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English in elementary school. English for children: when and how to start learning English with a child. What skills should a child have to start learning English

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​broadens one's horizons and makes one feel at home anywhere in the world. And what parent does not want their child to have a developed intellect and open doors everywhere? Therefore, more and more children are taught foreign languages ​​from a very young age. It is believed that children are much easier to get used to a foreign culture than an adult. But English for children requires a special teaching methodology, which we will talk about today. We will tell you how to instill in your child an interest in learning and advise on ways in which you can conduct English lessons for children easily and effectively. Let's get started!

As scientists have noted, the peculiarities of children's perception of the world help kids learn foreign languages ​​more easily. Children are open to everything new, and genuine curiosity drives them to learn more and more. The parent can only direct the energy of the child in the right direction. But the question of how old to teach a child to English is very individual.

If we talk about the recommendations of experts, then their opinions also differ. Some scientists recommend conducting the first English lessons with a baby from the age of 3. Other teachers are in favor of a more conscious age (5-6 years), and still others argue that before 7 you should not even think about foreign languages.

Each theory has its own arguments for and against, but we will not consider them in detail. In any case, only parents decide when to start learning English for their children. Here are some tips to make your choice easier.

  1. You should not start learning a second language until your native language is confidently mastered. This also applies to an insufficient vocabulary, and incorrect pronunciation, and violations of the logical connections "subject-designation".
  2. If the child is not yet actively seeking to explore the world, it is better to wait a while until the natural need for knowledge appears.
  3. If, on the contrary, the baby shows excessive activity, then you should definitely pay his attention to entertaining English lessons.
  4. Think about how psychologically you yourself begin teaching English for a kid. At the same time, parents should understand that their children are influenced by their own example. At a minimum, it is desirable that you know English at a beginner level or expand your knowledge with your children.

If you cannot make a decision, even after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, conduct a trial lesson with your child. The baby will not like it - well, then it's not time yet. And if the child remains delighted, then all parental doubts will immediately disappear. Don't be afraid to try and don't rely too much on expert opinion. All people are individual, and it's never too late to start learning.

Thus, with the age of young students, we theoretically figured it out. Now let's move on to more practical issues, and analyze in detail the methods and recommendations for teaching English to children of different ages.

English for kids 3-4 years old

This age is the most optimal if you decide to start learning English with a child “from the cradle”. During this period, children turn into active "why" and they are interested in almost everything around. At the same time, babies think in bright and simple images that help them memorize new information easily and quickly. Therefore, foreign language lessons for children 2.5 - 4 years old will certainly bear fruit. But it is very important to choose the right format for English lessons for kids.

Where to begin

Little children are carefree and spontaneous, so it is not necessary to meticulously explain the rules of the language to them. English lessons for children should take place exclusively in a playful way: your child should not feel any moralizing, coercion and requirements. With a violent approach, you will not only not teach a child anything, but also vice versa, you will form a hated attitude towards any foreign languages. Therefore, be very careful: let the lessons be spontaneous and 10-15 minutes in the form of a game rather than 30-minute lessons in the full sense of the word.

If we talk about where to start the process of learning English with children, then there are many options. Among them:

  • Alphabet;
  • Greeting phrases;
  • Designations of family members;
  • Numbers, colors, etc.

But again, do not count on strict and consistent classes, as in adults. Try to suggest topics that are interesting to the child, for example, learning words about animals or colors in English together. Say the word, and let the baby repeat after you, or, for example, show a card with such a picture.

In general, the presentation of the material should be very dynamic and varied. Do not make the baby bored, and even more so tired of long explanations. Try to use fun and playful ways to teach English to young children. We have listed some of them below.


Educational songs are one of the best ways to teach English to young children. Funny music quickly attracts children's attention and activates auditory memory. So the guys have fun and at the same time easily and quickly memorize English vocabulary.

It is also very effective to include videos with songs for kids. A vivid video sequence illustrating the plot of the song will attract even more attention and help to include visual memory in the work. And after a couple of training sessions, go on to independently perform songs with your child. You can also add funny dances or play with the image of the objects / animals that are discussed in the song.

In general, such entertaining lessons will form the following skills in children:

  • Interest in learning foreign languages;
  • Knowledge of English words;
  • Ability to recognize English speech by ear;
  • The ability to speak independently (repeating memorized phrases).

And, of course, the children will improve the work of memory and the general development of intelligence.

Fairy tales

Another effective method with which you can effectively teach English to children up to 7 years old. What child does not like to hear about the adventures of fairy-tale heroes, especially when mom or dad talk about them.

Other English topics: Irregular English verbs - table with translation Grade 6

Read fairy tales to your baby, as you always do, only now slowly add elements of the English language to them. First, one or two words that are familiar to the child, and later try to work with adapted versions of English fairy tales. Be sure to read the texts playfully: with a change in voice, showing scenes, gestures, etc. The brighter the images, the more interesting it is for children.


And the favorite pastime of the children is outdoor games, fun and logical guessing games. All these elements must also be actively used when teaching English to children.

The simplest thing is to guess English words for your baby using learning cards. You show a card and the child calls it (or vice versa). Another fun game: the parent depicts a fairy-tale hero, animal, bird or object, and the kid must name the hidden character in English. You can also just walk on the street, and name the colors of the surrounding objects.

There are many options, the only thing I would like to note is that we would not recommend accustoming a baby to electronic games at this age. Do not leave the upbringing of children to computers, tablets and other gadgets. Only by your own positive example and participation will you be able to invest the best knowledge and skills in your child.

English for children 5-7 years old

Preschoolers have not yet lost their children's interest in the world around them, but they are already more serious than three- and four-year-olds. Therefore, many parents believe that this is the best age to start learning English. The lessons of preschool children are also held in a playful way and do not take much time, but the methods of learning English for preschool children, of course, are slightly different.


English lessons for children from 5 years old are always, for the most part, acquaintance with new words. The grammar of the English language for this age is still heavy, and the letters are too simple. So this period is ideal for the formation of an active vocabulary in a child.

It is better for preschoolers to study vocabulary on certain topics. It is good if these are vocabulary cards with bright pictures that reveal the meaning of the word. Firstly, a beautiful design in itself will attract children's attention, and secondly, with a picture, the word is corny easier to remember. In addition, exciting educational games can be played with cards, but more on that later.

Also, vocabulary is mastered in the process of studying nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales.


To prevent your child from forgetting the learned vocabulary, add more English phrases to your conversations. For example, instead of saying good morning, say " Goodmorningmyson (mydaughter)”, provoking the child to also answer in English. Of course, you should not go too far and constantly communicate in a foreign language. It is enough for a day to use a few popular phrases.

Also, English lessons for children 6 years and older can be carried out by playing small scenes. For example, you can use hand puppets and repeat the lines of characters from your favorite fairy tales. Or just play with puppets, making up a simple conversation:

  • -hello!
  • -hi!
  • -Mynameis… etc.

It is desirable that the parent speaks the line first, and the child repeats after him, substituting the characteristics of his character.


First of all, foreign language classes should be interesting for the children themselves. And teaching English cartoons will perfectly help parents in developing interest in learning in preschool children.

Turn on small colorful videos and watch them with your baby. Fortunately, today on the Internet you can easily find an instructional video in English for children of any age. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to explain in detail to the child that we are not just watching a cartoon, but are learning a new language. Give the kid time, and he himself will be involved in the process and will be able to understand the simplest remarks of the characters. Then the task of the parent is to make a small discussion after watching and reinforcing the vocabulary heard.

With the right approach, such entertaining English lessons for children of five or six years old are simply irreplaceable. After all, such activities arouse interest in the baby and help develop all the necessary speech skills:

  • A set of new vocabulary;
  • English listening comprehension;
  • Speaking (repeat phrases + discussion with parents);
  • Correct pronunciation.

In addition, this technique is very useful for general development, because. cartoons reveal everyday moments and explain important life principles to children in an accessible form.


As with toddlers, English for 5 or 6 year olds is always taught in a playful way. Therefore, organize various mini-games, contests or competitions more often.

So, with the help of cards you can play " guess the odd one»: 3 cards are laid out on one topic, and a fourth is added from another deck. The task of the child is to remove the unnecessary card. There is an interesting variation of this memory game: 3-4 cards are laid out in a row, then the child closes his eyes, and the parents remove 1 card. The kid must accurately name which card was removed.

You can also play with preschoolers in " who knows more words», « guess faster», « Freeze sea figure», « crocodile" and so on. The main thing is not to forget that victory and parental praise are very important for kids. Therefore, often affectionately address the child, cheer him up if he loses, and admire his successes when the baby wins. A warm attitude and interesting games, and even more victories in them, motivate the child to study English more and more often.

This is how they teach English for children 7 years old. In fact, at preschool age, children only get acquainted with the language, get used to its sound and new words. But the role of such an easy game is very important: it liberates the kids, and subsequently they will not have a language barrier, i.e. fear of speaking in a foreign language. On the contrary, a second language will be perceived as a natural and necessary thing.

English for younger students

And finally, the final period of childhood refers to elementary school. Here the task of the parent is to do more with the child, explaining the points of the school curriculum that have not been considered. At school, the teacher often does not have time to explain the lesson in an accessible way, and the 1st grade student is not always able to concentrate and understand the material. Therefore, carefully monitor the school success of the baby and help to deal with the curriculum.

Other English topics: English fairy tales with Russian translation for toddlers and older children

In general, English for children aged 7-10 also partly takes place in the format of a game, but with the active introduction of serious grammatical points. At this age, the conscious formation of language skills begins, so classes should be aimed at the comprehensive development of the child.


In our first English classes at school, of course, we learn letters and their pronunciation. This step is necessary because not all children studied a foreign language before entering the first grade. Then, according to the curriculum, there are reading rules, but in fact they are taught in a very crumpled way, and children do not have time to fully master such an important topic. Therefore, this moment is replenished in homework.

Conduct training gradually, mastering with the baby no more than 1-2 rules per lesson. Such small loads will not settle as an unbearable burden and, taking into account regular repetitions, will significantly improve the child in English. Over the weekend, improve your reading skills with short, adapted texts for elementary school children. They will help to consolidate the learned rules and get acquainted with new vocabulary.


It's no secret that a language is designed to be spoken. Therefore, foreign speech must be constantly practiced in conversation.

Of course, for first-graders, such a task will be too difficult, but for students of the 2nd grade, perhaps, they are already able to independently compose a sentence from several words. But remember that classes should not be forced: English for children of the age of 8 is still the same game. Therefore, just occasionally, according to the mood of the child, exchange a couple of common phrases with him or play “ name/describe the item". For this game, knowledge of the simplest structures is enough:

  • Itisabanana. Thisbananaisyellow. Ilikeitverymuch. And what is it? —This is a banana. This banana is yellow. I really like him. What is it?

Such a dialogue, with the proper level of training, is within the power of even a 5-year-old kid, to say nothing of second-graders. And by the age of ten, the guys will be quite able to compose common sentences and use basic English tenses.


Learning grammar rules is the very moment when English for schoolchildren ceases to be an entertaining game. For most children, grammar is difficult, which is the fault of both short school lessons and not always clear explanations of teachers. Therefore, grammar topics should be worked out intensively in homework.

English grammar for children 7-9 years old is taught in a semi-game form. The basic rule is briefly explained and then it is reinforced by reading short stories, speaking dialogues and doing exercises. At the same time, the material is presented in the most simplified form: at the initial stage, children do not need to know exceptions and special cases, because. Extra information will only confuse the child.

It is also recommended to use electronic materials for studying grammar. These can be presentations, tutorial videos, mini-games, and quizzes. The more diverse the presentation of the topic, the more parts of the brain are included in the work, and, accordingly, the material is easier for children to assimilate. The main thing to remember is that any rule must not only be learned, but also be able to use it in speech.


Junior schoolchildren also cannot do without control work to check the topics studied.

Toddlers in grades 1-2 are usually given a short oral survey, which is not much different from playing dialogues. Also, the guys solve very easy tests. For children 9-10 years old, they give more difficult work: correct specially made mistakes, answer a question, make a proposal on their own. Tests are becoming more diverse, now the tasks require not just choosing an answer, but supplementing it with your own words.

But starting from the age of 12 or even 11, when tenses and irregular verbs are actively mastered, almost every lesson ends with tests. And this is the right approach, because. every detail of the theory studied must be worked out in practice.

Children, of course, perceive checks without enthusiasm. But the task of parents is to convince the child that he can easily cope with the tasks, because he is smart and capable. Praise more often and show less severity to the mistakes made. It is better to calmly explain what the child was wrong about and do the work again later than to shout and develop in children a hatred of learning.

Games and websites

Everyone loves to have fun, so the game technique is effective for children at 3 years old, and at 9 years old, and even at all 15-16. For younger groups, it is recommended to conduct more outdoor and oral games, and English for children from 10 years old can be diversified with the help of electronic games and applications. However, in moderation, the computer will not harm the kids either.

Services and programs for learning English with children
Name Age Description
English Conversation for Kids from 4 years old Mobile application with a convenient catalog of training videos on YouTube.
LearnEnglish Kids from 5 years old A site with educational materials for children and their caring parents. There are mini-games, videos, flashcards, test tasks, etc.
Lingualeo from 6 years old A popular English learning service for adults and children. Here you will find collections of vocabulary, educational videos and songs with subtitles, exercises for grammar and memorization of words. Toddlers are invited to undergo training with a special course " for the little ones». from 8 years old A site with video lessons, notes, exercises and tests for the school curriculum.
Duolingo from 8 years old The service will teach popular vocabulary and help you understand how to build sentences from words.
Quizlet from 10 years old Program for learning words. Does not let you get bored, because different memory techniques are used.

Here are some fun ways to teach English to children of all ages. Good luck in your studies and see you soon!

It is known that primary school age is the most favorable for learning a foreign language. The imitating abilities of the child, natural curiosity and the need to learn new things, the absence of a “frozen” system of values ​​and attitudes, as well as the language barrier contribute to the effective solution of the tasks facing the subject “foreign language”.

The familiarization of a younger student with the help of a foreign language to a different culture allows, on the one hand, to realize oneself as a person belonging to a certain socio-cultural community of people, and on the other hand, it instills in him respect and tolerance for a different way of life.

Specialists from different countries put forward uniform requirements for teaching a foreign language: the language must be acquired by the child consciously, in no case should learning turn into an imitative process, children must master the language as a means of communication. The need for developing education is also recognized, including the development and formation of new mental qualities of the child.

The implementation of these tasks requires the teacher to know the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age in order to methodically competently organize the educational process at this stage of education.

Over fifteen years ago, I began teaching early language students. Having familiarized myself with various methodological works and manuals on this issue, I chose the teaching materials for English “Enjoy English” by the authors of Biboletova, designed for three years of study.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of younger students when teaching a foreign language, I use “active teaching methods” (AMO), which in foreign psychology are referred to as “social-psychological training” or “group psychotherapy”.

The basis of AMO is active group interaction, in the center of which is free self-expression and self-disclosure. The effectiveness of such training is higher than individual.

The use of AMO in the classroom increases, firstly, students' readiness for cooperation and discovery, consolidation with the group, and secondly, it contributes to the development of creative activity, as well as the desire to regulate their behavior and influence others. Moreover, the noted phenomena are quite typical for the majority of participants in such training and proceed quite intensively in a relatively short period of time.

Therefore, the main form of teaching a foreign language to young children is a game. Communication in a foreign language is always a convention, always “as if”, and the more precisely the conditions of the game and its laws are observed here, the more effective foreign language communication will be.

For a child, a game is an interesting, fascinating interaction with a teacher and peers, in which statements of a certain type are dictated by the internal needs of the game. Of course, not every game is suitable for this purpose. We can formulate the following requirements for the game as a learning technique.

Requirements for the game as a special type of children's activity:

- obligatory awareness of the game result by children. Such a result can be the creation of unusual comic or fantastic images with the help of words: flying objects, talking animals, etc.;

- children's awareness of the rules, the observance of which will help to achieve this result;

- the possibility of choosing a specific action in the game by each child, which ensures individual activity in the collective form of the game. (For example, when completing the task to feed someone, each child offers his “product”, his “food”: “Do you like milk?”, “Do you like sweets?” and so on).

We should not forget that playing in a foreign language class is not just collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning objectives at this stage - from the smallest speech skills to the ability to conduct an independent conversation.

Requirements for the game as a way to achieve learning objectives:

- it is necessary to know exactly what kind of skill, skill is being trained in this game, what the child did not know how to do before the game and what he learned during the game. If in the game the child repeats songs and poems, reproduces memorized dialogues, then he does not acquire new skills and abilities in the game. If he has learned to change words, to select the word that is necessary in meaning, to build a phrase or text or just a phrase on his own, then the child acquires new skills;

- the game should put the child in front of the need for mental effort, even if only a tiny one. It is not necessary to give children the rules of the game in strict terms; any scheme or drawing can be used.

In teaching younger students, I do not always use the grading system. I think over the rules of the game in such a way that a mistake in a speech action would lead to a loss in the game.

I will dwell on certain types of games that I use at various stages of the lesson.

The lesson always begins with a phonetic exercise, since it is very important to make the speech apparatus function within the framework of the language being studied, because each language has its own articulation, its own system of sounds. I try to conduct it in an entertaining way, for this I use counting rhymes, imitative songs, often fairy-tale characters come to visit children and conduct their phonetic exercises, for example: She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The shells that she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure.

The whole class with the teacher repeats this tongue twister at a different pace: quickly, slowly, emphasizing the sounds [s] and [S].

At the stage of presenting new material, we also try to play. So, when studying the topic “Family”, a very funny “Cat Family” comes to visit the guys. Looking at this “family”, we compose a fairy tale about cats, give names to all family members, and new vocabulary on the topic is absorbed easily and with pleasure.

To consolidate and control knowledge, I again use the game. These games are: “Bingo-Spell”, “Wordsalad”, etc. (these and other games are presented at the end of the article).

We very often voice pictures from a textbook, children's magazines, newspapers, books.

For example:

1. Voice the presented picture. Try to guess who is there? Ask a question in English.

2. Voice the scene, play out the situation of acquaintance.

3. Help these young people get jobs in the circus. Tell them what they can do on their behalf.

4. If a gas stove could speak and wanted to feed you, what could it offer you?

5. Arrange the furniture in the room.

6. Winnie the Pooh and his friends come to visit us. Explain to them how they can get there.

I carefully prepare for the game, taking into account the peculiarities of the temperament and character of each child. At the beginning of the game, I give leading students the roles of initiative and active characters, while shy children receive the roles of followers. Gradually I select roles that are opposite to the individual characteristics of the child, i.e. I am engaged in psycho-correction of their behavior.

In order to acquaint children with the traditions of the country of the language being studied, develop interest in a foreign language, and cultivate cultural skills, we hold holidays in English.

The encouragement of the teacher is of great importance for children, but it must be remembered that his praise stimulates the child only when he considers the task he completed as difficult enough. It is very important that the teacher compare the progress of the student not with the progress of his comrades, but with his previous results.

I want to note that young children are much more likely to get what is pronounced with good humor, and not in the form of boring moralizing. Laughter helps to create a relaxed, friendly, “humorous” atmosphere in the classroom, which relieves tension and fatigue in children.

The article was published with the support of the "Association of University Teachers", which will open the door for you to the world of English, German, French or Italian. And it's never too late to open that door. You can start learning a foreign language at any age, and it is best if experienced teachers help you to comprehend the basics or improve the already achieved level of knowledge of the language. English in Chelyabinsk from the "Association of University Teachers" is a variety of programs and courses designed for people of all ages - from children and teenagers to high school students and students preparing to take exams, from young professionals striving to successfully move up the career ladder to those who have already taken place Entrepreneurs who need a strong command of the language to expand their business opportunities. Detailed information about the programs and courses implemented by the Association can be found on the website

1. The game "Wordsalad"

Target: Letter writing practice, vocabulary repetition.

Props: Paper and pencil for each student, blackboard and chalk.

Game progress: The teacher calls the letters of a word mixed up.

The students write down the letters. Whoever writes the word first writes it on the board. When this form of the task is mastered, the winning student can think of his own word and play the game instead of the teacher.

2. Game “Bingo-Spell”

Target: Training numbers from 0 to 20, from 0 to 50, etc., training letters of the alphabet.

Props: Paper and pencil for each student, for the teacher a piece of paper with numbers or letters.

Game progress: Each student draws a square with 9 cells (show on the board) and enters numbers or letters in all nine cells:

The teacher calls the numbers in English in any order. At the same time, he crosses out the named number in his leaflet. If this number is in the student's cell, he crosses it out. The player who crosses out all 9 numbers first declares it loudly and is the winner. He reads all his 9 numbers aloud. In the same way, a game is played to recognize the letters of the alphabet.

3. The game “Who is this?”

Target: Practicing the interrogative sentence “Is this...?”, the answer to the question.

Game progress: One student is selected according to the rhyme, which the students say in chorus. He turns his back to the class, and the students, at the sign of the teacher, greet him or say a conditional phrase in a foreign language, changing their voice. The student must find out who is asking him the question “Is this Vova?”, the class answers: “Yes./No.”

4. The game “Color, color, come out!”

Purpose of the game: Practicing vocabulary on the topic “Colors”.

Game progress: Students stand in a circle. The leader calls the color, for example “red”. The participants of the game must quickly find the clothes or any object in the class of this color and show it. Whoever does this first becomes the leader. The game is restarted.

5. Game “Sunday next Monday”

Target: Working out the names of the days of the week.

Game progress: The students form a circle. In the center stands the leader of the game. He has a ball in his hands. He throws the ball to the student and says "Sunday next Monday". The student catches the ball, then throws it to another student, calling the next day of the week: “Monday next Tuesday”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The game continues until the days of the week are over. It can be modified by substituting other vocabulary for practicing, for example, the names of months, seasons.

Who Knows the Parts of the Body Best?

Option 1: The class is divided into two teams. Students - representatives from each team take turns following the teacher's orders: “Touch your head / Show your shoulders. Count on your fingers”, etc. If the student completed the task correctly, the team gets a point, if they make a mistake, the team loses a point. The team with the most points wins. In conclusion, the teacher says: “Team 1 knows the parts of the body best”.

Option 2: The teacher shows and names some part of the body, for example: “This is my head. This is my hand. This is my leg”, etc. Sometimes he “mistakes”, for example, pointing to his hand, he says: “This is my leg”. The team representative to whom he is addressing should quickly point to his chin, or not only show, but also say: “This is your hand.”

6. The game “The Chain of Words”

The teacher throws the ball to one of the students and says, “One.” The student catches the ball and, tossing it to another student, says, “Two.” Etc. When the students reach the last number they know, the counting starts over. The one who made the mistake “pays a phantom”.

Instead of numerals, you can use the names of seasons, months, days of the week.

7. The game “One Fox, Two Foxes...”

There are many different types of toys on the teacher's desk. Each species is represented by several copies. Children take turns approaching the table and quickly count them: “One fox, two foxes”, etc. You can not count already counted toys.

8. The game “The Dog Is on the Desk”

The teacher takes the toy, puts it on the table (under the table, in the box, behind the box, etc.) and says “The dog is on the desk.” The student he is addressing must agree with him: “Yes, the dog is on the desk.” Sometimes the teacher “mistakes” and incorrectly names the location of the subject. For example, putting a toy dog ​​on the table, he says: “The dog is near the door.” Agreeing with him, the student is out of the game.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus argued that children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up. Millennia have passed, and this wisdom is still relevant today: every parent is trying to make a feasible contribution to the future of his child. We want to help you in this matter, so we have compiled for you a selection of 9 great sites for learning English for children.

We want to make a reservation right away: although our selection consists of sites for children, adults can also use it. Such sites are especially valuable for those who learn English at the Beginner and Elementary levels: all information is presented in an accessible way and practiced in practical exercises. Sometimes it's nice to feel like a child!

The first resource we offer is a Russian-language site. It is extremely simple, it will be convenient for a child who is just starting to learn the basics of the English language. You can teach your child the English alphabet with the help of exercises on this resource. The name of each letter is voiced and written in Russian letters. Here you can study words broken down by topic. Each word has a translation and sound recording, so ask your child to repeat the words after the speaker. After studying the words, it is proposed to perform several different exercises to consolidate the material. For schoolchildren, the site presents a block for studying grammar. It should be said that there is still not enough theoretical knowledge and explanations, but you can practice a lot in the exercises.


Another Russian site for learning English for children. At the link you will find dozens of educational games. So, the child will learn the alphabet, learn to count in English, and also acquire a small vocabulary. Students will not only learn new words, but also remember their spelling, so that your child can show off his knowledge in the classroom. In addition, such games are useful for the development of the child's memory.


This site is presented entirely in English, but if you know the basics of English, you can easily figure it out and help your child study. The resource is a storehouse of simple visual video tutorials for children. All materials on the site are free. Go to the Lessons tab, it just contains educational videos, broken down by difficulty levels: from lessons for preschoolers with simple words to small dialogues for older children. The pronunciation is clear and correct, the characters in the video speak at a normal pace, so that the child will have time to repeat after them. The Games tab contains dozens of various colorful online games that will help your child consolidate their knowledge in a fun way. On the Worksheets tab, you will find many training materials that are available for printing. We recommend using these exercises: the child will be happy to solve crossword puzzles and at the same time memorize new words.


This site is in English, but easy to use. Even if you do not speak English very well, it will still be intuitively clear to you where to go and what to do. The first tab contains exercises for learning the alphabet: the child will learn letters and simple words that begin with these letters. The second tab - exercises for learning the rules of reading: the child will learn to read various combinations of letters correctly. The remaining two tabs provide short illustrated texts for reading. Absolutely all the words on the site are voiced, the child can listen to their correct pronunciation. Bright design and interesting simple stories will appeal to all children.


This resource for learning English for kids features free scanned books and audiobooks. On the Books with Audio tab, you can read and listen to a book at the same time. The text is voiced by a professional speaker, so you can repeat the words after him, trying to copy the correct pronunciation. There is also a convenient breakdown of books by difficulty levels. If your child has just started learning English, start with the Pre-Reader and Very Early Readers tab, there are very simple books with a minimum of text, as well as books for learning the alphabet and numbers in English. And if you want to improve your knowledge, refer to the books on the Adult Readers tab, here are more complex texts for an adult audience of readers.

The exercises on this site are suitable for older children and adults who have reached the Elementary - Pre-Intermediate level. Tasks are more complex than on previous resources and less colorful, but conveniently divided into topics. For example, you can improve your reading skills with the exercises in the Reading Games section, improve your grammar with the Grammar Games tab, learn how to write simple sentences with Writing Games, expand your vocabulary with Word Games, and improve your spelling with Spelling Games.

The site contains songs and exercises to increase the child's vocabulary. Interactive tasks are simple and understandable even for those who have just started learning the language, and bright images will help you remember new words faster. All exercises are grouped into three levels of difficulty. Invite your child to start with the easiest and work their way up to the last level. At the same time, periodically ask the child to return to the first level so that he can repeat the words.


This resource contains a variety of videos for children. Almost every video has either built-in subtitles or the text of the recording. If your child is just starting to learn the basics of English, go to the Basic Real English tab, where you will find the simplest videos with the basics. Good learning videos for vocabulary building can be found on the Vocabulary tab. The Lessons tab has video lessons for learning English for children, while Cartoons and Songs have cartoons and songs in English.

This site provides exercises for learning simple English words and tests for them. The child will learn to count in English, learn the alphabet, colors, shapes, etc. Also on this page you will find simple stories in English that can be analyzed with the child. The text uses frequently used words, so you can write out unfamiliar vocabulary and invite the child to study it.

Now you know 9 great websites for learning English for kids. Choose with your child the ones he likes and help him gnaw on the granite of English science. Do not forget about your English: on children's sites you can learn a lot of useful vocabulary for beginners, and learning the language with your child will be doubly interesting!

There are many websites in English for children on the Internet. Among them come across both good and not so good. In this review, I will talk about several interesting resources that will be useful to parents who decide to study English with children, as well as teachers.

Warning: I am neither an English teacher nor a parent. However, I am well acquainted with the sites referred to in the review, I used them myself and recommend them to others, including acquaintances who study English with their children.

"Teacher Method" - detailed English lessons for children 5 - 10 years old

Another popular site in English Puzzle English(also with very wide functionality) offers large and very detailed courses for beginners "Teacher Method". Courses are made in the form of a game. In the Teacher Method, theory is given not only in the form of text, as in Lingvaleo, but also in short videos with teachers.

Classes are held according to the scheme "explanation - exercises - test":

  • The teacher explains a new topic.
  • You are doing some exercises.
  • After completing several lessons, you take an exam (test).

Most of the site's features are free, but some features are paid, for example, some modes of memorizing words, almost all courses.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the course, designed, in fact, for the smallest.

There are three blocks of tasks in the course:

  1. We learn the alphabet.
  2. My family and pets.
  3. How do you feel?

Classes are held in the form of interactive tasks, where you need to choose the correct answer, match a word and a picture, add words from letters, etc. Like all courses, “English for the little ones” can be taken in a free demo mode to understand he or not.

Duolingo - English for kids in a playful way

There are such cute cards on the British Council

On this site you will find materials for preschool and primary school children: songs, short stories, videos, games, exercises, etc. All of them are well designed. For example, if you open a video, it will not just be a page with a video (which everyone watched), but a whole set of tasks: first, an exercise where you need to match words and a picture, then a video, then a test, plus a pdf is attached to the video -files for printing - text from the video, assignments and answers.

  • Listen and Watch- videos and exercises for them. Songs are highlighted in a separate sub-heading.
  • Read and Write– short reading texts and simple writing exercises (for example, sign a picture).
  • Speak and Spell– video and text materials, pronunciation exercises (reading rules) and spelling.
  • Grammar and Vocabulary- video lessons (skits), grammar exercises and games. The rules are explained very simply.
  • Fun and games- mini-games for learning English.
  • Print and Make- printout materials: vocabulary cards, coloring books, mini-worksheets (worksheets) and others.
  • Parents- a section for parents with articles, useful tips on how to help children learn English. Includes video tutorials where teachers explain how to play educational games with young children.

Also, the British Council has released a number of mobile applications, on this page their list: - free online school curriculum lessons

Where can I find cartoons in English?

There are many cartoons in English created specifically for educational purposes. There are skits, dialogues, new words are explained, etc. Here's where to find them:

  • On YouTube- Youtube is full of such cartoons, it will not be difficult to find them. For example, here a selection of educational cartoons about the dragon Gogo and his friends. In this series for kids, simple words and phrases are given in small stories about the adventures of a funny dragon.
  • In the English Conversation for Kids app is not a tutorial, but simply a collection of YouTube videos conveniently sorted into directories. The same cartoons about the dragon Gogo and many others. The application is available on Android.
  • On Lingualeo. In the “Materials” section there is a topic “For Children”, which includes such cartoons. The disadvantage is that they are collected randomly, plus - the presence of convenient subtitles with a translation that pops up when pressed.

In addition to educational cartoons, there are just cartoons that you can watch without translation. But this, of course, is a more difficult task. They can be found on Puzzle Movies (Puzzle English section with series) - in addition to TV shows and series, this service also has cartoons.


Hello everyone and everyone! My dears, I continue to generate useful information and materials on such an important direction for many as English for children. And a lot has already accumulated ... Therefore, I decided to collect everything in an organized warehouse! (Or maybe a treasure :-)) so that everyone can look there and find what they need for themselves and their children.

This page of my site is the address of the location of this warehouse. It contains (and continues to collect) all the necessary materials on the English language, which will be useful to the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years old, and even older), their parents or teachers. Here are my materials, and there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and present to you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible to every child!

By the way, be sure to voice your questions or suggestions on materials in the comments. Let's improve the treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of teaching “young students” are brightness, interest and only playful form! So here everything is exactly like this - memorable and exciting video English lessons, bright educational cartoons, game ideas, cards and pictures, songs and rhymes - everything that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials are suitable not only for those who begin to plunge into the world of the language from scratch, but also for those who are older! Such children can use the materials even on their own, listening, watching and repeating.

Always seek emotional involvement on your part, and then the child's enthusiasm for the subject will not take long.

My advice and recommendations

Once a very serious mother asked me a question: “Tell me how to teach English to my 3-year-old son? How best to build a lesson ... and in general, where to start? I answered her: “Start with this - forget the word “teach”, “lesson” and the like! And remember the words "games, fun and colorful pictures"!

Books and textbooks

There are parents who believe that in the age of modern technology, a book can be replaced by various convenient devices. And I say no! A book is something that will never go out of fashion and will always remain every child's best friend! Especially when it comes to learning a new language.

If your child is already 4 years old and you want him to learn English not only with the help of songs and cartoons, it's time to buy a good book that will become for him the best assistant and guide to the world of language . I talk about good options for books and textbooks for kids here:

Numbers and Numbers (1-10, 11-20)

One spoon ... two spoons ... three spoons! How it is familiar to our children! After all, they hear numbers almost from birth. Perhaps that is why this topic is especially easy for kids!

Numbers and numbers... What a vast topic! But very young students do not need to know all the numbers - they only need to learn 10 digits! It's so easy - after all, there are 10 fingers on your hands! On your feet too! And in general, you can count anything around you - toys, books, adults, and even seconds ...

But if you want more, then you can reach 20!


Some people think that teaching a child English should only start with the alphabet. This is a big misconception when it comes to children 3-4-5 years old! Children learn a foreign language without any problems, without even knowing the letters. After all, they understand Russian somehow already in 1-2 years!))

But nevertheless, one day there comes a moment when it is already worth getting acquainted with English letters. For example, before school - to be fully armed, as they say. Or if the baby himself shows interest in them.

My daughter knew all Russian letters (in appearance and corresponding sound) at the age of 2. We were ready to get acquainted with English letters at 4!

And here different ways of approaching this insidious English alphabet come to the rescue)). I talk about these methods in my article:

There with the help songs, videos, cards, sounds, games and rhymes you can learn the alphabet very quickly.

Words for children by topic

It is with the words that every child begins to get acquainted with the English language! He must hear and see them! And this - the basis at the initial stages. But to see is not to look at the written word! Each new word heard should form an image and picture in the child's head. That's how he starts to see him! And only then the child will try to pronounce the learned words himself.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most popular words for children , and small thematic collections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. In addition, you can download cards with printable words, cut them out and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words about family

Words about animals

Words about fruits and vegetables

Words on the theme of the house

Words about food

Words about clothes

Words on the theme of the profession

Colors in English

Pink became an even more favorite color for my daughter when she met it in the context of the English language. After that, "pink" was heard from her lips wherever she met pink objects))

Colors in English are kids favorite theme which comes very easily to them. The child is able to memorize even 10 colors within 2-3 days. To do this, you need to present these bright words “on a silver platter”)). And to do that, just go here:


Needless to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainments of all children and teenagers. Some kids manage to watch them all day, and some parents manage to let it!

I think this kind of entertainment for a child should be strictly limited. And of course, if you really watch cartoons, then they are useful and meaningful. Do you agree? And this is especially true when we are talking about cartoons in english . They can become completely unobtrusive but at the same time super effective English lessons that the child will perceive as fun! He may not even realize that by doing so he is learning a foreign language!

I have selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those that are only in English! I recommend children under 4 years old watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word . They will understand everything. Watch, learn and enjoy!

Video tutorials

Here you also need to understand that very young children (up to 3-4 years old) do not have to listen to explanations in Russian - just watch English-language videos with vivid pictures - they will be able to understand everything! The main thing is that the video is liked and aroused interest. Choose:

Songs and Video Songs

Beautiful combination of rhyme and melody always gives a wonderful effect in the process of learning and remembering something!

In addition to cartoons and educational videos (where there were also a lot of songs), I offer you 2 more of my notes with materials for kids. In the first - video songs, in the second - just songs with an attached translation into Russian:


play and learn in fact, two identical words, because nothing gives such results in learning as a game form of any class and any activity.

I talked about games in English for kids more than once on the pages of my blog. And this topic is far from closed. IN a large number of materials are in the process of preparation, which parents and educators will soon be able to use for their very young wards.

Now you can take a look at these.