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How to beautifully cut a watermelon: various options for original ideas. How to cut a watermelon into cubes: interesting ideas, recommendations and reviews What is it like to cut a watermelon beautifully

The homeland of watermelon is hot African countries, but our country is the leader in the consumption of such a tasty berry. There are a huge number of recommendations on the Internet on how to properly cut a watermelon. The most effective life hacks are collected in the review below.

Popular design types

What types of cutting are there? The most common are the following:

  • By type of cake. First of all, remove the top and base, and then cut it into two equal halves. Each of them is then cut into pieces of a standard size.
  • For celebrations. Remove the top (for example, with a cleaver) and cut into 4 pieces. Then remove the pulp from the crust (take a knife with an elongated blade without serrations) and leave it directly on it. To make it easier to eat, the pulp is cut directly into the crust. When serving, place a fork nearby.
  • For the salad. Cut the watermelons into squares of the required size. This is easy to do - remove the skin and place the pulp on a cutting board. Hold parallel and cut circles, and then long strips (to prevent them from falling apart, their width should not be less than 2 cm). After this they are divided into cubes.

All of the above methods are very easy to implement and will not take much time.

You can cut the striped plant crosswise. This technique is classic. Just cut it down the middle along a horizontal line and divide it into several more equal pieces. If the fruit is very small, you can simply eat its pulp with a spoon.

Slicing a watermelon for a celebration

This fruit is simply an ideal product to demonstrate your creative nature to everyone. The following types of serving will help you decorate your holiday table beautifully and amaze your guests:

  • In the form of spheres. For this purpose, you can take a spoon that has sharp edges. But the most convenient device for making watermelon balls remains a noisette. To make the spheres look very beautiful, place them in a transparent glass vase or bowl. You can wow your guests by adding melon balls. The aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • In the form of figures. Regular cookie cutters will work for this method. At the initial stage, the fruit is cut into slices, and then pressed, as it were, with molds. Such figures would be appropriate at children's parties. They are drizzled with chocolate sauce or topped with whipped cream. The resulting products look like cupcakes.
  • Like ice cream. Of course, this is not a natural ice cream, but it will also turn out very tasty. To prepare such a delicacy, the fruit is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into triangles. Each base is cut with a knife and a special wooden stick is stuck into it. Pour melted white chocolate over the dessert and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

In addition to the options listed, others can be used. For example, divide the watermelon into arbitrary circles, diamonds or squares and thread them onto skewers. The result is a canape that is very refreshing in the heat. You can coat each layer with liquid honey or butter cream. Condensed milk is also perfect (it’s better to take boiled milk).

For children's birthday

If you are planning a child's birthday, prepare a watermelon hedgehog. Free the striped plant from the crust, but not completely. There should be about one quarter left.

Where the skin remains, cut out a triangle. Then insert it back to create a mouth and nose. Blueberries will serve as eyes. To imitate the animal's needle-like back, cut out triangles using a flexible knife from the freed portion of the flesh. Then sticks or toothpicks are inserted into it. This will help enhance the resemblance to a forest animal.

When serving, place the hedgehog in a box and place apples and pears next to it. The children will be delighted!

Slicer for even slices

For those who love traditional slicing of this aromatic delicacy, we recommend purchasing a slicer. It is especially suitable if you eat watermelons often and don’t want the extra hassle. This will allow you to get even slices.

Place the device on top, placing it on the base, and lower the handles downwards. To cut a ripe fruit, you need to make a very tiny effort, but the resulting result is worth it.

The knives in the slicer will not destroy the pulp and will easily remove even the thickest peel. Consider the diameter of such a device when buying fruit in a store. It must be remembered that neat slices will only appear if the circumference of the fruit and the device are correctly selected.

Don’t throw away watermelon rinds, because you can make fragrant candied fruits from them. Peel them from the outer skin and cut them as desired. Add sugar (for 500 g of slices you need to take exactly half as much) and add 2 g of citric acid. Bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat. Can be supplemented with a pinch of vanillin. Use a slotted spoon to place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and let dry. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and delicious candied fruits are ready!

How to cut a small watermelon

If you plant small watermelons or bought such miniature ones at the market, you can use a special slicing option for them. At the beginning it is divided into identical parts. After this, the white pulp and crust are cut off. Next, place the half in a cup of suitable size so that its top lies at the bottom. Then it is cut crosswise and lengthwise into 4 pieces, which can be eaten immediately.

Not everyone knows that if you don’t have a knife at hand, an ordinary coin will help you cut the fruit. Don't forget to wash it well! Insert the coin into the peel and press down lightly so that it fits inside. This will cause the skin to burst. Then you can eat the watermelon with a spoon. Small fruits are best suited for this method.

Cutting methods depending on the area

The options presented below are perfect for parties and buffets. And you can cope with cutting the juicy pulp in 5 minutes:

  • Mexicans cut watermelons into cubes. To do this, the green, aromatic berry is divided into two equal halves. What comes out is cut into slices, and then into small neat squares. All that remains is to turn the cutting board along with the cubes into a plate and the sweet treat is ready! You can use these squares as the basis for a stunning salad. It is enough to supplement them with blackberries, raspberries and low-fat yogurt. Young children will really like this dish.

  • The Turkish way of slicing requires a large number of guests. Also, once served, it must be completely eaten immediately or it will spoil. To begin with, the fruit is completely peeled (it is most convenient to do this with a large knife). Then the delicious berry is divided into 4 servings, and then each of them into small pieces. We guarantee that your guests will be delighted because this method will not leave any traces of juice on your clothes. You just need to pick up the watermelon with a fork and put it in your mouth.
  • Quite an interesting cutting method among Astrakhan residents. The round fruit is cut into two parts and the top is removed (on one side only). After this, the berries are placed on a dish with the lower part, which is not cut off. Next, the fruit is cut into equal segments, like a regular cake, after which it will fall apart in the form of a “rose.” The same should be done with the other half.

If you purchased a mini watermelon, cut it into a “rose” shape.

You can use a method in which the fruit is placed in a kind of basket made of peel. It is best to take the peel from another watermelon for this purpose.

Scoop out the pulp using a special spoon with a very long handle. Proceed carefully, otherwise you can easily damage the future table decoration. After this, you need to turn the watermelon peel over (place a large basin first) so that all the juice can drain.

To make the product even more beautiful, cut the edges in the form of small triangles. If you try really hard, you can make some kind of waves or even stick toothpicks with berries strung on them into the edge of the fruit. Decorating the edges of the basket with cherries or cranberries will look very impressive.

How to eat watermelon correctly

How to eat such a juicy berry? According to the rules of etiquette, the watermelon is taken by the green base and placed on a plate. As for the hands, they are blotted with a paper napkin. Cut off a little bit from each portion and scoop out the seeds with a fork.

If a seed does end up in your mouth, place it on the edge of the plate, after spitting it out onto the tip of the cutlery (do this without others noticing). You can use a napkin for this purpose.

Also note:

Watermelon is a berry whose pulp contains useful substances such as glucose, sucrose and a little fructose. Watermelon is grown in ninety-eight countries around the world. Usually it is eaten only fresh and in the hot season, as this berry quenches thirst well.

Serving watermelon

Many of us have wondered how to properly cut a watermelon? We will try to briefly highlight the answer to this question in this article. There are many ways to serve and cut watermelon, it all depends on the event at which this berry will be used.

How watermelon is cut in different countries

How to cut a watermelon correctly? Let's find out how they do it in Moldova. Before eating this berry, be sure to wash it. In the future, everything is simple: cut the watermelon in half into two equal halves. Next, take one half of our berry and divide it into slices. The watermelon is cut, and you can start the meal. And this is where the problem arises. The fact is that the slices turn out to be too large, and when you bite into it, your whole face gets dirty with juice, which you will have to wipe off with napkins or simply rinse with water.

People in Ukraine know well how to cut a watermelon correctly. This method is even easier than the first. We cut off the round layers of the watermelon and then cut these circles into sectors. One circle is usually cut into four sectors. Each sector fits easily into the oral cavity.

How to properly cut a watermelon “Caucasian style”? It is divided into four quarters. Take each quarter of the watermelon separately. Using a knife, separate the pulp from the rind and cut it into even slices directly into the watermelon rind. This cutting method is also convenient because if you take this watermelon with you outdoors, you don’t need any additional utensils to decorate it. The pulp will hold perfectly in its own peel.

How to serve watermelon? Let us suggest one of the methods used by bartenders of leading restaurants in our country. This method is used at parties and wedding events. In this case, we need a very sharp knife. Cut off the tops of the watermelon - the so-called lids. Next, place the fruit vertically and peel it off. We divide the peeled berries into two equal parts and cut each half into equal slices.

Chef's secret

Absolutely every person, not only in our country, but throughout the world, would probably like to know how to beautifully cut a watermelon. Many people know how to do this with a regular sharp knife. Chefs use the Carving master class set (a set of knives for cutting figures from vegetables and fruits). With this kit you can make anything - from swans to castles. There are many ways to serve watermelon. Let's look at the most common ones.

How to cut a watermelon beautifully? Photos and short descriptions will help you cope with this without difficulty.

The first method is "Basket"

For this option you will need an ice cream scoop and a sharp knife. Cut the watermelon from the center into two equal halves. Using an ice cream scoop, we make beautiful, even balls from the pulp of our berries. You will need all the watermelon pulp. From the remaining crust we make something like a basket. After you and I have cut a basket out of the peel, you fill it with the previously cut balls. Everything is easy and quite simple. In addition to balls, such baskets can be filled with triangles or cubes of pulp - as you like.

You can also make a hedgehog out of a watermelon, the technology is the same as for the basket, only you turn the rind over and cut the pulp into cubes. They need to be pinned onto toothpicks or skewers, and the result will be a prickly but harmless hedgehog. Not only watermelon pulp, but also other berries and fruits can be pricked onto the thorns.

The second method is “Watermelon ice cream”

The recipe is very simple. The watermelon is peeled from the dense green rind and cut into uniform triangles. Next, our slices are pierced with popsicle sticks and served, usually to children. Most often, the “watermelon ice cream” is topped with melted chocolate and sprinkled with nuts, then placed in the freezer for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The third method is "Hot Red Guard"

The secret of the name lies not only in the interesting method of preparation, but also in the color of the berry itself. Watermelon has a green rind combined with red flesh, which is similar in color to a soldier's uniform. And the “hot Red Guard” is prepared as follows. The watermelon is cut into equal slices, preferably in a triangular shape, sprinkled with spices and coated with honey. The slices are then grilled for a few minutes, after which the slices are removed from the heat and placed in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Watermelon using Carving master class technique

This method should be given special attention, since carving fruits and vegetables is an ancient tradition, but it came to us quite recently and has taken a fairly strong position. But in fact, those masterpieces that are obtained in the hands of a master deserve deep respect. Sculptures carved from watermelon and other fruits can decorate any celebration. They invariably attract people's attention, and their silhouettes remain in the memory for a long time, making the celebration truly unforgettable. You can endlessly carve sculptures from watermelon. Its rind is easy to cut, and the craftsman can create intricate patterns without any extra effort. The fruit combines colors such as red, white and green, which ultimately adds contrast to the sculpture. This activity will appeal not only to you, but also to your children, as it brings people closer together and perfectly develops their imagination.

Finally, the wait! The watermelon season is in full swing and the question becomes relevant: how to beautifully cut a watermelon? So, if you want to surprise your friends and relatives, then look at several ways! ()

Method 1.

We cut the watermelon into 2 parts, take one part, turn it over with the cut side down, then cut along and across to make square longitudinal slices. Watch the video:

Method 2.

We cut the watermelon in half, place it with the cut side up, and cut it at a slight angle on one side and the other, then cut it across at a right angle. Watch the video below:

Method 3.

Cut the watermelon in half, turn the half over with the cut side down, then cut off the top and sides so that there is no rind left, but only the core. Then cut lengthwise and crosswise. Then we take the dish and turn it over so that all the slices are in the dish. Watch the video below:

Method 4.

Cut the watermelon in half and place it cut side down. Cut off the top and sides so that only one core remains. Then cut lengthwise from the center and cut into large slices. Watch the video:

Method 5.

Cut the watermelon in half, then cut the half in half again. Then we cut out the quarter from the bottom under the crust and cut it crosswise into pieces. Watch the video below.

Let's be honest: cutting a watermelon can be quite a tricky task. Its round shape causes it to roll all over the cutting board and makes cutting corner cubes difficult. But there are perfect ways to cut this most beloved summer fruit, requiring only a few quick movements.

Method 1

Method 2

  1. First, use a large knife to cut the watermelon in half. Then make two long cuts down each side (but don't cut all the way through!).
  2. After this, separate the pulp from the peel by making a cut around the center along the contour of the skin.
  3. The next step is to cut the entire central part, making many intersecting cuts.
  4. Tip the watermelon and watch the pieces fall out. Voila! Watermelon magic.

Whether you're making a fancy cocktail garnish, throwing together a holiday bowl of fruit salad, or whipping up fruit skewers to serve as an appetizer, cutting your watermelon into star pieces adds a fun twist to any summer meal. Read on for a simple method for cutting a whole large watermelon into cute little stars!

You can cut stars out of watermelon very easily. Once you've peeled the fruit and cut it into slices, all you need is a cookie cutter to stamp out those stars. Once cut out, the stars can be used in several fun ways.

3 Ways to Use Watermelon Stars

  1. Fruit skewers: Alternate blueberries, watermelon stars and strawberries on bamboo skewers. Serve on a platter with a bowl of vanilla yogurt or whipped cream as a dip.
  2. Cocktail garnish: Dip watermelon stars into wine champagne or champagne, or add to any summer sangria.
  3. Fruit salad: Mix watermelon stars with carambola pieces, kiwi and drizzle with honey and lime juice. Give it a quick stir and serve as a light summer dessert.

What you will need


  • one medium seedless watermelon (about 2.25 kg).


  • large cutting board;
  • kitchen knife;
  • star shaped cookie cutter.


  1. Cut the watermelon in two: Place the fruit on a cutting board. Use a kitchen knife to cut it into two pieces.
  2. Turn the watermelon cut side down: Working with one half of the fruit at a time, turn it cut side down onto a cutting board.
  3. Cut off the peel: Using a kitchen knife, cut off a strip of skin, going straight down to expose the pink flesh. Continue cutting strips around the watermelon to remove all of the skin. Trim off any remaining pieces of peel so that only the edible portion of the fruit remains.
  4. Cut the watermelon into slices 1.3-2.5 cm thick.
  5. Use a cookie cutter to press out the stars: Separate the slices. Use a cookie cutter to cut out stars from the watermelon pieces.
  6. Repeat with the other half of the watermelon: Repeat steps 3 through 9 with the remaining half of the fruit.


  • There is no reason to throw away the remaining pieces of fruit after cutting out the stars. Use them in a smoothie or cut them into single clove cubes for a fruit salad.

A favorite summer fruit, watermelon, is often quite inconvenient to eat due to its juiciness. Instead of serving it in traditional slices, cut it into sticks.

  1. First, cut your watermelon into three sections. If you have a small fruit, then simply divide it into two parts; you should not make a middle section. But larger watermelons are easier to handle if you cut them into thirds.
  2. Lay the outer parts flat and cut them into strips 2.5-4 cm wide. Turn the watermelon and do the same, going the other way. With this easy method, you'll have watermelon sticks in no time that are perfect for kids' little hands and mouths!

Ripe, juicy watermelon is always perfect as a dessert. And if it is beautifully, neatly cut and decorated, it also becomes a decoration for any table. Some craftsmen create amazing figures from this berry. But you can cut a watermelon beautifully at home, without special skills or special kitchen appliances. Master class on cutting and several options for serving watermelon.


  • sharp long knife – 1 piece;
  • watermelon – 1 piece;
  • mint sprigs, fresh berries, coconut flakes (optional, for additional decoration).
The cutting will look more impressive if you take an oblong-shaped watermelon. Before slicing, wash the watermelon well and dry it with a napkin or paper towel.
Place the watermelon on its side so that it is convenient for you to cut it. Take a knife and cut off the “lids” evenly on both sides.

Then cut it in half lengthwise. Do the same with the resulting halves.

Separate the pulp from the crusts of each resulting quarter. To do this, carefully run a knife in the place where the flesh begins to lighten, along the entire crust.

Turn the watermelon pieces with the long side facing you and cut the flesh crosswise into slices. Choose the size of the slices according to your desire.

Place the slices on the watermelon rind in a checkerboard pattern so that each one moves slightly to the side.

Then follow your imagination. Decorate with fresh berries, fruits, or sprinkle with coconut flakes. Mint sprigs work very well as a garnish for serving.

If you have a special round recess for vegetables and fruits, then you can organize serving in portions, in vases or glasses.

To do this, cut the watermelon crosswise and carefully remove the pulp in the form of balls from each half.

An empty watermelon half is perfect for serving as long as it is not damaged. Cut the edges in the form of beautiful teeth or come up with a pattern yourself.

Even watermelon drinks look original. Great idea for a party.