Toilet      04/27/2022

Diarrhea in pregnancy. Loose stools and diarrhea during pregnancy: how to get rid of disorders What can cause diarrhea in pregnant women

Diarrhea occurs in all people for various reasons and circumstances, it can be stress, nutrition, infections or somatic diseases.

As a rule, diarrhea resolves on its own within 1 or several days and is not dangerous.

If a problem occurs in a pregnant woman, then diarrhea can be a dangerous symptom, which even leads to termination of pregnancy, so you need to know what you can do for pregnant women from diarrhea.

The main causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Diarrhea is frequent bowel movements, and feces contain a lot of water. In some cases, during pregnancy, there may be diarrhea completely water.

Accompanied by diarrhea, sharp urges, as well as the difficulty of controlling the process of defecation.

Such a course during pregnancy can be painless, but is often accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, as well as nausea and other symptoms.

Many women choose their foods carefully during pregnancy and also adjust their menus to avoid diarrhea and other disorders.

In addition to physiological characteristics, a pregnant woman may have other causes of diarrhea:

  1. For up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea appears as a result of toxicosis. During this period, the pregnant woman has a violation of the digestive system, tastes change, women begin to get rid of the use of harmful foods. Increased cravings for salty or sour foods are possible and the menu is complemented by a large amount of plant products. Such factors provoke a weakening of the stool, diarrhea appears. If diarrhea during pregnancy does not cause severe discomfort, additional symptoms do not appear, then treatment can be omitted, but simply adjusted to the diet.
  2. During pregnancy, a woman needs to get more nutrients and vitamins. Due to this, before the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to drink a course of vitamin preparations. These medications have side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. If diarrhea appeared after a vitamin pill, then you should change the medication to others.
  3. Diarrhea during pregnancy often occurs as a result of hormonal changes. During late pregnancy, intensive production of prostaglandins begins, which allows the body to prepare for childbirth on its own. Thus, the intestines are completely cleared, due to diarrhea. A similar reason appears in the later stages, and in the early stages with pain and spasms, you need to be on the lookout, since a miscarriage or early birth is possible.
  4. With the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy, pressure on the digestive tract begins to increase. The uterus rapidly increases in size, begins to put pressure on various organs and diarrhea, pain, nausea, and even various diseases appear. In this state, you should pay attention to the feces and its color. If there are diseases, then the mass will be white or yellow, with undigested foods or fat. If before pregnancy there were chronic diseases of the digestive system, then when carrying a child, they can become aggravated.
  5. Diarrhea during pregnancy can occur as a result of infection with pathogenic microbes. Diarrhea for such reasons becomes strong and difficult.

Pregnant women develop fever, abdominal pain, possibly vomiting, and dehydration. The condition is very dangerous, both for pregnant women and for the child, and requires medical attention.

Similar signs can be with toxic poisoning, as a result of the use of spoiled foods.

Many pregnant women often experience fear, stress and other emotional disorders during childbirth and childbearing. This can also result in diarrhea.

In any case, with diarrhea during pregnancy, it is recommended to immediately contact the doctor for advice and assistance.

diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea during pregnancy can be of varying severity and for various reasons. If the cause of diarrhea is malnutrition, then the symptoms disappear fairly quickly and do not cause pain.

With an infectious infection, diarrhea occurs in an acute form, severe diarrhea appears with a duration of several days, in addition, additional symptoms appear, such as fever, dry mouth, and vomiting.

If diarrhea in pregnant women occurs in a chronic form and lasts for 2-3 weeks, then the cause will be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other organs.

With diarrhea, women may experience various symptoms and you need to know which of them can harm the fetus and the woman herself:

  1. With the appearance of severe pain, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy. Due to the strong activity of the intestine, there may be uterine contractions, as a result of which the fetal egg exfoliates and the fetus dies. Depending on the duration of the pregnancy, for this reason, premature birth may begin. Pain and spasms with diarrhea in the 1st and 3rd trimesters are very dangerous.
  2. When infected with viruses or other infections, women also experience diarrhea. Bacteria begin to enter through the placental barrier to the fetus. If infection occurs, then in the early stages pathologies may appear in the fetus itself, and at later stages a delay in the development of the fetus begins, childbirth may be premature, in some cases the child dies.
  3. With diarrhea and temperature at the very beginning of pregnancy, the threat lies in the violation of the formation of organs and systems of the child.
  4. With severe diarrhea, which is complemented by vomiting, a woman begins to become dehydrated, nutrients are not absorbed and are quickly lost, due to this, the development and condition of the child in the womb may worsen. With a prolonged course of diarrhea, a constant lack of vitamins and nutrients begins, the child's growth and development slows down, which can lead to the appearance of congenital pathologies.
  5. Diarrhea, nausea, as well as general weakness in the body signals poisoning when there are a lot of toxins in the body. All this also threatens the fetus.

Pregnant women need an ambulance if during diarrhea there is a temperature, vomiting, the general condition worsens, and fainting or dizziness begins.

In this condition, prompt hospitalization is necessary. It is also necessary to hospitalize pregnant women with the appearance of blood clots in the feces, with a change in the color of the feces or the presence of mucus.

Alarming symptoms are signs of dehydration, which include the following symptoms:

  1. Dry mouth and thirst that cannot be quenched.
  2. Dryness of the mucous membrane, skin.
  3. Increased drowsiness and weakness in the body, tinnitus.
  4. The presence of dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Urine dark in color and very infrequent urge to urinate.

Treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women is a rather complicated process, since many medications cannot be used in this position, even in the early stages.

The very first thing the doctor should suggest is to correct the menu, as well as use safe folk remedies for diarrhea.

Women should understand that even folk remedies, herbal preparations and other recipes during pregnancy can harm the fetus or affect the bearing of the child.

Before using any method of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

If the condition of the pregnant woman is very bad and there are fears that the pregnancy will be terminated, then it will be necessary to use pills without fail, even antibiotics.

Doctors can use drug treatment, regardless of the risk to the unborn child.

Diet for diarrhea

The diet should be followed by all pregnant women without exception, but if diarrhea appears, then the menu is used especially strictly. The basic principle of nutrition is to unload the digestive organs.

To do this, you need to eat small portions, often, and also exclude foods that have a laxative effect.

In this regard, strict nutritional requirements are observed only at the first time of the diet.

From the menu, you will need to exclude or reduce to a minimum the following products:

  1. Spicy, fried and smoked is removed from the diet altogether.
  2. Milk, fresh vegetables and fruits are forbidden to use with diarrhea.
  3. The consumption of sweets, pickles and acidic foods, as well as fatty foods, is reduced.

The first day of the diet is accompanied by increased water intake, which will adjust the water balance in the body. For this, not only water is used, but also strong tea (not sweet).

Ideally restores balance, and strengthens the stool decoction of rice.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Pour 0.5 l of water into a saucepan and add 1 tsp. rice.
  2. Put to boil for 40 minutes.
  3. After cooking, decant a drink that looks like jelly.
  4. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Such jelly has an enveloping effect, due to which it has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Don't let the walls get irritated.

On the second day, you need to use a variety of cereals that are cooked on the water. They should be slimy and rice and oatmeal are best. Salt and sugar are not added to cereals.

While vegetables and fruits are forbidden to eat, but if there is a strong desire, then you can use grated carrots and an apple without a peel, with the addition of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

It is allowed to use light broths based on poultry or vegetables on the second day.

Be sure to take fermented milk products, which have bacteria that are beneficial for the digestive tract. Such foods can restore bowel function and relieve diarrhea.

On the third day, you need to add vegetables to the menu, but not fresh, but boiled or stewed. The diet is supplemented with steamed cutlets, light soups.

All foods and dishes should be warm, because hot dishes and cold food can irritate the mucous membranes and walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

A similar diet must be used for 7 days during pregnancy. In addition, from 3-4 days you can add kissels, compotes from fruits, but not dried ones, to the menu. Well help during diarrhea, chamomile and mint teas.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

When diarrhea appears during pregnancy, what to do and what medications to take are asked by many women. In this case, no drugs are used.

Treatment should be carried out only under the guidance of doctors. As an exception, the use of adsorbents is allowed, for example:

  1. Enterosgel.
  2. Activated carbon.
  3. "Polyphelan".

Such funds can be used if vitamins or other drugs are not taken. When using other drugs, such as vitamins, sorbents are allowed to be taken only 2-3 hours after their use, since the latter reduce their effectiveness.

If the diarrhea is severe, supplemented by severe vomiting, then saline solutions are used:

  1. "Tar".
  2. Trisol.
  3. "Rehydron".

Such funds will allow maintaining the water-salt balance of a woman during pregnancy at the proper level, and will also prevent dehydration.

Pregnant women are allowed to take other drugs only with the permission of the doctor. A similar rule applies to antispasmodics, for example, "No-shpa", various candles that can stop pain.

It is forbidden to use valerian and motherwort if diarrhea occurs as a result of emotional stress.

Pregnant women after 30 weeks can be prescribed tablets against diarrhea, which are based on loperamide.

These include:

  1. "Imodium".
  2. "Diara".
  3. "Lopedium".
  4. "Entobene".

If you drink such pills, you can quickly stop diarrhea, as well as retain fluid and nutrients in the body. It is forbidden to drink drugs on their own if diarrhea is the result of harmful bacteria.

With an infectious infection of the intestine during pregnancy, only a few antibiotics can be used, their compatibility must be justified by a doctor.

These anti-microbial medications help to get rid of many known bacteria that cause diarrhea.

To restore beneficial bacteria in the intestines, after therapy, you may need to drink probiotics:

  1. Lineks.
  2. "Beefy-form".
  3. "Bactisubtil".

If the diarrhea is not severe, then treatment can be carried out with ordinary fermented milk products, on the packaging of which there is a “bio” mark.

Folk remedies

With diarrhea in a pregnant woman in an acute form, alternative methods of treatment will be of little benefit, since their active substances in recipes are in low concentration to remove diarrhea.

It will be useful and effective to use folk remedies if diarrhea continues for a long time, but the cause is not infections.

With non-infectious diarrhea in a pregnant woman, various drinks, herbal teas and other means can be used to gently fix the stool and normalize the digestive tract.

Below is a list of what you can pregnant with diarrhea and how to take medication correctly:

  1. Starch water. For cooking, you need to use potato starch in a volume of 1 tsp, which is diluted in 150 ml of water at room temperature. You need to drink the remedy in one gulp.
  2. Tincture of blackberry leaves. Such a remedy is sold in pharmacies and from diarrhea you need to drink 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  3. Blueberry jelly. You can prepare a drink in different ways, and then drink it 250 ml before the main meals.
  4. Pomegranate tea. For cooking, put 1 tbsp in a cup. crushed pomegranate peel and add boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes and take throughout the day. This tea should always be made fresh, and it perfectly replaces regular teas.
  5. Mint tea. You can cook it according to the usual scheme: for 1 tsp. mint, 250 ml of boiling water is added and taken after 15 minutes of infusion. Such a tool will allow you to treat diarrhea during pregnancy, which is provoked by stress and emotional state.
  6. A decoction of walnut leaves. Making such a tool is quite simple. It is necessary to put 1 tbsp in a saucepan. walnut leaves and pour 500 ml of water.

Turn on a small fire and boil for 20 minutes. After cooking, leave to brew for half an hour, then drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

If herbs are used during pregnancy, then you need to be extremely careful with them, because they can provoke allergies.

Understanding why diarrhea appears and knowing the methods of its relief, you can make your own medicines at home or use medications that the doctor allows, but the easiest way is to prevent the onset of disorders using preventive measures.


If the rules of nutrition were not followed before the onset of diarrhea, then when an unpleasant symptom appears, it is imperative to reconsider the diet. During pregnancy, responsibility is already borne not only for their health, but also for the unborn child.

To do this, you need to treat all diseases in time, and also not to load the body with food, which can negatively affect the condition.

Despite the benefits of many products, they should also be included in the diet carefully.

A large amount of plant foods will not bring benefits, since such foods are high in fiber, which relaxes the intestines and causes diarrhea.

In order not to treat diarrhea, you will need to adhere to the prevention of infections and poisoning:

  1. Buy only high-quality and fresh food.
  2. Eat only fresh dishes, it is recommended to cook them for the whole day, and eat a new dish the next.
  3. Keep track of the expiration dates of products that are in the refrigerator and not only.
  4. All vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before consumption.
  5. Meat, fish, dairy and other types of products should be carefully processed using temperature.
  6. Fast foods and public places for eating during pregnancy should be avoided.
  7. Always wash your hands before eating.

Using such simple rules, infections, poisoning will not appear and will not cause diarrhea in a pregnant woman.

Useful video

The state of pregnancy for a woman is not an easy test. There is a hormonal and physical restructuring of the whole organism, and any external factors necessarily find a response in the body of the expectant mother. Loose stools that suddenly arise during pregnancy (diarrhea) also cause a lot of trouble.

Diarrhea- This is a frequent bowel movement of a person of an unusual liquid consistency. Otherwise known as diarrhea diarrhea or loose stools. Naturally, diarrhea causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the expectant mother. But this is a natural protective reaction of the body - cleansing from harmful substances.

Why does diarrhea occur during pregnancy

Loose stools during pregnancy - consequences

What can cause diarrhea during pregnancy? First of all, during diarrhea, dehydration of the body of the expectant mother occurs. This immediately affects the state of her health. Diarrhea during pregnancy in early pregnancy is dangerous because of spasms of the intestines, uterine spasms can begin, and this is very dangerous in early pregnancy because it can lead to miscarriage. Diarrhea in early pregnancy happens much more often than in the second or third trimester. Because it is at this moment that a woman experiences a hormonal explosion, the expectant mother radically changes her diet.

Diarrhea during late pregnancy dangerous for its dehydration and intoxication of the mother's body. Dehydration, in turn, can lead to preterm labor. If diarrhea during late and early pregnancy is caused by an infectious disease, it is doubly dangerous. Because you have to take medication, and this is undesirable for both mom and baby. Therefore, take care of yourself and the unborn newborn - do not use suspicious products, expired products, wash your hands with soap more often and try not to visit public places and places with large crowds of people.

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea, depending on the duration, is divided into acute, persistent and chronic. Acute diarrhea can last up to two weeks. not passing- more than two weeks, and chronic diarrhea lasts more than a month. Acute and persistent diarrhea is most often caused by viruses and bacteria, while chronic diarrhea manifests itself as a symptom of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Diarrhea - treat at home


You should not immediately run to the doctor at the first signs of diarrhea during pregnancy. Pay attention to the color of urine (it should be a transparent yellowish tint), feces (there should be no blood and mucus in it). In this case, start by drinking more fluids - strong tea, compote, still water will reduce the risk of dehydration. Broth and fruit juice are good for dehydration.

Look at your menu - usually the foods that caused diarrhea are immediately easily identified. Eliminate those foods that provoke diarrhea. These are dairy products, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, salads, various sauces, fatty meat and fish, butter. And it is best to eat breadcrumbs and drink tea for one day.

Common boiled rice, jelly, decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, sage, dried viburnum berries with honey help well against diarrhea. Quince, baked pear and bean soup also relieve diarrhea during pregnancy. All of these products are non-medicinal and completely safe for pregnant women.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is necessary to treat diarrhea during pregnancy with medicines under the supervision of a doctor. Diarrhea medicines that can be used by pregnant women.

Activated carbon

Now on sale there are white and black activated carbon. This is the most affordable and safest remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy. It is an excellent adsorbent and copes well with acute diarrhea. Also allowed for allergy sufferers. Drink three to four times a day, one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. It costs about ten rubles one pack in a pharmacy.


It is also an excellent adsorbent and is completely harmless. "Smecta" helps not only fight diarrhea, but also vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. It is also inexpensive - 15 rubles one bag.


This is an antibiotic, and the doctor should prescribe it. This drug can be taken only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Helps in the fight against salmonella, klebsiella, E. coli, which caused diarrhea. It is good because it quickly acts on harmful microorganisms and does not affect the fetus. Take the medicine for a week. One package costs one hundred rubles.


It comes in the form of a paste and is very good at helping to cope with diarrhea. It is completely safe during pregnancy and when breastfeeding, as it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. This tool is very good to deal with toxicosis in the first three months of pregnancy. It costs more than other means - a package costs 350 rubles.


A well-known remedy that is also prescribed when taking antibiotics for dysbacteriosis. But it also successfully fights diarrhea. Can be taken by both adults and children. One package costs 450 rubles.


It also has no contraindications. It successfully fights the manifestations of diarrhea by thickening the stool. After taking this medicine, the stool becomes less frequent and the diarrhea disappears.

"Loperamide" ("Imodium")

Also an effective remedy for diarrhea. First, they drink two tablets at once, and then one at a time during the day (but not more than eight tablets).

"Diphenoxylate" ("Lomotil")

This medicine is stronger than Loperamide. Take two tablets four times a day for diarrhea. The diarrhea usually goes away within two days. But this medicine has side effects, so you need a doctor's supervision.

If you have loose stools during pregnancy, avoid medicines containing sodium bicarbonate or sodium. They should not be taken by pregnant women.

When is the best time to see a doctor

If diarrhea does not stop for several days, loose stools during the day three or more times, feces contain discharge with mucus or blood, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, chills, fever, headache, muscle pain, feeling unwell and tired - you urgently need to see a doctor. Even if you only have some of these symptoms.

So, how to stop diarrhea during pregnancy?

First, try to determine the cause of your discomfort. Think about what caused diarrhea - maybe you ate low-quality foods. It is best to starve for one day or eat only crackers and drink tea with them. Drink more liquid. Drink activated charcoal or smectite. It is also good to use folk recipes - a decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort is also good for diarrhea during pregnancy.

Reading time: 7 minutes

If diarrhea occurs during early or late pregnancy, in order to avoid possible complications, the treatment of the expectant mother should be immediate. The disturbed stool of a pregnant woman is a problem for the health of the baby, since the processes of degradation, dehydration, and complete exhaustion take place in the body. Before you get rid of diarrhea during pregnancy, you need to consult with a leading gynecologist, completely eliminate superficial self-medication.

What is diarrhea

This is a delicate health problem, in which there is a loosening of the stool in the patient, trips to the toilet are noticeably more frequent. This unpleasant symptom is observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication of the body, and is successfully treated with conservative methods. Additional signs of indigestion can be acute pain in the abdomen, nausea, general weakness, increased nervousness. To stop and reduce the number of seizures, you need to see a doctor, jointly determine the cause of the pathological process.

Can you get diarrhea during pregnancy?

The expectant mother needs to be warned, since this category of patients is at risk. This is explained by a weak immune response in relation to the pathogenic flora. A pregnant woman, even taking vitamins, may experience such unpleasant symptoms, which may be the result of hormonal disorders. It is necessary to do something, and in a timely manner, otherwise the loss of fluid will lead to complete dehydration and exhaustion of the pregnant body.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy is more common, as the female body is in a stage of great change. However, in the third trimester, such a symptom cannot be ruled out, since it is considered one of the harbingers of an approaching labor activity. In the latter case, conservative treatment is meaningless, but the patient is required to consult a gynecologist without fail.


The etiology of the pathological process is diverse, but the main provoking factors for the occurrence of symptoms of chronic diarrhea in the early and late stages of pregnancy are approximately the same. So the problem occurs when:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • intestinal infections;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • nervous disorders;
  • severe poisoning;
  • infection of the intestinal tract;
  • prerequisites for premature birth;
  • course of severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is diarrhea dangerous?

Intense diarrhea during pregnancy is caused by dysfunction of the digestive system, may be the result of an improperly selected diet or self-treatment of constipation. This condition is dangerous for the expectant mother, as it can lead to loss of fluid and mineral salts of the body, provoke a water-alkaline imbalance, and sudden death of the fetus. It is necessary to treat diarrhea in a timely manner, otherwise stool disorders may drag on for more than one week. In addition, increased uterine contractions in late pregnancy can trigger preterm labor.

What can pregnant women from diarrhea

After the onset of diarrhea, a woman does not just run to the toilet: her stomach continues to twist, depriving her of sleep and rest. To normalize the general condition, you can drink activated charcoal or a Linex tablet. It is allowed to take drugs of other pharmacological groups only on the recommendation of a specialist, but it is first shown to determine the causes of indigestion. From folk remedies, black pepper peas are excellent, but such an appointment must be agreed in advance.


If bouts of prolonged diarrhea are accompanied by vomiting, there are signs of poisoning of the body. In addition, these can be pronounced symptoms of toxicosis for the restructuring of the hormonal background, which disturb 1-3 months of pregnancy or immediately before childbirth. The stomach is empty, and systematic trips to the toilet are still accompanied by frequent loose stools. When taking medications, it is important to be guided not by instructions, but by medical recommendations. Experts, having determined the symptoms of the disease, recommend taking the following medications:

  1. Smecta. Herbal preparation for signs of dehydration is available in powder form. Effectively relieves inflammation, irritation of the mucous membrane. It is worth taking the drug, after diluting the contents of the package in a glass of water. Drink a ready-made broth for 1 tbsp. every 2 hours until diarrhea disappears.
  2. loperamide. Produced in the form of tablets, has a synthetic origin. One of the most effective remedies for diarrhea symptoms, it is indicated to take 1 tablet three times a day, but in total no more than 2 days.
  3. Nifuroxazide. The tablets effectively kill the bacteria that cause diarrhea. A characteristic medication is prescribed if diarrhea is accompanied by pain and a jump in body temperature in the amount of 2 pills at a time every 6 hours, but not more than 3 days.

food products

If loose stools are observed during late pregnancy, symptoms of toxicosis should not be ruled out. Diarrhea can be eliminated by correcting the usual diet. It is important to know those foods that have a strengthening effect during pregnancy and successfully eliminate loose stools. The detailed table is shown below:

Folk remedies

Diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester can be a sign of illness or a harbinger of childbirth. In order not to harm the child for such an impressive period, alternative medicine methods can be used. Here are the most proven recipes that women face during pregnancy:

  1. Kissel from cranberries and lingonberries. Rinse fresh berries, steam and mash. Then grind through a sieve, add potato starch, cook, stirring, over low heat. Honey can be added to the finished drink for diarrhea.
  2. Pomegranate decoction. Peel the pomegranate peel, steam in boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After strain, take several sips throughout the day. The tool is approved for use in any trimester.
  3. Tea from mint and lemon balm, prepared in the classical way, is highly effective in diarrhea associated with late toxicosis. The drink removes nausea and vomiting, so you should use it as the main drink.

Diarrhea occurs due to the faster passage of intestinal contents through the large intestine, which, in turn, can be caused by a number of reasons associated with diseases of the large intestine, the entire gastrointestinal tract or its parts (stomach, pancreas, etc.). ) and general diseases. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by a change in the nature of the stool (mushy, frothy, watery, etc., changes in smell are possible, various impurities can be determined: streaks of blood, mucus). Usually, diarrhea is combined with other painful manifestations: from the intestines (pain, bloating, flatulence - increased gas formation, false urge to defecate) and common to the body (fever, weakness, chills, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, etc.).

Here is a sample list of diseases and conditions that can cause diarrhea.

  • Various "big" intestinal infections(dysentery, typhus and paratyphoid, cholera, etc.). All these infectious diseases are difficult, and each has its own characteristics (high or low body temperature, special changes in stool, etc.). These diseases require mandatory treatment in a specialized hospital.
  • Seemingly simpler group - food poisoning, called in everyday life intestinal or food poisoning. Like previous infections, these diseases are acute, that is, they occur suddenly, proceed violently and usually end in complete recovery. But even among food poisoning, severe poisoning is possible, requiring hospitalization.
  • Hereditary deficiency of certain enzymes, for example, lactase, which is necessary for the digestion of milk sugar, or an enzyme that breaks down gluten (it is found in cereals), etc. These are chronic problems, they do not begin suddenly and accompany a person for many years. As a rule, people with hereditary fermentopathy are aware of their disease and make up a diet taking into account this personal characteristic.
  • Sometimes diarrhea manifests itself food allergy. And although an allergic reaction is, of course, an acute condition, the very allergic mood of the body to a given product or group is a chronic process, no doubt. And the treatment is the same as for fermentopathy: first of all, provocative products - allergens - should be avoided. The most common allergic diarrhea is seafood, in particular crustaceans, eggs, strawberries, etc.
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease(Crohn's disease, enterocolitis, Whipple's disease, or intestinal lipodystrophy, ulcerative colitis, chronic proctosigmoiditis, etc.). Somewhat apart irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Dysbacteriosis(imbalance of intestinal microflora) with fermentative or putrefactive flora.
  • Severe diseases of the stomach, in which gastric juice is not produced and food is poorly digested because of this.
  • Chronic diseases of the pancreas.
  • Intestinal wall lesions in any area, for example, with oncological diseases of the intestine (there are characteristic differences that allow them to be suspected and suggest an approximate level of damage), gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis (it almost never occurs as an isolated form, but is always accompanied by tuberculosis of the lungs), etc. .
  • Systemic connective tissue diseases with damage to internal organs and the gastrointestinal tract as well.
  • Severe hormonal disorders with Addison's disease, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, etc.
  • neurogenic reactions, including "bear disease".
  • poisoning, such as salts of heavy metals, etc.
  • Worm lesions.

From the above, it becomes clear that, compared with the usual constipation, diarrhea, especially those that occur suddenly, require a more serious attitude.

Of course, if after eating a suspicious product you experience nausea and one-, two- or three-fold loosening of the stool, the stool is mushy with an unpleasant pungent odor, but without impurities of blood and mucus, the body temperature remains normal, there is no chills and severe general weakness , - this is not a reason for panic and an emergency call to the doctor. This picture is typical for non-severe food poisoning (food toxic infection). However, it should be noted that even with mild forms of food poisoning, a reflex increase in the tone of the uterus is possible. With a normal pregnancy, this should not cause much concern. But what if the tone of the uterus is already increased? Then the doctor's call should be based on the woman's well-being.

Another thing is if the body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, repeated diarrhea develops with false urges to empty the intestines, with pain in the abdomen - pulling, cramping, aching, bursting, radiating to the lower abdomen, to the perineum, etc. Such manifestations allow to suspect that the patient has either a “major” infection, or a severe food poisoning infection, or a sharp exacerbation of a chronic bowel disease, or an acute surgical problem in the abdominal cavity. In any case, such a condition is threatening for the mother and for her child - a doctor's call is mandatory.

If the loosening of the stool is in the nature of a habitual, periodically occurring chronic condition, then the attitude towards it, of course, can be more calm. Treatment should be based on the principles of treatment of the underlying disease, taking into account pregnancy.

Neurogenic conditions (stool disorder as a result of stress) can be neutralized by taking sedative infusions and teas based on five-lobed motherwort - both separately and in herbal collections.

For example: mix in equal parts the leaves of fireweed, calendula officinalis flowers, wild raspberry leaves, officinalis root, blackberry leaves, common blueberries and add to them 2 parts of herb motherwort five-lobed. Brew 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes in a thermos, strain. Take a third cup 3 times a day, if there is no allergy, you can sweeten 1/2 teaspoon of honey.

It is impossible to talk about the treatment of all diseases that occur with diarrhea in the volume of a journal article. Let us dwell mainly on the treatment of non-severe food poisoning, as the most common and most often treated independently at home.

Here are the main directions of treatment.

  1. Replenishment of fluid loss. With diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid, so you need to drink and drink a lot. Suitable for this: unsweetened, but strong enough tea; herbal infusions; diluted re-hydron powder, trisols, lactosalts, etc. (except for liquid, they restore the balance of salts “washed out” by diarrhea); diluted enterodesis (this drug is also an adsorbent - it “takes” toxins on itself); just pure water. You need to drink about a third or half a glass of liquid per hour (be guided by the rule: “how much poured out - so much poured in”).
  2. Hunger and sparing diet with gradual expansion. The first day - hunger. Only by the end of the day from the onset of diarrhea, if the “revolution in the stomach” has more or less calmed down, you can afford to eat a few crackers of white bread with tea. In the following days, you can gradually expand the diet (at the same time, on the second or third days, fruits, stews and fresh vegetables, any fried meat, rich broths, butter and vegetable oils and, in general, all animal fats, whole milk) are under the strictest ban. You can eat low-fat sour-milk products, mucous porridge, chud tinted with milk.
  3. Medical treatment. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor. Let's just talk about such a drug as IMODIUM. It cannot be used for poisoning, because when taking this drug, toxins that should be excreted from the body with loose stools are absorbed. In addition, this drug is generally contraindicated during pregnancy.
  4. Prevention. Its value is difficult to overestimate! Do not eat food with expired expiration dates; products in which the integrity of the packaging is violated; products with a suspicious taste or smell, etc. You should not try goods in the markets, no matter how you are persuaded to “taste a piece” and not convinced of absolute purity - it does not exist in the markets! Do not buy perishable food from your hands, especially in the summer, even if you are "starving."
  • Slimy decoction of oatmeal (50 g of oatmeal pour 2 full glasses of cold water, leave for 4 hours at room temperature, then cook until thickened over low heat, stirring). Take 1-2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day.
  • Well-boiled rice porridge (pour a tea cup of unpolished rice with 7 cups of the same volume of cold water, cook over low heat until the rice is boiled, let the broth settle and carefully drain from the surface of the boiled rice). Take a third cup of decoction every two hours.
  • Slimy decoction of whole barley grain (40 g of grains pour 2 cups of cold water and leave for 5 hours, boil for 15 minutes, strain). Take a tablespoon 4 - 6 times a day.
  • Boiled or baked pear (preferably wild) or a decoction of its fruits (1 cup finely chopped pear brew with two cups of boiling water and boil for another 20 minutes over low heat, insist under the lid for 3 hours, strain). Take on an empty stomach half a glass 4 times a day.
  • A decoction of a pear or its boiled pieces. They can be mixed into any "grain" recipe. They will only enhance the mutual effect.
  • Blueberry jelly, can be with the addition of rose hips.
  • In equal parts, mix blackberry leaves with gray and cinnamon rose hips, brew 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture with a glass of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes in a water bath and leave for another half an hour under the lid, strain, cool. Take half a glass 4-5 times a day. Blackberry and rosehip infusions can be used separately.
  • A decoction of green bean sashes (20 g of bean sashes dried and ground in a coffee grinder, brew with a liter of boiling water and keep on low heat for another 10 minutes, insist for 20 minutes under a lid, strain, cool). Take a third cup 4-5 times a day.
  • You can prepare a decoction of bean leaves according to the above recipe with the addition of dried common blueberries (2 tablespoons) and (or) the same amount of cinnamon rose hips. Take in the same way as the previous decoction.
  • As a sorbent, you can drink diluted potato starch 1 or 2 times a day (1 teaspoon per half glass of cold (!) Water).
  • Blackthorn flower tea (brew 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 8 hours, strain). This is the daily dose, drink several sips throughout the day.
  • A decoction of viburnum fruits with honey (1 cup of dried fruits, pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes, strain). In a hot broth, dilute 3 tablespoons of bee honey. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. This recipe is especially suitable for irritable bowel syndrome and neurogenic loosening of the stool.
  • Mix in equal parts the leaves of common chicory, the flowers of chamomile, the fruits of blueberries, the leaves of the princess forest and the herb of fireweed angustifolia. Brew 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes in a water bath, avoiding boiling, insist for half an hour with a lid, strain. Take warm in a third - half a glass 4 times a day. All components of this collection can be taken separately or in pairs in any combination. Brew the same way.
  • Mix in equal parts the herb of the white lamb, the flowers of the chamomile, the fruits of the common blueberry, the leaves of the plantain, the herb of the common cuff, the herb of the five-lobed motherwort, the fruits of the cinnamon rosehip. The infusion is prepared and taken in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Before taking any medicinal collection, remember if you are allergic to its components. So, in the presence of hay fever (allergies associated with flowering plants), herbal treatment is generally contraindicated. Therefore, before you start taking herbs, consult your doctor.

It's a delicate issue that people try not to talk about out loud. But during pregnancy, you can’t hide anything, because you need to be as careful as possible so as not to harm the unborn baby.

Many suffer from diarrhea during pregnancy - women especially often experience this. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes are taking place in the body: it begins to react differently to seemingly familiar phenomena for it before pregnancy, and so it manifests itself as best it can - and not in the most pleasant ways.

Of course, this is a terrible discomfort: the intestines are emptied at any time convenient for him, usually as soon as the expectant mother eats something. It’s scary to go out somewhere, to eat outside the walls of your native kitchen - too, and at home such a phenomenon is not very pleasant.

Some doctors say that this is not bad for the baby: the intestines are cleansed, respectively - everything filtered and necessary enters the baby's body through the placenta. But it doesn't make it any easier for mommy. So the option to wait, it suddenly becomes easier, in this situation does not fit.

Is diarrhea dangerous during pregnancy?

You should not do this also because diarrhea during pregnancy carries a certain danger to the unborn child and his mother. Mainly, this is dehydration, which occurs with severe diarrhea. In no case should this be allowed, because with an intensive loss of fluid, your body also loses mineral salts. Violation of the water-salt balance leads to disruption of the functioning of vital organs and systems - both in the mother and in the child. In severe cases, dehydration due to diarrhea during pregnancy can lead to fetal malformations and even fetal death.

In general, proper nutrition of cells and tissues is now extremely necessary for both of your organisms. Therefore, it is necessary not only to prevent fluid loss, but also to constantly replenish its reserves.

Prolonged intense diarrhea during pregnancy is accompanied by severe intoxication of the entire maternal organism. And naturally, toxic substances also enter the fetus, disrupting its normal development and growth.

If the intestines remain in an overly active state for a long period (which is observed with diarrhea), then the uterus may also be reflexively involved in the process: its muscle tissue is toned, and there is a risk of fetal rejection.

The reason for the development of diarrhea in a pregnant woman should also be considered. It is she who can pose the greatest threat to the unborn child and mother if it is a serious infection. Therefore, if the condition worsens, persistent diarrhea or the addition of other threatening symptoms (vomiting, fever, dehydration), it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

Speaking about whether diarrhea during pregnancy is dangerous, we want to note: a real threat exists only with prolonged and severe diarrhea. A slight disorder of the stool, in addition to discomfort for a woman, usually does not carry any danger in itself.

What to do with diarrhea during pregnancy?

With diarrhea during pregnancy at home, rice helps to cope well. It does not need to be washed too much - it is better to cook it so that it is a little sticky: then rice will quickly bind harmful substances in the intestines. You can also try blueberries - they say it helps in any form. Contributes to the normalization of the intestines and thick jelly cooked on potato starch, as well as dried fruit compotes.

Boiled or baked pear copes well with diarrhea. A decoction of its fruits is also good: you need to pour a finely chopped pear with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, leave for three hours under the lid and strain. Drink on an empty stomach ½ cup 4 times a day.

Prepare yourself a decoction of fruits from viburnum with honey. Pour a glass of dried fruits with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Then strain and dilute three tablespoons of bee honey in the finished broth. You need to drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.

But do not forget: before you take a medicinal collection or any herbs, make sure that you are not allergic to these components.

If your diarrhea was caused by food poisoning, then do not wait to see a doctor. Replenish the loss of fluid, because with diarrhea the body loses a lot of it, so drink as much as possible. You can strong tea, herbal infusions, plain water. Drink up to half a glass an hour. Of the drugs, doctors recommend Regidron powder, Laktosol - they not only make up for the lack of fluid, but also restore the balance of salts washed out with diarrhea.

Starve the first day. If diarrhea began to subside - eat crackers of white bread with seagulls, on the second and third day do not eat fruits, stews and fresh vegetables, fried meat, rich broths, butter and vegetable oils and in general all animal fats, do not drink whole milk.

And do not forget to monitor your health and diet, even if diarrhea is not disturbing. In no case do not eat expired products (they should not be consumed even in a non-pregnant state!). Do not eat what you do not like in terms of smell, taste and appearance, do not buy sour milk from your hands - and indeed, whatever it is.

Especially for- Maria Dulina