you don’t see anyone in your life except these people. Therefore, everyone met each other, beat each other’s suitors, wives, husbands, gave birth to each other’s children. Like in the circus. There are also rumors that figure skaters are having affairs with hockey players. But this is not true: all hockey players have models as wives. It's rude, but they have no time for ********* [fucked] girls by figure skating. They need a model who is free at any time and can go anywhere with them, fly with them anywhere. And the figure skater will simply tell the hockey player to go to hell: “Sorry, I have my own world championship.”

One figure skater disappeared in Sochi after the team championship. The coach looked for her all evening and night, and then she was seen leaving the house of the Russian hockey team. Not in a very sober state. But be that as it may, she won a medal.

This same girl lived with her coach. Yes, they slept and met. Her then-coach generally liked to sleep with his players. But he is wonderful: in excellent shape, like all skaters. He looks very good, always neat, combed, and dressed to the nines. At the same time, he is very smart, very talented. There is nothing strange in the fact that his students fall in love with him and give themselves over to him.

Sex between partners

Maybe this ruins everything. Or maybe it helps. Because there must be a connection between partners, they often roll out love stories. 70 percent are love stories. Of course, it helps if they live together, love and feel each other, sleep. They don't waste energy on playing love.

Often couples break up when love ends. How did Averbukh leave Anisina? He fell in love with Ira Lobacheva and began skating with her, and Anisina went to France to look for a partner. Volosozhar met with her partner Morozov, then he graduated, began to train her, paired her with Trankov - now they have announced their engagement. Trankov himself skated with Mukhortova, and Mukhortova lived with the coach. And they often attacked Maxim: “He trains poorly, he’s lazy, because of him Masha can’t win anything.” Max even said in an interview that they slandered him, that he did not want to work with them. And in the end he left, for Mukhortova it came as a surprise: “He went to some Tanya Volosozhar.” I don’t know where Masha is now, but we know where Maxim is.


There are a lot of gays in figure skating, it's true. Almost all Americans are gay. Johnny Weir was married twice - I don't know for sure. And he doesn't hide it. I'm fine with gays. I rode with Johnny and felt great because he is friendly, he is like the sun. You come to training for several days in a row - and here is Johnny, who is happy to be skating. He is absolutely earthly - despite his merits and absolutely wild popularity. He never got angry or swore. He is unique.

They say that Yuzuru Hanyu, the Olympic champion, is also gay. They also talk about Daisuke Takasahi. This is not advertised by them in any way, but it can be seen from the manner of skating. In figure skating, no one asks this question - they are your friends, they skate awesome, they are very flexible, they have a different emotion on the ice. Here's Jason Brown. I didn’t ask anyone if he was gay, but he’s amazing - he lights it up so much that then everyone gives a standing ovation. Although he doesn’t even win a medal. He skates like that! Awesome dude, he brings the 9,000-seat audience to their feet.

Maxim Trankov is friends with Stéphane Lambiel. I think the Swiss is gay. They are friends and perform together in shows. In figure skating there is no such thing: you are gay, that means you are an outcast, get out of here.

I don’t know about gays in Russian figure skating. But it seems to me that we don’t have them. Because we have a very homophobic society.

Women trainers

There is a story about the relationship between two female trainers in the female figure. One had a husband, the other was his mistress and gave birth to a daughter. Either he lived with two families, or he left his wife at that time. But the female brain remembers everything, even if it happened in the last century. For a woman, this rivalry will remain for the rest of her life - and not only in terms of the fight for Olympic medals. I don’t know what happened next. I only know that these two women have children from the same man.

They were both in Sochi. They cannot avoid intersecting. It is unlikely that they avoid each other: avoidance is the lot of the weak. And there both are still young ladies who fight back against each other. I never heard anything bad about one of them: some dirty rumors that she betrayed someone or yelled at her children. She is a strict coach - without this there will be no champions. Yes, they say she drives her students to psychological exhaustion, but if there are good results, why blame her?

The other one has the opposite. There were rumors that she had reached an agreement with the Federation, and one skater was kicked out of the team competition in Sochi. At the last moment she was told that her services were not needed. Another rumor is that her main skater is leaving her. But they did not agree with the federation, which approves any change of coaches. Hushed up. “Rumor, rumor, rumor, it’s not about us, it’s all the parents who started it.” But rumors don’t just happen: why don’t I hear them about someone else, why am I always talking about her? Last year especially.

Women's competition in Sochi

Not allowing Russia to win its first Olympic women's medal would be a sin. Do you think there was a deception? Well, what a deception. Technically, Sotnikova was stronger than Kim Young A. The Korean skates divinely, but emotionally Adeline performed better. This was the winner's skating: when at the end of the program she has tears flowing and everyone has goosebumps. This is the pride of the country, it doesn’t matter how others perform. After her skate, there was not a person in the stands who would not say: “This is the new Olympic champion.” Although after her, Kim Young Ah and two Americans also skated. Well, they pulled it up a little, isn’t it possible, or what?

Everyone was expecting Lipnitskaya's victory. In the world of figure skating they used to say: whoever skates cleanly will become an Olympic champion. Regardless of the opponents, we have a home Olympics, we decide who wins. They were both worthy, we never had anything like this. They have the most complex programs, they do cool jumps and spins. Adeline's problem is instability. She had never skated two programs in a row in her life: she either failed the short program or the free program. And so the stars aligned that for the first time in her life this did not happen to her at the Olympics.


She, like Lipnitskaya, does not have a boyfriend. She is generally a good girl, very decent. At some point, she didn’t believe that she could win. She jumped super difficult cascades, but said that she was very bad at skating. This is not Lipnitskaya, who walks around and says: “I am a star.” Adeline won the Russian championship at the age of 12, but acted as if she took last place. The rudest thing they can say about her is: “She’s so good that I hate her. But damn, she's so good."

Nice people

Seryozha Voronov became a discovery for me. He is now in second place in the world rankings, but at the same time he remains the same cool Seryoga that I knew. Humane and not a braggart. Alexander Zhulin. Once while training in his group, I realized that he does not yell at the athletes at all. It was a culture shock for me. His restraint and upbringing are beyond reality.

I really like Alexey Mishin. He is so old now, but he can rock with the youth. He's joking. For example, you lost some championship, and he: “Why are you sad? Let’s find you some guy now, hang out with him, and a new life will open up.” Not like some other coaches: “What, ***** [damn], lost? Are you going for a walk? Go to your room, you don’t deserve it.” There is no such thing in Mishina. He is very positive, very smart.


It's no secret that she swears like a shoemaker. This is a 15-year-old child whose words make his ears curl into tubes and fall off. They have this form of communication with the coach: they send each other good wishes, sparks fly during training. Those who went to interview them also spoke about this. Nobody wrote about it, but everyone knows about it and is silent. Yes, Lipnitskaya is very important. It’s probably difficult to withstand so much attention at 15 years old. Why is that? Maybe her mother raised her like this: look, you’re a star.

Julia doesn’t give her phone number to anyone, to anyone at all: even those who ride with her don’t have it. She lives such a closed life, but at the same time she is open to offers: to appear on the cover or something like that.

Nothing is known about her dad. Figure skaters' parents are often divorced. All trainers love poor unfortunate people with whom you can do whatever you want. They like the child to be completely given to you. And when there is a full-fledged family, the child has family holidays, and he already belongs to his parents. In general, I was never interested in Yulia’s father. And mom is raising Yulia. She brings her to the skating rink, watches her for 24 hours, goes to competitions, because, they say, over the weekend Yulia can gain 3 kilograms and get fat.

They talk a lot about her. For example, that she blew the minds of the Federation with her demands: she allegedly drove an armored car to Sochi. Like: “I’m so sick of everyone.” Someone said that she recently told Averbukh: “What kind of crap program did you put on me?” What? Who are you?

By the way, after all these stories, I can’t say that I’m disappointed in figure skating. I forgave him. If my loved ones ask whether to send my child to figure skating or not, I will say yes. Despite everything. It strengthens you: when they throw your skates off the bench, when they discuss you in front of you in the locker room. People develop immunity: you can stand up for yourself, you gain strength and an athletic figure. I will also send my children to figure skating.

The article was taken from the Internet.


Figure skating is expensive. Good skates are assembled separately - boots and blades. Naturally, not made in Russia. On average it costs 30-40 thousand rubles. You change your skates once a season at best. Adult athletes who perform triple and quadruple jumps have shoes that break more often. In addition, there are suits, which are also expensive. Each figure skater's dress is trimmed with Swarovski stones - 6-7 thousand stones each. This is another 30-35 thousand rubles. At least the dress lasts for the whole season, and then it can be sold.

I’m not talking about silicone, which figure skaters need to prevent their boots from chafing, sponges, sharpening blades, laces, hooks on boots that constantly fall off. It seems like a small thing, and then you look back - and 100 thousand are no longer there.

The most important thing is training. If you are not on the national team, no one pays you anything: neither a coach, nor a choreographer, nor a physical training coach. There are Olympic reserve schools where classes are not so expensive - 20-30 thousand per month. This is for the training and the trainer.

Nowadays, coaching is popular - individual lessons, tutoring. A good trainer costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles per hour. Therefore, you need to earn very well in order to send your child to figure skating. There are stories when a coach forces students to take individual lessons: “So it’s like this. On Saturday individual, you come, Vasya, you, Masha, and you, Katya. If you don’t come, you’ll be without my attention next week.” Yes, this is blackmail. Thank God this didn’t happen to me: my coaches were all professionals, all were honored coaches of Russia. And it’s unlikely that my parents would take me to individual lessons; I already have three hours of ice every day.

It happens that 200 grams is a plus - and that’s it, there are no jumps. And sometimes a person gains two kilograms - and at least that’s all that matters to him. Skaters eat everything. Some people don’t eat at all – to maintain weight. Someone eats once a day, because every morning there is a weigh-in: without having breakfast, you go to training, they weigh you, and you’re done. You work out and then you get drunk for lunch, because they won’t weigh you anymore today - and that’s it, this is your only meal. You can’t eat in the evening, because you have to weigh yourself again in the morning. Naturally, girls who eat and don’t gain weight are simply hated.

Children also have problems with excess weight. And sometimes the coach doesn’t let a girl go to class because she’s fat. “You are left without ice, without choreography, without physical training. You’ll know how to eat, honey.”


While the kids are at the rink, everything happens in the locker room. Parents do everything for their children and gossip about everything: who went where, who they saw with whom, who undeservedly got into the national team, and who should quit altogether. They are not allowed to attend training because they take too active part. They quickly forget that there is a coach at the skating rink. They think they know everything. They yell at the child how to raise his arm, how to place his foot. That's why they sit in the locker room.

At one skating rink there are glass windows in the locker rooms, they were specially painted over, but parents pick off the paint and peek. They do everything possible to see the child: they look through any crack, they climb into the pourer’s room. And then they come to the locker room and say to some neighboring mother: “Oh, Mash, the coach didn’t pay any attention to your child today.” And then it begins: “Why do you pay more attention to her, but not to mine at all?”

Locker room

Sometimes athletes fight. “Today I was skating a program, and you, ***** [damn], interrupted me.” And CDs with music in you. Or: “Are you blind? Why don’t you give in to me at the skating rink!” The athletes who go to the World and European Championships are already adults, they have achieved their goal, they have broken into the elite who go to big competitions. They have no time for this trash, who doesn’t even qualify for the Russian Championship. I don’t understand why they are fighting - this is not the Olympic Games, not the World Championship, not even the Moscow Championship. They fight for the coach's attention, a place on the rink, a place in the locker room - for everything, and it's kind of crazy.

I had a case. Winter, a lot of outerwear. I put my things down and went to get some ballet shoes, but my bag apparently ended up on someone else’s territory. I arrive: it’s lying on the floor, naturally, it was opened before this so that everything would fall out. I was shocked. That's why everyone carries skates with them. A friend of mine was given a needle that went into her thumb - right under the nail. Naturally, she didn't ride for several weeks.


In figurine, children are stretched in the same way as in gymnastics. It all depends on the choreographer: for example, I was never torn, they pulled calmly, little by little, and I always had a good stretch. But 80 percent of children vomit because they need stretching. Instead of the stick that Chinese gymnastics coaches have, we have a plastic cover for the blade. The coach holds this case in his hands and rubs it on his knees and hands. And this is not perceived as something terrible. This is already normal.

By the way, parents push even more than coaches. After training, a child enters the locker room, and cruelty begins there: parents beat their children in front of everyone, they saw everything through a crack. “Why didn’t you work, why didn’t you raise your hands?” - and 15 people around begin to say this. Hitting a child on the head is normal. Hitting your head against a wall is also normal. No one sitting next to you will say: “What are you doing?”

And the coaches... I don’t know how brutal it is considered to put a ponytail on the top of a little girl’s head and lift her by the hair while jumping. This is a training process; there is no other way to teach it. Older skaters have a so-called fishing rod - the athlete puts on a vest and a long stick clings to it. The coach follows you and lifts you up during the jumps - this is a mini-belay for you to learn triple jumps. This is not considered savagery.


I haven’t heard of a single sport yet where it wasn’t: “Oh, how drunk we were.” They drink in figure skating, but not everyone. And if they drink, it’s so loud that the whole hotel is destroyed.

One very talented girl lost her season because she went on a drinking binge. I lost the selection for the European Championship and apparently decided that my figure skating life was over. She just got drunk - and actively posted everything on social networks: how cute it was for her to hug a bottle and a glass, and various friends. But she got out. Now this is a cool Russian figure skater. For me – generally number one.

There are also those who are drinking at the training camp at 12. Why not, in fact? When everyone is drinking, why not you too?

You can only earn money if you participate in commercial shows. Now there are a lot of them. If you are a world champion, you get an average of 10 thousand dollars per show - you have to go out at exhibition performances, wave to everyone and leave. Naturally, they jump: whoever takes risks is liked by the audience, and they call him again. But there are no mandatory elements in the show - you can jump what you do best: wake up the skater, he will put his boots on his bare feet and still jump a triple toe loop - and the audience will be: “Ahh, he’s a god, how he jumped.”

At competitions - if you are top, if you take 1-2-3 places at the Grand Prix - you also earn money. For first place at the European Championships, single skaters receive about 20 thousand dollars, at the World Championships it was 50 thousand: of which you give 20 percent to the Federation, 30 percent to the coach.

In figure skating, everyone sleeps with each other. As actors, you have a very narrow circle; you don’t see anyone in your life except these people. Therefore, everyone met each other, beat each other’s suitors, wives, husbands, gave birth to each other’s children. Like in the circus.

One figure skater disappeared in Sochi after the team championship. The coach looked for her all evening and night, and then she was seen leaving the house of the Russian hockey team. Not in a very sober state. But anyway, she won a medal

This same girl lived with her coach. Yes, they slept and met. Her then-coach generally liked to sleep with his players. But he is wonderful: in excellent shape, like all skaters. He looks very good, always neat, combed, and dressed to the nines. At the same time, he is very smart, very talented. There is nothing strange in the fact that his students fall in love with him and give themselves over to him.

Sex between partners

Maybe this ruins everything. Or maybe it helps. Because there must be a connection between partners, they often roll out love stories. 70 percent are love stories. Of course, it helps if they live together, love and feel each other, sleep. They don't waste energy on playing love.

Often couples break up when love ends. How did Averbukh leave Anisina? He fell in love with Ira Lobacheva and began skating with her, and Anisina went to France to look for a partner. Volosozhar met with her partner Morozov, then he graduated, began to train her, paired her with Trankov - now they have announced their engagement. Trankov himself skated with Mukhortova, and Mukhortova lived with the coach. And they often attacked Maxim: “He trains poorly, he’s lazy, because of him Masha can’t win anything.” Max even said in an interview that they slandered him, that he did not want to work with them. And in the end he left, for Mukhortova it came as a surprise: “He went to some Tanya Volosozhar.” I don’t know where Masha is now, but we know where Maxim is.

Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar

There are a lot of gays in figure skating, it's true. Almost all Americans are gay. Johnny Weir was married twice - I don't know for sure. And he doesn't hide it. They say that Yuzuru Hanyu, the Olympic champion, is also gay. They also talk about Daisuke Takasahi. This is not advertised by them in any way, but it can be seen from the manner of skating. In figure skating, no one asks this question - they are your friends, they skate awesome, they are very flexible, they have a different emotion on the ice. Maxim Trankov is friends with Stéphane Lambiel. I think the Swiss is gay. They are friends and perform together in shows. In figure skating there is no such thing: you are gay, that means you are an outcast, get out of here.

I don’t know about gays in Russian figure skating. But it seems to me that we don’t have them. Because we have a very homophobic society.

Stephane Lambiel and Johnny Weir


It's no secret that she swears like a shoemaker. This is a 15-year-old child whose words make his ears curl into tubes and fall off. They have this form of communication with the coach: they send each other good wishes, sparks fly during training. Those who went to interview them also spoke about this. Nobody wrote about it, but everyone knows about it and is silent. Yes, Lipnitskaya is very important. It’s probably difficult to withstand so much attention at 15 years old. Why is that? Maybe her mother raised her like this: look, you’re a star.

Julia doesn’t give her phone number to anyone, to anyone at all: even those who ride with her don’t have it. She lives such a closed life, but at the same time she is open to offers: to appear on the cover or something like that.

Nothing is known about her dad. Figure skaters' parents are often divorced. All trainers love poor unfortunate people with whom you can do whatever you want. They like the child to be completely given to you. And when there is a full-fledged family, the child has family holidays, and he already belongs to his parents. In general, I was never interested in Yulia’s father. And mom is raising Yulia. She brings her to the skating rink, watches her for 24 hours, goes to competitions, because, they say, over the weekend Yulia can gain 3 kilograms and get fat.

They talk a lot about her. For example, that she blew the minds of the Federation with her demands: she allegedly drove an armored car to Sochi. Like: “I’m so sick of everyone.” Someone said that she recently said to Averbukh: “What kind of program did you give me x...y?” What? Who are you?

Yulia Lipnitskaya


Of the Russian figure skaters, he is the richest, because he is the most titled and goes to shows the most. In terms of status, he is completely from another planet – this is evidenced at least by the fact that he was allowed to compete at the Olympics. He did not qualify for the Russian Championship, after which they decided that the one who performed better at the European Championship would go to Sochi. Voronov took second place, but for some reason Kovtun and Plushenko argued for a ticket to the Olympics. Here the world of figure skating is a little confused about the logic of the Federation - what does Kovtun have to do with it? Yes, he won the Russian championship - what does Plushenko have to do with it? After all, the conditions for the trip to Sochi were announced. Kovtun failed the European Championship, he drove instead of the filling machine.

About the Olympics itself. Someone says that Zhenya’s vanity played a role after the team championship: now I’ll win. And these guys, his rivals, were doing such quadruple jumps that he was simply scared. Someone says that his back really hurt and he couldn’t stand the pain. I believe in it. Although it looked unnatural.

Of course, Zhenya is a unique skater. Few people can perform at a high level for so long. He deserved this status. At all competitions he lived in luxury rooms. I could afford it. I don't consider this some kind of snobbery. And in his behavior he is completely different from everyone else. And he walks differently. Well, he's a king. At competitions he travels not with everyone else by bus, but by car. But he says hello and smiles. When he goes on the ice, you can see from his skating, from his hands, from the way he takes steps - he is beautiful. I can't say anything bad.

Nobody discusses his marriage with Rudkovskaya in figure skating - he got married and got married. For some reason, everyone thinks that not a day goes by without discussing Plushenko. This is wrong. Everyone has already forgotten him. Maybe that’s why he periodically gives interviews and says that he’s coming back.

Evgeni Plushenko

Women trainers

There is a story about the relationship between two female trainers in the female figure. One had a husband, the other was his mistress and gave birth to a daughter. Either he lived with two families, or he left his wife at that time. But the female brain remembers everything, even if it happened in the last century. For a woman, this rivalry will remain for the rest of her life - and not only in terms of the fight for Olympic medals. I don’t know what happened next. I only know that these two women have children from the same man.

They were both in Sochi. They cannot avoid intersecting. It is unlikely that they avoid each other: avoidance is the lot of the weak. And there both of them are still young ladies who fight back against each other. I never heard anything bad about one of them: some dirty rumors that she betrayed someone or yelled at her children. She is a strict coach - without this there will be no champions. Yes, they say she drives her students to psychological exhaustion, but if there are good results, why blame her?

The other one has the opposite. There were rumors that she had reached an agreement with the Federation, and one skater was kicked out of the team competition in Sochi. At the last moment she was told that her services were not needed. Another rumor is that her main skater is leaving her. But they did not agree with the federation, which approves any change of coaches. Hushed up. “Rumor, rumor, rumor, it’s not about us, it’s all the parents who started it.” But rumors don’t just happen: why don’t I hear them about someone else, why am I always talking about her? Last year especially.

By the way, after all these stories, I can’t say that I’m disappointed in figure skating. I forgave him. If my loved ones ask whether to send my child to figure skating or not, I will say yes. Despite everything. It strengthens you: when they throw your skates off the bench, when they discuss you in front of you in the locker room. People develop immunity: you can stand up for yourself, you gain strength and an athletic figure. I will also send my children to figure skating.