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Original DIY Valentine card. The best DIY Valentine's card ideas. You will need it for work

Useful tips

Do you want to prepare a surprise for your loved one?

You can look for a gift, but a handmade congratulation is unique.

To find out how you can make a greeting for Valentine's Day, you only need to have a certain amount of materials from which the Valentine will be made.

You don't need to have any special qualities to make a valentine - here you can see that beautiful doesn't mean complicated.

Paper valentines with your own stamp and patterns

You will need:


small knife

Acrylic paint

Thick paper or cardboard, or watercolor paper

Simple pencil


Thick thread

1. Take the potatoes and cut them in half.

2. Using a simple pencil, draw a heart on the cut.

3. Take a knife and cut out the excess so that the heart will stand out.

4. Prepare your paint and brush and apply the color you want to the eye-catching heart.

5. Cut out a rectangle of the size you need from thick paper - this will be the basis for your valentine. It is better to use watercolor paper, because... A printed heart will look better on it.

6. For another pattern, prepare a thick thread and wrap it around a piece of plywood or other small object with a flat side. Next, apply paint to the thread and you can leave imprints on the paper, as shown in the picture.

7. Cut out hearts from paper with striped patterns using thread.

8. Prepare a base for your valentine (a rectangular sheet of thick paper) and leave a heart print on it. After this, glue on one or more cut out paper hearts with a pattern made with thread.

* You can make several similar valentines and give them to several people. Try experimenting with shapes, colors and patterns. Don't forget to write a message on your Valentine's card.

Valentine card with a heart made of wax crayons

You will need:


Colored paper (patterned paper)

Stationery knife

Baking paper

1. Turn on your iron to heat it up.

2. Prepare several wax crayons of similar colors (red, pink, orange)

3. On a protected surface, begin cutting the crayons into small pieces. Do this with the non-pointed side of the crayons so you can still draw with them.

4. Cover the surface with a towel and place a square of baking paper on it. You need to pour small pieces of wax crayons onto the paper. Do not put too many pieces, the main thing is that they are pressed closely together. Cover these pieces with another square piece of baking paper.

You can use the tip of the iron to gently spread the crayons over the surface of the paper.

* You can make several similar blanks.

5. Take the heated iron and carefully, barely touching the surface of the paper, begin to heat the crayons under the paper. It only takes a few seconds to hold the iron over the same spot.

6. Set the pieces aside and let them cool.

Preparing postcards:

Make a blank for a valentine from thick colored paper. You can simply fold the paper in half.

Using a utility knife, cut a “window” in the center of one of the paper halves.

Prepare thread and blanks from melted crayons. Using scissors, cut out hearts from the blanks and glue them to them along a short thread. For one postcard you need 2 hearts, which need to be glued together, and a thread will be secured between them.

* To make all the hearts the same size, make a template on separate paper and trace it with a pencil on each piece.

*You can use a utility knife to trim the hearts.

Cut out small hearts from paper.

Now you need to glue the crayon blanks to the valentine. To do this, simply glue one end of the thread glued to a heart made of melted crayons to the top of the “window”, and to make it more beautiful, simply cover the glued thread with a heart cut out of plain paper.

* Instead of a paper heart, you can use a sticker in the shape of a heart or something suitable for the theme.

Beautiful valentines made of sequins on a string

You will need:

Thick paper

Sequins on a thread


Simple pencil

1. Prepare thick paper of any color and fold it in half - this will be your blank for your Valentine.

2. Use a pencil to write any wish, short message, name of a loved one or a simple image on paper.

3. Trace each letter or shape with glue.

4. Start gluing the sequins to the workpiece and let the glue dry.

5. Use scissors to cut off the excess.

6. Now you can write any message inside the valentine card.

* If you wish, you can decorate your Valentine’s card with sparkles, stickers, etc., the main thing is not to overdo it - everything should be in moderation.

DIY valentines made from paper. 8-bit heart.

You will need:

Stationery knife


Colored paper (white, red, pink, lilac)

1. Prepare a small sheet of white paper and make several even cuts on it, as shown in the image.

2. Cut thin strips of the same width and length from colored paper.

3. Insert each strip as shown in the picture - you should get such a beautiful heart. You can secure each strip with a small amount of glue.

You can also glue this Valentine card onto a piece of thick paper (A4 paper folded in half).

All that remains is to write your message.

Valentine's cards with favorite poems

You will need:


Notebook sheets (any thin sheets can be used)


Thread and needle (you can use a sewing machine)

Buttons (in this example, heart-shaped buttons)

1. Cut out a cover for a postcard book from cardboard.

2. Cut out several pages for a notebook from thin paper.

3. Sew the pages to the cover.

4. You can decorate the cover with wrapping paper by cutting and gluing it.

5. Sew one button on one and the other side of the cover and tie a thread.

Very soon an amazing good holiday will come - Valentine's Day. This is a holiday of love and smiles. The most romantic day of the year, don’t miss it and please your loved ones with cute gifts. And since the holiday involves heartfelt and sweet gifts, homemade valentines will come in handy.

And we traditionally remind you of previous posts about Valentine’s Day:

Homemade valentines for loved ones

And now the very ideas of what homemade valentines can be. Use collages, perhaps everything was invented a long time ago, all you have to do is put it together 😉

Using stencils is an interesting idea:

Don't forget about the variety of materials, use all your talents. For example, you can make a Valentine card not only from paper, but also from fabric:

or from wool, felt:

Do you crochet?

You can also make these cute surprise valentine cards and place them where your loved one will probably find them:

Most of the valentines presented here do not require master classes - they are easy to make, and all the materials for making them can be bought at any craft store:

Speaking of available materials, you shouldn’t forget about them either. Do you have a puzzle in your house that is missing pieces? Make a Valentine's card with a philosophical overtone: our whole life is like a mosaic, and everyone puts it together in their own way:

Felt is an excellent material for creativity. To make this Valentine's card, you will need red felt, a piece of cardboard, scissors, hot glue and time:

Felt, ribbon, thread, several beads and scissors:

A great example of a homemade valentine for a traveler or traveler:

If you're good at scrapbooking, you know how to make a beautiful Valentine's card, but here are some ideas for inspiration:

Fingers and paints:

Use sweets: candies, chocolate, chewing gum - everything will come in handy!

Who said that homemade valentines are just postcards? Think more broadly - a romantic garland, this is a huge valentine :)

Want to learn how to make a beautiful origami Valentine's card?

Here are detailed instructions, follow them and you will succeed!

We hope that in this post you have found some solutions for original congratulations to your loved one.

As a bonus, catch this idea, it’s not really a valentine, it’s a lottery ticket, where winning depends only on your imagination:

  • cut out the lottery ticket into the required shape;
  • come up with prizes;
  • Apply a colorless hygienic lipstick over each winning or rub it with a regular paraffin candle;
  • Paint the winning spots on top with acrylic paint.

Valentine's Day, as you know, is celebrated on February 14th. It is also called Valentine's Day and valentines are given - small cards in the shape of hearts. However, a valentine card looks quite simple, but a heart made with your own hands, and decorated in an original way, will definitely delight the recipient.

You can make your own Valentine cards from any materials, for example, cut them out of felt and decorate them with beads, ribbons, and lace. The scrapbooking technique is widely used to decorate valentines. Below we have collected interesting options on how you can make your own Valentine card and what materials to use for this.


A handmade woolen heart will definitely please your loved one. Also, such a valentine can be an excellent interior decoration for Valentine's Day. For work we will need:
  • a piece of red or pink felt (the size depends on the desired result) or an old cashmere sweater, which, by the way, can be bought at any second-hand store;
  • cereal for filling: rice, pearl barley, barley or buckwheat;
  • needle and thread;
  • paper heart template;
  • scissors;

The operating procedure is as follows:

You need to cut out a heart blank from paper, use it as a pattern template, attach it to felt or wool and cut out 2 parts. Then the two halves are sewn together along the edges, but not completely - you need to leave a hole through which to turn the valentine inside out and fill it with cereal. The filled valentine must be sewn with a hidden seam. That's it - your Valentine is ready!

Similar soft hearts can also be sewn from any other fabric with a romantic pattern. And use padding polyester or holofiber as filling.


Any Valentine card always contains a wish or a declaration of love. What if one Valentine is not enough? Then you can make a whole valentine book out of paper, especially since it won’t take much time.

To work you need:

  • colored paper (4 sheets of A5 format);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

The operating procedure will be as follows:

Fold together 4 sheets of A5 colored paper, draw a double outline of the heart and cut it out as shown in the picture).

Then strips are cut out of colored paper to wrap around the outer heart.

The inner heart turned out to be in the form of a book where you can write down congratulations and confessions.


Who said that disposable plates are boring, but with a little imagination and using available materials you can turn them into cute hearts that you can use to decorate a room or give to someone. In addition, when working with scissors and felt-tip pens, the baby develops fine motor skills.

For work we will need:

  • disposable paper plates (can be colored or white);
  • red, crimson and black markers;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue (you can use a pencil).

The operating procedure is as follows:

A heart of any shape is cut out from the bottom of a disposable plate. Strips of approximately 5-7 mm wide are cut from colored paper and of such length that they cover the cut hole in the plate. The more colors the better. Using glue, glue multi-colored strips in a chaotic order as shown in the figure.

The resulting hearts can be hung as room decoration, or they can be given as a valentine.


Try making these cute valentine envelopes with emotions with your baby. Smiling, frowning, surprised - they are all so different! To work you will need the following tools:

  • colored paper (pink, red, other romantic colors);
  • markers;
  • scissors;
  • White paper.

Operating procedure shown in the picture:

Then circles of white paper are glued onto this envelope. on which eyes and a mouth are drawn. Valentines' expressions can be very different - from smiles to gloomy faces.

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The Valentine's Day, along with its paraphernalia, is quite firmly rooted in our country. Anyone who knows how to use scissors knows how to make a paper heart for this holiday. But few people know how to turn it into a bright and unforgettable declaration of love.

A Stunning Variety of Valentine Hearts

A Valentine's card or heart-shaped card is a great way to confess your feelings. But who said that it can only be made of paper? Away with templates and stereotypes - you can use any available materials to create it. Now you can see for yourself.

Paper heart using quilling technique

A gentle openwork valentine is a silent declaration of sincere sympathy.

To create it you will need:

  • zigzag scissors;
  • set of pink paper for quilling;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • toothpick;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • paper knife.
On thick cardboard, draw a heart of the desired shape and size. Cut it out with zigzag scissors.

Inside the larger heart, draw a smaller one and cut it out with a paper cutter. You should end up with a cardboard base less than 1 cm wide.

Twist the paper strips into spirals using toothpicks. They can be of different sizes and colors. Place the finished spirals inside the cardboard heart-base and fasten them together with PVA.

Using a brush, cover the filled heart on one side with glue, coating the spirals and the places where they connect to the cardboard. Carefully remove excess glue with a paper towel.

Fill the empty spaces inside the heart with small spirals and glue them. You need to dry the heart on an oilcloth or file so that it does not stick to the base.

You can decorate the dried valentine as you wish: paint the cardboard outline or carefully separate it, leaving only the openwork heart, tie a ribbon or cord - follow your imagination.

Valentine card with small sweets

Do you want to make a small present with taste? Surprise your other half with a cool Valentine's card with dragee candies inside. Such a gift will be most appreciated by those with a sweet tooth.

To work you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue or stapler;
  • dragee.
You can print the lettering heart templates on colored paper or draw and label them by hand.

Cut out the blanks along the contour.

Glue them in pairs or connect their edges with a stapler or sew them with thread, leaving a small hole for filling with candies.

Place more candy inside the heart.

Seal or staple the hole.

Sweet Valentine is ready to win hearts.

If you want to especially surprise your loved one, choose a dragee that matches the color of the paper heart.

Paper valentine card

A romantic card is a traditional gift for Valentine's Day. But doing it yourself is a very unconventional, but correct decision. Such a valentine will eloquently show how dear the person you are paying attention to is.

To work you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • a sheet of thick brown wrapping paper (kraft paper);
  • a set of paper for scrapbooking (colored paper with patterns and pictures);
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thick nylon thread.
Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half. This is the basis of the postcard.

Cut a small square out of tissue paper. Make an envelope out of it and secure it with glue.

Leave the top open.

Cut a tag with a small hole out of wrapping paper. Sign it with the name of the person for whom the card is intended. Glue it and the envelope onto the cardboard base.

Cut out hearts of different colors and sizes from scrap paper. Glue them onto the card. Try to create the impression that they are flying out of an open envelope.

Cut a piece of nylon thread or thin lace. Glue or tie one end to the tag, and secure the other inside the envelope. The original postcard is ready. All that remains is to write a romantic wish inside.

More :

Do you think this is too simple and banal? Then watch the video master class on creating a unique three-dimensional postcard. It will be a wonderful gift for your loved one.

Fragrant valentine made from coffee beans

An exclusive heart with the aroma of coffee will be an unforgettable gift not only for Valentine's Day, but also for any memorable date. This craft can easily be turned into a decorative element, a refrigerator magnet or a mirror pendant.

To work you will need:

  • whole coffee beans and cloves;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • twine or thin twine.
Draw an image of a heart on thick cardboard and cut it out along the outline. Cover the edges of the heart in two layers with twine. It is best to use a glue gun.

Glue the coffee beans along the contour, then fill the middle of the workpiece.

Having filled the entire surface of the heart, glue the grains in a second layer to cover the translucent cardboard. Add cloves in between the coffee beans. You can decorate the finished craft with ribbons, bows, glue a magnet or a piece of rope to the back for hanging a souvenir.

The reverse side of the heart can be covered with colored paper, pasted on a photo of your chosen one, or written a wish or congratulations on the holiday. Complete the souvenir with a beautiful box - and an unusual gift is ready.

Heart made of melted wax crayons

Do you want to surprise your loved one with an original Valentine's card? Do you happen to have an unnecessary set of wax crayons for drawing at home? Believe it or not, you can use them to create a unique Valentine heart with a unique pattern. Just follow the step by step instructions.

To work you will need:

  • multi-colored wax crayons;
  • silicone heart mold for baking;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencils or markers.
Break the wax crayons into small pieces and pour them into silicone heart molds ⅓ full.

You can put pieces of contrasting or harmonizing colors into one mold.

Bake the crayons in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for about 15 minutes. Remove the mold and let the contents harden. Carefully remove the hardened hearts from the mold.

From white or colored cardboard, cut out hearts slightly larger than the crayon blanks. You need to glue small hearts onto this cardboard base.

Decorate your valentines as you wish: you can add silk ribbons, dedicatory inscriptions and other small decorative elements.

Unusual wall panel

Do you want to surprise your chosen one with a non-standard creative approach? Give him a picture made of threads in the shape of a heart. It’s hard to even call such a craft a Valentine’s card - it’s a full-fledged gift for your husband or boyfriend on February 14th.

To work you will need:

  • board or piece of plywood with wood texture;
  • small nails and hammer;
  • scotch;
  • dense red threads;
  • wood varnish;
  • sandpaper and jigsaw.

First of all, you need to find a suitable piece of board for the job. If there is no suitable size, use a jigsaw to cut it to the desired size and sand the edges with sandpaper. Coat the workpiece with varnish and let it dry.

But you can do it even simpler. Take a piece of plywood of the appropriate size and cover it with self-adhesive wood texture - quickly and efficiently.

Cut out a heart template from paper. Glue the paper template onto the prepared wooden base with tape. Drive nails along its contour at intervals of 1 cm and remove the pattern. Align the nails so that they are same height.

Randomly wind the thread around them - the job is done.

Such a beautiful heart with a piece of your soul will become an eloquent declaration of love without further words.

Original valentines on the wall

Celebrate the upcoming holiday with interesting wall decor. Make a composition of large openwork hearts on a wire base. Even a novice needlewoman can handle such simple crafts.

To work you will need:

  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • glue gun;
  • braid, lace, yarn, twine, rhinestones;
  • decorative hooks.
Use pliers to bend the wire into a heart shape. Connect the ends of the wire from below and twist the curl.

For the finished composition you will need several hearts of different sizes. It is better to decorate each of them differently, using available decorative materials.

To make a lace heart, attach the tip of the braid with glue to the bottom of the heart. Next, wrap the lace around the base, fixing it to the wire with glue. For an airy effect, do not fill the heart completely - leave gaps. At the end of the work, cut off the excess tape and glue its end to the wire.

Using this pattern, decorate the rest of the hearts using the selected materials.

Attach decorative hooks to the wall and hang a heart on each of them.

The original composition is ready. It will please not only the eye, but also the heart of your loved ones.

The holiday of all lovers is approaching - St. Valentine's Day. A very tender and sensual day. Traditionally, lovers give each other cute gifts with holiday symbols and Valentine cards with love messages. Each of us has people dear to our hearts - loved ones, loved ones whom we want to please. And now is the time to start preparing for this holiday.

If you want to make it unforgettable and arrange it for your significant other, then read these articles.

The stores have a wide variety of gifts and Valentine's cards. But just imagine how many emotions the person who receives a Valentine’s card made by your hands will experience. And what a flight of fantasy you will experience when creating this very Valentine card! Products made by Handmade have the soul and warmth that you put into the manufacturing process.

So let's get started. I'll tell you and show you some interesting ideas for creating Valentine's cards for different recipients, be it messages for children or adults.

Valentines in the shape of hearts are cute, but they’re getting pretty boring. A very creative idea to make a postcard in the shape of a bear with a transparent tummy. You can write wishes on it or give it directly, there are no limits to your imagination. Feel free to experiment with the color of the bear and decorate it as your imagination dictates.

We will need:

  • Templates
  • Scissors
  • Colored or white cardboard
  • Cover film or transparent oilcloth
  • Stationery glue
  • Double-sided tape
  • Watercolor paints and brush
  • Pen
  • Satin ribbon

To begin, cut out the required pieces from the template below. You can print the template on a printer, or you can transfer it onto a sheet from a computer monitor. You need 2 bears, and 4 tummy windows.

Cut out the details, use colored or white cardboard, it all depends on what your Valentine bear will be like.

Glue the ovals together using office glue. The result will be a part that will serve as a border for the hearts inside the bear’s belly.

On the wrong side of the bear template, stick double-sided tape around the window, or you can use super glue and glue a transparent film cut from a cover or oilcloth.

Then glue the border for the hearts onto the tummy with double-sided tape. Cut out small colored hearts and place them inside the window, and cover with another transparent film on top.

Cover the bear with double-sided tape.

Glue the second bear template onto the finished first one. Trim the edges and smooth out any uneven areas.

Cut out a couple more ovals from pink construction paper and glue on both front sides over the tummy to cover the unsightly areas.

Then glue black eyes to the bear, a nose in the shape of hearts and details on the ears.

Use white watercolor paint to add highlights to the eyes and nose. Use a pen to draw eyelashes and a mouth on the bear.

You can also stick hearts on the paws and add highlights with paint.

Make a bow from a satin ribbon and glue it to the bear’s neck.

We got such a cute Valentine. I am sure that such a bear can be made with children and they will be delighted. Very interesting and original.

Making a Valentine card from cardboard and coffee - step-by-step guide

This valentine can be perfectly used as a cute refrigerator magnet or a beautiful and stylish pendant. And the coffee beans will also give a wonderful aroma.

We will need:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Coffee beans
  • Glue gun
  • Acrylic paint
  • Decorative elements: rhinestones, beads, lace, beads, flowers

First, you need to cut out the base in the shape of a heart from cardboard and prepare the coffee beans, to make them easier to take, pour them into a lid, for example, from a cream.

Start gluing the grains along the contour using a glue gun.

Now fill the space inside the base.

When the valentine is filled with coffee beans, you can cover it with acrylic paint in the color of the beans, but this is not at all necessary.

All that remains is to decorate our heart with decorative elements; here you can use anything or whatever you have on hand - beads, decorative flowers, rhinestones, lace or beautiful buttons.

Such a valentine will not only be a beautiful gift, but also an excellent decorative element. To do this, glue a magnet on the back side or make a garter, it’s not difficult at all.

Valentine's card for children with templates - 16 ideas

Children, especially schoolchildren, are also looking forward to Valentine's Day. This is an opportunity to confess to them your very first feelings about love for the other sex. This is all very exciting for them. Or you can make a beautiful Valentine card for your mother or grandmother, they will be very happy. To help them with this, I offer options for Valentine cards that you can easily make at home yourself and then write sweet messages on them.

  1. Apply gouache or watercolor to your hand and attach it to colored paper to make prints. Cut out hearts and attach a beautiful ribbon. This option will be interesting for preschoolers.

2. Volumetric hearts. You can glue them on a postcard, it will be beautiful.

3. For this valentine you will need white and colored paper, heart-shaped stamps, or you can draw them with felt-tip pens.

4. Glue heart-shaped balloons onto paper and get a beautiful Valentine’s card.

5. Cute valentine with wings. We fasten the parts with rivets.

6. This valentine can be made from felt and paper. Choose a beautiful combination of colors and make a braided pattern.

7. Another option for congratulations, which is very simple to do. On the album sheet in the middle, draw and cut out a heart. Decorate the outline of the cut out heart using a pencil eraser as a seal. Dip the gum into paint and apply it to the sheet.

8. Valentine card made from threads. It turns out creative, and for work you will need paper, a thicker needle and thread. First, draw the outlines of the heart on paper with a pencil, and then, having determined the central point, make stitches in a circle with threads.

9. Valentine hand. The outlines of two hands, and in the middle there is a heart. It turns out cute.

10. Great idea for an envelope made from a heart. Simply cut out a heart from colored paper and then fold the edges as shown in the picture.

11. Ring of love. We make the base in the form of a ring from cardboard, and on top we glue many, many hearts cut out of colored paper.

12. Three-dimensional card with a heart inside. Simple and tasteful.

13. Button heart. You probably have a lot of colorful buttons at home. Just secure them to a thread and shape them into a heart shape.

14. Holiday card with paper curls and beads. Such a card will be welcome for any occasion. Thin strips of paper can be curled using a regular pencil.

15. Original paper garland in the shape of hearts.

16. Valentine's card "Ladybug". The main thing is that there are hearts everywhere, even on the ladybug.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day with your own hands

I have two card ideas for you. They are made using appliqué techniques and do not require any labor. The first card will be made from envelopes with wishes, and the second will be an illustration of a jar and a glass cap with hearts. Let's start.

For the first postcard you will need: cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, tracing paper, pen.

Prepare the base for the card. Cut out 6 identical blanks for envelopes from colored paper and glue them together.

For wishes, you need to cut out 6 leaves of tracing paper of a suitable size for the envelopes and write wishes for the recipient on them.

Place your wishes in envelopes and seal them. Then glue the envelopes to the card.

If you wish, you can add a twist, for example, make a couple of envelopes with polka dots or decorate them with any design.

Finally, cut out a rectangle from black paper and use a white pen to write an inscription to your loved one with recognition or gratitude from the bottom of your heart.

The first postcard is ready. The recipient will open the envelopes with interest and read what you wrote.

For the second postcard you need: cardboard, colored paper, tracing paper, glue, scissors.

Cut out a cardboard base for the card. Draw a sketch of the jar and transfer it to tracing paper.

Cut out the lid and jar into separate pieces.

Draw hearts on colored paper and cut them out. Then glue it into the center of the card in a chaotic manner.

Glue a jar of tracing paper on top.

Cut out a lid from yellow colored paper and make strokes with a black marker.

Glue the lid onto the card.

For a 3D look on the can, use a simple pencil to shade the left side of the can.

Don't forget to stick a good wish or recognition.

I think that your significant other will be happy to receive such interesting cards made with love.

Video on how to make a Valentine card in scrapbooking style

Scrapbooking is a technique for designing photo albums, books or postcards by cutting out parts from paper. Previously, scrap elements consisted only of paper, but nowadays the range of decorations has become much larger. Decorations include fabrics, rhinestones, ribbons, lace, artificial flowers and other materials. The result is a whole work of art.

Making a Valentine card from threads - easy and simple

By making an unusual Valentine's card with your own hands, you will certainly delight your loved ones with an original surprise. Making a valentine from threads is easy and simple - even a child can do it. The Valentine card turns out delicate and very cute.

We will need:

  • Threads
  • PVA glue
  • Safety pins
  • Cardboard
  • Food film
  • Scissors

The first thing to do is cut out the heart template. To ensure that it has the correct shape, you can use a ruler and compass. To do this, draw a square and mark the middle on both sides, from this middle, draw semicircles with a compass. Cut out the finished heart. You can also draw a heart of any shape yourself. It's up to your taste and desire.

Attach the heart template to the cardboard base and insert the needles along the contour at a distance of 1 cm between them. Then remove the heart template; it will no longer be useful.

Prepare the threads from which the Valentine will be made. Dilute PVA glue with a small amount of water and lower the threads there.

Squeeze the threads a little from the glue and, hooking them onto the needles, form a heart until the threads run out. Then use a brush to coat the entire heart with glue, especially the areas near the needles. Leave the heart to dry for a day.

Once the heart is dry, carefully remove the needles and separate it from the cardboard base. Trim any loose threads.

The finished heart can be coated with glitter nail polish and decorated with rhinestones. Or add artificial flowers and large beads. In general, give free rein to your imagination.

DIY soft felt valentine

Such a souvenir can be made for absolutely any holiday, and not just for Valentine's Day. This heart can also be used as a delicate decorative element.

This is what we need: Felt, heart templates, glue gun, satin and lace ribbons, decorative elements, thread and needle, scissors, cotton wool for filling.

Attach the heart template to the felt with needles and cut out 2 pieces of a large heart.

Cut out one small heart from felt of a different shade.

Using a glue gun, glue a silver satin ribbon in the middle of the heart, then glue a white lacy ribbon on top of the silver one.
Glue a small heart on top of the ribbons in the middle.

Fold the edges of the tapes and glue them to the inside.

Take the second heart, a needle and thread and sew the pieces together. Sew on a loop.
Leave some space, stuff the heart with cotton wool and sew it up until the end.

For decoration I used artificial leaves, twigs and a rose. You can use whatever you like and have on hand.
Such a soft and beautiful heart will remind the recipient of you for a long time. It can also be used as a pincushion. It will be a universal gift.

Video on how to make a 3D Valentine at home

An original and easy to implement idea. With such a valentine you will definitely surprise and delight your soulmate. The video describes each step in detail, which will greatly help you in making such beauty at home.

Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. This is a holiday of pure and warm feelings between lovers. Love each other, do spontaneous things, give gifts and confess your love. Our whole life is built on this. And you don’t have to wait for the holiday. Just say pleasant words to each other more often and give joy, it’s so sweet.