Toilet      06/15/2019

Craft "Cat in a flower meadow" (made of paper). Origami. DIY flower meadow Parterre lawn or English velvet

I offer you make a flowering meadow using the quilling technique, which will certainly decorate your room or any exhibition.

It's better to do it with friends. Agree, making a clearing this way is both more fun and much faster!

Therefore, go ahead!

In order to make a flowering meadow, you will need:

Multi-colored paper,

Quilling tool, awl or needle,

Quilling board (optional)...


PVA glue,

Tracing paper (transparent paper),

Watercolor paints,


Green cardboard.

We make flowers

Take strips of paper Pink colour length 58 cm, width 1cm and roll them into tight rolls on a quilling board. These are blanks for our flowers. Let the roll unwind a little and glue the ends of the strips all the way to the rolls.

Then we make petals out of them, squeezing them on one side with our fingers.

Glue the flower petals together. We make the middle from acrylic droplets or paper. You can, for example, take a strip of 1.5 x 10 cm and make small transverse cuts on it - fringe.

Then roll it up, straighten the fringe and glue it inside the flower.

From strips of green paper 28 cm long and 1 cm wide, we make the same rolls as for the petals, but we squeeze them on both sides - these are leaves.

Making a butterfly

What is a flower meadow without a butterfly? So let's make this sweet beauty.

We will need strips of paper of different colors (purple, pink and white) 3 mm wide. Choose the length at your discretion, in accordance with the size of the butterfly.

Glue the individual strips into one and make a roll out of it. Pinch one side and glue as shown in the picture. Repeat the same steps three more times. This future butterfly wings. But remember that two the front ones should be a little larger rear

Let's take care of the butterfly's body. We take pink strips and roll them using a special quilling tool, an awl or a needle. We make spiral cones of the same diameter from them. Glue the ends of the figure on the inside.

Glue the cones together using pink stripes.

This is what the details should look like.

All that's left to do is make the antennae. We make them from a strip 1.5 mm wide, to which we glue rolls of the same width.

We insert the antennae into the cone. We glue the butterfly parts together.

Congratulations! The butterfly is ready!

“And where, exactly, is the clearing?”- you ask. Right now we will start making it.

Making a flower meadow

Inflate the balloon until required sizes. We tear the tracing paper into pieces and paste it onto the balloon, skipping the place where it is tied. We wait for the paper to dry well, burst the ball and take it out.

It turned out like this transparent ball.

Paint the ball in green color using watercolor paints. Glue on flowers and leaves.

We make a cylinder stand for the ball from a wide strip of green cardboard. To do this, you just need to glue the opposite ends of the strip together.

Don't forget the butterfly. It can be pasted directly onto flower or at nylon insert- then she will seem to be flying over the clearing. Often such inserts can be found under the collar of packaged men's shirts, which your dad will definitely find.

How beautiful blooming meadow You and I succeeded!

Material: To work you will need 1 a plastic cup green, green plasticine, modeling dough, molds, cotton swabs.

1. Cut the cup into strips (1 cm), without cutting 1 cm to the bottom.

2. Roll a sausage out of green plasticine and make a ring the diameter of the bottom of the cup and put the plasticine ring on the bottom.

3. Each strip must be folded inward and the tip inserted into the plasticine.

4. Do the same with all the stripes. We get this kind of grass.

5. Then roll out a cake of green plasticine and place it on top.

6. Take modeling dough (ready-made, store-bought) and molds. We make multi-colored flowers from the dough using molds. The middle can be decorated with plasticine yellow color.

7. Cut the cotton swabs in half according to the number of flowers. This will be a stem and we put each flower on a stem.

8. Then we plant all the flowers on the grass, inserting the stem into plasticine.

This is what a “Flower Meadow” will look like for your beloved mom!

Epp Milena 4 years old, group “Solnyshko”
Bulgaryan Anush Gevorgovna
MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 "Rainbow"
Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region, Russia.

Animals made of colored paper in a flower meadow. Templates

Derkach Anastasia Sergeevna, Teacher additional education, MBOUDOD CDT "Commonwealth", Creative Association "Peacock", Novosibirsk

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, additional education teachers, parents and creative people who love to create beautiful and unique things with their own hands.

Purpose: Souvenir, gift, home decoration

Target: Making boxes for Easter souvenirs with your own hands

- teach how to make three-dimensional paper crafts;
- develop interest in artistic creativity;
- develop fine motor skills, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills;
- improve application skills;
- consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper;
- create a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep them in order workplace;
- cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
- cultivate love and respect for parents and relatives, the desire to give them a gift made with your own hands.

Manufacturing technique:
- applique
- paper plastic
- design

Materials and tools:
- scissors
- a simple pencil
- PVA glue
- colored paper for copier
- green cardboard
- black marker
- eyes for creativity

Safety rules when working with scissors
1. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors must have blunt, rounded ends
3. Place the scissors in the rings towards you
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting
5.Do not leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings first
7.Don’t play with scissors, don’t bring it to your face
8.Use scissors as intended

Rules for working with PVA glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage
3. It is necessary to apply the glue in an even thin layer
4. Remove excess glue with a paper napkin
5. Try not to get the glue on your clothes, face, or especially your eyes.
6. After work, close the glue tightly and put it away
7. Wash your hands and work area with soap and water



Polyanka. Master class with photos
Take green cardboard

We cut a clearing out of it

We don’t throw away the trimmings. They will be useful to us

Apply PVA glue to the clearing

Gluing our scraps

The clearing is ready!
Red cat. Master class with photos
Cut everything out of colored paper necessary details

Glue the head part into a cylinder.
We assemble the ears and make the necessary cuts on the body

Glue the ears on the head


Draw a face with a black marker

On the body blank we round the legs

Glue the kitten part onto the clearing

Back view

Glue the head

We decorate the clearing with daisies.
Cut out flowers from white paper

Glue 2 pieces together

Using a hole punch, cut out circles from yellow paper

Glue the centers

Adding volume to flowers

Glue them to the clearing

Cut out leaves from green paper different sizes and add them to the flowers

Glue the remaining yellow circles

Bunny in the clearing. Master class with photos
Cut out all the necessary parts

Glue the head part into a cylinder, assemble the ears

Torso detail

Glue it to the clearing

Glue eyes on the head


Drawing a face

Glue the head to the body

Decorating the clearing. Making dandelions.
Cut out circles of the same size

Glue 4 pieces together

Making cuts

Adding volume

Glue it to the clearing

Adding leaves

Yellow mugs

Chickens in a flower meadow. Master class with photos

Cut out all the details

Gluing the torso

Glue the paws





Glue the chickens to the clearing

We decorate the clearing with flowers.
To do this, cut out flower blanks from colored paper, glue them together and add volume.

Glue flowers, leaves and yellow circles to the clearing

This is what happened

Making colorful bows

Detailed master class You can see how to make voluminous paper bows here:
Decorating our animals

Elmon Kabakhchyan

Kabakhchyan Elmon Master class from colored paper"Flower glade".

From colored paper we decided to make beautiful flowers and decorate our meadow.


1 continue learning to practice collective activity.

2 strengthen the skills of creating a composition.

3 navigate the sheet paper.

4 develop imagination, creative thinking.

5 cultivate a love of nature.


1 Whatman paper for the base

2 different stripes colors

3 different circles flowers for the flower core

4 glue, napkins.

Here clearing,all in flowers

Like light blue dots.

I’ll collect it here for Anyutka

Multi-colored flowers.

Educator: The guys came to visit us floral fairy and she wants us to give her a lot flowers. We will give flowers?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Our fairy will watch what we do to her flowers.

A little fairy flew over the earth,

The little fairy was collecting happiness.

The fairy collected bouquets of cornflowers,

Summer sunsets, winter sunrises.

Wind and coolness, sun and snowflakes

and with colors spring clean dewdrops.

Clouds and stars, rainbows and rain

The fairy put it on her palm.

Step-by-step production crafts:

We take whatman paper and draw the sun and grass.

Fold the cut strips in half and glue them.

Having finished working with the stripes, glue the circle.

And ours" Flower glade"ready!

Floral the fairy waved her hands

And bright the colors of the paint began to sparkle.

Which ones are not on meadow of flowers,

The rainbow glow of children's dreams.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Master class Fabric applique “Flower Glade”. Applique (from the Latin applicatio - overlaying) is a way of creating art.

In a previous publication, I talked about participating in a city festival, where I presented a master class on making three-dimensional flowers.

This is the summer panel we made on a walk with students from the secondary speech therapy group. To make it we needed:.

Look at the bright flower meadow, about which you cannot immediately tell that it is made of waste material. We are used to throwing away eggs.

Paper is one of the most popular materials for creative activities with kids. Paper is the most the most accessible material, it is always at hand and at home.

The purpose of this manual is: development fine motor skills hands (unscrewing - tightening lids, removing emotional - psychological.

Author: Grishina Margarita Aleksandrovna teacher of additional education CDT Globus, Ufa Bashkortostan
Target:Making a flower meadow from paper for a gift
Educational: Teach how to make crafts and gifts from paper,
teach how to work with polished cardboard and corrugated paper
Developmental: Develop creative thinking, imagination in composing flower arrangements, artistic taste of choice color range, motor skills of small muscles in the process of making a flower arrangement
Educating: To cultivate interest in the holiday of March 8, a kind polite attitude towards mother, grandmother, sisters, encouragement to make gifts, careful patient execution of gifts, friendly relations during classes, mutual assistance to each other, responsiveness.
Purpose: Recommended for additional education teachers, educators, primary school teachers, parents and lovers of creative imagination.
Lesson recommended carried out with children in primary school, the simplified composition can be used in a lesson with children in the preparatory group.
Purpose: The craft made can serve as an interior decoration at home, in a kindergarten, at school, and also as a gift for March 8th.
A very joyful and pleasant day is approaching us, this is the holiday of March 8th - the holiday of all women. First of all, we congratulate our loved ones and mothers, grandmothers and sisters. With a gift made with our own hands, we give our attention, love and devotion, which impossible to express in words. With a special feeling, we give our gifts to our mothers, for whom we will be beloved children for the rest of her life and always children, no matter how old we get. The awareness of the word mother comes over the years, it is a very touching feeling.
Let's please her from the heart as best we can.
Making a flower meadow
For work we will need:
Scissors, glue stick, red, yellow and light green printer paper, polished dark green cardboard, orange and red corrugated paper.

Templates for making:

We trace a large grass det 2 1 piece on dark green cardboard and cut it out

We trace a small grass on light green paper, children 1 1 piece, a leaf, children 3 4 pieces, and cut it out

We trace the stem det 6 5 pcs on dark green cardboard, the flower det 7 2 pcs on yellow paper, and on orange corrugated paper
circle children 10 4 pieces and cut out

We trace a large red flower on red paper, children 2 2 pcs. small flower child 5 1 piece, on red corrugated paper side and central petal child 9 4 pieces and child 8 2 pieces and cut out

We roll the large grass into a tube and glue it together, bending the edges of the grass a little

We glue small grass along the bottom of the large grass, but do not glue the blades of grass.

Glue the sheets inside

We crush the circles of corrugated orange paper a little, crumple them and glue them two at a time into the center of the yellow flowers, for each large red flower we glue 2 side petals of red corrugated paper on the sides and a central leaf on top in the center, slightly stretching the edges and the center and bending them

Glue a green cardboard stem to each flower. You get 5

We glue the stems with flowers: two yellow ones to the back leaves, and two large ones
red to the front leaves with the inside, and one small flower
On a stalk it is glued in front under the small grass diagonally.

For those who liked the gift and want to repeat it
I place proportional patterns for increase and repetition.

Do as many nice things as possible for your mothers, life is so fleeting, don’t put it off until later, then it may be too late. Call her now, go visit her, don’t miss the moment of joy of communicating with your mother. She is always waiting for us, waiting and worried about us.
Creative success to you, dear colleagues and lovers of beauty.