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Case: Wholesale of flowers (B2B). How to open a flower shop? Flower delivery case

Promotion of the flower workshop "Pansies" in Bugulma.

About the project:

The flower workshop "Pansies" was opened in Bugulma on May 2, 2017. The workshop was opened by young and ambitious guys, despite the fact that the town is not big and the competition is high. The guys made an original repair of the premises with their own hands, having a small area of ​​​​the room. It turned out to create a cozy, in a good homely atmosphere of the workshop.


  • To make Pansies flower workshop as recognizable and popular as possible in
    Bugulma city;
  • Increase sales through public VK;
  • Increase the number of subscribers of the public.
  • Bring the store's income into a plus (at least a small one).

The target audience:

From my personal experience in other projects related to the flower business, the main target audience is:

  1. Relatives of the birthday person(s)

    It can be divided into several segments:

    • Girls who are in a relationship with birthdays
    • Men who are in relationships with birthday girls
    • Mother's birthday (anniversary)
    • Birthday (anniversary) of the Pope
    • Birthday (anniversary) of mother-in-law, father-in-law, nephew(s), etc.
  2. Brides

  3. Parents' Committee (before certain holidays)

  4. Men in the candy-bouquet period

  5. competitor audience.

But in this case, I will not talk about it!

Bugulma is a small town in the Republic of Tatarstan, and it was enough for me to tune in by GEO and exclude the age of up to 16 and after 60.
Up to 16 - mostly insolvent, after 60 inactive in social networks.
The budget was gradually replenished by 1000 rubles a week (all the money from the guys went to the opening and purchase of goods), so I could not divide the audience into each post by gender, age and sites. I'll talk about other settings later.


5000 rubles (22.05 mastered 2026 rubles)

Work progress:

Buying bouquets is usually either pre-planned or unpredictable depending on the situation. Since in this case we did not select segments, it was decided to launch promotional posts with direct sales texts.

Texts and photos of ads that were used in advertising this flower shop. The advertising company is placed from top to bottom. First - last by launch date.


We received for the period 02.05 to 22.05:
— 263 subscribers
— 61 orders, the average bill is 1500 rubles.
Only orders received through "community messages" were taken into account.

As a result, they earned 91,500 rubles by spending 2,026 rubles. for advertising

The case was sorted out at this period, because graduation and last calls will go further (there will be a lot of orders).

All settings:

Thank you for your attention!

Subject: online store of flowers and plants.
Budget for 2 months: UAH 27,000 (including payment for agency services).
Promotion period: 1.01. — 28.02.2014
Region: Ukraine.

This client worked with us for 2 years on the SEO promotion scheme with a monthly fee. Then in 2013 he decided to do promotion on his own. In 2014 he contacted us again. A pay-per-traffic SEO service was offered, which he liked.

What goals were set?

  1. Increasing traffic to the site.
  2. Increasing the number of conversions.

What have we done to achieve our goals?

For large projects, an especially important stage is internal optimization. To bring the site in line with the recommendations of search engines, an SEO audit of the site was carried out. With Netpeak Spider as the main audit development tool, the following was done:

  • found errors and broken links;
  • fixed incorrect redirects;
  • Duplicate title, description, keywords found and fixed.

The rapid implementation of our recommendations ensured that the result was visible from the very beginning of the project. The most important initial technical recommendations were related to the uniqueness of landing pages on the site. Simply put, work was done with duplicate pages and site indexing.

An important point in working on this project is the constant optimization of images.

Images are a significant part of website content. There are about 16,000 of them - and this is a great resource for getting targeted traffic.

Assigning unique alt and title meta tags, optimizing the sizes and compiling a competent sitemap for the sitemap.xml images gave a positive additional increase in traffic.

What will we continue to do?

At the moment, intensive work is underway on the semantic markup of landing pages (I once wrote on this topic) to increase the CTR of pages, since the main KPI indicators directly depend on this. The semantic core of this project is constantly updated due to our service Serpstat (ex. Promoter). The collected queries will be used in our "smart script" internal linking in order to optimize the distribution of PageRank on the landing pages of the site in the future and increase the relevance of phrases.

What results have we achieved

The seasonality factor is not taken into account in the results, since we compare the same time intervals for 2013 and 2014.

1. Growth of non-branded traffic by 60.82%:

2. Growth of non-brand traffic transactions by 17.25%:

The dynamics of site traffic from search engines since the beginning of the promotion (dated December 19, 2013). Data from the Client's Personal Account:

All information is provided without phone calls. E-commerce data from Google Analytics:

Average margin for all groups of goods according to the client: 25%;
Revenue from Google Analytics for 2 months: UAH 311,003;
Gross profit for 2 months: UAH 311,003 * 0.25 = UAH 77,750.75;
Promotion spending: 27 000 UAH;
ROMI (return on marketing investment)= ((Income × Margin) - Client's expenses) / Client's expenses = ((311,003 UAH × 25%) - 27,000 UAH) / 27,000 UAH = 187% (for 2 months).

The average conversion rate for non-branded search traffic was 0.96%, the average check was UAH 244.79. We predict a 20% increase in search traffic and transactions over the next three months. Perhaps someone will consider that ROMI (return on marketing investment) of 187% is not the best indicator, but for this project there is still more to come!

Selling flowers on Instagram is not as easy as it might seem at first glance: bouquets, unlike clothes and jewelry, are rarely bought impulsively. Most often, flowers are bought by a certain date for some occasion.

Therefore, we can distinguish two areas of promotion to increase sales:

1. Raise your account in Instagram search results and by hashtags. To do this, we increase the involvement of the audience.

2. Work on brand awareness so that it becomes a Top Of Mind brand among the residents of Cheboksary.

Top of Mind is the first brand that is remembered by the consumer when mentioning a product category. It is necessary that a resident of Cheboksary first of all remembers @flowers_cheboksary when it comes to flowers. To do this, we also involve the audience in activities and add an individual approach.

What is done:

An individual approach captivates and is remembered much better than the usual announcement “10% discount to all participants of the competition”.

Since these people are already following us, Instagram did not restrict the creation of new dialogues.

Mass following and mass liking

Worked with three main channels:

1. Parsing the audience of the Vkontakte group "Overheard Cheboksary"

2. Followed and liked those who were marked by the participants of the contest

3. Followers and likes of subscribers and subscriptions of contest participants. The logic is this:

  • all contestants live in Cheboksary. With a high probability they are subscribed to their friends and acquaintances who also live in Cheboksary.
  • people are more likely to follow an account that their friend is already following (shown in bold below the profile description)

There are filters everywhere.

  • limit on the number of subscribers (4000)
  • subscription limit (900)
  • only Russian language
  • added a list of stop words so as not to catch commercial accounts


The number of orders increased noticeably, and the customer increased the budget to 8 activities per month instead of four.

Launched a new contest to increase engagement. No one else needs to be tagged. We are drawing a bouquet among those who simply comment on our latest photos (the number of comments is unlimited). We receive free comments from real people not only under the contest post, but also under all other photos. Now at least 15 comments are collected under each photo.

There are a couple of conditions...

Flower Shop Promotion: Getting Started

In December 2015, we were approached by a client, working with whom became a real challenge for us. And it also contributed to the fact that we more soberly assessed our capabilities and once again became convinced of the need for in-depth marketing analysis.

So, let's get acquainted. Our client is a company engaged in the creation of bouquets (both classic and custom). Their sale at retail in the store. Their delivery to the addressee ... And, besides this, flower decoration for various events.

The initial data are as follows: there are quite a lot of similar companies in St. Petersburg (the directory mentions 2051 organizations), but the demand is also quite impressive. The client's bouquets are beautiful, but expensive: more expensive than most competitors.

Here, for example, is the price of a bouquet of 101 roses.

Bouquets of our client:

Bouquet of our competitor:

In addition, the client has a high-quality, beautiful "showcase" - the online store is stylishly designed, the photo content is attractive.

We faced a difficult task - to attract profitable applications for the client, taking into account the cost of our work and its high (relative to competitors) price.

But that didn't scare us. We decided to work.

For what purpose did the client come to us?

First, the primary task was to improve the online store. Improving the product card, simplifying the process of placing an order and purchasing, and developing a new page for the B2B direction.

The webshop was our starting point in traffic generation and analytics package setup.

And right here in the first step, we screwed up!

But first things first.

The second task, as you already understood, is the creation of advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, the connection of YAN, CMS, targeted advertising on VKontakte, and the involvement of other channels. In other words, setting up targeted traffic to the site is the very promotion of a flower shop.

The third and last task (but not least) is to measure indicators, measure the cost of a click, the cost of an application, improve advertising campaigns and scale the most effective ones.

At the stage of negotiations, we did not indicate the desired cost per click and application, because the client's analytics before contacting us was unsystematic, there were no starting indicators.

We expected that after the test launch of the updated site and our traffic, we would measure all the necessary indicators ourselves.

The client contacted us in December so that we could prepare together for the upcoming holidays - February 14 and March 8, when the demand for flowers is the highest, and online competition is going through the roof.

Stage 0. Preparation

We know that 80% of a project's success is in preparation. What do we mean at Zolle by project preparation? This marketing analysis. I will not disclose all the technology, I will note the most important points.

The purpose of our analysis is to create a value proposition. This is such an offer that the buyer is ready to exchange for his money (time / effort / other), because he receives in return a measurable and necessary value for him.

To determine such an offer, we need to study the target audience (internal motives, fears and pains), the product (its competitive advantages and hidden benefits) and competitors (the market as a whole and current trends, market leaders, their promotion methods, tuning methods). At the intersection of these three objects, a value proposition is born.

This is how it should be.

Since at the first stage it was important for us to take on the client's site, we did not go deep into research, immediately starting to improve individual important elements of the site. Let's move on to the next stage.

Stage 1. Improving the work of the site

The work to improve the site was carried out as follows:

  1. The marketer of the project studied the movement of customers on the site, found "uncomfortable" places, developed an improvement strategy, drew layouts of new site elements in Moqups, improving usability, simplifying the purchase process for a potential buyer.
  2. The designer embodied all the ideas of the marketer in the style of the existing site.

The logical continuation of the story is the transfer to layout, the transfer of our changes to production and (fun and easy) the launch of the updated site and traffic ...

But it was not there!

Layouts of the changed elements of the site, designed in the existing style.

Already after the design stage, having started implementing changes to the site, we found that Bitrix, which at first seemed standard and not changed, was shoveled and turned inside out by past developers. They managed to write their own modules, replacing all the standard ones, get into the core of the site and leave a lot of legacy there.

This fact automatically pushed back the launch date. Our developers had to restore the admin panel and set up standard modules. At the same time, an important condition for the client was to save the 1C settings. Later, a problem was discovered on the hosting, and we had to restore it too.

In general, as you understand, the main reason for our mistakes was hidden here: at the preparation stage, we did not dig deep enough and incorrectly assessed the scale of disasters on the site.

So, unfortunately, the first stage of our work to promote the flower shop stretched for almost a month and a half - until the beginning of February.

And it certainly was a disaster!

Stage 2. Setting up traffic

Moreover, we had to test the traffic on the old version of the site. Our changes were never successfully ported to production.

When we realized that all these works were carried out (at that time) completely in vain and led to a colossal loss of time, we urgently reconfigured already prepared advertising campaigns, connected analytics.

We had to go out with traffic testing in the hottest period.

Let me remind you that initially we set the task of testing traffic, “warming up” it, and by February 14 reaching a stable working system. All the facts described above forced us to test traffic on the eve of the holidays, with the hottest auction in Yandex.Direct.

The most active days - from February 9 to 15 - we constantly monitored the progress of advertising, monitored clicks and applications, expanded campaigns, improved ads, and optimized costs.

The result is in front of you. High cost per conversion, few leads (this report does not take into account calls and chat requests (17 in total)), as well as traffic from relevant SERPs. The client went to zero without earning from our advertising. But he increased production capacity in advance, prepared for the holiday and bought flowers, rented a new warehouse with refrigeration equipment, and hired additional couriers.

We did not live up to our predictions and failed.

Stage 3. Dealing with bugs

After receiving feedback from the client, we fell into despair. But there are no hopeless situations, so let's move on!

We noted for ourselves two reasons that prevented us from helping the client earn:

  1. Traffic testing should be carried out in advance, not during the peak period.
  2. Incorrect assessment of the preliminary work on the site took a catastrophic amount of time.

As a result of long negotiations with the client, we came to the conclusion that we continue to work and by March 8 we give a guarantee to attract at least 150 applications (customers who have made a purchase) from the site, at a price of no more than 1,500 rubles each.

Due to protracted negotiations, we were again unable to test traffic during quiet times. But for the previous period, we have accumulated statistics, thanks to which we have significantly adjusted the conduct of contextual advertising.

So we achieved the result that we predicted and even improved it. See for yourself:

As a result, we received 158 clients at a price of 701.6 rubles per order (round up to 702). The number of applications was fulfilled according to the forecast by 102.6%.

At the request of the client, the traffic was stopped on 4.03 for 12 hours and on 8.03 at 13.00 and did not start again.

The price of one bid was also within the predicted norm and even turned out to be twice cheaper than planned.

It is worth noting the fact that a high-quality product showcase, setting up advertising campaigns for a specific target audience and analytics allowed us to increase the average check by almost 1,000 rubles compared to last year.

We cannot disclose all financial indicators, but I will say that only from the buyers we attracted, our client earned about 1 million rubles in 5 days of advertising campaigns, investing only 110 thousand rubles of the advertising budget.

We connected the analytics system and with its help we realized that out of 5,000 key phrases in contextual advertising (this is not the limit, you can collect more), only about 20 are the most effective and consistently give results!

Flower shop promotion: results

Well, let's summarize.

As I noted at the very beginning and as you understood from this case, preparation is the most important stage of the project. Not only marketing analysis, but also a thorough study of the client's site, if you plan to work with it. Not only the preparation of advertising campaigns, but also their preliminary testing.

We also realized that in no case should you be afraid to promote a product that is expensive for your niche.

A high-quality and attractive storefront for the target audience, a good product, analytics that helps to constantly improve the effectiveness of advertising, fine-tuning advertising for the right target audience - this allows you to create the value for which the buyer is ready to pay money (even above the average market price).

I hope our case study was as useful to you as it was to us! 🙂

P.S.: a little beauty in the end!

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, we developed a B2B page for the client. Here is a small snippet of it!

If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, and I will definitely answer them.

  • Published: February 07, 2018

Hi all! Today we have a case in one mainstream niche that is " Flower delivery”, I know many people want to try to do business in this niche and they do, but they don’t quite understand how they can increase flower sales. Of course, there are many ways to attract customers, but our case is designed for owners of online stores, VKontakte publics and those who are considering whether to create an online flower shop or not.

From the case you will learn how we were able to achieve 8 orders per day consistently and sales on the site continue to grow, probably by the time you read the case daily sales will be about 12 orders.

A client contacted us 3 months ago from Moscow from online flower delivery stores in order to promote the site according to his requests. After looking at the keywords, I realized that it would be difficult to achieve fast results for highly competitive words like “flower delivery in Moscow” in a short period of time, but everyone wants fast results, so I decided to start focusing exclusively on certain categories of flowers, such as:

  • Flowers in hat boxes
  • Flowers with pasta
  • Flower arrangements in a box
  • Flowers in transparent boxes
  • Flowers in an envelope
  • And others…

After analyzing the site, we made a work plan and it was as follows:

  • Collecting the semantic core
  • Audit Screaming Frog
  • Audit for commercial factors
  • Creation of TK for texts
  • Write Title and Description
  • secret point
  • Write txt
  • Solving technical problems
  • Landing page relinking
  • secret point
  • Organization Directory Run
  • secret point

Let's go over all the points in a nutshell so that you have a general picture of how we worked on the site.

Semantic core

When collecting keys, we focused on a well-decomposed structure, since in promoting online stores you can get traffic only through the correct structure. But even so, you should not forget about subcategories of levels 2-3, because low-frequency traffic is hidden there, and if these goods also cost 3-5k, then you can increase revenue by 30% per day only by promoting low-frequency requests.

Thus, we have added to the category "flowers in a hatbox" the subcategories of roses, tiffany and peonies in a hatbox. The total key frequency turned out to be 240 requests per month, which is really good traffic for such subcategories. In total, the number of keys in the semantic core was 306, but in the future we expanded it to 450 due to additional sections.

Audit Screaming Frog

The trick is that every site has technical flaws that need to be addressed. It can be a crooked responsive theme, duplicate pages, or rubbish in the index. All this may not interfere with progress, but our task is to remove all obstacles and for this we use the screaming frog program to find such vulnerabilities.

With the help of this software, we have identified:

  • Duplicate pages
  • Pages with empty Description
  • Pages with missing h1

All holes were closed first before site optimization.

Audit for commercial factors

We have a couple of templates for commercial factors, where we check the site and, by the way, together with it we do a technical audit, also a template.

In the template, we use more than 30 com.factors and after identifying the weaknesses, we compile them into a list and send them to work or contact the client to help close these issues. Everything depends on the situation.

It happens that we can not cover all the factors, for example, not everyone wants the number 8-800, but most of them are worth finishing. On this project, 95% were closed, and this is enough for the site to rank highly.

Creation of TK for texts

We are very scrupulous about the texts and not even about the texts themselves, but about the preparation of technical specifications for them. The whole problem is that the text must be optimized, maintained in terms of the number of characters and at the same time be useful to the user. In this case, we calculate the number of occurrences manually. When you make an information site with 1000 pages, you should use services to create technical specifications, and when you promote a commercial site with only about 30 landing pages, it is better to do all the technical specifications manually.

In this case, we are sure that the texts will be 100% optimized for keywords. Here is a screenshot of one of our TK.

Write Title and Description

When creating a semantic core, we assign a unique Title and Description to each landing page. In online stores, there is a feature that it is worth adding a phone number to the description of the page, often people click on the number directly from the search results and place an order, especially users from a mobile phone who do not want to rummage around the site.

The correct filling of these meta tags gives +50% to promotion success, but it is impossible to fill them correctly if the semantic core is composed haphazardly. In general, everything is interconnected.

Run through the directories of organizations.

This is not the catalog run that died back in 2010. Here is a slightly different principle, our task is to increase the trust of the site by publishing it in the Moscow directories of organizations. This is the cheapest and most effective way to promote your home page, increase trust and get backlinks.


When promoting, we do not ask for money for running through catalogs, this service is already included in the standard tariff.

What results did we get?

Do you think we got worthy results from the work done? I think quite!

Maybe top 5? Or top 10? In fact, we have worked very carefully on the site and the search engines have rewarded us. For almost all keywords, we got top 1.2. To confirm my words, I attach screenshots:

Together with the main keys, the low-frequency ones were also connected, and here is the confirmation:

The work led to the fact that we began to receive 9 orders per day on the site and 2-3 individual orders by phone. On orders, too, proofs to the studio.

Case conclusions

Complex work on the site gives immediate results in the form of an increase in positions and sales. Traffic from search engines does not depend on the number of subscribers in your group, and therefore SEO optimization is a priority when promoting your website or store.

If you want to get similar results, then write to the mail [email protected]

Website promotion

A private optimizer is much cheaper than a web studio. I will help you bring your site to the TOP-3 and set up automatic sales. The cost of services includes audit, technical and seo optimization of the site.