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Interesting facts about Yesenin briefly. Interesting facts from the life of Yesenin. The most interesting fact about Yesenin. Yesenin biography: interesting facts about Yesenin

Educated, vulnerable, amorous - many Interesting Facts about Yesenin refute the myth of his naivety and simplicity. He called himself a “buffoon and brawler”, “the last poet of the village”, he seemed to be in plain sight: he joked, drank, rowdy, swore. But he remained incomprehensible, which undoubtedly hastened his death. So what was Sergei Yesenin really like?

  1. In childhood, Serezha was raised, in addition to his mother, by his grandfather.. Fyodor Titov, despite his peasant origin, was an educated and intelligent man. The boy's first playmates were adult uncles living in the same house as his grandfather.
  2. Yesenin was erudite and persistent, had a good education at that time: graduated with honors from the zemstvo school, then the parochial school. It is noteworthy that while studying at Konstantinovo, he was left for the second year in the 3rd grade due to bad behavior.
  3. Yesenin could become a teacher, but the pedagogical field did not appeal to him. As a teenager, he firmly decided that he would become a poet. Sergey wrote his first verse when he was 8. At the age of 15, his poetic work became systematic, he sent some of his works to a lyric competition and, in the end, moved to Moscow.
  4. In the capital, Sergei first lived and worked with his father in a butcher's shop. Then, in order to be closer to literary circles, he got a job as a worker at a printing house. The meeting of Yesenin with Blok can be attributed to the category of interesting facts about writers. The novice poet, working in a printing house, tried to make useful contacts, but this did not give a tangible result. Then he, having learned the address of Blok, came to him for an audition.
  5. In 1913, Yesenin had an office romance with Anna Izryadnova, which ended in a civil marriage and the birth of a son, Yuri. Their family did not last long: a year later the poet packed up and left for Petrograd. As Izryadnova later recalled, the last time she saw Yesenin before her death, he came to say goodbye. A tragic future awaited their joint son: in the year 37, Yuri was shot, accused of preparing an assassination attempt on Stalin.


  6. During the First World War, Yesenin served as an orderly on a field military train. under the auspices of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Together with other poets, he repeatedly performed in Tsarskoye Selo before members of the imperial family.


  7. In 1917 Sergei married the actress Zinaida Reich.. The new marriage lasted four years, during which the couple rushed between Orel, where Reich's parents lived, and Moscow, did not live together for a long time. This was followed by a painful break, which led Zinaida to nervous exhaustion. A year later, the actress married director Meyerhold. He also adopted Yesenin's children - Kostya and Tanya.
  8. Crowded literary evenings at the beginning of the 20th century were commonplace. Yesenin recited not only his poems, but also the works of Bely and Blok. While reading, he gesticulated expressively, trying to imitate the speech manner of the authors.
  9. Yesenin had a very difficult relationship with Mayakovsky. Both were intolerant, publicly criticizing each other, often without embarrassment in expressions. At the same time, reverse information has also been preserved, where each of the poets recognizes the giftedness and significance of the ideological enemy.
  10. For a while, Yesenin was a vegetarian. According to eyewitnesses, he had two phobias - fear of policemen and infection with syphilis.
  11. The second official wife of Yesenin was Isadora Duncan - a famous American dancer. Accompanying his wife during the tour, Sergei traveled all over Western Europe, visited the United States. A tragic love story with jealousy, scandals, assault ended in a break. Yesenin fell in love with another and stayed in Moscow.
  12. The new passion of the poet was the secretary Galina Benislavskaya. After the poet's death, she committed suicide on his grave.
  13. Yesenin's last companion - Sophia Tolstaya, granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy.
  14. Before his death, the poet spent a month in a neuropsychiatric clinic.


  15. There are a lot of assumptions about the death of Yesenin - from suicide due to depression to murder for political reasons. Marina Tsvetaeva often thought about the death of the poet, suggesting that he was ruined by the need to adapt to modern Soviet realities.

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Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin(1895-1925) - an outstanding Russian poet, a representative of the new peasant poetry and lyrics, and in a later period of creativity - Imagism.

in front of you short biography Sergei Yesenin, in which we will briefly talk about the main events of the short but vibrant life of a wonderful Russian poet, whose name is on a par with, and.

Yesenin's biography

Sergei Yesenin was born in 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province (see). His parents were peasants, and in addition to Sergei had two daughters: Ekaterina and Alexandra.

In 1904, Yesenin entered the zemstvo school in his native village, and in 1909 he began his studies at the parochial school in Spas-Klepiki.

Having a quick-tempered and restless character, Yesenin arrived in Moscow on an autumn day in 1912 in search of happiness. First, he got a job in a butcher's shop, and then began working in the printing house of I.D. Sytin.

Since 1913, he became a volunteer at the University named after A. L. Shanyavsky and made friends with the poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle. It must be said that this was of greater importance in the further formation of personality. future star in the sky of Russian literature.

Special signs of Sergei Yesenin

The beginning of creativity

The first poems by Sergei Yesenin were published in the children's magazine Mirok in 1914.

This seriously influenced his biography, but after a few months he left for Petrograd, where he made important acquaintances with A. Blok, S. Gorodetsky, N. Klyuev and other outstanding poets of his time.

Yesenin reads his mother's poems

After a short time, a collection of poems called "Radunitsa" is published. Yesenin also collaborates with Socialist-Revolutionary magazines. The poems "Transfiguration", "Oktoih" and "Inonia" are printed in them.

After three years, that is, in 1918, the poet returns to, where, together with Anatoly Mariengof, he becomes one of the founders of the Imagists.

Starting to write the famous poem "Pugachev", he traveled to many significant and historical places: the Caucasus, Solovki, Crimea, and even got to where he visited his friend, the poet Alexander Shiryaevts.

It is believed that it was from Tashkent that his performances before the public at poetry evenings began.

It is difficult to fit all the adventures that happened to him during these travels into a short biography of Sergei Yesenin.

In 1921, a serious change took place in Yesenin's life, as he married the famous dancer Isadora Duncan.

After the wedding, the couple went on a trip to Europe and America. However, soon after returning from abroad, the marriage with Duncan broke up.

Yesenin's last days

The last few years of his life, the poet worked hard, as if foreseeing his imminent death. He traveled a lot around the country and went to the Caucasus three times.

In 1924, a trip took place to, and then to, where his works “The Poem of Twenty-Six”, “Anna Snegina”, “Persian Motifs” and the collection of poems “Red East” are being printed.

When the October Revolution took place, it gave the work of Sergei Yesenin a new, special force. Singing love for the motherland, he, one way or another, touches on the theme of revolution and freedom.

It is conventionally believed that in the post-revolutionary period there were two great poets: Sergei Yesenin and. During their lives, they were stubborn rivals, constantly competing in talent.

Although no one allowed himself to make mean statements about his opponent. The compilers of Yesenin's biography often quote his words:

“I am still Koltsov, and I love Blok. I am only learning from them and from Pushkin. What do you say. He knows how to write - that's true, but is it poetry, poetry? I don't love him. He has no order. Things are falling on things. From poetry, there should be order in life, but with Mayakovsky everything is like after an earthquake, and the corners of all things are so sharp that it hurts the eyes.

Yesenin's death

On December 28, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was found dead in the Angleterre Hotel in Leningrad. According to the official version, he hanged himself after being treated in a neuropsychiatric hospital for some time.

I must say that, given the long depression of the poet, such a death was not news to anyone.

However, at the end of the twentieth century, thanks to lovers of Yesenin's work, new data began to emerge from the biography and death of Yesenin.

Due to the prescription of time, it is difficult to establish the exact events of those days, but the version that Yesenin was killed, and then only staged suicide, looks quite reliable. As it was in fact, we will probably never know.

Yesenin's biography, like his poems, is filled with a deep experience of life and all its paradoxes. The poet managed to feel and convey on paper all the features of the Russian soul.

Undoubtedly, he can be safely attributed to the great Russian poets, called a fine connoisseur of Russian life, as well as an amazing artist of the word.

Posthumous photo of Yesenin

Yesenin's last verse

Goodbye my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined parting
Promises to meet in the future.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Do not be sad and do not sadness of the eyebrows, -
In this life, dying is not new,
But to live, of course, is not newer.

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Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925) - Russian poet. He was born in the village of Konstantinovo (Ryazan province) into a peasant family and during his short life he wrote many wonderful poems, some of which later even became songs. In this article, we have collected 10 interesting facts from the life of Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin, which we hope you will like!

1. For the first time, Sergei Yesenin's poems were published in the Mirok magazine in 1914. And the first collection of poems was released in 1916 and was called "Radunitsa".

2. in 1909, Sergei Yesenin studied at the parochial teacher's school with Spas-Klepiki. Today it is no longer a school, but a museum of S.A. Yesenin.

3. After leaving school in 1912, Yesenin went to Moscow, where he worked in a butcher's shop.

4. Yesenin was married three times. His last wife, Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, was her own granddaughter.

5. Yesenin's second marriage was notable for the fact that his wife (American dancer) Isadora Duncan practically did not speak Russian, and Sergei Alexandrovich himself did not speak English at all. As a result, their marriage lasted a little over a year. In 1968, a British-French film dedicated to this dancer was released, which is called Isadora. The role of Yesenin went to a certain Zvonimir Chrnko.

6. Sergei Yesenin is one of the many Russian poets whose poems were used in songs. IN different time songs based on Yesenin's verses were performed by Alexander Malinin ("Zabava"), the Alpha group, Lyudmila Zykina ("Hear, the sleigh is rushing"), Nadezhda Babkina ("Golden Grove Dissuaded"), Galina Nenasheva "Birch", Nikolai Karachentsov ("Queen") , Oleg Pogudin, Nikita Dzhigurda, gr. Mongol Shuudan ("Moscow"), Vika Tsyganova, Zemfira and many others.

7. Being married, Sergei Yesenin had an affair on the side with the poetess and translator Nadezhda Volpin. From this union, their illegitimate son Alexander was born in 1924. To date, he is still alive, lives in the United States and bears the double surname Yesenin-Volpin.

8. On December 28, 1925, Yesenin is found hanging from a heating pipe in his room at the Angleterre Hotel. A farewell note was also found, written in blood in the form of a poem "Farewell my friend, farewell ...". Sergei was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

9. Many are still arguing about the death of Sergei Yesenin. It is said that he could not hang himself, as there was no reason for this. Contemporaries note that on the eve of his death, he was cheerful and cheerful, in addition, he was looking forward to the release of his new collection of poems.

10. Sergei Yesenin had his Literary Secretary Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya, who for five years was engaged in all Yesenin's literary affairs, negotiated with the editors. She was very attached to Yesenin, and according to Sergei's friends, she wanted to be Yesenin's only close friend. She even accused the poet's friends and even his sister Ekaterina of trying in every possible way to destroy their relationship. Almost a year after Yesenin's death (December 3, 1926), Galina Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery. She also left a suicide note containing the following lines: “In this grave, everything is most dear to me ...”

Yesenin is a great Russian poet, originally from the village of Konstantinovo. Born in 1895 in a simple peasant family. The poet was able to overcome the thorny path, starting as a little boy, ending with the most famous hooligan in Russia.

Yesenin's contemporaries often called him peasant rebel. Yesenin was a passionate poet, and his poems could not fit into the framework of the literature of that time. At the age of seventeen, the poet already clearly knew his goal - to become the most famous poet in Russia. Interesting facts from the life of Yesenin:

Sergei Yesenin had two sisters Katya and Shura

The poet was especially reverent and paternal in his attitude to Shurochka, often affectionately calling Shurenok, Shurevna. The difference between brother and sister was sixteen years. He treated Katya in an adult way, asked for advice, in his eyes she was a sensible girl. He loved both sisters very much. In 1921, Yesenin took Ekaterina with him to Moscow, and after 3 years, his younger sister Alexandra.

Was quite erudite

He successfully graduated from college in 1909. He could graduate from a church school and go to work as a teacher, but Yesenin did not like the profession of a teacher at all, so after studying for a little more than a year, Yesenin quits his studies and begins to educate himself.

Published poem

Sergei Yesenin's poem "Birch" was published not under his own name, but under the pseudonym "Areston". It was published in the first issue of the children's magazine "Mirok" in 1914.

Collection of poems

Two years later, after the first publication of the poem, the first collection "Radunitsa" is published, which contains 33 poems by Sergei Yesenin. Critics greeted the collection kindly, emphasizing a special love for nature and their homeland. There are many songs whose lyrics are poems by Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.

Yesenin's women

Anna Romanovna Izryadnova. Muscovite Anna Romanovna Izryadnova, who was 4 years older than Yesenin, became the first wife of the poet. We met at the printing house, where Sergei Yesenin came to work as a proofreader. A year later, the son Yuri Yesenin was born. But the child did not keep a civil marriage - they broke up.

Yesenin left for Petrograd, but did not return to Anna. But they stayed good friends. Yesenin could come to Anna and talk, ask for help. For example, shortly before her death, Anna Izryadnova saw him, came to say goodbye to her and urged her son not to spoil, but to protect and educate.

Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. One summer, Yesenin and the poet Ganin decided to move away from the bustle of the big city, and with them the young and beautiful secretary Zinaida Reich. During the trip, Yesenin realized that he needed a woman like Zinaida, they soon got married. The poet was insanely jealous and often reproached his beloved that he was not her first, although he himself was not very faithful.

Yesenin liked to drink. Often, after another drinking bout, he liked to make grandiose scandals to his wife, who, by the way, was pregnant at that moment. The first child was born - daughter Tanechka. Over the next months, the couple had eternal scandals, they dispersed, then again Zinaida returned to Yesenin. They lived together for a while, but a final break followed. In winter, in 1920, a son was born, Zinaida named him Konstantin. Yesenin did not even consider it necessary to meet with his son. Their meeting took place spontaneously, entering the train compartment, the poet only exclaimed “Horror, black! Yesenins are not black. Officially, the marriage with Reich was annulled only in 1921, at the initiative of Yesenin.

Isadora Duncan. An American dancer who barely knew a few words of Russian and a poet who knew no English at all were married in 1922. The marriage was short-lived, in the summer of next year Yesenin returned to Moscow.

Journalist and literary secretary, with whom Sergei Yesenin lives. Galina probably really loved Yesenin. All the five years that they had known each other, she was engaged in his literary affairs, negotiated with editors and concluded agreements with them. Yesenin considered Galina a true friend, and she dreamed of living with him. Galina kept waiting for Yesenin to notice in her a woman whom she could love. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait. In 1925 he married Sophia Tolstaya.

Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya. Marries for the third time the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy. He was so shy in front of Sophia because of her aristocracy, but he did not love her. Everything ended too quickly, Yesenin died, and Sofya Tolstaya devoted her life to collecting and publishing the poet's poems. As Yesenin's contemporaries said: "Many loved him, but there was little love in Sergei's life."

A few more facts related to the life of Sergei Yesenin

  1. Yesenin and Anna Izryadnova had a son, Georgy, who was accused of counter-revolutionary activities and was shot.
  2. Yesenin's illegitimate son, Alexander Volpin-Yesenin, died on March 16, 2016.
  3. Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya, the woman who so passionately dreamed of being Yesenin's love, shot herself at his grave a year after the poet's death.
  4. The granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy tried to place Yesenin in a psycho-neurological clinic for examination and treatment, from where he escaped.
  5. In several of his works, Yesenin is very critical of the authorities and Russian leaders, which may have served as a motive for the murder of the poet.
  6. The most famous question that torments many people even now: Did Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin hang himself or was he killed? The poet's body was found hanged at the Angleterre Hotel. But many of the poet's contemporaries did not believe in the version of suicide. He was not sad that day and was anxiously awaiting the release of his new collection.

Reading time: 3 min

We know Yesenin from school as a hooligan and a drunkard who sings of blue Rus' and women. But there are interesting facts about Yesenin that remain outside the school curriculum. The brilliant poet always surprised his friends and family with risky deeds that lifted him to the top of Mount Olympus and dragged him into the abyss of hopelessness.

From childhood, Yesenin stood out among his peers, he was not particularly eager to be a worker, although he loved his homeland reverently, he could wander through the fields for hours, enjoying the natural splendor. From the age of 5, grandfather Titov was engaged in the upbringing of the poet, he was distinguished by high intelligence and education. It was he who instilled in Yesenin a passionate love for literature, and his grandmother constantly told folk tales, sang ditties and taught her grandson interesting sayings and parables. In such an atmosphere it was impossible not to grow up as a sensual and loving person. Later he was raised by his mother.

He went to study at the Parish School, graduated with honors and went to Moscow, to his father. The father worked in a butcher's shop, but the son could not endure even six months in this activity. He declared himself the future great Russian poet and went to conquer the fatherland. First - the service, then - readings at the Empress, later - the final fame throughout the country.

  • The main idol of the poet was A. Blok. It was this writer who appreciated Yesenin's first poems in terms of professionalism. And the young poet amused Blok with perseverance and rustic manners.
  • Yesenin was married 4 times (not including numerous hobbies).
  • Yesenin considered Galina Benislavskaya a friend and companion, and she loved him. After the death of the poet, Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave and was buried near Yesenin.
  • Yesenin had two interesting phobias - a terrible fear of the police and a panicky fear of contracting syphilis.
  • At one time, Sergei Yesenin was a vegetarian.
  • Isadora Duncan - Yesenin's most famous woman saw in him her son, who died in infancy. Duncan did not speak Russian, Yesenin did not speak English, but in passionate quarrels their dialogue consisted of a linguistic mixture of abusive words. Friends were very amused.
  • After the death of Yesenin, Isadora died tragically and absurdly: she got out of the taxi, and her long scarf pinched the car door, the car started off and strangled the great dancer.
  • Yesenin and Mayakovsky, although in public they showed disdain for each other, in fact, each admired the talent of his opponent. An interesting fact in Yesenin's biography: Mayakovsky, once reading his poems, exclaimed at the top of his voice: "Damn talented!" But from everyone in the room, he severely demanded never to tell anyone about this.